Focus Audio Vocal

Watermelon Boi

100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Well-balanced, bold lows and pure mid/highs
-Outstanding performance for such a price
-High-quality cable and accessories
-Available in three versions of different tuning
Cons: Not many retailers available (in the meantime)

Focus Vocal Review - Time to get serious

Flagship IEMs are getting more and more expensive as time goes by and that leads us to cherish affordable products even more. Well, today I have a newborn Chi-Fi brand that is all about aiming for a good, wallet-friendly IEM that also shows no compromising in sound quality.

This IEM is called "Vocal" by a brand named Focus, who the founder himself is a passionate audiophile that created Vocal in order to pursue his interest and passion for audio, not for the sake of revenue. Perhaps I am already giving away my attitude towards this product, but enough with that, let us jump into the review. In the meantime, Vocal is on sale in mainland China only which is priced for about $169.



While Vocal is the head of the product, Focus has two extra spinoff models (or variants) - each named EDM and Rhythm. Each variant is packed in a nicely designed, white-based box with graphic designs at the front and specifications on the back. Once unboxed, the earpieces expose themselves as well as the accessories. Other than the earpieces, the packaging includes a 3.5mm stock cable, 4 pairs of type-A silicone eartips, 3 pairs of type-B silicone eartips, a leather case, a velcro tie, a warranty card, and some paperwork. Clean packaging, packed with the essentials, pretty much flawless - just expect that they could have included a pair of foam tips.



Vocal (as well as the other two variants) uses one large CTTM 10.2mm dynamic driver, powered by a tesla-level magnet and a double dome structure. It catches extra attention for me as the drivers are custom made - plus the fact that these are one of the largest diaphragms that are being used for in-ear products. The shells are fully made of metal CNC'd, which are then fine-coated to have a silver hue. The faceplates are made out of real wood, making each earpiece unique to its color and pattern (therefore the L/R color could be different in some cases). The wood faceplates are slightly bouffant out and coated with smooth, spotless resin. Around the wood faceplate surrounds a pale gold rim, overall giving quite an elegant, high-end look to it.

The earpieces are detachable by standard 0.78mm 2pin connectors and have non-recessed, flat sockets. The 2pin sockets are especially well terminated, having the plastic filling precisely placed around the connectors that lead to a firm, durable grip. In terms of fitting, Vocal does a great job once again. Nozzle shows an average insertion depth and provides an all-round, edgeless fit.



The stock cable is comprised of thick 2-core silver-plated copper wires. Focus claims that the wires are oxidation-prevented and do not cause greening after time. The shieldings are highly transparent and expose the thin silvery wires in a crystal clear state without any yellowish hints. Microphonics are not found at all as the sheaths are very soft and flexible.

It is good to keep it noted that the 2pin connectors on the cable are also flattened (or non-recessed), means that once attached, the cable will complete this IEM (or other IEMs with non-recessed sockets) with a seamless fit but will likely be inapplicable for IEMs with recessed sockets. The earguides are slim and provide a snug fit around the ear. It is also terminated in 3.5mm straight jack and a metal housing as well.


Sound impression - EDM

Sporting a basshead signature, EDM highlights the thick sound ray (or line) from the music. The bass is bold, big, and highly dynamic. The vibrations are extra strong and radical, thoroughly expressing the power and liveliness from the low end. Though I would differentiate its bass from simply being boomy as the bass is still tightly controlled as well as the reverbs being carefully managed. Since that, the strong bass response does not end up feeling stuffy or overwhelming but instead results in being super-thick in density. Detail retrieval on the ultra lows is superb, ringing it with force and clearly presented textures.

With a natural follow up, mids are equally positioned with the lows. In case missing the word "stepped forward" on the vocals made you concern the clarity on the vocals, fear not - they are not veiled and in fact stay quite close to the ears for almost all occasions. The edges (where the vocal ends) are kept clear and distinctive, so it is not overshadowed by the lows either. I consider EDM's vocal position to be very organic as the soundstage flows out as it is supposed to be without any noticeable peak or dip that causes turbulence to the imaging. Nearly as much as it did with the lows, mids are also thick, large, and plentiful.

Its gravitational center is slightly lowered from the middle, making the mids to receive the baton and immediately continue its thick density that started from the ultra lows. This intense musical engagement continues all the way from the ultra lows to the mid-range, giving a sober mood to the music. As mentioned, there are no spike or dip, nor does any sibilance on the upper mids. Air is not particularly highlighted on the upper mids, yet the up-close, largely-imaged lower mids and mids compensates it. Besides, upper mids are slightly highlighted with a nudge of shininess, allowing them to gain some crunchiness and brightness as it progress towards the highs.

