Oriolus Finschi


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Fun energetic, nice bass, sparkling highs
Cons: Mids a little recessed, may be a bit bright for some
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Fun, Fun, Fun!

A Review On: Oriolus Finschi
Review Topics:
About Me
About the product/expectations
Provided for unbiased review by manufacturer
Normal Retail Price: $169-189
Pros: Outstanding resolution, great soundstage, lots of perceived energy
Cons: Mids are slightly recessed, may be a little too bright for some

About Me
To get started, let me tell you a little about myself.
I’m a gigging musician (lead guitar/backup vocals), an audio forensic analyst, a novice sound engineer, and an avid music lover with a wide taste in music. Being an audio forensic analyst is a plus I find when reviewing audio products simple because I know what bad audio sounds like and usually know how to correct it. My experience allows me to be familiar with the limitations of my own ears and the equipment I’m using.
For the consumers, my perspective for all my IEM reviews will be based on these things. I won’t sugar coat things or make things sound better than they are. I’m just like you and I want good value for the money I pay for any product.

To the manufacturers, I’ll always give you an option to respond to any concerns such as quality that I have during my review. I’ll contact you directly and will do so before my review is published. I want to provide an honest and tangible review for your prospective customers without being unfair to you as a manufacturer.
I’ll always be fair and my review will be based on my perspective and my experience.
Now on to the important stuff.

About the product/expectations
I received the Oriolus Finschi free of charge for my unbiased review. I had never used Oriolus IEM's but had heard good things and read a lot of good reviews so I expected the Finschi to perform quite well.

The build quality of the Finschi is very good, very much what I would expect from a company with such good reviews of their products. The stock cable was very nice to touch and felt more like an upgrade cable versus a typical stock IEM cable.

I found the form factor and size of the Oriolus to be very good. I had absolutely no issues with wearing them, no wear fatigue. They did stick out of my ears just a little but it was negligible, it may be an issue with people with narrow ear canals or very small ears, but

The Finschi sound signature was a U shaped signature to me, with the bass and the treble both overshadowing the mids. The Mids were present but they were definitely set behind. The treble was very much the front runner though. These may be a bit bright for some people, but there was no detected sibilance. So the highs were pronounced but then when they hit the mark, they stayed.

The staging was where the Finschi really shined, it was near perfect in my opinion, not too wide, not too narrow, and didn't suffer from any odd placements of instruments. Everything seemed to fit exactly where it was supposed to.

Isolation was very good. Not as good as a custom but definitely on par with most mid to high end universal IEM's.

I think in the price point area, for the Finschi it sits very well against the competition. There were no real shortcomings. Again they may be a bit bright for some, but over time, I found that I was liking the extra sparkle.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Transparent cohesive sound, energic and agile mid bass, delicate treble, natural imaging, fast transient response, mature balanced tuning, quality accessories
Cons: light sub bass, soft attack-decay (with exception of mid bass), thin timbre (can be a plus for its transparency too)


SOUND: 8.5/10
DESIGN: 8/10
VALUE: 8.5/10

ORIOLUS is a Japanese audio company based in Tokyo that have been active since 2015. Supervised by Hibino Intersound Co. that own HYLA audio too, Oriolus create mostly high end earphone with good price value as well as some DAP and Portable amps. Unlike some high end company that do not care creating more accessible audio products with lower price range, Oriolus offer a good choice of sub-500$ audio products, like the one I will review today call the ORIOLUS FINSCHI.

The FINSCHI is an Hybrid Universal custom earphones using single 10mm Dynamic driver and single Knowles balanced armature.

The company goal was to create a sound with ‘’a sens of transparency’’ for their entry model.

As a self-proclamed ornithologist, I have the chance to observe Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) several time, wich is a superb black and orange bird...but it do not sign particularly well unlike the musical sparrow that aren’t impressive for they eyes but sure for they ears.

Sure, the Finschi is beautifull for they eyes, now let’s see in this review how it is for they ears.

You can buy the Oriolus Finschi for 185$ at the wondefully tastefull XTENIK STORE.

DISCLAIMER : I wanna thanks Steven from Xtenik for sending me this earphones, free of charges. I wanna thanks him too for letting me be fully No BS honnest, for the better and the worst.



  • For Oriolus brand earphones, it is an entry class product, with one dynamic driver and one balanced armature driver. A sound with a sense of transparency is said to be characteristic.

Glossy and clear, crisp and bright

  • Balanced armature and dynamic driver hybrid, two sub-frequency
  • The sound of Finschi is responsible by Knowles balanced armature and customized 10mm dynamic driver.
  • At the same time, Oriolus incorporates the speaker sub-frequency technology into the headphones, making the bass performance deeper and more powerful.

Copper silver mixed woven earphone cable

  • Finschi used copper & silver-plated wire mixed woven cable

2Pin 0.78mm, copper gold-plated pin

  • Finschi used copper gold-plated pin and detachable 0.78mm copper gold-plated 2-pin socket。
  • The detachable design brings more possibilities to headphones and audiophile.

Ergonomics cavity, handmade

  • When Finschi was designed, it has been designed in accordance with ergonomics, and gave a better experience for audiophile.

Difference between Oriolus Finschi and Oriolus Finschi HiFi Version

  • Oriolus Finschi:the sound is wide and comfortable, for the one who need better atmosphere
  • Oriolus Finschi HiFi Version: the sound is Exquisite and stereo, for the one who need better resolution


  • Driver: Knowles balanced armature + 10mm dynamic driver
  • Sensitivity: 112db
  • Impedance: 18Ω
  • Frequency response: 10Hz-40KHz
  • Pin: 2pin 0.78mm
  • Line length: 120cm


  • Oriolus Finschi

  • Case

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is a very rewarding experience with this products, wich is very appreciate at this price range. It come in beautifull box of good quality but most of all include plenty of accessories, all of good quality. The hard plastic protective case is particularly impressive, it isn’t too big and have a very sturdy built with nice design. You have nice quality copper+silver plated mmcx cable, 3 pairs of special silicone eartips, 3 pairs of good quality memory foams eartips, one pair of very VERY usefull double flangle eartips, a great clothe spin and even a cleaning brushes. Yes, Oriolus do not forget anything here, and it proof they give lot of attention to details. Again, this is a proof of seriousness that I really enjoy with higher end audio company.

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CONSTRUCTION is made of 2 pieces of hard resin plastic, wich in fact look like one piece if you don’t look too closely, this is because its extremely well put togheter and polish. There a back venting hole at the side of nice Oriolus gold lettering. MMXC female connectore is embended in the housing, so it will never break. The nozzle have two holes in it, one have a damping filter (surely connected to the BA with a tube) other not so dynamic driver can move some air. The resin plastic is smooth, light but feel extremely sturdy. I’m not afraid droppng this one thehard floor for two reason : it look invincible and the housing is so big i’m not afraid to loose it in sight.

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DESIGN have a universal custom organic shape, but to not that these are quite big and chunky earphones and the nozzle is short but large. This is why Oriolus include lot of eartips, so you can find a way to fit them properly. Still, I admit I struggle to find the right tips and it was the last I try that save this earphones from became too annoying : the DOUBLE FLANGED TIPS! Usually i’m not a big fan of those, but for the Finschi it really save the fit as well as the sound rendering. Once I push it far enough, it stay still and I can wear it for about 5 hours before feeling a need of taking them out. This isn’t a proble as I rarely use iem for that long. Anyway, with foam tips it work too but it affect the soundstage and tame the bass. Here, I jsut say, keep trying until you find the ear tips that make the Finschi sound great, if it sound hollow, bass light, to foward or distant : this isn’t normal.


