Sony MDR-MA100 Over the Head Style Headphones

General Information

40mm driver unit reproduces powerful sound, Open-air type headphones can realize wide natural sound field, Cord: 2M

Latest reviews


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Flimsy but durable design, Daily headphone that's easy and comfortable to use, 3m cable giving enough leeway, disappear on you head.
Cons: it creaks a bit when you move your head.
Finally the erfect time to write up a review for this favorite can of mine
Build: looks flimsy and minimal, but Very durable, mine has went through more than a year and still no problem despite few times fall from bed height, cable caught on something, still come out of it scotch free, the metal cover of the driver doesn't have any visible scratches, velour pads more durable than M40x Pleather, (well of course) and more breatheable, It's also very light, headband even with no cushion rest in between the thicker part, and my head sit perfectly with no comfort problem whatsoever, no complaint from me
Sound: It has a warm signature, a bit neutral with not much of emphasis on bass and it always feel natural on any activities I use it with, whether watching movies, playing games, or listening to music.
Bass is Laid back and enough for giving the much needed atmosphere any music needs, for movie or gaming with tons of explosion though, it may need a bit of a Bass Boost (good thing my Q1 has it) and you wont ever demand for more :)
Mids are taking centre stage but not too intimate to make it feel unnatural, it feels like I am listening to them singing in the same room (albeit quite small one It has better soudntsage than competitors on the same price range, yes, but compared to popular AT's AD 500x,700 etc its around the same in width. 
It has rolled off treble, so if you compare it with SR60e on high notes realism like on "rain" and "applause" sound, the grado take the cake there, but I wouldn't stand watching full season of a series wearing only the Grado, M100, give me 3 and I can finish it in one sitting
, It's made for long use comfort, not critical listening with much detail, so I'd gladly accept this,
Overall I'm very satisfied with this headphone, for the price I paid it for, anyone can walk in and buy a pair for any use, piano training, watching movies late at night, or whatever, with the comfort and sound it has, I feel this is the Porta Pros of Full size open headphone, though sadly Sony's MA series is discontinued now, I think that people need take attention of it when they find it on garage sale somewhere.


Previously known as ahnvx
Pros: Cheap!, Soundstage, & Bass
Cons: Cheap Build
Sony MDR-MA100
Quick Notes
"I feel these are an important staple in the world of "Lower End Headphones". They truly show that price means nothing."
Cons -
"Cans do feel cheap, and sound cheap when you jangle them around in your hands, you can tell they're built cheap."
Pros - 
"Despite suffering a jangling sound from twisting them left and right, and a few slams if dropped."
Sound Quality, & What You Get for $20
So, it's fair to assume that a lot of people outside Head-Fi would make the average comment in saying that "$20 is probably crappy quality." 
Thankfully we're Head-Fi, not the General Public!
When you get this package, the build of the case it comes in would lead you to think it's sound is poor, and they are just plain cans for a cheapo person.
Beyond looks, and mods, these are pretty interesting.
Some will point the finger and call these Bass Cannons, which is quite false.
They're pumping out a lot of juice to the bass, but I'd take and say that it's pushed more towards Mid, & Upper Bass ends.
I wanna argue that the Highs are colored, but in a manner of making them sound soft, and glistening.
They're pretty, not scarring, and won't tear your ears out.
Tinging isn't accurate, but it's hidden. With a glare effect that gives them an echo sounding shatter after Crash Cymbals, and Rides are hit.
Mids are pumping. 
I mean thrusting, or forward with Upper End Bass.
You get a slight bit of air pushed through the driver with EQ, though I don't recommend EQ'ing these.
But mids are accurate if you can push by the airy thrusts, and bumps, though I think it gives these a characteristic.
Low end is full of the Bass guitar solos, and lines.
It's not an all around important part of the headphone, but it's solid structure makes sure you know they're there.
Unfortunately there's no real detail.
My Mods
Turtle Beach Ear Force XL1 Pads to increase comfort, I personally didn't care for the velour on them, so I put them on my M50s'.

Size Cups, & Cans
wait.. I didn't know that the pad fits AT's M series... just so my M40x pads started crumbling so maybe I can swap them out after I find something to upgrade from MA100 which is my daily driver... Tried out X2 and its fantastic all rounder that's very comfortable for long use, only it has med-heavy weight, very opposite of Sony MA philosophy of minimal but durable... R70x less comfortable and more towards neutral.. tried it without my Fiio Q1, so maybe it was just too heavy back then. still trying to find a demo for MA900 (damn store closed in capital closed when I went there)... though reviews looks glorious as an upgrade... It is scarce though.


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Natural sound!, good stage, light and comfortable, not amp. dependent, excellent cable. sounds great straight out of the box
Cons: less comfortable than its bigger brother, and a little less magic.
Paid around 30$ for this little gem
it has the MA900's sound signature, but at much better price and less requirements. 
It has angled drivers, which makes for a pretty good stage. it is very light, comfortable, and overall an excellent all-rounder.
the bass is of course elevated more than it should be, but not too much (certainly not for bass-heads)
the mids are the magic here... Ambient is so good with this one.
the treble is rolled off, well, same as the MA900's.
While it may be a little bit less refined in comparison to its bigger brother, it is still so good... I rank it as my #1 for TV & Movies purposes.
There wasn't even a need for a burn-in... it sounded great straight out of the box.
In short, 
- I didn't imagine i'll get so much for the 30$ (!)
hmm... even more comfortable huh? hehe, I've read a lot of good reviews of it, and getting more and more interested... sadly, I never really found a pair locally, and only can found 1 / 2 in stock in some online stores, so I never really could audience it by myself properly... but with all the good reviews, I really need to start to pool some money to buy one. Thank you for the fast feedback :)
oh, i made an error
"latter " => former! :)
ofc. the 900 is much better
ah well, I know it was the other way around... well, really its a bargain for the price, anyone can just buy it on a whim and will be pleasantly surprised :)


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