
  1. White Lotus

    [REVIEW] - HiSoundAudio Living: An "audiophile ear-bud". Yes, you read that correctly.

    Foreword:   I'm a production manager, but mainly focus on live sound engineering and lighting. I install and tune P.A equipment, and mix live acts in: - live venues, - concert halls, - bars, and - nightclubs. I've taken a huge liking to headphones - IEMs in particular. I like the...
  2. tninety

    How portable is portable?

    I'm looking through the "pictures of your portable rig" thread and some peoples' setups are tremendously bulky. I mean at some point you might as well just bring a laptop with a desktop DAC!   For you guys with portable setups, how portable is portable? Where do you keep your music player of...
  3. Doumaniac

    HiSoundAudio Studio-V 3rd anniversary memory card 'No File'

    Hi,   I've been reading through many threads to find a solution, but thus far without success. So i'm calling on you guys for help.   Since a couple of days i'm in the possession of the Hisoundaudio Studio-V 3rd anniversary edition. I've bought a 32GB micro SD card to store my music...
  4. mark2410

    Hisoundaudio STUDIO-V Review

      Hisoundaudio STUDIO-V Review   Thanks to Advanced Headphones www.advancedheadphones.co.uk for the samples (AMP3’s sister site)     First impressions:  Oh hell this thing is pretty, looking at the box I feel like there should be a watch in there rather than a DAP.  The Studio too...
  5. jarvinho

    Hisoundaudio Studio-V

    Hi there,   relatively new to all this and I'm looking for a really good quality DAP. I've seen the Hisoundaudio Studio-V at...
  6. Star74

    HiSoundAudio Studio-V or Cowon X7

    I have an iPod classic 80gb which is dying (thankfully)   I have a vast music collection mainly on CD and LP and enjoy listening to music through my seperates system I also have a large collection of music as MP3   I have been doing my research for sometime and have narrowed my choice...
  7. fnb1

    Ie8 with Hisoundaudio Studio-V ?

    How would the Senn IE8 go along with the Hisoundaudio studio-V? Anyone tried the this combination?
  8. Dyaems

    Hisoundaudio Studio-V Need Help

    Note this is my friend's Studio-V and the problem only happened few hours ago and I am trying to "translate" what happened through text and he doesn't have an account here and there is no internet connection in his office. Might as well ask here first maybe anyone had a similar problem to their...
  9. hopkinsdrums

    hisoundaudio Studio-V issue...

    Hello Head-Fiers. Ran into a problem today with my Studio-V, 3rd Anniversary. Upon turning on the player this evening (I had been using it during the day with no issue), the screen displayed something which said "Repair and Fo" (which I can only assume means "Format") with the option of saying...
  10. kellybundy110

    500$ portable rig suggestion

    what i have :  Itouch  3rd gen   What i need: Source player,amp,cans     budget is around 500 give or take, thanks !             Stereo Setup: Foobar2000(Wasapi) > Cambridge Dacmagic > Black Mamba II Interconnect > Yamaha AS-500 > PSB Alpha B1(Sitting on Auralex...
  11. Magicpants

    Rocoo p paired with HD-25 II.

    Hi head-fi. I'm looking for a DAP that's simple (sturdy/mechanical interface) and not ridiculously expensive like I find most other DAP's to be. I really want to stray away from the smart-phone-interface-like DAP'ers like the Cowon and Ibasso (which are also a bit expensive) that seems to be...
  12. 329161

    Too lazy to connect my dap to dac/amp

    I recently got the E17 to power my Cowon D3 via the coaxial connection and the sound is great- except I get really lazy and don't want to connect the extra cable, especially for short trips. I wish that someone would put out a DAP which gave this sort of sound out of the box (iBasso DX100 is too...
  13. Jason36

    HiSoundaudio Studio BA or Studio V?

    Thinking of trying one of the Studio DAP's out and I am confused as to which one is likely to be the best. I have Heir 4.Ai and Beyerdyanmic T70p although the Heir's get the most use. So bearing that in mind would the BA be better? Is there much sound difference between the BA and V?? Totally...
  14. Wesley1985

    Got questions about Westone 3 and 4R to get the most sound out of it!

