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Penon OSG. Graphene infused SPC IEM cables.
- Added by Dsnuts
- Create date
Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: First Graphene infused cable made in the world
A unique blackness of background which delineates sonic elements
Added contrast which results in a style of perceived clarity
Increased stage size, resulting in further separation of sonic elements
Enhanced ergonomics and flexibility
Comes inside a beautiful wooden box
Rhodium-plated plug, your choice 3.5mm,4.4mm or 2.5mm
Rhodium-plated 2Pin or MMCX terminations
Playful, detailed and sculpted bass enhancement
Some of the best midrange I ever heard
A unique blackness of background which delineates sonic elements
Added contrast which results in a style of perceived clarity
Increased stage size, resulting in further separation of sonic elements
Enhanced ergonomics and flexibility
Comes inside a beautiful wooden box
Rhodium-plated plug, your choice 3.5mm,4.4mm or 2.5mm
Rhodium-plated 2Pin or MMCX terminations
Playful, detailed and sculpted bass enhancement
Some of the best midrange I ever heard
Cons: On a few IEMs the overall tonal character could be shifted (slightly too bright) into the wrong tone

Penon OSG OCC Silver-plated Mixed with Graphene HiFi Audiophile IEMs Cable
Type-4 Litz configuration
Material: High purity single crystal copper silver-plated wire mixed with graphene
Number of cores: 4 strands, single strand is 71 cores
Sheath: environmental protection transparent PVC
Configuration: Carbon fiber metal splitter and slider,The solder joint is silver–contained tin
Plug: Rhodium-plated plug
Cable length: 1.2M
Storage bag
The first ever graphene silver plated copper cable from Penon. Being introduced in the late summer of 2020, the OSG made quite the stir on the IEM forums. Probably its prolonged success has been due to three things. One, it has a particular sound. Now this sound is totally natural and remains true to your source and IEM, except there is a slight, ever so slight redeeming character. Two, the overall ergonomics are profound. Meaning I get a lot of cables that need excuses as to why they sound good, but are often difficult in use. Meaning they are stiff, or thick……just something that makes them cumbersome in daily use. Though you know us audiophiles, we will put up with a lot to add sonic benefits to our daily listening. And three, the OSG is actually a value. I have done a few comparisons and the OSG delivers both build and sonic qualities, that simply goes to show Penon are offering a down-to-earth cable that delivers on many fronts. Whether it’s exactly what you're looking for remains to be found, I will try and explain more in detail.
Penon OSG stands for OCC copper (O) silver plated copper (S) and graphene (G)
Really it's no wonder that Penon is successful. They started in 2013 making and selling cables plus other manufactures audiophile products. Personal Audio Replay is what they focus on. They don’t sell turntables or speakers, they don’t sell big power-amps or speaker cables. Penon sticks with just the sector of the market that they know and have been known for. This results in a specialty retail establishment that offers value. There are no products known for being overly highbrow or condescending in stature, all Penon offers is down-to-earth value. While they still have top-of-the-line expensive flagship earphones, those too are in many ways undercutting the competition, offering the same sound or better than the same sound for 1/3 of the asking price. This would all be enough, except Penon developed their very own house sound. And not only a single house sound for every IEM they make they split the house sound into two similar offerings….Penon Audio and ISN Audio. While both established themselves with starter IEMs, they have progressed along the years offering now the full gambit of product choices. This whole shindig has resulted in groupies, yep…….consumers which have slowly explored the ISN/Penon line of products and made selections on which ones they would call their own. So only imagine that there are consumers who are getting their feet wet with one or two products and finding a relationship. Mostly this relationship centers around finding a sound, an IEM response which is further brought into focus by cable experimenting. Such values are just that………..value, in that often the sound is found to be more involved than similarly priced products from the other guys. Such success could be from Penon being more in-touch with customer needs, but I will go out-on-a-limb to proclaim that Penon just beats the personal audio retail system by providing good sound, plain and simple. In fact as of late, somehow Penon has jumped-ahead of many retailers one buyer at a time. Just like that a beginner has good luck with a single purchase, then expands his or her needs to include a higher-end purchase and on and on. If we add up Penon and ISN’s output they currently have 2 ear-buds, 45 cables and 15 different IEMs with a 16th IEM released any day. When you realize this you start to see how Penon is really still cable focused, as they got their start making cables and haven’t forgotten where they came from.
About me and cables:
I get a lot of cables in for review, and to tell you the truth, reviewing cables is the easiest thing to do, for me. I simply hook a handful of IEMs up to them and switch sources and write about it. No mystery or real difficulty in doing so, though often I wonder if the same cable realities will be held by other readers across the board? Due to feedback and reports over the last year I have come to understand I’m probably at about an 80-90% parallel to what others think. Now that doesn’t mean I’m right all the time, you have to realize the variables at hand here. Sources, IEMs, Ear-canal anatomy…….there becomes a myriad of variables, still with the same cable and IEM normally I’m pretty close to arriving at an opinion that is shared by many. This is super important as the last thing I would want is to recommend a cable and have the buyer not find the joy I found. At times cables can be too bright, or too muddy or whatever. Where this is important is to know the difference between the extremes and the close-calls. That means being able to tell when a cable will be generally liked across the board, or when it is even questionable in places. It’s these issues on-the-fence that are the most difficult to relay factually. When at times it’s a change of DAP, or a rotation of ear-tips that seem to do the trick…….still this does not mean everyone will experience the same results. So take whatever I write with a grain of salt, yet still realize that you too may also come to the same conclusions as I.