Highs are slightly forwarded than the mids but reduced in quantity. It is impressive how the treble clarity and details are well-preserved despite the strong lows and mids. Small splashes and reverbs are also nicely displayed. Although they are not as strong as other ranges, highs deliver a fair amount of force that is enough to face against from getting overpowered. The treble instruments here in EDM serves as a supplementary, making itself distinctive in existence yet not setting out too strongly. The soundstage is big, weighty, and achieves great depth and distance.


Sound impression - Vocal

Vocal is the default sound for the tuning of this IEM and it well expresses the characteristics and potential that Focus has. The name "Vocal" may make you think its sound signature has bloated mids, though in fact, it presents a W-shaped signature with all three bands adequately elevated. Lows are deep, tight, and smooth in expression. It portrays a great balance between gentleness and rampancy, thoroughly stressing the dynamics and the vibration of the bass while keeping the bass from getting overwhelming.

I could understand why Vocal was set as the default mode in terms of tuning - the style and quantity of the bass would fit just about everybody except bassheads and "flat" heads. The bass is more controlled and cleaner compared to EDM with slightly reduced bass slams that better respect the upper frequencies to shine more - this slightly toned down bass slam makes the listening experience comfier while bringing all the weightiness. Strike and decay are highly responsive and speedy that gives a chewy bite along with excellent tension control.

Lows were smooth, but now it steps ahead further to being buttery as the sound transits to the mids. Mids are gently brought to the front without any forming a bulge-out feeling to the vocals. It has great clarity that vividly exposes the texture grain from the vocals but keeping the surface smooth, soft, and creamy enough. There are no spiky, sibilance, or stiff portent found throughout the range. The phasing of the vocals is kept stable and constant without wobbling around in terms of location.

Also, mids have a nice thickness to it but the very neutral and do not get lumpish in reaction speed. It sports a slightly bright and shiny tone that forges an extra crisp and refreshing element to the upper mids. Overall Focus Audio did a fine job controlling that tricky balance between airiness and smoothness. Highs are slightly toned down and also a bit stepped back. It is not underdone, but not overdone either. Trebles do not particularly show strong vibrancy or initiative, keeping a rather calm, composed attitude. Though highs do not lack in detail or power. This relative calmness instead levels with the vibrant mids, forming an "equilibrium" of detail emphasis. The rest of the details (layering, headroom size, separation, etc.) lies the same as EDM.


Sound impression - Rhythm

Rhythm presents the neatest, the flattest signature with a bright tense. But, of course, the diaphragm's performance went nowhere, still bringing deep extension and depth for the bass. The low-end punches are solid and fast along with clean vibrations. These vibrations ring in much shorter waves and do not leave residues while decaying, keeping the bass tightly controlled. Some bass-lighted IEMs let the lows emerge to the upper side of the headroom and cause cramping to the vocals as well as leaving the low-end to be lonesome.

Though unlike that, Rhythm keeps the lows to always linger on the lowest part of the headroom and packed with a good density, despite the lighter bass response. To me, that is worth giving some high praise. Although the bass scales with smaller imaging compared to other tunings, Rhythm still delivers a meaty punch and plentiful enough quantity. It exudes quite a strong bass aura considering how much calmer and cleaner the lows got. This would be an ideal amount for those who want the thumps while keeping the overall sound flattie.

Mids take a step forward and butt in as the star of the show. Though it does not cause any big turbulence to the phasing as the vocal kicks in, showing a gradual transition from the lows. Mids are bright and have lots of air going on throughout the range, as well as the imaging of the vocals forming slightly on the upper side from the middle. They are also much shinier and sport a brighter tone compared to the lows, so this clear distinction in both brightness and imaging location draws a firm separation between the three bands. The texture grains are refined, smooth, and as a result, mids keep a crisp yet easy-going vocals.

The thickness is close to neutral if not slightly thin. However, vocals possess quite a thick density, so not only it works out great with female vocals but also with male vocals. The tone is transparent with slight coloration but still stays in the ballpark of neutral. It serves more as a sweetener and does not spoil up the timbre. It does not cause any sibilance but instead winds up the upper mids with a crunchy and rather thin bite. This does not lead to a sibilance or overpowering in brightness and keeps the listening experience fairly fatigue-free. Highs continue the same airy atmosphere but with a bit weaker intensity as well as reduced in quantity. Treble snares are elastic and lively, making a clear presence but not rushing out to the front too violently. All other characteristics stay identical but with the best clarity and transparency among the three, and this is the one you should choose if looking for.