    Hello, Got a couple of questions i had a Westone 3 for couple of years. When i connected the Westone 3 to my phone the sound was better then all the earphones i ever had. But when i used 6.35mm Plug to 3.5mm Jack Adaptor en connected it to my receiver the sound was beyond amazing. So much...
  15. alphabetagaga

    Shure SRH840 suitable with Studio-V DAP?

    hi guys   i'm wondering if the 2 products are a good pairing? i already have the shure so do not want to fork out on new cans but am considering a few daps to try.   specs for the shure   Transducer Type: Dynamic, Neodym-Magnet Driver size: 40 mm Sensitivity : 102 dB SPL/mW...
  16. Alias Gu

    Any great portable digital players?Just got SONY EX1000, but also got frustrated.

    I just got EX1000 by SONY. It seems the majority that owns EX1000 doesn't use Ipod Classic to pair them. Ipod Classic really can't drive EX1000 very well, maybe only up to 50%? But this pair sounds no good. Singers' voice is awkward in some points; sounds go very awkward when i play some...
  17. sirylj

    Looking for very good SQ, high battery life, not Apple

    I've looked over many Cowon products thinking about J3 as my choice (X9 if I can't find a J3). However, I was wondering what other players are out there (older Cowon models too) that are known for good SQ, as well as having very high battery life (X9 can't be beat on that, but then again I...
  18. T4urQs

    MP3 Player

    Hi i am looking for a new mp3 player, i have creative ZEN and HTC Desire HD and i want to buy something a little bit better. I listen to rap,hip-hop, electronic music as Daftpank, dub step, classical, jazz. I have Phonak Audeo PFE 112, D-jays and SE PX100. I chose three DAC players (Colorfly C3...
  19. mark2410

    Hisoundaudio Studio V 3rd Anniversary Edition Review

    Hisoundaudio Studio V 3rd Anniversary Edition Review       Thanks to Hisoundaudio for the sample.   First Impressions:  I now have to cast my mind back as I seem to have misplaced the written at the time one.  In short though there a bit of a mixture, I was unquestionably looking...
  20. br4bu5

    Hisoundaudio Studio V - MIcro SD card memory question

    Hi, I just got my Studio V, planning on getting the extra space by adding the external micro sdcard.. need help on selecting the micro sd card. does it support class 10? what class would be better for it? thanks guys.. :)
  21. heliuscc

    Time for a new DAP, unsure what to buy, Cowon, Sony, Colorfly

    OK, I'm looking for some advice. I have a Sony X1060 and a pair of Westone UM3X, but am thinking of changing to a new DAP. In an ideal world it would have touchscreen, gapless playback, lossless (FLAC etc) and 32GB plus storage. It's not an ideal world though... So have looked at: 1...
  22. mark2410

    Hisoundaudio RoCoo BA Review

    Hisoundaudio RoCoo BA Review   Thanks to Hisoundaudio for the sample     First Impressions:  The box is nothing special clearly which a touch disappointing for a premium product but its not important.  Opening things up and there it is, it’s like the Studio had a baby.  They look so...
  23. URHYNS

    Turn my back on Apple? Looking for a new phone/source, advice.

    Hey guys,   The contract on my iPhone 4, runs out in a couple of weeks, so I will be getting a new phone. I've had iPhone's for a while, and whilst I do like them, I'm not too sure whether I want the new iPhone 5, or branch out and try something else. I have access to Sony, HTC, Samsung...
  24. silvernoy

    looking for new DAP.

    apple ipod touch 4g 32gb or cowon j3 32gb would be better? would be looking to get second hand ones.    currently using the yamaha-eph100 and creative aurvana live!   thanks in advance! :)
  25. stozzer123

    CK4 vs hm601 vs Rocoo D vs Colorful C3

    Opinions guys, take cost out and imagine they are all the same price point.   Also comparisons to a ipod w/ fiio e11 and cube c30 is appreciated.