The OSG Cable change:
So this resulting change in sound frequency could be looked at as a boost, but is it natural and always pleasant? To cut to the chase here the OSG affects both the stage as well as tonality across the board, as bass holds a more focused and clear position. Midrange is both showing an alternative tone (higher-up) and improved clarity. Yet this is an IEM by IEM experience. Meaning (personally) the OSG simply works better with about 90% of the IEMs I tested, but in a 10% of cases this “boost” is not desirable or wanted. Though typically acceptance of this new tone will be subjective and depend on the individual's sonic preferences.

Penon OSG and Penon Globe:
Normally when I try a cable I’m attempting to bring the IEM into line with what I hope to achieve with music replay. In actuality I’m trying to either add a quality that I don’t have with another cable, or take away a quality. That or leave everything the same, except maybe generally make the IEM have a blanket character, like overall warmth, while still being somewhat true to the original character. Yet some cables affect certain parts of replay and add an unexpected character…….be it an expanded stage with-in the midrange and parlay a very specific midrange character. Where it’s both detailed but enhanced into better imaging and almost a crunchy effect that is hard to put into words. Now when I say unexpected character, that change can still keep the tone relatively true to life. Meaning yes, there is a definite character yet the changes remain within the realms of acceptability and naturalness. And this my friends is what we are experiencing today with the Penon OSG Cable and Penon Globe. Probably to continue to over analyze this OSG effect, with the Globe…… is somehow making the midrange BA character of timbre more real. Darn it, I didn’t want to spill the beans so soon in this review but that is what is going on. Where certain IEMs have this BA character which is a double edge sword, the BA methodology goes ahead and adds fast transients, but the actual timbre can be ever so slightly off. Now the other benefits of BA character is they can spread the good way out farther into soundstage perception. So just imagine, you’re paying for both better (really almost perfect) BA timbre, a bigger soundstage and natural and correct positioning inside of this soundstage. And finally the background is deeper and blacker, which affects everything, but somehow gets a more focused and clearer bass tone? Just a reminder, Penon is already known for these magic midrange playbacks………well now it is taken up and over the top!

The Globe is a 3 way $339.00 IEM that sports a single Knowles BA for treble, a single Sonion BA for mids and a 10mm dynamic driver for bass. So interesting enough maybe what’s happening here is the OSG is making the most out of every driver, but due to the number drivers included being only 3, the sound is more focused and clear? While in my timbre testing the guitar tone is accurate and full, except maybe not as forward or as sparkling as in some replays, this actually could be from the sound coming from a single BA. But the end results are in fact that there is an exploitation of that single Sonion tone……it’s magic. Sonion BAs are my favorite BA re-players, and here is just another perfect example of why. Why? Because this is all you need, it’s totally accurate as far as timbre goes, just not as forward or as sparkling as some replays. To sum this up, it affects all day listening scenarios. This set-up also provides a style of ample leeway being I have a choice of using either the Sony mid-centric WM1A for a more midrange expanded effect, or a switch to the more robust bass Sony WM1Z………confirming that we are never really trying to make playback correct, but enjoying many variations of (close to) perfection. I could ramble on about this Globe/OSG combination for paragraphs but I guess at this point you have my basic ideas. We have ground to cover here, it’s just if you were wondering which IEM I migrated to upon first testing the OSG Cable, the Globe was one of them! In fact the OSG made the Globe actualized into being a slightly different IEM in all the best of ways. It made the Globe more of what it already was…………but in ways I never could have dreamed? Also I don’t want to remove it from my ears here?
What if I told you a story? You know those long-winded talks that could happen over a campfire? Would you be willing to listen? Because this story relates to another accomplishment of the OSG cable…..yep there is more to the story here………..