Extra comparisons (Compared with the default "Vocal" variant)

Moondrop KXXS (1DD) - The way how these IEMs highlight the vocals are a bit different. KXXS pinpoints on the vocals with a distinctive spotlight and makes it shine with a crisp, silvery, and airy tone. On the other hand, Vocal aims more about the unity of the sound, having slightly lesser in air and vividness but with a thicker sound ray, visibly fuller in body, and more organic in tonality. Mids from Vocal shows better size and harmony amongst the music, which makes Vocal a better choice over KXXS if looking for a meatier and smoother sound, especially on the vocals.

The sound stage is slightly larger on Vocal as well as the sub-bass giving a bit better weightiness. The bass extension itself is similar for these two, so I would not say that the bass is clearly superior on Vocal since those who seek a clean, mid-centric sound would find the bass from KXXS to be neater or less bloated. Upper mids are slightly better on KXXS in terms of airiness and transparency but by a marginal gap. The treble extension is similar.

Oriolus Finschi (1BA+1DD) - The sound from Vocal is more bass-driven while Finschi seeks for a calm, balanced sound. Vocal shows better weightiness and stability by thoroughly holding down the lows and mids to the lower side of the headroom, while Finschi creates the sound in more of a fluffy, floating manner. Do not get me wrong, the bass from Finschi still brings a good weight and stableness. It is just that the bass from Vocal is more established with a better build-up and brought up from a deeper end.

Headroom size is similar between the two, however Vocal is presented up-close while Finschi is slightly distanced and topped with a spatial airiness. Therefore, Finschi shows superiority in imaging, creating a more 3D-powered headroom - but of course, this also means that Vocal brings better phasing accuracy as the sound is more linear and closer to a natural state. Vocal has thicker mids whereas Finschi is thinner but still in the neutral range.

Dunu Falcon-C (1DD) - Falcon-C has a sound that is more lean, agile, and vivid in texture exposure. The bass thuds are lighter and faster, resulting in lesser reverbs or boomy effects. Mids have neutral and thinner thickness compared to Vocal with a cooler and brighter tone. The texture is more grainy and crunchier, being very active in revealing it. Highs are more analytical and BA-ish, while Vocal brings out the sound in full DD style - smooth, warm, and bold.

The sound stage is mid-centric with an airy and somewhat light in overall weightiness, showing some clear contrast against Vocal which has a low-centric sound with lots of seriousness applied to the sound. I would say that Falcon-C is more an easy-going sound that focuses more on throwing jabs while Vocal is a sound that goes full force with shooting out hooks.



I rarely push others to get hyped, but for this one, I sort of want to - as an exception. Focus Vocal and its other two variants, EDM and Rhythm, are all very well made and its build quality and sound quality do more than enough for its affordable price. Alongside that, I see very low chances for these Focus IEMs failing to satisfy the general audiophiles looking for a cost-effective IEM where the performance punches far above its price league. Vocal/EDM/Rhythm are not only outstanding in sonic extension but also because how classy the soundstage and texture are presented - not to forget mention that the build quality and its material are beyond the "affordable level" that we usually expect.

These different variations could be summarized as such - Vocal, the default variant, for a balanced sound that is rich in all three bands, EDM for a thundering bass and true basshead slams, and Rhythm for a calmer and flatter sound throughout the range with excellent instrumental details. If you are looking to grab a sub $200 IEM and love single dynamic driver, ten to one Focus will suggest you with a good solution. Look no more!


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Thanks to Focus for providing Vocal, EDM, and Rhythm in exchange for an honest impression/feedback.
I am not affiliated with Focus and none of my words were modded or asked to be changed.


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Watermelon Boi
Watermelon Boi
@Tano Thank you! 🙂 Glad to hear you enjoying the reading.
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Reactions: Tano
Alex W
How are these for todays standards?
throughout for rythm? so treble is calmer than vocal?

Project A3

New Head-Fier
Pros: Impeccably finished CNC’ed shells, with a satin finish
- Comfortable fit during long listening sessions
- Luxurious package
- Smooth, mid-centric sound signature
- Vocal clarity and sweet treble
Cons: Only 1 color option to define 3 different models is confusing
- Soundstage and Imaging are average

Sound Review by Kzw
Disclaimer: Focus Audio has graciously provided us with this sample unit in exchange for an honest review. The views discussed below are a reflection of Project A3's thoughts surrounding the product. The sample has been run-in for at least 50 hours prior to reviewing in order to achieve an accurate representation of the product.

