ISN Audio EBC80


New Head-Fier
ISN EBC80 - The Masterpiece!!!
Pros: • Beautiful translucent blue shells with gorgeous faceplates.
• Solid all resin construction with venting for bass (no pressure buildup).
• Comfortable for long listening sessions.
• Terrific bass impact and extension. Subbass goes deep and rumbles.
• Smooth and extended treble response.
• Excellent mids presentation. Emotional vocals.
• Mesmerizing 3D holographic soundstage with perfect imaging.
• Excellent resolution, timbre, and cohesion. Instrument separation is noteworthy.
• Very easy to drive.
• Great implementation of BC drivers. Aids in overall frequency range improvement.
• Good quality stock cable.
• Punches way above its price point.
Cons: • Fit might be an issue for people with small ears due to shell size.


I’d like to thank AudioGeek group, Sandeep Agrawal, and Penon Audio for including me in the tour of ISN EBC80 IEM. I was given a chance to audition this IEM and provide my honest opinion about this IEM. The impressions shared in this write-up are my unbiased and honest subjective take on the EBC80 IEM.

Introduction (Design and Specs):

EBC80 shells are made with 3D printed medical grade resin, in a beautiful translucent blue color. Faceplates are seriously one of best-looking ones. The shells are a bit on the larger side however have an extremely smooth finish and rounded shape. IEMs fits perfectly in my medium sized ears. No discomfort whatsoever even after 2 to 3 hrs. of continuous use. The large sized shell may cause comfort issue for people with small ears. By using proper tips this can be mitigated to an extent.

EBC80 driver configuration:

2 Sonion Electrostatic Driver for Ultra-high frequency
1 Knowles Balanced Armature for High frequency
1 Sonion Balanced Armature for Middle frequency
2 8mm liquid silicone Dynamic Driver for Low frequency
2 Sonion Bone Conduction Driver for Full frequency

Impedance: 13 ohms
Frequency range: 5 Hz-40 kHz
Sensitivity: 106dB

Connector: 2pin 0.78mm



Cables, Tips:

I received EBC80 with ISN S2 cable. S2 is made of 2 shares 72 cores 6N+ OCC silver-plated wires, the wire core is 0.08. As per Penon site - S2 can bring the cleanest sound quality, suitable for users who pay attention to details and use warmer sound sources. I found this accurate. S2 cable indeed make the sound very clear with great technicalities. Micro details were abundant. Soundstage has that huge 3D holographic feel. Bass frequence sound perfect with great extension and slam when needed.

I tried the Dunu Hulk Pro Mini cable as well. Bass became a bit controlled in this setup. And the magical holographic stage became less evident. Hence my preference is S2 cable.

As for tips, Dunu S&S was excellent pairing with EBC80. With S&S tip I can wear EBC80 for long time without any comfort issues.

IEM setup – EBC80 + ISN S2 Cable + Dunu S&S Eartips


Sources Used:

  • Chord Hugo 2
  • Dethonray Clarinet
  • Onix Alpha
  • Test Chains:
  • Lenovo Laptop > Tidal > Hugo 2
  • Lenovo Laptop > Tidal >Optical Converter >Clarinet
  • Samsung S23 Ultra Phone > UAPP > Tidal/local Files > Onix Alpha/Clarinet
  • Samsung S23 Ultra Phone > Apple Music > Onix Alpha
ISN EBC80 is an easy to drive IEM. It sounded great with Onix Alpha dongle DAC. The bass has great impact and rumble. Technicalities were above average. Nothing to complain here.

With Hugo 2, EBC80 became sublime. Excellent details retrieval and terrific bass extension. Soundstage is huge and mesmerizing with this setup.

Dethonray clarinet (with optical input) has great synergy with EBC80. This can go neck to neck to neck with Hugo 2 chain. Better midbass impact than Hugo 2 pairing. I enjoyed Clarinet + EBC80 bit more than pairing it with Hugo 2.


Sound Analysis:

ISN EBC80 sounds like a well calibrated theatre. Feels like multi speaker surround system in your head. The EST dig out the tiniest of details, you can hear the details in vocalists’ breath, chatter in the crowd on live recordings. This IEM is so addictive. Don’t have words to describe it. So ethereal sounding. The imaging in space is just simply mind blowing at times and it is unique to IEMs that use these BC drivers.


Bass is handled by 2 x 8mm liquid silicone Dynamic Drivers. Upon first listen I was really shocked by the bass impact. It’s one of the best bass I have heard recently in an IEM. Can easily trade blows with many multi kilo buck IEMs. The bass is quite impactful and has very good definition. Speed is quite commendable as well, neither slow nor too fast. Perfect and never bleeds into mids. Both midbass and subbass have equal emphasis here. The BCD is aiding in this magical bass performance. I didn’t feel the vibrations, but it feels like there is some physicality to the bass. If you have listened to a high-end closed subwoofer, that’s how the EBC80 bass feels like. The bass contributes to the overall holographic sound of EBC80.


The mids tuning is masterful as it is not a forward or shouty type of mids. Very detailed and lovely sense of space and separation. Instrument and vocals are both given equal importance. In some songs the vocals sound so real that I felt singer is right in front of me. It's quite magical to hear your music being projected the way the EBC80 does. Its technical level is on a different level especially in the realm of sound separation and imaging due to what the BC driver is doing.

Male vocals are full bodied. Female vocals are clear and detailed.

The mids overall is excellent and ISN has done a seriously good job making it clean and well separated yet still having that lush organic tonality with 3D presence.


Treble is very refined, well extended, and very detailed but never fatiguing. Upper treble has good energy and shimmer. Cymbal crashes felt so real. EST really brings out all the minute details in treble.

Treble has excellent transient quality. The treble extension aids to the airy experience. Overall excellent treble performance.

Are you not impressed yet? Wait till you hear technical prowess of EBC80.

After hearing EBC80 technicalities, I rechecked the price of EBC80 to make sure that I am not missing a “1” in in front of the mentioned price in dollars. Seriously there is some sorcery going on inside those shells. Terrific technical performance unheard in this price range. Like an IMAX theatre for your ears, seriously. Huge 3D soundstage with well separated sound elements. Felt sound and minute details flying all around me. Not just front projection. I can hear sound from behind in some recordings. Very spooky experience. The layering of the sound is enhanced to the point where everything playing in the tracks has a plane of sound. Transients felt very natural.

The stage gets completely out of your head, a tremendous experience the detail retrieval, stereo imaging, instrument separation is utterly of another level only to be found in much more expensive sets in multi kilo-buck realm. Soundstage makes you feel like listening to an open back headphone or closed back with great soundstage.

Simply put, if you want an IEM with top tier technicalities at a surprisingly pocket friendly price, look no further.



Tried gaming with EBC80 to test its soundstage and imaging performance. Tried with my PS5 on games Fortnite Battle Royale, Doom Eternal, and God of War.

The way EBC80 presents soundstage in Fortnite is exceptional. Very vast, expansive and laser sharp imaging. I can clearly hear the players around me. EBC80 clearly shows where the players are in the map. Whether they are above, below, behind, or same level as me, EBC80 clearly images that. I can clearly hear footsteps and minute details. I can even here gunfights happening very far away and its exact direction and distance. Doom Eternal soundtracks were marvelous when played thru EBC80. God of War is one game with very open atmospheric feeling and EBC80 portrays that atmosphere perfectly. Makes you feel like you are in the game itself. EBC80 is without any doubt one of the best IEMs for gaming.


I owned/tried multiple IEMs. Brief comparisons with few of them.

ISN H60:
I demoed H60 recently. Thanks to AudioGeek community. H60 is one VFM IEM with beautiful musical tuning and technicalities. EBC80 is a supercharged H60 with improvement on every aspect. Much better bass, Spatial presentation, clarity, and resolution. One area where H60 can come close to EBC80 is in mids presentation. Vocals are great in H60 as it’s a bit forward compared to EBC80. Those who have H60 already and looking for an upgrade should try EBC80.

UM Mest Indigo:
UM Mest Indigo is a multi kilobuck IEM which I owned. It uses a bone conduction driver and a DD for bass. However, I would pick the EBC80 over indigo for bass response. Indigo is a different beast when it comes to soundstage, resolution, and imaging. EBC80 comes dangerously close to that. However, Indigo pulls ahead in micro details and resolution by a small margin. No surprise here as Indigo is a much higher priced IEM. But after having Indigo, I have no problem settling with EBC80. EBC80 is indeed a special IEM.

Penon Voltage:
I got to try Voltage. Thanks to AudioGeek. Voltage and EBC80 has almost similar bass quantity with bass switch ON in voltage. Soundstage depth and width is better in EBC80 thanks to BC drivers. Imaging is on par. EBC80 have an upper hand on 3D holographic stage aided by BC drivers. Apart from that both EBC80 and Voltage are quite enjoyable IEMs. Voltage is like a high-end two channel stereo speaker system and EBC80 like a high-end well calibrated theatre system. Pick one depends on the sound type you prefer.

64 Audio U12T:
64 Audio U12T is another IEM which I owned. For bass, no contest EBC80 is miles ahead. Even though U12T has one of the best BA bass, it’s no match for 2 DD bass of EBC80. U12T has a bit better resolution and micro detailing compared to EBC80. The problem with U12T is it’s a bit boring, not much fun factor. EBC80 has better engagement factor, and I would pick EBC80 over U12T any day.


EBC80 is one insane value for money IEM. Hats off to ISN for creating such a masterpiece. If you are looking for an IEM with jaw dropping technicalities, look no further. EBC80 with its stellar performance and pocked friendly price will put many top tier IEMs to shame. EBC80 could be the end game for many including myself. I whole heartedly recommend EBC80.

Can you say more about soundstage and depth of it using Clarinet, is it plenty? With ibasso DX260 I find I am craving a bit more of soundstage depth where on my Topping DX5 desktop DAC/ AMP I tend to get spherical soundstage, details pop up in the back and in the front of me, making me feel that I am in the center of the action. Guess I must admit that portable gear has its limitations because of its size, sure stuff like DX340 could blow me away but it is not as compact and not as portable.
@FalseProphet Depth is quite decent I would say when using coax/optical input. Nothing extraordinary. I haven't tried DX260, hence I don't have a comparison. Its much better compared to most dongle dacs though.
I am looking for a comparison between penon 10th anniversary and ebc80, looks like ebc is a step up


500+ Head-Fier
Chapter for the one that does so much right
Pros: Very good build quality
Wide soundstage
Balanced sound
Modular cable in matching color
Cons: Not much at this price
Shells a bit on the large side
Could use a touch more presence
This is not meant to be a full review, just my layman opinion on this set that I bought and I like.
The ISN BCD80 is a 2 Electrostatic Driver+ 2 Balanced Armature + 2 Dynamic Driver + 2 Bone Conduction Driver hybrid, priced at around 700 USD.
The packaging is simple and correct, nothing particular here.

The resin shells are of good quality, aesthetically pleasing with a touch of transparency that lets you peek inside. They are on the big size, but comfort is not really an issue for me. A deep insertion is needed, if you want to take full advantage of the BCD drivers. They do look much better in real life than in the official photos.

The supplied cable looks nice and it matches the color of the shells, It is thin, supple and did not strike me as microphonic. The sound is perfectly fine, I can’t say I have obtained much better results with other cables. In terms of physicalities, for this price, I’d have expected something more qualitative. I have some Penon cables that were reasonably priced and still feel nicer than the one of EBC80. But, on the positive side, the cable is modular. There is a small issue with the 4,4mm plug being a bit bent. Penon said they’re all the same, and I can live with it. It is still usable, only mildly strange looking.



You’ve heard this before, they need a long burn in to reach their potential. Once settled, they deliver good quality sound with a large soundstage, courtesy of the BCD, while not giving any of the distracting ringing people have come to associate with BCD.

