BQEYZ Autumn

Marijn Riz

New Head-Fier
My long overdue look at the BQEYZ Autumn, a 13mm single DD. It was bought from BQEYZ AliX store on the 4th of December 2023. So I have had these in my collection for quite a while at this point in time. Back then I didn't do reviews at all, I was just looking for a good IEM. Did they do this job until now, yea i grab them from time to time out of my watch box to listen to. Let’s dive a little deeper into why I like them. Even in 2024

DRIVER UNITS: 13mm Dynamic Driver 6 µm ultra-thin PEN diaphragm
Impedance: 46Ω
Sensitivity: 110dB/mw

Shell is made out of metal even though I use my set from time to time paint or anodizing has been flaking up or off. It's a little surprising that we were able to put a 13mm DD in the shell. It's not that but space was at a premium. Even some of my friends didn’t wanna believe that there was a 13mm driver inside. The shell fits even my friend's smallest ears. Yes, she has a real hard time finding iem’s that fit her.
4-core silver + copper mixed cable has been used which is more than plenty enough for most iem’s. At first glance you can think phuh 46Ω that gonna be hard to drive properly and one one side it kinda is but the 110dB helps in that regard i have harder iem’s to drive.

Tonality: Here i have to add it has 3 Tuning Magnets that can be used. What is quite easy in use then other solutions that we have to remove the nozzle. In this case here you can switch a magnet that is different in strength to change the tuning.

The tuning filter seems to “only” affect the bass region but this is not true for what i heard so far. Since your ears hear the hole spectrum the hole signature changes with them. Keep that in mind as well; bass has an effect on treble and vice versa. On the Bass magnet I found the soundstage to be the smallest. If you lose a magnet well you're kinda out of luck because then the whole bass region drops away. This is not advisable. You can buy the Magnet Filters on their own on the BQEYZ Aliexpress store

The Gray magnet: Tier “bassy” signature
It becomes more of a V shape of sound but the emphasis still is on the bass to neutral even. I found that some instruments and high hats can be a little on the hot side. The bass does get a boost but far from a basshead iem plenty of bass to give the sound a little more kick and body overall. The soundstage was also the smallest out of the 3 tuning. Since bass can take up too much space. The DD is far from slow to handle bass decay and attack on my guitar where plenty good. Male vocalists got their organic voice especially if male vocalist had a deep voice. Female vocals were fine to be honest the bass didn’t overpower them nor they thin.

The Gold magnet: The “balance” signature
Here is more of a U shape/balance to give the child a name, It has been said this is also the midpoint between the 3 Tuning Magnets. The stage opened up a little cuz the slightly reduce the bass. gave a little more depth as well but a little less body to lower male focals. While female vocal can be very energetic some a bit overpowering upper treble at 5khz might be a problem for some

The Silver magnet: The “treble” signature
The Magnet tuning becomes cold neutral giving a lot of clarity and micro details back into the mix that might have been lost or less noticeable on the other tuning. Feels like the bass is lying by being that neutral, same for the midrange. Feels like “monitor” ish but yet the treble energy goes through the roof. This is not the magnet to shoot if your treble sensitief.

I spend most of my time on the Gray magnets. To give the music that little bite back. Where the E on my guitar at round 83hz sounded to me the most pleasant to me. I rolled on the Penon Black Liquer tips and a mix of the stock cable and a Xinhs 4.4mm cable As sources I used my trusty Fiio KA17 and M11Plus ESS. Gonna keep it brief since I went through all the magnets above.
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Bass: Even on the Gray music bass was a little on the tin side for me but everybody likes their music different. I listen to a lot of hardrock i really wanna feel and hear the attack of the instruments. And there for me it still lacks a little bite. The decay of and the attack where fine just the qualilty was tin for my taste. In slower songs this fine just in harder to play song it loses his head.

Mids: Where a little recessed but still present in the mix. In a good way not muffed, not pushed all the way, not in your face as well. There is absolutely no bleed coming from the mids. Vocal male vocals get the warmth back and also we’re more organic than on the other magnets for me.

