Moondrop Blessing 3


New Head-Fier
Pros: Clean tuning
Lively vocals
High level of details
Dynamic bass
Cons: Need more bass power
Might be a little thin
We all know Moondrop's legendary Blessing 2 and Blessing 2 Dusk. Two IEMs that truly stood the grueling test of time, remaining one of the top contenders under $500 for years and years. The Blessing 2 siblings are simply a performance miracle for the price, with no clear competitor capable of dethroning them in their price bracket, until now. Say hello to the new Blessing 3, Moondrop's "upgrade" to the renowned Blessing 2 siblings. Does it live up to our expectations? Let's find out!


General Information
Driver Setup: 2 Dynamic Drivers + 4 Balanced Armature Drivers
Price (USD): $320

Evaluation Equipment
Source: Topping A90 & D90LE
Graph Tool: Clone IEC 60318-4 Coupler (Clone 711)

Overview & Non-Sound Related

One thing you'd notice right away is the Blessing 3 has one more dynamic driver than its predecessors while retaining the $320 MSRP. The lack of a price bump is a welcomed surprise in the age where good IEMs are becoming more affordable. It seems Moondrop is very aware of the state of the IEM market and has decided on a course that favors the customers. Now while that deserves a thumbs up, it'd be even more impressive if they addressed the issue that plagued the previous Blessing 2s, the shell size.

The shell size was one of the biggest complaints with Blessing 2 and Dusk; they were too big for some listeners and caused discomfort. The unfortunate news is the Blessing 3 keeps the same size and shape as the Blessing 2, so for those with issues with the previous models, the experience will be similar here. However, the shell is smoother and less edgy than the previous models, and the nozzle is also slightly smaller, so that might help with comfort to some small degree.

With the non-sound out of the way, let's finally get into the tuning!


Tuning & Blessing 2 Dusk Comparison

Moondrop Blessing 3 follows rather closely to the tuning of Blessing 2 Dusk, with notable changes in the bass and treble region. If you're familiar with Blessing 2 Dusk, imagine having less bass, a similar midrange, and more treble air sparkles. These changes also allow vocals and midrange instruments to shine more than the Dusk. While the Dusk is natural and neutral, Blessing 3 is also natural but with a touch more energy and perhaps slightly thinner.

Since we're already comparing Blessing 3 to Dusk, let's complete the comparison before moving on to the sound breakdown section of the article.

Detail-wise, the Blessing 3 sounds more detailed than the Dusk; the additional treble air helps elevate micro details and incisiveness in high-frequency instruments. The overall bass reduction makes Blessing 3 sound cleaner and pushes the focus toward clarity. Soundstage perception also widens with the tuning change; Blessing 3 is noticeably airer and more spacious sounding. In summary, if you ask me if Blessing 3 is a step up from Dusk in technical performance, I'd say half-step, but better nonetheless.

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Sound Breakdown


Blessing 3 has exceptional bass control and outstanding dynamics. Its impacts are tight and satisfying to hear; there's no bluntness—a near-excellent bass if not for one thing.....the quantity. Blessing 3 is not a bassy-tuned IEM. It's very upper-midrange and treble-heavy, which causes the bass to, unfortunately, feel overshadowed or "playing second fiddle" to the rest of the mix. The bass quality is fantastic, but the quantity leaves more to be desired. Although, this is highly taste dependent. The bass here will be perfect for some listeners out there. It's not devoid of bass. It's just less bass, but for some, less is better.


Early in the article, I mentioned that Blessing 3's midrange is similar to Blessing 2 Dusk; that is to say, it's just as gorgeous—incredibly natural sounding vocals and instruments. The timbre is also very smooth, and though it has an energetic touch, it's not grainy or harsh in the timbral decay. The lower midrange is exceptionally clean with equally exceptional upper midrange smoothness. All this leads to a beautiful, clarity focus, midrange presentation that, if not surpassing, is at least equal to Blessing 2 Dusk.

The only con I can find is a small nitpick that might be slightly thin or shouty for selected listeners who are extra sensitive to higher frequencies. However, for context, it's less thin sounding than Moondrop Variations can be for those listeners.


Blessing 3 has a near-perfect treble, great extension, smoothness, and lively without grain or harshness. The only nitpick I have here is a slight splashy feeling. However, this is, again, nitpicking at most. The treble quantity will not be an issue for those sensitive to treble either. It is boosted treble, don't get me wrong, but it's tastefully done.


Technical Performance

I stated in the Dusk comparison that Blessing 3 has a spacious-sounding stage compared to Dusk, but I should clarify that it's also spacious sounding compared to the rest of the market. You'll hear distinct air and clear separation of the lower and higher instruments. The tuning does an incredible job of portraying a vast sense of stage.

As for note definition, Blessing 3 is also great, competing easily with more expensive IEMs.

Now, with all these amazing qualities, would I put Blessing 3's technical prowess on par with the "endgames"? The answer is almost. The only shortcoming of Blessing 3 that keeps it from the top-tier club is micro details. Blessing 3 has great micro detail presentation but can use more incisiveness and definition to truly take it to the top level.

Comparison VS. Blessing 2

Blessing 3 and Blessing 2 are both great, but Blessing 3 is in another league entirely. I almost feel bad for Blessing 2 for the history and the wave it started in the community, but the truth is, Blessing 2 is no longer needed. Let me explain.

For a long time, Blessing 2 was the brighter and more analytical version of the Dusk, which serves the community that wants a more technical presentation than what Dusk can offer. However, Blessing 3 is now taking that spot. Blessing 3 is the more technical version of the Dusk done with more finesse than Blessing 2. The treble and timbre are smoother and more natural, the lower midrange is cleaner, and the bass is more dynamic. It's simply an upgrade to the Blessing 2 in every aspect imaginable.

Blessing 2, it's sad to see you go, but it's time you make way for the next generation.

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Comparison VS. Softears Studio 4

Now this is an interesting comparison because Studio 4 is my personal benchmark for IEMs under $500. It's an incredible IEM, and if you want to see the video review, I'll link it here.

The Studio 4 has a tamer and more relaxed tuning than Blessing 3, which has noticeably more upper midrange energy. This results in Studio 4 having a more natural sounding timbre and smoother decay while sounding less lively than Blessing 3. I should clarify that at this level, the margin for better is razor-thin. When I say Studio 4 is better at a specific aspect or vice versa, it's only slightly better at most. This speaks volumes about the Blessing 3's performance as it can stand up to even my favorite under $500, which cost $100 more than it.

Other than timbre, Studio 4 also has just as good bass control, and due to the relaxed upper midrange, the bass shines through more than on Blessing 3. The bass feels more satisfying and fuller on Studio 4, though I'd give the slight edge in dynamics to Blessing 3.

Two aspects that are better in Blessing 3 are clarity and details. If you seek livelier vocals and more micro details, Blessing 3 might be the better choice. But besides that, I still prefer Studio 4 overall.

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It's easy to see where this IEM will place in the market. It's easily the top three best IEMs under $500, exhibiting zero deal-breaker flaws, and the minor flaws it does have are nitpicked and highly taste dependent at worst. Blessing 3 is simply a great IEM that most will enjoy (barring those with smaller ears, unfortunately).

If you've been waiting for the upgrade to your beloved Blessing 2 or a more detailed version of Blessing 2 Dusk, you have it here in Moondrop's Blessing 3. And if you're looking for value for money at around $300, Blessing 3 should be near, if not the top, of your watch list.

So in other words my blessing 2 dusk is still the best IEM on planet earth because the last thing I want is less bass and thinner tonality from my Dusk. If I wanted that I would just simply bought the regular blessing 2. And I’m definitely not going to pay $300+ for a half-step advantage.


500+ Head-Fier
The Bounceback
Pros: Clear Vocals
Great details
Natural fit, unfatiging
Cons: A little light in the base, yet fixable with eq.
Timbre isn't as good as I wish it were.
It’s a modern world, and for a modern world, you need a modern kind of iem. Sleek, and beautiful, and it has to have all the bells and whistles. It can't just sound good but has to be perfect. With the packaging of the Aful 5, your iem needs to be special and updated to be competitive as a whole package over 200 dollars. And Moondrop has achieved great success here.

I bought this iem with my own money.
My opinions are my own.

You can buy this from most of the major dealers, I honestly think every hifi store in the world is selling it at the moment!