Does this Graphene do anything to make the IER-Z1R different? What does this do different than the included IER-Z1R cable or the Kimber IER-Z1R cable? Our OSG Cable build is an OCC Copper and Silver infused Graphene mixture………..and yes, the results are different than the included cable or the Kimber Cable. I will confess I have not tried a myriad of cables with the IER-Z1R. I bought the Kimber MUC-M12SB1 as a $367.00 additive to the Sony IER-Z1R when it came out, hoping to get alignment like the Sony MRD-Z1R did with the Kimber. In the end I found out like many that the included Sony IER-Z1R cable is better. The price you pay to be an early adopter!
With that out of the way…….let's get down to it shall we. First thing that hits you is the stage is different, less cluttered, more clear. While always keeping the tone/timbre inline with what the IER-Z1R does anyways. I have to ask myself if the midrange is corrected. Now as you know the IER-Z1R mids are a question of ability. The treble the IER-Z1R does is without question world-class if you can get a deep fit, and the bass……well let me just say I still haven’t ever heard an IEM with exactly this bass timbre…..the IER is both deep and a complex beast that seems to provide ample doses of both bass density and bass amount? Bass notes are normally full-bodied, in correct timbre and detail. So what do we have now? Truth to be stated I’ve always wanted the IER-Z1R to be faster and hold a more midrange stance, hence preferring it from the more mid centric Sony WM1A over the slower and bombastic Sony WM1Z. So believe it or not we are now in many ways like the Globe before it. Enjoying a bigger soundstage than stock cable. Just to let this be known the IER-Z1R has a naturally big soundstage, but now somehow it’s bigger. Much of this may actually be FR response into which the soundstage can be frequency dependent…….get the IEM more mids and soundstage expands. Yep, it goes in every direction, but more than that the treble and bass is just slightly more curtailed than I remember them to be, which goes further to increase the perception of stage. I hate to say this but the IER-Z1R is now all mids (it seems)……….and I love it!
Faster, more defined bass, and a big and involving midrange that takes you away. Strangely this also added to make the IER-Z1R more well rounded than it’s ever been. Yep, OST’s, Rock, Classical, Pop….really if they were good at all these things and even great at a few genres, now they are optimized across the board with all genres of music. While I approach the IER with concern with regards to vocals……really there is very little to ruffle any feathers. Yes, vocals are not their strong point, and to tell you the truth somehow even now that the mids are accentuated……there are moments when vocals could use a lift slightly. Now not all the time, as in songs I know well I was expecting to be let down in the vocal department, only to actually be surprised at just how complete and thorough the vocals were? One reason the IER-Z1R has remained well liked all these years is partially due to distraction. What I mean is they do replay so good in the treble and bass department, you kind-of get distracted to not care how good the vocals are.
With all this talk about Vocals……you may guess the IER-Z1R has issues? But truth to be told it’s my absolute favorite IEM. And now with the OSG it’s just that much better. Faster imaging, bigger, wider, taller, deeper soundstage, and more air placed between instruments. Due to the bass being DD still the IER-Z1R has this slight slowness that simply is a side-effect of DD bass, but the OSG trims the involvement slightly, though at the same time makes it appear bigger and more dramatic farther out into the stage. Like imaging is more vivid and the bass is both slightly polished, yet more contrasty and larger in size, but slightly subdued. There is this slight crunchiness that takes place with the mids in the Globe due to the BAs revealing more of their texture, yet here almost none of that takes place. While the IER-Z1R is a three driver IEM, the DD for the treble and DD for the bass seem to makeup the brute-force of its demeanor? While there is a Sony custom single BA at the center midrange/treble............these (crunchy) effects seem to be lost to it?
I really want to do a music section now as there is no better way to disclose what I’m experiencing.
Sony WM1A>Penon OSG Cable>2 pin/MMCX Adapter>Sony IER-Z1R:
“Chemical Redemption”
44.1 kHz - 24 bit
Apocalypse & Chill

Probably the sequenced opening simply lets us know just how dynamic and thorough all is taking place. Remember this is a TOTL Flagship style of response and if you are not getting it here, maybe you should look for kicks elsewhere? The opening has both a somewhat deep syncopated rhythm that shows right off the pace we will encounter in the song. The deepness here is truly satisfying. At 00:08 the guitars and kick drum enter. One thing I always count on is the sound of the guitar to offer clues as to timbre. Because nothing is off here, but still I have to ask myself, is it exactly like it should be? The rhythm here is so clean and moving, and most of all lightning fast! Yep, we are getting our due involvement emotionally! At 00:24 Charlotte Wessels arrives and we have to question, is she forward enough? Is she clear enough? While not forward into the stage like vocal specialist IEMs, she is slightly more noticeable in replay than with the stock cable, still the OSG Cable is not working miracles here…….yet that’s OK! Why? Because everything in the midrange is more prominent, but it’s also so balanced that it all totally works in the end. While maybe the IER-Z1Rs key to success has always been its musicality despite being slightly dark, yet through timbre is 100% accessible…….and we still have all that……as the IER-Z1R character has been left intact. It’s just cleaner, faster and more clear, while still always doing what it does.
"Here is the dealio"
Truly we have to start wondering about stuff. The Penon OSG debuted in late summer of 2020…….and a lot of cables have come since then. As of late there has been the Penon Vocal, a $69.00 force of nature that has out-cabled many a cable before it in terms of capabilities. Namely vocal contrast, but also the Penon Vocal does more, creating great pace and vibrance, all for $69.00. So our test today is if the Vocal Cable is really better for the ISN EST50 IEM than the Penon OSG? I mean the Vocal is legendary for the money, and tons of people have partaken of its charms…..probably just what it does for the money. So we are going to discover what adding $230 to the equation does. We need to know if the $299 OSG is really better than the $69.00 Penon Vocal Cable.