ISOLATION is average for an UIEM due to back venting, and yes, it will leak some noise but nothing too loud.

DRIVEABILITY is quite easy due to low impendance and high sensitivity, but I still think they sound better with DAP that have powerfull output. I do not use portable amp with those, but do not plug it to low output DAP like the Tempotec V1-A, the Audirect BEAM or even the Xduoo X3.



Overall sound impressions is a revealing one, in the sens my expectation was high about this Japanese company but moderate about this very model due to the fact FINSCHI is their entry level earphones. I was thinking they will abstein thereself from manufacturing a too good sounding iem, but I was wrong, and like Final Audio other Japanese company, all the talent that was perfected into making high end audiophile earphones is used to conceive the Finschi. Yep, these are great real audiophile iem with a mature balanced sound that have a lively transparent mid range, tigh punchy and well resolved bass and delicate revealing treble.

Achieving great balance in tuning without sacrifiing too much the energic fun factor is something hard, and keeping tonality and timbre lively when you tend towards transparent layerings imaging too is something hard, but Oriolus nailed it with the Finschi. Bass is slightly bumped and mid centric with great definition in kick rendering that keep its tighness, mid range is clear, accurate and transparent and treble offer crips brilliant highs with razor sharp rendering in upper region. All in all, we have here a unique approach to V shape soundsignature that will be confounded as near neutralby some...until the sub bass slam hit with its special transparent and rumbly way.


SOUNDSTAGE isn’t the widest one and have an intimate feel to it, slightly stock in your head too, but with incredible deepnest and above average tallnest.

IMAGING is more about layering than sharp spatiality here, but still have well done instrument placement and separation in its concise soundstage. What we have, is a sens of deepnest distance between instrument, something we rarely find with earphones.

TIMBRE is textured, realist, very transparent, detailed with hint of brightness but softed at the edge and light in weight and attack.

BASS is well controled, dig very deep, but to note that eartips fitting is more important than ever with the Finschi, I use the bi fangle one and have to push them very very deep to get weight, presence and little rumble(!) in sub bass, difference is enourmous and if you do not do it right well you will think the Finschi have bass roll off wich isn’t the case at all even if yes, mid bass is a little more prononced and controlled.

SO, lower end have good transparent body to it, with tigh softed rumble and quite fast transient response, tonality is perfect while timbre is very realist in texture tough little on the thin side (in a great way), its slightly polished wich avoid unpleasant dryness. The slam is there and this bass is a versatile one, being not overly pushed fowards it keep most of its warmnest for himself making separation with mid bass well define. Dynamic driver is surely used for bass only, but not in a boomy way, in a refined but emphased way, this make the MID BASS punch incredibly agile and rounded up, it have more weight than sub bass and have a rounder thicker timbre to it, in fact, its among best mid bass I ever heard, fast, weighty, accurate and super lively i would say it is the little something that give extra life to whole Finschi. What really impress is how well its separated from sub bass too so, EDM, IDM, rock, jazz and all other music style that need the kick to be charming will benifit alot from this approach. As well, unlike a single dynamic that will have to deal with mid range transition, the little warmth you get embrace gently the lower mid range, wich is smoothly brighter than lower end. Man, I love this type of bass!

MID RANGE is more linear and neutral than bass, and its kinda wrong saying the Finschi is slightly V shape, why not saying between L and W shape? Confusing? If so, its because no other iem sound like the Finschi. Mids still have great transparence, but timbre is a little dryier and softer in attack, its more relaxed than energic lower end. Level of clarity and separation is pristine. The good part is that it avoid any sibilance, harshness or artifical peaks, the bad part is that it lack attack, weight and body to make instruments superb in their dynamic. Instruments like sax, cello and woodwind will benifit from this presentation, while piano and violin will sometime sound less lively and accurate in attack and weight, making it a little too tamed in timbre. Vocal have hint of breathiness because of this presentation, but they are so well separated and wide sounding that you finaly get addicted to them anyway. To my ears mid range is very well balanced with high level of accuracy and realism.

TREBLE is very talented and well extended, level of details flow naturally in a delicate way, the top is airy without paritularly long decay but a good and fast attack to it. How the highs are presented is really about the transparent layering we have, this give them a realist approach by letting them stay in the background as it should, percussions aren’t in front seat like with we can find with too treble or unbalanced iem. Finschi isn’t neither analytical or dark sounding, it have a light approach to highs that make them sound just right. Lower treble perhaps lack a little energy to give enough grip and attack to instrument like violin or electric guitar, but the Finschi is rather smoothly balanced in whole range, so for vivid energic sound rendering I would nt suggest those, but for natural, transparent and airy musicality : they are a most.

SUB BASS : 7.5/10
MID BASS : 8.5/10
MID RANGE : 8.5/10
TREBLE : 8/10
TIMBRE : 8/10
IMAGING : 9/10


VS BRAINWAVZ B400 (170$) :


The B400 is a quad balanced armature driver with soft treble but rather thick timbre, tough construction is a little rubbish with its prehistoric plastic molded housing i’m very addicted to the unique type of sound it deliver. Now let’s see how it compete with the Hybrid dynamic+BA Finschi.

As said, construction is sub par to the very sturdy resin plastic housing of Finschi, wich make the B400 worrysome about durability. In another hand, the light plastic used have a smaller and more organic shape than big and thick Finschi, this make the B400 more comfortable and unlike the Finschi Ido not have to struggle to make proper fit that will give best sound result. Tough the B400 have 2 cables, they are of cheap quality as well, even if the protective case is nice I prefer the super sturdy one of Finschi. All in all, Finschi have an high end iem.
While the Finschi aren’t hard to drive, the B400 is even easier, making it the more versatile one in term of audio source.

SOUNDSTAGE is wider and deeper with the Finschi and have a more around you head feel, while B400 have good deepnest but intimate widnest.
IMAGING is again more accurate and holographic with Finschi, spaciality have a realist feel with proper instrument placement and separation. B400 is more about layering, but still not super accurate.
BASS dig deeper and have more rumble in lower region than thicker, dryier B400 sub that lack just a little bit of extension. Still, whole bass is thicker and faster with B400 and the slam have more fowarded weight while Finschi sound thinner and more emphased on mid bass tighness with a more realist timbre. Edge of bass definition is softer with B400, wich make it less accurate in definition and timbre.
MID RANGE, while being thicker and more foward with the B400, lack definition and separation from bass, so have an overall warmer tonality and timbre that affect impact too. Finschi might be slightly recessed but have better clarity and less intimate congested presentation. Its like mid range was only thinked for vocal with the B400, and even if Finschi is dryier and less bodied here, it sound more balanced and accurate in tonality.
TREBLE is smoother with B400 and have upper high roll off compared to more resolved but still soft Finschi treble.

VS FLC8P (200$):


For this review I use my favorite FLC8P tuning setting wich is the POP&ROCK setting, I will take in account overall possibilities of other tuning as well.
SOUNDSTAGE is deeper but more intimate with the FLC, while the Finschi have notable wider presentation with a more out of your head feel.
IMAGING is clearer and more accurate with the FLC, space between instrument benifit from extra clarity, Finschi have a more accurate sens of spacility tough, wich is more natural and balanced than FLC.