Product Features

  • Impedance: 14.8Ω ±15% (@1kHz)
  • Frequency Response: 10Hz-30kHz
  • Effective Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz (IEC60318-4, -3dB)
  • Sensitivity: 120 dB/Vrms (@1kHz)
  • THD: THD @ 1kHz ≤ 0.5%
  • Driver: 2DD+4BA
  • Jack: 3.5mm single-ended jack
  • Housing processing: 3D printing of imported medical resin
  • Headphone Jack: 0.78 2-pin

Song Choice: Tidal list here:
I listen to a wide variety of music. I pick the songs because of various reasons. But I picture myself locked away like Andy Dufresne from Shawshank blasting music and shut off from the world. It’s a blissful image.
The Marriage of Figaro -The opera song from Shawshank Redemption, terrible recording but fun and gets me in the mood to listen to music.
O mio Babino caro -This is a modern less operatic version but a song with great female vocals.
Video Rigoletto - “La donna e mobile” Sung by one of the three Tenors, great song for high-performing male vocals. Pavarotti is the greatest classic singer maybe ever. Fight me!
Iron man - The sound at the beginning is hard to make sound great, great drums, and cymbals, and if done right it feels like an old-school band.
I Will Survive (1981 recording, I like her voice, and the old vocals, the drums, and various natural instruments really make this a favorite for me.
There is a light That never goes out - Smiths ( A classic, I just love it. It’s mellow, and I can tell a lot of the tuning if this song is done right.)
Jump (I like how the sound effects are in this!)
Star Child Someone recommended this song to me, and I like how funky it sounds and has nice vocals and a mix of music and things going on.
Dicke Titten Ramstein The beginning is amazing and the bass hits hard. Great song. I love rock and metal. The German language fascinates me
Master of Puppets: Very fast song. Helps me determine if the driver can keep up.

Shell -
The Shell is beautiful. It looks really good for what it is. It is a huge improvement from Blessing 2. It's sleek and feels nice in your ears. It's slightly smaller and doesn't hurt my ears. While it isn't as comfortable as say the Meteor, tin hifi t4+, or Truthear Hexa, it's still very nice and a slight improvement on the dusk. But this improvement is minor. I'd say 10% better. It's still a tiny bit large for me, but I'm nitpicking, it's good!



The case is almost the exact same case as the Blessing 2 Dusk. It is slightly refreshed and looks good. It has a fresh color, and wonderful sparkle! I really like it, and it feels like a better case! The box of the Blessing 3 is super cool. I really enjoy the modern look, the design of the Blessing 3 packaging is wonderful and fits very well. It doesn't feel rushed over but is thoughtful and beautiful.

I like this cable better than the cable on my Dusk. While that isn't saying much, it's still a very ok cable. It's very nice, and I actually find it better than the truthear hola cable! (Hola is the gold standard for many.)

Tip Selection -

It's a fairly standard tip selection, and it even includes the Airplane adapter!

This is a competitive iem in the marketplace, very competitive. This is earphone of the year quality, and a strong iem overall.

Quick-Fire Comparisons

In this section, I'll quickly compare the Blessing 3 to other relevant IEMs in its price bracket.

Blessing 3 VS. Blessing 2 Dusk
Overall Tuning: Blessing 2 Dusk
Details: Very slight edge to the Blessing 3.

Blessing 3 VS. Orchestra Lite
Overall Tuning: Blessing 3
Details: Blessing 3

Blessing 3 VS. Aful Performer 5
Overall Tuning: Tied
Details: Blessing 3

Blessing 3 VS. Symponium Meteor
Overall Tuning: Blessing 3
Details: Slight edge to Symposium Meteor

Value: This is an appropriately priced iem. It has made many other iems for me seem like a worse value. The Orchestra Lite, and in a sense the Blessing 2 Dusk. I find it a compelling value and highly recommend it.

This graph is brought to you by Super Reviews.


The Blessing 3 base is detailed but sounds off without eq for me. The notes and voices sound right and natural. The Timbre is very strong with this iem. And it took no burn-in time or issues with fit. It was great out of the box. The extra drivers seem to give this iem a great sense of space around the base and are really nice. The base itself is well-controlled and nice. In Dikie Titten it passes the slam test. While not as good as its cousin, it's still very competitive. I could see myself using this with no eq. The base isn't a concern with this iem, it's great.


The midrange is fine. Some of my favorite podcasters sounded a little off. But acceptable. I have been using a lot of base heavy iems and after a few days, the midrange of the Blessing 3 didn't bother me nearly as much. The midrange is smooth and natural, without a hint of shout or thinness. Its focus on the upper treble pair with an upper midrange reduction makes for a soothing and wonderful natural listen. The midrange does feel slightly off, but it's very acceptable and a strong daily driver without eq for me. Its midrange is probably the worst part of this iem, as I find the base acceptable, but the vocals aren't as strong as I wish they could be. And it still sounds a tiny bit off with some mild eq.


The treble is my favorite part of this set as it isn't harsh, but it comes across as sparkly and airy. It's smooth and capitulates the detail. It's airy, sparkly, and highlights a lot of micro-nuances without coming across as harsh. It's not the smoothest treble out there, I can think of several IEMs with a truly smooth treble response. It has better treble than most iem, and this is one of the best parts of this iem!

Recommended EQ: From 20-150 Hz it could use a base shelf of 3 db for me. It's a solid iem overall but it sounds a little better with a little more base. This iem takes eq very well for me, and I have no issues with it. With EQ this iem is a monster for me, just so good.

Gifting/who is it for:
I think this is a strong gift. It's a modern iem, that you could gift to almost anyone. The waifu on the front is a wife-friendly classy waifu, and not embarrassing or odd. It could go to anyone really as it is a strong modern package that screams hifi and hi-value. Sounds great out of the box, feels great, and I'd gift it to almost anyone as I feel it's tactful and a fun unbox!

Pairing: I used a Quidelix 5k and a Topping DX1 dac through a SMSL SH-8s AMP. I don’t find the pairing to matter too much, but it certainly can.

Just like their Waifu, the Moondrop Blessing 3 is classy, tactful, and take-home material. I can't recommend it enough. I love it and can't get it out of my ears.

Thanks for reading. Any feedback is welcome, as I've only reviewed a few items here on Head-fi. I’ll be posting my preference list of headphones soon! My iem list is out and this iem has done very well! I gave it 2nd overall with a 3 ⭐⭐⭐️ for value, an S- for Tuning and an S- for technical ability. This is a solid choice for anyone as a benchmark, only set, or for many reasons. Legendary status back after a few lackluster iem releases! The only reason to hold back, the rumored Dusk 3.... Thanks for reading!
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Headphoneus Supremus
Blessing 3 is a blessing of reference tuning which is surprising
Pros: Clear shell with comfortable fit
Great sound with every genre
Full and clear sound that's always smooth and natural.
Cons: Super picky on source quality such as tips , cable , file quality and genre
I have the blessing 2 like alot of of the reference loving fan out there and the blessing 2 is know as a king in that tuning department for $300 and under and when I heard it I was like wow , so refreshing because my preference is more toward audiophile basshead tuning and I can definitely enjoy other signatures as well . It had treble that was close to the limit for me being too much almost and bass was definitely lean and balanced not full enough to be natural but sound is open definitely. Then couple months later I see information on blessing 3 and it's coming out , I slowly waited for information day by day and when I saw that it had push pull DD technology I had to get it as I have many iems with that tech and know what can be done . Also graph was smoother In treble to but better extension. I bought it when it was released. I got mine from hifigo and waited to receive them . I got them and unboxing is always nice the shell was definitely bigger the the b2 and cable is ok to me . Fit is excellent. First impressions was like huh. Where is the bass and treble was kinda like b2 and mids felt recessed. So I put them away to burn in later for my review. I was trying non electronic music them but didn't test after so I didn't know what beast was hiding inside. Fast forward 2 weeks ago and I've tried other genre and with some burn in for loosening of diaphragm. And I got blown away with the bass Ive heard and the rest of the spectrum. Tried Rick Asthley and I started to dance with never gonna give you up.

Sound :
Bass: the bass is genre and music dependent with different style of music you'll get different presentations of bass quality and quantity. Bass can get close to basshead level when playing bass music and it'll stay fast like it supposed to be and on other genre like vocal music and pop , the bass is full and tight and textured also retaining speed with no distortion. Bass can play in different space too such as being close on some song and farther down in other songs , it can also be lean sounding too of genre has not much bass.

