Spirit Torino Radiante


aka JP-nums or JP-numbers
Lead Organizer for Can Jam '09
Pros: great tone
bass while way too high does not obscure the mids
midrange totally amongst the best
build quality
Cons: bass in your face - too much bass quantity
cost to performance ratio not good
First huge thanks to Justin Wilson at Headamp.com for the loaner.

I had these along with two others for about one week to play with. After some back and forth I settled in on these as the tonality was far superior than the other two models..

I tested these with a variety of tracks form Dave Brubeck, Miles Davis, Pearl Jam, Shelby Lynn, Norah Jones and Led Zeppelin. My source was a Schiit Yggy GS and Lumin T2 and the amp is a custom FET based amp.

Vocals were sublime with these headphones with great body and lifelike presence.They do a nice job of putting you with the vocalist in Ann alternate reality.
Details were good but not up with the very best. I would say these have $1k-1.5k level of detail retrieval. Vocal reverb and decay were limited and cymbal hits were one dimensional. Again not bad just not up with the better headphones I have.
Bass - oh the bass. These are truly unique in how they are semi sealed with a gasket that allows the tuning of the headphone by the manufacture. The bass was at least 5 db too loud and I could not have these as a main set of headphones based on this flaw (or feature depending on your preference :-) ).

Midrange was sweet and was among the best I've heard tonaly although not the best with details. Vocals, guitars, Keys all were enjoyable (sans the bass distractions)

compared to the Meze Empyrean, Focal Utopia, ZMF Veritie Closed or Rosson RAD-0 they were in or above the price of most of these but were well below the total performance of them.

I gave them 3 stars for the tone, midrange and bling build. The pads are awesome if you have ever experienced grado ear rash after a few hours. These were really beautiful and comfortable.

Right not these are a pass for me but may be right for the audiophile basshead (is there such a thing).


New Head-Fier
Pros: excellent head stage
Cons: Important price
I have owned these headphones for a few months and I can tell you that they are superb headphones providing great entertainment.

It is so easy to find yourself tapping the foot along the rhythm of music and then losing the sense of time!

It is versatile with all genres: Keb 'Mo' blues guitar sounds like you're in the front row, E. Rava and J. Lovano's Jazz album "Roma" becomes engaging and intense while Chantal Chamberland's voice is warm and full-bodied even by turning up the volume.

It seems that these headphones need to be played loudly so you have to provide them with a decent amount of power to make them perform well. I use A&K Kann and FiiO M11 dap (with balanced cable 2.5 and 4.4), and Chord TT2 - that is very powerful.

The bass response is clearly the strongest point of this project. If you love rock music or the organ instrument, the energy released will make you vibrate!

I have also ordered the balanced XLR cable to connect it to my Audio-GD NFB1 amplifier. The sound seems more crystal clear and precise with a sound stage that amazed me even though they are closed back headphones.

I have forgot to mention it earlier because when you listen to the music you easily forget that they are closed back! And, the insulation is actually pretty good. They certainly do not weigh like a feather because they are all made of anodized aluminum. I however find them quite comfortable to wear even for long time and delight the audiophile in me!


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Twin pulse regnar?
I also own the Ragnar. I was wrong to insert photos but I cannot correct the error!


