
  1. MisMouse

    question about potentially damaging bass reproduction in headphones

    I hope I'm not breaking any rules with my first post, but...   I got some new, very sexy Audio Technica ATH-A700X headphones as a gift not very long ago. Naturally, the bass sounded like **** out of the box and hurt my ears for the first day or so of use, most of which they spent off my...
  2. TyTB

    Friend looking for stylish phones with good sound quality for < 300

    Hey Head-fi,   A friend of mine is looking for some headphones, and was considering getting Monster Beats, but I suggested otherwise, saying that she can get much better SQ, for a much lower (or at least, equal price).   To her, the most important quality is Appearance, and the second...
  3. dyno0919

    Another "Help me" Thread

    Hello everyone,   So I recently bought some Audio Technica ATH-A700X headphones and while they sounded great in the highs and mids, they were very lacking in bass. I would like to find a pair of cans that are full and rich in the mids and highs but that also provide a punchy and strong...
  4. SunJ

    Which cans?

    Hi my former can aiaiai Tma-1 head band has snaped but still holds, now I am planning for a replacement, I am looking for some thing more open for acoustics & classical & some pop, my current interest are in such order Sony MDR-7506, Audio Thecnica ATH-A700x & AKG K240 MKII. I would like to know...
  5. N


  6. SunJ

    Which cans?

    Hi my former can aiaiai Tma-1 head band has snaped but still holds, now I am planning for a replacement, I am looking for some thing more open for acoustics & classical & some pop, my current interest are in such order Sony MDR-7506, Audio Thecnica ATH-A700x & AKG K240 MKII. I would like to know...
  7. DDKL

    Help using a700x

    Is it better to hook it up to my mobo or the Logitech speakers? I would love to listen to music using these cans at its maximum power!!
  8. DDKL

    I need a jack-of-all-trades headphone

    Getting right to the point.   Used for:   -producing music, especially electronic. -listening to music for pleasure (obviously) -gaming (counter strike, horror games, etc.) -closed-back -analog, not USB -as flat as it can get -soundstage not too important, but sure why not...
  9. OgSteeb

    Looking for Headphones, Studio and basic Listening For $300 and $200 for DEEP HOUSE

    Hello All,   I've been searching for audio equipment for a few months and hot damn is it hard to pinpoint what you really want so I've decided to make a thread.   I'm looking for two pairs of headphone, one for studio production uses and and one pair for general listening purposes.  ...
  10. L7D4N

    Assistance in picking a suitable pair of Headphones

    Hello Head-Fi!   I've been a long time lurker, but recently joined the Forum to see if I could get assistance in selecting the best suited pair of Headphones for my Setup.   I will be purchasing a Schiit Magni Amplifier in the upcoming days, and have drilled down to the following...
  11. sammed92

    Help me in choosing between M50X and ATH_AD700X

    Hello everyone!   I'm in a real dilemma here. I am a FPS gamer and music enthusiast who is slightly low on budget. I only have enough money to buy one of Audio Technica M50X and Audio Technica ATH-AD700x. Both are great headphones and have their strength and weaknesses.   Please recommend me...
  12. Trunks159

    How Important Are a Headphones' Aesthetic Appearance To You? Favorite Design?

    For as long as I've been on head-fi, I've seen Head-Fi'ers totally disregard how any headphone looks.  I on the other hand value a headphone that looks good, since I'd like to be able to sometimes share my interest in audio with others, and because I'd like to like how a can looks.  They can...
  13. JCRG

    Closed. Flat response. Soundstage. Does something like that exists?

    Well, as title suggest, I'm looking for the holy (affordable) grail of headphones. Current cans are HD280 pro, yes, you can laugh at me, these are my first "real" headphones, I've had them over 2 years now. Now please don't suggest something like the Senns HD800, because I'm still just a...
  14. DDKL

    Using ATH-A700X to full quality

    i purchased recently ath-a700x from amazon. i have logitech surround sound speakers z506 connected to my pc, and as for software i have realtek hd audio manager.    Question #1) i also heard that one should keep the EQ at flat, as messing with it will take away the intended sound the...
  15. fire2havoc

    Upgrade Audio Technica AD700 to A900X?

    I have owned the Audio Technica ATH-AD700 (open air) cans for a few years now and have been very satisfied. They have a wide stage with great mids and sound crisp and clear overall. Recently I cam across a good deal for the newer A900X closed headphones.   Will the A900X be a substantial...
  16. Outlaw21k

    Newbie looking for solid advice.

    I work in a moderately loud company. I have a small budget, but I have a NOONTEC Zorro headset and a FiiO E6 amp in my Amazon cart. I am looking for a total of nothing more than $120 total for both (Present,y just under $100).    My question is, are these good together? And is it a good buy...
  17. XmnwildX12

    Need a new pair after Bose AE Originals

    I didn't get a response in the recommendations thread, so I will try in a thread.   I currently have the original Bose AE, and they are finally completely falling apart (pads and wire coming loose). I have been reading on here for the last few hours and have seen a ton of recommendations...
  18. Alchemist007

    Opinions on A700x + uDAC2 and a good upgrade

    Having been relatively new to the quality audio scene, I'm wondering what the opinions of folk here would be on this combination. I'm not too familiar or rather don't have enough experience to use the many terms one could use to describe the sound they produce, but I enjoy using this setup to...
  19. jonnyp11

    Audio Technica ATH-A900X vs A700X??????

    Been on here for a few days trying to pick my next set, and have now settled down on one of these 2 (although the DT770's are still in my mind). I have tried to find a comparison between the 2 and just can't seem to. I can get the 700's on Amazon for $130 or the 900's for $200, so I really want...
  20. masterseraphim

    ATH-A700x vs ATH-A900x

    So I'm looking to get a new pair of full sized headphones, and I'm fairly interested in these two. I know they just came out a few months ago, but I can't seem to find any comparisons at all-- even between the older models. Initially I was looking at the A900 at $250, but then when the update...
  21. Maximos

    Audio Technica ATH-A700X? Anyone have them?

    I just got a new "Used -- Like New" pair of these off of Amazon for $108 shipped next day (from here). I really have not noticed much information or reviews about them. I had the A700s on order but I canceled and said I may as well get the latest model... also the A700x are lower impedance and I...
  22. rustybucket123

    ATH-A700x comfort problem

    Hi there, I recently bought a pair of the a700x's because the ad700s are recommended here and almost everywhere. I got the closed version because sound leaking out is an issue. I like how they sound but the way they fit is uncomfortable. They put way to much clamping force on my temples, ears...
  23. zj12

    O2 ODAC Combo with Rear Power vs Magni/Modi Combo

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for advice on which amp/dac combo to buy.   My options are the O2 ODAC Combo with Rear power for a total (after shipping/etc) of $287 ($328 CAD) or the Magni and Modi with cables for $230 ($263 CAD).   I will be using the amp/dac with headphones like the VMODA M-100...
  24. zj12

    Schiit Magni with Low Impedance Headphones?

    I know there are some other similar topics out there, but I have a few extra questions so I thought I would start a thread.   I'm very much considering getting the Schiit Magni because of it's price/performance, although (at least for now), I will only be using the Audio Technica A700X...
  25. j123

    SRH-840 vs ATH-m50 vs ATH-a700x

    Recently my Sony mdr-xd200 broke (had them since 2005) and am in the market for new headphones; Since they were the only headphones I've owned for indoor use, my knowledge in this area is quite limited and would like to request for assistance in this area. I will be using them only on my pc (no...