On first mention, the name “Focus Audio” doesn’t ring any bells, and that’s because it isn’t a prevalent name in the portable-audio industry. Through the launch of 3 IEM variants with distinct sound-signatures (Vocal, EDM and Rythm), Focus Audio is attempting to test the waters in the hyper-expansive IEM market filled to the brim with value propositions coming out from both East and West. Priced at $169 USD, the Focus Vocal is a reasonably priced product for a start-up.

Today, I’ll be reviewing the “Vocal” variant of their current line-up. Featuring a dual cavity looped dynamic driver, their debut IEM certainly carries both promise and potential. But, will the Vocal be able to distinguish itself as the finest that chi-fi has to offer?

Available for purchase at Taobao.

● Sensitivity: 105dB
● Impedance: 16 ohms
● Driver Configuration: 10.2mm high energy magnetic tesla, double cavity moving coil element
● Frequency Range: 5 Hz- 40 kHz
● Plug Type: 3.5 MM
● Interface: 0.78mm 2-pin
● Cable Length: 1.2 m

Gear Used & Tracklist:
Sony NW-A105 | Aune X1S | Periodic Audio Nickel (Ni) | Venture Electronics Odyssey | Google Pixel 2XL

Unlike its chi-fi counterparts (in the sub $200 USD price range), the Focus Vocal comes packaged in a gorgeous cardboard box, with an outer-sleeve adorned with a high quality “cherry-blossom” print with the Focus logo (which looks like the sharp end of an arrow) centered above it. Upon first glance, one could easily mistake this offering to be substantially more expensive.

Upon unsheathing its outer sleeve and lifting up its cardboard lid, you’ll be greeted by the IEM shells on the left-hand side, tightly hugged by the surrounding foam-insert. On the right, there’s an instruction manual written in English, detailing Focus Audio’s corporate goals in boilerplate form, what is to be expected in the box and after-sales service.

Below the top foam insert, lies its grey leather case with a magnetic lip and several eartips (S,M,L) in grey and white-silicon variants. The instruction manual doesn’t specify if the color-coded tips alter the sound-signature.

Lastly, the twisted 2-core cable can be found stuffed inside the interior of the grey leather case.

At $169 USD, you’d be hard-pressed to find any faults with what is included in the box. Overall, a complete offering from industry upstarts.

The Focus Vocals carry a unique design language that I’ve never across in other chi-fi brands. Oftentimes, the universal adoption of hypo-allergenic acrylic shells while streamlined, lacks any visual flair or distinctiveness. The CNC hexagon-shaped shells with its bead-blasted, satin finish is sure to catch everyone’s attention. That, and the smooth lacquer on the knurled wood faceplates. I have to give praise where praise is due; Focus Audio has carved an aesthetic niche for themselves.

However, comfort trumps outer-appearances, and the Focus Vocal doesn’t fail to deliver in that area either. Its milled shells lie nicely on the outer ear canal. Despite its short nozzles/spouts, the Vocal achieves an excellent seal. The cables are incredibly supple and malleable. It barely retains memory and any kinks are easily unraveled with little to no conscious effort. Because of its flexible sheathing, the cable wraps around the outer ear, its weight barely noticed.

A good old violent head-shake test failed to displace the earphones from my ears. In addition, on my commute to the city, the Vocal’s isolate well enough despite the pinhole-sized vent next to the spout on each shell.

The Vocal’s are not a sight to behold, but the excelling shape and fitment of the Vocal’s make it a great long-listening companion.

Sound Sig:
The Focus Vocal is tuned to focus (no pun intended) on the midrange as the star of the show.
The midrange is blanketed by a “warm” veil. Paired that with a sweet treble, and you have an earphone that allows vocals to breathe freely.

Bass on the Focus Vocal is relatively taut, with a good following up of sub-bass that is neither thunderous nor over-zealous in its presentation. However, there are moments where the sub-bass rumble carries too much body.

On Denzel Curry’s Ricky (a track no featured on the list), the voluminous bassline has a propensity to drown out Denzel’s verses as the song progresses.

However, on many acoustic tracks such as Natalia Lafourcade’s Soledad Y El Mar, the string sections juxtaposed by Natalia’s saccharine vocals are given enough weight and low-end warmth to create a “cabin-like” atmosphere, favouring an analogue-sounding timbre.