Midrange: I wasn't a fan on first listen as usually I love forward midrange that's fulla and natural but it was playing in deep recessed way with openess and I thought where is my vocals , had to turn up volume some which made treble also extra almost too much . But fast forward recently with burn In and my knowledge that this iem is super picky on source . I understand what happened and it was the recording quality and that wanted you to feel that massive open field of sound and distance and space. Then I tried electronic music and got forward full mids and vocals came out on being so realistic and tonally correct I was like What , how it changed so fast . What that happening I got the picture of the beast abilities. Can be 3D and full or grand and open or close and personal.

Treble : the treble wasnt my cup of tea on first listen and i was disappointed thinking my I bought the blessing 3, the blessing 2 is so similar and this is almost just as bright and thin. But fast forward now and I understand that sound technicality better and what it's capable of . The treble can sound bad only if the sources are bad and then you'd think this isn't worth the money and kz is so much better 😂. But the fact is this can go head to head with big boys from other brand IMHO . Treble can be full natural and oh so textured and always stay clear but never thin and splashy or distorted.

First impressions was like same as hearing blessing 2, open , thin and meh. But know I know it's all in the source and this beast will so you everything to max without negativity, unless you brought it up on yourself. This iem isn't for people using low end budget stuff or quality. You'll need at least midrange+ stuff to understand and to soon realize the full magic of b3 . The beast is awaiting, why not come and buy ASAP. 😆

Order links :

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Reactions: MD Rohit and zabiri
MD Rohit
MD Rohit
I don't like the mirror finish 😔
I like it

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
A better Blessing
Pros: Amazing reference sound signature, technicalities, bass details, expansive stage, very pretty shell.
Cons: For the cost I would have liked a better cable and more tips, they are on the larger size and may not fit smaller ears. This is very source fickle and can be unforgiving with poor quality recordings.

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blessing 1.jpg

Model: Blessing3 Hybrid In-ear Monitor
Impedance: 14.8Ω±15% (@1kHz)
Frequency Response: 10Hz-30kHz
Effective Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz (IEC60318-4, -3dB)
Sensitivity: 120dB/Vrms(@1kHz)
THD: THD@1kHz≤0.5%
Driver: 2DD+4BA
Jack: 3.5mm single-ended jack
Housing processing: 3D printing of imported medical resin.
Headphone Jack: 0.78-2pin

In the Package
[BLESSING3] earphone * 1
3.5mm silver-plated earphone cable * 1
Storage bag * 1
Aviation adapter * 1
Silicon ear tips * 3 pairs (S, M, L)
QC Certificate * 1
Manual * 1

Equipment Used: ifi Gryphon, ifi GoPods, Questyle M15, Fosi DS2, Burson funk, TempoTech V6, ddhifi TC44pro , Hidizs XO and AP80 pro X.

Build quality was very good, I think on par with the second- Gen but I really liked the look of the original to be honest. The packaging is decent, to be candid I always thought the Kato unboxing was superior.
The case is more than adequate in size, the cable is good but not on par with other brands in this price range like Kinera. Tips are weird and it does take much time to find a second party tip that will not ruin the beautiful sound of the B3. I ended up with spinfit and symbio, the later didn't perform to my liking on this IEM. I found them large, so you'll not want to sleep with these on, but they were comfortable on me for a few hours at least.

The Bass is very good on this one and scales depending on source and music. It has the ability to dig down deep when listening to rap and K-pop and stay composed during acoustical. Both Mid and Sub are adaptive, have a good speed and neutrality. Bass in general is an improvement over the B2 but still can present a little thin.

Are excellent and present more balanced than neutral, they have a decent weight and timbre. vocals are placed perfectly and sound so natural and rich. This does both female and male quite good.

The highs present with a smooth almost neutral sound, medium energy level, and fine sense of openness. There are fine details but no harshness ever.
The stage is vast but not artificial. It lends itself well to live performances. openness, accurate and wonderful separation. can handle busy recording with ease.

The Blessing3 is a continuation of the B2 and also an improvement Bass wise. I think in general it is better tuned with some small improvements overall. It looks amazing and should be considered for fans of the B2.


New Head-Fier
Moondrop Blessing 3 : Truly a Blessing (3)
Pros: excellent technicalities,
great tonality,
clear and detailed vocals,
forward and snappy guitars
Cons: a little lean sounding (for my preference),
can be fatiguing to listen to for long periods
This is the Moondrop Blessing 3! It’s been a while since I’ve listened to one of these. I think this was one of the first “Expensive” IEMs, or perhaps even the first one I’ve tried almost a year ago now ? Back then I was really looking forward to reviewing one of these. The other pair I tested was a pair of Stellaris. But, I digress. How do they sound ? Especially after experiencing the Crimson, the Volur, and many more IEMs ? I think I’ve grown a lot since the last time I tried them. With the Blessing 3 Dusk around the corner now. It feels like it is a good time to revisit them! This unit here is another loaner from Jaben Surabaya. Thank you for sending them in for reviews!

Backstory + Sound Impressions
Back when I was first tried them on, I was still in love with my Moondrop Chu. I still remembered there was a note about the Blessing 3 that I wrote during the time. I said “The Blessing 3 has better micro details, I feel like I can hear the Bass String vibrating on Hotel California”. Which is weird because I only noticed that one time. The other time I tried looking for it, it didn’t show. I also wrote that the nozzle looks funny, because the eartips are just pressed on there. Which is kind of a problem now, as the eartips keep falling off the earbuds when I take them off. And… they ended up stuck inside my ears. Or, they became loose and rolled of the desk or something. Oh, the initial note from a year ago also mentioned that it sounds thin. I also wrote that it might need a DAC/Amp, which I do not own back then. However, now… it doesn’t sound thin at all. It is still considered “lean” but not thin. Which I don’t really mind, I think you could consider this as reference tuned IEM ? I personally enjoyed my time editing the Moondrop Variations video with this.

What I liked about the Blessing 3
Although technically it is a little too lean to be considered as a “fun” IEM to my taste. I think the Blessing 3 is fun enough to be daily driven. Where it really shines is actually the vocal presentation. Female vocals are airy, sparkly, clean, and well defined. Male vocals are strong, forward, and well defined. Guitars on Symphony of Destruction are forward and snappy, while the Bass is slightly clouded in the background. I personally don’t mind and it is to be expected from a “leaner” sounding IEMs. I think if you like guitars, vocals, and orchestra the Blessing 3 truly is a blessing for you.

Why I Always Switch to The Variations
Don’t get me wrong, the Blessing 3 is still a “fun” IEM. But the fun is different from something like the Variations, the 64Audio Volur, or even the Symphonium Crimson. The fun aspect of Blessing 3 is I think more of like a scavenger hunt fun. It is where you pick up some of the microdetails on certain recording or hearing something that you don’t notice usually. Although, from my experience. This kind of fun can be a little exhausting at times, more so than the analytical fun nature of the Symphonium Crimson. But, that’s just me.

What Music I Love to Listen to with The Blessing 3
I personally love listening to Danish National Symphony Orchestra with the Blessing 3. Like listening to them playing Welcome to Jurassic Park, Shallow, and My Heart Will Go On. Or listening to the acoustic tracks, such as Hikari by Miwa, La La Lost You by Niki, and Hotel California by Eagles. As the tracks works really well with Treble forward IEMs.



Overall, I think the Blessing 3 is excellent the Tonality are great, I give them a B, and the Technicalities are up there with some of the best. So they got an A on Technicalities. Also, something is also bugging me for some reason. I feel like whenever I pick up the Blessing 3 for a listen, at 2 or so hour mark. I feel a bit tense after listening to them ? Let me know what do you think happened in the comments section.

That is it ? That is the Moondrop Blessing 3! I would personally wait for the Blessing 3 : Dusk, as I would like to see what that version brings to the table. And with them showing up in CanJam NYC earlier. I think the release date is around the corner. Thank you again Jaben Surabaya for lending me the Moondrop Blessing 3 and the Variations. Hopefully, at the time this video is released. They’re already safe and sound at their rightful place.