Bass is perfect for me, with a relative flat response for the sub-bass, the rumble being very well controlled, if subdued for some. For me, it is just enough, as the part I’m more interested in is in the mid-bass, which Is one of its strengths. It is articulated, without being intrusive with maybe a tiny less texture than I would like, but nothing to scoff at, really. Here I have to mention that bass is heavily dependent on the choice of tips. Eletech Baroque emphasises the bass quite a bit, Spinfit CP145 renders it more lean. It’s like having switches.

Mids - Ever so slightly depressed compared to the bass, I guess it is a mild U shape?! I will let the FR experts judge…For me the mids are the exact level that I like. I can detect fine nuances in the vocals, and the instruments sound natural enough. Here is where I have some doubts tough, male voices, female voices, everything is rendered beautifully, everything is as it should, but I feel I cannot connect with this set like I do with others, like Maven 2 or Mest 3. Maybe the timbre feels a bit cold, maybe I am simply spoiled by my other sets. Maybe it's simply the fact that the voices are pushed a bit back into the mix, I can’t really put my finger on it, but there is something preventing me from achieving that 100% immersion in music.

Highs - the second highlight for me. There is enough airiness, good energy, and the slight metallic timbre is perfect here. A bit more sparkle would have helped, as I am basically a treble head. But as they are, you can crank up the volume and still listen comfortably, which is a fair trade off.


I prefer to pair them with warmer sources, DX170, Cayin RU7, N3Ultra, SP3000T in tube mode. It is isn't particularly hungry, which is nice. It does scale nicely with more power, though. I also pair them mostly with copper cables.

I don’t have anything in this price range to compare it with, my closest is probably Mest 3. It is also a BCD, but with heavier bass, very nicely textured mid-bass, wonderful mids and a treble that is bothersome to some, but not me. I find it perfect. It’s got better clarity and musicality. It also feels the stage bit better, by comparison EBC80 is lacking a bit of meat on the bones, the stage sounds a bit hollow.

I am still determined to get the best out of it and bring it to 5 stars, so I will keep trying to find a cable that brings voices closer in the mix, tips and maybe some eq.


Conclusion: This is a very good set that nails a lot of things. It fits my preferred musical genre, metal, perfectly. Some minor refinements would make it a 5 stars for me, but until then, a big well done to Penon!


Pros: Natural and cohesive sound and tonality
Lovely stage (deep and wide)
Ethereal mids that had the male and female vocals floating slightly above the other sounds in the mix
Excellent BCD driver implementation
Cons: None!
ISN EBC80 IEM – brief sound impressions, by Sameer Tangri


Introduction: I received the ISN EBC80 ( as a part of its India tour conducted by Audio Geeks and Sandeep Agrawal. From Penon’s website- the EBC80 comes with 2 Electrostatic Drivers for ultra-high frequencies, 2 Balanced Armatures (1 Knowles Balanced Armature for high frequencies and 1 Sonion Balanced Armature for middle frequencies), 2 Dynamic Drivers (8mm liquid silicone Dynamic Drivers for low frequencies), and 2 Bone Conduction Drivers (Sonion BCDs for full frequencies).

The EBC80 has three cable options – C2, H2, and S2. I received the S2 cable. The cable also featured a 3-in-1 detachable gold-plated plug (3.5mm audio,2.5mm balanced ,4.4mm balanced). The detachable plug is a nice little touch that enhances the ownership experience.

  • ISN C2 cable: C2 is made of 2 shares 72 cores 6N+ OCC wires, the wire core is 0.08. It focuses on excellent bass, warm details and natural and full mid-range, suitable for users whose main sound source is neutral and bright.
  • ISN H2 cable: H2 is made of 2 shares 72 cores 6N+ OCC & silver-plated OCC hybrid wires, the wire core is 0.08. It is a middle choice between C2 and S2, combining half of the characteristics of both.
  • ISN S2 cable: S2 is made of 2 shares 72 cores 6N+ OCC silver-plated wires, the wire core is 0.08. It brings the cleanest sound quality, suitable for users who pay attention to details and use warmer sound sources.
The product link is also given above for more details.




A little about me
: I prefer a balanced to warm sound for enjoying my music. I own sets like the 64 Audio Trio, Final A8000, and Thieaudio Monarch MKII. I dislike any one frequency overpowering or dominating all others, be it bass, mids, or the treble. Occasionally, I do also listen to reference/analytical sets with a flat sound signature. I very rarely prefer all-BA setups, no matter how high-end they are. Technicalities and capabilities aside, I always look for an IEM/HP that grabs my attention the moment it starts playing (trust me, IEMs/HPs that really connect with me always make me listen the moment they start playing). An IEM/HP should sound clear, fun, musical, melodious, draw me into the song, and most importantly make me feel the emotions! If a Rs. 1,500/- (USD 18) IEM does this, I buy it too (e.g., the 7HZ Salnotes Zero v1).

Design, build quality, fit, and comfort: The EBC80’s in-ear fit is extremely comfortable for me, thanks to its light weight and medium size profile. The nozzle is medium thickness and so is its in-ear depth. I used it with the Divinus Velvet (regular bore) ear tips and the EBS80 was lost in my ears even during extended periods of listening (>2 hours). I did not have to adjust it also while listening. Once it was in my ears, it just stayed there without making its presence felt.

The S2 cable has a beautiful blue color. It is a good-quality cable. Its Y-splitter has an ISN logo and “S2” printed on it. This cable is on the stiffer side and hence before using it, I had to keep turning it around until it rested straight. When I didn’t do this (turning it around), the cable stood up and came out from behind my ears. Not a deal breaker, just one of the quirks.



HiBy R8 --> ISN S2 cable (4.4 mm) --> ISN EBC80 --> Divinus Velvet (regular bore) ear tips (M size).

Chain-2: HiBy R8 (4.4 mm line out) --> Ear Audio 4.4 mm to 4.4 mm Ultra-premium dongle --> Kaei Tap-1 Tube Amp (with power supply unit connected, i.e., not running on battery) --> ISN S2 cable (4.4 mm) --> ISN EBC80 --> Divinus Velvet (regular bore) ear tips (M size).

Chain-3: Sony WM1AM2 DAP --> ISN S2 cable (4.4 mm) --> ISN EBC80 --> Divinus Velvet (regular bore) ear tips (M size).

Test Playlist: and many other songs I listen to in the daily routine.

Brief impressions on the sound quality:

The prime aspects that I immediately noticed when I first heard the EBC80 were – natural and cohesive sound and tonality, lovely stage (deep and wide), and ethereal mids that had the male and female vocals floating slightly above the other sounds in the mix. The more I listened to the EBC80, the more I started loving it. To break things up-

  • Bass: I am not sure what’s going on, but this is amongst the best bass I have experienced. It is fast when needed, rumbly when needed, and never bleeds into the mids. In ‘Fire Away’ from Chris Stapleton, a song I’ve heard countless times, I could easily distinguish between all the various types of drum-beats that were playing as well as where they were playing. I wasn’t even doing focused listening. I just could hear it all! This is the first time I’ve heard this song sound like this. The theme continued in other songs like ‘Tennessee Whiskey’ and ‘Higher’. The BCD was making its presence felt in a lovely way and I never once felt uncomfortable with the rumbles. In ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’, the drumbeats sounded so natural and good that I enjoyed this timeless song in a new way altogether! It was as if I was standing in the studio and listening to the drum beats live. That’s how natural the sound was, and it was an excellent experience. Even in the busier passages towards the end, the drums maintained their position and presence amply and beautifully. ‘All Black’ by Taz Conley the drumbeats were heavy and thumpy with a slight rumble and vibration as they decayed. Almost every time when multiple types of drums or tablas were hit/played, I could hear the bass sounds actually sound a lot different from each other. Boy oh boy, this bass sure is something else!
  • Mids: Chris Stapleton is my artist for 2024 and I think he’s going to make it to my timeless list. The EBC80 presented his voice in such a detailed manner that even the minor undulations were heard clearly. I could hear the words clearly and to literally their last sound when they were stretched in the songs. When ‘You should probably leave’ came on, I just wanted to get up and groove. Fortunately, better sense prevailed and people around me were spared the misery. ‘Higher’ and ‘Fire Away’ sounded otherworldly. ‘Fire Away’ especially, literally gave me goosebumps. In some songs like ‘Tu Jaane Na (Unplugged Version)’ there were times when I even felt as if the singer was turning his mouth a little away from the mic. when his voice was reaching a higher pitch. In ‘Luka Chuppi’ the male and female vocals were presented in absolute harmony with each other. I could even make out the minor hums and extensions in the vocals. Again, I heard this song in a new light. It’s like every little nuance is presented in a way that it is heard clearly and yet it maintains its position and doesn’t step on any other frequency’s toes. As the singers sang, the guitar played beautifully in the background as did the tabla and trumpets. Every sound was presented in complete and absolute 100% harmony and cohesion, with no crowding, bleeding, or overstepping.
  • Treble: I’ll start by saying it’s very much present and in a musical way. It’s amongst the most musical and enjoyable treble I’ve heard. It is never ever offensive, shrill, or anything of the kind. All the details are there, believe me, ALL OF THEM. And here too they have their own space in which they play beautifully. Again, there’s no bleeding, crowding, overpowering, etc. It’s complete cohesion and harmony. In short, it’s brilliant.
  • Soundstage, layering, and imaging: The EBC80 has somehow worked absolute magic into all these aspects. It’s as if every sound has its own clear and sufficient space, is placed correctly in the mix, is forward when necessary, and also fades when needed giving the vocals or another instrument the focus and limelight. As I said earlier, there’s no bleeding, crowding, overstepping, etc. It’s complete harmony, cohesion, and a purely musical sound that’s heard. One of the songs I’ve been listening to for a while now (I forget which one it was), hearing it on the EBC80 made me realize that there were two separate guitars playing, one each on left and right and while they mostly strummed the same chords together, with the EBC80 I could also hear exactly when they played different notes towards the end of the passage. It was simply magical.
  • Additional observations: I found that the EBC80 has paired exceptionally well with my Kaei Tap-1 (chain-2) and Sony WM1AM2 (chain-3). Both these devices are already very good, and I couldn’t help but think that many of the sound aspects I have mentioned above will hold true while using any IEM with these two devices. However, when I used other IEMs like the Tangzu Heydey, IE300, IE600, Thieaudio Monarch MKII, etc. with the Tap-1 and WM1AM2, I still think the EBC80 out-performed all of them, and sometimes so by a huge margin. This leads me to believe that the EBC80 is fundamentally capable and an excellent-tuned IEM. When paired with the right gear, it just shines that much more. It’s like feeding a great athlete with nutritious meals. Once he has that, he performs even better and becomes exceptional. So, to summarize this I’d say that the Tap-1 and WM1AM2 are definitely superb devices and their excellent synergy with the ISN EBC80 contributed to taking the auditory sorcery to insane levels. However, the EBC80 is still fundamentally an extremely capable and superbly tuned IEM. With the R8 (chain-1), its sound is still magical. While it may not be at the TAP-1/ WM1AM2’s levels, it’s still magical and there’s no denying that.

Concluding thoughts: I am not sure if my vocabulary is good enough to describe how good the ISN EBC80 sounds. It has hit my preferences 1,000% and then some more. There were times when listening to the EBC80 and Sony WM1AM2 with my eyes closed, a couple of tears escaped my eye. It has brought its own refreshing approach to sound delivery and has absolutely hit the ball out of the park, perhaps too far into the sky. This for me is an IEM that has infused new life into my listening. It is an IEM that makes me want to listen to my entire library once again just to hear the magic.

