
  1. nProzac

    Reducing bass in AKG 518 LE

    Hello everyone!   Let me start by saying, that english is not my language of choice and as such, I may have some difficulties explaining complicated issues. I am a quite non-sophisticated music listener with very simple needs and very limited budget. Given that, I require from my music...
  2. ablahblah

    Trying to zero in on a compact MP3 solution

    Hi all, I'm still relatively new to the audio scene, moving past itunes/zune/youtube and into the realm of ripping lossless tracks and such, and I'm trying to figure out whether it'll be worth it getting a lossless player or not.   I know Zune (which i use, with the Zune Pass subscription...
  3. jakis noobek

    Phonak Audeo + Cowon E2 or Nationite N2? (metal music)

    Hi, I'm looking for a new portable mp3 player and in-ear headphones. After reading a lot of reviews and tests I've chosen Phonak Audeo 012, but I don't know which mp3 would be better. Im listening in 90% to metal. Sound quality is more important than design. Price range for headphones is...
  4. lobbleton

    Question about Cowon sound quality

    I am looking for a Cowon with great sq. I really like the look, minimal function, and small capacity of the iaudio E2. Price is not an issue but sound quality is. Does the iaudio 9 have much better sq than the E2? Are there other Cowons with better sq than the iaudio 9? I am using...
  5. mark88888

    COWON E2 vs. SANSA CLIP+ SQ Only comparison

    Hi everyone, OK, after hours of thread reading, I've decided to buy either the SANSA CLIP+, or the COWON E2.  Sound quality only-wise, any opinions about which is better, especially from someone who has heard both?  Also, which is louder?  I use Etymotics ER-4P headphones.  I'm especially...
  6. Cowon iAUDIO E2 4 GB Mp3 Player (Black)

    Cowon iAUDIO E2 4 GB Mp3 Player (Black)

    Audio Player: MP3/2/1, WMA, FLAC(FLA), OGG, WAV; Sound-to-noise ratio: 95dB; Up to 11.5 hours of music playback on one charge; USB 2.0 High Speed; BBE+ support