I personally encourage you to watch my Here

Footnote :
My Source is the TimeEar BTE-222 connected to my PC most of the time. I judge them using various genres of songs. I narrowed down what I think sounds best in this Spotify Playlist here :

Head-Fi Special (Videos about this might be up soon)
Durability :

The unit is a store demo unit, so it is slight worse for wear. Considering the age of the unit, which is around 6 months according to my friend at Jaben Surabaya. They still look pretty good, the faceplate does have a lot of micro scratches, but it is to be expected. Honestly, I think it's not that bad. Considering the fact that it is a Demo unit after all. Although if you own this IEM or any other IEM, I think it is good practice to put them inside a case with Silica Gel in it. Oxidation is slightly starting on the inside of the Blessing 3. It is clearly displayed as the resin body are very clean and clear.
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Great review, mate! I also prefer Variations to Blessing 3.
Thanks, Mate! Yes, I enjoy the Variations better than the B3. Even though the Variations is not perfect


100+ Head-Fier
Baby S8?
Pros: +Deep & Speedy Bass
+Decent Technicalities
+Female Vocals
Cons: -Not Much Punch on the Bass
-Might Be Too Lean Sounding For Some
-Dynamic ?
Moondrop Blessing 3 (2DD+4BA)

Hi, before I even begin this review, let me first apologize for my weird English and grammatical mistakes.
The Moondrop Blessing 3 is purchased with my own expense and this review is 100% my subjective opinion.
Let's start with the Unboxing
Pretty Good Packaging !
Inside the Box You Get :
  • IEM
  • Guide, Moondrop Post Card, Moondrop Card
  • 2Pairs of SML Size Eartips
  • Cable
  • Nice Pouch
  • Airplane Adapter?

The BUILD of the IEM is pretty solid and beautiful, it made with clear resin like the Moondrop S8, even clearer than the Blessing 2 resin, the Faceplate now is a polished stainless steel that are pretty much fingerprint magnet and probably scratch magnet after some use.

as for the cable, honestly, its pretty underwhelming, it's thin, looks like the one that come with 7Hz Timeless (its different tho)

as for the fitting, the Blessing 3 is very comfortable to wear despite its bulky / chonky size

now lets talk about the SOUND

the Sound part is tested using LP W2-131, iFi Go Blu Dongle, Stock Eartips, Stock Cable, Moondrop Line-T Cable
Music is mostly from Apple Music Lossless
Genre : J-POP, J-Rock, EDM, Rap, Jazz, Anisong, Metal

Overall tonality of the Blessing 3 is your typical Moondrop VDSF Target (Harman Modified)
the sound is really reminding me of the S8 also from Moondrop but less dynamic and bass

BASS : DEEP, Rumbly, but the punch is meh, the bass texture is very good, the quantity is not that boosted, it's main focus is on the Sub-bass area, while the Blessing 2 have some highlight on the mid-bass as well.
Probably because the bass is lacking punch, the overall presentation is sounding a bit dull / not that dynamic
Speed of the bass is very snappy and tactile, it can handle pretty much any songs including your death-metal tracks

Mids : LEAN, might be too lean for some, the mid is forward, not shouty, no sibilance, violin sounds from Violet Evergarden OST is very enjoyable on this set, it sounds very real and lively. As for the vocal, female vocal sound more dominant and standout compared to Male vocal. Male vocal felt like have less authority and weight to it.

Treble : Smooth, very good extension, Airy, 0 Pierce, Free from splashiness, nothing weird really. Pretty enjoyable treble presentation for my treble sensitive ears.

Timbre :
NO COMPLAINT, it's a hybrid model but with pretty cohesive and rather organic timbre (well.. except for the note weight that a bit too lean)

Overall presentation is very relaxed, well controlled, very good for long listening session, it does really really reminds me of the S8 with less bass, less dynamic and leaner note weight.


Detail Retrieval
: its... decent, better than Blessing 2, but nothing praise worthy here

Stage : grand, you can feel its exact wall / stage placement

Imaging-Separation-Positioning : Very good, it sounds like you're inside a blob of circle, sounds popping up from around you, very good separation without sounding not cohesive / weirdly separated sound like the Blessing 2. The positioning is also very good, you can clearly hear where sound is coming from, also very good for gaming (Valorant, Apex Legends)


Moondrop Blessing 2

The Blessing 2 has more punchy bass, though not as deep and rumbly as the Blessing 3.

Mids on the Blessing 2 has a bit more weight to it, though somehow it felt like the
presentation of the Blessing 2 mids at least to my ears is rather 2.5D sounding if that makes sense.

As for the treble, both is very smooth and have good extension.
The Blessing 3 has better detail retrieval and sounds more resolving than the Blessing 2.

Technicalities, the Blessing 3 pretty much beats the Blessing 2 but not far really, its just like one step better than the Blessing 2, except for the Imaging-Separation-Positioning.

Previously on my Blessing 2 review, I do notice that the Blessing 2 has a rather weird Imaging-Separation-Positioning, especially when in use for gaming, it sounds separated but not in a very good way (not cohesive? not 360 degree safe for gaming? its hard to explain but sounds like on certain part sound is panned too left or too right)

So.. Do I recommend the Blessing 3?

It depends..

the Blessing 3 is recommended if you're searching for a good looking IEM with under $400 price bracket that has a relaxed and non-offensive sounding with decent technicalities, and pretty luxurious packaging.

Though if you already have Blessing 2, it's rather hard for me to recommend the Blessing 3, sure it's an upgrade from the Blessing 2 especially on the Imaging-Separation-Positioning, with different tonality.
But to splurge another $300-ish dollar for slight upgrade....
well unless you sell your Blessing 2 on the used market.

In the end, I leave it up to you to decide and use your own judgement.

that's all from me for now,

I might edit this later to fix my weird english and add YouTube Video Review in Bahasa Indonesia

edit and update - 27 July 2023 : So I decided to buy another Blessing 3 and the dynamic thing and how lean the sound I mention in this review is pretty much fixed on my 2nd unit of Blessing 3.
The bass shelf is somehow much more generous, lower mids is somewhat thicker and sound much more dynamic compared to the one I wrote on this review.

I guess unit variation is real.
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Good review and spot-on impressions, mate! Violin does sound good with these. I’m surprised that it simply sounds forward, not piercing or harsh.

Your question mark for dynamic might be more representative of the experience most people have than my impressions with a bigger amp.
hey, just wanted to give an update regarding the dynamic and how lean the B3 sound, so I just randomly purchase another Blessing 3, and on this unit the bass shelf is more generous and dynamic is noticeably "better" or I can say a lot more dynamic than the unit I reviewed here, and somewhat the lower midrange is also thicker, I guess unit variation is real
It could just be that the new one's woofer hasn't been run in yet. Dynamic drivers tend to have more midbass and less low bass until loosened up. Can you recheck once they're fully run in?


100+ Head-Fier
Blessing 3
Pros: Still the Moondrop signature, except even cleaner
On relative low cost on impedence, delivers solid bass thumps
Smaller nozzle means less pain
Cons: I miss the "wub-wub bass" - the slow decay from that previous bass driver on the Dusk
Uncle Lu, who bought this with his own money, is back with another quickie.

Might revisit this when I got more time, just the initial 20 minutes & thoughts for now.


First impressions:

The iem can now sit in the ears more comfortably.

Resolution is a clear step up (*from dusk), and the drivers are more in control.

Slightly more polite in the bass area. It is tighter and decays faster.

Dusk was more about using the bass shelf to justify the trebles. In B3, it is still very balanced, just that trebles take a step forward.
While mid and bass took a slight step back.

I like the thing and its a worthy refresh to the B2.


- Look forward to seeing the isobaric-drivers again in maybe ... the Variations 2? Would loved to have an EST in there since we're hearing more trebles, because of BA timbre. Those who have tasted EST would notice this. Ofc, such a product would immediate be out of this price bracket and around 4-500. How about finally a flagship custom with enough shell real-estate to combine your inventions?

- I somewhat enjoyed the wub-wub bass from Dusk. Thus I miss the warmth. From a little cable upgrade + warm source, it was a uniquely delicious thing. If you're coming from Dusk, you're trading in the wub wub for more resolution.
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Hi all.

Anyone with a good EQ setting for the Moondrop Blessing 3 and Chord Mojo 2? I find the sound beautiful with standard settings but would like to hear if anyone has experienced with tuning the Mojo 2 EQ setting to the Blessing3.
Crinacle has a comparison tool for iems. You can tune it to your favorite iem reference.


