
100+ Head-Fier
Tanchjim Tanya “Panta Rhei in an Organic Replay | A Cheapo Take on Tanya”
Pros: Organic/realistic replay
Accurate male and female vocals
Safely tuned treble
Tall Soundstage
Better than BL-03
Cons: Mediocre driver speed
Congestion occurs in complex tracks
Sounds veiled even with the magical Kbear07 tips
Lacks resolution, microdetail retrieval, transparency
Not good for most Japanese music that needs the cleanliness.
Before you read this review:
I’ve tested the Tanya in its MAX configuration as recommended by Sir. Yannick. Specifically, Kbear 07 Tips and Avani dongle were used throughout the review. I didn’t use the stock eartips since they are making the Tanya super muddy and low res. So yeah, if you somehow really want to buy Tanya don’t forget to include a Kbear 07 tips.

Sound signature follows the diffuse field target with significant midbass to counter the big pinna gain rise (which will introduce shout at shallow insertions). Overall sound signature leans toward organic, natural and lush replay, no instruments feel oversharpened and elements in the music just feels really weighted and natural. Treble is also safely tuned and there’s no peaks or harshness to be found, however it just lacks the airiness in some tracks, making it congested/low-res at times specially with most of my Japanese music. Bass, there’s almost no sub-bass, bass doesn’t dig deep at all and all the bass is just focused on the midbass (not good for EDM and Trance). Soundstage is tall, but below average with width and depth, has a tendency to sound tunnel-like in some complex tracks, but with slow tracks the instruments are properly placed in front of me. Imaging and staging is average, with the con that with complex tracks, staging starts to suffer specially with drums, they are just drowned by this pillowy like bass on the soundscape..Lastly, the specialty of Tanya, the vocals, yeap it sounds like the vocals of some sub $100 IEMs, I’m not even kidding, there’s this lushness and accuracy to both male and female vocals that’s very reminiscent to the SeeAudio Yume.

  • Take my review with a large scoop of salt and always cross reference.
  • I like to thank myself for purchasing the Tanchjim Tanya, thanks self!
  • I will analyze the Tanchjim Tanya with references to my Dynamic Realist (DR, EDA Balanced), CCA CRA+ and Yume.
  • This review will somehow be biased towards my taste in music and my target sound signature.
  • As always, since our ears have different shapes and resonances, your mileage may always vary.
  • I’ve used the Tanchjim Tanya for over 2 months with different sources and tips, played different tracks ranging from pop to bossa nova (except Metal).
  • Before listening to Tanya, I have taken a half day break of listening to IEMs, this is to make sure that the Tanya’s sound signature will be fresh and new to my ears.
I mostly listen to this artists/group of artists, arranged from frequently to least played:
ShibayanRecords, Mitsukiyo, Nagi Yanagi, Yorushika, Kenshi Yonezu, Yoasobi, Ito Kashitaro, Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran, Sawano Hiroyuki, ChouCho, Weaver, Turnover, The Script and Hoyo-Mix.
I also love to listen to symphonic tracks or tracks with relaxing/magical/nostalgic vibe to it.
My preferred sound signature is Asterhythmist as shown in the first graph below, while Aster Hypocrisy is what sounds neutral/flat to me. Generally, I don’t like IEMs that does not exhibit downward sloping upper treble (e.g CRA) as it makes the overall soundscape artificial sounding and also forces harmonics even if I don’t want it. Congestion, bass bloat, glassiness and muddiness are a big no for me.


Let me get this out of the way, out of the 5 sources I have, only Avani sounds good with Tanya Max, the remaining dongles just make the Tanya even more low resolution, like it’s not even funny how choosy the Tanya is with cheapo sources.
  • CX-31993 “Nope”
  • Avani (ALC-5686) “Main Source”
  • Abigail (CX-31993) “Nope, where’s the mids?”
  • LG V20 “Nope”
  • Xiaomi Mi 4 “Hahaha, say hello to mud”

Tanya Signature.png
Thy Frequency Spectrum

Yeap, there’s a reason why this little bullet-kun is hyped to the moon in the past years (2020-2021) and even until now, it just sounds so natural and organic, and very good for long listening sessions. However, folks who want a cleaner and transparent sound signature, I suggest looking at other options instead, as the Tanya will not do it for you.
Bass: 4/10
There’s almost no sub-bass, yeap almost, if the track really calls for it, the subbass will be there, but very low in quantity, it doesn’t have this satisfying rumble that most of my KZ iems provide, plus it’s just mediocre bass, both in quantity and quality. The bass is focused on the midbass giving this warmth to the vocals while also making sure that the sub-bass will not haze the overall soundscape whatsoever. Truth to be told, the bass is one of the things I hate with Tanya, it’s feels very low res, it doesn’t have enough texture and definition, its controlled but its feels dampened or something. If you are considering Tanya for bass, don’t do it.

Midrange 9.5/10
Vocals are forward and well-articulated on the soundscape, it doesn’t have this coloration that recent KZ iems tend to add to the mix, it literally feels like I’m listening again to the SeeAudio Yume, the accuracy and lushness of both male and female vocals with the Tanya is just excellent (Tanya is literally my budget vocals benchmark). Female artists like Nagi Yanagi sounds very lush, accurate and has enough clarity, it doesn’t have the lovable sparkol that DR has, but its more accurate and truer to life. Male vocals are also accurate, from lowest pitch to highest pitch types, each vocal type has enough body, clarity and also sound true to life just like the female vocals. But, even with all this praise with the vocal replay, I didn’t rate the midrange as high as 10, since I still have some nitpick with most instrument fundamentals, it sounds realistic and natural for sure, however they lack the transparency and cleanliness, sounds like there’s a veil covering each instruments blocking the overtones to naturally decay on the soundscape, it sounds okay in some tracks like Jazz, but sounds lo-fi in recent mainstream music.

Treble 5/10
Safely tuned and no harshness or peaks to be found, the treble response is just very smooth and easy to the ears. However, in some of my tracks, I am itching for more clarity/brightness to some instruments like piano and strings, the said instruments just lack the resolution on the soundscape and sounds too soft and blunted. Overtones, most of the time sounds muted and veiled by the midbass. Add the dip at the upper treble of the Tanya making the sound closed-in and congested in some of my tracks (e.g Tachyon by Nagi Yanagi). If compared, DR in my opinion, has the perfect boost in the upper treble, making it open sounding yet not strident like the EDXU, Tanya in comparison sounded dull and blunted. To be honest, the treble performance of Tanya is just mediocre, the realistic factor is certainly there, but it lacks the brightness, microdetails are most of the times subdued and the reverbs are just not there.


  • Driver speed is below average, yeap even with the magical tips (Kbear 07), Tanya sounds congested in some of my tracks and the midbass can’t keep up. Evident in most of my Nagi Yanagi tracks (e.g Tachyon album). It literally feels like the driver is struggling to provide enough articulation on the notes and sounds like the midbass is compensating the fundamentals by giving it more audibility on the soundscape even if it sounds low resolution in nature.
  • Microdetail retrieval is meh, there’s almost no nuances on the soundscape and feels like I am being surrounded by this pillowy bass, it sounds nice for sure, but the transparency is being sacrificed in the process (I don’t quite like it to be honest). Macrodetails and dynamics are excellent though, there’s some occasion where some lower pitched instrument like drums and lower piano keys sound very real and organic, but yeah it feels blunted in most of my complex tracks.
  • Soundstage has above average height but below average depth and width, it literally feels like I’m in a small room (or even in a tunnel at some times) covered with cloth.
  • Separation is nope, as I said earlier that driver speed is just smearing some notes, instruments are well separated with slow tracks but tracks with complex harmonies are just not good sounding at all with Tanya.
  • Driver is also not that efficient (compared to KZ), as I need to pump out more volume around (110/150 out of my phone) to make it sound acceptable and to pop the details out.
  • Timbre, coherency and tonality is excellent and far from any KZs I’ve heard.
Music Analysis
1. Hamu Test “Multiple tracks arranged by Hamu” (Played in HibyMusic)
The tracks in this section, will test the IEM ability to naturally replay and stage musical instruments like piano, guitar, violin and drums. This section will also test imaging, detail retrieval and separation. Most of the tracks here also hates V-shaped IEMs.
Hamu tracks with Tanya sounds accurate and well weighted. Most timbre of most instruments, guitars, drums, piano and wind instruments’ are accurate and feels real. However, there’s a hole in the upper treble and micro nuances with the said instruments aren’t retrieved well. Soundscape in most of track are spacious but they sound dampened and veiled by the midbass. Example is with the track 流星をくぐって, the overall soundscape doesn’t have the room reverb that most of my IEMs provide (with my EDA Balanced it literally feels like the instruments are diffused around my headspace, and you can literally hear all the micro nuances on the soundscape, with Tanya it’s just not there), it literally feels like the sound is coming off from a well or something, I mean the instruments timbre are accurate and are realistic sounding but like, they are in a tunnel of sound, instead of being diffused around my head. Like at the very start of the said track there’s already this pillowy like feeling that I don’t quite like, the whole atmosphere of all Hamu track just feels off to my ears.

Replay Rating: Average

2. Betelgeuse by Go-qualia (Played in HibyMusic)
Female Vocals, Driver Resolvability, Soundstage, Midrange Nuances, Separation
It sounds so-so, like I said before with the Hamu tracks, it feels like the sound is coming off in a tunnel instead of being diffused 360 degrees around my headspace. To be honest this track sounds amazing with EDA Balanced and ESX, but with Tanya, it feels like I’m missing something, the details aren’t there, the cleanliness aren’t there. Though, the replay is bit more natural compared to CRA+. But even with those nitpicks that I have, there’s still some niche with the Tanya that I quite like. Like as the voice actor of Illya takes the stage at 01:20, she sounds very real and her voice are so articulated on the soundscape and is somehow tickling my left and right ears, it sounds like she is beside me or something, literally making me shiver. However, as Nagi Yanagi takes the stage at 04:09, my likeability of this song starts to crumble, Nagi sounds okay and her voice is clear and nuanced, but the notes of some instruments start smearing as soon as the track gets complex (as the bass takes over at 04:40), like the driver can’t just separate the elements of the music. The midbass is somehow complementing it, but but its making the sound even worse, wtfudge, it’s not a pleasant listen at all. I mean it sounds good when the track is just building up, but man as it gets complex…..nope nope

Replay Rating: Average

3. How Would You Feel by Ed Sheeran (Played in HibyMusic)
Guitars, Male Vocals, Soundstage, Separation, Staging
Guitars, piano and drums sound realistic at the first second of the track, as Ed Sheeran takes the stage, his voice starts to diffuse all over the small soundscape. Ed Sheeran voice sounds quite realistic and I can’t notice any boxiness, unnaturalness or honk in his voice, it just sounds accurate. There’s also this studio feel to the whole track, but the instruments feel like they are all in front instead of being diffused around my headspace. Imaging and staging is pretty accurate and good so far with Tanya. However, what I don’t like is it feels congested in some parts of the track, like the midbass is killing the space between the instruments, like it sounds too spacious around 01:02 but as more instruments join the soundscape the space gets closed-in (around 04:08).

Replay Rating: Average

This comparative analysis is highly biased on my library, so please don’t take this as a unified guide on what should you buy or not. 😊
Tanya Max vs CRA+
Tanya sounds more correct with the vocals, more linear and has taller soundstage. They are both targeting the same peeps out there, however I think Tanya did it better, but to make Tanya comparable you need specific tips and source otherwise it will sound more bloated and muddier than the CRA+. Tanya may sound congested if compared to CRA+ but the niche thing here is that Tanya sounds more natural on the decay and attack of notes. So yeah, Tanya is much better for my library, but you know, that non-removable cable is quite a bummer, so if you want a Tanya alternative then go CRA+. Tanya Max wins

Tanya Max vs BL-03

Let’s get this out of the way, BL03 sounds bloated and muddy to me, that slow bass is just a big nope for my library, and I don’t understand that it is still a recommendation in the community until now, nope nope. If you want a better BL03 with better timbre and better overall sound presentation, just go with Tanya. The two niche that makes the BL03 beats the Tanya is with its airier soundscape and treble, aside from that Tanya wins overall. Tanya Max wins

Tanya Max vs ESX

Yeap, no competition, lol, ESX is just a grander, theatrical and, technical version of Tanya. Like don’t even at me. ESX wins

Tanya Max vs The Dynamic Realist (EDA Balanced)

EDA Balanced is cleaner, more transparent, has a more sparkly female vocals, has wider soundstage, has miles better detail retrieval, has sub-bass, is lusher and more satisfying to listen to than Tanya Max. Like it’s not even a competition really, the only thing that makes me want to put Tanya Max above my DR is the fact that the vocals are more accurate and realistic with Tanya, aside from that, everything is better with DR. EDA Balanced wins.

Eartip Rolling

There are only two budget eartips options to be honest. Don’t try the Tanya with stock tips, yeap even with the included widebore, it sounds very meh.
1. Kbear KB07
Yes! Recommended. I can’t say that it made the Tanya kill some $100 iem, it’s an overstatement really but yeah Tanya sounds very good with the said tips, opens up the whole soundscape, while retaining the timbre and tonality.

2. Reverse Starline Tips
Sounds like 07, but a bit brighter..If you found the Tanya to sound dull with 07 this tips are a very good alternative. Opens up the soundstage even more, cuts the midbass bloat significantly.

Somehow fix the congestion with complex track with this EQ. Don’t blame me if you can’t listen to your Tanya without EQ anymore.

Fixes the bloat and cleans up the midrange, makes the overall signature shift to subbass focused instead of midbass focused. Made the pinna closer to DF target to make female vocals sparkol and to make the Tanya passable with most Japanese music. Lastly, fixes the upper treble veil and makes the microdetails pop out more on the soundscape.

Tested Synergies
Sir Y. Semi Max Configuration (Tanya, Kbear07, Avani)

Yeap no question, if you want to appreciate Tanya, this is the budget option to go for. Soundstage is spacious, vocals isn’t shouty and sound correct/natural, fundamentals sounds well weighted and isn’t that bloated, treble is okayish, bass is also okayish.

Yuck Face 1 Config (Tanya, Kbear07, Abigail)
The fudge is this, the upper treble is pushed forward but sounds low res, the midbass is all over the place..where’s the mids?

Yuck Face 2 Config (Tanya, Kbear07, CX-31993)
Even worse than Yuck Face 1, narrower soundstage, treble is low res, sounds very lo-fi, vocals are shouty? What the fudge is happening.

It's FR-kun Time <'@'>

Tanya Graph Final.png

Recommend Tracks/Genres
Indie, Rock., Shoegazing, Alternatives, Soul/Blues, Orchestra, Live, Jazz

“Not that good” Tracks:
Pop, Trance / EDM, Rap, Hip Hop, Recent Japanese Music, Bossa Nova

Shop Links
Nope, just search it on google. :)

Overall Rating
(High on the list for being my budget Vocal Benchmark, though…)
it is NOT Recommended
Just buy the ESX to be honest, it’s better than this in all areas except vocals rendition, but, but if you need the Tanya filter why not buy it
My Ranking Listo!