Treble: Well i have to say for some people i might be too much especially the region at around 4-5khz where the lower treble peaks. Most people will be fine with it. I found it in some cases a little too much. that extra energy that some people really gonna like i tend to have a preference for a balanced to warm tuning that how i like my music is. Are other ways wrong, not your preference and that's fine. I have to add it really depends on what type of music i’m gonna listen to.

Technicals: In bustier tracks it felt sometimes it lost control over the song that was played back. To give you an example Jonny Cash - Hurt one of the tracks i have in my playlist. At the end there is a part where the music builds up to a climax and most iems fall flat on that part. I have to say in other genres like Country, Blues, Jazz Soul even slower rock songs yes they do exist. There were fine DDs that had control over it. The playback was really enjoyable. I know this was not made to use on Metal and Hardrock. This one has been made for having a nice melody and for the people who really like Piano, Saxofoon etc. that is why I still grab them from time to time depending on my mood and what music I wanna listen to.

Soundstage: Well even i made the choice of using the Gray magnets that make more of a V shape sound they still feel open. Listen back to the other magnets, yes this one is the most closed off but they are far above average on soundstage.

But all said and done, This is a set that is criminally underrated for me. Even if it is an older set I still hold its own. It is easier to swap a magnet than a nozzle in my eyes. Depending on what that you want, yes the risk is also that the magnet gets lost. and to be honest once you choose your tuning you almost never swap back it happens that go back to the Gold one and that’s really nice. I don't have to pinch off my eartips and swap my nozzle. no here i have just grab the tool and extract the magnet en put other inset and of you go. I might have to add that some people might have trouble with the treble. I'm neither a treble head nor basshead. but even then some notes were sharp. and i also have the Simgot EA1000 in my collection and still pick this one out of my box to listen to. It’s just a very well tuned iem id you find the right Genres for it. I have it’s not an overall perfect but no IEM is. So keep it in mind what music you listen to. Cue that makes or breaks a iem for you not the sound signature they put into it but what is your use case of the iem you looking at what music genre to you listen what do you like in your music is warm, dark bassy, airy etc.


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Excellent review mate.
and nice song too. love both Trent and Johnny version of Hurt.
Marijn Riz
Marijn Riz
@NymPHONOmaniac i really both versions as well, both versions show and bring a other message's with the same text just a complete diffent way of bringing a song


500+ Head-Fier
Incremental Improvements
Pros: Build and accessory pack
– Good stock cable
– Smooth, spacious presentation, good microdynamics
– Good stage width for the price
– Magnetic filter-system is one of the best implementations out there
Cons: Lacks macrodynamic punch and sub-bass rumble
– Notes sound smoothed over at times
– Lower-mids are somewhat recessed
– Imaging is hazy

The folks at BQEYZ are best known for their hybrid and multi-driver efforts. Their popular models such as the Summer or Spring had DD + BA + Piezo configuration. In fact, BQEYZ is one of the few manufacturers who still use Piezo drivers and has extensive know-how about this driver type.

The Autumn, being a single-dynamic offering, mark a shift in BQEYZ’s approach. Simplifying the driver count allows for easier tuning but also makes maintaining technicalities a challenge.

Do the BQEYZ Autumn pass the hurdle, or do they fall by the wayside? We’ll find out in the following.

This review originally appeared on Audioreviews.
Note: the ratings given will be subjective to the price tier. Elle Zhou of BQEYZ was kind enough to send me the review sample.
Sources used: Sony NW-A55, Questyle CMA-400i
Price, while reviewed: $200. Can be bought from HiFiGo


The BQEYZ Autumn come with 6 pairs of eartips, a 4-core silver + copper mixed cable, and the proprietary tuning magnets along side a tool to remove the magnets. A carrying case is also included which gets the job done without being flashy.




General fit and finish are excellent here, with the BQEYZ Autumn having a polished aluminum shell. The shell is a two-piece design with the seam between the pieces barely noticed.

There are three vents on the inner-side of the IEMs. The nozzle is also metal. Lastly, BQEYZ has opted for 0.78mm 2-pin recessed connectors, which I personally prefer over flush or raised connectors.


