
  1. hewhogamez

    Looking for a new pair of iems

    So I am looking for a pair of in ear phones. I recently lost my Klipsch S4i and would like to buy a replacement. I would like to see what other headphones can compete with the S4. I am looking for around the $50 range that can match or exceed the bass output or the soundstage that the S4 offers...
  2. chailee80

    Audio Technica ATH-PG1/PDG1 Premium Gaming Headset

    There didnt seem to be any info on the new ATH-PG1 / PDG1 headsets from Audio Technica so i thought i'd post some pictures and give my thoughts on them for anyone interested. Saw the closed back PG1 model in a local gaming store today so i figured i'll check it out as i need a new gaming...
  3. TripBitShooter

    [NEW] Audio Technica portable headphones - ATH-AX1, ATH-AX3 and ATH-AX5 discussion thread

    Audio Technica debuted their new portable SonicFuel over-the-ear headphones at CES 2014. Please post your reviews and impressions of them here :). there are also the iS versions of these with the mic and volume remote. ATH-AX1iS ATH-AX3iS ATH-AX5 Personally I find that they look really...
  4. earfonia

    Review of Audio Technica ATH-IM01, ATH-IM02, ATH-IM03, ATH-IM04, ATH-IM50, & ATH-IM70

    A very big THANKS to Audio Technica Singapore for lending me the whole 6 models of the relatively new Audio Technica Professional In-Ear Monitors, the IM series!   (FYI, I’m not working for Audio Technica, or their affiliate.)    ...
  5. Gorebag

    Audio Technica gaming headsets ATH-AG1/ADG1, where to buy in europe

    Hello.    I intend to buy one of these headsets, but I can't find any place in Europe that sells them. I'd also really like to try them first (boy both, return one).  The only real alternative I've found is an ebay seller in japan. But if I bought from there, I'd have to pay 36% import tax on...
  6. starwa1ker

    Headphones for plane rides - $150 Budget

    Hi there Head-fiers!   I'm about to be travelling a lot in the next few months and my UE TF10s aren't comfortable after 20+ hours on an airplane. I'm looking for headphones that are over-the-ears and sound similar to my TF10s, I usually listen to pop and rock. The budget is $150, what you...
  7. Swarkestone

    Classic AT phones

    Is there such a thing as a classic Audio Technica headphone model ? The reason I am asking is that I have access to a number of NOS models which have lain on a shelf in a warehouse for 10-15 years. I have no idea of which models they are but can anyone point me towards a particular model that I...
  8. onlyjoekin

    Headphone and portable amp question...

    Hello, this is my first post so I will straight up apolagise if I haven't done something right. I currently have some <£30/<$35 on ear headphones which I'd like to uprade, except when I plug them straight into my iPod the sound is good but not great (reason for uprade), yet when I dock my iPod...
  9. Audio Technica ATH-1

    Audio Technica ATH-1

    Audio-Technica's ATH-1 is a cheap entry level orthodynamic headphone with light plastic frame from 1978. The back of the cups is vented and headband is not padded in any way. The 16 Ohm 93dB sensitivity driver is very easy to push, so this headphone a good candidate for portable use.