100+ Head-Fier
The best hybrid at this price but little progress compared to the previous generation
Pros: Refined and monitoring profile
It barely colors the music
Reference sound at a "cheap" cost
Wide, tall and deep soundstage
Cons: Limited or insufficient bass for certain genres
Lacks more personality
I'd like more wow feel
Reduced macro and micro detail. It sounds "screened" to me.
Large size
Decent but fair cable
Welcome to Critica Actial written review. Today it's time to see, once the media hype has passed, the Moondrop Blessing 3. Reviewing a Moondrop earphone is always synonymous with at least being talked about. I remember when I tried the Moondrop Aria. The original. An iem with a dynamic driver that I quite liked. It sounded dynamic, good soundstage, very natural and coherent. I said wow. I was able to try other products from the brand and more or less this was repeated. They know how to tune headphones.
The first generation Blessing achieved worldwide recognition due to its combination of affordable price, revolutionary acoustic design and outstanding performance. With the Blessing 2, this success was taken even further, providing reference-level sound quality, with a great richness of detail and noticeably improved sonic hardware. This allowed the Blessing 2 to exceed expectations within the hybrid headphone category, rising to the status of a benchmark product in the audio market. Years went by and that recognition remained. The Blessing 2 and Blessing 2 Dusk were the reference IEMs, not excessively expensive, for those looking for that neutral, detailed and coherent sound.
After more than three years of development according to the brand, the long-awaited successor finally arrived: the Blessing 3. This new iteration promises to further consolidate and improve the reputation of the Blessing series, offering technological innovations, acoustic refinement and a superior sound experience for audiophiles and audio enthusiasts alike.
Is it a noticeable leap from the Blessing 2? Well, not for me, but I encourage you to read the review.

Captura de pantalla (1387).png

The packaging of the Blessing 3 is the classic and unmistakable one that fuses minimalism and anime culture. The box stands out for Moondrop's characteristic clean design, adorned with the iconic illustration.
The package reveals a more sophisticated inner box, evoking the minimalist style of brands like Nothing. Monochromatic design, with subtle silver details, accentuates the feeling of elegance. When you open the lid, the box unfolds into two compartments: a thin one in the lid that holds the manual, a quality control card and the classic Moondrop waifu postcard, and the main one, where the headphones rest. These, with their shiny mirror-finished faceplates, are protected by a transparent sheet. Of course, the mirror-polished faceplates are visually attractive, but they tend to **accumulate fingerprints** and smudges easily. As for the IEM itself, its transparent resin housing reveals the internal design, while the mirror-polished faceplates, which are very prone to fingerprints, add elegance. The ergonomic design, which adapts very well to the anatomy of the ear, guarantees a comfortable fit and excellent isolation.
What else do we have? Well, a retro carrying case. A case that is a bit large for my taste, but very very sturdy.
As for accessories, the Blessing 3 does not disappoint. It includes a silver-plated copper cable with 2-pin connectors, an airplane adapter and six pairs of silicone earplugs of different sizes.
Overall the whole unboxing process of the Blessing 3 feels luxurious, a real delight that is surprising considering its price, adding even more value to the user experience.

The Moondrop Blessing 3 has a balanced and detailed sound, making it an excellent choice within the range of in-ear monitors (IEM). Its sound signature is characterized by a neutral-harmonious approach, close to harman, with great clarity and precision in the different frequencies, offering a refined listening experience, without excessive emphasis on any particular range. Don't expect a personality or something that makes it stand out. It has a conservative sound.

Captura de pantalla (1388).png

As for the bass, the Blessing 3 offers a controlled and precise performance. Although it is not the most powerful or emphasized, the bass is clear and well defined, achieving an excellent balance with the rest of the frequencies. The **sub-bass** has presence, but does not dominate the spectrum, while the **mid-bass** is more natural, without adding additional warmth. This ensures that the bass is punchy enough without feeling overdone, making it ideal for genres where detail and accuracy are more important than an overwhelming bass thump.
Users looking for powerful, commanding bass may find the Blessing 3’s bass somewhat subtle, but those who prefer a more balanced approach that is faithful to the original recording will appreciate it for its ability to keep the lows in balance with the mids and highs.

The Moondrop Blessing 3’s mids are one of its greatest strengths. They offer a detailed and balanced presentation, allowing vocals and instruments to come through with outstanding clarity. The low mids have enough body to bring warmth without becoming muddy, which favors a natural sound. Meanwhile, the high mids are accurate and detailed, enhancing clarity without sounding aggressive. This provides excellent separation between instruments, which is especially noticeable in genres such as jazz, classical or acoustic music, where detail and texture are key.
The vocals in particular stand out for their clarity and definition, achieving a very realistic sound, with good presence but without being overexposed. This makes the Blessing 3 ideal for those who value fidelity in the representation of voices and mid-range instruments.

The Blessing 3’s treble is extended and bright, but without becoming too shrill or causing ear fatigue. It focuses on delivering a decent level of overall detail, allowing you to perceive nuances and textures in the recordings, such as cymbals or high strings. The treble has a good extension, which contributes to a feeling of air and space in the sound stage, without becoming, as I say, excessively bright or sibilant.
The Blessing 3 manages to keep the treble refined and controlled, avoiding peaks that could become uncomfortable on prolonged listening. This smoothness at the higher end of the spectrum is ideal for those who enjoy detailed, bright sound but value balance without sacrificing comfort during long listening sessions, although if you are very sensitive to highs you may find it a little uncomfortable during long listening sessions.

In terms of technicalities, the Moondrop Blessing 3 positions itself as a good performing IEM, offering a technical listening experience.
The Blessing 3 features well controlled dynamics. The ability to handle both soft passages and intense moments within a piece of music is excellent. Although the dynamics are not explosive or the best I have heard for this price, they are precise enough to deliver contrasting transitions between the most delicate and the most energetic parts of a song. The changes in volume and energy within the music are therefore perceptible and well differentiated, do not expect a flat or lifeless IEM although this is not its strongest point.
What is good is the soundstage. Despite being an IEM, it offers a **fairly wide scene** that comes close to what one would expect from over-ear headphones. Instruments and vocals are positioned with a good sense of space, giving the feeling of being in a larger, airier environment. This is particularly noticeable in live recordings or orchestral pieces, where the depth and width of the soundstage is appreciated. The Blessing 3's soundstage is not only wide, but also well-proportioned, with the width slightly above the depth.
The separation of instruments and vocals is also very very good on the Blessing 3. Each element within the mix is presented in a clearly differentiated manner, making it easy to identify and follow each individual instrument in complex compositions. This is crucial for dense musical genres such as progressive rock, symphonic metal or jazz, where multiple layers of sound occur simultaneously. There is no feeling of congestion or of sounds blending into each other, allowing for more detailed and accurate listening.
The imaging of the Blessing 3 is also outstanding. The placement of instruments in space is precise, giving a clear impression of where sounds are coming from within the soundstage. Details such as vocal direction, instrument movements or the positions of different elements in a recording are presented with great accuracy. This results in an excellent three-dimensional representation of sound, adding a sense of realism to the audio. The precise imaging, together with instrument separation, allows for an immersive and detailed listening experience, where sounds are not only perceived clearly, but also seem to occupy a real space within the scene.

The Moondrop Blessing 3 has many positive qualities, it is not without some weaknesses that could be important for certain users.
While the bass is precise and well controlled, it may not be enough for those who prefer a sound profile with more impact in the bass like me for example
The size is not ideal for everyone. The housings can be somewhat large, which could generate discomfort in people with smaller ears or narrower ear canals.

Captura de pantalla (1389).png

Despite the extension and detail in the highs, some people may find that the highs tend to be a little bright or slightly emphasized, which in certain genres or songs with a lot of energy in the high frequencies can generate listening fatigue over time.
Variations>Blessing 3>Blessing 2 Dusk
Little variation from the Blessing 2. Lots of competition in these price ranges.

Thanks for reading. We will see in other reviews!
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Headphoneus Supremus
Blessing 3 - THE reference is back
Pros: Neutral, mid-centric tonality
Clear and clean midrange
Balanced treble that avoids harshness
Responsive and tactile bass
Comfortable fit
Cons: Flat soundstage
Lack of authority and weight in male vocals
Requires good amping to wake up the woofers
Released in 2020, Moondrop Blessing 2 has gained a legendary status in the audio community. It was THE recommendation for enthusiasts seeking their first high-end in-ear monitor (IEM). Some even claimed that Blessing 2 surpasses IEMs in the upper echelons. I do not share such enthusiasm or love for these IEMs, but I still have used Blessing 2 as a benchmark to rate other IEMs ever since I started reviewing.

