T-Peos were kind enough to organize a T-Peos Altone 350 (I'll refer to it as A350) unit for a private head-fi Australian review tour .
Previously, we arranged tour units via T-Peos (e.g. with
H300). This time a sample unit was arranged via
CTCAudio. , they're T-PEOS's distributor in North America (both are sponsors at head-fi and CTCAudio, the members are
mobyn and
empj) )
Altone 350 is the new flagship for T-PEOS's Altone line . Looking at the pricing and design, T-PEOS likely merged in the H-2/300 series into the Altone line at least for now.
Inside the titanium polished body you'll find 3 drivers - a Knowles TWFK (dual Balanced armature (2BA)) and a Dynamic driver (DD) - a hybrid configuration. There are nice CGI pictures of how it and the crossover fit inside in the links below.
'3way' on the box, refers to 2 crossover points between the drivers - one for the dynamic driver, one for the TWFK - between the two BAs.
Retailing at around $400 US this is the most expensive product from T-PEOS to date.
You can read a bit more (translated for the Korean site links)
here and
here . You'll also find some more decent pics and measurements in those links (FR+THD+N). For the H300 measurements, I was looking at
T-PEOS A350 is a part of their new hybrid product line (Altone 250,350. 150 is a single DD. 250 is an Knowles FK-1BA + DD).
A350 is their fourth 2BA+DD model (h200->h300->altone200->Altone 350)
(let's digress a bit on their previous products): I think it's fair to say a few people around here like the value proposition of H300 and Altone 200.
Personally, I like A200 a bit less - it's a bit dark for me in terms of treble extension (not the 7khz peak) (although I do like the mids and bass on a200). H300 is a bit too bright and cold in the mids (and has a giant 7khz centered treble spike), but I think with minimum equalization (EQing) using rockbox they sound pretty great (H300 - not just for the price but overall vs much more expensive earphones). Both are quite affordable. Initially H300 was even more affordable. At the moment I prefer EQed H300 to most of the current universal hybrids - having heard a few of those
L->R - A350, H300, A200 (prototype). not pictured Dunu Titan1 =)
I like the titanium
body. I'm not sure how well polished metal will keep overtime (fingerprints aside), but it feels more durable than the painted finish for h300 (after over a year the body on H300 is almost entirely covered by small scratches).
on A350 There are a few plastic inserts at the back of the body.
The (removable) cable socket is held in place by cube of plastic that merges into a plastic cylinder at the back of the earpiece (under the titanium and bits of the cylinder are see-through). It looks like body is compose of 2 titanium halves, glued or clamped around the plastic insert.
After a week with me - there are a few small micro scratches on the sample unit but those are barely visible. There's also a slightly larger one - I suspect earpiece on earpiece but intentionally trying to scratch an earpiece with a brass key didn't leave a mark. The plastic might chip too. Overall, I'm not really worried about durability. Hopefully the glue is better than the h300 glue though (if it's not clamped instead of glued).
cable plug is similar to thin DC charges ones). It's difficult to say whether the cable not being MMCX or CM is good or not. It does support the bullet design when worn down. but impedes wearing them over the ear slightly (aside from interchangeability 'from your collection' issues). I've never had issues with H300 plugs in terms of them getting dirty or breaking (which can't be said for MMCX or CM sockets/plugs)
What I definitely didn't like was the black and red lines on the body....Those are felt tip pen or marker or something similar ... They um smudged/rubbed off.
A350 are shallow-mid insertion bullet type IEMs.
Isolation is adequate with comply tips (probably 8-10dB - enough to softer some of the external noise on its own and most of the time with reasonable volume music block out the world for you - e.g. on a bus)
For me they fit better than H300. I'm not sure why (exact same comply tips and both units look to be very similar in size (I've started at different angles for about 10 minutes)). H-300 becomes a bit uncomfortable and lose after a while (30-40m), but no issues with A350. I can see the profile of the two is nearly identical in terms of dimensions, but maybe the A350 has a smaller post nozzle pre outer body (middle section). Maybe it's also the cut-out sections of the body at the rear of the uni on the a350.
