General Information
Originally developed for recording and playback of music, dynamic driver units consist of the magnet, coil, and diaphragm. Often commonly used in generic earphones, they are easier to tune than Balanced Armature units and can be produced at a lower price point. Using a large diaphragm in low frequency can result in good sound, but the diaphragm must be enlarged as well. The principle operation of the lead Dynamic Driver unit (Lead Wires) is to supply an electrical signal to the coil. When the coil receives power, a magnetic field is induced from the vibration of the plate vibrating back and forth known as the oscillation burrowing principle. T180 utilize full range balanced armature microdriver to deliver full-range sound and extraordinary detail and clarity.
Where to buy:
Type: In-ear
Manufacturer: Tingker
Model name: Tingker T180
Driver: 1 Full range Balanced Armature Driver (Knowles)
Cable: Westone MMCX detachable cable
-Honeycomb shape design
-Higher sensitivity
-Excellent analytical force
-Orange transparent shell
-Single balanced armature driver
Where to buy:
Type: In-ear
Manufacturer: Tingker
Model name: Tingker T180
Driver: 1 Full range Balanced Armature Driver (Knowles)
Cable: Westone MMCX detachable cable
-Honeycomb shape design
-Higher sensitivity
-Excellent analytical force
-Orange transparent shell
-Single balanced armature driver