New Head-Fier
Pros: - mobile listening
- high performance with all musical genres
- soundstage similar to an open headphones
Cons: NA
Ciao, sono un felice proprietario delle splendide cuffie Spirit Torino Radiante.
Le cuffie sono state ascoltate sia a casa, in ufficio e in viaggio (in metropolitana, in treno ea piedi).
In nessuna di queste situazioni ho trovato le cuffie scomode o pesanti da indossare. Anche quando si cammina, il possesso delle cuffie rimane stabile per non influenzare l'ascolto.
Ascolto le cuffie ogni giorno per circa 3 ore.
Le cuffie sono state soppresse dopo un primo ascolto veloce a 24 ore di rumore rosa.
Per la percezione, nel caso dell'Astell AK70 trovo che il volume ideale per l'ascolto "energetico" sia 130/150 nella maggior parte delle registrazioni. Nel caso di registrazioni un po 'più alte anche intorno a 110-120, si ottiene una pressione adeguata.
Nel caso di registrazioni basse o passaggi meno "forte fortissimo" ho fatto ricorso all'intero volume dell'AK70.
L'isolamento con i cuscinetti progettati con "Dekoni" è eccellente.
Ascolto il "Radiante" con tutti i generi musicali, dalla musica classica al rock e all'elettronica.
In tutti i miei lavori ho preferito l'impostazione del diaframma + 2db.
Il piano ha un suono corposo e definito. Ho migliorato le mie prestazioni unendomi a AK70 + Aune B1s.
I passaggi veloci dalle note basse alle alte non deludono e rimangono definiti e decisivi.
Con la configurazione del diagramma 0db, il pianoforte ad alto volume è rimasto eccessivo e leggermente invasivo sulle altre note.
Ascoltare l'organo è davvero impressionante. Anche con i pochi millwatt dell'AK70
Il soundstage nel caso dell'ascolto jazz dal vivo è eccellente vicino a cuffie aperte. Viene percepita la posizione dei singoli strumenti.
Il soundstage nella prima traccia dell'album "live at '' SOMEDAY '' a Tokyo" di B.Watson - T.Made e Tokyo L. Big Band dà la sensazione del jazz club
Ascoltare la musica Rock è davvero emozionante, un vero piacere, più ascolti e più vuoi ascoltare anche a volumi elevati, non ti stanchi mai di ascoltare.
La batteria di "Money For Nothing" di Dire Straits è decisamente pulita e mai eccessiva.
Trovo che l'album "SanFrancisco Symphony And Metallica - S&M" sia molto interessante sia per la registrazione che per l'evento musicale stesso. L'ascolto ti porta all'interno del concerto!

- Spirit Torino Radiante versione 1706
- Astell AK70
- Aune b1s
- Cavo Portento Audio

