TONALITY: 8.2/10
TIMBRE: 8.5/10
IMAGING: 8.5/10
CLARITY: 8.2/10
MUSICALITY (subjective): 7.8/10 (really depend music style)
Letshuoer is an IEM company from China that was founded in 2016. They are very experienced and offer a wide range of IEM from budget to high end.
This is a serious company that learn from experience and invest lot of time and research in tuning and acoustic engineering, which pay off with IEM like their tribrid EJ07, their famous planar S12 or lately their even more polished and mature musicality like the Cadenza4, and the S12 2024, a favorite of mine with EJ07M.
Today I will review their latest high end model, the Mystic 8. Priced 989$, it’s a 8 balanced armature using 4 knowles BA and 4 sonions BA.
Letshuoer describe the Mystic 8 as follow:
‘’LETSHUOER presents the innovative Mystic 8 In Ear Monitors featuring a unique Myst series design that includes a phantom Cat pattern on the face covers. The black lines symbolize the cat, silver patterns evoke mist, and the white faux diamond inlay reflects 'starlight through the mist.' Entirely made up of high-quality Titanium Alloy material, the Mystic 8 IEMs bring together 8 Balanced Armature Drivers on each side—four high-performance units from Knowles and four from Sonion—the Mystic 8 has undergone an intensive two-year development process focused on achieving unparalleled sound precision. To achieve the desired sound signature without distortion, the Mystic 8 employs a three-way crossover circuit in conjunction with four acoustic tubes. It ensures accurate frequency distribution and minimal phase distortion, resulting in a seamless listening experience. Additionally, the integration of a low-pass filter module with the acoustic tubes enhances bass depth and dynamics, promising a deep, impactful lower-end response. This approach effectively isolates the bass frequencies from the rest of the audio spectrum, ensuring clarity and preventing unwanted overlap. Letshuoer Mystic 8 IEMs deliver a mesmerising listening experience with ultimate design and professional tuning!! Explore your favorite music in an all-new level of performance with the LETSHUOER Mystic 8!!’’
Let's see in this review if the Letshuoer Mystic 8 achieves its goal to deliver a clear and precise musicality free of harshness, and well, if it will mesmerize my subjective ears too.

The construction of Mystic 8 is very exotic, it’s all made of a CNC alloy shell that doesn’t feel easy to scratch and has a smooth finish. There's an intricate back plate that will be hit or miss depending on your aesthetic taste. Personally I love cats so it's up my alley, but the inner metal plate seems a bit prompt to finger print and hard to properly clean.
The 2 pin connectors are straight and not recessed, yet they are very very tight and I barely break the cable pin at the first connection attempt so be cautious.
Ergonomic wise, they fit like a glove, they have an organic shape with an angled nozzle that is average in length. I don’t think these are thinked of as a deep fit. Isolation is above average too, due to metal shells as well as not having a back venting hole or grill.

The included cable seems of great quality, but 2 pin connectors are too high so I tend to use other cable. It’s quite thin and has a light braided cable. It’s a silver plated monocrystal copper cable that tends to offer clean and crisp transmission.

Then the unboxing experience feels like a jewellery box and we literally have jewels included: a nice chain and ring. 100% 26 carat gold! (joking, i have no idea of the material, most likely stainless steel).
Presentation is very nice and makes the consumer feel he indeed buys a luxurious product.
We have a nice metal carrying case, generous amount of eartips (i suggest short wide bore) and the cable.
All in all, construction feels high quality as well as accessories, and for those sensitive to box presentation, this is another plus to add.

The Mystic 8 is a neutral sounding IEM, but not a plain cold one and not an analytical spiky beast. It’s smooth in balance with a focus on midrange and treble, as well as slight sub bass boost which doesn’t rumble a lot, nor dig deep, this bass tends to feed substance of instruments and vocal more so than adding big punch or long sub bass resonance.
We are into a refined ‘’jack of all trade, master of none’’ territory, which will please mature listeners as well as those seeking a set that can be as good for monitoring music than enjoying it.
It’s a technical IEM taking full advantage of its 8 balanced armature without playing the easy wow effect game, which can impress at first but become tiresome if upper mids or upper treble is too boosted and ultimately, unbalanced.
It’s evident the Mystic 8 was meticulously tuned to deliver a clean and clear sound without abusing spiciness of treble, mid range is focused but nothing stole the show of other frequencies. It’s not an edgy sounding IEM, the definition is in fact softened and macro dynamic fully rounded. Don’t expect crisp super sparkly and airy musicality, even if the soundstage is impressive in width, you don't have plenty of air around the instrument, presentation is intimate in that regard.
