  1. tinyman392

    Lear LUF-4C: Impressions and Comparisons

    Lear LUF-4C: Impressions and Comparisons   ***NOTE***   I've had the LUF-4C for just about a week now.  The following impressions are general impressions and very basic.  They'll give you a general overview of how the IEMs compare, but are in no way in-depth.  More in-depth comparisons will...
  2. Sniperbombers

    NuForce balanced armature drivers ?

    So, i came across this one link/image Nuforce posted on facebook. It got me wondering. Have they made the perfect IEM at a reasonable price? Are they simply converting over to less of the dac/amps and more into the ears?  What are your thoughts? You think they'll be similar sound signatures...
  3. Nuforce Primo 8

    Nuforce Primo 8

    Phase Coherent Quad-Driver Balanced Armature IEM