Final Words
Thank you for reaching this part, this IEM is pretty old, and I am very late to review this, but I hope this helps someone who needs more opinion on the Tanya. 😊


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Also thanks for having the time to read my review, appreciate it. 🙂
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Very interesting review. I like how you define your frequency response target and a quad chart to define sound characteristics.

Edit: is your cringraph self hosted? The open source version that I found on GitHub has no styling and does not seem to work correctly.
I am using Rohsa graphing and EQ tool at rohsa.gitlab.io (I think its better than the paid crinacle OG graphing tool for those who want to explore EQ, plus anyone can literally use it, you just need measurements). I don't have my own squig yet. 😅


New Head-Fier
$20 IEM for Beginners
Pros: Warm tonality
"Neutral" Timbre
Good vocal clarity
Deep and punchy bass
Smooth treble
Not fatiguing for long listening
Cons: Non-detachable cable
Bullet style (subjective)
Need good source to sound better
First of all, I'm new to this audiophile world. So, i will describe the sound with my own word and only using terminology that i know.
Second, I'm bad at grammar as English is not my main language as such please don't bully me :).

Tanchjim tanya is the new cheapest IEM on Tanchjim IEM line up, using bullet style, Non-detachable cable. I bought this IEM second hand for Rp.220.000,- or $15 USD since Oct 2021. I will be comparing tanya to my IEM in its similar price range and see how tanya stack up against them.

Tanya comes with minimalistic unboxing and good accessories for its price. Inside the box you will get the IEM, 10 spare filters, 5 silicon eartips (2 Small bore and 3 Wide Bore), a pouch and 3 paper work.

The Box
Backup Filters
Tanchjim Tanya

I will keep it short and simple. The build is plastic and the iem is covered with aluminium, size is small as expected of bullet style iem.
The fit for me is okay, it will not hurt even for hours, just that it can't seal your ears from outside noises as good as normal iem. Cable on the other hand is non-detachable, microphonic and looks ugly for me but for the price its forgiven.

In this review i will be testing with Fiio M3 Pro (neutral to warm) and Cmoy Amp. And i use AET-07 wide bore eartips because i want tanya to suit my taste better (Bright). Tanchjim tanya scales good if you feed it with powerful source.
The song used in this review is :
- Tokino sora : Re: Play and ON STAGE! Album
- Hoshimachi Suisei : Still Still Stellar Album
- Peterpan : Bintang di surga and Alexandria OST Album

Tanchjim tanya tonality is warm, harman-ish, with good bass and excellent in vocals especially females.

The bass in tanya is a bitt... boomy for me, not as boomy as KZ tough and rarely bleed into the mids but with decent texture, deep and rather fast response. Tanya can deliver bass rumble a little. The bass in tanya is good for EDM, Pop, Hip-Hop. Overall its good for me to enjoy the musics.

The mids is exactly in the middle not recessed nor forward. The tonal balance is great, male voice in Peterpan is good not too thin or heavy. Female vocal is sound great in the tanya no sibilance or harsh, on Suisei Stellar stellar in 1 min mark no shouty or peaky but give that pleasant and neutral sound and still give that spark...? in the vocals. The guitar is very pleasing in Ada Apa Dengamu by Peterpan. Overall its great for song like female Jpop.

Roll off treble, overpowered by the bass, inoffensive. With busy track the treble is like blunt?gone? idk... i don't like the treble as i'm a treblehead. In Masayume Chasing by Tokino Sora 00:45 there is almost no sparkle to it. For me its almost dark. But in simple track i can hear the cymbal, the cymbal on tanya is like a bassy cymbal, idk how you call it. Overall the treble in tanya is very relaxing, non fatiguing, the sparkle is there but not satifying and airy.

I'm not experience enough to explain this but i'll try. The soundstage is wide but depth is just okay. Imaging in this iem is average, i can pin point the instrument accurately. The separation between vocal and instrument is quite good.

Vs CCA C12 ($30) (VShape)

CCA C12 bass is deep, punch, and great rumble sometimes bleed into the mids meanwhile tanya is below the C12 but still give that deep bass. Vocal is metalic, harsh but not too thin and recessed Tanya is neutral and pleasing. C12 with Metalic timbre, piercing treble but good detail meanwhile tanya is the opposite of C12. Soundstage of C12 is slightly above tanya with more wide but same depth. C12 Separation and Imaging is superior than tanya.

Vs Hzsound Heart Mirror ($50)(Neutral to bright)
HM bass is lighter than tanya and i give the HM and tanya equal in deep. Mids in HM is towards bright and thin vocalsometimes sibilance meanwhile tanya is towards warm and not even harsh or sibilance. Treble is superior to HM it can give sparkle, micro detail but can be piercing in certain song, Meanwhile treble in tanya is okay, not piercing, it can give micro detail but still behind HM. Soundstage is above tanya with slighty wider and more depth, Imaging and Separation of HM is great, it is on another level compared to tanya.

For cheap ~$20 Tanchjim Tanya is tuned to warm with non fatiguing trebel and natural sounding. It is good for someone who started this journey with bass that tanya gives, going from bassy non branded earbud to tanya will not too much shocking (atleast in my case) and the non piercing trebel you can enjoy it hours without headache. For the sound i will recomend tanya to people that wanted relaxing, warm, neutral and sensitive to treble.
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neutral timbe??? you mean 'natural' timbre?


New Head-Fier
Tanchjim Tanya - One of the safest choice for under $30
Pros: Cheap price
Light and easy to carry
Comfortable for almost everyone
Harman-ish tuning
Sweet vocals
Decent technicalities
Cons: Not the best build
Treble roll-off (common Harman-ish IEM problems)
Too much mid-bass

Quick Introduction​

To start things off, I'm not an expert in the audiophile world of any sort. I simply enjoy listening to any kind of music, but I tend to enjoy J-Pop tracks more these days. Also, this is my first take in reviewing an IEM, so don't expect anything grand out of my words.

For what it's worth, I will not include my thoughts on the package and accessories unless there's something special about it that's worth mentioning. In this case, Tanchjim Tanya doesn't have something like that, and my unboxing experience was totally standard. The one thing that has caught my attention is that Tanchjim Tanya comes with a pouch, but mine was lost not long ago.

Build & Fit​


For an IEM that's below the $30 price range, Tanchjim Tanya has a decent build, but at the same time, it doesn't hold anything special by any means. To be blunt, sometimes it feels cheap whenever I switched from my other IEM that's twice the price of the Tanya, which is the Tin T2 Plus. I'm not sure what material that the shell has. However, it feels quite strong yet lightweight at the same time. On one side, it's a good thing since I can carry this IEM all day with no worries. Not to mention, I can wear this for a long period of time without feeling any discomfort whatsoever. But on the other side, due to the lightness of the weight, once again Tanchjim Tanya feels cheap when it's actually not.

Also, Tanchjim Tanya doesn't come with a detachable cable, and to make matter worse, the cable feels once again cheap and thin, and it got me thinking that it might break at some point easily.

One thing to take notes from is that Tanchjim Tanya does not come with the best stock tips. I have tried both the M-size and S-size tips, but none of them are comfortable enough for me. I changed the tips to AZLA SednaEarfit Crystal, and it fixes all of the problems I have with the stock ones. Very comfortable, and it doesn't build up air pressure in my ears, unlike once again, the stock tips.

Frequency Response (Source)​

Tanchjim Tanya (Blue)​


Tanchjim Tanya (Blue) vs Moondrop KXXS (Green)​


Tanchjim Tanya (Blue) vs Tin T2 Plus (Red)​


Sound Performance​

Source: Samsung A32 4G (USB Audio Player Pro) with Cyberdrive Clarity Feather DAC



The bass on Tanchjim Tanya is quite good and satisfying for its price range. It has a good amount of texture. However, the bass also comes with minor problems that don't suit my liking. In fact, the bass is where I found my biggest concern. As can be seen in the frequency response, Tanchjim Tanya has some differences compared to other Harman tuning IEM such as the KXXS. You can see that in Tanchjim Tanya, there is more boost on the mid-bass rather than the sub-bass, meanwhile, KXXS comes as the opposite. That said, I feel like the bass on Tanchjim Tanya doesn't punch that deep, and not only that, sometimes it bleeds into the mids. I'd like more punch in my IEM, and the bass on Tanchjim Tanya is surely not what I'm seeking for.

But ironically, although Tanchjim Tanya has an emphasis on the mid-bass, it doesn't have enough rumble to satisfy bassheads for sure. I'm not a basshead in any way, but I notice that Tanchjim Tanya lacks rumble when I listen to bass-heavy songs such as Joji's.

Tanchjim Tanya's bass response is not that quick, but at the same time, it's not slow to the point where it's boomy. That said, it's not that great for rock tracks that require a fast type of bass, as Tanchjim Tanya can't keep up with the double pedals.

From what I've heard of other reviewers, Tanchjim Tanya is by far one of the warmest Harman tuning that you can find in the market up to this day, and once again, it's all due to the extensive amount of mid-bass that the IEM possesses.


Despite coming short in terms of bass performance, I feel like the Tanchim Tanya has a strong point when it comes to vocals. It has a good tonal balance, so both male and female vocals shine equally. Male vocals don't lack thickness, and female vocals don't lack any spark whatsoever. Not only that, the vocals have a smooth and sweet texture on literally every vocal song that I listen to. And most importantly, sibilants and shouts are non-existent in this IEM. I can easily listen to this IEM all day with enjoyment due to the devoid of any peek on the mids.

The vocals on Tanchjim Tanya have a natural approach in terms of timbre, as it has a pinna gain from 1kHz to 3kHz area, just like the other Harman tuning IEM. It's not shouty in any way although it has a boost in the 3kHz region, because Tanchjim Tanya has just enough boost to be natural sounding. I'm not great at this kind of stuff, but it is at least from what I've heard from many reviewers out there.


There's nothing worth mentioning in the treble area. It has the same treble response as the other Harman tuning IEM. There is a treble roll-off as it can be seen in the frequency response, and it certainly lacks airiness. It doesn't mean that Tanchjim Tanya is a dark IEM. The treble is still there, and you can still notice them in tracks, but it doesn't stand out that much, overshadowed by the thick bass and mids.


For under $30, Tanchjim Tanya has a decent technicality. The instrument separation on this thing is above average, but the soundstage and imaging are fairly average. However, I do feel that the Tanchjim Tanya doesn't have enough clarity due to the emphasis on the mid-bass and treble roll-off. It's not the most transparent and clear-sounding IEM out there. It can be improved with tips rolling, and I found that AZLA SednaEarfit Crystal did a great job in that matter. It reduces mid-bass bleeds, and it also improves clarity by a tad bit.

Quick Comparisons​

Tanchjim Tanya ($23) vs Tin T2 Plus ($59)​

The bass on Tanchjim Tanya and Tin T2 Plus has a different approach although both of them have an emphasis on the mid-bass. Tin T2 Plus has more punch, rumble, and texture, although Tanchjim Tanya has more bass quantity and overall has a thicker bass. I'm leaning towards the Tin T2 Plus in terms of bass performance.

However, when it comes to the mids, I think that Tanchjim Tanya does an exceptional job if compared to Tin T2 Plus. I find that Tanchjim Tanya has a thicker, full-bodied vocal than the Tin T2 Plus. Therefore, Tanchjim Tanya is more versatile when it comes to vocals, as has a good vocal balance, while the Tin T2 Plus is leaning more on the higher mids and lacks power on the low mids. Tanchjim Tanya has also a more smooth texture in the mids, while Tin T2 Plus is harsher and can be shouty at times when listening to poor mastering tracks.

Last but not least, Tin T2 Plus is a clear winner when we're talking about the treble realm. I find that the Tin T2 Plus does an exceptional job in the treble area. It's airy, well-extended, and most importantly, only leaves a slight hint of sibilance in poor mastering tracks. Tanchjim Tanya, on the other hand, does the complete opposite of what the Tin T2 Plus offers. It's overall more smooth and has no traces of sibilance, but at the same time, it's rolled off and does not extend well with orchestra tracks.

The sound output on the Tin T2 Plus is overall cleaner and more transparent sounding than the Tanchjim Tanya. It has more spark on the treble area, therefore it gives a good amount of clarity. Also, when it comes to instrument separation and details, Tin T2 Plus is one step ahead of Tanchjim Tanya, and due to the airiness on the treble region, it gives a more sense of space when listening to live tracks. Although in terms of imaging, I feel like that both do come pretty close to each other.


Overall, for under $30, Tanchjim Tanya is a no-brainer. I recommend this to all of you who are looking for a relaxed-sounding IEM. Moreover, it's lightweight and has a great (bullet type) shell which makes them easy to carry and comfortable, even to the point where you can use it while sleeping without feeling any discomfort. The sound output also compliments the comfort of the design, and therefore, Tanchjim Tanya is a very great choice in that matter.

However, due to this sound approach, Tanchjim Tanya is not a great candidate for listening to orchestra tracks with a lot of instruments, and not suitable for rock tracks that has double pedals in them.

Favorite Tracks​


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i think a little recessed midrange and treble at the same time makes the vocal and rest of it engaging and smooth and non peaky/sibilant. neutral bass is a must too, all a complement to the mids, could you tell me what are the top choices that way?


New Head-Fier
Pros: layered sub bass , punchy bass , harman-ish tuning ,smooth sounding
Cons: fixed cable , slighty harsh when listen some tracks , power hungry need amping
Hello, I'm Ah Hui aka Mr Wong. I'm a K-pop fan and audiophile from Malaysia.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my dear singapure friends for Sending me this review unit and giving me the opportunity to review the Tanchjim tanya .

I heard their tanchjim oxygen is quite popular due to its great tuning and technicalities.
How about the Tanya though? Is it worth it at the sub-$20usd price range? Let's find out!

Configuration of IEM : 7mm micro dynamic driver

Price of IEM : US $21.99 from hifigo official store .

details of tanya packaging :

Tanya - Imgur.jpg

design of tanya :
Tanya - Imgur (1).jpg

Comfort: Comfort is great. It fits securely in my ears and I dont feel any sort of fatigue after long hours .

Design : bullet design full metal faceplate .

layered sub bass , punchy bass , harman-ish tuning ,smooth sounding

fixed cable , slighty harsh when listen some tracks , power hungry need amping

**Disclaimer : This reviews done by green hole eartips (L size) .

BASS: The bass here is punchy and well layered .When I listen to Girl's Generation - Everyday Love ,I can feel the sub bass is punchy ,layered and rumbly , but the bass details is about average .Bass response on this song is quite fast .

