
  1. starbux48

    Need some IEM's under $100 to use with iPhone/MacBook Pro

    I have been using Nuforce NE-700x earphones and until they wore out was very happy with their sound.  I need to keep my cost definitely under $100, and preferably under $75 for their replacements.  I do NOT want what many call bass-heavy and prefer "accurate" sound reproduction.  Suggestions?
  2. moleface

    Manufacturer recommended IEM insertion depth?

    I'm curious about whether headphone manufacturers design different models of IEMs to be worn in specific ways to achieve the best sound. I've noticed that certain IEMs sound horrific when inserted deeply and only sound listenable when worn very shallowly, while others have the opposite problem...
  3. moleface

    Replacement for IEM nozzle screen?

    I was cleaning the ear wax off my Nuforce NE700X nozzles with rubbing alcohol, and it turns out that the screens come off extremely easily. The rubbing alcohol must've dissolved whatever weak adhesive was holding them on in the first place.   They stay in place without adhesive when I stick...
  4. Justinf89

    Help me find a new set of headphones

    Welcome guys! I've always loved reading some of the posts on here but now I have my own question. I am in need of a new pair of full size headphones for my pc. I went from a 5.1 setup to nuforce ne700x IEM's. They sound great but are annoying for constant pc use. I can't use speakers because...
  5. d0ntan01

    Pick one for me! (In-ear)

    Hi everyone! This is my first "help me" post here on I would love your opinions and recommendations! I owned a pare of klipsch s4 back in 2012. I loved them! Nice sound but the quality wasn't that great. I listen to hip hop, dub and house! Now i have been looking for a...
  6. daviscup1980

    Desiding what in ears to buy, today! help!

    Ok, so today i get a 24 hours deal for the following in ears:   Nuforce ne-700x (dollars) Nuforce ne-700x new & improved ( dont know if thats also the case with ne-700x) (80 dollars) Philips Fidelio s1 (70 dollars) Monster gratitude ( 70 dollars)   I look for an upgrade of my Dunu...
  7. jooppi

    Best Smartphone For In-Ear Phones?

    I'm due for a smartphone upgrade with at&t and I'm choosing one based off of the audio quality. I don't know anything about audio, so maybe you guys can help me choose one without getting too technical.   -I use IEMs - Astrotech AM-90s. -The speakers on the phone aren't important to me. -I...
  8. S3VBR0

    First time purchasing nice headphones- Help

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a nice pair of headphones that: 1. Have nice sound quality (not an audiophile but I have a good ear) 2. Look somewhat stylish (I'm going to be wearing these out and about, and around campus) 3. Cost ~$100 4. Sounds good with indie, alternative, and electronic...
  9. mhilfinger

    Nuforce NE-700X vs. Klipsch Image s4

    Hello, I've read a few threads that alluded to a comparison of these two products, but no post explicitly stated which of the two is a superior product.  I previously owned a pair or s4's, and was satisfied with my purchase, no doubt, but the mids and lows of the s4 seem a bit synthetic, and...
  10. NateZ28

    Advice on new pair after NE-700's stolen :(

    Hi everyone, first post here. I recently had my NuForce NE-700M's stolen. :( I'm looking for a new pair of IEM's that sound slightly better. My price range is up to $150. A mic would be nice since I mostly use them with my iPhone. I do like bass and didn't think the bass was overwhelming...
  11. Haakon

    NE-7M replacement options (dont like the NE-700X though...)

    Based largely on my trawling through this forum, about a year ago I bought some Nu Force NE-7M and loved them to bits.   But I decided to step it up a notch and see what I could get that was better - so ended up going to some NE-700X.   On the basis that I really liked the sound of the...
  12. maheeinfy

    NE 700M over EP630?

