
  1. acs236

    Southwest Ohio (Cincinnati/Dayton)??

    I'm not too active on this site anymore. I have a setup I'm pretty happy with, so I my days of aggressive great trying as somewhat behind me. But I know we used to have a pretty good group in the area several years ago, and it was to listen to different great. I'm curious whether there's...
  2. FunctionalDoc

    Headphone Meetup Cincinnati/Dayton January 12th

    Local Headphone Meet Sat. January 12th Springboro Ohio Start of the New Year hearing some great gear after the holidays. 3rd Local Gathering Location: 345 North Main Street Springboro OHIO 45067 10 am till 2 pm 1 slots left Equipment : Topping Dx7s Dac/amp THX AAA 789 Ifi Black...