A350 are also larger than altone200 (which was hands down the most comfortable 3 driver hybrid IEM I used ) but I suspect we won't get 2BA+DD anytime soon that are as small as that (especially not with a removable cable)
I found with comply tips I can listen to these comfortably for 2-3h without issues from physical discomfort. Minimal adjustments are requiring when walking or light jogging. (provided I use the clip)
A (some minor qualms but very nice - mostly whatever H300 had or an improvement on that)
-nice leather case - bit too big for eaphones on their own. but will fit some of the accessories and a clip+. It's also... brown-orange.
-a good selection of tips suitable for bullet type earphones. Silicon of all sizes and several core types, bi-flange tips.
Foam tips are under-represented by a single med comply tx200 set. (it's better than the red foam tips before, but would be good if L/M/S were included )
-3.5->6.3mm adapter
-shirt clip. It's really large - the size of 2x a350 earphones. I think someone mentioned - the larger ones lead to less cable noise but it's way too bit. Also, it's a 'locking' clip (you put force on it to close it and it stays there requiring you to unlock), so if you catch the cord on a tree branch, the clip won't loosen and generally, the earphones will get ripped out of your ears. I like smaller clips a lot more. (you can also slide smaller clips along your shirt more easily and they
-cables: Looking at the marketing material - these are now twisted pair (4 conductors it says on the box) cables with a rubbery plastic on top. I really disliked the H300 green cable - RMAed it twice for insulation near the plug breaking. The new cables looks like they'll last better and the cable plug is looking nicer as well.
You get two cables and - red (plain) and black (remote - play pause). That's always welcome for android users (and I think people mentioned works with iphones for H300). I would have preferred to see a 3 button cable (recently tried play/pause volume ones and really miss them). One other thing that's missing is a chin guard ring (to adjust the lose y-split wire length). I've previously asked T-Peos to reinclude it but unfortunately they didn't.
The cables do tangle up a bit in my pocket.
-earguides (you can use them to wear A350 over the ear,but I didn't like doing that for fiddling/getting the exact angle hard comfort reasons)
Looking at the Frequency response graph on Seeko - T-PEOS probably aimed for more balanced earphones vs H300.
on low volumes I probably avoid EQing them and they sound balanced on the bright side (as in punchy bass, sweet enough mids, but a touch bright in the treble and great otherwise). I really quite like brighter tunings on lower volumes.
Normally I listen a bit louder - around 20-25 on clip+ with Rockbox, depending on EQ and pre-cut settings) and A350 sound a bit different there.
Treble: There is a spike closer to 9khz on A350. It's above the sibilance area, but it's the 'HOT' treble area for some. You won't necessarily hear it on all the tracks either. The spike is smaller than on H300 (about 10dB vs 15db)
UNeqed listening to metal I get fatigue from the treble in under 30m. Peak aside- the treble resolution is good. Although past the peaks, H300 is more detailed. Personally I can't listen to either without equalizing the peak down. Extension is similar to H300, but I think H300 feels more detailed as it has more treble content 5-10k . We'll come back to the 5k dip later.
MidsH300 felt a bit cold because of the treble spike (there it was at 8.3k) and because upper mids (2-3k) were more prominent then 1k. For A350 the mids definitely feel warmer and require no adjustment. (there's no more 2-3k peak). Like with H300 a200, for 350 - the impressive resolution and clarity are there (ps I did see the THD+N spikes on the seeko chart =) but can't hear it). I'm fairly sure mids tuning is quite similar to altone200 - full, good clarity, good balance of upper and lower mids. I can't really fault it for metal, classical (solo violin or piano or male or female vocals ) or D'n'B .
Bass: Deep sub-bass, nice bass (~H300), quite a bit of mid-bass (>H300).