ISN EST50 with both the Penon Vocal Cable and OSG Cable:
I have to say I cheated a little in this test. Yep, I threw in a side test to kind-of reconfirm what I was thinking. I used the Vocal Cable and the ISN G4 Cable with the IER-Z1R. To make a long story short, the more cables you compare the closer you get to understanding what you have. So I can simply say upfront that the Penon OSG is slightly smoother than both the ISN G4 and the new Penon Vocal cable. Why I didn’t pick-up on this right off, who knows, but the end answers are what is important. So let me start this with saying the OSG offers a wider stage than the Vocal Cable with the ISN EST50, but more than that there is an area of midrange which is less forward than the Vocal Cable. Now with the FR structure you may think that the EST50 would need what the Vocal provides 100% of the time. Now this is where it gets tricky. The smoothness of the OSG and the EST50 still makes the OSG/EST50 totally exciting and one of the best cables for the EST50 I have come across. Why? Well there is just this giant stage to start with, there is this added 3D effect where elements emerge from farther back and show a wonderful delineation due to the blackness. The Vocal is slightly more busy, while still one of the best cables for the EST50. But if you are wondering about an upgrade to the EST50 and already have the Vocal Cable, I would say absolutely the OSG is delivering the goods here……….there just is this organic smoothness that somehow is even more complete, where images take up a more (slightly relaxed) but clearer picture that simply goes to become proof in the putting that the extra price difference of $230.00 goes to refine the display of detail and romantic smoothness. This OSG newly found completeness occurs in a slightly darker yet totally entertaining new sound over the Vocal Cable. In all honesty here, I could have listened to the OSG and ISN EST50 for the remainder of the day and be totally satisfied. I started the ISN EST50 section of this review at about 9AM then went to the gym, and returned and it’s now 4:13 PM in the afternoon, and I’m still feeling it. When I have seemed to strike gold, I am guaranteed to return to this combination after all is said and done…….as it is just that good! I don’t have any other way to describe it. The ISN EST50 has somehow become endgame?
If there was any part of this review that was a profound surprise............and the OSG Cable/ISN EST50 was it. Probably because I just got done giving it such good accolades about the Vocal Cable and EST50, so I wasn't expecting such emotional success? But the clarity of bass, the density of bass, and the contrasts enabled, took this combination over the top. Often blackness of background makes a difference, yet here it was profound......and just the way the stage was re-imagined out into new positioning...........priceless!

Penon OSG Cable and IMR BC 2023:
Guess which ISN cable was the top performer in tests with the IMR BC 2023? Another Graphene added cable. Yep, it was the ISN Audio G4.
Now to try and understand the differences here, the ISN G4 is simply brighter in nature. Now both do a magic trick in that they both expend out the midrange like crazy…….to the point that you have to start believing that there is truth to this Graphene additive. Why? Because no other cable sounds exactly like these two, where pure silver goes higher-up the FR and adds goings on in the treble as an additional feature, here we are more midrange based. But to reiterate the OSG is just smoother and holds more of a texture into which itemizations form and flow out into the stage. The G4 is more forward, nothing wrong with that, as you can kinda see how both cables are great with the IMR BC 2023, but in different ways. Where with the IER-Z1R the OSG was fabulous, but the ISN G4 was too clean and took away a little too much of the IER-Z1R bottom-end. Where realize the IMR BC 2023 has bottom-end to spare!
The tests:
This is exciting, you know why? Well the IMR BC 2023 was one of my very first IEMs to try out the OSG with……..really it’s a blur, but it is the first memorable IEM here at Redcarmoose Labs! I mean here is a new release bass centric IEM that benefits from a forwardness into which the mids can be perceived. Now also remember that the IMR BC 2023 midrange balance is the key to the IEMs success in not sounding murky or muddy in the end. While the BC 2023 is never going to portray these sparkly treble itemizations, we don’t care. We don’t care because we are distracted in the very best of ways…….by the midrange. So now with the Penon OSG the midrange still isn’t as forward as the ISN G4, it is still totally accented and brought to life. I like it better than the G4, only because it’s drawing back that forwardness of the G4 and replacing it with romance. Yep, tonally it is very complete and equal in many ways to the G4, only we now have an influx of somehow everything more coherent. The stage is different too, between the two cables, with both big, yet the OSG offers kind-of a pool shaped smoother and slightly more relaxing bathing experience, where the G4 is more about up-front showing bigness. The results in the end are actually more details for the OSG, that and more texture in the bass gifts. It’s 3X the money than the G4, so obviously Penon would sell the OSG for $99.50 if they could, and clean-up. But they can’t, so the OSG ends up becoming kind-of an upper-midrange priced cable that delivers in what monies you allocate to it.

