
  1. Mullet

    the CTH (Compact Tube Hybrid) Rev A thread...

    We're finally here! Here's a little teaser...     Thus far the build is going well. The only non-standard situation that I've run into is for the C13P and C14P film caps. I had to bend the leads outwards to fit them into position. Not a big deal though. Overall, it seems like the new...
  2. Skylab

    REVIEW – Cavalli Audio Bijou DIY tube headphone amp

    Another Head-fier asked me if I would be interested in reviewing the Bijou, a DIY amp design from Alex Cavalli. Of course, I said yes . Extensive information on the design can be found here: The Bijou Stereo Headphone Amplifier and as such, I am not going to describe the design in any detail...
  3. runeight

    eXStatA Build Thread II

    Starting this thread for all of the new builders who are getting eXStatA boards through the latest group buy.   One piece of technical info for you new builders. On the website there is a fix to kill oscillation in the first beta run. This fix entails wiring two of the heatsinks to ground. A...
  4. cfcubed

    Cavalli Compact Tube Hybrid (CTH) Tube & Tweak thread.

    OK, I've been trying to pawn off the starting of this thread but one can't always pass the buck And since I've the first working proto PCB CTH (by a few days?) guess it should be me. Surely much of what may be posted here will be based on opinion, listening tastes, headphone synergies...
  5. runeight

    SOHA II - Super SE Hybrid

    Hello folks. I've had a few enquiries about the SOHA II. So here is an update. The SOHA II is a vast improvement over the SOHA. You won't need any addtional buffers (such as the jisbos) because it already has a high current SE buffer built into it. And I already know about making buffers with...
  6. runeight

    eXStata DIY Electrostatic Amp for Intermediate DIYers

    Folks, I believe we have arrived. This thread is a continuation of this thread: A DIY Electrostatic amp started by ericj. Ericj was looking for a reasonably priced, easy to build DIY electrostatic amp that is within reach of diyers who have or want to move to electrostatic headphones...
  7. runeight

    A Very Compact Hybrid Amp

    Hello everyone. After much background work and some fair amount of prototyping cfcubed and I (with some help from forsakenrider) would like to introduce a very small hybrid amplifier. This amp was born out of cfcubed\'s efforts to make a teeny tiny hybrid amp as discussed in this thread...
  8. dBel84

    Bijou All Tube Futterman Headphone Amplifier

    I know there are a ton of DIY amps already on offer but thought some of you may be interested in this one too. runeight has released his Bijou and many of us have already seen vixr's fine workmanship 1. 2. in the 'post pics of your build' thread. The official Bijou support thread and group...