The bass is speedy and lean with a light punch. Sub to mid bass has minimal warmth in sustain release that adds a hint of weight but there is no big slam nor long rumble sustain.
Bass lines are well extracted but a bit compressed and don’t release deep, it’s one of main con with these, bass lines feel one tone, you’ll not read them properly. Double bass is muffled in extension, electric bass feels distant too. Yet the attack bite and texture is there, more so than for kick drums which get an envelope of warmth around its definition.
The kick drum is more tactile and weighty than detailed and sharply defined, attack release is short and diffuse, which don’t highlight clarity of it’s definition.
Even if double bass is cut short in extension, the Mystic8 do well with a lot of genres like jazz, rock, pop and classical. It’s not really enjoyable for electronic and big beats, both basshead and bass lover will be underwhelmed by the dynamic energy and overall performance of bass quality. This is lukewarm territory, with minimal mid to sub bass boost to offer a potent slam, that sometimes feel a bit out of place in terms of dynamic heft since both mids and treble are more lively as well as more agile. At least, this isn’t a ‘’no bass’’ IEM, it’s a politely boomy one. My guess is that it uses only one BA woofer. Only multi BA I enjoyed the bass was using 2 Knowles or Sonion BA woofers. While the low end of Mystic isn't anemic and offer potent vibrant slam when (very) needed, it aint an headbanger nor very enjoyable, it's there to add minimum ''oomph'' so this do good for pop, rap (not trap rap), R&B, indie and soul.
Just don't buy these if your obsession is bass, for this, i would suggest their EJ07M, S12 2024 or even S08.
Then the star of the show is the mid range, and this isn’t just about upper mids and presence brightness and clarity boost here, it's both open and full sounding and I do think it’s the ‘’mystical’’ part of Letshuoer musical target goal. Both male and female vocals are wide in presence with a notch of lushness to it that doesn't make it too buttery to the point of affecting transparency and layering of center stage instruments. Nor it’s too upfront and sharp to the point of being shouty or sibilant, it’s lively without going fatiguing or dominating treble and bass. Main vocal and instrument have enough air around them, even if the definition isn’t crispest nor have wide space between 3D spatiality. The texture is barely uncolored, we have minimum air vibrancy that densify and enrich timbre without losing intelligibility of tone, words or harmonics. In chamber classical, I don't struggle to follow each violins line, but it would need active listening since it’s not an analytical sounding IEM, more like a ‘’romantic monitor’’. Female vocals are beautiful whatever their range, Charlotte Day Wilson have enough lower mids to embody it’s lush vibrant voice, Arianna Savall has all it’s soprano range well covered without the shouty piercing peak that can occur with overly boosted upper mids-lower treble. In fact, the upper mids are dry here, so this permits us to have enough energy without being overly rounded and smoothed.
The Mystic8 is a piano specialist too, another proof it excels in mid range. Lower note sound full and vibrant with fast decay, natural resonance is perceivable too, we have weight of attack without too much warmth, then if we go at other side of upper range, it don’t sound unbalanced and too loud like with most IEM boosting upper mids above 10db, piano is not spiky sounding, it’s natural and agile. Those 7 BAs for mids and treble really help to layer effortlessly all piano notes whatever their speed, same goes for violin, saxo, guitar.
Listening to choral is real joy too, again due to this macro layering fluidity and wide presence that envelope the listener. If, like me, you tend to dislike concert hall-like musical experiences that make everything sound distant, the Mystic 8 will offer a different flavor of holographic musicality that might charm you.
But don’t expect pinnacle of excitement either, it’s an overall laid back and mature mid range that focuses more on tone correctness than dynamic fun. This is why I enjoy those IEM mostly with bass-less music. From folk, to classical, to jazz, to country, to world music, to solo instruments of all types, this IEM shines with acoustic music.
When it comes to treble, it’s smooth without being dull and we barely-i underline barely-get some balanced armature sparkle! Which alas is impossible even with priciest multi-BA IEMs i tested like 64 audio U18T. Only ESTs and excellent DDs can deliver this. And I'm dead serious about this since I'm a sparkle and brilliance lover owning 300 IEMs including 10 tribrid with (sonion) ESTs.
This means the highs are fast and snappy with a notch of brilliance that benefit acoustic guitar and percussions naturalness. It’s a textured treble too, as well as richly layered. You don’t struggle to follow the percussion line, they have their own space to unleash their pace freely. Those percussions are clear and rich in texture, a bit more so than both bass and mids, their definition is more sharpened but never go fatiguing nor plain distracting.