I’m in this hobby since 2018 and am fortunate enough to have tried out sets like the Canpur CP622B and Rhapsodio Supreme V3. And with that said, I am puzzled and flabbergasted at how exceptionally well the ISN EBC80 performs. At its $699 price, this is one set I am surely going to add into my collection. It’s just a question of when my finances allow it.
At 50 hours burn-in: 1AM2 ~ Tidal streaming ~ EBC80 w/S2 cable, I agree .Thank you for writing what I am thinking and feeling!
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Reactions: SamTan
About a month ago, I bought TRUTHEAR zero Red out of curiosity. I have never tried inear until now. It is much more comfortable and practical than over-ear headphones. (I have a Kennerton Gjallarhorn GH50 Jm. They are closed and sound fantastic.) I was so impressed with the Inear that I decided to buy something of quality. I will probably order the ECB 80. I have a Sony WM1Z. I modified it myself according to Nayparm. I hope there will be a synergy. Can you measure the nozzle diameter for me? I guess I have a smaller ear canal. I hope they won't be uncomfortable for my ears. And thank you for the review.
Last edited:


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: The best sounding ISN IEM to date
Sonion EST details aplenty and a tune that showcases them!
Ultra-treble not an afterthought or blocked
8 drivers inside a medium shell at 6 grams a piece
This is one IEM where fitment is a breeze
2 Sonion Bone Conduction Drivers
2 Liquid Silicone 8mm bass kickers
1 Sonion BA midrange provider
1 Knowles BA treble provider
2 Sonion EST ultra trebles
2 Small (super small vents) adding to noise occlusion
Universal custom form factor gaining perfect fitment
9 pairs of expected flagship ear-tips
Add $100.00 for CIEM option if you want
Your choice of three modular cables with all aluminum hardware
Included cable has zero microphonics
Fast, complete and balanced Penon sound with extra focus on a 3D smörgåsbord of midrange imaging
Wonderful ISN bass despite of how illustrious the midrange is
Extra big stage with free flowing imaging and action
Critical correct timbre adding realism to any genre
Goes with any style of music, any source and any cable, oh…….and any ear-tip
Best value in the entire Penon/ISN history, from the products I have heard
Walks that fine line between detail and musicality
Offers a clean brisk pace that would put most ideas of IEM tempo to shame, regardless of price
A easy to love tune, finding a home in most peoples ears
As found, broadly accessible (and liked) as any IEM in the the IEM industry
Big, robust and vivid imaging defending the size scale regardless of price
Like a wake-up call to every other manufacture of IEMs in the industry :)
Cons: None, zero



The final review for Redcarmoose Labs:
January 2nd, 2025

I feel like this should be my final review as I have reached the end of the road with this IEM. But know I will write more reviews, only they may be a little less epic!

So as far as progress goes, there are always changes, developments and expressions of creation. ISN Audio is a subdivision of Penon Audio, Penon which have been making and retailing audio products since 2013 found the ISN name to represent a substantial shift in their tuning style. Their first IEM was the famous H40, a unique and different IEM than ever to grace the audiophile community. Arriving in 2019 the H40 showcased Penon/ISN’s ability to offer a Hybrid of a 9.2mm driver combined with 3BAs. Next came the Flagship EST50, a more refined version of the H40. The ISN H40 has a forward placement of sound being big and authoritative. The EST50 takes that forwardness of the H40 and positions it way back, to make room for the texture and imaging elements to come forward. History states both the H40 and EST50 have been landmark releases and continue to inspire listeners up to this day!

The EST50 is ISN introducing EST ultra treble producers, along with a Knowles BA for treble and a Sonion BA for midrange. To top all this is the EST50’s giant sounding 10mm bass DD. This epic 10mm not only added exquisite sub-bass but plenty of mid-bass too. People are still waiting for the EST50 successor to arrive!……………..and that my friends is the focus of this very review. The fact that Penon/ISN has taken this opportunity of the ISN EBC80 to introduce a wild and refreshing new sound.

With what started as this last year's H60, ISN started to emulate their parent company house sound a little, actually a lot!

The ISN H60 set records in sales and was the introduction of the new tuning ideas that would take the present day audiophile community by storm. So it was only common sense that ISN would continue down this path, introducing this EBC80 as a more refined and mature sound. Now the crazy part is I see it just like the H40 and EST50 twins in introduction.

Yep the EBC80 takes that sound of the H60 and positions it way back, to make room for the texture and imaging elements to come forward. Only the midrange in the EBC80 stepped even more forward to gift us a satisfying and involving musical experience!

Model: EBC80
Driver: 2EST + 2BA + 2DD + 2BCD
2 Sonion Electrostatic Driver for Ultra-high frequency
1 Knowles Balanced Armature for High frequency
1 Sonion Balanced Armature for Middle frequency
2 8mm liquid silicone Dynamic Driver for Low frequency
2 Sonion Bone Conduction Driver for Full frequency
Impedance: 13 ohm
Frequency range: 5 Hz-40 kHz
Sensitivity: 106dB

So what ISN is doing is adding 2 Sonion Bone Conduction drivers per IEM, then adding 2 8mm woofers instead of a single 10mm driver like the EST50. And of course adding in the team of Sonion and Knowles BAs, and the two Sonion EST ultra-treble providers.

So let’s gossip for a moment, OK?
The EST50 was the very first Penon/ISN review I ever did, though being a little late to the party………..writing the review in June of 2022. In the time since the EST50 review I have learned plenty. You see if you look over the usage scenarios for the EST50 owner group you will find two styles of listeners.

Yep, one style that adores the bass levels and balance at hand……just the way the EST50 is day in and day out. Then you have the modifiers, people like myself who have learned to use cables and ear-tips to bring about a more forward midrange……….and afterwards we talk about the success we had. In my early days I had very few cables to add brightness to the EST50……..and the rest is history now. Except I’m one of the listeners who adores the EST50, especially with a Penon cable like the Penon Vocal cable…..or even the $149.00 Silver/copper Penon Mix. You see what audiophiles like myself are doing is milking the detail out, adding contrasts and tightening up the bass.

New direction:
So you can only imagine my happiness to learn the direction ISN was going with this new EBC80. And (lol) ISN didn’t just push the midrange forward, no they launched it into the sonic stratosphere. While adding a more sophisticated bass, tighter……faster and more nimble bass textures. Still using the EST ultra treble to showcase the ultra-highs………but then added the realism and authority of Bone Conduction to bring this whole shebang home! Those Sonion midrange BAs, and Knowles treble BAs, how could ISN ever part ways with that combo? Well what happens when you shift tonal focus away from the bass balance, is those additives walk, they slowly and carefully walk forward into the mix……..and that is exactly what we have! A new and vibrant focus!


Here is the deal. The choice of included cables are nice as you have 3 sonic choices to choose from. Yet any one of the three cables will get you in the door of what the ISN EBC80 is about. It is just if you are wondering if there are new upscale locations to take the EBC80 into, like dining at a fine restaurant atop a skyscraper, yes with an aftermarket cable you can truly exit your average cable tone, and take to the views and lights of the city! Remember the EBC80 has no switches or knobs, that the only main ways to alter its personality are with a different source, new ear-tips or of course a new and different cable. Later in this review I will go over upgrade cable choices.

C2 means Copper Cable
H2 means Hybrid Silver/Copper Cable
S2 means Silver-plated Cable

Probably if you are not sure just go with the middle as the H2 has a combination of both silver and copper personality. My EBC80 has had a full 5 days of burn-in and I have arraigned a ASOS+ cable to use as kind a the base line as to which to compare into a new of reality what these included cables could be worth? I’m using the WM1A with MrWalkman’s firmware and the PAC LStips.


The test base line:
Model: ASOS+
Materials: 8 strands, 25 cores alloy copper silver-plated + 99 cores single crystal copper silver-plated wire mixed.
Price $215.00

So this goes to show how while these included cables totally work and are better than most companies included cables, there is a simple ASOS+ way to add textures and details. I mean this is not a necessity adding a $215.00 aftermarket cable, yet as you have already spent $699.00 for the EBC80, may as well find a nice home for it to live?

From Penon:
C2 is made of 2 shares 72 cores 6N+ OCC wires , the wire core is 0.08.
C2 focuses on excellent bass, warm details and natural and full mid-range, suitable for users whose main sound source is neutral and bright.

H2 is made of 2 shares 72 cores 6N+ OCC & silver-plated OCC hybrid wires, the wire core is 0.08.
H2 is a middle choice between C2 and S2, combining half of the characteristics of both.

S2 is made of 2 shares 72 cores 6N+ OCC silver-plated wires , the wire core is 0.08.
S2 can bring the cleanest sound quality, suitable for users who pay attention to details and use warmer sound sources.

Later in this review I will go into the ASOS+ cable and try and really get you the low-down on what it provides in addition to the included cables. Though I have to say, prior to burn-in the ASOS+ was slightly bright and I wasn’t so sure I would be finding this exact recommendation as an aftermarket cable. But post burn-in, the EBC80 bass has gone hog wild, adding that juice that reminds you that we still have an ISN IEM in our hands. What this does is add heft to what the ASOS+ is about and new added contrast…….more to follow in the cable roll section!

While as you know there are finicky eaters, those who review IEMs and find fault with 50% of all IEMs out there. My story with the ASOS+ cable and EBC80 Universal IEM concerns a special style of balance and fluidness, one that put me into tears on this very first day of serious IEM study. I mean how do I even do an objective review here, when even my starter set-up has me blown away. LOL…..I will try and get through this? Yep, that is how good the ECB80 is, in fact if you have read the upper paragraphs/past history in this review, you can only imagine where we are at tonally. That and this crazy egotistical emotion that the EBC80 was made especially for Redcarmoose Labs. Yep, this is my exact sound signature and I’m 5 feet off the ground. That the ASOS+ has the addition of a Palladium Purple Plug and Palladium 2Pins which have upgraded the original ASOS sound into heavier note-weight and superior imaging due to this added note-weight.


After all the cable listening preliminaries, to actually get a grip into how the C2 performs in relation to an upgrade, I can see clearly where this review is going. And as a matter of fact, all is relative, meaning it doesn’t matter how good the IEM is, an addition of an aftermarket cable can at times bring it to a new level. But, wait……..If you didn’t know any better, if all you had been eating is your Mom’s spaghetti for your entire life, it would be special. And that is what we have, an IEM which is 90% there. Meaning the basic ingredients have taken the sound event profile to a grand place. Such a place we would be happy to live in, and could even wait 6 months to upgrade the cable. Just remember that new spaghetti that your Wife makes has olives and a dose of Parmesan cheese to boot! Yep, at times it is the journey not the destination.

So what is the ISN C2:
Thick beefy lows, while not overly low, and while staged well, still…….still we don’t have the operations of the ASOS+, both in clarity of stage and copper deepness of…………….well deepness. LOL I could go on but you get the message, this C2 is more than a starter cable as it is modular and has 2.5mm balanced, 3.5mm single ended and 4.4mm balanced. I’m using the 4.4mm balanced plug to make my morning. Sure 90% of this enjoyment is the EBC80, you can’t friggin stop it, no stopping it! ❤️

Using the H2 reminded me that these included groups of cables offer truly great quiet ergonomics. As cables continue to be introduced to the market, some older cables can be slightly laughed at and disrespected, due to looks or something. I can tell you right now that when you get either the C2, H2 or S2, take a moment and put it on the EBC80 and listen for cable noise………………yep that’s right, there is none. Actually anyone of the three on offer here, may be the very best at reducing cable noise out of anything in today's testing cable side-by-sides. So don’t make fun of the C2, H2 or S2 color or looks as there is a real reason these cables have been designed the way they have. Here besides that, the H2 is showcasing a broader stage girth, gone is slightly a little of that lower midrange heft, replaced by harmonics, and size. Again, this is really the middle of the road as far as cable sonics, brightness and darkness. All the bass is still almost offered by the EBC80, as how can you stop those 2 8mm bass drivers? It is just a small amount of extra detail has been added to the party here. That detail comes with added midrange luster and size, a small extra shimmer of glamor added to the mids, while sure maybe the treble got an upgrade too, but it is less noticeable, and sure it is there………..only the treble is waiting, patiently waiting for the S2 to arrive.

