DIY molded earphones review.
Last year i saw a kid wear a pair at the gym. Yup i was a bit confused at the headphones since they looked a bit goofy. Since then i looked up how to make a pair and soon after i was rockin' my own pair of molded earphones. I've gotten lots of confused faces asking why am i wearing...- Tripzter
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630
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- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Apple Earpods specification
Hi guys, I'm now exploring the sound frequency and I think it's pretty important to understand the frequency range of the headphones/earphones. I have started with my own headsets like creative EP-630, Audio Technica ATH-ES7. However, I couldn't find the specs for new Apple earpods (iphone 5)...- rivarex1104
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- audio-technica-ath-es7-portable-headphones-white creative-headphones-ep-630
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Intra ($20 -> $50 -> $200) Level Audio Quality
Hi everyone, I have owned 20$ Creative EP-630 IEM for a while, and I now upgraded to 50$ Fischer Audio Consonance IEM. I am a bit disappointed in terms of how much of a jump there was in audio quality (however I did notice more sub bass of course and ever so slightly clearer trebles. This is...- olivierhacking
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- xiaomi-pistons-2-0-mk301 creative-headphones-ep-630
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Are High-End Headphones Addictive?
Is the interaction of quality headphones/iems and the human body kind of like drugs, in that our body quickly develops a tolerance to it, and it keeps taking more and more to give us that "high?" Anyone else had the experience that: you used to feel so great listening to your low-end...- music065
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630 um1-musicians-universal-fit-single-driver-in-ear-monitors-clear super-fi-5-pro-white-earphones
- Replies: 64
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best Inner Ear for Galaxy S3 ?
Hi Guys So im sure you get alot of these questions asked all the time , but an unable to find a sticky answering this so here goes : What is the best in ear earphones for under $100? I will use this for commuting They must have the following : - Clarity is important ...- tripsteady
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- samsung-galaxy-s-iii philips-she5105pp-10-citiscape-st-germain-in-ear-headphones-purple creative-headphones-ep-630 philips-she7850
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
In-the-ear Headphone for Xperia U.
I am planing to buy a new headphone for my Xperia U as my old sony headphone which was came "on the box" with the mobile is lost. As i head that Xperia U supports CITA standrad 3.5 jack. So I am a it confused to buy a new headphone that it will support my Xperia U or not. My preferences are:- ...- shibashis
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630 soundmagic-es18-in-ear-headphones-black-red
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Pink Noise Burn-In?
I just acquired a new pair of ATH-CK7's canalphones. Right out of the package I put them in my ears, turned on the iPod/Tomahawk and Bam! Muddy bloated bass and a no extension high end. The highs sounded like the V-Moda Vibes I used to own where I had to boost the treble on my iPod just to make...- Father Schu
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-ck7-titanium-earphones creative-headphones-ep-630
- Replies: 45
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best IEM in 1500 INR?
Hello friends, I am new to this forum, I go through this site for reviews as it is very reliable and useful too. I am currently using Tekfusion Twinwoofers (White) and not at all happy with it. I am planning to buy new IEM in 1500 INR. I listen to Rock, Metal, Trance, Pyschadelic...- Saumil1989
- Thread
- tekfusion-twinwoofers sony-mdr-ex-85sl creative-headphones-ep-630 soundmagic-pl30-in-ear-headphones sennheiser-mm50-ip-earbud-headset-iphone-compatible bose-ae2-audio-headphones creative-mz0365-ep-830-noise-isolating-earphones
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
NE 700M over EP630?
Hey guys, I owned Creative EP 630 till last month and i was OK with that sound. Wanting more i purchased Nuforce NE 700M last week. I was expecting sound quality to be lot better compared to EP 630. I dont know whats wrong..NE 700M dont sound much better than EP630. I have been trying to burn...- maheeinfy
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630 nuforce-ne-700x
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
what would be better? Sony MDR EX-60 or Creative EP-630?
I'm a korean boy that torn between MDR-EX60 and EP-630 I've been used MDR-Ex50 before and that satisfied me but I lost it.. so I searched a good quality per price In-ear monitors.. and I narrowed two models that ex60 and ep-630 there are some quastions between two...- clyhk
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Google CX300/EP-630 ;)
Like, seriously... dfkt
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Creative ep-630 fake?
It's a fake? gudlaf
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Disappointed with Creative EP-630
Hi mates, I m using this In-ear headset from last 5-6 years. I didn't like anything other than this. But yesterday, I bought the same model and to be honest, I didn't like the sound quality of this anymore. Could you please suggest me some good noise cancellation in-ear headset with...- sachinaddy
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630
- Replies: 21
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Cheap IEM equvilent to ep-630. Bang for the buck IEM.
Hello fellow Head-fi user. I recently created an account but have followed the site for years. I recently purchased the Panasonic RP-HTF600-S after they received so much positive feedback from the forum. They are cheap and great headphones. So my question is if there is some kind of...- v3nato
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Should I upgrade my EP-630?
