
New Head-Fier
Letshuoer Cadenza 12 Top Flight Titanium
Pros: Musical and Technical
Enormous deep and wide soundstage.
Natural engaging vocals
Titanium shell forged by alien visitors
Next level treble performance.
Balanced extended bass
Value for money ( expensive set but expensive sound )
Cons: I have no cons for this set.
Letshuoer has provided their top of the line and revamped Cadenza 12 to Audio Reviews Downunder and we thank them for the opportunity to experience and review this
premium IEM.

Letshuoer Cadenza 12 ONE.jpg

Cadenza has a single 10mm Kevlar composite dynamic driver and a mix of 11 Knowles and Sonion balanced armature drivers of the highest quality.. It's a large IEM but not extremely heavy as it's made of Titanium.Its 10 grams per side in weight where as the MP145 Hidizs is 14 grams.Interestingly Titanium does not feel cold like the Simgot metal IEMs for example . It actually is enjoyable to handle! Have a lens polishing cloth handy to keep them shiny. The fit is good and the set
is easy to wear for extended periods. I tested it with the provided excellent 4.4/3.5 modular cable with my Cayin RU6's balanced output and Spinfit W1 tips using lossless recordings from my DAP. I'll let others describe the unboxing and accessories but I will say I appreciate the modular cable.

Letshuoer Cadenza 12 TWO.jpg

The first thing I found evident with Cadenza was that it sounded authoritative and BIG !
The soundstage extends beyond my ears but impresses because of its depth and height. I can't overstate how impressive the sensation of space the C12 creates. This ample room allows for fantastic instrument separation. Instrument placement is pin point.

Some expensive IEMs impress by their musicality allowing you to just enjoy the music. Some wow you by their impressive technical props. Some impress with their naturalness. Rarely do you find and IEM that does it all . That's Cadenza 12.

The 12 drivers work in concert, (pun intended ) seamlessly presenting the music with perfect balance and fidelity. It seems rude to attempt to break down the sound into bass, mid-range and treble when Cadenza does it just right. Its an unnecessary analysis to my mind with this set. Again, others have done this better than I can. I'd rather attempt to describe how it presents the sound.

Letshuoer Cadenza 12 FOUR.jpg

Such is the the head-space the C12 presents along with a striking note weight that the music sounds utterly real. Other sets somehow hide the sound behind a veil that Cadenza lifts.
Pianos have guts with perfect tone and note decay. Acoustic guitars have detailed delicate notes and the sound cavity of the instrument is audible. Kick drums sound solid and you feel as well as hear them and snares have bite and impact. Cymbals shimmer and sparkle with just the right level. There is a balance in the C12 that never makes you wish for more or less at any point of the frequency range. This is a set that does that amazing trick of revealing elements within familiar songs that you had not heard and were not aware of.

Some tracks to illustrate what I am hearing.
Teardrop by Massive Attack.The rim shot drum is beautifully crisp and there is and extra sub rumble in the lower bass. The vocal has a more evident ghosted echo vocal in certain parts.
Dreamer by Supertramp.In the second half the drums are mixed alternating between left and right ears.
Just when I think the C12 needs more bass the Prince comes on with Cream and pummels my ears with with an epic snare sound. There is a sexy guitar slinking all around the stage. Never know where it's going to show up next.
Wicked Game by Chris Issac reminds me to let you know that the C12 renders both male and female vocals as well as any IEM I have ever heard. Perfect timbre and placement and as natural as can be.
Loose yourself to dance. Daft Punk.Slams as hard as it should. Authoritative bass with guts and gravity.
Lana Del Ray. Music to watch boys by.
This is an atmospheric and cinematic song. The Cadenza manages to handle the percussion, vocal and orchestrated backing with finely balanced finesse. Every part is audible and blended into audio experience.

Letshuoer Cadenza 12 THREE.jpg

There are IEMs that you just enjoy because they are musical and allow you get lost in the music. Then there are IEMs that amaze you with macro and micro details and a shimmering treble and excellent bass. It's rare to find a set that does both of these together. Letshuoer have built and tuned an amazing in ear monitor with the 2025 Cadenza 12 and you should try to hear it if you get the chance.

mars chan

New Head-Fier
New Letshuoer Cadenza 12 review
Pros: .
- Endgame-level sound quality, in my opinion.
- Excellent near-neutral tuning.
- Very musically engaging
- Musically expressive, communicates artists emotions very well.
- Holographic imaging
- Big surround sound-like sound stage
- Natural and accurate timbre
- very clean background
- outstanding micro details
- airy treble
- Excellent vocals
- Comfortable to wear
- No pressure build-up issue.
- very good cable
- Very good-sounding ear tips
- Nice packaging
- natural-sounding
Cons: .
- The vast majority of people cannot afford it.
- The changeable plug connection indicators are hard to see.
- The cable is slightly stiff and springy, but this is not a con for me, as I explained in the review.
- Personally, I'm not a fan of the shiny chrome finish. If they must use chrome for durability, I wish they would offer this in a matte chrome finish.
- The shell plate design is too plain and lacks artistry for its price, if you care about aesthetics.

New Letshuoer Cadenza 12 review
My goal for this review was to satisfy my curiosity about how much better the sound quality of the 1,999-USD Letshuoer Cadenza 12 is over the less expensive IEMs that I've heard.
The Letshuoer Cadenza 12 was sent to me for a review through a review tour that was conducted by Letshuoer Audio.
I don't get to keep it, of course, and I don't receive anything from them reviewing this. Rest assured that you will get an honest review from my perspective, as always.
This is a new version of the Cadenza 12. We were told that they have to silently refresh it due to the issue with the availability of parts; they have to replace some parts with newer and better ones. I don't have the old version at hand; therefore, there is no way for me to tell whether the sound has been improved or not. If you order the Cadenza 12 starting today, as of this writing, which is January 31, 2024, it should ship with the new and improved parts.
Letshuoer Audio is one of the most respected audio companies by the audio community around the world. They have IEMs that were released years ago that many people still love and use to this day, like the Letshuoer S12 as an example. I consider them to be a mid-fi to high-end audio company, and based on the IEMs that I have reviewed from them, they never produce mediocre-sounding products. The least expensive set that I reviewed from them was the S08, a planar IEM that sounds very good and is built beautifully at a reasonable price of less than 100 dollars. I didn't expect anything less than stellar from the Cadenza 12, priced as it is.
Feature-wise, the Cadenza 12 has a single 10mm dynamic driver with a Kevlar composite dome and eleven balanced armature drivers sourced from Sonion and Knowles, which are the best in the industry. They are housed in a titanium shell with tubes that guide the sound of the drivers towards the nozzle. The included cable is composed of copper and silver conductors. You can change the plug with 2.5mm, 3.5mm, and 4.4mm, depending on your needs; it is terminated with .78mm 2-pin connectors at the other end; it is neither too thick nor too thin; and it is not heavy for me.