BASS is thicker and fuller with the Finschi, it extend lower too wich give extra body to timbre, FLC sound dry and thin in lower bass while very foward in mid bass that have a bright attack to it. Finschi mid bass is excellent, it is round and punchy but not in an agressive way, both this earphones have extra presence in this region but the Finschi is more elastic and smoother on top of the attack, wich make it never shouty compared to FLC. Strangely, this make the Finschi better with pop rock than the FLC with Pop rock tuning.
MID RANGE is slightly more recessed with the Finschi as well as warmer, it have thicker body and more natural timbre and tonality as well, here, FLC is again bright and fowards and kinda thin compared to fuller mid range, but this permit to FLC having better imaging in this region. The Finschi is never sibilant, the upper mids of FLC can be, even more with the treble boost.
TREBLE is more emphased with the FLC, whatever tuning you will make the highs will tend to be more agressive and even harsh with some tuning. Finschi is less sharp and peaky but still have plenty of details. As well, the highs are more sparkly and have longer decay with the Finschi, wich make plucked instrument like classical guitar sound more natural and musical. Foward treble of FLC is something that annoy me whatever tuning setting I do.

All in all, the bright and fowards flavor of FLC please less my ears than the very musical and lush sounding Oriolus Finschi.



The SPRING1 is the flagship iem from respected BQEYZ chinese company, its a special combinason of Balanced armature and dual dynamic+7layers piezo electric drivers. In term of comfort, the Finschi win even if its not the most comfy iem I ever try it do not have a long thick metal nozzle that create pressure into your ears unlike the Spring1. Both have good construction and accessories.

SOUNDSTAGE is more airy and wider with the Finschi, but strangle less deep even if background is clearer.
IMAGING is more about transparence layers of sound with the Finschi, while the Sprin1 is more about opaque instrument separation, this make the Finschi sounding more natural and accurate.
BASS is thicker and boomier with the Spring1, it have more weight in lower end but slower bass presentation. As well, mid bass is way faster, more rounded up and accurate with the Finschi.
MID RANGE is a little more recessed with the Finschi, but have better transparency than thicker, lusher and little brighter Spring1. Spring one tend to extract more texure and detailed in whole mid range, but this stole air and transparency and can be problematic with music that need silence to be respected. Finschi is more refined and laid back, but the vocal can lack meat to it and sound a little too breathy sometime.
TREBLE is less grainy with the Finschi, more delicate and airy, with more extra energy in upper high that permit better decay than Spring1. Still, Spring1 have better resolution in lower and mid treble wich offer a richer presentation, give more weight to upper range instrument, but stole air to sparkle and decay.



For a first try of Oriolus product, I can say i’m very impress my maturity of tuning and level of transparency of the sound. No other iem I own sound like the Finschi, even if I can feel some similarity with the way Final Audio approach sound tuning with lot of attention to cohesion of whole sound and effortlessness of musicality. This is to me Audiophile targeted soundsignature, in the sens it neither an overly bassy sounding iem or very coloured one, its really made for active critical listening that permit long term immersion. Nothing with the Finschi is too bumped up, even if I praise how the mid bass offer tigh punchy attack, its not a thick one that would affect mid range so its just a little bump for extra energy, all the rest of spectrum is rather relaxed.

If you search for a great value reference sounding IEM, that include lot of accesories, have sturdy built and most of all offer a rich realist sound with agile mid bass, spot on imaging and addictive transparency, I really think investing 180$ into this entry level high end iem will offer you high benifit return for a mature musicality.


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Watermelon Boi

100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Smooth and crisp; likable sound
-Solid accessories and case
-Well represents the "Oriolus sound"
Cons: Not meant for those who dig bass quantity or headroom size

Oriolus Finschi: Down To Earth

Oriolus is a portable audio manufacturer co-founded by Hibino (Japan) and Rao Sound (China). It's relatively a young company as they started their business in 2015, though they're very well established and already considered to be a major portable audio brand. Their pre-flagship model, Oriolus 2nd, is probably the most well-known IEM from them and I also had a good experience with it too. Most of their products were quite expensive but they recently started to provide some affordable choices. Oriolus Fosteni was the first, and then followed with Oriolus Finschi. With an approximate price tag of $180, Finschi is the most affordable product from Oriolus so far. Let's take a look and see how it performs for the price.



Finschi comes with the usual style packaging that Oriolus has been using for their other products but comes with a plenty set of accessories. Other than the earpieces, it comes with a 3.5mm cable, 3 pair of silicone tips, 3 pair of foam tips, a pair of double flanged tips, carrying case, a cleaning brush, and some paperwork. I'm much satisfied with the packaging, especially due to the included case. This pelican-like case is waterproof, solid, and light. The insides are finished with foam cushions to prevent the earphone from rattling around and is the most useful case I've tried so far.



Finschi has a 2 driver hybrid design, utilizing a 10mm DD with a single Knowles BA driver per unit. The design itself looks very similar to Oriolus 2nd or Reborn, though Finschi is visibly smaller in size with better ergonomics. The smokey black housings are made of resin and slightly transparent when exposed to light. Oriolus applied their sub-frequency technology just as their other line-ups, improving the bass to go even deeper and denser. The earpieces are terminated with recessed 0.78mm CIEM 2-pins and T500 nozzles with 2 bore designs.


Cable / Eartips matching

The included cable is made of silver-plated copper with gold plated connectors on each end. Its L-shaped 3.5mm jack has an extra step between the housing and the plug, making it compatible with devices covered in cases.


Sound impression - Lows

The sound signature on Finschi is W-shaped with elevated mids. The bass feels clean and delivers an adequate amount of thud and weight. The sub-bass quantity is similar to general IEMs with a slightly v-shaped signature. It shows quite a nice extension to the ultra lows with a small amount and possesses good boldness and darkness, making the bass existence clear yet always tightly controlled. Ultra-low shows average performance, managing to present decent depth and details but generally keeps the quantity low. Overall Finschi's bass is more than enough to deliver a powerful punch to the lower ends but controlled to keep the sound delicate.


Sound impression - Mids

Mids take a slight step forward from the bass and possess a sweet tone to the vocals. This sweetness on the mids feels more like a natural coloring than being artificial and most users will simply find it pleasing. The dimly bright upper mids shows a good amount of airiness, giving some sense of open-feeling. Finschi's sound characteristics remind me of Kinera Idun Deluxe in many ways. These two are very similar signature-wise, though I found Finschi to be sounding more upfront as well as having more dynamics and bass punch.

Though at the end of the day, the performance level is almost identical and all comes down to personal preference, so I've put these to be in the same league. It also has a slightly crunchy texture on the mids, but nothing close to being dry or lacking details. In fact, this makes the vocals to be sounding more revealing and makes it better to focus on how the surface feels. The only drawback would be its unforgiveness to low-resolution tracks. Mids flow up with decent stability without any spikes or sibilance and naturally flows towards the trebles.


Sound impression - Highs, etc.

Highs follow the same characteristics from mids. It doesn't leave much reverbs and keeps the thickness thin, clearly presenting various treble instruments but doesn't take the main stage. I could feel the silky division on the upper frequencies with precise separation. The size of the headroom is pretty darn good for this price range. I would have loved to see more depth downwards, though this is probably due to myself remembering the good impressions I got from Oriolus 2nd Gen. Well, at least you can take that as Finschi being that good to remind me the 2nd Gen.