Listening to singer playing acoustic guitar is pure bliss with Mystic 8, i can’t get enough of Gillian Welch with those, vocal and guitar is so well define and layered, when i do so with numerous other IEM their were always a trade off and sparkle can be a con in this case if it’s all we get from thin guitar line…this isn’t the case with Mystic8, guitar is full sounding, have bite, isn’t too greasy with lower mids and has sharp attack with as said minimal sparkle release and brilliance, it’s bright and crunchy in most refined manner you can think off. natural resonance does occur like with piano, a sign of good treble extension: non spiky way.
This soft treble response mean instrument like violin will lack a bit of attack lead energy, i can say the same for clavichord though here it sound full and realist, and mostly lack it’s natural sparkle release, even if we go hint of crisp brilliance like it does for upper range ringing cymbals. Without this minimal upper treble energy, Mystic will lack air and sense of openness and treble would be too sleek for proper macro dynamic rendering, which thankfully it’s not the case. One thing for sure, these aren’t for treble head seeking crazy among of shiny micro details, better bet on tribrid with EST like Letshuoer EJ09 for this task.
What the Mystic treble excell at is pulling out full layers of sound info, from synth pads to well rounded and textured percussions, this permit a multi-layered spatiality with a lot of sound info that live their own transient dynamic, all well balanced within a musical neutrality.
The imaging is quite good and as noted offer an excellent macro layering of fully bodied instruments and sounds, it’s not pristine analytical monitoring imaging, the definition edge isn’t sharp enough for this, nor the space between instruments large enough. Instrument layers tend to slip on each other with enough transparency so we can discern each of them, but you don’t get a ‘’night vision’’ readability of sound info, positioning seems nearer to each instrument than it would be in a real studio or concert hall.
This explains the unique soundstage we get too, it’s wider than taller and deeper, there is a sense of holographic positioning that surrounds you as if you were very near the band. Mid range isn’t recessed but gently forwarded, your part of the music laid back, not like your jamming and headbanging with other musicians. The ear tips greatly inflict on how intimate the soundstage will be, short wide bore tend to widen more the spatiality and is the most appealing musical engagement i find.

VS ORIVETI OV800 (8BAs-1000$)
The OV800 is warmer and more V shaped, the bass has more weight and punch and more vibrant sub bass too, it’s more realistic and coherent with overall tuning too. But warmer, boomier and more euphonic too.
The Mystic is more neutral to mid centric, with lighter dynamic and notably thinner and less bodied bass.
OV800 mids are warmer and darker, less clean and open, less wide and transparent in presence. Oddly, they are more prompt to sibilance too. Overall clarity is notably inferior as well as attack control is more diffuse and euphonic (even with 0.1ohm of impedance source).
When you go to Mystic, it’s like pulling off a fog blanket, you can perceive each instrument more clearly, and pianos are less muddy in attack-release. Saxo and vocalists have more air around them as well as wider presence. Instruments are richer in texture too and upper mids are softer.
The OV800 treble is darker and splashier. Mystic is so superior in this department, we have more air, more micro details, faster and snappier attack…just from another league.
Imaging is logically way superior, we have blacker background, more spacious positioning, better instrument definition and clarity.
Soundstage is wider and deeper with Mystic, while a bit taller with OV800.
Their zero doubt the Mystic8 is way superior in technical performance, from imaging to soundstage to level of clarity to attack control, it all feels like another league. As for musicality, Mystic is more neutral and a notch colder, it’s not as dynamic nor as punchy.
VS LETSHOUER EJ 09 (1DD+4 BAs+4EST-1200$)
The EJ09 is notably brighter, more W shaped in balance and analytical in resolution. It’s more vivid in dynamic, punchier and more textured in bass, thinner and less natural in mids and way crisper, sparklier and generous in micro details in treble.
Bass has more mid bass focus and punch, it’s less warm in rendering and sub bass digs deeper, leaner, cleaner. Mystic 8 offers a lighter yet dense sub bass boom and slam, with darker and leaner mid bass punch.
Mids are crisper and more open with EJ09, but they are harsher, more prompt to sibilance and edginess, tone is less bodied and natural and instrument presence is more compressed. Upper mids are more boosted as well as loudness of presence. Let's say if I would gladly suggest Mystic for vocal lovers, I wouldn't with EJ09 which is more artificial sounding, less coherent in the mix of tone and timbre of different drivers used.
