
  1. jakis noobek

    Phonak Audeo + Cowon E2 or Nationite N2? (metal music)

    Hi, I'm looking for a new portable mp3 player and in-ear headphones. After reading a lot of reviews and tests I've chosen Phonak Audeo 012, but I don't know which mp3 would be better. Im listening in 90% to metal. Sound quality is more important than design. Price range for headphones is...
  2. M

    [Review] Nationite N2

    Note: I would not consider myself an audiophile, keep that in mind while reading this review. The earphones I used with the N2 were the Brainwavz M3. The player itself is made of good quality plastic but I wish the buttons were a bit more solid and I also wish it had dedicated sound...
  3. rtorres

    SQ w/o EQ: Nationite N2, iPod shuffle 4G or Clip+?

    which source has the best SQ w/o EQ using mid-tier to top-tier iems? my budget is $100 at most whether it is brand new or used. if you know other players that has better SQ than my choices above (old Sony S and E series perhaps?) please feel free to recommend. TIA
  4. subxero

    where can i buy nationite nanite 2?

    im trying to look for a place to buy it but cant find it which website sells it?
  5. subxero

    what would be better for my triple fi's ipod nano 6g or nationite nanite 2

      I'm deciding on a new DAP, dont know what to get i like the ipod nano design a lot, especially because you can buy those wristbands and make ur nano a watch haha     and i had a hippo gumstick before, but i dropped it and it broke :(  i really liked it but since they're sold out, I'm...
  6. abhijollyguy

    Nationite Nanite N2 problem

    Hi all, I am using this wonderful little player Nationite Nanite N2 and till now everything was going fine, but my player stops detecting the memory card(micro SD card) it skips the external media check duing the boot-up, but it used to check it before. Don't know what is the problem, also it...
  7. Nationite Nanite N2

    Nationite Nanite N2

    The Nationite NaNite N2 is the second in the NaNite MP3 player line, it incorporates the MAX9722 headphone amplifier chip, which helps to drive even the most demanding of headphones, but without sacrificing audio quality. The N2 is small, sleek and is capable of lasting a good 20hrs on a full...