Oriolus have done an excellent job with the Finschi. In fact, I'm actually more impressed with it than Fosteni, despite Finschi being a lower model from the line-up. I found the mids from Finschi to be sounding more coherent and BA drivers seamlessly fused to the dynamic driver. Along with that, Finschi serves as a perfect tryout for audiophile beginners to have a plentiful taste of so-called 'Oriolus sound'. Majority of users would find Finschi to be a watered-down version of Oriolus MK2 as these two show very similar sound signatures. It would be hard to go wrong with these and I'm looking much forward to see how Oriolus would pursue with their budget earphones.

Visit www.aboutaudio.org or follow on Instagram / Facebook for more contents!

Thanks to Xtenik for providing Finschi in exchange for an honest impression/feedback.

I am not affiliated with either Xtenik or Oriolus and none of my words were modded or asked to be changed.


1000+ Head-Fier
Pros: Immersive and enveloping sound.
- Warmth and detail.
- Very realistic instrumental stage and recreation, almost "live".
- Exceptional presentation and packaging.
Cons: Driver Flex.
- Slight dependence on the sound offering in relation to the adjustment / sealing achieved.

Oriolus is a well-known Japanese brand of portable Hi-Fi, which has in its catalog both IEMs, DAPs and amplifiers. On this occasion, the Finschi are the most affordable IEMs they have on the market. They are hybrid headphones, which integrate a BA of Knowles and a 10mm DD, customized by the brand itself. For this occasion, the Finschi incorporates a technology called "speaker sub-frequency", which provides greater performance in the lower zone, generating bass of greater depth and power. And it goes without saying that this technology is not trivial, but its efficiency is instantly perceived. Already, from their frequency response, it is noticeable that the Finschi have a good enhancement in the lower zone, but without that supposes a loss, neither of resolution nor detail. Something that, on the contrary, characterize these EMIs. So let us see what these beautiful IEMs are capable of.

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  • Driver: Knowles balanced armature + 10mm dynamic hybrid driver
  • Frequency range: 10-40 kHz
  • Sensitivity: 112 dB / mW
  • Impedance: 18Ω
  • Channel Difference:
  • Cable: 3.5mm
  • Type of capsule connection: 2pin 0.78mm
  • Weight: 25±5g

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The Oriolus Finschi are wrapped in a white cardboard cover, with a photo of the IEMs on top. Specifications are shown on the back. Its dimensions are: 177x110x58mm. After removing the case, there is an elegant and sober black premium cardboard box, with silver letters of the brand in the center. Its closure is magnetic and after its opening is observed that under the lid, there is a sheet of foam glued, which prevents movement of the interior content, in addition to protecting it. The first thing you can see inside is a small instruction booklet and the warranty card. After each document, a plastic bag covers a large protective case. It is made of hard, black plastic. At the top there is a metal plate with the brand and model. It has two large rear hinges and two locks that pivot on metal pins, which are adjusted by means of click anchorage. On the right side, a C-shaped handle, with a hole in its front, allows the passage to a knotted rope, whose end is sealed by a beveled plastic top with horizontal grooves. The size of the case is large for transport purposes, perfect for protecting IEMs. Once opened, the IEMs are embedded in a velvet-lined foam mold, with the cable rolled up on its outer edge. This mold can be removed from the case, allowing you to see sheets of foam adhered on both sides, which protect the star product. Underneath the case, there is still a bag containing the product:

  • Three pairs of silicone tips sizes SxMxL
  • Two pairs of foam tips sizes MxL
  • A pair of M-size bi-flange tips
  • A cleaning brush
  • A clothespin.

Once the IEMs removed from the protective mold, they are observed to be wearing medium sized silicone tips.

The cable is connected to the capsules and has a strip of turned skin, with the name of the mark engraved on it. The function of this strip is to collect the cable.

The presentation is superb, almost luxurious, one of the best in its price range. I just miss a smaller and more practical transport box.

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Construction and Design

Finschi have an ergonomic shape that fits completely to the ears. Their thickness is somewhat elevated, while the length of the nozzles is not. In addition, they have a large groove close to the edge, to securely fit the silicone tips. The capsules are made of a translucent, dark brown resin. The right capsule has a red dot on the top to distinguish the channel. On the outside, you can read the letters of the brand, in relief and gold. The outer coating of the cable connectors, which fit the capsules, is the same colour. Both are golden cylinders, with the letters of the channel inscribed on them. The connection is two pins of 0.78mm. From each cylinder comes a pair of braided cables, covered with shrink-wrapped thermoplastic with the form of a question mark, for an ideal fit on the ear. It has a black plastic cylinder for the adjustment under the chin. The divider is another golden cylinder of the same colour as the connectors and the angled jack. The connector is 3.5mm gold plated. The cable is 4-core, mixed copper and silver plated. Coiled to it there is a tape in raw skin, which is used to help collect it.

The level of construction is remarkable, although the capsules are made of plastic. The level of their assembly is very high and there is no gap or error in them.

The holes on the outer sides of the capsules are striking: they are the bass ports.

There are also two well-differentiated holes in the nozzles, one is smaller and darker, while the other has a kind of green filter. With these holes so visible, it is normal that, as a complement, a brush with a fork comes to clean them.

The design could highlight its ergonomic shape, the combination of colors used, the short length of the nozzles and the materials used. The whole, in this way, offers a high degree of quality, simplicity, elegance and a very low weight.

Oriolus Finschi 08_resize.jpg Oriolus Finschi 09_resize.jpg

Adjustment and Ergonomics

The generous, chubby size of the capsules completely covers the shells of the ears and gently fits with the root of the helix. I haven't appreciated any discomfort, not even in long listening sessions. The short length of the nozzles makes the fitting superficial. To improve the sealing, in my case, it has been necessary to use wide channel tips, filled with foam, homemade. In this way, the seal is greatly increased, achieving greater comfort, insulation and sound immersion sensation.

As a summary, the fit is remarkable, as is the insulation. The comfort is high, although I must notify that the great sensation of sealing achieved can generate a "vacuum effect" between the tips and the ear canal. This can cause differences in sound, if the adjustment is not the right one.

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The profile of the Finschi is markedly warm, almost bassy, with very linear mids, soft and relaxed highs. Despite the predominance of its lower zone, it has high levels of transparency, a great sense of openness, clean sound and a remarkable separation and detail.

Oriolus Finschi.png


Cemented on a linear base of sub bass, their presence is stellar. The bass starts from a very deep origin, but unexpectedly soft, sweet, almost velvety, without any apex of roughness or aggressiveness. This characteristic brings, to a great extent, the predominant sensation of warmth in its sound. Another sonorous particularity, this time, more dependent on the tips used, the level of sealing and the size of its channel, is the surrounding capacity, almost at the edge of the flood, which generates the bass. It is not for lack of speed in the execution, as I say, depending on the tips used, it is possible to extol the immersive quality that possess the Finschi, elevating the presence of the lows, arriving at levels of subwoofer. This sensation can also be lightened by using JVC's Spiral Dot olives. These provide a more balanced sound, boosting more openness than depth.

When talking about texture, it refers to the prevailing softness, not so much to detail, but more to depth.