As mentioned earlier, the midrange is its outstanding feature.
Focusing on even-harmonics instead of the coarse and rough edges commonly associated with poorly mastered recordings, the Focus Vocals are forgiving and smooth in its presentation. Instead of incisively replicating what is ascertained to be “accurate”, the Vocals favours dynamism. Its midrange is sweet-sounding, with a slight emphasis on the upper-mids. There is no harsh edges; they taper off early to avoid on-set fatigue.

Vocals are placed at the forefront of the entire mix, being the centerpiece of the frequency response.

On the track, Dispossession by Algiers, the lead vocalist’s raspy voice is quickly smoothened out, masking the obvious imperfections and embellishments in his voice.

The Focus Vocals carry ample sonic details. However, do not expect a high section that is overly extended.
It has reasonable amounts of air and sparkle without sacrificing tonal balance across the frequency spectrum.

On Chasing Kites by Iamamiwhoami, Jonna Lee’s diffuse sounding voice remains well-extended alongside its throbbing bassline without being suppressed by its punchy low-end.

However, the Focus Vocals sound particularly exciting with several tracks. Beyond the upper-mids, the Focus Vocals starts to show off its capabilities with “My Queen is Harriet Tubman” by Sons of Kemet. The mix of soaring saxophones and booming tubas is easily presented by the Focus Vocals, with the lead saxophone carrying enough high-aggression and bite for it to sound faithful to its original timbre.

The treble can be surmised as such; sweet yet detailed.
It complements the goals that Focus Audio has set to achieve with this IEM. The “HD650” midrange and treble response makes it a remarkably smooth IEM without contravening on its ability to playback music with verve.

On Down on the Street by the Stooges, the dynamically compressed cymbals are notoriously sibilant. However, the Focus Vocals manage to quell the sharp-ringing effect that reverberates throughout the record without completely suppressing it.

The soundstage on the Focus Vocals display decent horizontal width.
Instruments and vocal placements are well spread out across a flat plane. However, the slightly clouded sub-bass does hamper its sound-staging abilities.

With Santa Esmeralda’s Please don’t let me misunderstood, the snappy interplay between the blaring electric guitars and wobbly basslines muddles the soundstage significantly. While the Focus Vocals do a good job in keeping up, everything starts to sound funneled.

Like the soundstage, the same could be said about its imaging prowess;
its well-separated on acoustic tracks, but it begins to sound conjoined when the music’s tempo is increased tenfold.

On Amanaguchi’s MEOW (a ridiculous, chiptune track), the enervating treble from the bit-crushed “meows”, led by a mishmash of video game backing tracks again, results in the Focus Vocal sounding alittle congested, making it noticeably harder to pin-point vocals and instruments.

The Focus Vocals are a smooth yet engaging listen, pairing well with acoustic tracks or songs rich in even-harmonic emphasis.
Classical and acoustic guitar or female vocals in the soprano range make for a beautiful pairing with the Focus Vocals, which accentuates its characteristic strengths.

The Focus Vocal is a completely new product in the market. To put it in its paces, it is only fair that we selected a few popular chi-fi offerings with dynamic driver configurations for a fair, mono-e-mono battle.

We selected the Moondrop Kxxs and the Tipsy Dunmer; two crowd favorites in the portable-audio community. This is an all out chi-fi brawl.


Sound Conclusion:
The Focus Vocal is a product that reflects Focus Audio’s dedication to their craft. This is an impressive first showing from a fledgling brand with a promising future. While there is certainly room for improvement, I have nothing but high praise for Focus Audio’s design team; they’ve crafted a product that is positively differentiated from the rest of the market.

If the Vocal’s can achieve such a stunning fit and finish at this price point, there’s only telling what they could do if they released a flagship product in the near future. Focus Audio is one to look out for.

Aesthetic talk by Steve ( Focus Audio - Vocal )
FOCUS Audio is a new company in the Chinese audio industry, I had a chat with their boss and it was interesting seeing that their brand concept seems to be a bit different from how the mainstream is developing especially in China. Their debut series was 1 IEM separated into 3 different sound which they claimed as a music genre-oriented system and the one we are looking into will be the Vocal one called FOCUS VOCAL in which is ideally tuned for vocal lovers. In the following paragraphs, we will be talking about the Aesthetic side which I think it's pretty impressive for a new brand and truly deserves more attention in the near future.

