Should I Upgrade?
Hi all, I'm thinking of upgrading my DAC. I'm currently running Twonky through Oppo BDP-95. I'm thinking I can do better than this as a source and I have the itch to upgrade. Amp is Bryston BHA-1. Headphones are LCD-2, HD800 and PS 1000. I'm considering Perfectwave DAC II and would even...- zimzim2001
- Thread
- bryston-bha-1-balanced-headphone-amplifier ps-audio-perfectwave-dac-ii schiit-gungnir sennheiser-hd-800-headphones oppo-bdp-95-universal-blu-ray-player audeze-lcd2-rev-2-planar-magnetic-headphones grado-ps1000-headphones matrix-x-sabre-dac
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Matrix X-Sabre vs Benchmark DAC2
Has anyone had the opportunity to compare the two (hopefully in the context of the HD800, but not required)? Specifically looking to find out which one is warmer/smoother, but detailed testimonials are always appreciated.- RebelRising
- Thread
- benchmark-dac2-hgc matrix-x-sabre-dac
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Where can I find measurements of the Matrix X-Sabre DAC made by a third party?
Hi, I have read somewhere that I can't trust all the measurements we see on the manufacturers' sites. Did someone measure and tested all the specifications which are declared in Matrix-Digi site? I would really like to know whether I can trust those specifications and where can I find tests...- pila405
- Thread
- matrix-x-sabre-dac
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
MHDT Labs Pagoda ?
Hello I'm looking for great DAC around 1000 Euros (I'm Europe based). I'm very interested into the MHDT Pagoda but haven't seen any reviews nor direct comparison to other DAC. I know M2Tech Young, Mytek 192, W4S DAC2, Hegel HD25, VDAC+VLINK, Atoll DAC 200. As a reference I also have recently...- Padawan38
- Thread
- mytek-192-dac hd25sp-ii-professional-closed-back-studio-monitor-dj-on-ear-headphones atoll-dac-200 metrum-acoustics-octave m2-tech-young-384-32-d-a-converter ps-audio-nuwave wyred4sound-dac-2 matrix-x-sabre-dac
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
December 2013 Mid-Level DAC Comparison
Folks: I intend to do a comparison of mid-level (~$500-2500) DACs in December 2013. I will test multiple DACs and keep the one I like the best. Period. Everything else gets sent away. If I end up liking my current $200 Emotiva XDA-1 best, that's the one I'll keep and everything new gets...- Gary in MD
- Thread
- emotiva-xda-1 b-m-c-puredac anedio-d2-dac dangerous-music-source telex-300104-801-oh-4v-odyssey-headphone nad-m51-dac chord-chordette-qutehd-dac matrix-x-sabre-dac resonessence-labs-concero lynx-hilo schiit-gungnir grace-design-m903-reference-headphone-amplifier-dac audeze-lcd3-planar-magnetic-headphone emotiva-stealth-dc-1-balanced-24-192-fully-differential-dac yulong-audio-sabre-da8 metrum-acoustics-octave benchmark-dac2-hgc
- Replies: 1,330
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Bottlehead Amplifier Discussion / Comparison Thread: Crack, SEX & Mainline
Without realising it I seem to have become a Bottlehead fan, groupie, slave-to-the-tube... call it what you will. So after much discussion on the Crack-specific thread ( I'm starting this thread for the discussion and comparison of all...- Loquah
- Thread
- audio-gd-nfb5-2-dac-amp matrix-x-sabre-dac
- Replies: 2,109
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Perpetual P3a nearing retirement
Hi Folks, I've recently started getting back into higher end hifi after having to leave my pride and joy behind when i emigrated just over a decade ago. This time I am working on a relatively portable headphone setup (WAF is also a factor there ). I still had my old Perpetual Audio P1/P3a...- Ahriakin
- Thread
- schiit-gungnir logitech-squeezebox-touch woo-audio-wds-1 matrix-x-sabre-dac stax-sr-sr-omega
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Cheapest way to reduce/eliminate laptop hiss?
If i were to plug in some headphones into my potato laptop with nothing playing, there is an very audible hiss background sound almost as loud as if someone is taking a shower in the room across to you. Will the fiio e10/UCA202/sabre usb dac or any of...- vayuu
- Thread
- ele-el-d01 a161p-balanced-armature-in-ear-meea161p behringer-uca202-usb-audio-interface fiio-e10 fiio-e17 matrix-x-sabre-dac
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Matrix X-Sabre DAC review and impression thread
DSD is all the rage these days. Despite there not being a whole lot of music available in the format (SACDs aside), DAC makers are jumping on the feature as fast as they can. And I can't blame them - aside from our "regular" music, we all love a little ear candy to show off the capabilities of...- project86
- Thread
- sennheiser-hd-800-headphones auraliti-pk90-usb jh-audio-jh13-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors yulong-sabre-d18 firestone-audio-bobby-pure-class-a-fully-balanced-headphone-amplifier stax-sr-007-mk2 icon-audio-hp8-mkii matrix-x-sabre-dac stax-sra-12s audience-auric-ohno-sennheiser-cable beyerdynamic-tesla-t1 violectric-hpa-v200 sensaphonics-3max 1964-ears-v3-triple-driver-custom-iem audeze-lcd2-rev-2-planar-magnetic-headphones analog-design-labs-svetlana-2 cable-pro-reverie-mini-to-mini-1ft
- Replies: 1,272
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Matrix X-Sabre DAC
DAC with balanced outs and DSD capability