The cable is slightly stiff and springy due to the inclusion of silver conductors for sound quality's sake. I speculate. If you have to ask me, personally, I don't have any issues with it, as I would easily trade off cable softness for better conductivity that silver provides. The indicators for the correct orientation when changing the plug are difficult to see, though; I wish Letshuoer Audio would improve this part.
The shell of the IEM is larger than medium size but smaller than the largest IEM I have tried; therefore, it is just slightly bigger than the average-sized IEMs. The fitting to my ears is excellent due to the slender shape going towards the nozzle. The weight is slightly above average, but it never felt heavy for me even on long listening sessions. There is no pressure build-up.
The packaging is big and heavy; the box is thick and includes spare dividers so you can use it for any other purposes. It also includes a metal plate with an entity playing a violin design on it.
It came with three sets of ear tips, there are 3 pairs of bass, 3 pairs of balance, and 3 pairs of vocal tips. I tried all three, but I like the balance the most; therefore, it is the one I used in this review. I noticed that the tips really change the sound and sound the way they were labeled. Nice!
Burn in:
This is a controversial topic in the audio community, as some people don't believe in it and some do; I belong to the latter. This unit was already reviewed by one reviewer, so it should be burned in already. When it came to me, my first impression was the sound favors the treble slightly; it already sounded great, but I thought that if only it had a little more bass warmth, it would be perfect. So, after I did a 6-hour-long burn-in at moderate volume, not mentioning those few hours that I listened to it, the bass is now very balanced with the treble, and I can hear a slight warmth that I haven't heard from it before. And because of that, my current perception of the sound now differs from my first impressions.
At the price that it has, the Letshuoer Cadenza 12 deserves nothing but the best. I used my iBasso DC Elite dongle DAC/amp, and at a few times, connected it to my Boaleco PX2 mini desktop tube head amp with Burson Audio V7 Vivid opamps. I tried my other sources, but they don't sound as good as the ones mentioned above.

Sound signature:
The sound is very even and balanced from the lowest to the highest frequencies, with a slight reduction in volume in the midrange, making it sound very pleasing and preventing it from sounding midrange-centric. In my opinion, the tuning is impeccable. And to add to that, the sound is energetic, never boring, and musically engaging, as I found myself often getting lost in the music listening to it.
The bass is very balanced with the sub-bass, near neutral with just a slight boost and warmth in sound to balance the very detailed midrange and treble.
The midrange is slightly recessed, clean, and lush-sounding; the vocals and instrument decay is long and lush; the music just flows effortlessly smooth, floats in the air, and then cleanly decays in the background. It is not a mid-centric tuning, but it sounds excellent for vocals, both males and females, due to its clarity and natural sound.
The highs are unlimitedly extended, or so it seems. It has a lot of air, shimmer, and delicacy in sound; it is super detailed yet never fatiguing and dry-sounding.
Throughout the review period, I never heard it sound shouty or piercing.
Overall, it sounds accurate yet musical at the same time.

Letshuoer Cadenza 12.jpg

The resolution, layering, and separation are unbelievable; the instruments are so separated in space that I heard minute vibrato from background instruments on some songs that I never heard before on any other IEMs that I can remember. It felt to me like I was discovering my music collection all over again as I went through it.
Rest assured that the imaging and sound staging are also at the same level. It sounds like you are transported to the venue where the music happened; the imaging is so holographic, and the sound staging is very encompassing, surround-sounding, and lifelike. It is impossible to put into words, but the Cadenza 12 is the best I've yet heard.

I would love to do comparisons but I don't have an IEM that could rival the Cadenza 12, but to give you a perspective, the best sounding IEM that I have under 600 dollars is the Xenns Mangird Top, followed closely by Juzear butterfly 61T, that I already sent back to the review tour. Both of them sound really good, but in comparison to the Letshuoer Cadenza 12, not even close, but that is to be expected due to the huge price difference.


- Endgame-level sound quality, in my opinion.
- Excellent near-neutral tuning.
- Very musically engaging
- Musically expressive, communicates artists emotions very well.
- Holographic imaging
- Big surround sound-like sound stage
- Natural and accurate timbre
- very clean background
- outstanding micro details
- airy treble
- Excellent vocals
- Comfortable to wear
- No pressure build-up issue.
- very good cable
- Very good-sounding ear tips
- Nice packaging
- natural-sounding
- The vast majority of people cannot afford it.
- The changeable plug connection indicators are hard to see.
- The cable is slightly stiff and springy, but this is not a con for me, as I explained in the review.
- Personally, I'm not a fan of the shiny chrome finish. If they must use chrome for durability, I wish they would offer this in a matte chrome finish.
- The shell plate design is too plain and lacks artistry for its price, if you care about aesthetics.


Personally, I believe that the point of diminishing return in sound quality in IEMs is at around 500 US dollars; if you go higher than that in price, the step up in sound quality becomes smaller. In other words, the more you spend above 500 US dollars, the less sound quality improvement you get in return. So, questions now arise: how much better is the Cadenza 12 compared to the sound of around 500 US dollar sets I've heard? Well, 500-dollar sets sound really good these days; the Cadenza 12 is even better, especially if paired with great-sounding sources, but is it four times better in sound? Nope, it is not, but are there IEMs that cost slightly above 500 dollars that are about equal in sound quality to the Cadenza 12? I don't know, and I highly doubt it. I have heard of expensive IEMs that cost more than a thousand dollars before, and for me, they didn't sound as good as the Cadenza 12, and I feel the Cadenza 12 has better value for money, but please don't ask me what those IEMs are, as I don't want to give a bad impression to people about those products simply because they may just not be tuned to my taste, and I don't want to impose my personal opinion on anyone; I believe in the "to each his own" mentality.

So, to answer my curiosity whether the Cadenza 12 is better sounding than all the less expensive IEMs, the answer to that is yes, it is better sounding both technically and subjectively, as I never heard any IEMs that sounds as good as the Cadenza 12 as of this writing.
It is very expensive and clearly not made for everyone, but based on the sound that I heard, I don't think it is way too overpriced, though I wish the price was much lower. My recommendation is, if you can afford it, then go buy it. I think you won't be disappointed with its sound quality and performance. Thus, I highly recommend the Letshuoer Cadenza 12 to those people who can afford it.
Thank you, Letshuoer Audio, for letting me borrow the Cadenza 12 for a review. I feel lucky to have experienced its sound—simply awesome.
And that, my friends, wraps up my review of the Letshuoer Cadenza 12.
Happy listening, cheers!



  • R5II8115.jpg
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Great shots as usual!
mars chan
mars chan
Thank you.


Previously known as TheDeafMonk
Cadenza 12 - A True Virtuoso
Pros: What I liked and Why:
Amazing shell fit and comfort for me were top notch.

Premium modular cable that paired extremely well with the IEM

Bass 0h that Kevlar driver in combination with how well it was tuned inside of that titanium shell makes bass magic.
And what I liked about it was how deep it played.

Incredibly textured has a real woofer sound with fantastic decay and the secondary harmonics are some of the best these years have ever heard. It's a really stand out driver.
But I also really liked about the bass was the fact that it was authoritative, but never overbearing when the music had information in it that woofer came to play but it never was boomy.
And the glide into the mid bass was a very nice mix to give some punch, some attack and some kick especially to instrumental like guitar piano percussions Quite stand out very enjoyable.

Just the overall tuning. Definitely not neutral boring with a bass boost. No, not at all. It's organic, natural, musical, nuanced, detailed, one word. Flawless.

Macro and micro details not to be confused with resolution. Here I'm talking about how well the C12 does in the quiet passages. how well it portrays emotion between the soft passages and louder passages and overall in the track. eliciting emotion as the producer or artist intended

It's lively and dynamic with music. alongside amazing clarity and resolution.

From the lowest octaves to the highest end notes, the C12 can layer stereophonic base to overlapping the busiest passages with an effortless quality.

