
  1. Tony-Hifi

    Etymotic ER4-XR & ER4-SR Head-Fi Reviewers Wanted.

      Hifiheadphones and Etymotic are pleased to announce that we will shortly be sending out our  Etymotic ER4-SR and ER4-XR earphones on tour for Head-fi'ers to try out and review.    We're looking to arrange a mini tour within the United Kingdom. We would like five volunteers to try the ER4-XR...
  2. JohnC-HiFi

    Interview with Bowers & Wilkins - An Engineer's Perspective

      We went down the road to visit B&W and spoke to the chaps who work the magic there. Take a look!   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  3. Tony-Hifi

    Audio-Opus Opus#1 Head-Fi Reviewers Wanted!

    Hifiheadphones and Audio Opus are pleased to announce that we will shortly be sending one of our DAPs, the Opus #1 on tour for Head-fi'ers to try out and review.    We're looking to arrange a mini tour within the United Kingdom. We would like five volunteers to try the Opus #1, write a review...
  4. Tony-Hifi

    Fidue A65 Head Fi Reviewers Wanted!

      Hifiheadphones and Fidue are pleased to announce that we will shortly be sending one of our in-ear headphones, the Fidue A65 on tour for Head-fi'ers to try out and review.    We're looking to arrange a mini tour within the United Kingdom. We would like five volunteers to try the Fidue A65...
  5. JohnC-HiFi

    Fidue A83 In Ear Headphone Video Review

    Here's our take on the Fidue A83:     You can also read our full review here:   http://www.hifiheadphones.co.uk/reviews/fidue-a83-review-hybrid-unbridled/
  6. JohnC-HiFi

    NEW Lotoo PAW 5000 firmware update!

    The new firmware update is available for the PAW 5000!   You can download it directly from our site here:   http://www.hifiheadphones.co.uk/lotoo-paw-5000-portable-lossless-digital-audio-player.html   Just head to the product page and click on the DOWNLOADS tab.   There is also a PMEQ...
  7. Tony-Hifi

    Lotoo PAW 5000 Tour - Reviewers Wanted!

      HiFi Headphones and Lotoo are pleased to announce that we will shortly be sending one of our hi-res portable music players, the PAW 5000 on tour for Head-fi'ers to try out and review.    We're looking to arrange a mini tour within the United Kingdom. We would like five volunteers to try the...
  8. Tony-Hifi

    Lotoo PAW 5000 now available from Hifiheadphones.co.uk

    Lotoo PAW 5000 Hifiheadphones are stocking the Lotoo PAW 5000 priced at £329.00   The Lotoo PAW 5000 on test at hifiheadphones     Following hard on the heels of the exceptional Lotoo PAW Gold comes the PAW 5000 model; packed with goodies and for a fraction of the price.   Also it's...
  9. SteveHiFi

    HifiHeadphones World News

    Join us in a look at the lighter side of the world of headphones, presented by Steve, Steve and Steve - whoever they are.   We look at the coming Canjam meet in London with some of the participants really made up to be present there.   The Final Sonorous VIII and X make an apprearance, and...
  10. JohnC-HiFi

    Aurisonics Bravo Series - Eva, Kicker, Forte and Harmony In-Ear Headphones

                                        Hifiheadphones are pleased to announce that we will soon have stock of the new Aurisonics Bravo series of 3D printed in-ear monitor headphones - the Eva, Kicker, Forte and Harmony. Each model has their own sound signature - the series has...
  11. Tony-Hifi

    Buy Audeze in August for your chance to win an Astell&Kern Jr with Hifiheadphones.co.uk

    Your chance to WIN an Astell&Kern Jr High Resolution Portable Player worth £399!   Just click the image below to go to the Hifiheadphones.co.uk website, and be sure to make your purchase in August 2015 for your chance to win one of these superb players.      
  12. SteveHiFi

    Tune in to our YouTube channel - John Takes a Quick Look at the Dunu Titan 1

  13. RobinHiFi

    DJ JFB UK DMC Champ and Number 1 Scratch DJ

    Thought people might enjoy this - He is using GermanMAESTRO 8.35 D - Fastest hands in the business and has fun with it.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP7G4Y1V5u0&feature=plcp
  14. shaun_g

    Pro DJ Pioneer Headphons - HDJ-2000 Quick Review

    Pioneers current range of DJ headphones is crowned by the fantastic HDJ-2000, which are without doubt one of the nicest DJ headphones around at the moment. The range caters for everyone from bedroom heroes right up to the Professional gigging DJ. DJ headphones are often used for a wide variety...
  15. JohnC-HiFi

    10% OFF - CanJam Special

        AUDIO-OPUS   ETYMOTIC   BEYERDYNAMIC   FINAL   MEE AUDIO   LOTOO   COMPLY     Remember to use the code CANJAM10 at checkout to receive your 10% discount!!
  16. Tony-Hifi

    CanJam London 2015 Video - Hifiheadphones checks out some of the products at the event.

    Hifiheadphones visited CanJam London 2015 at the Hotel Russell to talk to some of the representatives from HIFIMAN, FOSTEX, PENDULUMIC, AUDEZE, RHA, CHORD and KEF in part 1 of our video journey around the tables covered with audio goodies.   This is what we found....
  17. JohnC-HiFi

    New Video - Our 10 Best Sports Headphones and Earphones 2015

    If you're looking for some sports earphones for your iPod or the best sports headphones for running then look no further! The audio gurus here at Hifiheadphones have made a video for their top 10 sports headphones and earphones for 2015.  
  18. JohnC-HiFi

    NEW - Bloc & Roc Galvanize S2 Headphone Video Review

    I got to grips with the Bloc & Roc Galvanize S2 on-ear headphone. It's good. Very good!    
  19. RobinHiFi

    HiFiHeadphones.co.uk - New High End Demo Facility

    Hifiheadphones.co.uk is proud to announce that we have completed our Audiophile headphone showroom. As more and more hifi fans discover the incredible quality and convenience of high end headphones, the lack of great places to demo or try headphones in the UK (and around London especially) is a...
  20. RobinHiFi

    HiFiHeadphones.co.uk - New High End Demo Facility

    Hifiheadphones.co.uk is proud to announce that we have completed our Audiophile headphone showroom. As more and more hifi fans discover the incredible quality and convenience of high end headphones, the lack of great places to demo or try headphones in the UK (and around London especially) is a...
  21. RobinHiFi

    HiFiHeadphones.co.uk - New High End Demo Facility

    Hifiheadphones.co.uk is proud to announce that we have completed our Audiophile headphone showroom. As more and more hifi fans discover the incredible quality and convenience of high end headphones, the lack of great places to demo or try headphones in the UK (and around London especially) is a...