The ISN S2:
I also want to point out that this series of cables comes with full aluminum hardware, yep…….the plugs all three, the 2Pin barrels, the chin-cinch and the splitter have all been manufactured from aluminum, and have an added layer of carbon fiber to access the better feel in use. At times, we view this carbon fiber look and think that since it is all black, that somehow plastic was used, but no…..not on those components. The S2, slightly even bigger staged than the H2, I mean all these materials do change the sound, and while they add a silver energy to the output signal, probably much of your success could be found with what source you combine this with. That or what sound profile you intrinsically are attracted to. Why, well here there really is slightly less bass and there is a bigger yet ever so slightly thinner stage. But, that stage is offering faster and more nimble additives of tone. I could go on, but this is supposed to be an IEM review. Lol

Cable rolls:
Wait, this is supposed to be an IEM review? Truth to be told, cable rolls help me discover the character of an IEM. If an IEM has a clunky bass, or piercing treble, often a wide range of cable tests will bring those character ideas to light. Actually really this word often does not apply, the cable rolls depending on build will pretty much always disclose the IEMs hidden reality. Within these ideas, at times there are fires to extinguish, or characters to enhance. And some IEMs are more well rounded than others.


Top down:
Penon GD849
Penon ASOS+X
Penon ASOS+
Penon Pyramid VIII

The GD849 is the odd man out of the whole 849 line. Why? Well 18K gold for one. Yep we are adding gold plating on-top of the OCC.

Yep……..8 shares, single share contains 49 cores, a total of 8 × 49. So to try and describe this 18K gold addition, the whole 849 line has a big sound, yet there is a GS849, an OS (which was the first made) and more recently (the last made) the OCC849. $99.90 $99.90 $99.90 $99.90

So in a way it is like the GS849, only we have gone all out to make a freak of a cable. And the thing is at times this gold plating will result is a slightly lesser stage, than even the GS849.

Only here today we are basking in the wildness and strangeness of just how much leeway we have to cause trouble with the EBC80!


Part of the reason these reviews take so long is you need to do at least 5 days of burn-in to realize the IEMs full character, also there are actually whole days I keep my ears on rest to then move forward to do an IEM review. There is nothing better to take in an IEMs personality than to give your ears a reset. Now that I have heard all three C2, H2 and S2 cables as well as the ASOS+…..I have a pretty good baseline to hear the GD849. Now the only reason I’m including it here was early on in this review the GD849 added a cool feature of smooth yet large midrange additives, and instrument and vocal weight!

The Penon GD849:

What, big, super big and dense. Doing an ability that was never dreamed of with the ASOS+. This collection of extra items is like looking into your car garage and seeing all the stuff on the shelves very clearly. You have a midrange which has been (more) boosted forward (now) and up-front taking vocals along for the ride, bringing you front and center with the experience. To where here there is a midrange anyway, now we are adding a reality to the density and a touchable feeling that everything is just one more step real……..real life! While sure over silver additives the stage is ever so slightly toned down, but not really. LOL

Meaning everything is still very large and in-change here. Each midrange example has more density which carries over to more contrasts and physicality. I could go on, but you get the I recommend this cable………you bet your sweet behind I do. Could it be your only cable, absolutely it could be your only cable for the EBC80 IEM.


The Penon ASOS+X:
12 shares of 25 cores copper silver-plated + 99 cores single crystal copper copper mixed (Litz & SPC) with Purple 2Pins and plugs. This was the perfect cable to follow the GD849. Why? Well we are now entering a smoother neighborhood. That while still having forward mids, those mids are now spread out like a giant wash of soap suds. Yep the Washer and Dryer (over-flowed) in our fantasy garage here are now covered with white foam. That foam is both not as dense as the GD849, but having the additive of silver alloy is brought into finer focus, showing the GD849 to be a little of a brute, which it is. Because now we have entered the (in-a-way) perfect idea of more illustrious size and openness. The images of wide, tall and thick have now taken over the party, allowing for the sheer size of it all to be very apparent.

Ok, let me get down to business with the ASOS+X:
While sure it is slightly less dense than the GD849 this is really my preferred way to go. At $319.00 the ASOS+X is a grand departure from even the ASOS+. The reason I have already disclosed………again, stage size. But more than that, adding those 4 more shares or wire over the ASOS+ went and also added density. More density of images, and more open, finding stuff like vocals holding a wider, thicker and more front to back statement into being. This stage is also holding added 3D images of instrument textures that could in many ways be thought of as perfect. Deeper bass, faster transients than the GD849 ever dreamed of, and silly me…… be sidetracked by the GD849. Only yes, it is something special and a full-on improvement change as the progression of cable rolls takes place! Only now we are slowly getting bigger stage size and even more details which can be noted. OK, let me put it this way, when the ECB80 was out of the box, this playback was on the thinner side, yet now after burn-in, I can groove with this full-on idea of paradise, and I want to stay here………..forever!

The Penon ASOS+:
8 shares of 25 cores copper silver-plated + 99 cores single crystal copper copper mixed (Litz & SPC) with Purple 2Pins and plugs. A little bit of a come-down…..but as noted at the start, a great place to live no matter what! Here we have to remember the size difference of the over-the-top ASOS+X, that it is not for everyone. To where a more reasonable way to become a practical listener of the EBC80. Yep, holding all those traits that the ASOS+X had, only a slight bit closer to home. Remember the EBC80 has such a big stage (anyway) that we can relish it still and bask in this wideness! Where the EBC80 just naturally makes life a spacious house to live in, and I will guarantee if you go and purchase the ASOS+ that the stage size will be nothing short of a miracle. At the price of $169.90 the ASOS+ has a fixation on greatness. While sure nothing exactly beats the ASOS+X, only the physical size difference makes the ASOS+ something I would go outside with, where I would never leave the house with the ASOS+X around my neck!

DSC_0338.jpegs 2e.jpegx1wc.jpeg

The Penon Pyramid VIII:
8 shares Litz Type 9 Copper-gold alloy and pure silver, copper-silver alloy silver-plated, single crystal copper silver-plated Furukawa high-purity copper winding. OK, this is the heavyweight. At 86 grams there is ample amounts of gold alloy, silver alloy copper and magic in how this was put together for your listening environment. A slight add of reality here, that is how I best describe it. To where the ASOS line was just a smidge floaty, but only slight, now Penon have gone and included the full big breakfast here. Deeper bass, a more clear low-end basement, a more natural midrange, except not quite holding the spread-out way out west and north and south and east of the ASOS+X………..I mean nothing does that, OK?

But what is traded in is a realism and tonal correctness that makes the VIII one of the greatest cables in my life! There is an extra weight that grounds the EBC80, and makes it simply the most real today. And this is not only with the EBC80 IEM, it does this across the board to anything you use it with. Look, I have a lot of ground to cover today, so let’s move on, only I don’t want to, just try to take this audio pacifier out of this baby's ears, just try! End game, end game you ask? Hmmmm I think so!

We already talked about what is inside. And I tried my best to show you in the pictures, only there are a few ideas the pictures do not relay. One is that the EBC80 is actually an economy of scale here. Meaning the EBC80 has more parts than the H60. The $349.00 H60 has 2 Knowles BAs for highs, 2 Sonion BAs for mids and 2 8mm liquid silicone gels for bass. So 6 drivers, where the EBC80 has 2 ESTs by Sonion, 1 Knowles BA for highs, 1 Sonion BA for mids, 2 8mm liquid DDs for bass, then 2 Sonon BCs. To make 8! Yet it is slightly better fitting than the H60 for me personally. The gold trim around the IEM parameter is not offered for the CIEM version. This frame in gold I didn’t think I would like, yet in real life it didn’t look too gaudy. Weighing in at just 6 grams a piece, the EBC80 is the perfect weight and the perfect size. 2Pins mounted flush make cable rolls breeze, plus this is for me the perfect nozzle length. And the whole thing is literally everything about the build is pretty much perfect, the size, the weight the overall feel, even the nozzle lips that seem to hold the ear-tips on. The angle of the nozzles........everything, plus the fit and finish of the IEM themselves, feel well made and sturdy. Probably one of my favorite things was just how easy it was to change cables, and I have a lot of experience with IEMs where cable changes are not so simple and straightforward.

Another feature comes with this new style of vents. Yep, somehow we are witnessing two new vent designs, offering new very small openings. One off the nozzle and one on the side near the faceplate. I can’t help but imagine these vents helping to final focus our perfect pace and IEM tempo ability. Because it is the pace and clean brisk ability that takes the cake!





Left to Right:
TSMR SHOCK, Sound Rhyme SR9, ISN ECB80 and ISN H60

This beast is first as there seems to have been a ton of curiosity surrounding its life-form in relation to the EBC80. Both came out right at the end of 2024, and both have the exact model of Bone Conduction System in place. Using the VIII with PAC LStips and Sony WM1A DAP. To where I want to disregard all past side-by-sides with the EBC80 and SHOCK which I have posted in the forums. Why? Well this is the review kids, and now the EBC80 has a full dose of burn-in. Plus I feel over the past week I have now a better and simpler idea as what we have between the two.

TSMR SHOCK dials set to stock:

Maybe a little more BC thrusted, and only because we don’t have the brightness of the midrange and the actual 3Dness of image creation of the EBC80 mids. Yep, a slightly toned down affair but darn that slight tone down seems to add a dose of physicality and hardness. Yep, you read that right, ever so slight added density to the TSMR SHOCK. Even the treble and midrange hold this ounce of extra weight. But the elephant in the room is the lower midrange, that the SHOCK makes the music deeper and dense, a more compact idea of imaging for a more almost analog formation of imaging to emerge. Yes, deeper, more held down by their very own weight to not hold the midrange vividness and speed the EBC80 does 24/7. The two would actually be complementary to have, where one at the beginning of the night when you ask for a more complete and critical imaging of the EBC50 landscape, then the SHOCK when it is after 10PM and you want to get lost in the deeper and more smooth ideas of playback.


Sound Rhyme SR9:
At $299.00 you could question how and why this is even included. Truth of the matter is performance here. To be honest the SR9 way outdoes its humble price bracket. That the SR9 does this way focused deep bass, that even without BC is dramatic and special. Really in so many ways the perfect IEM to follow the SHOCK in today's tests. Here though the fly in the ointment is that this BA character is great......................though also of full-on BA character notability. Meaning it is this standard tone the BAs hold that broadcasts the overall tone to while fully bass emphasized to a grand local, it is the slight steeliness that the SHOCK and for that matter the EBC80 has somehow overcome. :)

I mean 8 SR9 BAs and 1 8mm DD. And I don’t know exactly how to word this, except the Bone Conduction adds a realism I think I’m hearing in both the SHOCK and ECB80, that simply is the full-range additive that takes the over all SHOCK sound and ECB80 sound and brings it into thicker closer “realistic” replay. To where if you only had heard the SR9 that curtain may have never been opened, and the extra bass the SR9 is doing can be wonderfully distracting from this timbre tone, as it is not thinness, but a lack of completeness. This is a small issue and for the money spent on what the SR9 does, with this directness of Hybrid magic, there is few and far things to even take issue with, but this is a review in the end, so it is my job to try and be objective. I don’t really have any better word than to call the 8 BAs thin. And I know that maybe makes no sense to most of you readers out there, only once you hear Bone Conduction, and better yet Sonion Bone Conduction, then some of this will start to make more sense. Maybe this paperwork will shed light?




The H60 made by ISN:
HA, this is the highlight of the review, for me anyway. And in a way those extra H60 2 BAs are there, at least I think I can hear the harmonic complexity brought forth by them. Only here, is the deal, and here is why we are all seated in the church of Penon/ISN. This is the magic that is reported on to do with the H60 and the EBC80. And I hate to pick on the SR9, except the SR9 basically represents much of what is out there for sale right now. That companies are simply putting in BAs and tuning them the very best they know how. And even with all the marketing and beautiful shells, and the packaging those other companies seem to provide, they simply don’t, or are not able to provide Penon mids.

HA, I say Penon midrange because that is the main thing of value obtained if you purchase the H60 or EBC80……….your getting Penon mids, and not a little of it, but all the company can seem to muster up. ALL OF THE MIDRANGE!

See when I started to review IEMs every once in a while a set of midrange capability would surface, or not surface. This ability is hard to exactly pin-down as when it is present it is there and you know it is there, and when it is missing the whole signature starts to play catch-up. Meaning just like the SR9, they went and added this full-on bass to gift you what would be otherwise a full midrange, but the mids just don’t sound as thick or of luster……to tell you the truth I can’t describe it. But when the Penon mids start to take-up the stage, you know it ......and everything else is almost secondary, and that is what the H60 and EBC80 are based on, that is what they do that is mid-priceless.

Then the next level was Penon/ISN adding the BCD drivers to the EBC80 to take it all to the next level. So if someone asks me the difference between the H60 and the EBC80 I will say they both have great midrange. Yet the things you get for opting for the $699.00 EBC80 is actually very simple. You get a more clear to Penon statement as to how the mids could be presented, that with less BAs in the EBC80 there is less BS. Then the Bone Conduction adds the realism which simply adds a refinement of tonal character into making the EBC80 sound more real life. That somehow the 4 BAs inside the H60 needed to be there, but the end result is not clarity but a size added, much like the H40. That ISN is using 2 ESTs just like the EST50, only they pulled a fast one on us…………they went and reduced the style of bass found in the EST50 which in-turn propelled the new EBC80 midrange forward into the light. Showcasing better details inside the midrange, opposed to the ISN H60, they went and ran with this character, going and projecting more EST treble details and then carefully diminishing the EBC80 bass into a tighter and more detailed, version of the H60 bass.

Look I could go on and on, about how this EBC80 does this or does that, better than the H60, and sure I would be correct only for me.

Except that this stuff is not that hard to figure out once you have done a few side-by-sides. It boils down to simply more EBC80 details and more EBC80 balance. Such a balance is then opened-up in IEM land with a better cable to bring the gifts to your doorstep. This idea of improvement comes from better EBC80 contrasts (the scale of brightness to dark). The bigger stage, the ESTs opening up a vista where higher quality treble items are created, and the main thing is because of this reduction in bass from past ISN IEMs all these extras can now be fully appreciated. They are real and alive. Alive because music is a living thing, never staying the same, and never exactly repeating itself. You see stuff like timbre can now be better dialed in with only two BAs per side. There is a clarity to the 2X 8mm DDs that seems to promote this location into the perfect place into the stage, with all the rest blossoming outwards into the light! This light to become thought of is mostly midrange, because technically that is how the EBC80 plays out. Except then the ESTs go and take hold of the rest of the top-end and replay better yet serve it up on a silver platter, perfectly interlocked into the midrange and bass throbs.





I want to thank Penon Audio for the love and for the ISN EBC80 Universal IEM review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman’s Firmware 4.4mm balanced
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman’s Firmware 4.4mm balanced
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03 4.4mm balanced
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm balanced
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Thank-you so much! Well the SHOCK is probably second place to the EBC80 in my collection. Still that should never take away a thing from the original warm and analog ways it walks. The SHOCK is many a members favorite IEM, over the EBC80. But when the extra EBC80 sub-bass hit after burn-in, still sitting back but deep and positioned...........AH! :)

To where the EBC80 actually has less BC force (the the SHOCK) just how it is tuned, maybe because the midrange is so outstanding in placement. Really the two IEMs are opposite. But the EBC80 is the tone I always wanted to hear from ISN. I just didn't know it till I heard it.
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Another question lol, regarding the BC driver, so it’s tuned a bit less on the isn than the shock? Another point of the isn was the spectator sound stage mentioned, it achieves that with the lower tuned bc driver? I’ve never experienced that driver hence the questions.
Truly it is hard to tell as they both have the same model of 2X BCDs per IEM. But if you tune (with drivers) and hardware crossovers presenting your signature.........maybe the upfront mids over power it, maybe it is tuned down, but (the BCD) is still totally noticeable and of value. It’s EBC80 lows are a more clear and clean idea than the SHOCK. This owning up to the EBC80 having less mid bass and lower midrange, resulting in a faster cleaner sub-bass in the end. But also when you do this psychological change to the mids in relationship to the lows, the mid stage seems to enlarge even more? Just a guess?
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alexandros a

Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: - Expansive out of your head spatiality of sound elements towards all axis , phenomenal if not limitless Head Stage experience .
- The famous PENON midrange in full bloom,liquid, lucid, emotional representation of sound one of the best PENON ever achieved and the most remarkable one ever created for any ISN monitor till date..........
- smooth & seductive lower/upper treble reproduction cleverly avoiding any sense of harshness or artificiality of sound / superbly documentation of instrument's timbre plus showcasing all the micro-details of the original recordings.
- very succesfull BC driver implementation providing a particular instrument timbre over the midrange
- not particular emphasis in one part of the spectrum over another , superior tuning , propably the most balanced/natural sounding monitor ever came out of the ISN toy factory...
- overal SQ that belongs certainly to a higher price bracket (>1K)
- instrument image/separation and techical performance totally on another level.......
- masterful tuning,the best 100% ISN ever achieved (according to my opinion)
- selection between 3 exclusive ISN quality cables according to each one sound profile taste.
- Totally Next Level Resolution & Masterclass Detail Retrieval
- A unique & exciting way to revisit your entire mucic libray / An ideal all rounder
Cons: - Accessories do not match with this next level Grande performance of a flagship....
INTRODUCTION i am going to share my thoughts on the latest set of monitors coming from ISN AUDIO the EBC80
Straight from the beggining i want to make one thing clear regarding my evaluation on this one .I would have given EBC80 a straight six star evaluation/grade if i that grade was available meaning exactly what you is absolutely the best set i ve encountered so far (always according to my prefferences) during my time at this hobby.So the 5 stars comes as a compromise here ...keep that in mind please.........

This reflects EBC80s obvious & unique value in today's market against much higher priced sets of monitors, and in some cases with some really sophisticated implementations

isn ebc80.jpg


has been an old player in the industry with some solid releases back in the day ....
They have started some years ago (around 2020 if i am right ) with the mighty H40 , a hybrid model with the configuration of 3 Balanced Armatures: Custom 1 BA for middle Frequency + composite 2BA for high frequency plus one Dynamic driver : 9.2mm taking care of the Bass region
....... back on those days H40 was really an ABSOLUTE BANGER !!!!!! An absolute VFM set regardless of any price range coming out for those audiophiles who really appreciate BIG/WARM & BASSY signatures with NATURAL TIMBRE all the way........ .This was my introduction to this company and since then i have purcashed numerous sets from those guys yet to be dissapointed from them.............their latest offering simply destroys everything i have litteraly heard till now and had me troubled about how i would been able to describe a sound that totally awed me especially for this price tag.


Purchased EBC80 with my own money using a VIP discount code which was provided for Penon members coming directly from PENON AUDIO , and here¨s a link in any case you get interested..... ISN EBC80

Gear used for the purpose of this review : iBASSO DX 180/160/170 / Shanling M3X / HIBY R5 GEN II / Oriolus BA300S tube amp
Just for the record.. EBC80 as of now has allready completed a total burn in period of more tha 120 hours or so before any kind of critical listening.In fact it was one of those very few sets from which i had the necessary patience not to listen straight ootb following mostly friend @Dsnuts much appreciated and valued opinion for a thorough burn in period of time chasing for the best possible outcome....
Have used the superb stock ISN H2 cable provided there (it was my originally choise among the 2 other choises coming along from ISN AUDIO and some random black wide bore ear tips which seemd to serve me a deep and super secure fit extremely important here and for the purpose of this review,all thoughts following below are completely and absolutely subjective...




Brand: ISN Audio
Model: EBC80
Driver: 2EST + 2BA + 2DD + 2BCD
2 Sonion Electrostatic Driver for Ultra-high frequency
1 Knowles Balanced Armature for High frequency
1 Sonion Balanced Armature for Middle frequency
2 8mm liquid silicone Dynamic Driver for Low frequency
2 Sonion Bone Conduction Driver for Full frequency
Impedance: 13 ohm
Frequency range: 5 Hz-40 kHz
Sensitivity: 106dB



is pretty simple (and that has become a tradition for all ISN monitors even the most expensive ones..
as for accessories goes, yοu get 3 sets of silicone tips in 3 sizes, and a unique dark blue stylish magnetic case.....this is a downside of course when you re paying for getting a flagship you simply expect a bit more than usual stuff.....,
EBC80 comes with 3 choises of authentic ISN cables (either choise you make ISN provides 3,5 / 2,5 and 4,4 (3 different terminations) easily adjustable to the original cable) which according to your personal preference can have a certain effect to the overal signature ISN C2, H2 and S2 are your choise here...if you are a cable believer you should pay attention here and choose accordingly to ISN AUDIO :
its a pure copper cable and has no silver plating like the other two cables with a main focus on the lower frequencies and improving the bass reproduction division.
ISN H2 has cleaner (in terms sound) overal presentation from the C2 and at the same enhaces the macrodynamics on the larger scale of things..while maintining a better clarity than C2...
ISN S2 last but not least provides the most linear close to neutral tonality to the overal sound
Each and every cable comes with 3 different terminations as i said before..
Fit wise, i would consider EBC80 the closest anyone can get to custom fit,in my case at least fits like a glove to my extra large ear cavities and having tried several tips (Divinus Velvet wide bore tips,Final E silicones,,azla sedna,sony hybrids e.t.c.) in order to find the ABSOLUTE BEST ISOLATION quickly ended up using a set of random wide bore black silicone ear tips cause those provided the deepest insertion for me, as well as amazing fit and superb isolation ....some days after though and while kept on going with tip rolling i found out that Final Audio Type E silicones and TRI Clarion silicone ear tips as well were the best for my case providing both the necessary impact/vibrations coming from those BCD drivers included there.... But nevertheless be cautious ..this is definetelly the bigest ISN (this one and H60 up to my knowledge) set of monitors coming from ISN AUDIO thus far, so it might be an issue for smaller ears guys.....
Anyway at EBC80s case it is absolutely reccomended to find a secure fit and deep insertion in order to enjoy it's Gigantic Stage Abilities .every narrow bore silicone ear tip can be of a great help at this case...





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( my ears this is a utterly balanced set with a mild W shape sound signature/tonality you can see from the graph every different part/region of the spectrum is equally emphasized not overshadowing one/another... this tuning reflects on the overall impression of the sound as other thing also to be noticed is the dip around 6K protecting this way female vocals from coming out as too front or shouty.. it is a refined/polished choise and melticulous tuning as well coming from those ISN guys...)


is able to extend its sub-bass well and it has a sufficient quantity. The sub-bass reproduction operates on an agile approach and there is a good consistent punch. The decay is fairly quick with noticeable good transient response. Bass texture on the EBC80 is smooth. Each bass note on the EBC80 is articulated with precision and there is tightness. The mid-bass has a moderate amount of body and there is a quick slam. Overall I would say that bass has great definition without overshadowing/interveining with any part of the lower midrange just playing it's role as a crucial part of the entire reproduction.


has an fascinating midrange it is to my ears the definition of transparency. The midrange has a really high level of details retrieval and it is rendered in a very transparent and lucid manner. It is presented in a lush and most spacious manner but there is still sufficient body to tackle the vocals section. The lower mids has moderate quantity and male vocals are expressed in a natural manner without any dry feeling. The upper mids is just a bit boosted providing the necessary environment for female vocals to shine. The intimacy level is good and there is energy which gives engagement.i believe this is the part of the spectrum where those BC drivers intervein with the texture of any instrument there providing a most unique feeling /sensation over the texture sending up tickling your eardrum.. And this is a most immersive experience / way to enjoy your favorite music believe me.....

Lower/Upper treble

As far as the treble goes there is certainly a good extension and it shows excellent details retrieval. There is no sibilance /harshness or artificial feeling Due to the succesful SONION EST implementation comes out as velvetly smooth with a moderate amount of brightness. The amount of air rendered is great and it results in an airy feeling at the top end. It is a bit subdued compared to H60s super extended upper treble but its a different tuning aiming at different things. Nevertheless there is a sufficient amount of energy though present and it is a pure pleasure to listen to this natural and polished totally refined upper region. This is the kind of treble reproduction u personally enjoy in any set... A bit dark.. refined and velvet most of all highly musical with authentic instrument timbre.


I think now its about time to inform anyone here who is acquainted/familiar with the original/established ISN HOUSE SOUND SIGNATURE that things have changed for all started with H60 and here on EBC80 the deviation goes on even more further that we could ever possibly imagine.... Starting with the bass you should really forget everything you knew about big/fat/dominating bass signature sets...this is clearly a PENON bass in terms of texture/definition which seems to be a major influence lately to ISN sound design and tuning...apart from that one the midragne is phenomenally/extraordinarily wide ang glorious dare to say ...the sweetest and most beautiful mids ever created in the history of ISN coure the treble could not be an exception to all that new and revised ISN sound....extended and fatique free providing a super smooth experience including more details that you could never even guess coming from any ISN set in the ISN history of making monitors.....another noticeable thing is (upon first listening) that we are obviously dealing with an earphone that was born to create BIG STEREO IMAGES and all this without having to emphasize any particular part of the spectrum in cost of another one....if you ask me its partially due to the super vast opne midrange and the very succesfull imlementation of different drivers doing quite different things but actually sounding so coherent ...this is quite remarkable for any sound engineer to achieve even at today's competitive market if you ask me..........
So.... stage wise this is simply GIGANTIC in terms of is an eliptical totally out of your head scene when everything flows in any possible direction ....Soundstage is wide - really really deep and spacious, congestion is out of the question here, particullary in heavy orchestrated pieces of music including acoustical instruments is where imaging excels at most.
Instrument separation would be a highlight of the EBC80 to my opinion as it is trully exceptional here...Each and every instrument is where it should be on it's right place on stage,with weight and authority,sound effortlessly travels from the left to the right side back anf forth of your head demonstrating an amazing channel separation only to be found on higher price range iems starting from 1K till recently ,you can easily pin-point each and every little element/cue of the original recording..Resolution is amazing as well,in heavier electronic tracks or heavily orchestrated pieces (string/brass sections) of music when plenty of instruments are involved and take place in the scene, EBC80 stays top-clear and musical at the same time ,maintaining this way a very natural timbre.This way EBC80 can easily handle any music genre you like, being always exceptional on vocal/ acoustic/orchestral tracks and physical instruments.At this case, the timbre is just mesmerising.
Coming last but not least i had yet to hear such a brilliant detail retrieval ability coming from any kind of earphones i had personally auditioned over my time at this hobby.Up to the point of re-discovering my entire library hearing sound elements that wasn't to my attention ever before....from this point of view EBC80 indeed surprised me a bit because it's not by any means an analytical/cold signature earphone , but manages to dig the deepest into any kind of recording i threw in there........and being analytical (were and only when called for ....rediscovering sound cues and placing those cues in the exact right position across the scene....) without obtaining a cold sound signature its not easy stuff at least as far as i know guys...... Overall i would say these three factors in this case : Detail Retrieval/Resolution across the entire FR & Instrument Separation/Stereo Image are EBC80's strongest assets/advantages sound wise....



To amp .. Or not to amp..?? That's the question....

Recently during this year discovered the one of a kind BA300S Oriolus tube amp and since then each and every set i get goes through this hard EBC80s case wasn't really excited either surprised pleasently ......The overal sound became immediately and most noticeably warmer as far as tonal character goes , the note weight sounded thicker to me and the bass more prominent and dominating than ever .....overshadowing the lower midrange maybe a bit there.....all these things in the cost of spaciousness and air of the stage....certainly was not ready for such a sacrifice i really adored what i was allready hearing on DX170/180 alone day after that I tested EBC80 using the same Oriolus tube amp along with DX170 on high gain mode .... this time surpisingly enough everything sounded some how correct to my ears surely there was a sense of added body and warm over the timbre but not in the cost of air/space between isntruments /vocals... As almost everything at this hobby the way we perceive sound can actually change from day to day so this is very very subjective as you can tell.. And off course that does not means by any way that this synergy wont please some people.if you are searching for a warmer and more thick overal tonality you can go for it ...For me EBC80 is a monster of its own and as long as you have a good source such any usual modern day dap (in my daps such as : DX170/180 - Shanling M3X - Hiby R3/R5/R5 GenII etc...performed like a champion in each and any case....) you can easily get the best out of it without any pointless addition of any amp....but thats only my opinion as always...

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EBC80.............. against the world


vs ISN H60

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2 completely different sets / 2 completely different worlds.

H60 : Bright as a summer's clear night sky..
EBC80 : Dark as if cataclysm of sound is heading towards you..

has been ISN's slight or major departure/deviation (it depends at the way you look at it .. :grin::grin:) from the OG established bass orientated sound signature and well known as ISN HOUSE SOUND and a great success as well...
Vocals on H60 are way more upfront as well but more "between the lines" compared to EBC80 ,the airy feeling especially in the upper mids is more noticeable on EBC80.
In terms of spatiality of elements across the stage and spaciousness over the midrange both earphones are equally good and strong with the exception of EBC80 creating bigger stereo images over the entire scene,in this factor helps a lot both of the BC drivers working with the rest of the later one generating a most noticeable depth across the entire FR . Treble is pretty upfront thus more energetic and dynamic in H60 and plays a most crucial role in the entire presentation of H60 scene so in some cases it may be confused as H60 being more extended in pure terms of width dimentions. in the case of EBC80 we are witnessing a superbly polished and refined lower/upper treble region more correct and carefully tuning wise that comes to the feeling of being a bit more subdued in comparison always to H60 (truth is that there is a different tuning approach on EBC80) resulting this way in equally,evently emphasized parts of the spectrum and more 3 dimentional spherical head stage
H60 is more prominent and impactfull in the sub bass region due to its tuning so sub bass becomes apparent immediately on H60 , on the other hand due to the newest technology combination used on EBC80 including not only a couple of 8mm liquid silicone Dynamic Drivers but a couple of Sonion Bone Conduction drivers working for the entire FR as well the bass texture overall is superb and sensational,you can actually feel the bass quitar chords inside your ear canal rythmically pulsating but not overshadowing any other element of the entire recording ...
Both sets are highly musical with H60 obtaining a far more fun orientated sound signature while EBC80 sounds more refined overal and reference alike monitor compared to H60
Regardless of that, both are great but quite different monitors with EBC80 due to its tuning and newer more sophisticated implementation being the more 3 Dimentional and out of your head experience , and H60 the more bright and treble orientated one , a treblehead's dream if i may use this term....

vs Oriveti OH700VB


was until recently the company's flagship (the newest Oriveti Supremacy is currently their flaghip) and for the time both of them are selling for 699 $.

OH700VB combines 6 balanced armature drivers ( 2 for high, 4 for mid) and a dynamic driver (for the lows).OH700VB delivers most of all a warm / rich and detailed sound with excellent clarity and accuracy across the entire frequency spectrum. Nevertheless it obtains a dark tonality..same as EBC80.... and as strange as it sounds its somehow close to OH700VB's sound, with a dark and subdued upper treble representation and a spacious deep midrange with one exception...EBC80 is less warm in presentation and EBC80's stage is groundbreaking and enormous compared to the more down to earth stage of OH700VB.Both are atmospheric beasts of the night and in this case its simply a matter of personal prefference and taste if you take under consideration that there is also a significantly mid bass elevation (+3db) having the switch down on OH700VB and that's one more significant difference between those two sets whereas EBC80 feels more balanced and evently tuned ....
Both earphones are equally good as far as sub bass/midrange reproduction goes imho,with EBC80 being the more open one and obtaining a wider and also deeper stage simply because of the energy and the air generated throughout the entire FR (due to EBC80's tuning and BC Driver implementation ) besides all that the treble region on EBC80 feels more smooth spacious and detailed as well but was expected due to Sonion ESTs handling and taking over this region........

vs PENON 10th AE

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During 2023 i was lucky enough to get one of the most value for money monitors i ever purchased 7 years now in this hobby, and that is the PENON 10TH AE (which is officialy discontinued from Penon production line..) As far as i am concerned this is a TOTL KILLER , a truly unique set of monitors with tremendous personality/value and capabilities,it happens to be one of my all time favorites and i consider it the absolute most balanced sounding monitor i have till now
......compared with ISN EBC80 is not fair enough imo due to EBC80's more sophisticated implementation using an extra couple of Bone Conduction drivers each side .... EBC80 is darker in tonality ,but aside this factor those two sets share a common DNA fact from all monitors i ve got in my poscesion those two are like siblings...Particularly in the midrange PENON 10TH AE & EBC80 both sit among the clearest and the widest you can get regardless any price range........
10THs midrange is just so crystal clear and transparent one like a lucid dream comes to life that makes it a real struggle to separate one from another here..... The treble on the 10ths is a step forward here while on EBC80s feels a touch more subdued in favor of a more spherical/eliptical head stage.. still both obtain a relaxed and fatique free lower/upper treble region with the PENON 10th being the more sparkly and exciting one as far treble goes,....the note weight across the FR is thicker on PENON 10TH AE imho..But EBC80 was born to create wild stereo images and a holography remarkably rare as far as monitors goes and in terms of stage , atmospherics and dimentionality EBC80 is easily the winner between those two rare diamonds.........

vs ISN NEO 3

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is clearly a dark set with subdued and safe treble characteristics and with a remarkable analogue alike note timbre and a tremendous bass department.. EBC80 is a lot wider/taller/deeper as far as stage dimentions goes providing in a substantial way an open feeling but regardless of that difference the depth of the stage on NEO 3 is actually remarkable as well.........Tonallity wise NEO 3 is dense and thick thus reminding more of a vinyl like represantation of sound ,BUT it is way more closed in, and compared to EBC80 is very intimate and average alike in terms of stage dimentions and detail retrieval . imaging its not NEO 3's strongest asset but spatiality of sound elements is really good ...... all these factors makes NEO 3 an atmospheric beast dark and velvetly smooth as well......not designed for critical - accurate listening but for the joy of music ................

midrange on EBC80 is demonstrated in a very lively spacious manner making it way more suitable for vocal lovers and chamber orchestra pop tracks .......both share some similiraties as far as atmospheric representation of sound goes BUT in everything else (resolution,detail retrieval,macrodynamics,head-stage,imaging and separation of instruments etc..) EBC80 is easily another next level league here...



Configuration of UM MEXT : 1 Coil OBC Driver + 1 Bass Dynamic Driver + 2 Mids BA Drivers + 2 Treble BA Drivers
Configuration of ISN EBC80 : 2EST + 2BA + 2DD + 2BCD
Obviously this comes as a more fair comparison ..1kilobuck monitor versus a 699 bucks iem..
Got the MEXT about 2 years ago so lets start with a major downisde of the MEXT........It is by far the biggest monitor I ve ever tried, and certainly not the most comfortable experience for the average user....
it is a bass friendly monitor with a HUGE FUN SIGNATURE closer to OH700VB than EBC80
the MEXT is indeed a perfect all rounder, ideal for bass lovers obtaining a huge soundstage,top tier resolution ,fantastic mids and fascinating treble response.
nevertheless i have to admit that I was quite surprised during this comparison cause MEXT is my one and only kilobuck monitor at this moment of time and i realised with certainty, that those are quite overestimated (in terms of pure cost of course) against monitors like EBC80
In terms of natural/analoque reproduction of music i would say UM MEXT is pretty close there ..
in terms of timbre / note weight both are natural and realistic with note weight being a bit more on the MEXTs side due to it's tuning mainly.
But.. in the other hand EBC80 being more airy, more spacious and presenting an even more 3 Dimentional stage with an amazing detail retrieval and Resolution ability aswell.... and besides all that EBC80 obtains a touch more open feeling in the midrange leaving room for the vocals to breathe and showcasing with more ease any emotion there....
UM MEXT is a dark sounding monitor along with EBC80, both are trully unique and remarkable sets / flagships but if you need a heavy bass and warm orientated authentic sound signature you go with it ...but...........if you need a reference alike set obtaining vast sound signature with gigantic stereo image ability and a head stage that surpasses any idea you had about monitors and all these without breaking the bank for just 699$ simply go with blind eyes for EBC80 and have no regrets about it............



QT-X has been ROSE TECHNICS current flagship hybrid configuration monitor and a great success as well...
Vocals on QT-X are way more upfront resulting in a substantial amount of culmulated pinna gain ovet the midrange region and more "between the lines" compared to EBC-80 ,the airy feeling especially in the upper mids is more noticeable on QT-X. because no matter of the EBC80s implementation QT-X is a vocalhead's dream being the most reference mid centric tuned monitor among my collection...In terms of spatiality of elements across the stage and spaciousness over the midrange both earphones are quite strong with EBC80 offering the better stage 3 Dimentional wise Treble is pretty energetic and dynamic in both of these sets but due to EBC80s more advance/EST upper treble region it feels more polished ,extended and correct resulting this way in a more vast/open sound experience while on QT-X is a bit subdued (the upper treble that is) and rolled off there...
QT-X is more prominent and impactfull in the sub bass region partially due to its tuning and due to unique TESLA DD hitting like a thunder there......
Both sets are musical with EBC80 obtaining a far more fun orientated sound signature while QT-X sounds more reference like monitor compared to EBC80
Regardless of that, both are great monitors with EBC80 due to its tuning and newer way more sophisticated implementation being wider deepere more holographic and dimentional , and QT-X the more airy and linear sounding between the two of them.


Tonik Ensemble - Music Is Mass


Pentagrams Of Discordia - Teleportation to Gliese12b


my two most favorite Electronica / IDM releases of this year : multi layered complex soundscapes with simply enormous emotional weight
EBC80 is of top notch reproduction in both of those records........and because those recordings are full of little sound cues , pads etc... travelling from right to the left upfront and behind of your imaginary head stage / millions of elements in a multi layered sound the amount of detail retrieval EBC80 exhibits/displays over there is simply unbelievable .....the macrodynamics and resolution ability in such types of recordings as well... from the lowest to the highest part of the region creates such a sonic heaven for your head you simply cannot go back to any other kind of reproduction....EBC80 was born for such difficult duties thats the point.....

Luna Li - When a Thought Grows Wings


Luna Li's modern baroque/chamber pop marvel sounds like a lucid bream coming to life on EBC80.....I could even hear those BC drivers in action over the bass/electric quitar chords.....her voice ???? vast... limitless like the night sky in a summer's clear and starry night....Like angels whispering inside your head feeling every single falseto turn and burning from desire to hold on to this unique ethereal moment forever............TOTAL RECOMMENDATION with EBC80....simply because every single physical instrument is where it should be in the first place playing the role thats supposed to play for your audio nirvana.....

Röyksopp - Sorry


Jamie Irrepressible's dark and profound voice is reproduced here with a feeling of sincere emotionality while the lows are taking care of the whole atmosphere being created pulsating and vibrating with distinct presence not overwhelming the rest of the spectrum resulting in a unique ambience and a most remarkable headstage for the listener,the depth of the scene here is trully admirable...EBC80 is made for this kind of recordings , being such a strange atmospheric beast makes you forget of the less important stuff in music and gives you the unique opportunity to focus on the most important ones .....emotion and musicality.........



..........and here comes the ethereal beauty of Eleven Shadows... (classic dark wave/neo romantic 4AD era..) on "lilith" (in strange lines and distances LP) the female vocalist sings but actually whispers in most of the track and EBC80 takes over...this is for sure a female vocals specialist above all the sound expands and fills your imaginary head stage slowly/gradually.. her etheric voice floats inside out any digital/synthesized sound used there (and not only) ..... while the stand out feature in this certain track is the undeniably authentic/utterly natural electric bass quitar obtaining a mesmerising timbre....... the way this most common electric instrument is demonstrated via EBC80 reproducing a trully hard to find realistic timbre and natural decay is remarkable at least................

.. Overall keep one thing in mind.. The more complex (heavily orchestrated/produced) a track is.. The better /more exciting EBC80 gets... It is meant for performing difficult tasks....


FINAL WORDS - CLOSURE sum came apparent to me that EBC80 the latest offering from ISN AUDIO its not only different.. but clearly the Bigest Sounding monitor ISN has ever released till now (in terms of not only stage/dimentionality but creating big gigantic stereo images as well..) ...
i ve been in this hobby since late 2016 , have owned/auditioned more than 60 different sets starting from 100 to 1500$ (iems) BUT.....this kind of resolution EBC80 easily demonstrates in each and every genre i tried.. is really something to speak highly of for months, realized that fact over the last days......i actually..... (believe it or not) managed to listen/pay attention to elements during complex electronica multilayered tracks that i havent ever ever noticed/heard before.........and this fact sounds really weird coming for someone who is in this hobby for some years now.......Resolution and Detail Retrieval wise are both and most definitely on another level level .....i am not trying to draw anyone's attention here , just speaking my truth and my admiration for what i have in hands over the last days.....for these reasons this one gets my absolute recommendation ...i wish i could give those a 6 star evaluation but you know what? consider that i did so........... : :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Happy Listenings as always ..............


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Once 3D cues are there EBC80 rips it!
alexandros a
alexandros a
Great comparison against 10th. What a great iem are those


Headphoneus Supremus
ISN EBC80. Top dawg quadbrid IEMs from ISN
Pros: -Superb custom all resin build
-Stunning looks, arguably their best looking IEM to date.
-One of the best utilizations of Sonion BC driver in an IEM.
-Superb balanced musical tuning with excellent dynamics.
-Rich in tonal character
-Rich bass character
-Well balanced nicely detailed EST trebles
-Superb holographic sound stage for IEM monitors
-Some of the best layering and imaging for IEMs
-Broad well balanced rich and airy mid-range.
-Easy to drive but scales to nicer sources
-Scales amazing to better aftermarket cables.
-Aggressive pricing per SQ
-Versatile balancing and tuning
-Absolutely the best sounding ISN IEM ever made
-Well matching ISN cables ( for included cables)
Cons: -Absolutely requires burning for full sonics. Minimum 100 hours (Your loss if you choose not to)
-Makes your standard IEM sound a bit boring.

ISN is a sister company of Penon audio, not really a secret but the tuning direction of the ISN IEM has seen a slight shift. Actually we are seeing somewhat of an evolution of the Penon branded IEMs and even Tansio Mirai which is also a partner company that has seen a shift of sound direction. Traditionally ISN IEMs were the fun version of the Penon tuning angle meaning ISN IEMs always included some bass at the forefront of its tunings. The H60 and now the EBC80 both have that bass emphasis but now sound more like traditional Penon IEMs. I suppose there is no rule that says you have to strictly stick to a tuning method or a type of sound. This sub brand of Penon allows Penon to explore more different tuning angles.
Minus one Penon Turbo the rest of the Penon line up adheres to the “Penon sound.” The new ISN EBC80 sounds more like a Penon branded IEM than an ISN one which again, this tuning angle and direction they are aiming for was more than a surprise to me. If you called the EBC80. Penon Zenith or whatever you want to call it. It would fit in the scheme of their prior releases easily. Minus the naming scheme which indicates the driver make of the EBC80. Does not diminish the fact that it was designed perhaps by the same team that created their Voltage, And their flagships in the Rivals. The ultimate version of the EBC80 is the Rivals which deservedly gets the Penon TOTL title. So where does that put the EBC80?

Maybe it was because Penon did recently release their top end TOTL the Rival that they are using the same Sonion BC drivers for the EBC80. Just my opinion but if you ask me where the true start of diminishing returns begins. It starts at the mid fi level. Budget stuff for now is budget stuff, which always has some limitations for their sound. Open up the driver count, utilize higher end drivers and tunings for a well made mid fi level IEM and now we are talking something very similar to the top of the line IEMs in the industry. Sure the top end IEMs have more refinements to their sonics but going from a well designed mid fi offering to a top level IEM. We are talking about true diminishing returns. Case in point the EBC80 is ISN trying to outdo others in the price range and it has everything to do with the driver choices for its make up.

The EBC80 does not have gaudy numbers as far as drivers go. As the name indicates it includes 8 total drivers that brings the sound of the EBC80 to a nicely respectable higher end level. What makes the EBC80 sound great is a mish mash of driver tech. 2 Sonion Electrostatic Drivers + 1 Knowles BA for highs + 1 Sonion BA for Mids + 2x8mm liquid silicone dynamic drivers for the lows, + 2 Sonion Bone Conduction drivers. The shell size is on the larger side of medium in shape. Folks that currently own the ISN H60, the shell shape and its size are very similar, so you might get a good idea what I am talking about. The shell shape for the given larger sized drivers it has is compact and its looks are very clean in all blue. The classy metallic blue and gold flakes with a clean gold trim for the face plate exudes a bit of luxury and class. With the nicely matching all blue ISN C2, H2, or S2 cable it is arguably one of if not the best looking ISN IEMs they have ever made. The sound is where it's at, however.

The retail price will be sold at $699. The price on the EBC80 is quite aggressive imo. Comparable IEMs with similar drivers and more importantly their sound level will definitely cost more.

When you purchase the EBC80, you are given a choice of 3 different ISN cables. This is the first time I can recall any manufacturer giving the buyer an actual choice on which cable to get for the IEM they are about to purchase. ISN is no stranger to cables, I believe they were making cables even before IEMs. The well matching ISN C2, H2 and S2 are the 3 choices. All are well matching on the EBC80 and by design are modular meaning you will get both single ended and both balanced plugs to go with them. Depending on which cable you choose, you will get a slightly different flavoring to the EBC80 sound signature just based on what the cable introduces to the overall sound. For non-believers of cable effects, I am sure you can just get whatever cable out of the 3, but for folks that believe everything in the sound chain makes a difference these are my findings on what these cables do for the EBC80 sound.

Bass, you want the most impact and focus on the warmth detail of its outstanding bass, natural full bodied mids character while retaining a slightly smoother treble presentation overall. That would be the ISN C2. Its a pure copper cable and has no silver plating like the other two cables. If your main source you use is more of a neutral bright sound in tonal character. You should get the ISN C2 to match up with the ISN EBC80.

The middle ground of these 3 cables is the H2 as it has half the S2 cores and the other half of the C2 pure copper properties.
The H2 has slightly cleaner presentation from the C2 but it mostly retains the dynamics enhancing qualities of the C2 cable while having just a sliver extra better clarity on the EBC80 vs the C2 cable. If you can't choose between wanting the full bass vs the technical enhancing and clarity of the ISN S2. I would choose the ISN H2 as it is literally the middle ground between the C2 and the S2.

It easily will bring the cleanest tonal character out of the 3 cables, not to be confused with bright. The S2 does not have enough pure silver material to make them purposefully bright. This being said. The Copper material on the C2, H2 and the S2 is a higher end 6N OCC and is comparable to UPOCC in quality. Adding a pure silver plating over the cores brings the OCC material to a higher level of clarity and enhances the detail level of the EBC80. The biggest difference between the cables comes from when you compare the C2 vs the S2 as you're going from a pure copper presentation to a silver plated one. For folks that are detail freaks and want the most transparent version of these 3 cables that is where the S2 will be at an advantage. If you're using a warmer source. IFI, IBasso, Shanling. Fiio M15S for example. The S2 will match well.

The S2 brings out the full BA+ 2xEST implementation for its treble performance. It's not that the other two are somehow gimping the trebles here. It's just that the S2 enhances that area with highlighted detail while the C2 is the opposite or bass enhanced in emphasis. Choose accordingly

For an included cable these cables are good throw in and matches well with the Sonics of the EBC80. They are leaps ahead of your standard throw in cables. Not only do they match color wise but they match sonically as well. How you want to match cable performance with the EBC80 as its tonal character is more neutral leaning vs leaning overly warm or cool wise for tonality. So you can tip the sonic flavor toward which side of the fence you want your EBC80 to be enhanced. The smooth natural slightly warmer in the C2 to a more clean, clear, more detailed and airy side in the S2 or somewhere in between in the H2. You really can't lose with any of these cables.

However, I do encourage some cable rolling for seasoned vets at the game. The included cables will give you a good taste of what the EBC80 can do but I highly advise trying out your best cables to customize the sound to your liking. My favorite cable pairing for the EBC80 is the Penon Rivals thus far.

The ISN EBC80 was provided by Penon Audio for the purpose of a review. Was burned in for 1 week and are now ready for evaluation using my sources. IFI Signature, Fiio K9 Pro ESS, Ibasso DX180, Ibasso DX300Max, Ibasso PB5, IFI Gryphon, Fiio M15, and Fiio M15S. You can look them up on Penonaudio website. Here.

Sound of the EBC80 is utilizing one of the newer hotness in driver tech for the IEM world in the dual Sonion Bone Conduction drivers. All of the prior IEMs I have experienced using this driver tech have easily become some of my favorites of this year. The Tansio Mirai Shock, Penon Rivals and now the EBC80. IEM sound presentation becomes different. Way more engaging than your traditional hybrid or tribrid that don't use these drivers. In the past, you had to get a rather larger housing using a lot of drivers for a hybrid or an all BA IEM to present a larger more dimensional stage or at least without using BC drivers. What these drivers introduce for your sound presentation is a stage enhancing ability like nothing else in the market. We banter around the word spacious in how we describe a sound and this word when describing the use of Sonion Bone Conduction drivers takes on a whole new meaning. Sound is more spacious alright but the actual layering of the IEM sound becomes supercharged. It becomes holographic.

Sound separation within the elements of your music brings different layers of sound. How the vocals was recorded with the instruments in the background vs how the percussionists are laying down the rhythm all have their own sound field within the recording. When listening to conventional IEMs. A cohesive experience would have all these elements at play but within the same sound field of your hearing. Not so much with the EBC80. Sound separation between the different layers within the track becomes even greater, throwing out a true holographic dolby type sound. It can be quite jarring the first time you hear it and once you hear what that sounds like for your favorite tracks. Going back to how good you thought your IEMs sounded before does not sound as dimensional.

The out of your head stage on the EBC80 is one of the reasons why the EBC80 sounds more like a much higher end product than the price would indicate but then it also comes down to the tuning. The EBC80 is tuned similarly to its prior sibling the H60. The H60 was and still is a very popular IEM and so it was ideal for ISN to tune the EBC80 in a similar fashion. Now with added EST for its trebles and dual Sonion dynamic drivers. The prior H60 already had a wider stage for IEMs but you can only imagine what that would be like with these bone conduction drivers that spread the sound even more so. Big broad, wider than wide, deeper than deep. The layering of the sound is enhanced to the point where Everything playing in your tracks has a plane of sound. A floaty well recorded track of any type and you are completely surrounded by the music.


The trebles of the EBC80 get a nice upgrade in ability using dual Sonion ESTs. Trebles have plenty of sizzle and pop. Another reason why the EBC80 brings a higher end sound, its balanced and extended treble brings a higher level of treble detail for your music. ISN definitely brought their A game when it came to tuning the EBC80. The single Knowles treble BA does a splendid job at the macro detail level of the treble notes. ESTs handle the upper trebles which brings an articulate treble note handling a lot of the micro nuances for the trebles. Here is where burn in matters. The trebles out of the box was a touch grainy sounding, which no longer sounds like that after the burn in. Despite what you know about burn in. In my experience with EST drivers, these do need a burn in for them to function 100%. BAs on the other hand, while also needing burn in, does not benefit as much as the EST drivers or on the opposite end handling the EBC80 sound their outstanding coaxial bass. Trebles has a clean crisp detailed dynamic tonal character to the treble notes with some very nicely done airy sizzly treble notes when called for.

This track clearly lets the listener imagine the percussionist strumming along the ride cymbals. Each hit of the cymbal you can hear the input of the drummer's emphasis. This is how you can tell just how dynamic and detailed the treble notes are for the EBC80. The extended airy treble notes on the EBC80 clearly shows a higher level of refinement from something like the ISN H60 for example. It's not just a matter of tuning for more treble presence but more so its actual definition ability which I find the EBC80 to be more accurate in tonal character overall.

I was debating whether having 4ESTs or even 8ESTs vs the 2ESTs in the EBC80 makes a big difference. Having reviewed IEMs with multiple EST drivers in different IEMs for me anyways it all seems to come down to how the trebles are tuned vs the number of ESTs in question. There is more of a difference going from 2ESTs to 8ESTs vs going from 2ESTs to 4ESTs. Unless you have the hearing of a child the differences in EST ability and how they help for treble articulation is negligible imo going from 2ESTs to 4ESTs. Unless someone can prove to me otherwise this was my experience anyway with tribrids and hybrids that I have reviewed in the past and in the EBC80.

EBC80 has just as much extension, definition and shizzle as something like the 4ESTs in the Voltage, even more so vs the old Volts that both use 4EST drivers. Treble perception is all over the place due to physical and age limitations for the listener. The important treble end for a higher level of IEM I can argue is more important than even the bass end and how they are tuned. Because even budget fi has offerings that do some really good bass. What separates a higher end sound vs their cheaper counterparts have to do with the trebles and the important mids how it is ultimately presented to the listener. The very definition of articulation has to do with a clear and distinct sound, and or clarity in the production of successive notes. I would also like to add to that element of articulation just how dynamic and defined the treble notes are. The EBC80 trebles notes balances a fine line of high level of definition showing excellent transient qualities. Its extension adds to that an airy full range experience. This is what separates the EBC80. Trebles are just excellent in quality overall and that is just one of the reasons why the EBC80 is easily the best sounding ISN IEM to date.

Mids of the EBC80, when I was describing what the Sonion BC drivers are doing for the EBC80 sound. I was actually describing how its mids sounds. The dual Sonion BC drivers are a full range variety, so it covers the entire sound of the EBC80. Unlike cheaper dish BC drivers, I have heard in the past. The entire sound gets an uplift, most importantly that dolby processing you will definitely appreciate on the EBC80 mids. The mids tuning is masterful as it is not a forward or shouty type of mids character or do they have anything in recession. At the same time the sound is projected like the first time you saw the Movie Avatar on a 3D Imax screen but for your ears. The quality of the Sonion BC drivers in conjunction of the more accurate well balanced rich mids character of the Sonion BA makes it sound like you have 4 BA drivers. It's quite magical to hear your music being projected the way the EBC80 does. Its technical level is on a different level especially in the realm of sound separation and imaging due to what the BC driver is doing. I don't feel a conventional IEM even with 4BAs doing mids can really compare. I do know that using 2 BAs for the mids adds just a bit more extra for the sound imaging and layering. As that is what's on the current Penon flagship the Rivals. But if you told me without knowing a single BA driver was handling the mids of the EBC80. I would have said, you are crazy. Airy well separated, clearly defined levels of imaging that surrounds what your hearing is what I am talking about.

The Sonion BA handling the mids bring their sound character to the EBC80 sound, I would say the overall sound presentation is a rich holographic one. The rich tonal character for its mids are very familiar to me. This is the basis for the Penon house sound and is the reason why I feel these line up with more of a Penon branded IEM vs an ISN offering. Mids with its natural richness, full bodied, have the right amount of definition and clarity in space. Absolutely spectacular technical ability and layering. Imaging on a level of higher end IEMs. I feel the Sonion BC drivers while it will have an effect on all of the sound is the most effective for the mid bands. Mids clearly have a special presentation vs your conventional IEMs. BC drivers are the wave of the future my friends. If you weren't so sold on what BC drivers do for an IEM sound. I encourage you to try one with Sonion BC drivers. It is, in my opinion, a game changer.

Bass. Again rich in tonal character. Dual 8mm liquid silicone dynamics handle the bass and was the perfect choice for the sound of the EBC80. If you're going to have some special sound going on. You can’t just bring a standard bass end right? First time I heard a silicone dynamic being used for the bass for an IEM was on their older flagship, the ISN EST50. This tribrid brought a rich bold stout bass end. I can very much hear the tonal similarities for their sounds in the EST50 vs the new EBC80. However, that is the only aspect that is really similar. Minus the bass emphasis of the EST50, Just about every aspect of the old EST50 gets an upgrade on the EBC80 sound. The EST50 to this day set the standard for a rich bass end for me. The EBC80 using two of them in unison, the bass end is sheer quality. Every single bass note is clearly defined. Punchy, tactile and even edgy when called for. The bass end stays in place with a definition level that is easily as good as the bass end on its more expensive brother the Voltage.

Bass level is a moderate 8dbs of the stuff a bit less for its mid bass, which puts the EBC80 squarely in the more accurate bass category. If you have never heard a dual dynamic bass array punching the bass notes. The bass end sounds and feels like it has more physical emphasis than how it graphs. So the EST50 has about 10dbs of bass with a much more relaxed upper mid emphasis which gives that IEM a more warmer tonal character. EBC80s bass allows for a more refined balancing. It's enough bass to give an accurate punchy upper to low bass presentation. I own bass sets that might have more bass emphasis but the EBC80 has it where it counts, and that is its quality.

The bass end has a defined character that I can only attribute to higher level IEMs. Don’t know how you describe a rich bass character but the EBC80 is so well defined in character that it's nothing but rich. Providing a slightly darker tonal character the bass is the tight, punchy, textured rumbly with authority type when called for. Controlled, sculpted and highly organized. The bass clearly stays away from the broad wide mid range. The only other set that I would say has a richer bass character is its rich older cousin the Penon Rivals. Otherwise, I find the bass to be borderline special on this set. It's not surprising that ISN brought one of their all-time best bass performers on the ISN EBC80, but doubling down on the drivers. The bass end gets a nice quality upshot for its presentation that I absolutely adore on this set. This is the main reason why you want to do a nice one week worth of burn in. The silicone dynamic blooms and becomes the quality bass that it has after that burn in. The only real complaint I have is that the bass decay is a touch slower which makes it sound a bit slower at times but in reality, I don't feel it's slow at all. If anything, bass notes are very accurate with a real high quality bass performance and that is what matters to me.

In the end
ISN has done it again. I can remember their first big bang for buck hybrid that made some waves with the classic ISN H40, I still listen to them on occasion, and it was even evident with the H40 that ISN was onto something. It was more musical in approach vs being the strict harmon tuned or analytical. Nice wide stage, a fundamental warmth with a punchy bass end. The high-end flagship level version of the ISN H40, ISN H50 and the ISN H60 is the EBC80. It's the level of refinements for all parts of its sound that warrants the cost. I can easily say the EBC80 is the best sounding ISN IEM they have ever made. It still retains that musicality, a slight warmth to the mids with a punch bass end that is the house signature of the ISN IEM but now with a strikingly supreme higher end groundbreaking stage element that you have to hear to believe.

Headphone guys get open cans. In the IEM world there is no such thing as an open IEM. Well, I take that back. I do have a few that are semi open but let's be real. IEMs are in your ears and not outside of them. With the use of these new Sonion BC drivers we get something that works on an IEM level and in my opinion brings a level of imaging and immersiveness you would need to pay a premium for in other types of speakers for your ears to achieve. The imaging in space is just simply mind blowing at times and it is definitely unique to IEMs that use these BC drivers. If the true immersive grand 3D sound presentation does not get you to understand what I am talking about. Its supremely balanced tuning with its versatility will. The retail price for the sound you are getting, you better believe, is aggressive. This is a statement piece by ISN and until another IEM pushes the sonic level up one more time. These are the sets that set a new bar at the price they are asking for admission. To my ears there is nothing close and no close second. Thanks for taking the time to read.
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That 200$ savings will get you a BTR17 🫡😘
Can anyone say something about Craft Ears Omnium against Ebc 80, the quality of the sound in general, detail, dynamics which one is better and why? :)