I've had these for I think 3 years now and these were my first IEMs. I'm thinking of upgrading them to the Vsonic GR02 Bass edition ones since one ear has stopped working. The question is, will I notice a significant difference since the prices differ by only 20$ or so? Or is such a minor...- supernatural
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
It's 2013, who still like their EP-630?
I have a few IEMs, TF10, MT, RE0, 300SL and the cheap SHE3590 but somehow IEM is not my cup of tea. While the TF10 is quite good it is hugh so I sold them, the RE0 even though is not the best have special place in me. I think it is quite special and since all these IEMs, I have move on to...- whoelse
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
IEM's for electronic , ambient , downtempo music ?
Hi, I am planning to buy two IEM's one in 0-50$ range and the other about 100$-150$. I listen mostly to electronic & ambient/downtempo music like (Moby,Air,Royksopp etc, etc). could anybody please suggest me good & durable (i have a bad history of electronic device abuse and carelessness. in...- vanamonde
- Thread
- soundmagic-pl-21 creative-headphones-ep-630 soundmagic-pl30-in-ear-headphones in-ear
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Help me.... Custom IEM vs Universal IEM..........In India!
First and foremost ....I know that there are many similar threads and I am sorry for posting another ....but some of my questions are not the usual ones I find here.......!Also sorry for the long post! So....I am a college student from India.I love music,but haven't had a lot of...- ananthu
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630 in-ear
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Bass upgrade over the Creative EP-630
I've been using the Creative EP-630 for years and since I'm not a hi-fi expert, I was pretty satisfied with the sound they produced and to be honest, they are just the greatest bang-for-buck IEMs. Now that I have a bit more money to spend I want to upgrade my IEMs. I listen primairly to Dubstep...- QuakeFX
- Thread
- hippo-vb monster-turbine-in-ear-headphones creative-headphones-ep-630 hippo-boom mp4nation-brainwavz-m2
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Tricky first foray in a brave new world - advice on budget IEMs
Hi there everyone, I've spent a couple of weeks searching and reading this forum in an effort to try and learn all about IEMs and how to purchase the right model. Finally I decided to ask you guys directly, and I apologize in advance for the inevitable overlapping with so many other...- Cerace
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- vsonic-r02proii brainwavz-beta-v2 vsonic-gr06-pro-dynamic-noise-isolation-earphones-earbuds mp4nation-brainwavz-m1 soundmagic-e10 jvc-ha-fx101 creative-headphones-ep-630 mp4nation-brainwavz-m2 soundmagic-pl30-in-ear-headphones jvc-ha-fx40-b-earphone-kv6902 in-ear brainwavz-m4-in-ear-headphones
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
[ ADVICE ] Bass heavy IEM under 300$, with additional requirements
Dear All, I am recently gave back to the store my Philips Fidelio M1, and decided to give up my attempts to find out comfortable supra aural headphones. Thus, now I am looking for IEM with dynamic driver preferably. As for now I have Creative EP-630 (and happy with bass), Brainwavz M2 (not...- Cron Merdek
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630 headphones mp4nation-brainwavz-m2 vsonic-gr07
- Replies: 15
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
philips 9700 VS Sony MDR EX50 VS Sennheiser MX 580
hi guys :) i want buy a new pair of hearphones for my ipod and smartphone. I listen metal,gothic,rock and punk :) it's no important for me if the new hearphone is in-ear or not. I see this 3 hearphone on (the less expensive in italy): -philips 9700 20€ -Sony MDR EX50 20€...- Ansem
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630 headphones in-ear philips-she9700 sennheiser-cx-300-ii-precision-noise-isolating-ear-canal-phones-white sennheiser-mx-580-stereo-headphones-with-intergrated-volume-control sony-mdr-ex50lp
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Headphone advice needed!
Hi, I need some advice on some headphones and this looks like a friendly and knowledgeable corner of the internet. I'd like some quality headphones to wear on the bus and when commuting, and I really love the look of Grado headphones and I know they're supposed to be some of the best...- myates263
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630 headphones in-ear shure-srh-440-professional-studio-headphones thinksound-ts01-chocolate
- Replies: 14
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
confused...which one to buy
I want to buy a earphone within 2000 INR...i am confused between creative EP630 and sennheiser CX215...please help...- ani09
- Thread
- creative-headphones-ep-630 in-ear sennheiser-cx-215-earphones-blue
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
**What were your first REAL pair of hp's**
After discovering head-fi and doing my research I bought these: I kept them for a couple of weeks then returned them. They just hit the bass hard enough for me- MattTCG
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-m50s creative-headphones-ep-630 headphones sennheiser-cx-300-ii-black sennheiser-hd-205-headphones shure-srh-440-professional-studio-headphones
- Replies: 58
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)