However, it has been three years since Blessing 2’s release, and the IEM market evolves rapidly. In this dynamic landscape, three years can feel like an eternity. Moondrop now presents the new Blessing 3. The question is, does it live up to the legacy of its predecessor?



  • What I look for in an IEM is immersion. I want to feel the orchestra around me, track individual instruments, and hear all of their textures and details. I’m not picky about tonality, as long as it does not get in the way of immersion.
  • I rate IEMs within with a consistent scale from 1 (poor) to 3 (Adequate) to 5 (outstanding). Ratings are assigned by A/B tests against benchmark IEMs, regardless of the retail price.
  • Ranking list and measurement database are on my IEM review blog.
  • This review is possible thanks to the generosity of @lycos who lent me his personal unit (Thank you!).
Source chains for listening tests:

  • Reference Chain: iPad -> Creative SXFI -> Topping G5 (for all A/B tests)
  • Portable Setup: Shanling M6 Ultra
  • Dongle: FiiO KA3
Local FLAC files ripped from CDs or bought from Qobuz were used for most casual listening and A/B tests. My playlist for A/B tests can be found on Apple Music here.

All of my listening was done with Spin Fit CP145 or W1 ear tips. I listen at a medium volume. I usually turn up the volume until the midrange is fully audible and detailed, unless a treble peak or overwhelming bass prevents me from doing so.


  • Driver: 2DD + 4BA
  • Connector Type: 2 pin
  • Impedance: 14.8ohm
  • Sensitivity: 101.7 dB/mW SPL

Build and Comfort​


Accessories: Moondrop has made improvements to the packaging and unboxing experience of the Blessing 3, giving it a more luxurious feel. The contents of the box, however, remain the same as the previous generation.

Inside the box, you’ll find a custom carrying case that has the same shape and size as the one that came with the Blessing 2. However, the case now features custom prints and a nicer zipper. The box also includes six pairs of generic silicone ear tips, but there are no Spring Tips this time. It’s worth noting that Moondrop still includes an airplane adapter. Additionally, you’ll find a new cable and the earpieces themselves.


Stock cable: The stock cable of the Blessing 3 has only two cores. While it gets the job done, it doesn’t have a high-end look or feel. The cable tends to retain memory and curls upon itself when coiled and left in the case for a few days. Unfortunately, the cable splitter and plug have a brushed metal texture that doesn’t match the mirror finish of the metal face plates on the earpieces. The cable terminates with a 3.5mm single-ended plug, and there doesn’t seem to be an option for a 4.4mm balanced cable. This cable choice may have been made to keep the price of the Blessing 3 more affordable.


Earpieces: The earpieces of the Blessing 3 are very similar to those of the Blessing 2. They are 3D-printed and filled with resin, which gives them a dense and crystal-clear construction. The face plates are made of metal and have a mirror finish.


The most significant change in the Blessing 3 is the reduced size of the nozzles. They are no longer oversized like the ones on the Blessing 2, allowing you to use any ear tips you prefer. This change has also resolved the comfort issues that were present in the original Blessing 2. I found that I can wear the Blessing 3 for long listening sessions without experiencing ear pain or fatigue. The vents in the design prevent pressure build-up. The isolation provided by the Blessing 3 is average, comparable to other IEMs.


Frequency response of Blessing 3 against the Blessing 2. Measurements were done with an IEC-711-compliant coupler and might only be compared with other measurements from this same coupler. Visit my graph database for more comparisons.


Tonality or “tuning” is where objectivity and subjectivity meet. Objectivity exists in the squiggly lines above, called Frequency Response (FR) graphs. They are created by sweeping a signal from 20Hz to 20kHz and measuring the corresponding loudness coming from an IEM. Unless a human operator deliberately tampers with the microphone or the data, FR does not care about the price or prestige of an IEM and, therefore, is “objective.”

However, human listeners are not microphones. Our ears and brain interpret the sound and decide whether it is “enjoyable.” It is also beneficial to remember that when you play a note on a musical instrument, multiple sounds (fundamental and harmonic) appear simultaneously and mix together. Achieving a life-like balance between frequencies and adding a tasteful amount of imbalance (“colouring the sound”) is the hallmark of an excellent tonality.

Sound signature: The sound signature of the Blessing 3 can be characterized as “crystal clear” and “snappy.” Each instrument stands out in the soundstage with well-defined boundaries and rich texture and detail. In terms of tonality, the Blessing 3 can be described as either “neutral” or “mid-centric,” depending on whether you prefer the midrange to be emphasized or balanced with the rest of the music. The bass is less prominent than the midrange but still present. Most of the bass energy is focused on the sub-bass region, providing a tactile sensation with drums, rather than a prominent auditory presence.


The midrange of the Blessing 3 emphasizes the upper midrange more than the lower midrange. While this tuning enhances perceived clarity, it can also make vocals and instruments sound thin, although the Blessing 3 manages to avoid sounding excessively thin or harsh in most cases. Surprisingly, the Blessing 3 does not exhibit excessive shoutiness despite this strong upper midrange emphasis.

The treble is less emphasized than the upper midrange, and instruments like cymbals and hi-hats are present without being harsh or piercing. The treble extension has been improved compared to the Blessing 2, allowing for better perception of ambience and reverberation in classical recordings.


Female vocal (Rasputin cover by Aurora): The Blessing 3 renders female vocals with stunning clarity and detail. Aurora’s voice sounds sweet, crystal clear, and effortlessly detailed. Backup vocals are also smooth, detailed, and easy to follow, without any noticeable sibilance or harshness. Surprisingly, the expected shoutiness in vocals is not a significant issue with the Blessing 3.

Male vocal (Perfect Symphony by Ed Sheeran and Andrea Bocelli): However, the rendering of both Ed’s and Andrea’s voices on the Blessing 3 falls short of expectations. While their voices do not sound incorrect, they lack warmth and fullness. It often feels as if they sing with head voices rather than chest voices. I felt a constant desire to increase the volume to add fullness to the voices, but this leads to shoutiness and forces me to quickly reduce the volume.

Strings and orchestras (Winter by Freivogel and Voices of Music): The orchestral presentation of the Blessing 3 is excellent, with lifelike instrument reproduction. The timbres of instruments are accurate, allowing for easy distinction between violins and violas. While cellos and double basses lack some fullness and authority, the snappy nature of the Blessing 3 still allows these instruments to maintain the beat and sense of rhythm in the orchestra.


Drums and bass (Battle Bar): Compared to “true neutral” IEMs like the Etymotic ER2SE, the Blessing 3 renders drums and bass louder. However, due to the lesser emphasis on bass frequencies compared to the upper midrange, drums and bass guitars on the Blessing 3 are quieter than “U-shaped” IEMs such as the 64 Audio U12T. The physical sensation of drums and bass is excellent with the Blessing 3, despite not being overwhelmingly loud. The bass notes have sharp attacks and are accompanied by a tactile physical sensation. The decay of the bass notes is relatively quick, enhancing the snappy presentation of the Blessing 3. If you prefer nimble and clean bass without sacrificing the physical sensation, you’ll appreciate the Blessing 3’s bass. However, if you prefer thick, powerful, and chunky bass, the Blessing 3’s bass may not meet your expectations.


Cymbals, hi-hats, chimes (Eye of the Tiger by Survivor): Cymbals and hi-hats are present and easy to follow, without being edgy or harsh. The note attacks of these instruments are snappy and crisp, while the decay is appropriately tapered. The Blessing 3 provides a good level of of detail and texture in the cymbals and hi-hats.

Soundstage Imaging​


Stereo imaging or “soundstage” is a psychoacoustic illusion that different recording elements appear at various locations inside and around your head. Your brain creates based on the cues in the recording, which are enhanced or diminushed by your IEMs, your DAC, and your amplifier. Some IEMs present a wide but flat soundstage. Some present a “3D” soundstage with layering, depth, and height. In rare cases, with some specific songs, some IEMs can trick you into thinking that the sound comes from the environment (a.k.a., “holographic”)

Soundstage imaging with music (One Winged Angel by the Danish National Symphony Orchestra): The soundstage of the Blessing 3 offers a sense of openness and spaciousness, but also feeling forward and in-your-face. It has a wide and tall overall shape, but lacks depth. The center of the soundstage remains within the listener’s head, but it can extend slightly beyond the earpieces, particularly when instruments are pushed to the side channels in recordings. Instruments may also appear at different heights on the soundstage, with higher-pitched instruments often positioned higher. The placement of instruments is precise, with clear boundaries and separation.