Comfort and isolation

Comfort is very good but isolation is lacking due to the vents placed on the inner side of the earpiece.



BQEYZ went for a 13mm single dynamic driver here, with not much being told about the diaphragm material. Elle Zhou confirmed that they are using a 6 micro-meter ultra-thin PEN diaphragm.

The driver is housed in a dual-cavity structure which is becoming pretty standard lately.

BQYEZ Autumn Sound Analysis

Listening setup: BQEYZ Autumn with normal filter + stock cable + Radius Deep-Mount tips + Sony NW-A55

The BQEYZ Autumn have a slightly V-shaped tuning with emphasis around mid-bass and lower-treble. What makes them stand out is how relaxing the signature is, as the transients are rounded and leading edge of notes are softened out.

Bass here is mostly characterized by the mid-bass bloom that adds some extra decay to bass notes. Snare hits also get extra thickness and body as a result. This tuning works well for moderately paced tracks but leaves you wanting in fast metal tracks.

Sub-bass rumble is lacking, so sudden bass drops lack the physicality you expect. Macrodynamic punch is lacking as well, so the BQEYZ Autumn isn’t really suited for portraying the energy in tracks.

Mids are fairly well tuned. Lower mids are recessed but doesn’t sound drowned out. The recession gives a sensation of laid-back vocals that is devoid of shout or shrillness. If you don’t mind midrange recession, the Autumn won’t be disappointing. However, for those seeking more forward or energetic vocals – this ain’t it.

Then comes the treble, and here we have perhaps the only tonal oddity of the Autumn. The 5kHz peak is quite prominent and makes leading edge of cymbal hits sound a bit brittle. This presence region emphasis is needed to keep the Autumn from sounding overly dark but this also leads to over-crispness at times.

Upper-treble has decent extension with resonances being heard well until 13kHz. The airiness is kept in check so it doesn’t lead to fatigue.


Before getting into technicalities, let’s talk about the filters. The filters only increase or decrease the amount of bass but due to how we perceive sound, this change in bass markedly alters the presentation.

The normal filter is the one I found the most balanced, with the bass filter making things too bassy and the treble filter making the 5kHz peak even more prominent.

When it comes to staging, I found the stage width to be quite good. Everything is well separated, and the Autumn don’t sound cramped. However, stage depth is limited.

Imaging is also average with positional cues often being hazy. The saving grace here is the reproduction of microdynamics that allows you to delineate between instruments playing at differing volumes.

Finally, resolved detail is above average for a single dynamic IEM but the Autumn will be bested by a number of multi-BA or hybrid offerings in this range.


Compared to Final E4000

Final E4000 have been one of my default recommendations for a single dynamic driver IEM under USD $200.

In terms of build, the Final are no slouch with a similarly solid aluminium shell. Final went for a barrel shape and mmcx connectors but both IEMs are at equal playing field here.

Comfort and Isolation wise I think E4000 wins as they block more noise than the Autumn. Accessories are about par on both.

As for the sound, E4000 have a similarly bass-boosted, warm tuning but Final has even less emphasis in lower treble. This results in a tad darker tuning than the Autumn. Another noticeable change is the staging and imaging where the E4000 sound more expansive and accurate respectively.

Resolved detail is a bit better on the Autumn due to better upper treble extension. Macrodynamic punch is better on the E4000 meanwhile. Mids are also more engaging on the Final IEMs.

One advantage of the BQEYZ Autumn is the filter system that isn’t available on the E4000 at all. So if you want to change the tuning on the fly the Autumn will be better suited. E4000 are also more difficult to power, requiring better amping.


BQEYZ have tuned the Autumn fairly well. They didn’t just try to copy-paste an existing target curve and instead went for their own flavor of sound which is rarer to see these days. I do wish that the Autumn were a bit better in terms of technicalities, esp the imaging department. BQEYZ’s previous offerings were better in this regard so this one is a backward step.