By having a quick glimpse at the VOCAL, I think it's a pretty nice idea by using 2 different materials to form the whole appearance design, especially on the faceplate. However, the Colour combination is a bit too much by using 3 colors for such a small product (yellowish stabilized wood + champagne gold faceplate frame + silver bottom shell), which seems to be a bit weird especially on the faceplate frame and the bottom shell part. The Colour of the stabilized wood that they used is a relatively low profile one something more like the Swiss pearwood color tone. It might not for everyone as speaking of stabilized wood, many people from my experience are expecting something more vivid in hues like the purple-blue or the pink color tone instead. So far they used only 1 color option together with all 3 sound design concepts is a bit confusing for customer to define which is which, so I propose focus audio to review their color combination and could possibly produce 1 or 2 more color options in the future like how Final audio did on the B series with a glossy mirror finishing. The satin finish is nice on the current champagne gold but combining with the silver color, it somehow looks kinda raw though, so overall the idea is cool, but could be better and expansive.

Judging by the sample that I got, the built is pretty solid, no scratches, dents or paint chip wear off, almost no gaps between the faceplate and bottom shell, the QC process that they have seem to be quiet strict here. Weighting for a full metal built iem is reasonable, quiet an obvious reduction in weight compared with the IKKO OH10 and the MOONDROP KXXS in which I would call them the heavy ones, also no fatigue for a long time listening as well.

Design details
The biggest thing that I appreciated on the focus audio vocal is for a new brand they started off with something, not the typical CIEM type, insist to design their own shell, making the focus audio looks rather unique comparing with other new brands recently.
However, the thing that bothers me or clients that I encounter before with kinera is that the usage of the stabilized wood. If you look at the photo above, you will see there's a slight unevenness in the pattern side by side. the left piece remains a relatively smooth pattern while the other one gives a more artistic wild pattern. this is the major problem of getting this wooden stuff because they get unique patterns due to the nature of wood grain, so it takes quite a bit of time for manufacturers to match all of them to look more even on each pair of iem especially with such a small piece of the faceplate. The recent release of the shozy 1.4 also used the stabilized wood as the faceplate and during the matching process, they did better in pairing the patterns to make the left and right piece look evener. Another minor disadvantage on the iem is that they don't have any signs or fonts for indicating the Left and Right piece. There are always people out there who don't know how to define which is left or right without for a better presentation, whether you are making a blind dot, a font or red / blue color Signature, this is quite essential nowadays for mass production.

The overall silhouette is pretty smooth,rounded edge and unique, proportion looks neat and even, surprisingly the fit is above average, it's a pity for some brands out there with a cool stylish design but poor ergonomic but this vocal fits pretty well in my ear while providing a satisfying degree of isolation as well.


The cable itself is good considering its price, softness is average, nothing really special here comparing with other competitors in the range. Generally meets the basic requirements of what customer are expecting. Little suggestion is as a brand that cares about much on the product image, they should start considering making their own design for plugs and splitters in advance for future use.

The package design is more on the fashionable minimalist style, no commercial product photo or rendering on the cover, definitely not those akg Sennheiser commercial-style you'd normally see, IMO Since they've put much effort on the design of the iem, I think a more commercial package sleeve could assist them in selling and projects a better impression of what's inside the box. The inner presentation is nicely done, reminds me of the MOONDROP KXXS, the case is also a decent add-on to the whole presentation, overall in the 199usd category range, the focus audio vocal is one of the better ones among all others brand in China and as a new brand, this is more than what I expect.

In conclusion, the focus audio vocal is undoubtedly a big challenger to the $199 USD category, from Sound to Aesthetic, our team thinks they have put much effort on balancing all the aspects to be a good product. And for this certain model, we believe they have successfully achieved what they are aiming for. On Aesthetic side, I m quite impressed by what they have came up with in general especially for a new brand that still insists in creating their own design with such a decent fit is rarely seen on the market, there are tiny flaws here and there to be adjusted but overall we can see how passionate and confident they are with their product setup even with such numerous of new brands popping up nowadays. So if you are looking for something new and start getting bored with the hyped chi-fi brands out there, the Focus Vocal is one of our recommendations on the list and yet well worth the money in the $199 USD category. Hopefully, we will be seeing something exciting on the mid-tier to flagship coming out from them in the near future.

*All ratings are accurate as of the date of publication. Changes in price, newer models may affect Project A3's views on the performance and value of the reviewed product.
Top professional review. The comparison table is really neat and helpful. You might just convinced me to buy the Focus vocal
Alex W
@Tano did you end up getting them?
wonder how it compares to lasya..