MIDS : forward mids present and crisp of female vocal present .When i listen to this Female Vocal track called fromis_9 - Close To You(다가가고 싶어) . I really enjoy the vocal present on here as it is forward and crisp present here .However, I prefer a more bodied and detailed female vocal presentation. In my opinion, I think the female vocals here are not detailed enough. . How about Male vocal ? Male vocal is laid back here when I listen this track called 许冠杰 - 大家跟住唱 , it's laid back and not enough body I think it's song problem ,when I change the songs to Sabia - angel it's laid back and good present but still not enough body but male vocal is details on this song .

HIGH : Slightly harsh , well extended . i feel slightly sibilant when listen the Daft punk - Touch the treble feel slightly sibilance in this track but it's well extended .

SOUNDSTAGE : it is deep and wide. When listening to the teitur - Stormy Weather i feel the backgroud is deep and wide it's more space on background .

IMAGING : it's about decent .When I listen to teitur - Stormy Weather ,I can pinpoint the instrument and the singer on stage .It has good stereo positioning.

Details : detail retrieval here is about decent When I listen to some tracks, I can pick up on the micro-details.

Overall I feel the soundsignature of tanchjim Tanya It's harman-ish , smooth sounding ,and quite enjoytable. IMO, it is suitable for long listening sessions. In terms of cons, I think the treble can be improved as the treble is slighty harsh.
I will recommend the Tanchjim Tanya if you have good power source to drive this earphone .

# Tested by FiiO X1 II with stock cable and green hole Eartips L size .

- Test songs :
Girl's Generation - Everyday Love
许冠杰 - 大家跟住唱
Daft punk - Touch
Teitur - Stormy Weather
Sabia - angel
fromis_9 - Close To You(다가가고 싶어)
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Headphoneus Supremus
Tanchjim Tanya: Small Wonder
Pros: Tonality and texture throughout the frequency range is excellent for the price
Fast and punchy sound
Bass has good depth
Rich clarity for vocals
Smooth inoffensive treble
Scales with better sources
Cons: Needs amp'ing to sound its best(Portable amps will do).
Nothing else at this price point
Tanchjim has grown a good reputation in the audio industry worldwide with its flagship Oxygen In-ear monitors. They have a solid fan base with their well-crafted and excellently tuned IEMs. Most of their IEMs including the flagship Oxygen, HANA, and the budget Cora follows Harman Tuning frequency curve. And so does their latest budget model, the Tanchjim Tanya. Tanya is the latest offering in the house of Tanchjim housing a 7mm micro dynamic driver with 3rd Generation Dual Magnetic Technology. I was looking to buy a simple IEM for daily usage, Tanya looked like a perfect set to me, Affordable and Small form factor exactly what I was looking for. Today, I am gonna share my impressions with you of the pair that I got a few weeks back.


I bought the Tanchjim Tanya with my own money from HiFiGo. All the thoughts and impressions in this review are based on my own experience with the pair. If you wish to buy Tanya, you can buy it from HiFiGo from the link below(It is not affiliated). The impressions are made based on its price.
TANCHJIM TANYA 7MM Dynamic HiFi Earbuds — HiFiGo
Packaging & Accessories:-

Tanchjim packs the Tanya in a beautiful grey colored box with a white slip-on cover. The packaging of Tanchjim Tanya looks more like a premium pair rather than a budget one. It comes in a very beautiful designer package. The slip-on cover has an image of Tanchjim Tanya on the front along with its branding. On the back, we have the technical specifications in Chinese, English, and Japanese languages. The inner grey box has an embossed design all over it and a Tanchjim branding logo right on the front. Inside, Tanya sits right on the top in a foam cutout. The carry pouch is in a white box alongside the pair. Other contents such as the included ear tips, documentation, backup filters are stored right below the foam cutout holding Tanya. Tanya is presented beautifully in a small package, it doesn’t look like that this costs just 22$.

Package Contents:-

>Tanchjim Tanya earphones.

>Three pairs of normal bore silicone tips.

>Three pairs of wide bore silicone tips.

>Carry pouch.

>Warranty card.

>User guide.

>Product Certification.

Design & Build Quality:-

Tanya has a small form-factor with bullet-style earpieces made in a beautiful silver and black scheme. The outer shells have a silver cover while the whole inner cavity and nozzle is black. They have a semi-open back design with a small grill at the tail of the earpieces. The earpieces have a non-detachable cable that might be a dealbreaker for some people as people love to explore different signatures with different cable types. There is a bass vent at the bottom of the earpieces near the nozzle Nozzle here is wide and short. I prefer using wide bore ear tips included in the package as they provide a better, more open sound in comparison to the narrow bore ones. In terms of build quality, I am impressed with the small and sturdy Tanya.

The cable here is insulated with a smoky grey PVC covering. It has a 3.5mm termination. The chin-slider, Y-splitter, and termination plug have plastic covering, expected at this price. I didn’t notice any microphonic issues with the pair. The cable has R and L denoted on the connecting part of the earpieces.

Fit & Noise Isolation:-

Tanchjim Tanya has a small-bullet-shaped design that is supposed to be worn in a cable-down manner. While these provide a very comfy fit, easy on the ears even after long music sessions, the drawback at least for me with this is average isolation if we compare with ergonomically shaped earphones. The open-back design also contributes to the average isolation with the pair.

Driving the Tanchjim Tanya:-

Even though Tanya has low impedance and high sensitivity ratings, the pair loves amping. It can be driven off regular smartphones at adequate levels though lacks some dynamics and even sounds muffled in certain complex tracks. Just power it using a decent enough USB DAC/AMP such as Atom 2, or a high-resolution music player and you are good to go. I personally used the Tanya with Samsung S6 Lite, Shanling M3X, and xDuoo XD05 Balanced.

With the S6 Lite, the volume was adequate at about 80% but the sound lacks some texture in the lower and higher frequencies. It sounded less powerful and less energetic. But putting it with Shanling M3X like filled it with life, at around 45/100 volume on high-gain the pair sounds pretty amazing, deep punchy bass, a lively experience. And with the XD05 Bal, it is my favorite combination, the energy, the presentation is outstanding. With XD05 Bal I am at 2.5-3/9 volume on low-gain mode. Also, XD05 Bal matches well with Tanya’s tonality presenting a natural tonality and timbre with the sound.

For this review, Critical listening is done using XD05 Bal and Shanling M3X.

Sound Quality:-

The small 7mm Dynamic Driver inside the Tanya packs a good punch. It produces a powerful lower-end response with a good balance between the sub-bass mid-bass. It drops impactful slams whenever called upon while maintaining a good rumble in the sub-bass portion. Mids maintain good accuracy and clarity with rich, natural vocals and decently detailed acoustic instruments. Though in certain bass-heavy tracks we can’t help but notice a slight bit of bass bleed into the lower mids. Treble frequencies maintain a smooth, non-fatiguing response presenting good detail retrieval even in complex tracks. When underpowered, the overall signature sounds veiled and muffled but once powered properly, the pair has a pretty open sound.


Tanya produces a fast, punchy bass response with good texture and clarity. It is wonderful as a micro 7mm dynamic driver is producing this punchiness and at the same time maintaining good clarity in the output. Bass doesn’t get boomy or too overpowered, it shows its presence with a good punch in both Mid-bass and sub-bass regions. In Why So Serious by Hans Zimmer the pair shows a thunderous bass during the 3:27-5:10 segment. It complements genres that benefit from quick bass such as EDM, Hip-Hop, and more.


Mids are mostly precise and natural, both male and female vocals have a rich smooth tonality and good clarity. They don’t get shouty or sibilant even at loud volumes. The pair has smooth transitions from the lower end to the mid-frequencies though suffers some bleed in bass-heavy tracks. But overall maintains good clarity. Vocals show good emotions to them, listening to Damien Rice, Gloria Gaynor is bliss with the Tanya. Acoustic Guitar, Piano, show good tonal weight with neutral timbre. There is a good sense of airiness between the guitar strings.


Tanya maintains a nicely detailed, non-fatiguing treble response. Though it rolls off in the upper treble region, the pair shows good instrument separation and clarity. Electric Guitars, Violins, Trumpets have a smooth, non-sibilant response making the pair shine in complex tracks.

Soundstage & Instrument Separation:-

Tanchjim Tanya has a decently wide soundstage presentation with a good sense of height and depth. Instrument separation and imaging with the pair are quite good for the price.

Final Words:-

Who says HiFi audio is a costly hobby, there are budget IEMs like the Tanchjim Tanya here that packs so much fun and enjoyment for a very affordable price tag. This has become my daily go-to pair now thanks to its comfortable wearing experience and punchy sound. Considering its price it’s very hard to find cons in Tanya, it delivers amazing sound with fast, punchy bass that hits deep, rich-natural vocals, and overall smooth, non-fatiguing sound output. Overall, a big recommendation from my side, for just 22$ I don’t think there is anything else that is as good as the Tanya. I only wish they featured removable cables.
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Member of the Trade: RikuBuds
Starter Pack 101
Pros: Great mid-bass texture
Vocal tonality
Treble tuning, great treble-extension
Very impressive soundstage depth, holographic
Great accessories (Elecom EHP-CAP20 tips and Tanchjim filters)
High value
Cons: Slight mid-bass bleed
Non-replaceable cable
Sub-bass roll-off
3k peak, slightly shouty
Below average isolation

Disclaimer: I received this review unit for free from HifiGO, thank you very much.

Price: 22 usd


Impedance: 16 ohms.

Frequency response range: 20Hz-42kHz.

Sensitivity: 112dB@1kHz.

THD+N: <0.3%.



S/M/L Wide bore silicone tips

S/M/L narrow bore silicone tips (Elecom EHP-CAP20)

Tanchjim Tanya filters (10 pairs)

Carry bag


Cable: 2 core-cable, non-replaceable but does feel durable at least. Has a non-working chin-slider and plastic divider/connectors, the connector is a 3.5mm straight plug.



Build: Plastic/metal body, average sized bullet shape. Nozzle is plastic, has a lip and cloth filter (same as the replacement filters). L/R markings are very hard to see though (black text on black color), but there is a little bump on the L unit.

Fit: Works great for me, but since it is a bullet iem, it is easy to pull them out by accidentally pulling the cable.

Comfort: Very good, no pressure build-up nor driver flex due to that vent.

Isolation: Below average due to the bullet fit and also due to that vent.

Setup: Schiit Asgard 3 (low-gain, volume around 8-9 o´clock), stock tips (Elecom EHP-CAP20) L, stock cable 3.5mm

Mid-bass focus, with very impressive mid-bass texture. Speed is average but is on the looser side. There is some sub-bass roll-off, so there isn’t as much rumble as I would like, but it is still pretty good. (Sounds like the Sony MH755/750 + Blon BL-03.)

Mid-bass: Metallica – fight fire with fire (01:11-01:52), the quantity is elevated and texture is very impressive but it isn’t that tight, speed is average. Sounds a bit bloated due to the bass being on the looser side and also since the separation is struggling. The (02:55-03:01) section with the chopper is hearable but could be more forward and cleaner.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Pretenders (01:18-01:47), very impressive texture, quantity is elevated and fun. Speed is ok but could be tighter, as it is a bit unclean.

Sub-bass: Djuro – Drop that bass (01:15-01:30), Lacks some rumble (rolls-off) while extension is ok at this price. Punch quantity is lacking as well as too loose/slow and texture is only average.

Will Sparks – Sick like that (03:08-03:22), quantity is lacking, and could be tighter/faster texture is ok.

Mids: while the female and male vocal tonality is very good, male vocals are recessed and is bottlenecked (lacking clarity) due to the slight mid-bass bleed. Female vocals are very good but there is some occasional shout (3k peak) and the mid-bass bleed is also affecting it.

Female-vocals: Hiroyuki Sawano – OldToday (01:25-01:52), Vocal tonality is quite good with good timbre, very clean as well despite some slight mid-bass bleed, could be a bit more forward though. Instrument tonality is very good due to the warmth from the mid-bass (but there is some slight bleed) and timbre is pretty good, could be cleaner though.

Yuki Hayashi – MightU (01:58-02:55), vocal tonality is good but needs to be more forward. Instrument tonality needs to be brighter (too warm) as well as cleaner and more detailed.

Evanescence – Bring me to life (01:18-01:35), slightly shouty vocals

Hiroyuki Sawano – Crescent (02:07-02:26), peaky treble as well as shouty vocals.

Male-vocals: Hiroyuki Sawano – Pretenders (00:57-01:17), vocal tonality is very good but is recessed and lacks some clarity. Instrument tonality is very good but lacks some clarity and detail.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Scapegoat (00:57-01:17), vocal and instrument tonality are excellent, but there is bleed and lacks clarity (and vocals are recessed).

Treble: Linkin Park – Shadow of the Day (03:24-03:42), electric guitars aren’t peaky but the tonality (correct) does make it a bit fatiguing.

Deuce – America (03:03-03:16), chaotic, separation is struggling and imaging as well. Fatiguing treble (peaky) as well.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Lose (string version) (01:22-01:59), Cello tonality, texture and timbre are excellent clarity and detail could be better. Violin tonality is decent (needs to be brighter), clarity and detail could be better, good treble extension and timbre though.

Hiroyuki Sawano &Z (02:18-02:57), tonality is decent but lacking in clarity and detail. Timbre is ok.

Soundstage: both width and depth are above average, holographic as well.

Tonality: Warm V-shape, tonality is leaning towards warmth and note-weight is a bit on the thicker side. Timbre is good as expected from a DD but nothing amazing.

Details: slightly above average for this price range.

Instrument Separation: Struggles on busier tracks with separation and imaging, but is fine otherwise.

Songs that highlight the IEM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lhg75PmtD2k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxlysqrFjHo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YKXd6MUUgU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVTXPUF4Oz4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y2a2GEREC8

Good genres:
Rock/metal, Electronic, Pop, Kpop, Hiroyuki Sawano

Bad genres: Very versatile for my library, but doesn’t work as well for R&B, Hip-Hop.


IEM: Moondrop Quarks, Sony EP-EX11 tips L, stock cable 3.5mm
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Djuro – Drop that bass (01:15-01:30), extends a lot lower and rumbles a lot more on the Tanya. Punch quantity is also a lot higher on the Tanya, more textured as well with similar speed but tighter on the Quarks. Much more tonally correct on the Tanya and has better timbre.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Pretenders (01:18-01:47), a lot more quantity on the Tanya and more textured with similar speed. Tighter and cleaner on the Quarks.

Metallica – fight fire with fire (01:11-01:52), cleaner on the Quarks due to the much lower bass quantity and tighter. More fatiguing treble on it though.

Mids: Hiroyuki Sawano – OldToday (01:25-01:52), vocal tonality and clarity are a lot better on the Quarks as well as more forward but timbre is better on the Tanya. Instrument tonality and timbre are a lot better on the Tanya but cleaner on the Quarks.