Elenco album:
Francesco Fournier Facio \ Sound Of Light And Shadow (Fonè 88.2kHz-24bit)
Keith Jarrett \ The Koln Concert (96kHz-24bit)
Frank Strazzeri - That s Him (HDTT DSD64)
Suzanne Husson - Piano (HD) - Gold CD 073 FLAC HD (Fonè - 96kHz-24bit) "
Enzo Pietropaoli, Battista Lena, Fulvio Sigurtà - La Notte (Fonè 96kHz-24bit)
Ray Mantilla & Bobby Watson- The Jazz Tribe - The Next Step (44.1kHz-16bit)
Munyungo (OAR 24-96) (HD) (Fonè 96kHz-24bit)
VIR DEI BENEDICTUS Liturgia della Solennità di San Benedetto Coro dei monaci di MontecassinoSfano Concordia (Fonè 96kHz-24 bit)
Fausto Mesolella - live ad alcatraz (Fonè DSD64)
B.Watson - T.Made e Tokyo L. Big Band - live a '' SOMEDAY '' a Tokyo (44.1kHz-16bit)
Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue (44.1kHz-16bit)
Eric Bibb - Spirit & The Blues (44.1kHz-16bit)
Enzo Pietropaoli, Eleonora Bianchini - DOS (Fonè 44.1kHz-16bit)
DOS IN SIGHT- 1379 (Fonè DSD64)
ALMA - 1687 - SACD147 (Fonè DSD64)
Petra Magoni - Ferruccio Spinetti - Musica Nuda (44.1kHz-16bit)
DAGORED_fone-Records_SACD188_2ch64 - SACD188 (Fonè DSD64)
Scott Hamilton, Andrea Pozza - Who Cares (Fonè 88.2kHz-24bit)
Notti Castello - SACD150 (Fonè DSD64)
Enzo Pietropaoli, Battista Lena, Fulvio Sigurtà - La Notte (Fonè 96kHz-24bit)
Scott Hamilton, Paolo Birro e Alfred Kramer \ Bean And The Boys (Fonè 88.2kHz-24bit)
Quartetto Enzo Pietropaoli - Yatra (Fonè 44.1kHz-16bit)
Scott Hamilton, Paolo Birro, Aldo Zunino, Alfred Kramer - Ballads For Audiophiles (Fonè 176kHz-24bit)
Shades of Chet (Omaggio a Chet Baker) (Fonè DSD 64) "
Recardo Accardo - Stradivari Vesuvio 1727 (Fonè - 96kHz-24bit)
Concerti e follie ai tempi di Pergolesi per il 300 ° anniversario della sua nascita [I Musici] (Fonè - 96kHz-24bit)
I violini di Cremona - Omaggio a Kreisler [Accardo] (Fonè - 96kHz-24bit)
Vivaldi_ Il Canto, dallo Strumento alla Voce (HD) [Fornaciari] (Fonè - 96kHz-24bit)
Astor Piazzolla_ Oblivion (HD) [Accardo] (Fonè - 96kHz-24bit)
Accardo S - Violino - Audiophile Violin (HD) (Fonè - 96kHz-24bit)
Gliarchiensemble - Il suono del 900 (HD) (Fonè - 88.2kHz-24bit)
Marco Fornaciari, Fone Ensemble - A. Vivaldi - Le Quattro Stagioni (Fonè - 44.1kHz-16bit)
Audio Review - Grande Orchestra (44.1kHz-16bit)
VA - L'orchestra del XX secolo (44.1kHz-16bit)
Ensemble di musica antica di New York - Ludus Danielis - Daniel and the Lions (Fonè - 44.1kHz-16bit)
Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture (Telarc 176.4kHz-24bit)
Myung-Wun Chung - Orchestra di Santa Cecilia (Fonè 88.2kHz-24bit)
SACD 157-MAHLER-SINFONIA N.2-NOSEDA (Fonè 176kHz-24bit)
Luciano Pavarotti - Ti Adoro (44.1 kHz-16bit)
Rosella Caporale, Giovanni Mellone, Roberto dani - E teretuppete (Velut Luna 44.1kHz-16bit)
Natalie Cole - Indimenticabile con amore (44,1 kHz-16 bit)
Vittorio Matteucci Antonio Carluccio - Esuli (44.1kHz-16bit)
Diana Krall - La ragazza nell'altra stanza (44.1kHz-16bit)
Laura Fygi - The Lady Wants To Know (44.1kHz-16bit)
Luciano - Carreras, Domingo & Pavarotti in Concert (44.1kHz-16bit)
Anna Maria Castelli - Something to Remember - Prima che il tempo cambi (Fonè 96kHz-24bit)"
Sonny Stitt - Stitt Plays Bird (HDTT DSD64)
B.Watson - T.Made & Tokyo L. Big Band - live at ''SOMEDAY'' in Tokyo (44.1kHz-16bit)
Ray Mantilla & Bobby Watson- The Jazz Tribe - The Next Step (44.1kHz-16bit)
Luis Amstrong - What A Wonderful World (192kHz-16bit)
KOINE_fone-Records_SACD183_2ch64 (Fonè DSD64)"
Negrita - Helldorado (44.1kHz-16bit)
Subsonica - Controllo Del Livello Di Rombo (44.1kHz-16bit)
PINO DANIELE - E SONA MO' (44.1kHz-16bit)
Lenny Kravitz - Raise Vibration (2018) (44.1kHz-16bit)
Ben Harper - Fight For Your Mind (44.1kHz-16bit)
De Andrè - De Andrè Concerti 1991 (44.1kHz-16bit)"
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cosmo's Factory (44.1kHz-16bit)
Varie - A Tribute To Stevie Ray Vaughan (44.1kHz-16bit)
ACDC - Back In Black (44.1kHz-16bit)
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II (96kHz-24bit)
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III (176kHz-24bit)
Queen (44,1 kHz-16 bit)
Metallica - SanFrancisco Symphony And Metallica - S&M (44.1kHz-16bit)
Metallica - Black Album (96kHz-24bit)
Strumento: 10.000 giorni (44,1 kHz-16 bit)
Radiohead - OK Computer (44.1kHz-16bit)
Muse - Black Holes and Revelations (44.1kHz-16bit)
Muse - Droni (44.1kHz-16bit)
Muse - Live at Rome Olympic Stadium (44.1kHz-16bit)
Dub Fx - Everhynks a Ripple (44.1kHz-16bit)