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The mid range is marked by the conjunction bass-tips-sealed achieved. And their presence is subject to its consequences. What is beyond doubt is the warmth, softness and, above all, naturalness. The mids continue to enjoy that velvety sweetness, where transparency, detail, separation and light darkness are the predominant qualities. In this way, the tone of the mids benefits from all this, turning out to be relaxed, analogical, credible and musical. But it is true that, after the bass nebula, the mids are somewhat backward, not veiled or covered, but in a position less close to the lower zone, but gains intimacy with the hours of listening.

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As can be seen in the frequency response, the Finschi have polished and smooth trebles, nothing strident, very much in tune with the rest of their profile. Their great virtue, perhaps thanks to the good tuning of their BA drivers, is their ability to offer details in a very precise way, without creating any sensation of excessive brightness, nor penetrating highs. In this way, wheezing is non-existent.

And, although I have a declared taste for this type of high frequencies, I must also say that a point of greater spark, brightness and extension, would have provided a somewhat more dynamic and lively, as opposed to the predominant musicality of the whole.

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Soundstage, Separation

The surrounding capacity of the lower zone is excellent and this is a very complicated quality, as locating the bass directionality is almost impossible. Therefore, generating that atmosphere offered by the Finschi is highly remarkable. Thus, the image is open, very circular, high and three-dimensional. The mids are more frontal and the details widen the scene laterally.

The separation and the general cleanliness of the sound, contribute to perceive a very aired instrumental distribution, where the different planes are easy to distinguish. Its recreation is clear and concise, due to the great detail shown.

Undoubtedly, the Finschi are IEMs that have a great capacity of immersion, producing a sensation of being "inside the music" quite remarkable.

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TFZ Tequila1

Possibly one of my preferred IEMs in its range, practically unbeatable in quality/price ratio.

The first differential sensation between the two is reflected in its profile, with the Finschi being warmer than the Tequila 1. Meanwhile, the TFZs offer a more vivid and dynamic sound, with that extra accent in the high mids and first highs.

Starting at the bottom, the Oriolus, overflow in quantity, presence and sub-bass to the TFZ, which is no small thing. However, control falls to the Tequila side, achieving greater balance and control, allowing the rest of the range to show off their qualities with greater freedom. And this is noticeable as you go up the frequency scale: the mid-range is projected sharper, somewhat closer, but also colder and thinner, although brighter and happier. In the Finschi, the sensation is the other way around, they enjoy a bigger body and an analogical sensation, but they look duller, comparatively speaking.

The highs start with an upsurge in Tequila, something that affects its sound globally. Thus, this characteristic offers that spark that provides definition, extra brightness, greater dynamics, resolution and sharpness. While, higher up, things get quite even, almost tracing the graph up to 10Khz.

At the stage level, the Finschi offer that surrounding and immersive sensation that supersedes the width and semicircular sensation of the TFZ. The greater detail and definition of Tequila brings the planes closer to the listener, while the greater depth and height of Oriolus takes advantage of them in three-dimensional recreation. At the level of separation, they are quite at par, but the spatial sensation feels somewhat greater in the Finschi.

Oriolus Finschi vs TFZ Tequila 1.png

Dunu DN-1000

The DN-1000 are some old friends, who have a curve similar to the Finschi. From the beginning, we can perceive what the graph shows, a greater presence in the lower zone of the Oriolus, greater depth and musical incidence. More warmth, in short. The lower zone of the Dunu is drier and more contained, with a strict and defined hit. In the Oriolus the beat expands in depth, reaching very low, but also laterally, generating that surrounding sensation.

In the mid zone, the expressiveness of the Oriolus increases a more pleasant and musical sensation. While the Dunu are perceived as realistic, but colder, with less vivacity, more deangelized, less organic, but more descriptive, following with greater proximity and location. Each one really recreates this area of a particular, starting from a different point of view, but irresistible in both.

In the high zone the DN-1000 leave with advantage, since the trebles have a greater incidence in its first phase. This fact gives that spark point, definition and extra proximity that the Oriolus do not have. In the Finschi, the trebles are sharper and the first sensation is lighter in this range. Then, beyond this initial zone, the curve equals, but relatively speaking, the DN-1000 have more global presence.

The Finschi once again show off a larger, more surround and three-dimensional scene. The Dunu, enjoy remarkable width, but less depth. The recreation is also perceived flatter and more frontal. In terms of separation something similar occurs, good lateral space in the Dunu, more space in more directions in the Oriolus.

Oriolus Finschi vs Dunu DN-1000.png


The Oriolus Finschi offer a laudable generalized experience. From the effort made in their presentation, typical of more expensive products, to the tuning of their sound. Starting from an almost simple configuration, hybrid of 1DD + 1BA, they try to maximize the virtues of each one, using the best technologies within reach of the price. And the result is totally explicit: warmth and detail, bass and immersion, scene and three-dimensionality. All this without forgetting the level of construction, comfort and ergonomics. A winning bird, without a doubt, within its sound profile.

Oriolus Finschi 23_resize.jpg

Sources Used During the Analysis

  • Burson Audio Playmate
  • xDuoo X3II

Oriolus Finschi 24_resize.jpg


  • Construction and Design: 85
  • Adjustment/Ergonomics: 80
  • Accessories: 90
  • Bass: 90
  • Mids: 80
  • Treble: 70
  • Separation: 85
  • Soundstage: 90
  • Quality/Price: 85


Headphoneus Supremus
Reviewer at Headfonics
Pros: Good fit.
Affordable entry into Oriolus.
Build quality.
Separation is above average for this price.
Layering is also above average for this price range.
Cons: Cable seemed to cut out (promptly taken care of by Steve.
Too bassy for some.
Looks? But I like understated.
Oriolus Finschi ($180): Seeking wisdom from within…


Xtenix: https://www.xtenik.com/product/oriolus-finschi-hybrid-headphone/

One aspect of reviewing is the number of times you are contacted and have to turn down opportunities. I personally find this sad that I cannot accommodate every request (I know tough problem, but I am being sincere) and do have to either turn companies down or ask them to come back at a later time. Sometimes the company will send the goods anyway and give me an approximate timeframe in return.

I found out from others that Steve from XTenix had contacted them regarding a couple of review items as well. I initially said no but contacted him again when I noticed he had the brand Oriolus, a Japanese IEM company (https://www.en.oriolus.jp/). In reading about Oriolus I found they are a company with great passion. Their higher-end model (mid-fi), the Mk2 came highly acclaimed, and certain early reviews said the same about the others in the line. Steve told me he would send the Finschi to start. Upon arrival, and after reading a few reviews, I anticipated good things.

I thank Steve and Xtenix for the opportunity to review one of the wares they have in stock. It is the unwritten assumption that the unit may be returned at any time without question. Until then the unit in question is mine to keep.