Evanescence – Bring me to life (01:18-01:35), peakier and more fatiguing on the Quarks.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Scapegoat (00:57-01:17), Instrument and vocal tonality are a lot better on the Tanya and better timbre. But cleaner on the Quarks.

Treble: Linkin Park – Shadow of the Day (03:24-03:42), electric guitars are more fatiguing due to the brighter tonality on the Quarks but more detailed on the Tanya.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Lose (string version) (01:22-01:59), Cello tonality, texture and timbre are better on the Tanya but cleaner on the Quarks. Violin tonality and clarity are better on the Quarks but better timbre, texture, treble-extension and detail on the Tanya.

Hiroyuki Sawano &Z (02:18-02:57), better tonality, timbre and detail on the Tanya and less fatiguing as well.

Technicalities: Shiro Sagisu – Hundred years war (02:24-02:57), wider and deeper soundstage on the Tanya as well as more holographic. Imaging, detail and timbre are better on the Tanya. Separation is similar (due to the tonality advantage the Quarks has).

Overall: The Tanya is the better iem here in tonality, timbre and tech. Quarks has the edge for female vocals only due to the tonality.


IEM: Sony MH750, Sony EP-EX11 tips L, stock cable 3.5mm
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Djuro – Drop that bass (01:15-01:30), extension is similar but rumbles a bit more on the MH750. Punch quantity is a bit higher on the MH750 with some more texture and is tighter and faster. More tonally correct on the MH750 but slightly better timbre on the Tanya (and less fatiguing treble).

Hiroyuki Sawano – Pretenders (01:18-01:47), a lot more quantity on the Tanya and a bit more texture. Faster, tighter and cleaner on the MH750 but more tonally accurate on the Tanya.

Metallica – fight fire with fire (01:11-01:52), a lot cleaner on the MH750 due to the faster, tighter and lower bass quantity. (But is too shouty and peaky for me.)

Mids: Hiroyuki Sawano – OldToday (01:25-01:52), cleaner, more tonally correct and more forward vocals on the MH750, similar timbre. Instrument tonality is a lot better on the Tanya and is not peaky, but cleaner on the MH750.

Evanescence – Bring me to life (01:18-01:35), very shouty on the MH750.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Scapegoat (00:57-01:17), Vocal and instrument tonality are a lot better on the Tanya but more forward vocals and cleaner on the MH750.

Treble: Linkin Park – Shadow of the Day (03:24-03:42), electric guitars are a lot sharper and fatiguing on the MH750.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Lose (string version) (01:22-01:59), Cello tonality, texture and timbre are better on the Tanya but cleaner on the MH750. Violin tonality, clarity, texture and treble-extension are better on the MH750 but better timbre on the Tanya.

Hiroyuki Sawano &Z (02:18-02:57), better tonality and timbre on the Tanya, less peaky treble but cleaner on the MH750.

Technicalities: Shiro Sagisu – Hundred years war (02:24-02:57), similar width but a lot deeper and more holographic on the Tanya. Macro-details and separation are better on the MH750 while micro-details, imaging and timbre are better on the Tanya

Overall: The Tanya is very similar to the MH750 but also very different at the same time. The Tanya is like a mid-bass focused MH750, which also affects the rest of the tonality, including the treble. I say the Tanya is the better tuned iem as the MH750 is too shouty for me and the Tanya has a much better soundstage than the MH750.


IEM: KZ DQ6 (High-Density Tuning Foams), Elecom EHP-CAP20 tips L, cable A3 4.4mm
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Djuro – Drop that bass (01:15-01:30), extends and rumbles more on the DQ6. Punch quantity is also higher on it, as well as more textured, faster and tighter. More accurate tonality on the DQ6 similar timbre.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Pretenders (01:18-01:47), a lot more quantity on the Tanya but a bit better texture on the DQ6. A lot tighter, faster and cleaner on the DQ6. More tonally correct on the DQ6.

Metallica – fight fire with fire (01:11-01:52), a lot cleaner on the DQ6 due to the faster, tighter and lower bass quantity and texture is also better on it.

Mids: Hiroyuki Sawano – OldToday (01:25-01:52), similar vocal quantity, but a bit better tonality on the Tanya (although it is shoutier) timbre is better on the Tanya. Instrument tonality and timbre are slightly better on the Tanya but cleaner and more detailed on the DQ6.

Evanescence – Bring me to life (01:18-01:35), a lot more fatiguing due to the shout on the Tanya.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Scapegoat (00:57-01:17), vocal and instrument tonality/timbre are slightly better on the Tanya but cleaner and more detailed on the DQ6.

Treble: Linkin Park – Shadow of the Day (03:24-03:42), electric guitars are sharper and more fatiguing on the Tanya.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Lose (string version) (01:22-01:59), Cello tonality, texture and timbre are better on the Tanya but cleaner and more detailed on the DQ6. Violin tonality, detail and treble-extension are better on the DQ6 but better timbre on the Tanya.

Hiroyuki Sawano &Z (02:18-02:57), more tonally correct, cleaner and more detailed on the DQ6 but better timbre on the Tanya.

Technicalities: Shiro Sagisu – Hundred years war (02:24-02:57), a lot wider on the DQ6 but deeper and more holographic on the Tanya. Detail, imaging and separation are better on the DQ6 but better timbre on the Tanya.

Overall: The DQ6 is the better iem for my library and with better tech. Also, the more versatile one. But the Tanya does have better vocals and timbre.


IEM: Blon BL-03 (mesh mod), Radius Deep Mount tips L, cable B3 4.4mm

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Bass: Djuro – Drop that bass (01:15-01:30), extends lower and rumbles more on the 03. Punch quantity is higher on the 03 and more textured similar tightness but a bit faster on the 03. More tonally accurate and better timbre on the 03.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Pretenders (01:18-01:47), more quantity on the Tanya with similar texture. A bit faster on the 03 but similar tightness. Cleaner on the 03, more tonally correct and with better timbre.

Metallica – fight fire with fire (01:11-01:52), cleaner on the 03 due to the lower bass quantity as well as a bit faster/tighter.

Mids: Hiroyuki Sawano – OldToday (01:25-01:52), Vocal tonality, timbre, detail and clarity are better on the 03 and a bit more forward. Instrument tonality is slightly better on the Tanya (but bleeds) while detail, clarity and timbre are better on the 03.

Evanescence – Bring me to life (01:18-01:35), shoutier on the Tanya but treble is a bit peakier on the 03.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Scapegoat (00:57-01:17), vocal and instrument tonality and timbre are a lot better on the 03. Detail and clarity are better on the 03.

Treble: Linkin Park – Shadow of the Day (03:24-03:42), electric guitars are a bit sharper on the Tanya. Although both are fatiguing due to the brighter tonality on the 03.

Hiroyuki Sawano – Lose (string version) (01:22-01:59), Cello tonality and texture are better on the Tanya but better timbre, detail and clarity on the 03. Violin tonality, timbre, detail and clarity are better on the 03 but better treble-extension on the Tanya.

Hiroyuki Sawano &Z (02:18-02:57), better tonality, detail and clarity on the 03.

Technicalities: Shiro Sagisu – Hundred years war (02:24-02:57), similar width but deeper and more holographic on the Tanya. Imaging, macro-detail, separation and timbre are better on the 03. Better micro-details on the Tanya.

Overall: The 03 is the better iem in tonality, technicalities and timbre.

TanyaBL-03 (mesh mod)

Conclusion: The Tanya is highly recommended, due to its value king of being an “accessory starter pack 101” nature but also due the iem itself, which is very good for this price. While it doesn’t beat (IMO) the iems at a slightly higher price, it is still a great iem that I will highly recommend. Thanks for reading.

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Cable source:


Reference/test songs:
@DemolitionMan The only real electrostatic iems are actually something like the Shure KSE1200/1500. The Sonion Electrostatics you see in stuff like the Thieaudio Monarch, Moondrop Variations, Dunu EST112 are technically speaking, "electrets". (although most people still refer to those Sonion EST´s as electrostatics.)

I have a few iems depending on my mood:
Sony EX800ST (PEQ)
Sony XBA-N3
CCA CRA (modded)

But lately been using my DIY earbuds.
Niiice, Sony's are a bit pricey for me at the moment, CCA CRA's are more in my current price range lol, what mods did you do?


Tanchjim Tanya: Just Chill
Pros: Non-fatiguing, warm tonality (no harshness)
Very good technicalities
Excellent Packaging and Unboxing
Comfortable shells (bullet type)
Cons: Noticeably light on treble
Fixed, microphonic cable
Timbre is too warm to be natural
Source picky


At a Glance:

Category: D (0-20 USD), MSRP 20 USD, Acquired at: 0 USD (Review Unit)

Overall Rating: A (S+ to C-)


This is a review unit kindly provided free-of-charge to me by HiFiGo with the assistance of Erik Ikomori from NBBA, I was not paid in any way to make this review and I am not affiliated with Tanchjim. As always, review unit or not, all thoughts and opinions are my own.


The Tanya is another budget offering from Tanchjim, and one of their cheapest products at around 20 USD. It features a 7mm dynamic driver in a titanium alloy and ABS shell. These are tuned to a relatively inoffensive Harman curve target, with prominent bass and mids and recessed and rolled off treble.

Inclusions: S


These have fantastic packaging, especially for the price. The outer box is just a sleeve that has some branding and a photo of the IEM in the front, with some technical details on the back. Sliding the sleeve out reveals the main box, which has a large Tanchjim logo and smaller stylized “T’s” embossed in a reflective plastic. Removing the lid reveals the IEMs themselves, nestled in some cut foam. Underneath them are 6 sets of eartips (3 medium and 3 wide bore) in addition to the one medium bore already on the IEMs themselves. It also comes with a carrying pouch, and a pack of 10 spare nozzle filters. Absolutely top-tier packaging and inclusions in this price point.

Build: A

The driver housings are made of a combination of a “titanium alloy” sleeve with the bulk of the shell being made of ABS plastic. The rear of the housing has a vent covered with metal mesh. It feels light and reasonably durable. Thankfully, the L-R identification is made a little easier by a braille-like dot on the left driver housing to allow for side identification in low light conditions. The cable is a fixed, sleeved 4-core twisted cable, that’s very soft and has no shape memory but is rather microphonic, especially after the splitter area. The cable also includes a chin slider. The 3.5mm jack, splitter and chin slider are all made of hard rubber, with slightly softer TPE strain reliefs on the jack and driver housings. Overall build quality is above average but can’t be considered great thanks to the fixed and microphonic cable.

Sound Review Conditions:

  • Stock Wide-Bore eartips (M)
  • Stock Cable (fixed)
  • No Burn In
  • Files from; Deezer HiFI, Tidal HiFi, Foobar 2000, Signalyst HQ Player
  • Sources: KGUSS BH-3, Jcally JM20, JM6

Bass: A

Bass on this IEM can be best described as “thumpy”. It’s neither particularly light nor particularly weighty but much more in between. Speed is average, decay is average but the mid-bass boost can result in it getting a bit too boomy when driven by a weaker amplifier. It’s fast enough to not get left behind on medium-busy tracks but on the quickest of drum fills or bass guitar riffs it can certainly lag a little bit behind. Timbre is good but somewhat artificially warm thanks to the tuning. (Note: Warm does NOT always equal good timbre). Separation is decent but the whole bass region can sound like a similar blob when the tracks use drums or guitars playing similar notes or when the track is synth heavy and there is less instrument timbre and variation. Overall bass performance is relatively inoffensive and quite well-tuned with the usual budget single DD caveats.

Mids: A+

Mids are warm and lush, with a comfortable thickness to all notes in the entire range. They’re pretty even in terms of presence in the mix, about par with the bass. The whole range has a warmish tint to it that lends itself very well to most male voices and instruments playing in the lower ranges of the mids but female vocals do tend to sound off thanks to that warm layer. Lower register strings and wind instruments likewise sound quite good but higher notes of an acoustic guitar for example can sometimes lose that initial edge that makes them bright. Still, that warm layer isn’t all bad, given that there are some totally unlistenable songs that are bearable when using these IEMs thanks to the sibilance and harshness taming provided by the warm layer. Overall mids performance is very good, if boring and a little off timbre wise.

Treble: B

In comparison to the bass and mids, the Tanya’s treble is quite muted and quiet in the mix. It’s still present and audible on most tracks and typically quite good if inoffensive but on anything with busy mids and bass it inevitably gets lost within them and can only be heard when focusing on the cymbals off to the sides. When it’s present it’s decently well-tuned with a good amount of snap but less air than what is likely commonly ideal. Overall performance is on the lower side of average, and it may very well be too dark for some people.

Technicalities: A

Likely thanks to a vent on the back, the Tanya has quite a wide soundstage, especially with the wide-bore tips. It extends all the way to the edge of your ears. Like with most IEMs though it’s quite pill shaped with only left and right spread. Front and back imaging is unremarkably average. Imaging is quite precise and natural, no weirdly positioned instruments here. The layering performance is also very good for a budget IEM, with decent separation and distinction between instruments and vocals. Transient harshness is extremely good for a single Dynamic Driver thanks to the warm-ish tilt of the Tanya.

The Tanya’s tuning is a bit boring but very well executed, and with no outright flaws to it. The above-average and well-rounded technical performance puts it above a lot of it’s competitors. The quality of the packaging and the complete inclusions you get are just the cherry-on-top. People looking for excitement and a fun tuning, look elsewhere but people looking for a comfortable daily driver or sleeping buds will find a competent performer in the Tanyas. Highly Recommended




New Head-Fier
Excellent budget performer that transports you to the 90s
Pros: Open sounding
Good dynamics
Excellently priced
Small sized
Cons: Cable microphonics
Slightly large nozzle
Disclaimer : I am reviewing the Tanchjim Tanya as part of the Hifigo review tour. The opinions are purely mine and dont involve any cash or kind compensation

Package and Cable
The very excellently priced Tanya comes in a simple box with extra set of tips and a velvetty cloth pouch, something that much higher priced iems dont offer.
The cable is very familiar looking, I think they were the same on some of the KZ iems with an added 2 pin connector.
They do have a little bit of microphonics, and wind noise does carry through. A shirt clip or around the ear wear will minimize the noise.

At this price, I dont expect any manufacturer to offer replaceable cables, and neither does Tanchjim



Source : Hiby R5, Lusya Fever Dac > Quickstep Corda playing Tidal Masters.

The Tanya features a single DD in an aluminium body with a fairly prominent vent at the back. The vent allows the drivers to breathe and offer a fairly wide stage. Starting with Tunak Tunak Tun of Daler Mehendi, the vocals came through prominently, taking me back to the 1990s. The sound was very familiar, with lean low end, but excellent everything else. Made me want to listen to older music where vocals and the rest of the instruments were more prominent than bass.

There was a wave of mastering in the 90s in India, called Jhankar Beats, which involved slightly wider and brighter instruments. The Tanya brings out the best from that era! Very nostalgic! Very few iems capture an era of sound/music. One among such an attempt was the Piano Forte by Final Audio Design. Tanya is an excellent attempt at the same!