Then the treble is way sharper and revealing with EJ09, sense of speed and immediacy is more highlighted, micro details are crisper and more upfront, percussions can feel overly forwards unlike smoother balance of Mystic. It’s thinner highs too, and we have more metallic shine, but brilliance and sparkle lover as well as treble head will have more to bite in with EJ09, which overall technicalities is better though not as good in balance.
Imaging is crisper and more precise with EJ09, we don’t have BAs blooming around instrument presence and we have more air around the instrument.
Soundstage is taller and deeper with EJ09, while wider with Mystic.
All in all, EJ09 is a technical beast and both bass and treble performance is notably superior-better define and resolve, cleaner and speedier. Yet musicality wise the Mystic 8 wins in terms of even balance and multi drivers coherency, mid range is superior in fullness and number of sound layers that release their presence dynamism, timbre is more natural and note weight is heavier.
The Lite is slightly similar to the OV800, oddly, i would say it’s an upgrade at 740$ less too. So, it’s more V shape and punchier, with a lusher and more energetic mid range, which make the Mystic sound notably leaner and more U shape too.
I’m surprised to confirm the bass performance is both superior in quantity and quality, which underline the benefit of using 2 BA woofer. The lite has rounded weightier punch and more vibrant sub bass which is faster and better layered too, you don’t feel it’s detached like it can happen with Mystic. This is quite incredible to get this BA bass performance at such a low price.
Then the mids are thicker and louder, but BA timbre is more evident and texture has unwanted noise artefact. It’s not as clean and organic sounding as the Mystic, nor as transparent and crisp. Sound layers are more opaque which affect perception of multiple layers in center stage. Nonetheless I love the vocal and overall instrument of Lite, even if it is warmer and a bit more compressed in the middle of stage.
Then the treble is where superiority of Mystic is evident, attack is more splashy with Lite, micro details aren’t as sharply defined and mix up in macro dynamics. Their way less sparkle and brilliance too as well as air on top.
Imaging is clearer, more transparent and more defined in separation with Mystic.
Soundstage is wider and taller but less deep with the Lite.
All in all, no doubt sound value winner is the Lite here, though the limitation of cheaper balanced armature (apart from bass which use 2x knowles 22955 woofer) is evident in terms of timbre naturalness and attack control. The Mystic is smoother in balance, better resolved, cleaner and more natural in mid range and notably more articulated and snappy in treble response, which underline you have to pay a lot to get slight extra sound benefit return, mostly found in musical refinement, fine detailing and technical performance upgrade.

While the musicality doesn't fully appeal to my personal taste in terms of macro dynamic energy and engagement, there is no doubt the Mystic 8 is very well tuned IEM and offers a high fidelity sound performance.
Even with the slight sub bass boost, I consider those neutral sounding, and would never suggest them to bass lovers nor to treble heads. This might not be a very fun sounding set, but it’s not dead boring at all to, as noted, bass offer light but vibrant slam when needed.
The real highlight of Mystic is it’s open and natural mid range, vocal lover will be well served since it covers all range of vocalist, as well, female vocals don’t go shouty but blossom widely in the stage.
This makes the Mystic very appropriate for acoustic music lovers too, from piano to sax to violin and even acoustic guitar, its effortless macro layering permits all types of instruments to cohabit together without mixing their colorful identity. The tone is right, the presence is dense enough too, the dynamic avoids being overly lean as well, offering a musicality that you are part of but can contemplate passively too.
Letshuoer carved their musicality to achieve a refined neutrality where the mid range fully embrace the listener and open like a wide tapestry you can get lost in for hour without hearing fatigue. It achieve this without going plain cold or dull musicality, the dynamic is polite but still lively enough and those 8 balanced armature aren't there for gimmick, this kind of holographic center stage where all sound layers flow effortlessly wouldn't be possible with single dynamic driver nor a 3 or 4 BAs IEM.
As a long time fan of this company, it's fascinating to see how well they evolve in term of balance fluidity, far are the day of overly spicy tuning. The Mystic 8 is a logical evolution from Cadenza 4, in the sens it don't seek to force wow effect with easy treble or bass boost trick, it aim their own elegancy of high fidelity audio and a diversify catologue of sound signature that can please everyone.
PS: I want to thanks Letshuoer for this review sample. I want to thanks them for letting me 100% independant too. This is more rare than we think. Like all my IEMs, i would be happy to loan these to kind hearthed canadians.
You can give a check to their website here, the Mystic 8 should be available to buy sooner than later: