
  1. balaste

    Looking for the "best" DIY DAC

    Hi Guys, I already possess a AMB Gamma 1 and an Objective 2 with ODAC. I wanted to know if there is something new and better for approx $200-300 ? My goal is to connect it to an Atoll IN100SE (big 100W amp) and then to Linn Sara Speakers. BTW, if you have something already built that you...
  2. DekoniAudio

    Dekoni Audio and Better Measurements

    Dekoni Audio has upgraded to a higher-fidelity measurement rig as of late 2018. We want the curious to get an objective idea of how our pads sound even if they can't demo them in person, and are currently in process of re-doing and expanding our list of measurements to help provide that service...