  • Driver: Knowles balanced armature + 10mm dynamic driver
  • Sensitivity: 112db
  • Impedance: 18Ω
  • Frequency response: 10Hz-40KHz
  • Pin: 2pin 0.78mm
  • Line length: 120cm

  • Oriolus Finschi
  • Case
  • Tips
  • Owner’s manual

Gear used/compared:

All prices in USD, unless noted otherwise:

LZ A6 mini ($180)
TFZ Secret Garden ($199)

Thebit Opus #2
Shanling M5s
XDuoo x10t ii/iFi Pro iDSD
MBP/Burson Fun w/ V6 Vivid single OpAmps

Songs used:

Too bloody many to list all, but you want songs, so there you go:

Coldplay-All I Can think About Is You
Coldplay-A Message
Coldplay-White Shadows
Dona Onete-Sonos de Adolescente
Los Lonely Boys- Heaven (en Espanol)
twenty one pilots-Trees
twenty one pilots-Car Radio
twenty one pilots-Heathens
Damian Marley-Everybody Wants To Be Somebody
Damian Marley-So A Child May Follow
Damian Marley-The Struggle Discontinues
Ziggy Marley-Lighthouse
Ziggy Marely-See Dem Fake Leaders
Mark Knopfler-Laughs And Jokes And Drinks And Smokes
Santana w/ Mana- Corazon Espinado

The new twenty one pilots album, Trench
The new Mark Knopfler album, Down The Road Wherever
Tedeschi Trucks Band



The Finschi comes in a Pelican-like case, replete with foam insert to protect the IEM during travel. Upon arrival, I took the foam out, but saved it in the box form transport. The case is also large enough to accommodate a small DAP inside, so you do not have to carry multiple items, something I greatly appreciate.

Also included are the obligatory many tips of various sizes, including double tips; a cleaning brush, and an innovative shirt clip with a “slot” system. Pinch the ends together, insert the cable anywhere along its length and then clip to your shirt. The clip gently holds the cable without pinching. An interesting take on a problem many didn’t know existed.

Straightforward, simplistic and elegant. Fitting coming from the Japanese way of thinking. Nothing is done without purpose, and much appreciated.


The black acrylic housings fit gently and snuggly in my average sized ear. Using the included foam tip, I attained a good seal, but not like some. I actually like a bit of breathing as some in the past have given me the sense of being in a vacuum. Not a pleasant experience. The shape fit well, too. Not too big, not too small. Almost Goldilocks-like in fit, I found myself with a craving for porridge…



My initial impression upon hearing the Finschi was one of a refined sense of place. Each note of each instrument seemed to be placed well and within the realm of where it should be. On the slightly warmer side (to my ears), the Finschi came across as muscular, but not world class weightlifter, confident and full. Capable would be another good descriptor. This was a good first impression.

After further listening (after my standard burn in time of 50-100hrs), the sound did open up a bit, but I will be honest and note I could not tell much difference. I have another more expensive unit on hand right now, and I must admit that I reach for the Finschi more. The sound draws me in with the solid, fairly deep reaching bass. Not much rumble mind you, but confident in its ability. It is a pleasantly comfortable amount of bass, which is thoroughly satisfying when you look at the overall signature of the Finschi. That said, Fake You Out comes across as intended. When they go into chorus for the first time, it sounds deep with good rumble. So the bass is song dependent. Decay is relatively fast, but do not expect the speed of something such as the LZ A6 mini or TFZ Secret Garden, but that is OK for the Finschi matches its sound with the character presented.


The mids are presented confidently as well. Not shouty, not laid back, just right would be an apt description. Think Goldilocks again and you are getting a sense that the Finschi has some guts to it. I mean who else would come into someone’s house, eat their food, take a nap in their bed, then get scared when the owner comes home?! Maybe not that blatant, but one where the Finschi asks your permission to come in and does not disappoint in providing company as a result. That would be the mids. Present, assured, but not overbearing.

One might think that with the others setting the groundwork, that this would be a set up for the treble. One would be wrong. The treble presents just enough sparkle to keep you happy without (again) being shouty or sibilant. I like this presentation, as it hits the high notes with conviction, but not overexuberantly. There isn’t much air between the notes, no. Do not expect this to be light and airy. Again, that weightlifter/Goldilocks impression holds court.

Don’t expect an outwardly large sound stage either. It is good, presenting a full-sized box, but not overly large. Quite adequate and I might be picking bones from the just finished Thanksgiving turkey, but I note this anyway.

This is an impressive sound package for an entry level product.


Comparo (all prices USD unless noted otherwise):

Oriolus Finschi ($180) v LZ A6 mini ($180):

On par with the Finschi with regards to ease of driving, the mini could not be more different in sound. With that forward mid (using the red bass-oriented filter), the character is one of a bit flatter response. Less height imbues, but you do not seem to miss it, for the bass while not deep is very clean, and the treble while subdued, shows a bit of sparkle up top. Not often, but it is there on some songs. The A6 mini is an interesting critter, fitting below the A6, trying to garner a bit of that sub-$200 market. I do like it, and after acclimating back to it, enjoy its virtues. With a changeable filter system, you can definitely tailor to your desires. The treble filter was too much for me, but some may like that. In this case, the mini is simply another way to spend your money at the sub-$200 price and is worth a look. That said, I enjoy the Finschi sound more overall.

Oriolus Finschi ($180) v TFZ Secret Garden ($199):

The TFZ SG was a unit I was drawn to by the favorable reviews. Many espoused the pleasant sound emanating from the unit, which at the time was drawn as the TOTL from TFZ. Based now upon my own experiences I can concur with those findings. I thoroughly enjoy the SG. It has excellent reach of bass, mids, which even to me are robust without being tiring. And that bit of sparkle up top, which can allow one to fully experience the overall signature. Running through the iFi Pro iDSD/XDuoo x10t ii combo the sound is wrought with quality. A bit too much up top for me (more than the Finschi), that is almost the only fault I can find.

The treble can become tedious on some songs, such as Semi-Automatic from twenty one pilots. Their music is fantastic by which to judge, and a staple in my listening. I did find myself turning the volume down when switching between the Finschi and SG though. That is also a take on how easy the SG is to drive, for it is easy. Very little power will drive it to ear-splitting levels.

The Finschi has a warmer signature to me, and one I value. The SG is a bit more energetic in sound and can be heard as that fun-sounding IEM, which can help you through a noisy commute, as the isolation using foams is excellent. Fit and finish and look are similar in quality, right down to the cable. The two are definitely in the same place price-wise and sound-wise. Tough indeed. So, there isn’t a clear winner here, just one of choice.

Source Comparos:

Using the Shanling M5s the majority of the time gave me good insight into how the Finschi worked in true portable sense. Combining the slightly warmer sound of the M5s with the slightly warmer sound of the Finschi did not make for a too-dark sound. No, indeed the two complimented each other well. This would make for an excellent commuting pair, especially with foam tips as this would make isolation on commuting would make for a good listening session. Plus, with the all-black look of the Finschi, not too much attention is drawn. A plus in my book.

Bass was represented well, and a good sound stage persisted with the pairing. Not too much treble, with clear representation of female vocals. Male vocals suffered a bit due to the deeper nature of most that I listened to. Of course, “suffered a bit” would be like having to suffer through a 60-degree day on South Beach as opposed to an 80-degree day. Ya, different, but so be it.

Hooking the Finschi to my current favorite pairing of the XDuoo x10t ii/iFi Pro iDSD pair produced stunning results. The XDuoo simply sent crystal clear music to the iFi and lets the Pro do its magic. This pair is a superb matching pair. One would not think that a $200ish “Turntable” would produce results on par with DAP’s costing several times more, but in my mind it did. I am amazed. Throwing on the Finschi allowed me to truly see the capability of the IEM with a mid/high-fi set up. It did not disappoint. Running the Pro on full tube set up, the bass was a bit richer in developing, while the mids stood out as sublime. The Finschi showed its true mettle here, giving a deep insight into the Oriolus sound of higher level. And one (me) could thoroughly anticipate what the Mk2 would bring to the set up.