There's a bit bass overall vs H300 and it hits a bit less hard and sometimes might sound a bit muddy if you try to EQ it up (we'll come back to that a bit later).
I like it about the same as the Altone200 bass, and definitely more than Dunu DN2000 or Titan1 bass. Much better impact and clarity on the bass and I prefer the sub-bass to mid bass ratio on A350.
overall it's a more balanced variation on H300 (or if you like A200+H300). Less spikey treble, richer perceived lower mids vs upper mids (less cold) and err less emphasized sub-bass/bass. I do like both for anything from metal, d'n'b rock, classical (piano+orchestra or violin+orchestra) and a bit of jazz. Out of the box A350 will probably lend itself better to vocals and piano/violin as it's a bit fuller in them mids.
adequate. it's less broad or deep than Titan1 in terms of expansiveness . Because of the mids tuning they also feel overall more intimate to H300.
What I didn't quite like.
After listening to H300 and A350 side by side for a few hours slightly EQed VS UNEQed I realized the following:
1) I thought while A350 punch hard, the sub-bass and bass speed/clarity on H300 feels faster.
If we believe the charts it could be explained by H300 having about 15dB bass boost at 50hz vs 1khz (vs 10 for A350) and a hump 30hz-100hz (vs linear there for a350). Moreover the mid-bass to lower mids (120-200) vs sub-bass and bass is linear on A350, whereas for H300 you get a nice increase lower mids->sub-bass . So to me, on some songs A350 sounds a bit muddier and dilutes the overall punch vs H300 to me because of that.
Don't get me wrong, A350 unEQed bass is still good, but H300 is amazing for realistic, clean, fast, punchy bass. There are some hip-hop or D'n'B or even jazz tracks where you will notice the sub-bass difference where A350 won't punch as hard and feel a bit muddy.
H300 was easily correctable with the Eq in the appendix. I've also included what i think tentatively works well for the A350.
2) There's also a bit of ringing at 3.5kHz (not much), and at 9kHz. The 9kHz peak was discussed above and for me is definitely fatiguing .
3) There's also a 5kHz DIP. I'm undecided about the 3.5-5kHz-7 dip. I know it was debated quite a bit in the noble 3/4 thread, and it was a point for h200 (more prominent for the latter as per
here). I also realize a few instruments have overtones, re crispness or attack at 4-7kHz
Personally I'm not that sensitive to the dip but I do find H300 has better clarity overall while having a smaller 5k DIP, and more overall treble energy 5-12k.
At the same time 5k and 7k are also most prominent for sibilance which the dip at 5kHz probably helps to avoid (not the case for A350, but was the case for H300, where the treble peak was shifted to 8kHz not 9kHz). ps from memory was one way of tuning the second cross-over depending on the design choices leads to this dip for TWFK drivers.
4) It's still a bit large vs Altone200 in terms of physical size
As a H300 owner - I like the new housing/fit and cables, and I think overall the improvements to sound are great.
I don't quite like the bass and treble tuning vs H300 that much though so I'm not sure I just can't justify the US$400 ($500 AUD price tag).
It's also very hard to put $400 aside after Altone200 was <$200 at some point
It's undoubtedly a versatile IEM, even unEQed will find many fans.
But at times it feels like the polite cousin of H300, whereas H300 is like jumping on a rocket dragon - insane amounts of fun past taming the treble energy that will probably otherwise burn you alive.
Appendix 1: EQ settings - rockbox graphical EQ:
A350 (tentative - based on about 1h of trying, assisted with seeko.kr graphs)
pre-cut -5
f=30, q=1.3, db=+5
H300 (bump up the bass punch, sweeten the mids and tone down the treble razors of death)
pre-cut -5
f=50, q=1.5, db=+5
f=800, q=1.6, db=1
f=1250, q=0.8, db=2
f=8350, q=0.7, db=-2.8
-- tBg