The 3D stage is just not a talking point. It's a huge deal. to get the IEM's' to simply disappear is a major feat.

Well, some people may hear this as being an intimate stage. You have to wrap your head around what the C12 is actually doing. and the C12 does this incredibly well.

Think of it this way. It portrays. the music just as the music and nothing between you and the emotional response elicits.
You can't help getting down into the music as it were.

I can't help but having a bit of a flashback to the original EJO 7 and the Magic it did with the stage. While I found the EJ07 was more distracting because it pulled you away from the music with just how much information was given to you.
The C12 does this differently where it does give you all of that 3D stage, but it. does it in a way that doesn't pull you away from the music, and instead it does the opposite. It engrosses you, It engages you. into every track you listen to.

Forget trying to listen to this, IEM. All you get is just music. It's really hard one to review. because you'll just find yourself drifting and listening to it in a critical way, trying to hear how it sounds. It's one of the more difficult ones I have ever had to listen to and share my observations on.

Tambre and tonality of instrumental, the. pitch of vocals both - male and female. I found very pleasant to listen to nothing, was sounding off or out of place. While there is some coloration going on. It's just done in a musical way. A sweet way, I don't seem to mind that at all, In fact, it was just kind of engrossing to listen to whether it be jazz, rock, hip hop, Classical, reggae. The C12 is a darn good all rounder.
Cons: What I found for Me Subjectively Could Have Been Done Better

While I certainly appreciated the unboxing. especially with this. level of price tag I did find some of the things like the metal plaque may have been a bit overdone a tad too much I would almost say. Wasteful.

That cable, while a beautiful pairing, did remind me of the. empire years Evo, a perfect. pairing cable slash IEM combo But what I don't like about the stock cable was it really was a bit stiff and unwieldy. and while it didn't tangle or get bunched up I found that it was just a bit too micro-phonic. though I never did switch it out because it sounded wonderful with the cadence of 12.

I kept wishing every time I picked it up. that I had a softer, more pliable cable. My choice. would be the Effect Audio Eros S2.

Now, maybe it's because I'm older at 54 and I don't hear as much, probably in the top end registers as say younger people might find in the top end, the treble was certainly enough for me, though sometimes I would wish for a little bit more sparkle and details. And while I didn't find I was missing anything until after I did some comparisons to the Vision Ears. EXT Mkii and the Alpha Omega - Omega, where I noticed the EST Drivers on those 2 other IEM's added in some special harmonics to the trailing edges of symbol strikes. Something that the cadenza 12 wasn't doing as well.

Fingerprint magnet oh, yeah, it's a good one for that. But again, you know what? Use the polishing cloth Shine them up. And away you go. One thing I will say is that? for my time and usage. I don't have any scratches or blemishes on the shell. Seem to have held up extremely well and been quite durable.
$2299 - Sale $1999 USD

Flagship 12 Driver Hybrid

  • 1x 10mm LSS Kevlar Driver
  • SONION Composite Mid Woofer Drivers
  • SONION Composite Mid Tweeter Drivers
  • KNOWLES Tweeter Drivers
  • SONION Composite Super Tweeter Drivers

Six Way Acoustic Crossover with Five Acoustic Bores
204 Strand 6N Monocrystalline Copper & Silver Hybrid Cable Modular 3.5 Single Ended 2.5 & 4.4 Balanced Terminations

110 db Sens
16 Ohms

I want to thank LETSHOUER for providing this Canadian tour unit. So we may enjoy this unit and share our observations with you, and our journey with the Cadenza 12.


Gear Used:
Desktop - Geshelli Labs JNOG J3 PRO - Balanced Sparkos SS2590 OP-AMPS > Topping A90D
Portable- iBasso DX340 AMP15 Powered by LPSU
ONIX XM5, iBasso DC Elite and DX180

For a deep dive here is my Video:


"Mediterranean Sundance" Al Di Meola - Acoustic Guitar
Amazing 3D stage, stand out instrument separation & placement of the various instrumental in their own space.
One huge take away was how well the cadenza 12 layers the notes. Let's each note layer over top of the next for a clean, unmasked playback, highly resolving and detailed.

" Master Of Puppets" by Apocalyptica
This is a track where the four cellos play Metallica. I. wrote down just wow, even without EST drivers in here I'm not sure they're really needed The top end treble is a combination of beautiful timber of the cellos. The C12 pulls down low for pitch perfect instrumental super. articulate top end very powerful and smooth.

"Spanish Harlem# by Rebecca Pidgeon -
Wow, talk about getting lost in the music. The cadenza is so transparent, so magical in this playback, you do not hear the IEM You just simply hear the music.

"Bass & Drum Into" Live by Nils Lofgren -
The texture of the bass, the attack and the decay was simply sublime Some, if not the best, bass I have heard from a single dynamic driver. I am. I think the Sonion BA'S are also adding in some texture into the lower octaves as well, giving the cadenza 12 a unique and. special-bass presentation. The 64 Audio Volur, The FATFreq Grand Maestro, and the Omega are also there and the C12 is playing with the big bios!

"Life Goes On" Ezra Collective
Perfect punchy bass instrumental is so well done, fun and engaging playback. Head bopping, air drums and toe tapping. All three are going to happen at the same time when you listen to this track.

"Julia" by Sixpence None The Richer
Female vocals are so clean and more importantly, pitch perfect to my ears. The C12 definitely is not a neutral set It adds in the perfect amount of colorization for a musically natural sounding set. That's the difference. Is it balanced? Yes. And the fact that the base, the mids and the treble, all get their space to play in a harmonious way.

"Friction" The Crystal Method - EDM
Big FAT and Punchy Bass , Big Woofer Sound and a so smooth midrange and slightly relaxed treble can let you turn this UP and chill out!

"Sympathy For The Devil" 50th Anniversary Edition by The Rolling Stones
Here again another fabulous recording - anyone says the C12 has a intimate stage I would suggest change sources or ear tips, because one thing a Stones recording does is BIG SOUND , BIG STAGE!
The C12 here is very 3D for me playing vocals in various places and instrumental all over your head space , wide , deep , and with great height differences.

"DEE" Randy Rhodes Studio Outtakes.
Great secondary resonances on the guitar plucks and finger slides - showing the Cadenza is not only musical, but also can be quite resolving, there are better playbacks from some other IEM's of course including the Little Sister the Majestic 8, The C12 does a darn good job bringing forth enough realism and nuances in this playback to recognise its ability to play at a top tier level!

"Wishing You Would Stay" by The Tea Party with Guest Holly McNarland A fellow Canadian as well
Here in this track I listen to some great rock but what I am listening for is how well the gear can replay not only the lead Male Vocals from Jeff Martin, but also Holly's vocals , in a lot of IEM's that don’t get the balance correct with too little or too much upper Mids for correct tonality , I am Happy to Report this LETSHOUER nailed it , both vocals are equally powerful and clear, without getting drowned out in the music. Now that being said the Instrumental do come forward a tad more than I prefer being more forward in the mix, but the playback was powerful and more importantly musically fun not perfect. I would rather have some saturation than the playback be thin and dry.

"UNTIL THE END" by Rustage some RAP
Here is where the slight forward mids really come into play , making vocals stand out and the bass has no issues keeping up. Yeah I like RAP on the Cadenza 12

"So What" Miles Davis and John Coltrane - JAZZ
Here is where the non clinical persona of the Cadenza really comes into play. Instead of thin , dry and boring you get lush and musical. Would I have liked to hear more bite on the trumpet - YES but for Jazz and chill the C12 is wonderful to listen to.

So I have gone through a wide gamut of genre's and cant find too much fault in the musical replay when it comes to all type's of music - seems the Cadenza is a very good ALL-ROUNDER after all!

How about a few comparison's:

VS ALPHA OMEGA - OMEGA $2699 1 DD 4 SONION BA 4 SONION EST - Tuning Switches
Here is how I heard the differences:
C12 it's more forward in the mids and vocals Base is punchier with a bit more mid-base emphasis over sub-bass.
The Omega It has much better balanced overall presentation. So less forward meds. And here the EST trouble comes out to play in their special way.

So I found the treble to have nicer details on the Omega. And in the bottom end, the base is more visceral, deeper, a bit more sub focused. And again, more balanced, more in a role equal to the output of the mids and the highs.
Downside. of the Omega is the shells are considerably larger, as is the nozzles. So fitment for some is going to be an issue actually for probably many people unless you have. years that can take the beast.
Now, after this, I'm going to compare it to the Vision Ears EXT Mark 2. But I did make a note that the Omega is the most balanced out of the three. It has the deepest bass and the most natural mid range.
The Cadenza 12 has the best base texture in the lower base and the mid base.
I found the Omega was also the most resolving. Brought out the most details, especially in the treble. And it was the most natural organic sounding out of the three. The EST's in the Omega have that special sauce with the EST's implemented so well and give that special top end zing and sparkle. that the Cadenza 12. doesn't quite have.

Oh ant it has tuning switches to Taylor the sound your way with the best implementation ever used in a IEM

VS VISION EAR'S EXT Mkii - $4199 List Sale $3799 2 Dynamic Drivers 9.2mm and a 6mm with 4 SONION EST Drivers.
Here I found the. Ext to be a very balanced IM as well, with more focus on the top end and less so on the bottom.
Base is still punchy and present when the music calls for it, but it's a more mid centric with an upper register's emphasis profile.
The C12 in comparison, I found to be the most forward of the three, especially in the mids mid. Most mid-base energy. as well.
The C12 has the most relaxed trouble out of the three, and is probably the most mid centric. with an emphasis on the upper mid range where you get to really pick out the vocal details more than the other two.
The EXT has some great treble extension and resolution for strings and acoustic and that's its special sauce Overall, I found the EXT to be very natural sounding in its tonality and less coloured. than the cadenza 12.

Wrapping up this review my time. with the cadence of 12 was a pleasure. It is. a surprise when I. heard it being described as a neutral sounding set I was picturing it as. boring and sterile, but that is completely not the way I heard this set It's musical, It's lush, It has some nuances to bring out the emotion in the music. It has fantastic three dimensional stage in all axis, width, height and depth.

There's a lot of special sauce going on with this one. I think it's definitely worthy of consideration for a solid top tier all rounder. And that's something we don't sometimes see in the kilo buck. IEM range where you see some wackadoo tunings trying to stand out and not too many tunings with this kind of smooth frequency response.


I think what the cadenza 12 really brings to the table is a musical sounding set with not a lot of flaws. First class unboxing cable, case. worthy of its asking price. Does it compete with its peers? Yeah, I think it does.

Letshouer wanted to make a statement with this IEM and quite honestly, I think they Succeeded.
Last edited:
Tabikinoya Cephas
Tabikinoya Cephas
there are two versions of Cadenza 12. Any ideas how to differentiate one from the other?
If you are buying new, the pack should have the new cable as photographed above.


1000+ Head-Fier
Balance, Refined
Pros: + Well-balanced and mostly neutral tuning with just the right amount of fun
+ Bass can rumble and dig deep when called upon
+ Clean midrange puts vocals on full display
+ Crisp and well-extended treble without harshness or sibilance
+ Has a certain maturity and refinement that I expect for the price
+ Great accessory package
Cons: - Tuning might be considered too boring for some
- Mirror finish is prone to scratches and fingerprints
- Soundstage could be improved
- Stock cable is stiff

thaslaya's star rating system:
☆☆☆☆☆ - Fantastic!
☆☆☆☆ - Recommended
☆☆☆ - There are buyers but not for me
☆☆ - Can't see the appeal
☆ - Product is a failure

This product was provided to me for tour by Letshuoer in exchange for my impartial and honest review. I recieve no compensation and all thoughts and opinions are my own. A special thanks to Sherry for arranging this tour!

Non-affiliate link for those interested:

Gear used:
●Samsung Galaxy s22 Ultra
●Samsung dongle
●Hiby FC4
●Kiwi Ears Allegro
●Letshuoer DT03
●Dunu DTC480
●iFi xDSD Gryphon

●Listening was done through Amazon Music HD or Ultra HD.

Letshuoer is a fairly well-known company in the audiophile world. They produce many well-received IEMs in various price brackets. Last year, I reviewed their DT03 dongle DAC and the S08 and S12 2024 planar IEMs, all three of which received high scores from me. The Cadenza 12 is Letshuoer's flagship IEM that debuted in 2023. It recently received a driver update, and although the driver count and configuration did not change, the overall tuning of newer units may be slightly altered from the original version. To be clear, the Cadenza 12 discussed in this review is the updated 2024 edition. It sports a hybrid configuration featuring one dynamic and eleven balanced armature drivers and is currently available through Letshuoer's site for $1999. Let's break down this flagship IEM and see if it is worthy of carrying the company's banner.

Build, fit, ergonomics:
The unboxing of the Cadenza 12 is truly great. The presentation looks and feels premium and luxurious. The box itself is very well-made and can even double as storage, with the inclusion of optional dividers. Upon opening the box, the very shiny shells are on full display. Removing another small, flat accessory box reveals the case and a 3D art piece. There are nine sets of tips located under the IEMs. The build quality of the shells is immaculate. They are made from a titanium alloy with a mirror finish, which may turn off some buyers, but they are undeniably beautiful when clean and blemish-free. They feel very solid and sturdy in hand and have a decent weight. They have a semi-custom shape and are well contoured, allowing for a very comfortable fit. The insertion depth is about average, but perhaps just a bit shy of what I prefer. The nozzle measures 6.1mm at its widest point, where there is a very small lip. A vent is located just in front of the flat, 2-pin connection to help alleviate pressure buildup. The stock cable is a 6N monocrystalline copper and silver hybrid, with a fabric sheath on the bottom and a plastic sheath above the Y-split. While it has excellent build quality, it is thick, very stiff, and can be unwieldy. I much prefer a more supple cable, but its quality is hard to fault. The cable is also modular, with 2.5 mm, 3.5 mm, and 4.4 mm terminations. It is not the most intuitive modular system I have seen, but it works well. Nine pairs of tips are included in three styles: silicone Balanced, silicone Vocal, and foam/silicone hybrid Bass. Of the stock tips, the balanced ones worked well for me, but I preferred my JVC Spiral Dot tips for the best fit and seal. The included case is excellent. It feels nice in hand and has a smooth, leather-like feel with a magnetic closure. It may not be the most pocketable because of its size, but it is a great case. The accessories package is rounded out with a cleaning cloth and a 3D metal bulldog art piece resembling Han Solo in carbonite. It is a fun little inclusion but it is also very heavy.

Sound impressions:
I'd characterize the Cadenza 12 as having a very well-balanced tuning with an almost neutral approach, but it doesn't come across as boring or lifeless. It presents a mostly faithful, uncolored reproduction of music, with just a bit of extra energy and excitement, which takes it out of truly neutral territory. It really feels like each frequency complements and plays off the others, and no single section of the tuning stands out as more prominent. Personally, I am usually drawn to a more laid-back and warmer tone, but the Cadenza 12 is impressive in how it presents everything in a mature and refined way. The overall note weight is very well-balanced, not too thick or thin. This set can reach high volume levels off a simple dongle, but to my ears, it does benefit from amplification. There is great detail retrieval, but it also has a hint of musicality, preventing it from sounding too clinical or cold. The soundstage, unfortunately, is not one of the Cadenza's strong suits; it lacks depth and comes across as somewhat flat, lacking some fullness and body. The timbre sounds mostly natural and organic, with maybe just a hint of an overproduced quality at times, though it is probably negligible. The imaging is strong, with great spatial cues and three-dimensional awareness. The dynamics are pretty good, but the bass loses some rumble and reverberation at lower volumes. The separation is impressive, but it still has a cohesive overall sound with fantastic and seamless transients. Overall, I find the Cadenza 12 to have a fantastic tuning balanced with great technicalities.

This one paired best for me with the iFi xDSD Gryphon, using the GTO filter. This combination preserved the overall balance of the tuning and helped draw out a slightly deeper bass extension and better impact.

●Lows - The Cadenza 12 is not a basshead IEM, though it does have a very good bass response. I would definitely welcome a bit more quantity, as it can come across a little understated at times. But most importantly, it is still very satisfying and not light or anemic. Those looking for a large bass shelf will be disappointed, but the quality here is very good. It is resolving and has a certain nuance, depth, and maturity that I find missing in some other sets at this price point and above. The sub-bass and mid-bass are pretty balanced and both are well-represented. The extension can reach quite low when called upon, but it is track-dependent. On bass-heavy tracks, the Cadenza 12 has a very satisfying rumble and thump, but it will not bring out more bass than each track warrants. It has a very clean texture and never sounds muddy or dry. The impact and slam are fun and bouncy, but perhaps lean a bit toward the polite side. The rumble and reverberation are adequate, but a bit lean compared to my usual preference. The midbass avoids any bleed and has a very clean transition into the midrange. The speed is quick and agile, with excellent clarity and separation on double bass kicks. The decay is about average, neither too fast nor too slow. The bass of the Cadenza 12 is truly impressive, and though it might not have enough quantity for the most devout bassheads, I find it has one of the best overall balances of any set I have heard.

●Mids - As someone who loves a forward and pronounced vocal presentation, the midrange doesn't quite hit the mark. However, the finely tuned balance is undeniably impressive. Vocals are not shouty, but neither are they laid back; they are definitely accentuated, but not too forward. There is just enough emphasis for them to stand out without being the standout feature of the midrange. Both male and female artists are well represented, and neither is prominently featured over the other. The lower mids are done well, too, if not just a touch recessed for my taste. I would like a bit more weight to instruments like cello and lower brass in classical music, but that's a minor nitpick. The timbre of vocals and instruments is mostly realistic, but there is sometimes a tiny gleam of something unnatural. It's difficult to explain, and I don't want to overemphasize it because it's a very small factor, but I believe the midrange could be slightly improved, perhaps with a touch of warmth to smooth it over. Though, again, it's not quite to my usual preference, I am very happy with the midrange as a whole and the way it is presented in conjuction with the other frequencies.

●Highs - The Cadenza 12 has a great treble response. I do typically have a mild aversion to treble, but this set has an impressive amount of air, extension, and energy that takes it just to the edge of my tolerance without crossing the line into sibilance or fatigue territory. Cymbals and hi-hats are crisp, clean, and lively. They sound true and correct, not metallic or splashy, and they are exactly as I'd expect them to be if I were standing in the same room. I'd say the energy level is just north of neutral to my ears. There's a good level of excitement and playfulness without taking it too far. It can still be a bit incisive at times, and there are some notes that approach the edge but stop just short. Some "s" and "sh" notes stick out, but again, they don't cross the threshold into being harsh. On other sets that have more treble emphasis, those same notes would probably cross that line, but the Cadenza 12 has a way of pushing my tolerance for treble in a good way. I wouldn't really call the treble safe, but neither is it aggressive in its presentation. It might be a bit livelier than I usually prefer, but it's really all about the balance with the other frequencies. Without the extra energy, the tuning would just not be the same.

Comparisons: Credit to Elise Audio for the graphs. Disclaimer: These measurements were made using the original Cadenza 12 model, which may differ slightly from the updated version, so please take them with a grain of salt.

Elysian Annihilator 2023 ($3,000) - Here we have the Annihilator's 7-driver tribrid configuration (1 DD, 4 BA, 2 EST) versus the hybrid of the Cadenza 12. I like the Annihilator's overall design and resin build a bit better, but the Cadenza's all-metal shell feels much sturdier, even if it is prone to scratches and fingerprints. The Cadenza's shell is also smaller, better contoured, and has a slightly deeper insertion. Overall, it offers a better fit and is more comfortable for me. I also prefer the Cadenza's 2-pin connection. I cannot make a judgment on total accessories since one of these is a tour unit. The tuning of the Annihilator is quite V-shaped compared to the Cadenza's more balanced and somewhat neutral approach. The Annihilator's bass is much bolder, with deeper sub-bass extension and more rumble and reverberation. The bass on the Cadenza sounds cleaner, with superior texture and resolution, but the quantity might be underwhelming for bass enthusiasts. The midrange is where the Cadenza wins a lot of points for me. Vocals are more forward, and both male and female artists are better represented, which is much more in line with my preferences. The Annihilator's midrange can be overshadowed by the bass and treble. The Cadenza also wins in the treble department. It is very well balanced with plenty of air and sparkle without venturing into fatiguing territory. The Annihilator undoubtedly has a brighter overall treble response and can be too energetic during long sessions. From a technically standpoint, these two trade blows pretty well. The Annihilator has a slight edge in soundstage, detail retrieval, and dynamics, whereas the Cadenza wins in timbre, imaging, and note weight. Overall, these two have quite different tuning philosophies. The Annihilator is more energetic and fun, with bigger bass and brighter treble, but it sacrifices some midrange magic. The Cadenza is much more balanced and closer to neutral, with a clean and inoffensive tuning that just sounds right, but it might considered be a bit boring for some. This is an easy choice for me, as the Cadenza offers a more refined and mature tuning that I expect when moving to the multi-kilobuck tier. Plus, it doesn't hurt that it is over $1,000 cheaper.
My pick: Cadenza 12

Elysian Diva 2023 (~$1,100) - This comparison pits the Cadenza's hybrid configuration against the Diva's 6 BA design. I cannot accurately compare the stock inclusions since I did not have all of the Diva's accessories. The Diva sports a resin shell with a metal nozzle, while the Cadenza has a titanium alloy shell. The Cadenza offers a better fit and seal for me due to its smaller nozzle and deeper insertion. I personally prefer the unique blue design of the Diva's faceplate to the Cadenza's mirror-finished shell, but both are very attractive. As for the tuning, the Diva's blue setting offers a bassier and more laid-back, U-shaped profile, while the Cadenza has a well-balanced and more neutral approach. The Diva's sub-bass reaches deeper, is more prominently featured, and has a bigger punch. The Cadenza's bass has better balance with the other frequencies, and although less in quantity, the quality is much better. It sounds cleaner and more refined, with better texture, resolution, and a more natural decay. One of the Diva's biggest draws for me is its midrange, but when compared to the Cadenza 12, it falls a little flat. Don't get me wrong, the Diva sounds great and has a smooth and slightly warm vocal response, but the Cadenza pushes the midrange forward a bit more and strikes a better balance across all frequencies to really help vocals grab the spotlight. The Diva does win some points in the lower midrange, though, due to more representation and note weight. The Cadenza has better treble extension and air, but it is also a bit brighter and more energetic. I would usually prefer the Diva's laid-back treble response, but the lack of air is really apparent when comparing these two side by side. The technicalities go almost entirely in the Cadenza's favor, save for the note weight. When it comes to detail retrieval, dynamics, separation, and timbre, the Cadenza wins handedly. Overall, these two are quite different and have their own strengths and weaknesses. Although the Diva's tuning should be my favorite on paper (boosted bass, smooth mids, rolled-off treble), it somehow fails to stack up against the Cadenza 12's incredible sense of balance, refinement, and correctness. While I might occasionally choose the Diva for specific genres, the Cadenza 12 is truly fantastic and much better suited as an all-arounder.
My pick: Cadenza 12

Penon Impact ($2,499) - While these two both have hybrid configurations, their makeup is quite different (10BA, 4EST vs 1DD, 11 BA). Again, I can't really weigh in on the unboxing and accessories since the Impact was a tour unit. The shells of these two are about the same size, and I do like the design and full resin build of the Impact better, but the Cadenza feels much sturdier and has a better contoured fit for me. Its nozzle is also thinner and more accommodating for smaller ears. The overall tuning of the Cadenza is much more balanced and neutral compared to the energetic U-shaped tuning of the Impact. The bass response on the Impact is noticeably bigger and more mid-bass focused. The Cadenza has deeper low-end extension, better balance between mid and sub-bass, and is more resolving. The Impact's midrange is a bit more forward for things like female vocals, and it has slightly more overall energy and excitement. Unfortunately, the lower midrange is a bit encumbered by the mid-bass boost. The Cadenza's upper midrange is also forward, but it has a much better balance for me, and the lower mids are cleaner and better represented. The Impact's EST treble is energetic and exciting, with an airier and more ethereal sound. It does have a few harsh spots and can be a bit fatiguing over longer listening sessions. The Cadenza, in contrast, has a much smoother and somewhat tamer treble response, yet still with plenty of air and sparkle, and no harshness or sibilance. Both sets are very technically capable. The Cadenza presents a more natural timbre and a slightly wider soundstage. The Impact offers slightly better imaging and dynamics, a thicker note weight, and a deeper, fuller soundstage. I'd say that detail retrieval and separation are about even and not noticeably different between the two. While my ear is initially drawn to the Impact's overall musicality and note weight, the Cadenza's superior sub-bass extension, tamer treble, and overall more balanced tuning win out in the end. While it may be less exciting and engaging than the more vibrant Impact, I find it perfectly matches my expectations for a well-balanced all-rounder.
My pick: Cadenza 12

In conclusion:
You may have noticed the recurring theme of "balance" throughout this review (in fact, I used that word 27 times). Well, there's a good reason for it; for me, the Cadenza 12 is the poster child for a refined, well-balanced, and mostly neutral tuning done right. While I am not usually a big enthusiast of neutrality, this newly reinvigorated flagship is a fun and seriously impressive take on this style. It also makes a fantastic all-rounder for my library, and I find it really hard to find much fault with what Letshuoer has done here. The bass quantity remains true to each individual track, the midrange instruments and vocals are incredibly well-tuned, and the treble has fantastic air and energy without pushing too far. The Cadenza's technical performance is commendable as well, but there are a few caveats to consider. While the detail retrieval, separation, imaging, and timbre impress, I find the soundstage lacks depth and fullness, and the dynamics are not the strongest. Even with its few technical shortcomings and a treble response that can be a touch bright at times, the Cadenza still succeeds in setting a very high bar for IEMs at the $2,000 mark and above. One thing that should not be taken for granted is Letshuoer's honesty and forthcomingness about the potential change to the Cadenza 12's tuning legacy due to the need to procure new drivers. Many companies would not bother with a public release and simply perform a silent retuning, but Letshuoer's transparency is the mark of a company that understands and cares about its audience. The Cadenza 12 is a really impressive and strong offering at $2000, and it even competes at higher tiers. Sure, it's not the most exciting tuning, and it might not grab your attention immediately, but everything sounds right, and it really is one of the best-balanced tunings I've heard to date. While I haven't had the chance to try the original 2023 version, I can say with certainty that this new 2024 model is fantastic and absolutely worthy of carrying Letshuoer's flagship banner into the future.

This iem vs an iem you hate.... shocker you picked Cadenza 12! Great review.
😏 Hey now I don't  hate the Anni. Better bass texture and performance would go a long way though 😅


Headphoneus Supremus
LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 - The balanced flagship
Pros: Premium titanium shells thats small and ergonomic
Balanced smooth tonality, very natural sounding
Bass digs deep and have good impact and texture
Balanced midrange without being pushed
Treble is well extended and airy without being bright
Good unboxing with great accessories
Cons: I could say I would love more bass but that would change the balanced tuning
Titanium shells get fingerprints and scratches more easy
The storage puck is a little small if you use thicker cables

LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 - The balanced flagship

Copied over from main review page since I got the 2024 version.


I got Cadenza 12 for free in return for a review, I am free to say whatever I want.
All impressions are my own subjective thoughts after having used them for a good time. These are my thoughts at this moment, and as time moves I might change my opinion.
This is also a very subjective hobby where everything from experience, anatomy or age will affect what we hear. Also keep in mind that it is easy to use bold words when talking about differences, while it may be perceived as a small change for you.
While I can perceive something as natural sounding, I do believe we can never get a perfect performance similar to what is achieved live.


Ranking System:
1 Very bad or unlistenable
2 Listenable but not good
3 Average
4 Very good
5 Exceptional or having a special sauce

My rating system highly values what is musical for me, so my rating will always be a subjective opinion.


My audio preference is neutral with some warmth, I can also like forward midrange and treble if not excessive. I am a believer in having different tuned gears for different genres or moods instead of chasing the single perfect one.

Main music genres I listen to are metal, electronica, jazz and pop. I am a music lover, and can also listen to almost all the genres out there.

I have been into music gear since the mid 90s, gifted some big speakers at an early age. Then moved more and more into headphones with my entry being Koss Porta Pro and a Sony Discman.

I have tried playing many instruments over the years from piano to saxophone without getting far, this due to not having the biggest patience in learning to play.

My current favorites in Headphones are ZMF Verite Open and Beyerdynamic T1 G2.
My current favorites in IEMs are Alpha Omega OMEGA and LETSHUOER Cadenza 12.
My current favorites in Earbuds are FranQL Caelum and Venture Electronics Zen 3.0.

Gear used in the main rig is Denafrips Ares 12th-1 DAC together with the Topping A90 Discrete headphone amp. I also have a Schiit Lokius I can swap in if I want to do a little analogue EQ.

Portable gear being SONY WM1AM2 and iBasso DX180, with some dongles like HIBY FC6 and Colorfly CDA-M1P.


So what is the LETSHUOER Cadenza 12

This is the flagship IEM from LETSHUOER, as I understand this was updated slightly now in the end of 2024. It follows a similar tuning as the original with some small changes to the drivers, from HBB measurement it showed less low treble but more upper treble on the 2024 version.

The Cadenza 12 is a hybrid IEM with a 10mm LSS Kevlar dynamic driver and 11 balanced armatures from Sonion and Knowles. It has a six way Electronic crossover, with five acoustic bores to direct the sound from the drivers.

The shell is made in titanium and has a small ergonomic design, it is actually almost like CIEM in fit. The curve of the shell is carefully done without being excessive, the nozzle is also a little smaller than the average and it has good length. The polished titanium looks premium in a minimalistic way, only negative being that it easily gets fingerprints or scratches overtime.

Driver Type:
10mm LSS Kevlar Dome DD
Sonion composite mid-woofer drivers
Sonion composite mid-tweeter driver
Knowles composite tweeter drivers
Sonion composite super tweeter drivers

Six-way Electronic Crossover
Five Acoustic Bores
Sensitivity: 110dB/mw±1%
Impedance: 16Ω ±1%
Frequency Response: 20Hz-30KHz
Cable Material:204-strands of 6N monocrystalline copper and silver hybrid
Termination Options:2.5 & 3.5 & 4.4mm
Cable Length: 1.2m


The box is as clean as the Cedanza 12 itself, it is black and minimalistic. The box is solid and presents everything neatly inside, the box is also made so it can be a 4 slot hard case to store your IEMs in.




The included accessories are of good quality, the cable is a modular cable with 3.5mm single ended and 2.5mm and 4.4mm for balanced connection.
It uses screw on connection for the modules, this makes it secure so it doesn't fall out.

The included tips are okay, they are not my personal favorites as I have a little picky ears on getting good seal.

The included IEM hard case is also quite premium, it has a magnet lock that snaps into place preventing it from opening. It is a little on the small side, but can still fit the Cadenza 12 with the stock cable. The problem is more of you change it out for thick after market cables.


Then it is the metal plate included, this I believe is the dog that is also on the chrome packaging. Other than added weight I'm not sure what the meaning is behind it being included.



Sound impressions

The Cadenza 12 is what I call natural sounding, just enough warmth and balance all over to not have anything being in focus. The sound is also a little rounded on transient making it smoother, this is what I often prefer and find natural.

Going to use the ranges here in review:

Details and soundstage

Detail in IEMs is down mostly to quality driver and how it amplitudes the frequencies, also when the driver is faster it also increases the resolution you hear.

The LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 is a technical and resolving set, due to the tuning being done well but also due to excellent drivers. The dynamic driver is fast and matches well together with the balanced armatures, together they provide a detailed sound with clean transients that just have a little smoothness to them.

The soundstage is also good, it is not the best set on depth and height but it is also better than your average set. The imaging is pretty spot on, and everything is layered good in an oval stage.



What came as a surprise to me was how good quality the bass of Cadenza 12 is, it is not the most elevated but the quality is excellent. It sounds so natural and clean, there are not many DDs that nails a good balance having such good quality.
What makes it so good is that it has fast decay that doesn't linger too long but also not too fast where it sounds unnatural, the attack is also fast and clean. The combination makes the bass sound very realistic and matches both fast drums in metal or slower bass elements from string instruments. The balance between sub bass and mid bass is also close to perfection, sub bass elements can go deep while the mid bass can be punchy without drowning out the other.

The quantity of bass is what I would say is natural, music that is supposed to be warm is bassy while music that is not supposed to be it stays neutral.


Clean and natural midrange, there is some bloom from the bass into midrange. This helps instruments sound a little more realistic and not hollow, this also helps darker pitched vocals sound full. It is still super transparent and fast, it just has that little extra that harman tuned sets lack. The upper midrange is a little smooth and clear, there is no metallic sound or sibilance.

I find this close to perfection for my taste in how the balance is in the midrange, but folks who love more bite and presence might find this a little too soft. For me this is what is neutrality, it's clean and full without doing anything extra.


The upper frequencies are well extended and airy without being sharp, this can depend on treble tolerance, source or music played. The low treble is not elevated to much while it brings it back in the upper treble, the combo is an airy sound without the usually shrill performance that can happen on some sets with treble focus.

Cymbals especially get a crisp and airy sound to them, also does this without making me flinch. It's always hard to evaluate treble and explain it, it's more easy to say if something sounds off or lacks good treble as it's then either dull or maybe shrill. Here it's just well behaved and airy, just remember this is for me. This is actually the best treble performance I have heard from BAs, and is better than other well regarded sets like Crimson or U4s.



I have used the Cadenza 12 mostly with its stock cable and with Divinus Velvet tips, as for source I find it perfect with the SONY WM1AM2 but I also have used the iBasso DX180 and my desktop stack. Changing the source for more warmth or clearer sound affects the Cadenza 12, so it's easy to tailor it more to your taste.

I have tried cable swapping, and it does change it a little bit. Adding a high quality silver cable from Lavricable can smoothen the sound and keep the treble even in more control, not sharper but more detailed and shimmery.


The PlusSound Dual-Copper is very similar in sound as the stock cable, but adds a little extra warmth at the cost of less treble clarity. The changes are small on the cables, and I would advise you to play around with tips and sources first.



When evaluating the sets I use each of them over longer periods and also some shorter sessions swapping back and forth, it takes a long time and is not done in one sitting. The most critical comparison is done on my desktop setup that is highly resolving, with volume matching to take away loudness variance.


The spider chart is exaggerated on some points to show differences, it is also a very subjective evaluation.




The Cadenza4 is the little brother of Cadenza 12, it is 1DD 3BA and retails at $249. They have almost the same shell design with some small differences and both are very ergonomic with almost CIEM like shells, the resin shell on Cadenza4 weighs less.
The tuning of Cadenza4 is a milder variant of harman 2019, sounds natural with good vocal clarity.

The Cadenza4 is less resolving than Cadenza 12, this is both for the DD in the bass but also for the rest of the frequencies. It is as expected when we look at the price difference here, still Cadenza4 is very capable at its own price point. The soundstage is average on Cadenza4, doing nothing wrong but it's also less layered and not as spacious as Cadenza 12.

Cadenza4 is less warm, it is also brighter since the upper mids are more pushed. But the transient is also less smooth and has more crispness to the sound, for some this might be a good thing but for me this is less natural and not as pleasing to listen to.

Bass quality is great on both, but the Cadenza 12 has more weight and slam. It also has stronger sub bass rumble, the Cadenza4 can get closer in quality if you EQ but even then it's a step behind the bass texture and impact of Cadenza 12.

Midrange is thinner and brighter on Cadenza4, Cadenza12 has more weight into the low midrange that makes the mids more full sounding. This also goes to preference as some dislike it when the low mids are colored, for me that is what is closest to instruments in real life.
The upper midrange is pushed more on Cadenza4 making it more intense on brass and brighter vocals, the Cadenza 12 is instead softer and not as sharp.

The highs are good on Cadenza4, especially when we look at the price and it's only a few hybrids I find as good in this price range. But it lacks the control of Cadenza12, easy to notice when you listen to cymbals as I often flinch if I have the volume loud on Cadenza4 while it never happens on Cadenza12 while also sounding more airy at the same time.