A late favorite was my MacBook Pro/Burson Fun w/ single V6 Vivid OpAmps (Tidal Premium) set up. An already bassy sound was added to by more bass from the Fun. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Susan Tedeschi sing in the Tedeschi Trucks band she and her husband Derek Trucks have. A fantastic large group band, with multiple sounds, the Finschi represented itself well. A bit more bass than I would like on some songs, nonetheless, the sound was intoxicatingly pleasant. A good IEM enhanced with a good affordable amp.


So, after all of these musings, what are we left with? Well, you are left with a very impressive sound package for less than the cost of $200. There is a richness that pervades the overall signature, which I find intoxicating and full. The more I listen, the more I like the Finschi. This is not a matter of “it’s free, therefore I like,” either. This is a genuinely good product from my perspective. Of course, your opinion and whether you like it or not is entirely up to you. If you like signatures that are a bit darker (the foams do have a bit to do with that), but pull you into the sound, such as on Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Boot Hill, then you get it. You understand the spell from which the Finschi may very well put you under. Follow that with Alison Krauss and her song Faraway Land, and you just want to grab that single malt, go out on the back porch, sit in your favorite rocker and enjoy the view of the hills, valleys and mountains of yonder. This reminds me of the 64Audio lineup. You start with the “lower” offerings, and end with the u18t. The Oriolus line up seems to scale much the same. This is a contemplative sound, which leads me to think about one’s place in society and the earth. And after all, isn’t that the sign of what good music is supposed to do for us? Me thinks it is.

I thank Steve for the wonderful opportunity to try a new brand. I fast became a fan of Oriolus, and understand the talk given to the mk2, for based upon the Finschi, it is well deserved.



100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Affordable, engaging sound
Cons: Can be too bassy at times
For the purpose of this review most of my listening was done through my Sony Zx300, a Samsung Galaxy S10+, and a Macbook Pro 2015, in order to see how easy they were to drive. The Hiby r6 was used to see what that sounded like with a different DAP. The volume on the Zx300 was always in the 50-70 range: Balanced and High Gain. Unfortunately I don't have a 2 pin -> 4.4 cable at the moment so they were run via SE. The Iems used for comparison were the Simgot En 700 Pro and the Campfire Orion, which is my reference point.

Pairings and comparisons are limited to what I have available at the time of review. So apologizes if those sections are not as detailed or extensive as they should be.

Additionally, I don’t include or talk much about the specifications as it is easy to find online and adding it pads the review more than necessary. I also limit the number of picture to 4-6, as I want to keep the review simple and at a manageable length. If you feel like the specifications and more images are necessary I will gladly accommodate.

Some of the songs I listened to:

· Shiver by Lucy Rose

· On & On by Joey BadA$$

· Righteous Minds by Joey BadA$$

· Time Lapse by Ludovico Einauldi

· Labyrinth by Mondo Grosso

· For Now I am Winter by Olafur Arnalds

· Visions by Vanilla

· Ambitionz az a Ridah by Tupac

· Thriller by Michael Jackson

· Second Hand News by FleetWood Mac

These songs were 320kps, Flac, and the last 2 DSD just to cover all of my bases. It is important to note that the zx300 does not fully convert dsd unless you are using the Balanced output.

Build, Fit, and Packaging.


It is a hybrid design featuring 2 drivers: one dynamic and the other a balanced armature. The Iems themselves are made of what appears to be a good quality plastic and have a very ergonomic design to them. There was no hotspots when I was using them and overall they were very comfortable when they were in my ears for several hours at a time.

The packaging itself is very simple, displaying the IEMs themselves alomg with the name and branding of the company. Inside the box you will find a variety of tips, useful documentation, a hard shell case, and the IEMs. For me, the hardshell case was the highlight. It was very well made and has a very simplistic and straight forward look. The cable is a two pin cable terminated in 3.5mm SE. It is a decent quality cable and has a soft and rubberized feel to it, though overall it is fairly adequate and I have no complaints.


Sound Impressions

Bass: The first thing that I noticed on the Finschi was the bass response. It extended very well and provides a very decent impact, especially with each note of the drums. When listening to “In A Time lapse” by Ludivico Einauldi, the bass provides an enjoyable rumble that adds slightly more weight and character to the song. “Labyrinth” by Mondo Grosso was also a very enjoyable listen but the bass notes seem a little on the slow side. I would describe the bass as having good impact but not being very punchy and lacking some speed.

Treble: The treble on the Oriolus is quite elevated but it is never sibilant. There was no harshness or sharpness to be found when I was using them. The shimmer that occurs at around 3:15-40 of “Visions”, had a good sparkle to it and of there was a point at which it was sibilant or harsh, there was nothing to really complain about. Cymbals in both “Labyrinth” and “Righteous Minds” come through fairly well. “Righteous Minds” by Joey Bada$$ is not a well recorded track overall and can get bright and sibilant at times, though it was not noticeable on the Finschi. The treble as a whole is a bit more accentuated and forward without any harshness.

Midrange: The Midrange on the Finschi was probably the low point for me. Strings on guitars sounded slightly off and vocals appeared a little recessed at times. “Shiver” by Lucy Rise and “Labyrinth” were particular examples where I noticed some issues. While I previously mentioned that “Labyrinth” was enjoyable to listen to, it does come at the cost of the bass overpowering the vocals on the track. This same issue occurred in “Shiver*, where the increased bass and slightly recessed mids lended to vocals being drowned out at times. This to me is a detractor but some may not have an issue with this. The vocals themselves were very clear when they did not coincide with a bass note.



Simgot EN700 Pro ~$146: The 700 Pro are priced very similarly to the Finschi and to me gives the Finschi a run for their money. I found the Simgot to be a bit more laid back in their presentation and darker overall while the Finschi have a bit more energy in the treble, which is immediately noticeable. The bass on the 700 Pro appeared to be more controlled versus the Oriolus but did not have the same quantity or extension that the oriolus had. Songs like “Labyrinth” were not as enjoyable on the En700 Pro. Both are good IEMs and for me my preference will come down to what I am in the mood for. Do I want something more laid back that provides adequate detail: then I would go with the Simgots. If I want a fun and bassier sound with a bit more treble: The Finschi then becomes a good choice.

Campfire Orion ~$349:

Comprehensively I feel the Orion out does the Finschi if you prefer something with clarity, imaging, detail, and a more forward midrange. The Orion also does better in terms of staging. However the one place the Orion falls short is in the bass department as it is a very quick IEM but lacks heft and weight in the bass. There is also a lack of extension in the Orion that the Oriolus Finschi easily out does.



Hiby R6: The Finschi was a bit more narrow in terms of staging on the hiby, and the highs had a bit more texture but are also a bit more brighter as a whole. The bass is also much more punchy and has a greater feeling of impact with each bass note. Overall the Hiby accentuates the V shape nature of the Finschi, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but I would use the ZX300 with it instead.