Other than that, the Autumn are a solid pair of single dynamic IEMs, and on sale price they warrant a closer look.
ভাই 😃❤️👍 মনের কথা 😃


Reviewer at hxosplus
Autumn Sonata
Pros: + Balanced and natural tuning
+ Organic and musical timbre
+ Great bass technicalities
+ Very effective tuning system
+ Open and spacious soundstage
+ Excellent build quality
+ Great looks and fit
+ Good quality cable
+ Plenty of accessories
Cons: - Not the last word in treble extension
- Not that resolving and refined
- Treble tuning filter is not that effective
- Moderate passive noise attenuation
- Needs some amping
The review sample was kindly provided by BQEYZ in exchange for a honest review which reflects my own subjective opinion without any intervention from the manufacturer.
I didn't receive monetary or any other kind of compensation and I don't use affiliate links.
The price is €189 and you can order yours from here.



BQEYZ Autumn

Following the success of the Spring and Summer earphones, BQEYZ has introduced the third season of earphones, the brand new BQEYZ Autumn.
Unlike the previous two seasons, the latest Autumn features a single dynamic driver configuration housing a large 13mm dynamic driver with a dual-cavity structure on each side.
With this structure, it can effectively control the air pressure, increase amplitude of the diaphragm and improve the longitudinal soundstage by more than 50%.


Replaceable Magnetic Tuning Filter

The biggest feature of BQEYZ Autumn earphones is the replaceable magnetic tuning filters that are essentially back tuning vents with different diameters.
Unlike the front sound tubes that attenuate the higher frequencies, these side tuning vents bring changes only to the bass/mid-bass.
It comes with three filters with different colors for easily distinguishing between them.
Gray for bass, Gold for normal and Silver for treble tuning.
Switching is done very easily thanks to the magnetic stylus that is provided with the earphones.
The filters are magnetically attached to a metallic tray and the only thing you have to do is to use the stylus for attaching or removing them from the earshell and the tray.
A very novel design that I like a lot and worked much easier than the screw replaceable sound tubes of other earphones.
Moreover, the magnetic force of the tuner makes the dynamic driver get double magnetic force to enhance the transverse soundstage of the earphone.
According to BQEYZ the bass mode is suitable for warmer music such as electronic music, dance, DJ, symphony, lyrical oldies songs and drums.
The normal mode is quite neutral, warmer and balanced, suitable for POP and for most kinds of music while in the treble mode the vocals are cold so it is more suitable for those songs with cool elements.



Design and fit

The shell of BQEYZ Autumn earphones is made through a 5-axis CNC milling process.
Build quality is excellent, as for looks they are neat and elegant with a contemporary styling while the two cupped spots on the faceplate are very unique.
The ear shells are lightweight and the fit is extremely comfortable, stable and stress free but with the minus of the moderate noise isolation.
They are available in three different colors, green, blue and purple.



The Autumn uses a detachable 0.78mm, 2pin connector cable that is made from a mix of four high quality copper and four silver-plated copper strands.
The build quality of the cable is great, it is well made, it offers good handling experience and low microphonic noise while all the plugs are made from high quality aluminium.
You can order the Autumn with either a 4.4mm, 2.5mm or 3.5mm cable.



The Autumn comes well packed in a beautiful black and orange box which includes the cable, the three filters magnetically attached to a metallic trace, the magnetic stylus, three pairs of eartips in two different styles, a brush and a very nice carrying case.


Listening impressions

With a 46Ω of impedance and 110 dB/mW of sensitivity the Autumn is not that difficult to drive but it really benefits from some quality amping.
Most USB DAC dongles will do the job except the really weak ones.
My sample came with a 4.4mm cable and I have used various USB sources, including FiiO KA3, iFi Go bar, Shanling UA3 and my two trusty DAPs, the FiiO M11 Plus ESS and iBasso DX240.


Normal tuning filter

With the "normal" tuning filter attached, the Autumn has a balanced frequency response.
Sub-bass is quite extended, followed then by an almost neutral bass to mid-bass tuning with just a touch of bass emphasis.
The mid-range is evenly tuned, just mildly forward in the upper part of the register while the treble is adequately extended and mostly controlled without any seriously alarming peaks, except an upper treble one.