A minor non destructive mod will be to close the vent with tape, to increase the bass slightly. Makes the iem a bit warmer while sacrificing some of the stage width.

I will skip standard tracks for this review and try to include tracks that are very familiar to India, but virtually unknown outside.

Starting off, a classic 90s track from DDLJ (Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge) - called Tujhe Dekha to (https://tidal.com/browse/track/85419905), where the nasal male vocals by the every popular Kumar Sanu, more than matched by the Indian nightingale - Lata Mangeshkar, transported me to listening to the soundtrack on tape and on TV/radios.

While not the 90s, the KANK (Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna) was an excellently scored movie song with powerful singing and excellent mastering. The Mitwa track has very soothing but upbeat quality that is conveyed very well by the Tanya (https://tidal.com/browse/track/2855462). The instruments are well placed and vocals are again centrestage! The tabla coming to the fore in the middle of the track is rendered very well again.

Next, over to my favorite pick me up track called Zinda from Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. This is an energy filled song that never fails to pick me up. On the Tanya, the vocals are a little laid back. With the vent mod, this track brings all the energy back and make you want to get up and go get it!

For the price ofa large pizza, the Tanya is capable of taking you back in time and wonderfully so!
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100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Price
Crazy Good VFM
Very Good Bass
Natural Mids
Wide Soundstage
Cons: Lack of Treble Extensions
Less Detailed
Tanchjim Tanya Review


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Tanchjim Tanya has been provided to me for review purposes as part of HiFiGo’s India review tour. I am in no way related to them nor work for them. All my impressions shared here are subjective to my listening capabilities and gears used. You can buy Tanya for $22 from the link below:



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Tanya is the latest offering from Tanchjim, which has a single 7mm dynamic driver doing the duty. Tanya is priced at $22. Tanya, is a bullet shaped IEM with open back design, and very comfortable. Isolation isn’t good enough, because of its open back design. Tanya comes in a white slipcover, that contains a grey colored box. Tanchjim provided good number of accessories for its price, few tips, a carrying cover and few additional replacement filters. Tanya has very good build quality and comes with non-detachable cable. Cable is of decent quality and doesn’t have microphonics.

Sound Impressions

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In a nutshell, Tanya sounds excellent for the price it demands. It's a warm and musical sounding IEM. Tanya's bass sounds very good with emphasis on mid-bass. Mid-bass has good rumble and depth. Sub bass has good punch and slam. Overall, Tanya's bass is enjoyable and musical. But, there's slight bass bleed into mids. Coming to mids, they are slightly recessed, but have good clarity and sound natural. Male vocals have natural timbre and tonality and sound very good and engaging. Female vocals carry the same qualities and sound engaging and energetic. Upper mids has good extensions. Mids have decent details and good separation. Because, Tanya is a open back IEM, its soundstage is quite wide and deep, in turn sounding open. Instrument separation is very good and so is its imaging capability. Imaging is very good. Dynamics and resolution is quite good for the price. Busy tracks don't bring any congestion. Detail retrieval capabilities are quite decent. After scoring good marks till now, Tanya stutters in treble. Treble lacks extension and is rolled off. It's just a harmless treble with decent details. Treble lacks energy and sparkle.

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For $22 asking price, Tanya is a crazy value for money product with very good sonic capabilities. It does show its weakness here and there, but those will be nitpicking. Tanya is a smooth, warm and musical sounding IEM.


500+ Head-Fier
Tanchjim Tanya - A solid ultra budget V-shaped performer
Pros: – Above average technicalities and a punchy, warm, energetic yet non fatiguing sound that follows the Harman target (with a less forward upper-midrange)
– The open-back design improves the soundstage size
– Comfortable
– Stock tips are good
– Spare nozzle filters included
– The soft velvet pouch is something that I appreciate
– You get more than what you pay for sound-wise
Cons: – They need to be driven by a decent source, otherwise the midbass will start bleeding and slowing down, congesting the overall scene
– Bass is not as textured as on other sets and details are only average for the price range
– Cable is not that great but I cannot complain at this price
– Poor isolation although this leads to a bigger soundstage


I have never tried Tanchjim products before but I have always been curious about their products.
When I first saw the Tanya online I immediately thought about asking for a sample because there are many people that still prefer bullet-style earphones instead of the more popular “IEM”-style in the Chi-Fi industry.
Did they impress me? (I would like to give a spoiler, but I am just gonna say that they deserve you to read the full review).

Disclaimer: the Tanchjim Tanya were sent by HiFiGO for free in order to write a honest review.
At the time of the review, the Tanchjim Tanya were sold for about €20 on the HiFiGO’s Official Website

Link to buy: HIFIGO

For more reviews, visit https://www.audio-monkeys.com!


Technical Specifications

  • Configuration → 1 x DD
  • Sensitivity → 112 dB@1kHz
  • Impedance → 16 Ohm
  • Frequency Response → 20 Hz – 42000 Hz
  • Cable → 1,2m – 4N oxygen free copper cable (my sample does not sport a microphone)
  • Connector type → straight gold plated 3.5mm jack connector


The packaging is simple, with no frills, and contains:
  • The Tanchjim Tanya
  • 6 pairs of tips (of which 3 pairs are wide bore tips)
  • A set of backup filters (pretty rare in this price range)
  • A soft velvet case
  • Instructions

Design and Build Quality

The design is pretty simple: a pretty light metallic (titanium-alloy) cylindric shell with a pressure vent on the back (and that really works as you’ll read in the Sound section).
The strain relief is pretty solid and unlike earphones like the E3000 from Final Audio, you shouldn’t be worried of breaking these.
Honestly, I was expecting the nozzle to be slightly smaller considering the driver size (7mm) but it’s not as small as I was wondering.
Overall, the build quality is solid and definitely good for the price.



The 4N oxygen free copper cable included is non detachable, and although there is a bit of microphonics effect, it can be fixed easily by using the provided chin slider (you know my huge love for it).
My sample does not sport a microphone, but you order the MIC version by adding a couple of euros.
The straight 3,5mm gold-plated jack connector may not be the most comfortable choice for on-the-go listening sessions, but I cannot really complain about this considering the price of the Tanya.


Comfort and Isolation

The fit is secure and the fact they’re bullet-style earphones makes them comfortable for almost everyone. There’s really nothing to complain about comfort apart from the fact I would have liked the back to be less sharp and more rounded near the back-cavity.
The included tips are definitely ok and I appreciate the fact that 3 pairs of wide bore tips were included, in order to give more chances to find the right tip for everyone’s tastes.
Isolation is not spectacular but definitely not that bad, let’s say they’re ok if you listen to music at medium volumes while going outside.


How do these sound?
This is the real reason you’re reading this review (I guess).
[Personal preference: I listen to almost every genre, even though my main preference goes to EDM subgenres. I always like a bit more energy on the bass and on the highs, leading to a personal preference for Y-shaped sound signatures, but if I have to choose, I’d prefer having many different IEMs with various signatures, in order to choose a particular one of them when I want to listen to a specific genre. I love switching between my IEMs so it’s even better if they’re very different from each others.]


  • DAC: Topping E30
  • AMP: Topping L30
  • Mobile phones: Poco F2 Pro, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
  • Portable DAPs: Benjie S8/AGPTEK M30B
  • Other sources: Presonus AudioBox iONE

Do they need an amp?
No, they don’t strictly need an amp, but they’re not the loudest set to pair with your smartphone. They sound “ok” if driven by your smartphone and although I find myself happy enough while using them with my own smartphone, I miss the sound quality that these can achieve while amplified: when connect to an amplifier, they really shine, the stage is more open and the overall sound is fuller and has more musicality.
Sound signature
The Tanchjim Tanya are a set of V-shaped/Harman-ish earphones: midbass focus, recession in the midrange, slight bump in the upper-midrange and then smooth treble response that gradually rolls off.

Lows: midbass is the star of the show and packs a lot of punch and energy, and it also heats up the overall signature. If you don’t give them enough power, the bass becomes slow and boomy, but if they’re pushed properly, the bass has a lot to offer, although it’s not really detailed nor enough fast to keep up with complex, busy and fast tracks.
Sub-bass can provide a decent rumble when called in, but its extension isn’t the most surprising I’ve heard to date.
Overall, this is a pretty engaging low-end with lots of energy.
Mids: the midrange is warm and rich, instruments are reproduced in a natural way and the midbass hump really gives them a pleasing tonality.
Female voices on the upper part of the midrange sound energetic and there’s no sibilance (as far as I can tell), and even though many would think these could be shouty, they are not. Male vocals are pushed slightly behind female vocals but the overall coherence is not compromised, everything seems to sound at the right place in every occasion.
Highs: I’m gonna make a big statement: these are safe for everyone. And they really are in my opinion. The highs are gently rolled-off along the spectrum and details are “ok”.
It may be useful pointing out that many won’t like the overly polite treble, so you’ll have to look elsewhere for a more analytic set.
Soundstage is above average for the price range, with good width, depth and height: in this case, the open-back design is making the difference. Imaging is precise and instrument separation is very good for the price if they’re amplified correctly; if you don’t power them well, the slow bass will make things congested and compromise the technicalities of which the Tanya can be generally proud of.
The overall performance, when the Tanya are properly amplified, is simply great for around 20 euros and I cannot think about any other set that offers this level of tonal accuracy and technicalities (moreover considering these only feature a single DD).

Some comparisons:
Tanchjim Tanya vs Final E3000

Another big statement? In my opinion, the Tanya are the closest alternative to the E3000 in the ultra-budget segment.
The E3000 obviously dig deeper, have better bass texture, more details, better staging capabilities, better articulation in the midrange, but they’re also more expensive, the have a worse cable with no strain reliefs and no chin slider and need more power than the Tanya to shine. One thing to note is that to my ears, the E3000 are just a little bit darker in the treble.
The E3000 also insulate a bit better and they’re even more comfortable than the Tanya.
Considering the price range, the Tanya are a real bargain in terms of what you get for the price; on the other hand, the E3000 are tecnically superior so it strictly depends on your budget.

Tanchjim Tanya vs Blon BL-03
No doubts these are the best Harman-ish sets under 30$ (along with the MH755), at least considering the products I was able to test in the last few years.
I think, however, that there are some key difference that may be interesting for you.
The BL-03 have a fatter and slower bass than the Tanya and more energy in the upper-midrange; they’re also easier to drive compared to the Tanya, and sport a detachable cable instead of a fixed one.
Overall I think that the BL-03 are the smarter choice if you plan to use the earphones on-the-go by connecting them to your smartphone, while the Tanya are technically better if properly amped and they could be a better choice if we speak about pure performance.
The Tanya are more comfortable due to their standard fit whereas the BL-03 have a short nozzle and the fit can be tricky for many people (and stock tips don’t help, thing that does not happen with the Tanya that comes with better tips out of the box).
Both have mediocre isolation.

Final Thoughts

I am actually surprised!
The Tanya are my new top recommendation in the €0-20 price range and you won’t get the same level of detail or bass texture of other multi-drivers IEMs at this price, these show a lot of care in the tuning that you won’t be looking for those things as you’ll just sit and enjoy the music.
These actually replaced my MH755 that sometimes were too aggressive in the upper-midrange, and I genuinely think that if you already own a pair of MH755 these could be their more refined yet similarly-tuned successors.
I really like how they sound and I definitely think they will appeal most of the listeners out there, apart from those who prefer a more neutral and analytic approach.


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1000+ Head-Fier
High Tide
Pros: smooth, mature tuning, snappy, textured bass, value
Cons: dry timbre, slightly too much presence, grainy treble, average technical performance


The Tanchjim Tanya is an in-ear monitor (IEM) sporting a single 7mm dynamic driver. The Tanya is available at ShenzhenAudio for $23.99. I received the Tanya from ShenzhenAudio in exchange for a fair and objective review.
This review is also available on my blog:


I have used the Tanchjim Tanya with the following sources:
  • Hidizs S9
  • Qudelix 5K
  • Audirect Atom 2
  • JDS Labs The Element
I have tested these headphones with local FLAC and Spotify Premium. Visit my last.fm page to get an idea of what I listen to.


The Tanchjim Tanya comes in a small grey rectangular cardboard box with a white slipcover. Six silicone eartips (S, M, L), a grey cloth drawstring bag embossed with the Tanchjim logo, a user manual, and a warranty card are included with the Tanya. I would prefer a zippered carry case instead of a pouch but at this price point, I cannot complain.



The Tanchjim Tanya has a bullet design with fixed cables, which may be a dealbreaker for some. Its nozzles have lips for securing eartips. The cable is sleek and simple, with a straight 3.5mm jack. There is strain relief above the jack and where the cable enters the IEM housing, but none at the Y-split. The cable has a chin adjustment slider, which is greatly appreciated. The cable is not tangle-prone.



The Tanchjim Tanya can be worn either cable-up or cable-down. Because of the cable placement, the Tanya has a deeper insertion depth if worn cable-up. The Tanya is extremely comfortable. I did not experience driver flex with the Tanya. Isolation is above average.


Measurements of the Tanchjim Tanya can be found on my expanding squig.link database:
Tanchjim Tanya — Squiglink by Bedrock Reviews
My measurements are conducted with a Dayton iMM-6 microphone using a vinyl tubing coupler and a calibrated USB sound interface. The measurements use a compensation file derived from relating my raw measurements to published measurements from Crinacle and Antdroid. There is a resonant peak at 8k. Measurements above 10 kHz are not reliable.


The Tanchjim Tanya has a U-shaped sound signature. It has a moderate mid-bass hump, a healthy but not overbearing amount of pinna gain, and limited treble extension. Mercifully, Tanchjim has avoided the jagged mountains typically exhibited by the upper midrange and lower treble regions of IEMs at this price point and has given the Tanya the kind of tuning one would expect from a more expensive IEM.
The Tanya’s bass response is snappy and textured, with clean articulation. I was impressed by its ability to keep up with densely orchestrated electronic music. The mid-bass hump gives kick drum samples a sense of visceral impact. It is worth mentioning that if one wears the Tanya cable up, the improved seal increases the bass to a level I find overwhelming and creates distracting mid-bass bleed into the lower midrange.
The Tanya has a clear, cool midrange with a slightly dry timbre. Clarity and vocal intelligibility is emphasized over warmth and body, but the latter two characteristics are present enough to avoid a shrill or hollow presentation. Male and female vocal intelligibility are both excellent. One of the few negative things I can say about the Tanya is that I feel there is still slightly too much presence, which can create harshness when listening to electronic music. That said, this region is much more controlled than one typically finds with a $25 IEM.
The Tanya plays it safe with its treble, prioritizing a smooth presentation over perceived detail retrieval. The lower treble is roughly in line with the presence region but the top end rolls off rapidly as one nears 10 kHz. There is little in the way of sparkle but there is some air.
The Tanya is most resolving in the midrange and least resolving in the treble. While instrument separation and layering are quite good, there is a pervasive sense of graininess throughout the treble response. The soundstage is wide but shallow, and imaging is average.


