
  1. cap10 crunch

    mini to RCA cable suggestion

    Hey guys.  I'm looking for a mini to RCA to go from my ODAC to heed canamp.  I've searched and it seems blue jean cables are a good bet but monoprice is wayyyy cheaper for the same quality?  I'd like to spend around $50-$60 but could go up to $100.  Thanks guys!
  2. glunteer

    cable under U$ 12 ?

    my system is as follows: Asus xonar dx> FiiO e11> jvc ha-s500 I wanted to use a good cable to connect the asus xonar dx in fiio e11 ... 3.5mm to 3.5mm ... Any good for less than U $ 12.00?
  3. Senn-Fi

    Cable agnostic seeking advice from true believers...

    I am a total newb to high end audio but have put together a very nice (to my ears) system over the past few months. It all started with a pair of HD800s and an iDecco, which spawned my current system: 1) Bryston BHA-1 headphone Amp (not here yet) 2) Woo WA6-SE (not here yet) 3) PS audio...
  4. William007

    overpriced cables

    I've got a question about a cable is this cable way to overpriced? or should i just make a cable myself? if so can somebody link me to some good RCA connectors, i'll be using this cable to connect my Schiit Asgard to my Sony CDP- 101 so it...
  5. aphinity

    Great XLR Connects Under $100?

    looking to get xlr interconnectors to connect an audiolab m-dac to dynaudio dbm50 monitors.   i would much appreciate recommends in the $100 or below range.  amazon availability would be great too....   thanks!
  6. Shizdan

    Monoprice Interconnects

    I need to pick up a 10 Foot RCA / 3.5mm cable. How are the monoprice ones? I don't really want to spend top dollar on a cable....
  7. Jimbobwey

    iPod dock cable to USB Type B interconnect

    I have been searching all day for an iPod to USB type B interconnect and can't find this type of I just suck or is there an actual cable out there dodging my eyes? I'd be wanting to connect my iPod to my freshly bought Maverick Audio TubeMagic D1 DAC through the digital USB input in...
  8. Devarika Woulf

    High quality RCA cables? Found this Belkin. I'm connecting my Titanium HD to my receiver for 2-channel stereo 'cause the optical is being used for my headphone. Is there anything better out there?