Treble is not bright or harsh and it doesn't cause any listening fatigue until you raise the volume too much.
At normal listening volumes it should be considered mostly smooth with good amounts of sparkle and airiness but not that vivid and extended.
The texture is not the most refined while the timbre is quite natural but a little dry and metallic.
Body weight is good, the sound is not thin but higher pitched percussion instruments fade away a touch faster than the ideal and as a result certain instruments like cymbals or bells sound a bit anemic without extra bite.
Nonetheless, treble performance is mostly good and Autumn doesn't sound boring, dull or slow.

The mid-range has a musical personality with a more natural timbre than the treble, voices especially sound lifelike with plenty of harmonic saturation.
Articulation is also finer and of higher quality with a full bodied texture and great separation between the inner lines.
Additionally the high quality bass doesn't cloud the mid-range and allows plenty of space for it.

The "normal" filter bass tuning is well balanced between adequate sub-bass quantity and excellent bass linearity with a mild emphasis while mid-bass stays clear and well defined.
The good technicalities result in a detailed and resolving bass line with excellent layering where nothing gets masked behind the lines and every bass instrument is clearly heard.
The overall quality is good as it combines speed, control, precision and tightness with intense body weight and sufficient dynamics.
It is not the most visceral or impactful presentation but still a realistic performer.

The overall sound signature of the Autumn is musical and organic, it may not be the last word in technicalities and transparency, especially in the treble, but at the end of the day, is an engaging earphone suitable for everyday listening with most kinds of music.
And although it wouldn't be my first choice for critically listening to classical music, I very much enjoyed my favorite baroque tunes during a weekend seaside trip.


The tuning system is very effective at successfully altering the bass frequency response, adding great versatility thanks to the three distinguishable sound profiles.

Bass tuning filter

The "bass" tuning filter raises the sub-bass to about +5db and then the curve starts gently downsloping, reaching zero level at about 250 Hz.
So we are effectively talking about a more intense bass response giving the Autumn a considerable edge for bassy tunes without severely affecting technicalities and mostly without masking the mid-range.
There is some loss in clarity and mid-bass definition plus some lack of control but still very good and technically adequate bass performance that doesn't cloud the rest of the frequencies.

Treble tuning filter

The "treble" filter on the other hand mildly attenuates the bass starting at about -3db for the sub-bass and stays almost linear up to the lower mids.
This is the least effective filter because it essentially doesn't bring any real benefits for the treble which stays the same regarding both frequency response and technicalities but it gets the "placebo" like effect of being more prominent due to the bass reduction.
With this filter, there is a chance that you may find the bass as lackluster for most kinds of music without worthy improvements for the treble.


Autumn offers an expanded and airy soundstage with surprisingly good depth for the category and good but not class-leading imaging.
The effect gets better with the "normal" tuning filter which offers the most open and holographic recreation of the recording venue.

In the end

The Autumn might not be the last word in technicalities and treble resolution but in the end it is a well tuned and enjoyable earphone with an organic and natural timbre without any serious tonal shifts.
The magnetic tuning system is truly effective, especially for raising the bass response without negatively affecting the rest of the sound qualities, so we have at our hands a versatile and engaging earphone that is a great companion for everyday listening with most kinds of music.

Test playlist

Copyright - Petros Laskis 2022.


Headphoneus Supremus
BQEYZ Autumn – Autumn Waltz
Pros: Solid and comfortable build
Generous accessories
Organic timbre
Very versatile – 3 sound signatures which can be easily changed via an innovative magnetic swapping tool
Expansive soundstage
Cons: Below average isolation
Benefits from amplification
Tangly cable
Occasional glare at the 5 kHz (lower treble) region at louder volumes

I would like to thank Elle from BQEYZ for providing this review unit.