Fiio M6. It might sound strange but my personal favourite with the Oriolus was the M6 because it reduces the quantity of the bass on many of the IEMs I have tried it with. The extension and impact in the bass remains at almost similar levels as they are on. Additionally, the M6 adds a bit more clarity and forwardness to the vocals which I also really appreciate. While both the zx300 and hiby are great daps, if I were to choose an ideal package with the Finschi then the M6 would be my recommendation


The Oriolus Finschi, at it’s price point of 179 USD, is a very competitive IEM amongst the current market of affordable IEMs that are coming out. It provides a very fun signature which will definitely please many. If you are a fan of JPOP, Hip-Hop, and some low-fi music the Oriolus may be something to look into. The only real downside for me was that the bass could be overpowering. Other than that the Oriolus is easily something worth trying out if you are in the market for this kind of signature.

Thanks for reading my review! If there are any mistakes or anything you have a question about just shoot me a message and I will do my best to address it.

narco dacunzolo

New Head-Fier

Oriolus is a Japanese audiophile company producing different portable amplifiers, players and iems ranging from 180USD(Finschi) to their flagship model 10ba Mellianus. They are quite famous in Asia and just recently they started to approach the overseas market.

On 16th. May 2015 Cyras Co., Ltd. Japan (CEO YOSHIAKI HIRAI) announced the Hi-End audio brand Oriolus.
Oriolus is supervised under renowned professional audio management company – Hibino Intersound Co., Ltd.
Products under Oriolus are co-engineered by Hibino Intersound Co., Ltd.’s engineering team and the hardware engineer – RAO YOU LIANG, the mastermind behind many well received solutions and products including HDP-R10.
Achieving utmost purity in sound is Oriolus's only mission.

For those who wonder, yes, the Oriolus is a bird.

Today i am going to review their new released model Finschi( this is the entry level model in their catalogue). This is a hybrid iem with a 10mm dynamic driver and one Knowles balanced armature driver. As for their MK2 and Forsteni they opted for the hybrid configuration to have the both advantages of two technologies: bass impact and quality of typical dynamic drivers and resolution and detail retrieval of balanced armatures.
This unit was sent me as a sample, i am not affiliated with the company and all observations and opinions will be only my own. Would like to thank Xtenik and Oriolus for sending me this unit.

You can buy here: https://www.xtenik.com/product/oriolus-finschi-hybrid-headphone/


Driver: Knowles balanced armature + 10mm dynamic driver

  • Sensitivity: 112db

  • Impedance: 18Ω

  • Frequency response: 10Hz-40KHz

  • Pin: 2pin 0.78mm

  • Line length: 120cm

PACKAGING: packaging is quite essential, but good enough for the price range. In the box, you can find a carry case, some eartips and a cable clip.
I suggest to use Spinfit cp145 with the Finschi to have a better sub-bass response and vocal presence.
The iem comes with a copper and silver-plated wire mixed woven cable that is quite good special for its sonic performance( for sure, is better than standard Plastics ones cables, having better resolution and dynamic compared to these ones). Pairing with other aftermarket cables like Pwaudio Saladin or Rhapsodio Dark Knight, i found some improvements in resolution and detail retrieval, but not much to justify their use against the standard one included in the box.

The Finschi is a well built product, with excellent resin quality. Due to its hybrid nature, you will hear a clip when inserting the iem in the ear canal, but overall you will not have driver flex issues thanks to the well built open vent on the faceplate. Overall, i suggest to not use a too much deep insertion to not compromise bass response.

What is driver flex: “Driver flex is when the driver bends due to the pressure of air against it. Usually it occurs when you're inserting the iem in your ear. When, upon insertion, the air that is inside has nowhere to go (no vents) or can't escape quickly enough, it builds pressure and the diaphragm bends, producing a click sound. It can also occur when removing the piece from the ear. Basically when there's a sudden flow of air.”


SOUND: the Finschi has a particular focus on sub-bass area and treble with a slightly recessed vocals. It shows a good resolution and articulation on treble area with excellent transparency level for the price range. Size note is quite good, not sounding too much thin. Overall, the Finschi is an engaging and fun all-rounder showing a juicy sound, with enough mature sonic performance.

BASS: bass quality is good thanks to the dynamic driver, showing good impact, body and decay. Even if, is a bit emphasized in quantity, the sub-bass extension could be better, but in line with the asking price. For the mid-bass i would prefer a bit more quantity, to help male vocals to have a fuller presence and overall a more mature reproduction, but i think the MK2 model was aimed for this purpose.

MIDS: vocals are a bit recessed in the scene compared to bass and treble and most probably are the weakest point of this iem, but they show exellent tonality and good details. Female vocals sound sweet and with a great sense of realism. Vocals sound a bit disjointed with the bass and treble, i would like a more cohesion and balance here.

TREBLE: treble reproduction is the star of the show, showing great details retrieval and articultion. More than quantity, treble has great extension, this helps to have a good transparency level and resolution, never sounding too much fatiguing. If you like string instruments, the Finschi could be a great choice for you.

SOUNDSTAGE: this is another strong point for this iem: both width and depth are above average, showing a good layering. Both width and depth have the same size creating a balanced and mature scene where instruments are placed in the correct way. Usually, specially at low price range, is hard to find this balance, just an example the Ibasso IT01, sounds very wide, giving a nice fun factor, but loosing the correct placement of instruments in the scene. Compared to some multi-balanced iem, the Finschi soundstage is not much holographic, but has a great separation between each instruments and vocals.

PAIRINGS: the Finschi doesn't need high amplification or expensive players to really shine, it just sounds great with my iPhone 6s and Tidal Hi-Fi. Paired with my Opus 2 and 3 or AK Kann it gains more separation and a more controlled reproduction, but is not night and day like other multi balanced armature iems.


FINSCHI VS BGVP DM6: bass on Finschi has better impact and decay, here the dynamic driver makes a better job compared to balanced armatures. Finschi bass focuses on the sub-bass area, BGVP ,as most of BA iems, has a lift in mid-bass area to compensate poor bass reproduction on BA drivers. Vocals on BGVP have more presence and sound thicker, but feels a bit plastic, Finschi on the other side has better realism, but vocals are more recessed. Treble on BGVP has more quantity, but sounds a bit harsh with stock cable, on Finschi. treble response shows better refinement and articulation. BGVP soundstage is wider with better layering and detail retrieval.

FINSCHI VS CUSTOM ART FIBAE 2: FIBAE 2 has a strong focus on mid-bass area giving a fuller sound and better male vocal reproduction. Bass impact is stronger on Fibae 2, but Finschi has better decay. Finschi has more recessed vocals, but more articulation and details on treble area with a better transparency level. Soundstage is wider on Fibae 2, but Finschi shows better instrument separation and better separation between vocals and instruments.

FINSCHI VS PERIODIC AUDIO TI: Finschi has a more v-shaped sound sig, with a more fun factor, on the other side TI sounds more balanced and mature. Bass impact on Finschi has more impact and stronger response. Vocals on TI are more balanced with treble and bass area. Both have great treble response and refinement. Finschi has a wider soundstage with a better instrument separation.

FINSCHI VS IBASSO IT01: ITO1 has better sub-bass extension, but quantity is too much for my taste, sounding over control sometimes, here the Finschi has overall a more mature reproduction. Vocals are both recessed, but Finschi shows better realism and emotion, sounding less thin compared to ITO1. Soundstage is a bit wider on IT01, but feels a bit artificial, instruments have better placement on Finschi with a more mature soundstage and better realism.