The Tanchjim Tanya could be readily driven with any of my sources, and I did not notice hiss with any of them.



The Tanchjim Tanya is the most competently tuned IEM below $40 I have ever heard. Like the slightly more expensive Moondrop SSR and SSP, the Tanya stands out from its similarly-priced competitors because of the intentional effort of its designers to make it sound coherent. I see no reason to buy any other IEM at its price point or below so long as it remains unique in this respect.
The Tanchjim Tanya can be purchased below:
TANCHJIM Tanya 7MM Dynamic Earphone 3.5mm Line Plug HiFi Earbuds with (shenzhenaudio.com)
I got the Hidizs S9 Pro so I'll definitely try give the Tanyas a whirl with it. Can't afford the Cayin RU6 at the moment but I'd love to see how these fair on such an analog dongle-DAC.

Kathiravan JLR

New Head-Fier
Tanchjim Tanya – New Budget Gem
Pros: Inoffensive Warm and Smooth Sound
Sweet treble roll off
Nice bass texture with mid bass boost
Above average Sound stage and Imaging
Packaging and Accessories
Price and Insane Value for Money
Cons: Non detachable Cable
Detail Retrieval
The Tanya is the new and only budget offering from the Tanchjim based out of Shenzhen,China which is widely known for its high end in-ear monitors like the Hana, Oxygen etc. To continue its legacy and bring that premium sound to the budget range the Tanya has been released into the market for the price of Rs.1600 or 22 USD is crazy impressive considering the brands previous propositions. In this review let’s see how Tanya performs and see whether Tanchjim nailed it even in the budget segment too!


This unit is provided to me as a part of review circle organised by the HIFIGO and the statements that i have made here is solely mine and nobody influenced me to manipulate this review. This review is completely subjective since the sound output differs based on your source and setup you have. I would also like to thank the HIFIGO team for organizing this review circle.


>Bullet-shaped small, lightweight design.

>Durable Titanium-Alloy rear cavities.

>Aviation-grade aluminum alloy shells.

>High-quality cable with In-Line Mic option.

>Impedance: 16 ohms.

>Frequency response range: 20Hz-42kHz.

>Sensitivity: 112dB@1kHz.

>THD+N: <0.3%.

>Litz oxygen-free copper wire with 3.5mm termination plug.


The Packaging is very professional and simplistic. The sandal coloured slip on box with the tanya image over it. Below the slip on cover there is another box with branding over it. After removing that top cover you are welcomed with the earphones itself neatly in a foam pad and the wires are neatly tucked below the pad. On the left side there is a small box for accessories. Below the earphones the documentations are provided and the additional filters are also given which is very generous by the Tanchjim. The eartips selections are nice and 3 different pairs are given for users choice.

A nic velvet pouch carry case is also included in the box and does the job by protecting the tanya from getting scratched and keeping it pristine. The accessories the Tanchjim included for this price are mind blowing and crazy! A big thumbs up to the brand to provide this kind of packaging and accessories at this price range.


The design of the Tanya is very nice and bullet shaped. The branding is done on the side of the earpieces and the back of the earphone has a pseudo vent which gives a nice sense of design language to the earphone. The material used is aluminum and the nozzle is of average length. The nozzle has a lip to make the tip secure and the cable is non detachable which is a slight let down.

The cable is however very nice in quality and has a smooth texture to it. There is an inline mic for taking calls which just works and nothing impressive to talk about.

The fit is nice and the isolation is average since this covers only your ear canal. The tips selection makes a big impact on the fit hence choose the right tip to get the best out of it.


The overall sound signature of the Tanya is very interesting where I am not able to decide during my initial listening sessions. After some serious listening I found it to be warm with a touch of fun and nice vocal timbre with dark background. In simple words i would put it as the warm and smooth sound signature and precisely its Harman Tuned. Let’s dive into the review explaining each frequency.

SOURCE: Tanya is slightly power hungry hence some good source is required to get the best out of the earphone

iPhone – Zorloo Ztella MQA Dongle


The bass in the tanya is more focussed towards the mid bass. The sub bass gets rolled off at 50Hz and the rumble is felt very subtle. The mid bass however is nicely tuned and gives nice body and warmth to the overall track. The bass has a nice texture considering the price. The mid bass is however slightly elevated to my taste but since it gives nice warmth to the mid section it’s growing on to me more and more now. Sometimes the elevated mid bass makes the track slightly bloated but for the price I have nothing to complain about.

The sub bass is however not great in my opinion. They rolled off at a very early point and especially me listening to OST’s ,i need that skull rattling rumble which is slightly lacking in the Tanya. Overall the depth and texture of the bass is really very nice and is above average for the price. The thump in the bass region also makes you tap the feet during your listening sessions. The resolution is above average and the detail retrieval and separation in the tanya is good. However in busier tracks the tanya struggles in the low end to get that nice separation. The bass is average in speed and decay which is very much acceptable for the price. The bass sometimes gets loose when the tracks get busier but still they are tight enough for most of the other genres.

Overall the bass has a nice texture, mid bass boost, timbre with above average separation. The sub bass could have been extended a little bit but still they provide me enough rumble in the low end.

Tracks Used:

  1. Why Do We Fall – Hans Zimmer
  2. Royals – Lorde
  3. Bigfoot – MALFNKTION


The mid section is slightly recessed but not overly done but the interesting thing is the tonal balance that they have done here. They sound very natural and the timbre are very realistic. The acoustic guitars are very pleasing to listen. They strike naturally but the instruments in the background are drowned in the mid bass. They are very difficult to perceive by your ears at medium volume and to hear that I need to crank up the volume. The mid bass however gave nice body and warmth to the mid section

The vocals sound very pleasant. No harshness or sibilance which is very good for longer listening periods. The timbre and tonality is EXCELLENT and this is my favourite set if you need these two things to be exceptional and this thing is really becoming one of my favourites. Another good thing is the elevated mid bass never bleeds into the mids which is a very nice thing to see in this price range since most of them do this.

Tracks Used:

  1. The Blowers Daughter – Damien Rice
  2. CannonBall – Damien Rice
  3. The Lakes – Tylor Swift


The treble has the sweet roll off point in the Tanya. Due to this no more fatiguing listening, no harshness or sibilances. But the tradeoff here is the detail retrieval. This can’t be used for critical listening but for casual and fun listening this one is such a great pair to have in your collection. The high end lacks the air and the extension for bright listening.

The cymbal strikes are very natural and very smooth to listen to. The high hats are very smooth and even though they lack the sparkle and air in the high end they are still able to give you a nice listening experience with its overall smooth, warm and engaging vocals.

The treble has average separation and air in between the instruments. The details retrieval is however very much average and it’s not the strongest aspect of this earphone. The high end extension and the sparkle can’t be observed here and the micro details are the least appreciating factor of this earphone. But overall for fun and casual listening this one is my recommended pair of earphones to anybody anyday!

Tracks Used:

  1. Move Your Body – Sia
  2. Obsession – Animotion
  3. Forever – CHVRCHES



The soundstage is surprisingly above average for the price. At this price point this is the only one having an above average soundstage based on my listening. The width and depth are exceptional for the price and the height is average. There is a good sense of air and a nice sense of space between the instruments.


The imaging is also above average for the price. The precise placements of instruments and the listener can easily pinpoint the instruments. The instruments nicely sweep from the left to the right smoothly and no stutters are observed.

Tracks Used:

  1. Sometimes – Jack Back
  2. Haari – Anhad+Tanner
  3. Global Gear Instrumental – Punya Srinivas
  4. Letter – Yosi Horikawa
The remaining technicalities like the detail retrieval, instrument separation, layering are very much average and acceptable for the price. The layering seems very much hazy and the separation is average too.


The Tanya, a budget offering from the Tanchjim is a vey much welcoming one for sure. Has one of the best tonal and timbre in this price segment with nice and punchy bass, engaging vocals and smooth,relaxed treble. The sound signature is very pleasing and can be instantly liked by anyone. The sound slowly grows on to you and you will start to appreciate the value this earphone is offering for the price.

Overall this is my go to recommendation if anyone is searching for inoffensive warm and smooth sound in the budget range. Tanchjiim really did a great job with the TANYA and very glad to say that this is my new BUDGET GEM !



  1. Inoffensive Warm and Smooth Sound
  2. Sweet treble roll off
  3. Nice bass texture with mid bass boost
  4. Above average Soundstage and Imaging
  5. Packaging and Accessories
  6. Price and Insane Value for Money


  1. Non detachable Cable
  2. Detail Retrieval


100+ Head-Fier
Is this the Sony MH755 killer? 🥵 - Tanchjim Tanya Review
Pros: - smooth Harman sound sig
- relaxing and smooth mids
- inoffensive treble
- good soundstage width
- shines when amped
- very good unboxing experience
- ergonomic design and fit
Cons: - requires amping
- not the most technical
- treble could be too veiled for some
- anemic bass
- undetachable cable
Tanchjim Tanya is Tanchjim's take on their budget entry-level 1DD IEM. It comes in at $20usd and sports a vented bullet-style shell with a 7mm Single Dynamic Driver inside. Upon opening the box, I am presenting with 2 different types of tips (wide/narrow bore), a pouch, backup filters, and lastly, the IEM itself.

Honestly speaking, for $20usd, Tanchjim puts other companies into shame in terms of unboxing experience and first impressions. The presentation feels premium, complete, and well thought out. Not to mention, it comes with backup filters too which is rare at this price point. Definitely one of the best unboxing experiences I've had at this price point.

However, unboxing experiences mean nothing if the sound is bad. So with that out of the way, let's start the review.

*Disclaimer: this review is done using wide bore tips. I find wider bore tips to sound more balanced. Narrow bore boosts the bass.

PROS ✅:​

  • I would describe the sound signature here as being warm, smooth, and laidback. The tuning here is warm Harman. It has a healthy amount of mid-bass, healthy amount of pinna gain, and smooth treble.
  • The bass here is warm, smooth, punchy (when amped), and more midbass-focused than sub-bass. When amped, bass tightens and provides a good amount of punch. Otherwise, it is pretty loose and (muddy?). Not to mention, sub-bass does roll off a bit, and bass texture isn't the best, which in return contributes to its bass sounding a bit anemic or "one-note-y". For $20usd it ain't bad though, I'm just nitpicking.
  • In terms of the midrange, I find it to be pretty relaxing and smooth sounding. Mids and vocals sound thick and lush, with an ever so slightly forward vocal presentation. In my opinion, the midrange and vocals here sound organic and natural, making the Tanya easy to listen to for long sessions. There's no sibilance, no upper mids peak, and no fatiguing vocals whatsoever to be found here.
  • In terms of treble, it is very inoffensive, non-fatiguing, and smooth. Some might call this treble presentation "veiled", and I can't help but agree. Treble here might sound dull and overly smooth for some, but this in return contributes to the overall "smoothness" of the Tanya in my opinion.
  • In terms of soundstage, I find that it is somewhat like a rugby ball. It has above-average width, but decent to below-average depth and height. Decent for casual gaming and movies, but I wouldn't swear by it.
  • In terms of imaging, I find it slightly blurry, albeit pretty decent for a $20usd IEM. You could tell where the instruments are coming from, but pinpointing their exact location is hard to almost impossible. For $20 USD, it is aight.
  • Instrument separation is decent too. For the price, I am not complaining. It handles fast and busy tracks pretty well, with no signs of congestion.
  • In terms of timbre, in my opinion, it is pretty natural and spot-on. Vocals and instruments sound natural and organic.
  • When amped, soundstage opens up, bass tightens, imaging and instrument separation is ever so slightly better.
  • Amazing presentation and unboxing experience for $20usd IMO. Love the packaging and accessories.
  • Even though the cable is undetachable, it is really well made and I love the cable that is used here.
  • Bullet-style shape makes it very ergonomic and perfect to be used for sleeping.

CONS ❌:​

  • Requires slight amping to shine. Without amping, bass is loose, notes sound a bit blunted, and soundstage isn't the best.
  • Not the most technical and detailed.
  • Treble could be too veiled for some.
  • Bass is slightly anemic and "one-note-y".
  • Undetachable cable (I like the cable here though).

TANYA VS MH755 🤜🏼🤛🏼:​

  • MH755 has more sub-bass, more upper mids push, brighter treble, and leaner note weight. I find the MH755's bass to be punchier, tighter, and cleaner sounding. I also find it to be slightly better in terms of technicalities, but just slightly. However, Its timbre isn't as good as Tanya's, and it also lacks Tanya's overall smooth and non-fatiguing sound signature. I find the upper mids and treble peak of the MH755 fatiguing after long listens.
  • Tanya is overall smoother, thicker, and more natural sounding. Its bass isn't as tight or as rumbly as the MH755. It also doesn't have that bite or sparkle that the MH755 has, nor does it has the lean and clean sounding note weight of the MH755.


I think that Tanya is a great deal for $20usd. Sure, it isn't the most technical or detailed sounding IEM out there, but for $20usd, you get an IEM that is smooth, non-fatiguing, and super easy to listen to for hours on end.

If you are looking for an all-rounder daily beater, look no further as I think Tanya might just be the one.

Highly recommended. Thank you Ben Aoak for loaning me the Tanya for review. Really appreciate it bro! 🤘



100+ Head-Fier
I, Tanya
Pros: 1. Amazing value
2. Inexpensive but great build quality
3. Thin but extremely supple, pliable cable. Doesn't tangle at all
4. Natural and smooth. Especially good for vocals. Probably the best vocals in this budget.
5. Good imaging for the price. decent for gaming
6. Awesome packaging and accessories. Great option as a gift for your loved ones
7. Mic quality is surprisingly very good. Great as a communication Iem.
Cons: 1. Hard to drive. Not ridiculous or anything but harder to drive than usual
2. Not the most detailed at this budget. Adequate but bl03 and bl05s are better technical performers
3. Non- detachable cable (not really a con in my book as the fixed cable is pretty awesome but might be for many)
4. Overall technical performance is just so so/adequate which is made up by its superb tonal balance
Don't fret over the 5 star rating I gave it as that rating was based purely on value (price to performance ratio to be precise) and in that regard, Tanya absolutely delivers. Packaging is great. I loved the attention to detail Tanya gave for such a budget Iem. It can be an inexpensive gift for you loved ones if you already have better Iems. Tanya comes in a hard cardboard box and you'll get a velvet pouch, two sets of tips (wide bore and regular) and ridiculously over the top 10 pairs of replacement nozzles. Stock tips are decent and tip rolling is not really necessary.

As for fit and comfort, its excellent (barrel shaped compact Iems usually are very comfy). Has massive vents on the back of each earpiece so don't expect that much isolation but for me it was good enough. I can wear them for hours without irritation. Build quality is pretty good. The earpieces themselves are mostly made of aluminum and the fixed cable is really good, extremely supple and ergonomic. What surprised me more than the cable was the microphone which is not an afterthought and actually sounds great.

