Sennheiser CX 3.00 White In-Ear Canal Headphone

General Information

Sennheiser's new CX 3.00 earphones deliver amazingly detailed sound reproduction with extended bass response in an incredibly small package. Cosmetically striking featuring a new industrial design, this In-Ear model helps reduce ambient noise so you can better experience your music. Individualized fit is guaranteed with four sizes of included ear adapters (XS, S, M, L) to choose from. A new elliptical design helps eliminate the frustration of tangled cables. The new CX 3.00 lets you focus on the music. Try them today!

Latest reviews


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: bassy, forgiving,fatigue free sound (perfect for streaming), small comfortable housing, great looking (love the all white design!)
Cons: sound signature was not exactly my cup of tea, but i can see its appeal!
The Sennheiser CX 3.00 is the replacement to the highly rated Senneheiser CX 300 II, an earphone that’s highly rated and recommended time and time again on popular review websites such as CNET, PCMag, Engadget and many more. 
Their predecessors, the CX 300II was know as a great upgrade over stock earphones. Boasting a strong, emphasized but not overpower bass, backed by a highly reputable brand with a rich audio history, while doing all of this at a relatively affordable price.
I want to thank Sennheiser for their patience (I have been swamped at work for a last little while) and for sending a sample of the CX 3.00 out for review.
Here is my video review on youtube: be sure to subscribe

I also created a thread here for these earphone. (click the link below) *hint* discovered a special modifications that changes the sound, stay tuned for updates!
So let’s jump right in shall we?
Accessories: These earphones are a bit light in terms of accessories:
  1. 4 sizes eartips (XS,S,M,L)- which have a line across the centre ( filtering the sound Click here to see post on how it changes sound
    1. First impression:
    2. Review video: (will update)
  2. 1 plastic carrying case (which I think most people will take out the plastic insert). Very protective however.
Accessories Overall: 7/10 (the protective case is very nice, just a bit big, and I would like to have a wider eartip selection)
Design: If you google pictures of pictures of the old Sennheiser CX 300 II and compare them to the CX 3.00. you can clearly Sennheiser has seriously upgraded the design. I really like it! It’s a much more modern and sleeker all white design, with a pearl, glittery ring around the earpiece to give it some flair, a very nice touch! ( these earphone also come in black and red).
Design Overall: 9/10 (it’s a small, simple and modern design)
Build Quality: The entire earphone is made of entirely plastic but the plastic used feels very reassuring. In addition the, nozzle is made of metal (which I think more manufacturers should switch to) making it feel very durable as a whole. The cable is an elliptical cable (not completely flat) but definitely helps prevents tangles and it’s well relieved in all the key points. The earphones come equipped with a very low profile L shaped jack. In addition Sennheiser offers a 2-year warranty, a very nice bonus! So I’m not worried when stuffing these into my jean pocket, or quickly into my bag.
Build Quality Overall: 9/10 (considering its price, its built very well, the metal nozzle really helps feel more durable)
Comfort: Sennheiser aced it in terms of comfort. These earphones are super comfortable. The nozzle is angled perfectly and is quite long, and in addition to the small housing and soft eartips, allows these to just disappear in my ears.
Comfort Overall: 10/10 (the small, rounded housing, along with the soft eartips makes these my top 2 earphones in terms of comfort!) Great Job!
Isolation:These earphones are vented (please see the picture below). I would say the isolation is slightly above average. These are passable for commuting, and wearing them around town. However, if your not careful, you will run into trouble.
Isolation Overall: 7.5/10 (passable for commuting but does allow for some situational awareness).
Microphonics/Cable Noise: Wearing these cable down I would say its okay, (wearing these cable up, eliminates almost all cable noise)
Cable noise Overall:  7.5/10
Sound: Now this is where it gets interesting because I found that these earphones can sound different with a very simple and reversible modification. So I decided to split the sound section into two parts.  I suggest you read it all the way to the end, the mod, changes the sound, you can be the judge of which one you might prefer!
Stock Summary: It has a forgiving (maybe a overly so) , dark, smooth bassy sound. It makes even the most compressed tracks (I’m not even talking 192kps) listenable and at very loud volumes at that. By high volumes I mean 75-80% (I usually hover around 37.5-45%on my iPhone 4, my iPod touch, and my Samsung galaxy S3). I think the CX 3.00 has a sound that wide mainstream market will find enjoyable and it will work well in noisy environments
Bass: The bass is very warm and quite emphasized; I would say even basshead level. The bass absolutely steals the show! The bass however is somewhat loose, so those looking for a neutral sound need not apply.  It’s meaty, and has bit of a bloomy quality to it, and it bass retains it’s quality even as you turn it up the volume, a big plus for those that like their music loud. As a result, the bass here is great for noisy places such as on the bus or in cafeterias.
Mids: The midrange here is recessed especially compared to the big bass. Consistent with its smooth nature, I feel the midrange has some veiling  which makes female vocals, in particular more reined in. So there seems to be a trade off of clarity in favor to a more laid back sound.  I think works better for more top 40 pop tracks compared to acoustic or ballads.
Treble: Its very polite sounding, a somewhat overly so for me but I believe it was tuned with the average consumer in mind, who would be listening to streaming or very compressed music (Youtube, Spotify, or 8Tracks) where the treble can be sharp, harsh that may have been poorly mastered or recorded. I was able to listen to even the most compressed music at high volume with little to no fatigue. However, on the CX 3.00 it will sound as smooth as mild summer breeze even at very loud volumes (75%+ on my Ipod touch). (for reference I like a brighter more energetic sound, so the CX 3.00 lacked the bite and energy I yearn for).
Soundstage:  It’s a bit small and has average separation but it is well centred.
Sound Overall: 6.5/10 (I felt the bass was too much for me, in addition to the treble being more polite than I’d like)
In conclusion, though the sound not my cup of tea, I think its competitive with many offerings from other big name Western brands targeting the mainstream market. It has a lot going for it :
It’s built very well, offers a 2 year warranty, backed by a highly respected brand, super comfortable and isolates well, it has a very forgiving sound that will not fatigue at any volume (an added plus for those that like their music loud).  
Overall: 56.5/70= 80.7%
Below are some pictures I've taken, enjoy!
I would just add that, like with most if not all in-ears, the balance changes when you change the tips. The medium tips that are slightly too ig for me bloat the bass to unlistenable levels, where as the small ones work a lot better signature-wise. The XS ones are too small for my ears but I am reasonably sure that were I to have ever-so-slightly-smaller tips I would enjoy them more both in terms of comfort and in terms of sound.
Indigo Bob
Indigo Bob
I agree.  I thought you did a great review.  I found that my bass oriented songs which I bought these for were quite muddy sounding. These were the first pair of IEM's where the bass pushed me out of the listening experience and would prevent me from emersion, but I guess maybe that's what Bassheads like. In fact, these compelled me to look for IEM's with a better soundstage rather than better bass, and I ended up happily sticking with the Soundmagic e80.
thanks! @Indigo Bob ! glad someone was able find some use to my review! 


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