The main weakness of the Blessing 3’s soundstage is its lack of depth and layering. Instruments tend to appear on a flat plane rather than within a 3D sphere of sound around the head. Even when some instruments sounding louder, the Blessing 3 doesn’t create a convincing illusion of proximity or closeness. However, thanks to its width, height, and accurate imaging, the Blessing 3 generally avoids sounding congested, except when the music becomes complex and dense.


Soundstage imaging with games (CS GO Gameplay by Throneful): The Blessing 3’s flat and wide soundstage is particularly noticeable when used for FPS games like CS GO. It allows for easy recognition of the direction and, to some extent, the distance of gunshots and footsteps coming from the sides and back. However, determining the distance of sounds coming from the front can be challenging.



Resolution is a fascinating subject due to the difficulty of pinning down what it really is. To me, “resolution” can be broken down into three components:

  1. Sharpness, incisiveness, or “definition” of note attacks (see the figure above).
  2. The separation of instruments and vocals, especially when they overlap on the soundstage.
  3. The texture and details in the decay side of the notes.
The first two give music clarity and make it easy to track individual elements of a mix. The last provides music details and nuances. Generally, a smooth frequency response and good drivers give the best resolution.

Clarity and Separation (One Winged Angel by the Danish National Symphony Orchestra): The Blessing 3 showcases crisp note attacks, resulting in a clear and well-separated presentation of the music. However, during dense sections of the test track, such as around 3:25, where multiple instruments play loudly and overlap, the sense of clarity is somewhat diminished. In these busier parts, the Blessing 3 tends to present the music as a “wall of sound,” making it more challenging to discern individual instruments.


Detail retrieval (Paganini Caprice 24 by Daniel Lozakovich):The Blessing 3 excels at extracting micro details without introducing harshness or piercing highs. It allows for the discernment of articulations when the bow interacts with the violin strings. Furthermore, it reveals the faint tapping of fingers against the fingerboard and the subtle ringing sound produced by other strings in contact with the finger. Additionally, the Blessing 3 also does a great job at capturing the room reverberation, creating a sense of spaciousness and ambience.

Source Pairing​


Average dongle (Hidizs XO): When using the Hidizs XO dongle, the soundstage of the Blessing 3 becomes noticeably narrower and shallower compared to when it is paired with the reference setup. The dynamic contrast and the sharpness of the bass attack are also reduced, resulting in a less lively presentation compared to the snappy experience achieved with the reference setup. While the Blessing 3 still sounds decent with this pairing, it lacks engagement and falls into a more ordinary territory.

Apple dongle: With the Apple dongle, the note attacks of the Blessing 3 are softer compared to when using the other dongle, leading to a more natural but slightly less refined presentation. The dynamic constrast and the tactile response of the bass remain mostly the same with the dongle DAC and slightly behind the reference setup. While I wouldn’t say that the Blessing 3 sounds outright bad with either of these sources, I do believe that it benefits from better source setups.

Comparison and Rating​


Tonality: 4/5 - Good.

Blessing 3 is the embodiment of the “scientifically-tuned” IEM and can be polarizing depending on personal preference. It is appreciated for female-vocal-centric music but may not be as enjoyable for male vocals and orchestral music. Overall, the tonality is considered good and would impress casual listeners and beginners in the mid-fi IEM market.

Percussion Rendering: Aria (3/5) < Blessing 2 (4/5) < Blessing 3 (4.5/5) < U12T / E5000 (5/5)

The bass quality of the Blessing 3 is significantly improved compared to its predecessor, the Blessing 2. It offers crisp, snappy, and tactile drums and bass guitars, unlike the slower and duller presentation of the Blessing 2. Thanks to the snappy presentation of the bass, the Blessing 3 provides coherency and blends the bass well with the rest of the frequencies. While it shares similarities with the U12T in terms of snappy attacks, the U12T offers a more natural bass decay. Another challenge of Blessing 2 is that its dynamic presentation may vary with different setups, whilst U12T does not change much.


Resolution: SE215 (3/5) < Blessing 2 (4/5) <= Blessing 3 (4/5) < Andromeda 2020 (4.5/5) < U12T (5/5)

The resolution of the Blessing 3 is enhanced compared to the Blessing 2, resulting in clearer and better-defined instruments. The improved resolution does not introduce harshness to the sound. Although it performs well, the Blessing 3 still falls slightly behind entry-level top-of-the-line (TOTL) IEMs like the Andromeda 2020. When switching from Blessing 3 to Andromeda, I immediately found that it was easier to track individual instruments in an orchestra, and those instruments have more nuances and details.


Soundstage: SE215 (3/5) < Blessing 2 (4/5) = Blessing 3 (4/5) < Andromeda 2020 (5/5)

The Blessing 3 maintains a wide but flat soundstage similar to its predecessor. While it works effectively, it lacks the 3D or “holographic” illusion that some higher-end IEMs offer.



After focusing on budget releases and headphones, Moondrop has made a strong comeback with the Blessing 3, their latest mid-fi IEM offering. The Blessing 3 refines and enhances all the positive aspects of its predecessor, the Blessing 2. It also resolves the bass quality issue that was present in the Blessing 2. Additionally, the Blessing 3 addresses the fit problem by reducing the size of the nozzles, resulting in a comfortable IEM that can be worn for extended periods without discomfort.

Who should consider these IEMs? If you prefer a thick and weighty sound with a 3D holographic soundstage, or if you dislike the “well-tuned” signature, the Blessing 3 may not be the best option for you. If you didn’t like Blessing 2 (like myself), Blessing 3 wouldn’t change your opnion. However, if you appreciate “well-tuned” signatures based on Harman target or Moondrop’s VDSF, you will likely love the Blessing 3. It is an excellent choice for those who enjoy female vocals. If you were a fan of the Blessing 2 and want to enhance the overall clarity of the sound without stepping up to a higher price range, the Blessing 3 could be a worthwhile upgrade.

  • Neutral, mid-centric tonality
  • Clear and clean midrange
  • Balanced treble that avoids harshness
  • Responsive and tactile bass
  • Comfortable fit
  • Flat soundstage
  • Lack of authority and weight in male vocals
  • Requires good amping
Updated: May 21, 2023
Greta review. Even if the sound of the Blessing 3 is not for me, the design alone is stunning.


1000+ Head-Fier
What Happened?
Pros: Comfort. Good detail retrieval. Might be a good EQ candidate?
Cons: Lacks life to sound. Lots of opportunity left on the table.

I will admit I’m quite a fan of Moondrop’s IEMs. I love the OG Aria, the Kato and I still consider the Variations my favorite ~$500 IEM. When the Blessing 2 came out, I didn’t like it at all. It sounded fairly bright and metallic to me. Whether that was an issue with tip choice back then or something else, I simply choose to skip reviewing it. The B2 and B2 Dusk had quite the fan following so when I saw a tinner nozzle B3 with a Double DD design, I was fairly excited and very interested in checking it out. The B3 is using a double dynamic driver and four balanced armatures. It comes in $319.

Quick shoutout to Shenzhenaudio for sending me the Blessing 3 to check out and review. While I always appreciate the chance to test and review products sent in from manufacturers or dealers, it never affects the rating of my reviews.

The Blessing 3 can be picked up from Shenzhenaudio below!

Onto the review of the Moondrop Blessing 3(B3)! My personal preference is a hybrid/tribrid IEM where I get good hitting bass and have a detailed treble with decent mids. When it comes to an over ear headphone I prefer a spacious sound with a deep low end, the mids to be more forward and the highs to be a little bright with some sparkle. I listen to a lot of genres but I hover in the classic rock, blues and edm music with some rap here and there.

Gear Used​

IPhone 14 Pro Max with headphone adapter, Moondrop Kato, Moondrop Variations, Dunu Vulkan, Letshuoer S12.