Now lets move on to the sound. Its very pleasant and natural especially the vocals sounds really really good. While the bass is not overdone, I have a small complaint. Its mid bass heavy, maybe a little bit too much and borders on being boomy. Fortunately it does not bleed into the lower mids and the midrange remains fairly isolated. Treble is polite and sort of laid back. Its not a dark/dull Iem by any mean but if you are looking for aggressive treble and loads of sparkle and air, tough luck.

Where Tanya lags behind its competition is probably raw technical performance. Its not bad or anything but doesn't stand out either. Soundstage is ok, fairly spacious and doesn't feel claustrophobic and while the imaging is not groundbreaking, its good enough for games. Instrument separation, layering, Microdetails etc. are just ok. nothing to write home about. Where Tanya truly shines is its tonal balance. The timbre is so good, especially at this price, that it might make you forget about its technical limitations and marvel at its smooth natural grace especially if you are a non clinical listener and value vocals and overall timbre above raw detail and technical performance, like I do.

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New Head-Fier
Pros: Pleasurable tuning
Bass Impact
Cons: Power Requirements
Disclaimer : The unit was sent by Hifigo as a part of a review tour but all thoughts and opinions are my own. You can buy the Tanchjim Tanya here.

Build & Fit
Revisiting the bullet style shell is quite nostalgic, the machining on the shell is quite nice, and the big vent on the back is a an uncommon sight.
The litz cable is simplistic but tangle free. The main drawback of this design is the lack of MMCX connectors which some brands are incorporating in the bullet style designs, Tanchjim included.
However, Tanya is quite comfortable. Stock silicone tips are on the oval side which ensures no "vacuum effect" even when inserted deep.


Amp Needs
Classic case of specs not being translated to real life. Rated at 16 ohms and 112 dB/mW, you'd expect this to be phone friendly but that is just not the case.
My phone ran out of steam trying to power it, sounding muffled and veiled. Amping it makes a considerable improvement in sound, and this is probably due to the driver nature.
This puts the Tanya in a weird spot. It costs 22 USD, but cannot be powered optimally from phone? Going out to buy a dongle DAC/AMP costing 3 times as much minimum for a 22 USD IEM doesn't really
make much sense to me. But it is what it is.


Sound Quality
The overall sound quality is quite flavored (in a good way), especially when amped. You are presented with a solid midbass that has serious impact, although fundamentally leaning on the "one-note" side and sometimes lacking control (definitely loose and uncontrolled when used in a phone direct). It has decent texture and detail in the low end for its price but do not expect miracles, it is enough for its price. I could use some more finesse in exchange for some of the impact though. Leading to the midrange which is quite smooth and not overly forward, i find the balance to be optimum. However the bass impact does shadow details in vocals.
It isn't a deal breaker but noticeable once you come from a mid-centric IEM. However it does have enough presence in the ear gain region adding sufficient bite and energy preventing it from sounding dull and dead. The top end is smoothly rolled off making the entire sound "thick and warm". Synergistically speaking, Tanya pairs best with analytical/bright sources which will help cut through the fat. Due to the rolled off treble, overall imaging and resolution/fidelity does take a hit. But that shouldn't stop you from having fun. In the technicality department, performance is above average, as is expected from the 20 USD price range.



The overall tuning for Tanya is aimed primarily at musical engagement and it is hard to complain about what it offers at its price range. People craving for a thick and warm sound signature at a strict budget will be pleased. It's just surprisingly inefficient which is a bummer.
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A new budget champ?
Pros: Great value for cost
E3000 like sound
Fun to listen to
Good all arounder
Cons: Needs power
No detach cable

Good imaging and 3d stage
Natural organic tonality
Great low end
Good vocals
Nice treble that slightly rolls off on top
Not harsh or sibilant at all
Smooth and non fatiguing
Great layering and technically ability
Micro details are less than average
More detailed e3000?
Warm sound, Harmon tuned
Budget champ
great accessories and packaging
Great fit
No detach cable
Hard to drive needs amp To scale
Soundstage details and dynamics lacking from lower power device
Sounds best on brighter neutral sources

• Driver configuration: Dynamic Driver
• Frequency response: 20Hz – 42000Hz
• Impedance: 16Ω
• Sensitivity: 112dB/Vrms
• Cable: non detachable , but made of 4N oxygen free copper + Kevlar shaft core and litz structure
• Tested at $21.99 USD


New Head-Fier
Pros: Inoffensive Warm Tuning, Value for the Sound Quality, Vocal Timbre
Cons: Detail, Mid Bass boosted, Fixed Cable


Tanya (19).jpg

Disclaimer: I received the Tanchjim Tanya at no charge from Daniel at Oardio to test out. This review, however, is written of my own accord and all thoughts and impressions here are my own. For more reviews like this, do check out our website.

I will always have a soft spot for the Tanchjim brand ever since trying out their Oxygen Earphones. The Oxygen reflected Tanchjim’s ability to whisk magic into a single dynamic driver. The Tanya is their latest, and cheapest, IEM in their line-up, featuring a single dynamic driver. It is a typical bullet-style earphone that most people should be familiar with.

Accessories and Build Quality (Score: 8.0/10)

The Tanchjim is packaged pretty simply but also comes with a generous spread of accessories. It comes with 2 sets of S/M/L silicone tips. One set is wide bored while the other is the regular narrower one. I assume the wide-bore tips will suit your better if you prefer a less bass-focused sound. On top of that, you also get a Tanchjim-branded felt pouch, the same ones that come with their pricier earphones, the Blues. There are also extra filters included in case the ones that come pre-installed get clogged to ensure the longevity of your earphones.

The build quality is simple but well-thought-out. The cable is springy but well-protected with a sleeving and feels durable in the hand. It should be able to take a beating, especially for daily use. The plugs, Y-split, and earbuds themselves all have a minimalistic vibe to them yet carry a certain premium vibe. Perfect for the image-conscious professional for use in the office without costing a bomb if you ask me.

Fit (Score: 8.0/10)


Despite its typical bullet-style shape and fixed cable, the fit was quite comfortable. I have used this for Discord calls while gaming, and for Zoom meetings as well. In both of these, some of which lasted hours at a time, I never had any issues with comfort. The buds felt weightless in the ear and stayed sealed snugly in my ears throughout. Despite the vents at the rear of the buds, these isolate outside noise quite well too.

Sound (Score: 7.2/10)


Frequency Response Graph of the Tanya
  • Lotoo Paw S1
  • Hiby R5
Bass (Score: 7.0/10)

The bass, especially the mid-bass, just jumps out at you. Changing the tips may reduce it slightly if you’re not a fan of a more present bass. That said, the timbre of the bass is reasonably well-done for its price. It has sufficient depth, providing a rich and lush base for the overall sound. It can be a little loose and unrefined when comparing up to more expensive and better-performing earphones. Listening to instrumentals, double bass parts lack the sharpness and articulation of each pluck I would have liked to hear.

Mids (Score: 7.0/10)

What the Tanya did extremely well was the timbre of the mids. It is not overly recessed and has a nice body to it. Instruments like guitars and violins, and vocals, are appropriately forward and juxtaposed with the bassline. This synergy prevented the bass from drowning out the mids and kept me enjoying the warm yet luscious tuning of the Tanya. There was quite a lot of energy in the melody lines in songs by BØRNS and they hit a sweet spot. The clarity achieved here is better than that in the midbass.

Treble (Score: 7.0/10)

Treble is rolled off early, which contributes to the easy-going and relaxed tuning that won’t fatigue you when using them for hours on end. However, this means you’d be missing out on some of that higher-end extension and microdetail retrieval. That said, I think this is in line with the tuning they were aiming for so the tonality here is good and there are no weird or sharp peaks. Just don’t expect an overly analytical performance.


The Tanya boasts a great overall tuning though I personally would’ve preferred a leaner lower end. The mids are smooth and forward without getting shouty. On top of that, the timbre is rather organic, which is lovely to see at this price range. The soundstage and imaging are pretty okay, and I don’t have any gripes with them.


Final Audio E2000

E2000 vs Tanya.png

Frequency Response Graph comparing Final E2000 and Tanchjim Tanya

The Tanchjim Tanya shares many similarities in build and sound with the lower end models in Final Audio E-series earphones. I thought to compare them to the E2000 since I own them. As much as the Tanya was dark-sounding, it was not as dark as the E2000 as its upper-midrange were not as prominent and forward as the Tanya. Both have a warm tuning with rich mids and are enjoyable for casual listening. In terms of comfort, both of these are equally great and feel quite similar. I would say the Tanya is built better than the E2000. The E2000 costs roughly US$45, and I can safely say the Tanya does the same, if not better job for less. The only advantage I would give the Final Audio would be that it comes with the Final Eartips which are rather good quality silicone tips.


Tanya (23).jpg

Coming into the review, I had no idea what to expect, especially from a basic looking bullet-style earphone that looked like a run off the mill, no-frills earphone. That said, I have to say I am impressed with the overall package of what you’re getting here from Tanchjim. The tuning is enjoyable, and everything just comes together as functional and well-built. I have no doubt these earphones will serve their target consumers well.

Overall Grade: B​

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Reactions: hevelaoak
how does tanya compares to e2000 when powered from a phone ? thanks


Reviewer at Headphones.com
Pros: - solid tuning
- bass texture
- slightly above average imaging
- price
Cons: - treble roll-off
- mediocre resolution
- usual QC memes
I heard the Tanya a couple weeks ago at a friend's house and was really impressed with what I heard. It's not often that a budget IEM catches my attention, but this one had me hooked - I even ended up buying my own unit halfway through demoing! It doesn't hurt that the Tanya is only $20, a far cry from the pricing of Tanchjim's other IEMs which I haven't been as hot on. Anyways, it arrived yesterday, and I've been listening to them for the past day. Here are my quick thoughts.

Unboxing Impressions

IMG_0774 2.jpg

IMG_0786 2.jpg

  • Clean unboxing experience that belies its price.
  • Includes a micro-fiber baggy as a means of carry and an assortment of silicon tips. I chose to use the tips that came on the IEM.
  • Tanya itself is very lightweight and has a decent cable. Build is just OK, and I can tell that one shell is slightly looser than the left. L/R indicators are hard to read, but there's a nub on the non-removable cable to indicate the left side. You can also use the microphone button to control play/pause and forward/backward on iPhone which is what I was hoping for.
  • Isolation is below average. Comfort is OK for me.
  • Bonus points: I can lay on my side using this IEM which I don't find often.
Sound Impressions

Here's my personal unit measured off of my IEC-711 coupler. The usual disclaimers apply: There's a resonance peak at 8kHz, don't trust the measurements after this point, yada-yada.


It's a bit difficult to pinpoint the overall sound signature of the Tanya, but to my ears, it's somewhere along the lines of "smooth, slightly dark, and with a touch of fun".

The bass of the Tanya is up my alley. It's a pronounced, mid-bass oriented shelf that starts rolling-off down past ~50hZ and clearly pushes into the lower-midrange to inject a good deal of warmth. While I would've preferred more sub-bass, I actually think the Tanya's better in the slam and texture department than their own Oxygen IEM. It's definitely not as clean (or particularly clean in general), but since when have I ever been one to shy away from dirty bass? Interestingly, I don't find the midrange particularly lean either. It skews toward the warmer side to my ears and sports a controlled rise to the pinna compensation and upper-midrange that circumvents any shout or sibilance. Very, very nicely done. The Tanya is heavily reliant on lower-treble as is expected of a more V-shaped IEM. Still, it's refreshing to see that Tanchjim hasn't taken "creative liberties" here - such as the 5kHz peak of death - that so many budget IEMs exhibit. Even a lot of IEMs I'd consider well-tuned screw up this area for me, making them fatiguing. For air and extension, the Tanya doesn't really have much after 10kHz; I do find it mildly dark up top which contributes to a smoother listen. It doesn't sound dead rolled-off, at least.

For technicalities, the Tanya is obviously not going to be the strongest performer. I'd put it around a "C/C+" grade myself. Transient attack is noticeably blunted and the dynamic range of the Tanya is downwards-compressed. That in mind, perhaps most surprising about the Tanya would be its imaging chops. It has slightly wider, taller soundstage than most budget IEMs that I've heard. I also hear a good sense of layering ability (sense of space between instruments) that belies its bassy tuning and price point. These qualities are probably attributable to the more open design. Unsurprisingly, thanks to its single DD, the Tanya has pleasant timbre too.


Some are probably wondering whether the Tanya is better than the legendary Sony MH755. Inevitably, this will break some hearts, but the answer is a flat "no". The MH755 has better bass texture and a solid technical edge on the Tanya. It's important to remember the MH755 is an exception. An exception, mind you, that is extremely difficult to find nowadays. As the MH755 continues to edge out of the picture, I'd argue the Tanya is poised to become the de-facto, V-shaped IEM for $20. And on the flip side of things, the Tanya sports some snazzy accessories and is easier on the ears than the MH755 which I found fatiguing. Now, these are both pretty bassy IEMs; let's say you don't like bass. Then you're going to want the Final Audio E500. It's that simple.


The Verdict

Tanchjim may have hit a roadblock with some of their other IEMs, but I'm glad to see that they've recognized this, pivoted, and are back swinging. I really like the Tanya. It does a lot of things right and very little wrong; really, that's all most $20 IEMs can ask for. Even more surprising, then, is that the Tanya also has engagement factor by virtue of its above-average imaging chops. For listeners who enjoy a smooth, fun listen and don't want to break the bank, the Tanya is one of the few IEMs I'd say is worth the blind-buy.
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Is it less efficient than the MH755?


100+ Head-Fier
Tanya sama hati apa sebab goyang? (a quickimp)
Pros: Fit
Balanced tonality
Price to performance value
Cons: None for the price

Tanchjim Tanya with Azla Sedna Earfit Light (medium) after a week

Tonality: 5/9
Technicality: 4/9
Resolution: 5/9
biased points: +2

This is my first review (quick impression) on head-fi. Everybody is talking about Tanchjim Tanya in great detail, so I'm going to make it short. I bought the earphones for myself purely out of curiosity. (why 9? because 10 sounds too official and 9 is perfect) - total 2 minutes read

No expectation
When I first listen to Tanya, I didn't like it very much as is. I thought it was overall a decent performer. Compared to Sony MH750/755, I find Tanya was a little lacking in many departments such as instrument layering, timbre & dynamics.

I put it aside and let some music playthrough via my ancient FiiO DAP for hours a day for about a week. Let me tell you the burn-in is REAL on this one. I don't want to believe it either but I didn't burn my brain this whole time since acquiring Tanya. It's a different set after a week, confirmed. (at least in my case)

Ear tips matching & package
I did some tips rolling and found out that it's best to match with Azla Sedna Earfit Light (medium). Instrument layering is way better than before. I couldn't believe my ears but it was a pure joy listening to every track on my playlist (from Sasha Matson's Cut to Bar Interior to Zu's Ostia). The overall response is better with Azla, even prog metal sounds great.

