
  1. vvanrij

    AKG K1000 + Little Dot MKVI or MKVIII ?

    Has anyone actually tried this combination, and if so, how was it?
  2. musico

    Woo Audio WA6 vs Little Dot Mk VI

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has compared the WA6 with the Little Dot Mk VI. I was thinking of tube amps, and these are in a similar price range of $600-700, and the LD is balanced, whereas the WA6 is not, but was wondering what are the differences, and which is better. Any input...
  3. squall343

    Little Dot MK VI

    Reading through the chinese headphone forum and found this seem like little dot have a new tube headphone amp coming out
  4. moodyrn

    Has Anyone Ever Seen This Amp From Little Dot?

    The seller advertises this as a MK6 headphone amp, but it don't look like any MK6 I've ever seen. The model name one the pics states it's a TPA-1. Here's a link to the listing. Little Dot MK 6 Full Balance gallbladder OCL amplifier - eBay (item 170409655167 end time Dec-20-09 11:15:25 PST)
  5. glitch39

    Little Dot Mk VI arrived - now the rolling begins!

  6. JimSmiley

    Which Little Dot For Grados

    At work I use the Mk III with Mullard 6CQ6 with my SR125s and I love it. Never fatiguing everything sounds great. Now I would like to get back to listening to my headphones at home again as well. I'm looking for impressions from Grado users who have tried the MK II or above and those who have...
  7. cafe zeenuts

    Little Dot MK6 balanced amp with Low Impedance phone???

    Hi Any LD MK6 owner out there using low impedance phone with is amp, can you please comment on how this amp pairs with headphones like grado and AT?? Im thinking of getting the Grado HF2 to try.... Cheers
  8. FrankWong

    Where to buy Little Dot amps?

    Hi all, this is my first post but I've been lurking for a while. I've decided to buy either the Little Dot MkIII or the II++ after reading all the fantastic and glowing reviews (pun intended). Now the 2-cent question is... where can I find one to buy?
  9. glitch39

    For 6AS7G tube rollers here .....

    tried to put together some 6AS7G equivalents with notes (from my personal experience). of course, the usual brand/re-label disclaimers apply. So no need which one is better. The goal here is just to list the main equivalents that may work in your amp's circuit. Did I miss any equivalents...
  10. furyagain

    Can LD MKV drive DT-880/990 600ohm nicely?

    I am considering to sell both of my DT-880 pro and 990 pro for one 880/990 600ohm    the setting i am using is   LD DAC1 + MKV   will MKV be enough to drive 600ohm Beyerdynamic???   also which one is a better choice DT-880 600ohm or the 990ohm??? what are their different...
  11. wollabilla

    Best amp for Beyerdynamic T1

    Just bought a pair of Beyerdynamic T1 and I'm now looking for a good amp to match them with (budget around $1,000).   All suggestions are greatly appreciated!
  12. Little Dot MK VI+

    Little Dot MK VI+

    A fully balanced architecture, the Little Dot MK VI+ has exceptional dynamic range and can produce clean amplitudes of 70Vp-p into 120 ohms! Circuit topology: balanced Class-A SEPP (single-ended push pull) OCL (output capacitor-less) Carefully selected quality components to make up the Little...