Grand Oriveti Supremacy

The Supremacy is a tribrid IEM priced at $1999, configuration is 1DD, 4BA and 4EST. The shell is made of stabilized wood, both have ergonomic shells with the Cadenza 12 just being smaller and more comfortable on long sessions.
The overall tuning of Supremacy is W shaped sound signature, balanced with some warmth.

The Cadenza 12 has a smoother sound with more note weight, the sound is slightly more airy while being less bright. For me personally I think the Cadenza 12 is the more beautiful sounding and natural of the two, both have a sound within what I find neutral and depending on what your preference is one can like either one.

They compete at a technical level, the brighter tonality on Supremacy might make some music more sharp but not more resolving.
Supremacy is more intimate in the stage while the Cadenza projects everything deeper in a traditional stage, Supremacy strength is the holographic stage that surrounds you. Both have great imaging and can easily pick apart where instruments come from, everything is just more intimate and circular on Supremacy.

Bass is a little more impactful on Cadenza 12, both are on the natural side with just some extra slam on Cadenza 12. Bass is high quality on both, little faster and denser on Cadenza 12 and slightly softer Supremacy. Quantity should be the same, just that Cadenza 12 sounds slightly warmer as the overall tonal balance is a little less bright.

Midrange is natural on both, where they differ is that Supremacy has more bite in the upper midrange that affects many vocalists or brass instruments. Vocal lovers might prefer Supremacy but if you like a more coherent and neutral sound the Cadenza 12 have better midrange. Supremacy is actually more similar to Cadenza4 midrange than Cadenza 12, Cadenza 12 is instead slightly softer and less intense.

Both have very good airiness, even with the EST being used on Supremacy they compete in how nice they are up top. Supremacy is a little brighter and Cadenza 12 smoother, but they still sound equally airy.



This is a quadbrid with 1DD 4BA 4EST and 1BC, and retails at $1919. The shell is smaller than Cadenza 12 but a little less ergonomic, both have premium shells.
The tuning of MEST MKIII CF is neutral with some brightness and warmth, they have similar tonality with some differences.

The Cadenza 12 is actually as resolving as MEST MKIII, I would maybe say even more as the bass is fuller and more textured. But some stuff like cymbals can be clearer on MEST MKIII CF as it has a sharper tonality with little extra air.
The soundstage is different, it is a little extra holographic and goes more around me on MEST while Cadenza 12 is more traditional. Both are similar in how wide and deep, the height is slightly better on MEST.

The bass is of higher quality on Cadenza 12, why I say that is because of how notes linger but also since it has more punch when asked for. Both can deliver good sub bass rumble, it's more in how the mid bass is more impactful and nuanced on Cadenza 12.

The midrange is more full and smooth on Cadenza 12, the MEST is more clean and has more clarity on the midrange. The MEST has more crispness of the midrange because it has sharper transients, while Cadenza 12 is a little rounded making it sound smoother. Both are tuned away from harman and not having pushed upper mids, so none of them are shouty and both handle sibilant vocals well. If anything the MEST is more prone to sibilance if the music is already there.
The treble is brighter on MEST, think this is because of the drivers used as on paper they should be close to the same from measurements. Some music gets too much for me on MEST while being perfect on Cadenza 12, it is also very hard to hear that the Cadenza 12 uses BA instead of EST as it's ethereal in the same way. If anything the treble is smoother on Cadenza 12 and more crisp on MEST, so it comes down to preference what is best.



Click here for Audio with Leo playlist

When comparing IEM to other sets I have used the tracks listed here and more, I will also share some albums I have enjoyed with Cadenza 12 during the period of the review. I love most I put on, the natural tuning has just enough warmth for me to enjoy almost every genre.



Always a few years between every record from London Grammar, came as a nice surprise when I saw this on my recommended new releases. Some good tracks this time, the lyrics are maybe a little more simple than before. But the music itself is nice to relax with, I recently was traveling and the album was good company while flying.



I love the HAEVN, it's very nice to get another record even if it's quite short. Tender vocal and pleasing instruments from violin to guitar and more, hard to fault the album as it's very well put together. Lovely to kick back with and just enjoy the sound of Cadenza.



Usually I go for more warmth when I listen to metal, but Cadenza 12 has just enough warmth to sound full and not be too bright for this. Jinjer is awesome and the vocalist is female, always nice how she can go from normal voice to the dark growling. The whole group plays really well, and it's a good recording also. I had a break recently from listening to metal, @MatW thanks for bringing me back in.



One of the best jazz albums ever made, going for the 2013 Remastered version. More traditional style than what I often listen to, but it's always nice to go back to the classics.
There are parts where the sax or flute goes more intense that the Cadenza 12 rides perfect, clear and crisp but not shouty or sibilant.



Another great release from one of my favorite metal groups, Swallow The Sun with Shining. Some really nice tracks, they make music within the doom metal genre. Read some complaints from folks about their new release, but clearly not true for me as it's been on repeat for more than I want to admit.



The Welsh electronic artist Kelly Lee Owens released her new album Dreamstate, I have followed her music since the album Inner Song. This is more close to electronic dance music, it's also nice hearing her use her voice more. Similar to metal music I often reach for sets with more bass for electronica, but surprisingly enough I am enjoying this alot with Cadenza.



Latest album from GoGo Penguin, usually I avoid most live records but this one is great. Modern jazz by the trio, playing piano, double bass and drums. It is my favorite instrument arrangement for jazz trio, and they play as excellent and interesting as always.



Acoustic instrumental music, a beautiful and relaxing album with guitars. Been liking the work of Black Hill for a long time, was a little skeptical at first with this being an acoustic guitar cover by The Blind Siberian. But it sounds great, a short but beautiful record.



Experimental techno from Berlin, quite an abstract record made out from other people's arrangements sampled down to small snippets that he uses to its fullest here. Hypnotic and relaxing to me, but also very interesting and keeps me listening to the small details. This deserves a clean and well extended treble with good balance elsewhere also, perfect for the Cadenza 12.



I love the LETSHUOER Cadenza 12, it has become my faovorite set for when I want a resolving natural sound. It is really hard to fault the Cadenza 12, the tuning and build quality is excellent.
Among the best sounding hybrid IEMs I have used, with its coherent tuning that's balanced with a hint of smoothness making music more pleasing.

The highs can be different from person to person, but for me this is close to perfection and has among the best qualities I have heard from BA. I don't miss EST when listening to this set, and that tells something. The bass goes deep and has good texture and punch, but it's not highly elevated and is more balanced to give some warmth to the music. Midrange is clean and full, just enough vocal and instrument fullness without being pushed too much.

No set is perfect, but this is very close when I am listening to genres like Jazz or Neoclassical. Even when moving into genres like electronica or pop I find it excellent, and is to me a well balanced allrounder that could be one of my endgame sets.

I also need to mention it has one of the most ergonomic shells I've had, and it is built like a tank in polished titanium. Excellent accessories with the small storage puck and the 4 slot storage box, the cable is also excellent. Everything to make this feel like a true flagship model, as it is.

I highly recommend the LETSHUOER Cadenza 12, I will give it a 5 star ranking on head-fi with a personal score of 91/100.

Great review but equally good music selection for review, I always look to find new music in your reviews ;)
Great review and stunning shots as always, bravo mate
Great review, I hope you're able to review the Thieaudio Prestige LTD eventually, would love to hear your thoughts. I heard it is pretty comparable to the Cadenza 12.