Other tips that work beautifully with Tanya are Spinfit CP145 & Blon BL 03's stock (hard). Tanya's narrow bore stock tips are acceptable. The wide bore stock tip is not fitted for the job, to my ear at least. (Azla Sedna Earfit Light has a wide bore too but longer in length compared to Tanya's wide bore stock tip. maybe the short scale is the culprit)

I don't bother with the build, it's good and I like the cable a lot. It's easy to grab, shove and go. Easily one of my favorite pairs of earphones now. Beats my Sony MH750/755 after a week of torture. I like it more than Blon BL 03 because of its balanced tonality and dynamics, plus the snug fit. The package is good but I don't bother either.

Tanya is a great pair of earphones for the price. It's a lush mid to mid-bass focus set. warm but not bloated, plenty of quality lows, sparkly without sibilance, ample air for reverb & for the sense of room & depth, great tonality, natural acoustic instruments timbre, decent dynamics & transients response, and a pleasant listening experience overall. I can't praise this set enough, to my friends and family. A good blind buy for 2021, even if you have higher-end IEMs. Just buy it. 1 for yourself, and another 1 for your friend or family member. Sit and enjoy, sit and listen. but above all, sit together forever.

Title meaning - (Malay) Tanya sama hati apa sebab goyang? : Ask the heart why the nervous?
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Headphoneus Supremus
Tanchjim Tanya Review – Red Alert!!! The BLON BL-03 For This Year?
Pros: Excellent fit and good build.
Natural and organic timbre with great tonality.
Smooth and non fatiguing.
Above average technicalities (other than microdetails). Layering is a highlight.
Excellent price to performance ratio.
Cons: Non detachable cable.
Hard to drive, needs amping to scale better.
Not the most detailed set, not for analytical listening.
Below average isolation.

I bought this set at my own expense, from the Yaotiger Aliexpress shop: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002568046521.html

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-15 at 22.06.29 (1).jpeg


The Tanchjim Tanya is a warm and lush harmanish set with great timbre and tonality. It is smoothness personified, admittedly it does needs some power to shine, but I can see this set as being one of the standout budget sets for 2021, with excellent price to performance ratio. I’d even stick out my neck and say that this may be the new BLON BL-03 for this year!

  • Driver configuration: Dynamic Driver
  • Frequency response: 20Hz – 42000Hz
  • Impedance: 16Ω
  • Sensitivity: 112dB/Vrms
  • Cable: non detachable , but made of 4N oxygen free copper + Kevlar shaft core and litz structure
  • Tested at $21.99 USD


Other than the IEM, the Tanchjim Tanya packaging comes with:
  • Spare filters
  • Silicone ear tips of 2 types – the narrower bore ones boost the bass whereas the wider bore ones boost the higher frequencies.
  • Velvet carry bag

Accessories wise, nothing to be sniffed at for $20ish USD. I’ve seen worse in pricier IEMs, cough cough TRN BA8. Everything is rather usable OOTB here, so no need to mess with getting aftermarket tips, which can add to costs (looking at you BLON BL-03).

Do note that the stock narrower bore eartips boost the bass, whereas the wider bore ones boost the higher frequencies. The Tanchjim Tanya is already quite warm and thick in sound, with a kind of veiled sound signature. So for those that want a bit more clarity and openness, I would recommend the wider bore stock tips, or you can try some wider bore aftermarket tips.

For the purposes of this review, the stock tips were used, so as not to change the sound signature with aftermarket gear.

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-15 at 22.06.28 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-15 at 22.06.26 (1).jpeg


The Tanchjim Tanya is a bullet shaped IEM and is meant to be worn cable down. It is very light and well fitting, comfort is excellent. In fact, I’ve used it for many hours continuously with no discomfort whatsoever.

I didn’t find any driver flex for myself on the Tanchjim Tanya (but YMMV, as this is somewhat dependent on ear anatomy and types of ear tips used).

Sadly, the cables are non detachable, this area may be a dealbreaker for some, as this may be a point of failure down the line, or perhaps some might wanna use aftermarket balanced cables or even bluetooth adapters with it. But the cables in the Tanchjim Tanya are quite supple and not tangly, and there’s a strain relief.

This is not the noodle thin, non strain relief reinforced type of cable that makes your heart drop (looking at you Final E3000!), I think it looks and feels quite durable.

Personally, I would have preferred if it was MMCX as least, but I won’t beat this area with a stick, since it is a $20ish USD set, and some of the pricier Tanchjim products do not have detachable cables too -> also looking at you, Tanchjim Cora!!

As per most cable down, non detachable design IEMs, there’s some microphonics unfortunately, but it is not that bad, compared to the Sony MH755 or Final Audio E3000 in this area. The cable is also quite long, unlike the Sony MH755 where the too short fixed cable mandates that you can’t move too far from the source.

Strangely, the Tanya didn’t come with any L/R markings to let us know which side is which, but there’s a small dot on the strain relief insertion area (into the IEM) to denote that this is the left earpiece. This dot thing seems to be some relic design that I’ve encountered in some old school Japanese IEMs!


As for isolation, the Tanchjim Tanya is below average in this area, as per the open backed design, but this design does aid in soundstage, which we will discuss below, so it is a double edged sword.


I tested the Tanchjim Tanya with a Khadas Tone Board -> Topping L30 amp, Sony NW A-55 DAP (DMP-A50 FEv2 Classic Mr Walkman Mod), smartphone, Shanling Q1 DAP, Tempotec Sonata HD Pro, ESS ES9280C PRO DAC/AMP, and a Khadas Tone Board -> Fiio A3 Amp.

The Tanya is rather difficult to drive. In fact, it sounds meh from a lower powered smartphone, and scales nicely when amped. I mean, you can get sound from lower powered source, but it can’t sing. Ie soundstage, dynamics, microdetails are lost when it isn’t amped.

When underpowered, the midbass bleeds quite a fair bit and music sounds congested. I tried the Tanchjim Tanya originally with the Shanling Q1 DAP and the Tempotec Sonata HD Pro at 2V power (with a 3.5 mm adapter), it sounded a bit mushy and overly thick.

On amping this set with the Topping L30 amp, then the veil kind of lifted and I’m glad to report that this set can scale with power, and the bass can be cleaner when amped. Of course that brings us to the question of whether one should pair a $20 USD IEM with a more expensive amp, is that putting the cart before the horse?

As discussed, since the Tanchjim Tanya features a warmish veiled tuning, it does synergize better with brighter or at least neutral sources, rather than a warmer source which makes the mix too mushy and overly syrupy thick.



Graph courtesy of KopiOKaya from Audioreviews (IEC711 compliant coupler).

The Tanchjim Tanya features a warm harmanish tuning. Tuning is towards laid back and analoguish. The keyword to describe this set is “lush” and “smooth”. In a nutshell, the Tanchjim Tanya is a non analytical set, and is a set suited to chill back and enjoy music.

Tonality is very good, there’s a slight upper mids peak around the 3 kHz region, but it is far from shouty or hot and is very smooth and non fatiguing. In contrast, I couldn’t use the Moondrop SSR (which also has a 3 kHz peak) for more than 5 minutes due to the icepeak 3 kHz spike on it.

The Tanya is midbass focused. There’s a subbass rolloff, but there’s a tickle of rumble called for when the deepest bass registers are played. As discussed, when underpowered, the midbass smears and bleeds, but on amping the bass tightens quite a fair bit. The Tanya doesn’t have the most textured bass unfortunately, but that’s something I can close one eye for, considering the price.

Mids are thick and lush and this gives quite a lot of body to music. This may overly too thick for some, so it can be a pro or con, but those that like the analoguish sound will like it. The lower mids are slightly depressed until it rises and peaks at the 3ish kHz region. There’s no sibilance on this set, so it is a rather treble safe set, treble rolls off around 8 kHz or so.

Vocals are a tinge forward in this set due to the peak at the upper mids, but even on some shouty tracks, I did not find that the Tanya is fatiguing or shouty for me, it is a very safe and non fatiguing tuning. Due to the borderline darkish treble, some cymbal and percussion hits may be a bit too subdued and this isn’t the most detailed treble, but it for sure can be used for hours upon hours due to the non fatiguing tuning.

For those that find the tuning overly thick and veiled, as discussed, using a brighter source or wider bore ear tips may help.

On to technicalities, soundstage is above average in all 3 directions, as per the open backed design. Probably some multi BA/hybrid sets at this price bracket will trump it in technicalities, but the Tanchjim Tanya’s layering is very good for this price bracket, haven’t heard this in most $20ish IEM.

Imaging and instrument separation are above average, I felt it can cope with busy passages of music when amped. However, details are not the best, notes lack bite and edge definition as per the analoguish signature, so as discussed, it isn’t a set for analytical listening, but just to chill and appreciate music.

Timbral accuracy on the Tanchjim Tanya is truly excellent, I would term it as organic and natural. Indeed, this is a very good IEM for vocals and acoustic instrument lovers. In fact, I think it has one of the best timbral accuracy I’ve heard in a $20ish USD set, it even edges the fabled BLON BL-03 in the timbre department.


Here are some comparisons with some well regarded budget single DD types. As hybrids/multi BA have their own strengths and weaknesses compared to single DD types, they were left out of the comparisons.

BLON BL-03 ($25 USD)

The legendary BLON BL-03 is a harmanish set with a midbass bump, boasting superb tonality and timbre at the sub $30 USD region. Both sets sound a tinge analoguish and scale with amping, though the Tanchjim Tanya is harder to drive. Both sets also have subpar isolation and share a similar tonality and timbre. Perhaps the BLON BL-03’s midbass is a tinge more bloated.

I think the Tanchjim Tanya edges it in the timbral accuracy and technicalities department. The BLON BL-03, even though it has detachable cables, has a notoriously bad fit due to the too short nozzles. Hence, most people need to do spacer mods or use aftermarket eartips/cables to secure a better fit.

Thus, the BLON BL-03 may be closer to $40 – 50 USD if aftermarket tips/cables are factored in, whereas the Tanchjim Tanya is ready to go OOTB, no need to mess around or spend more on aftermarket gear for it. As such, I see the Tanchjim Tanya as a marginal upgrade and a better set in terms of investment. I daresay the Tanchjim Tanya may even be the BLON BL-03 of 2021!

BLON MINI ($29.99 USD)

The BLON MINI is much easier to drive, though the Tanchjim Tanya has better timbral accuracy, better technicalities and layering and imaging.

The Tanya has better accessories, though it has weaker isolation. The Tanchjim Tanya is more noticeably laid back in tuning, whereas the BLON MINI is more dynamic and in your face.

HZSound Heart Mirror ($49 USD)

The HZSound Heart Mirror is a neutralish bright set, with a more linear and neutral bass than the Tanchjim Tanya.

The HZSound Heart Mirror comes in a nicer shell (mirror like as per its namesake), with non detachable cables and a very nice packaging. Both sets scale superbly with amping, timbre are excellent on both sets.

In terms of technicalities, the HZSound Heart Mirror whips the Tanchjim Tanya, the former has much better transients, clarity, microdetails, imaging and instrument separation. Note weight is thinner on the HZSound Heart Mirror and it has less subbass and midbass quantities too, though the bass is faster and cleaner. The HZSound Heart Mirror is a much more technical and analytical set, compared to the chiller and more laid back Tanchjim Tanya.

Sony MH755 ($7 USD)

The fabled Sony MH755 is also another harmanish set with a bullet shaped design. The Sony MH755 really has quite good timbre and tonality, but I think the Tanchjim Tanya beats it in these departments. The Sony MH755 can be shouty at higher volumes (Fletcher Munson curve) at the upper mids. Isolation and technicalities are also better on the Tanchjim Tanya.

Both sets have non detachable cables, but the Sony MH755’s cable is very short and J shaped, with markedly bad microphonics. One can’t go too far away from the source due to the short length (without using a cable extender), unlike the longer cable on the Tanchjim Tanya.

The Sony MH755 is also very hard to find in the wild nowadays, with a lot of shops selling counterfeit sets, so getting your paws on a legit Sony MH755 is an arduous task now.

So, I see the Tanchjim Tanya as an upgrade over the Sony MH755, although it is more expensive.

Moondrop SSR ($39.99 USD)

The Moondrop SSR comes with a waifu anime otaku packaging. That in itself makes it the clear winner, enough said. Please move on to the next section.

Ok ok jokes aside, the Moondrop SSR is tuned somewhat diffuse-field neutral with an upper mids boost. Both sets are quite tough to drive and have subpar isolation, but the Moondrop SSR is technically superior and has better transients than the Tanchjim Tanya.

The Moondrop SSR falls apart tonally though, it is akin to shouting at the moon at the 3 kHz area, especially at louder volumes (Fletcher Munson curve), and this is a dealbreaker for me. Both sets have a boosted 3 kHz area, but the Moondrop SSR more so, it can even be quite icepick like on some recordings at this area. The caveat is that we have different hearing health, different sources, different eartips, different ear anatomy (affecting pinna gain) and we play our music at different volumes, so YMMV and Moondrop fanboys, don’t crucify me!

Anyways, timbre is also less natural and the note weight is rather thin on the Moondrop SSR, so it is a much more analytical and technical set than the laid back and chill Tanchjim Tanya.

Final Audio E3000 ($50 USD)

The Final Audio E3000 is rather L shaped, featuring a big nebulous midbass and a rolled off treble. The Final Audio E3000 is harder to drive than the Tanchjim Tanya.

The Final Audio E3000 has better technicalities when amped, in the area of soundstage, imaging and instrument separation/layering, though it has a poorer timbral accuracy than the Tanchjim Tanya.

Both sets are bullet shaped and have non detachable cables, but the Final Audio E3000’s cable is worryingly noodle thin, with more microphonics and no strain relief! Isolation is also poorer on the Final Audio E3000.


The Tanchjim Tanya is a warm, smooth and lush harmanish set with great timbre and tonality. It needs some power to shine, but with adequate juice, the sound is really good for the $20 USD asked, with this set presenting excellent price to performance ratio. I’ve no regrets skipping a Macdonald’s meal or two for the Tanchjim Tanya TBH.

One area to nitpick, is that the cables are non detachable, as this may be a point of failure down the line, or perhaps some might wanna use aftermarket balanced cables or even BT adapters with it. This non detachable aspect may be a dealbreaker for some even, but otherwise, I’ve really no complaints about the build.

The non fatiguing and smooth and lush tuning can really make the Tanchjim Tanya a set to just sit back and enjoy the music for what it is, and not to listen to the gear. I can see this set as being one of the standout budget sets for 2021, maybe one can even label it as the BLON BL-03 for this year?