The IMR BC 2023:
“An Upward Curve in the Horizon”
44.1 kHz - 16 bit
This abstraction of sound was recently introduced to me. Though the quality of the mixing was first-off readily apparent. While the bass is slightly sculptured into smoother and more inherently aligned focus by the OSG anyway, I have now used the freedom to migrate over to the bass heavy WM1Z. In the pocket, in the zone, in focus and readily available to all that want to partake. But what is startling about this little number is not the bass except the wild soundstage imaging and the air brought forth. It’s airy in the best of provocative ways, sliding sideways and gaining ground as only this style of music has ways to do. Yep, it’s perfect, the whole song is simply dialed-in to becoming at one with our listening. At 9:58 the ultimate drop takes place as kind-of the completion of the song's original mode of progression. At 10:39 the song is just seconds of ending, yet continuing to evolve and relay a message…… the drums stop, and the melody takes us off to an ending only this style of music could have. To go back to the beginning and try to forget about the music, and truly analyze the bass, as to why this perfection gifts us this balance? What is different in comparison to other cables? Switching cables to the ISN G4 at 02:05 the beginning bass drops, yet now we are experiencing a different Graphene cable and its sonic contrast becomes our message.
Yet, readily noticeable and difficult (inside of a number like this) due to no real instruments played, nope this is a wonderful synthetic environment that holds tones that possibly could be difficult to memorize or even behold differences. Yet they are there and seen for the reality that is taking place. The midrange is of course more forward with the ISN G4, yet we already know this from before. But the $$$ talk now.........and what your getting for your extra jack is quite simply better bass with the OSG, a more complete and satisfying display with the OSG, but more than that, there is a realness and wholesomeness (even with music like this) that shows the OSG is simply more…….more cable. Due to the bass being slightly more heavy and swimming in a smoother pond to play.

Sony WM1Z, Penon OSG Cable, Penon Serial:
The Penon Serial is kind-of a phenomena right now. And rightfully so being at the same time almost neutral, yet showcasing the warm inviting midrange that Penon has built its name on. Obviously there is more to the equation here, the way everything simply blends together and becomes your dear friend for life. But today we are concerning ourselves with the possibility of the Penon OSG being an optimization for the Serial. I will make this really easy…..this review is long and we can’t beat-around-the-bush. The OSG makes the Serial some of the cleanest I have ever heard. Faster and more nimble, slightly thinner without losing the thickness it is kind-of known for. Is it the best cable ever for the Serial? It really depends on what you are after? If the Serial needed more clarity to your ears and for the sake of losing a little of its thickness, well then maybe yes. Still it doesn’t fix the slightly backseat focus of the vocals with-in the Serial, I mean it doesn’t work miracles. The OSG does what it always does, which is offer a blacker background (even with the Serial) and holds a wider/bigger soundstage and places items inside under stronger relief from the backdrop gaining more contrast. I’ve heard the Serial even thicker than normal with a cable like the Space 3-in-1, yet still there is nothing wrong with this playback, even though it could be looked at as the total opposite.

Sony WM1Z, Penon OSG Cable, Penon ORB:
The ORB represents an era for Penon. The ORB is one of the early IEM ideas unto which Penon started the Hybrid legacy, a legacy of mixing and matching IEM methodology to enhance the best part of different drivers in use. And in fact the ORB came out around June of 2020, and the OSG Cable just months later in August of 2020. Yet at the ORBs retail the Penon OSG ends-up $50.00 more money? With that said, the Penon OSG fully optimizes the Penon ORB. Due to the ORB being born with slightly excessive bass and a smoother than average midrange and treble……… the OSG goes to work to maximize the ORBs potentials. Cleaner and purer than expected, and truly maybe the way it was envisioned to sound by the Penon wizards? A clean-up of sorts, yet combined with the needed expansion in dimension of stage, that opens it up and showcases the newly found details. The end results are a far more gifted sound than you would guess looking at the additives? A faster bass and a kind of correctness that is on that exact border of bright and clear. A true difference in sound than the ORB experienced out-of-the-box with the included cable!

Sony WM1Z, Penon OSG Cable, DUNU SA6:
This is a difficult section of the review to write; for two reasons. One, the DUNU SA6 (original) is a high profile IEM, well regarded and known throughout the enthusiasts land. And….two, the Penon OSG has been nothing short of a party in my ears adding just what (sound) I was after in use with most of the IEM contestants here today. I have listened and put down the DUNU SA6 numerous times though-out the week, hoping that something would change, when I knew deep down inside that this paragraph was coming anyway………no matter how I attempted to avoid it. So I’ll just get this over with. One, the bass hasn’t always been the friend of SA6, while yes it’s complete, it hasn’t always been known to have the full-on quantity for some……and the OSG sculpts it even farther back. The next thing happens in the midrange, where yes itemization into the stage takes place, but the OSG accentuates the swerves and curves of the upper midrange/treble into a style of wonkiness? It simply sounds off, like it is doing the opposite of what you want? The included DUW-03 OCC silver plated cable creates a neutral response, providing a transfer of both bass energies and showing the DUNU SA6 midrange and treble for the truth the IEM produces. And while there have actually been many successes into changing the SA6 character in the past, the OSG isn’t one of them.
Comparison of Penon Leo Plus Cable to Penon OSG Cable:
The Leo Plus is made with 8 strands of gold-silver-palladium alloy wire, the original Leo (non-Plus) cable is $50 less and only made of silver. So on the surface it seems the Leo Plus is $50 cheaper than the OSG. The Leo Plus has gold-silver-palladium alloy wire where the OSG has single crystal copper silver-plated wire mixed with graphene. In the photograph we see just how different each cable is physically from one another.

1) Penon Vocal Cable
2) Penon Leo Plus Cable
3) ISN G4 Cable
4) Penon OSG Cable
The Leo Plus has possibly the most ergonomic shape and character. Does this make it delicate? I’m not sure but I keep the Leo Plus inside its own case during storage, away from other cables. The sound difference is the OSG is simply offering a deeper blacker background for which notes can emerge from. Due to this audio effect bass notes can almost appear bigger but they are actually equal in size. Where OSG vocals also have an ounce or two or forward clarity too, due to the blackness phenomena……continuing to parlay a style of relief against a deeper backdrop. This ends with the OSG being in-a-way more contrasty, offering more clarity. But really gets me is the OSG staging, yep…..more separated and not as filled in? The stage is actually wider and taller, deeper and fuller. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Leo Plus, it’s just the OSG is kind-of a show-off of sorts?
The Penon OSG Cable experience was a personal journey. With what started as a way to add clarity to bass heavy IEMs, I was then introduced to new magic tricks such a cable is capable of. With a few combinations the IEMs became the best I ever heard in performance. Yet the surprise was I had to learn to perceive these nuances, to learn to realize that new changes (in-fact) were taking place. The OSG Cable offers an aftertaste which is both sophisticated and subtle…..more noticeable the more you learn to understand what (in-truth) is taking place.
Ergonomically the OSG finds itself (positioning itself) way better than many cables costing $100 more or $500 more. It’s the fact that the size and maneuverability are not extreme, that it’s supple and easy going, never arguing or hostile in shape. No cable noise, nor does the OSG try and pull-on the inserted IEMs.
But most of all the attributes that will endear you center around the smooth repositioning and glorious clarity/pace the OSG offers users. It simply cleans up the town, going and attenuating the bass baggage, spreading-out the midrange into the biggest stage you (or I) have ever heard. And adding detail due to comprehension of a blacker background. None of these changes come-off as strange or even sonic mishaps, but are a welcome difference that results in never wanting to take the IEMs out of your ears...........and that’s what we are here for!
I want to thank Penon Audio for the love and for the Penon OSG Cable review sample.
These are one persons ideas and concepts, your results may vary.
Equipment Used:
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
Shanling UA3 Dongle DAC/Amplifier 4.4mm

Provided is a cloth case, a shirt clip, a cable strap, a brush and a wooden box. Photograph provided by Penon Audio.

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Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: 4 strands of 71 cores of OCC copper, Silver plating infused with graphene. Solid premium built with silver solder and rhodium plated connectors and terminations. Soft supple not prone to tangle. No cord noise. Brilliant higher end cable worlds first graphene infused cable brings a blacker background to the host earphone effecting better instrument separation, cleaner rangier vocals, crystalline precise treble notes. Better defined bass. Enhances imaging and micro details of host earphones.
Cons: Cutting edge is costly. Your other cables will collect dust.
Penon OSG.

Sometimes we get in our hobby new and innovative offerings and while most folks are ok with their normal conventions sometimes thinking outside the box can yield some surprising results. Today we are looking into the newest hybrid type IEM cable from the cable wizards at Penon. If you go into this one with an open mind and read the results of these cables I am certain Penon is onto something completely new in the realm of cables. If you are a snake oil guy. You shouldn't read any of what I have to say. Cus to you it is all snake grease anyway right?

The Penon OSG stands for OCC crystal copper Silver plating with GRAPHENE. Ya you read right. We have the world's first graphene infused IEM cable. Before you start up the torches and sharpen the pitchforks. Here me out and again the disclaimer here is that you read on with an open mind. You can purchase the Penon OSG on their web site here. The OSG was provided for the purpose of review.

Sure you say why not. There are crazier things in audio. Upon reading lengthy descriptions of the properties of graphene. As you should know graphene is a carbon based material that is used in a large variety of ways. One of which actually is used for speakers. Before this cable I only seen graphene used in some earphone dynamic drivers which yields some great results actually. Carbon based dynamics is not uncommon; you will see carbon nanotubes, carbon like diamond coatings, graphene dynamics but this is the first time it has been infused in a cable.

So Penon figured out that Graphene of all materials has a positive effect in a cable and if it wasn’t effective why would they charge $310 for a set of these for them to be a fail? The answer to that is they wouldn’t. Is it madness or genius?

Workmanship of all Penon cables are tops in my book. They all not only look premium but feel and function perfectly. The attention to detail on these cables are tops and everything down to the connector is of a premium grade. Using premium silver solder and rhodium plated plugs. These are every bit the high end cable. So looks and premium accessories on the cable aside. What does the cable do?

We buy cables to match up with our favorite earphones and for me it has been my Solaris for a long time. However the Solaris is not an easy earphone to synergize with cables. Not as easy as you would think. I always find a cable for the earphone and try a different cable and depending on my mood they have subtle but varying effects on the sonics. I threw on the OSG on my Solaris and it was the first time I heard the Solaris sound this good. At first I couldn't point out what exactly it was that made them sound so good. Solaris by default has a great balanced tuning with some outstanding stage and detail to the sonics.

The crazy thing was it wasn’t immediately apparent but the more and more I listened to the Solaris with the OSG. It became very evident. I was looking for possible effects on treble or bass or a fuller mid section but it wasnt that. It was the detail of the music that was jumping out even more so. Hmm so the next earphone I attached them to was my Luna. And what you know. The detail aspect of the sonics on the Luna as well was jumping out at me.

5 earphones and a good week's worth of listening just using the cables and other in ears. It was clearly apparent to me. These cables enhance music notes. A blacker background can be perceived and that air around notes become more apparent. Detail from the bass notes to the treble becomes highlighted. Treble detail becomes more crystalline/ distinct in form, Vocals pop and seem to have more range, bass notes become more rounded and better defined. Because of the blacker background all notes associated with listening to the earphones become even more apparent.

Going back to the cable I was using on my Solaris was really when I noticed the most difference. Now I have no choice but to stick with the OSG with one of my favorites. Anything less and I can’t get that same sound again. Needless to say it will be staying with my Solaris for the foreseeable future.

It seems to me graphene actually enhances the effects of the other materials it is fused with. In this case, the OSG is mostly silver plated copper. The cable now has become a super SPC cable. I did a few hours of comparing the OSG with one of Penons own best SPC cable the OS849. On one aspect the OSG gives a similar tone and enhancement of the sonic properties of the OS849 but the clear difference is that instrument separation and note definition. OS849 just didn’t have the same effect. There is a reason why these cables cost almost 3X more.

In the end it is a hard sell to pay so much for an accessory item and I have to admit cables like the OSG are for the hard core that want to squeeze every bit of sonics out of your earphones. Once you try these cables it is tough going back to whatever you had cus it will not be the same. Penon has done it again and this time something completely new and possibly revolutionary in cable land. I had to admit I was a bit skeptical myself when I first heard about these cables but I am not a skeptic anymore. The proof is in the sonics. My Solaris will not be able to use any other cable now.

I only wish I had a few more sets of these to use with my other earphones.
If your in the market for a true audiophile grade cable for your earphones. I can’t think of a better cable to get than the OSG. These have quickly become my number one cable as no other cable I have used before it does the same thing.

Some enhance treble and tighten the bass while giving out better stage. Some warms up the mid range and gives a fuller bigger punch to the bass. But I have yet to experience a cable that actually enhances instrument separation and promotes better dynamic range to the sonics. These are the first. As unique as the material being used the cables have a unique effect but one you never knew you would appreciate until you try it on your best earphones. As always happy listening.

Sometimes we get in our hobby new and innovative offerings and while most folks are ok with their normal conventions sometimes thinking outside the box can yield some surprising results. Today we are looking into the newest hybrid type IEM cable from the cable wizards at Penon. If you go into this one with an open mind and read the results of these cables I am certain Penon is onto something completely new in the realm of cables. If you are a snake oil guy. You shouldn't read any of what I have to say. Cus to you it is all snake grease anyway right?

The Penon OSG stands for OCC crystal copper Silver plating with GRAPHENE. Ya you read right. We have the world's first graphene infused IEM cable. Before you start up the torches and sharpen the pitchforks. Here me out and again the disclaimer here is that you read on with an open mind. You can purchase the Penon OSG on their web site here. The OSG was provided for the purpose of review.

Sure you say why not. There are crazier things in audio. Upon reading lengthy descriptions of the properties of graphene. As you should know graphene is a carbon based material that is used in a large variety of ways. One of which actually is used for speakers. Before this cable I only seen graphene used in some earphone dynamic drivers which yields some great results actually. Carbon based dynamics is not uncommon; you will see carbon nanotubes, carbon like diamond coatings, graphene dynamics but this is the first time it has been infused in a cable.

So Penon figured out that Graphene of all materials has a positive effect in a cable and if it wasn’t effective why would they charge $310 for a set of these for them to be a fail? The answer to that is they wouldn’t. Is it madness or genius?

Workmanship of all Penon cables are tops in my book. They all not only look premium but feel and function perfectly. The attention to detail on these cables are tops and everything down to the connector is of a premium grade. Using premium silver solder and rhodium plated plugs. These are every bit the high end cable. So looks and premium accessories on the cable aside. What does the cable do?

We buy cables to match up with our favorite earphones and for me it has been my Solaris for a long time. However the Solaris is not an easy earphone to synergize with cables. Not as easy as you would think. I always find a cable for the earphone and try a different cable and depending on my mood they have subtle but varying effects on the sonics. I threw on the OSG on my Solaris and it was the first time I heard the Solaris sound this good. At first I couldn't point out what exactly it was that made them sound so good. Solaris by default has a great balanced tuning with some outstanding stage and detail to the sonics.

The crazy thing was it wasn’t immediately apparent but the more and more I listened to the Solaris with the OSG. It became very evident. I was looking for possible effects on treble or bass or a fuller mid section but it wasnt that. It was the detail of the music that was jumping out even more so. Hmm so the next earphone I attached them to was my Luna. And what you know. The detail aspect of the sonics on the Luna as well was jumping out at me.

5 earphones and a good week's worth of listening just using the cables and other in ears. It was clearly apparent to me. These cables enhance music notes. A blacker background can be perceived and that air around notes become more apparent. Detail from the bass notes to the treble becomes highlighted. Treble detail becomes more crystalline/ distinct in form, Vocals pop and seem to have more range, bass notes become more rounded and better defined. Because of the blacker background all notes associated with listening to the earphones become even more apparent.

Going back to the cable I was using on my Solaris was really when I noticed the most difference. Now I have no choice but to stick with the OSG with one of my favorites. Anything less and I can’t get that same sound again. Needless to say it will be staying with my Solaris for the foreseeable future.

It seems to me graphene actually enhances the effects of the other materials it is fused with. In this case, the OSG is mostly silver plated copper. The cable now has become a super SPC cable. I did a few hours of comparing the OSG with one of Penons own best SPC cable the OS849. On one aspect the OSG gives a similar tone and enhancement of the sonic properties of the OS849 but the clear difference is that instrument separation and note definition. OS849 just didn’t have the same effect. There is a reason why these cables cost almost 3X more.

In the end it is a hard sell to pay so much for an accessory item and I have to admit cables like the OSG are for the hard core that want to squeeze every bit of sonics out of your earphones. Once you try these cables it is tough going back to whatever you had cus it will not be the same. Penon has done it again and this time something completely new and possibly revolutionary in cable land. I had to admit I was a bit skeptical myself when I first heard about these cables but I am not a skeptic anymore. The proof is in the sonics. My Solaris will not be able to use any other cable now.

I only wish I had a few more sets of these to use with my other earphones.
If your in the market for a true audiophile grade cable for your earphones. I can’t think of a better cable to get than the OSG. These have quickly become my number one cable as no other cable I have used before it does the same thing.

Some enhance treble and tighten the bass while giving out better stage. Some warms up the mid range and gives a fuller bigger punch to the bass. But I have yet to experience a cable that actually enhances instrument separation and promotes better dynamic range to the sonics. These are the first. As unique as the material being used the cables have a unique effect but one you never knew you would appreciate until you try it on your best earphones. As always happy listening.

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Wes S
Good stuff man!
I got the osg today, your review is true, unlike other cables which change someting in the frequency response, with this it changes per iem the sound, the iem which were bright, stopped. And the iem which were too mid bass stopped. It is a really good cable. And nothing like other pure silver coper spc