    Hey guys, I owned Creative EP 630 till last month and i was OK with that sound. Wanting more i purchased Nuforce NE 700M last week. I was expecting sound quality to be lot better compared to EP 630. I dont know whats wrong..NE 700M dont sound much better than EP630. I have been trying to burn...
  13. kbsmasta

    NuForce NE-6/7 vs NE-700X

    I, like many others, fell in love with the NE-6. I had a pair that got stolen in Malaysia. I returned to the US and after a bit of research I got a pair of MEE SP51P (I was able to find the SP51P for cheaper than the SP51 somehow) which I dont find as great a IEM as the NE-6. I see the NE-6 is...
  14. detailwun

    Dunu Trident vs NuForce 700x on Cowon i9

    Hey guyz, this is my first post, i am tirer,so please excuse my non-logical order of ideas.   I;ve been reading thousands of reviews before i registered as a member,and i can say i enetered a new world.I see you know a lot about sound and i was wondering if you could help me solve my...
  15. spyhot


    Hi !!!!   I'm looking to get a new pair of IEMs, so my friends told me that this 3 IEMs are pretty good   KLIPSCH S4 (I found in Cnet.This IEM got 4.5 for rates) but it's old NuFORCE 700X BRAINWAVZ M2,Visang R03   But I can't decide which one in the best.(Somebody help me to...
  16. Armaegis

    [Review/Comparison] Nuforce IEMs: NE-600X, NE-700X, NE-770X

    [Review/Comparison] Nuforce IEMs: NE-600X, NE-700X, NE-770X       *pics in second post*     Packaging/Accessories   600X: Comes in a hard slim plastic box (reuseable but not really useful for portability), and 1 pair each of S/M/L rubber tips. No carrying case, which is a bit...
  17. Nielo TM

    NuForce NE700X vs PFE012

    I already have the PFE012, which I use indoors for critical listening (as well as for movies and games). I was going to get another pair of PFE012 to use outdoors, but I use the Sansa Clip Zip, which doesn't fully exploit its true potential. I looked at various low-cost alternatives with similar...
  18. Mist3rB33

    Revised Nuforce NE-700x and 700m released

    Having read a few reviews here, I thought I'd sign up and let anyone else who has been waiting for these earphones know about it. I've become addicted to using earphones on my PC (I use decent headphones for music), and recently started looking for something to replace my aging Sennheiser CX-200...
  19. Aism

    Nuforce NE-700X/M opening up the case?

    Anyone know how to open up the case for the earbuds, I have a set with a loose cable in there and I figure I'd take a quick look in there if anyone knew how to open one up?   Thanks in advance     Aism
  20. TheFragileOne

    Not Sure What Earphones to Get

    Hey everyone! I'm not sure what type of headphones to buy. I currently use JVC HA-FX67 as my earbuds and Logitech Z623's as computer speakers. I also have a pair of Woodees IESW200B's in my drawer. Should I use those instead of the JVC's? I'm not good at telling which is better. It seems that...
  21. chewy4

    Asgard too much for Nuforce NE-700X?

    I'm currently waiting for an Asgard amp to arrive for another pair of headphones, and I was wondering if it would be possible to run these off of it. I've heard you can damage headphones if you put too much power into them.   I know it's completely unnecessary, but I can't plug them into the...
  22. jheysie

    What earphones are w/ good bass and sound quality

    I can't decide which earphones i would buy - sennheiser cx300 II, brainwavz m2 or nuforce ne-700x/770x. I always listen to the music of Owl City, Linkin Park and Skrillex so which earphones I mention are would fit for this type of musics. With a good bass, sound quality and not sacrificing the...
  23. Music3nthusi3st

    Headphone reccomendation?

    Hello, I am really into IEM's for i they are the most comfortable. Problem is I cant find an iem that is really detailed. I am trying to hear all the details in music. I need a versatile IEM that works with all genres because I am in love with music in general lol. heres where it gets...
  24. spyhot

    Comply t-200 or Comply Tx-200

    Hi everybody.     I just got Nuforce 700X. so which one is better for my 700X.
  25. HeadphoneAddict

    Mini-Review: Nuforce NE-770X and NE-600 budget earphones

      First Impressions of Nuforce NE-770X and NE-600X:   Please be sure to see my NE-700X review at and my      Nuforce NE-7M review...