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100+ Head-Fier
Pros: uniquely deep, tight & dynamic bass
- driver responds VERY well to EQ, particularly treble- can make the sound your own
- extremely high build quality, premium look and feel in every way
Cons: Very dark sound signature out-of-the-box (bass heavy & treble shy)
- Requires EQ to bring out full potential
So as of this writing (1/25/2020), if you try to look for reviews or public info on the radiante, aside from promo material, you'll find next to nothing. I actually ran into it by accident. My fostex TH-500RP had been sitting in a drawer unused for a few years, and I wanted to get around to modding it but never had time or energy. Finally, a couple months ago, I reached out to a well known modder based in Italy called spirit labs on facebook, to see if they could breathe life into my unimpressive fostex. I ended up speaking with a gentlemen named Andrea Ricci, and he informed me that spirit labs now has their own brand of headphones called spirit torino. Being based in China, I had no way of trying these out in person. But after spending a few days talking with Andrea, and discussing my sound preferences and what I'm looking for, I settled on purchasing a spirit torino radiante. Since I was blind buying a VERY expensive headphone, I insisted that I be allowed to return it if I'm unhappy. Andrea obliged, so I pulled the trigger. Roughly 2 weeks later I had the radiante in my possession.

Unboxing and Build Quality

Even though I purchased this headphone without listening first, I had seen a lot of pictures, and one of the things that sold me on giving them a shot was the outstanding build quality. The headphone arrived in a large wooden box that truly gave them a premium feel (sorry, you'll need to settle for my low quality cell phone photos... these are quick snaps).


These headphones are roughly medium sized, but they have some weight to them, about 370 grams according to the specs.

The stock cable is very high quality. I personally chose (and sort of regret) a 2.5mm balanced connection. I went with that specific connector as I planned to use these closed-backs mainly for mobile use with my phone, and I already have a few mobile dac/amps (9038S, DC-01) that use 2.5mm balanced. If I could do it again though, I would have gotten 4.4, but I digress. Anyway, the thing oozes "premium", from the unboxing, to the look, design, and feel of the headphones, to the quality of the stock cable. I love the look of the blue in person.


Very comfortable with the stock custom dakoni pads. Of the few reviews I could find of spirit torino products, a number of reviewers complained about weight and overall comfort. These were early reviews however, and Spirit Torino definitely addressed the comfort issues in their latest iterations.


side-by-side with the hifiman arya

They JUST fit over my big ears. They do clamp a tad hard, but not enough to be uncomfortable. There's also a bit of a pressure point at the top of my head, likely due to the headphone's weight distribution. So it's not like you don't feel them on your head. Despite this, they are still quite comfortable and easy to wear for long periods of time. I just have to remove them occasionally to relieve pressure from the bit of pressure I feel at the top of my head.


Here's where things get interesting. Sound is the most important part, and I will make a confession. I didn't like the sound when I first heard it. First of all, the bass seems to overpower everything. Mids and treble feel a bit dark and recessed. I was immediately taken aback and not really happy. It's a HUGE contrast to my other "premium" headphone, the hifiman arya. They couldn't be any more different, yet the arya is considered by many a benchmark premium headphone, so it gives at least give me something to go off of. However, after spending some time with the radiante, and doing some fairly light EQ, I love these things.

So let me break down the sound a little more.


These headphones slam HARD. Unlike anything I've ever heard. There's so much subbass, that it can feel at times that it has a slow decay. But in reality, I've just never heard a headphone with such a prominent yet controlled bass, I just didn't know what to think of it. You can physically feel kickdrums and deep bass notes. I actually touched the passive radiators when playing certain music, and I could feel them flexing like a subwoofer when the music hit certain notes. Pretty wild. Again, going from the arya, which has excellent, but not deep bass, this was just plain jarring. But man is it fun, especially when you've gotten over the brain burn-in period. The bass does not bleed into the mids. It's just plain deep and dynamic, though still overwhelming at times, depending on the recording.