Looks and fit​

The shell is close if not the exact same size as the Moondrop Variations. I like the new thinner nozzles and it allows for a comfy deep fitment for my specific inner ear shape. The IEMs are fairly light so they don’t cause me any non sound related fatigue from longer sessions. The shells look nice and the faceplate design looks good. I don’t like the mirror finish and my unit already looks scratched up from minimal use. The double DD enclosure is blue and looks a little weird and doesn't match but I like color in my IEMs so I prefer the added blue color haha I’m fine with the overall design though.

Isolation and sound leakage​

The shells do a good job of keeping sound out even with the vented design. Still not as good as some other vented IEMs but I would say it will keep most sound out in loud environments. The B3 does leak a little sound from the vents so in a quiet area at louder volumes, everyone will hear your music.

Packaging and accessories​

The packaging is a little bigger than needed for the B3 so you get a bigger box and inside on the left sits the B3 IEMs. The right side has the case which holds the tips and cables. Warranty cards sit under that. This feels like a fairly baron unboxing experience since you only get one set of tips. The case looks like the old style grey case but with a different design. Overall a lacking experience compared to Moondrop’s other products. I would have preferred a smaller box overall.


These final impressions were done off the Eversolo DAC-Z8 connected to the SMSL SP400. These impressions are what the Blessing 3 sounded like to my ears. This was also using the Spinfit W1 tips. I went with the W1 since they provided the best seal and comfort. Things like ear tip selection and DAC/amp selection will produce different results and impressions vs what my ears hear on my specific gear.

The tuning is brighter sounding to my ears. The sub-bass performance isn’t bad and I would call it average(at best) when it comes to slam and impact. It does sound really fast for a set of DD drivers so it lacks the nice low end decay that gives a good rumble. The mid bass is somewhat weak however and it causes the bass to feel like it’s missing something overall in terms of weight. The mids are mostly neutral but instruments sound a little lean at times. They do sound accurate though and pull in good details. Vocals are decent here and I find the B3 pulls in good details but I do think female vocals can sound a little artificial at times. The upper mids are borderlining sibilant to me. Not bad though, just doesn’t help the overall thin sound. Treble is kinda the weird part. It’s bright but it doesn’t sound overly metallic or splashy. The decay is fairly fast so everything sounds sharp and detailed. I would say the top end treble is the highlight here. It does resolution well enough and I think in combo with the staging it has, will wow some listeners. I really don’t like this tuning overall. It’s average sounding in presentation due to the thinner and lean sound. It just feels like the tuning lacks life to the sound.

The Fix????​

So what is the fix for this fairly lifeless tuning? Well the first thing I could think of is a re-tune. Which might already be in the books given how popular the B2 Dusk was. If I had to guess the fix, I would say make the sound tube or “guide” from the double DD enclosure bigger/thicker. They went through all this effort to make a neat enclosure to house two DD drivers and they have the tiniest little sound tube going from the nozzle to the driver enclosure. I would guess simply allowing more sound to leave the sound tube would provide more bass which was the weakest part of the tuning to my ears. I however could be wrong and maybe they purposely made the sound tube thin for a reason.


Besides the detail retrieval, I would say the staging in combination with the imaging are the other highlights of the B3. The staging is average in depth and width but the imaging is spot on and things like left and right panning is top notch. I can also pinpoint instruments and little sounds out in the background that I normally only hear on higher end ~$1k IEMs. I’m very much impressed with the imaging given the average staging.


The B3 isn’t super hard to drive so it will run fine off everything. It does seem to scale a little more depending on the source gear. I don’t think it needs lots of power however. I’m getting extremely good single ended performance from the 125mW Hiby R6 P2 DAP and equally good performance from the 3W SMSL SP400. It’s also not sensitive which meant I had no noise issues when trying the B3 with a balanced cable.

Stock cable​

The stock cable looks a lot like the original B2 cable. I figured they would use a slightly thicker cable like the one on their Kato. The cable is thinner and while it’s comfy and doesn’t pick up microphonics, it looks and feels cheap. I think this cable will do fine however but I would say grab a different cable if you don’t like the looks or feel. I’m actually using the stock Kato cable on mine for everyday use.

IEM comparisons​

Letshuoer S12​

The S12 and B3 have a similar brighter tuning. The S12 is about half the price these days over the B3. The S12 has better bass performance overall vs the B3. Bass impact is about the same but the S12 doesn’t lack mid bass so it sounds a little more balanced. The mids are about the same on both IEMs but I find vocals sound more detailed and sound more natural on the S12. The upper mids are strong on both and the treble is about the same brightness. The S12 is a little splashier sounding though while the B3 is more refined and controlled. The detail retrieval is better on the B3 and so is the staging and imaging. I think that is where the biggest difference shows in price. The S12 is better tuned to my ears but the B3 does outperform it in terms of technical performance.

Dunu Vulkan​

The B3 and Vulkan both have a leaner tuning but I find the B3 does sound better than the Vulkan overall. The bass hits just a tad bit stronger on the Vulkan but both lack decent mid bass performance. The Mids and vocals on the Vulkan are a little rough sounding and the B3 does well as keeping a detailed and fast sounding set of mids and vocals. Both have a upper mid sharpness but the Vulkan is more uncontrolled and I don’t like the upper mids on it at all. The treble is better sounding on the B3 as well and simply pulls in better details. I know some people like the Vulkan but to my ears the B3 is a much better option.

Moondrop Variations​

The Variations are not only older but more expensive than the B3. Do the variations sound any better given that $200 price increase? If you can get the Variations to fit your ears, Absolutely! The B3 isn’t bad but when A/B comparing, the Variations fill in the lack of overall bass the B3 is missing. Though a little stronger than some may like. The mids are more natural though slightly more relaxed in detail on the Variations over the B3. The Vocals are way more detailed on the Variations and lack the artificial sound the B3 has. The upper mids and treble are sharper on the B3 and I do find it seems to pull in details about the same as the Variations. Both have a slightly different upper end tuning flavor so that will be personal preference. The staging is wider on the Variations but B3 does better when it comes to imaging. Though not by much. The Variations continue to be one of my favorite IEMs for a good reason. It’s really well tuned and fun sounding without being a bass heavy mushy IEM. If you don’t want a lean sounding IEM and prefer a “fun” sounding IEM that is competitive, the Variations are worth the extra $200.

Amping Combinations​

Hiby R6 Pro II DAP​

The newer R6 P2 does well at staying neutral and accurate but bringing out the best in most IEMs. The B3 performed about the same as my desktop stack. This is a testament to how well they designed and implemented their DAC/amp setup on the R6 P2. Which is also why I’m skipping sound impressions here. I do think something like the R6 P2 or even the Hiby R6 III works well given the system wide EQ. I do think the B3 would benefit from EQ. I just simply don't do EQ stuff myself and since I don’t find interest in it, I’ll let the reviewers who’re well versed in proper EQ handle that.

Eversolo DAC-Z8/SMSL SP400​

This is the first review to use my updated desktop stack. The B3 performed very well on my desktop stack but it did sound lean off it as I mentioned in my sound impressions section. I don’t think the B3 scales all that much and I didn’t notice a big enough difference between the cheaper dongles to a ~$1k desktop stack. Which will be great for those who don’t have the best source gear.

Overall thoughts​

I haven’t been that impressed with Moondrop’s releases since the Variations and Kato. Which is a bummer since the Variations continue to be one of my favorite IEMs to this day. I think the B3 is detailed enough that most people will like it and it might be a good candidate for EQ. I don’t think it’s really doing anything unique or special. I also think they really dropped the ball here and left a lot of tuning potential with that double DD setup on the table. I think the B3 has potential for a re-tune and I recommend they put some effort into making better use of that double DD setup for bass performance. Especially since I think with some better low end performance, the B3 can be something special.

So! Do I recommend the B3? If you liked the B2 tuning, yes. If you’re new to IEMs and want a good first time experience with detail retrieval, also a yes. If you have some experience with IEMs and don’t like EQ, probably not. Especially if you don’t like thin or leaner sounding IEMs. For me, this was very much a “what happened?” kind of moment. It’s so close to being good that I’m quite bummed about this release. While the last few Moondrop IEM releases have been all passes for me personally, I have high confidence that Moondrop will make some better(super subjective) stuff in the future. Thanks for reading!!!
Bigger sound tube doesn't automatically mean more sound. It works for midrange, because of dampening effect, and vise versa for bass. They can include a impedance adapter. They can increase sensitivity of dynamic drivers.

Either way, bass hurts soundstaging so I'd rather leave it alone.