Again, I wasn't a fan of the sound when I first got these, and the mids is one area that really didn't impress me. Detail retrieval isn't a strong suit of these, period. But one area it does excel is in instrument timbre and tonality. Strings instruments sound vibrant and natural. Mid-bass is fantastic and is really just an extension of how great the bass response is. Instrument separation is another area these excel in. You can pinpoint instruments. Even though these don't impress me with details, you can definitely hear every instrument in their place. Andrea mentioned his goal was to make a headphone that sounds like you're listening at a live concert, and I can see this where he was aiming. So anyway, for me, the mids needed to be EQed. I actually added a mid scoop in my EQ so I could address the biggest issue I had with the stock sound...


This is where I felt the most disappointed when I first heard these. I didn't like the treble at all, especially compared side-by-side with my arya. Again, not really a fair fight, but still, the radiante just sounded way too dark for my liking. The bass just made vocals, high hats, and any trace of sparkle sound a bit muddy. However, once I applied some EQ to give the treble a boost, I couldn't believe how well the radiante responded. Vocals sounded smooth and velvety (while still sounding a bit laid back). I could hear some sparkle. The bass was no longer overpowering everything. It transformed into an incredibly dynamic and engaging headphone, without being fatiguing. Additionally, I noticed more detailed was able to be retrieved. Boosting the treble with EQ made the radiante feel like a whole new headphone (in the best way possible).


These cans are 30 ohms and don't need that much power to be driven, however, they definitely respond well to power. To give them their best, I paired it with my smsl sp200 amp. In high gain I couldn't go past 7 oclock. In low gain it's plenty loud at 9-oclock. The 9038S in performance mode do a great job of driving these for mobile use. So in terms of source, these can be sufficiently driven by a powerful DAP or mobile DAC/amp, if you want to. Being that these are closed-back, this makes them great for taking on the road, or listening next to the wife in bed.

Soundstage and Conclusion

Soundstage is quite good for a closed-back. I touched on imaging at the beginning. The radiante has fantastic, pinpoint imaging. It's strange. Sometimes you feel like the stage is mostly close to you, but out of nowhere you'll hear a detail fly out of the corner of the sound field. You still feel like you're getting an intimate listening experience, but the imaging has a way of impressing me unexpectedly with it's depth and weight. That said, don't expect it to compete with an open-back in terms of distance or height. The soundstage is not tall, nor is it particularly wide. But it does absolutely have noticeable depth and layering, especially with well mastered material. Andrea's stated to me several times he wanted a "live concert" experience. I get where he's coming from, though with these I'd say it's an "intimate live concert". It's also worth noting that passive sound isolation is excellent. So these are proper closed-back and achieve the goal of keeping ambient sound out, and the music in.

So in conclusion, I really like the radiante after giving initially being put off by it. The owner Andrea Ricci seems to be anti-tuning for some reason, but for me, the EQ turned the sound from dark and lacking in treble energy, to incredibly fun and dynamic. Overall, I would describe these as fun sounding headphones, not neutral or reference-level. Not overly analytical or neutral by any means. The bass is what truly stands out. I have heard nothing like it. In my experience, most other headphone that are bass heavy just end up bleeding into the mids and sounding boomy. But these do bass in a way I've never experienced on a headphone, making them truly unique. Powerful and impactful, yet controlled. And for me, lightly scooping the mids and boosting the treble with EQ (effectively making them v-shaped... go ahead and trash me), makes the radiante sound truly special. Post EQ, I feel like most genres sound well to me, though jazz, hip hop, pop, and house particularly stand out strongly. With rock I need to tone down the bass a bit more to keep all the details prominent while still keeping the slam.


If you get a chance to demo these, do it. And if you aren't immediately wowed by the sound, don't be afraid to apply some EQ. It's what really made the difference for me. The unique sound + the unique and premium look definitely make me proud to own these. Also the fact that these are closed-back and fairly easy to drive are other huge plusses, seeing as premium closed-back headphones are not so easy to come by, and these can fill a void in my collection that has been missing.



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Interesting reviews. Why doesn’t anyone seem to address the adjustability of the drivers? Apparently you can tune the sound by physically moving a baffle inside each ear cup.
Can you share your EQ plot? I just bought the Radiante 1706 and have very little experience with EQ.
I have finally figured out how to use the convolution filter and parametric EQ they Roon. My Radiante 1706 is sounding absolutely sublime. It is such a great headphone.