Autumn 1.jpg

  • Driver configuration: 13mm dynamic driver with dual-cavity acoustic structure
  • Frequency response: 7 Hz – 40000 Hz
  • Impedance: 46 Ohms
  • Sensitivity: 110 dB (no units provided)
  • Cable: silver-plated and copper hybrid cable; 2.5mm/4.4mm/3.5mm with 2-pin 0.78 mm – can be selected during purchase
  • Tested at $199 USD


Autumn Packaging.jpg

Other than the IEM, these are included:
  • 6 pairs of silicone ear tips (S, M, L) – 3 pairs with narrow bore, 3 pairs with wider bore nozzles
  • 3 pairs of external filters (for tuning)
  • Magnetic swapping tool for filters
  • Cleaning brush
  • Cable
  • Semi rigid carrying case
The accessories are par for the course for a pair of mid-FI IEMs.

Autumn Eartips.jpg

One set of eartips have a wider bore nozzle (which boost upper frequencies), while the other set have a narrower bore that boosts the lower frequencies. Althoughthere are no foam tips provided, I do find the silicone tips are good enough for regular usage.

Autumn Cable.jpg

The included cable is a silver-plated and copper hybrid. During the ordering process, BQEYZ offers the consumer the option to choose a termination of their choice: balanced 2.5mm or 4.4mm, or single-ended 3.5mm. These are quite welcome options, as one can choose the cable depending on your preference for balanced or unbalanced sources.

The stock cable is well braided with only slight microphonics. There is a chin cinch to secure the fit. Unfortunately, the cable is on the thinner side and does tend to tangle easily. L and R are printed on the distal terminals to indicate the left and right sides of the cable, respectively. Thankfully, the cable has 2-pin termination, which generally has a better shelf-life than MMCX, especially with frequent cable changes.

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While perhaps not the most eye-catching, the provided case is semi-rigid and pragmatic.


The Autumn are light, ergonomic, and comfortable. I encountered no issues with using them for marathon listening sessions. There is a concha protrusion that provides extra grip without poking the ears. I didn’t find any driver flex during testing.

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During ordering, one can opt for an ash green or benzo blue shell color. The shells are manufactured using 5-Axis CNC machined metallic ear cavities. They have three vents which do let in some outside noise, so isolation on the Autumn is admittedly below average.

The big selling point of the Autumn are the tuning filters that can be changed with the magnetic swapping tool. In fact it is literally a magic wand, in terms of usage and practicality.

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There are 3 tuning filters provided, to give a bassy to neutral sound.

Autumn Nozzle Stick 3.jpg

The filters are magnetically attracted to the tool. Just place it near to the filter and viola, the filter literally jumps onto it. The magnetic tool is quite dummy-proof. Just put it near the Autumn’s bass vent hole, and the filter will stick onto the tool and be removed easily. Placing a filter onto the bass vent is likewise easy, just stick the filter into the hole and slide the tool away and the filter sticks in. The magnets for the filters are quite strong, and once placed inside the bass vent of the Autumn, they do not drop out, even with robust shaking.

Autumn Nozzle Stick 4.jpg

The magnetic swappable concept promises less angst compared to flipping small switches or screwing on filters to change the sound signature.

I’ve seen reports on forums of tuning switches getting stuck or breaking with repeated use, and even conventional screw-on filters getting lost or causing wear and tear in the grooves. Even if not lost or damaged, the time taken to switch out a conventional screw-on nozzle filter must be factored in, and anyone with poor eyesight or shaky hands may face challenges with this sort of design. The Autumn’s swappable magnetic filters get the task done in a few seconds and this gives the user more incentive to swap sound signatures on the fly.


I tested the Autumn with:
- Khadas Tone Board -> Schiit Asgard 3 amp
- Khadas Tone Board -> Topping L30 amp
- Sony Walkman NW A-55 DAP (Walkman One WM1Z Plus v2 Mod)
- Sony Walkman NW A-55 DAP (Walkman One Neutral Mod)
- Questyle M15 DAC/AMP dongle
- E1DA DAC/AMP dongle
- Colorfly CDA M1 DAC/AMP dongle
- Tempotec Sonata HD Pro dongle (BHD firmware)
- Smartphone

The Autumn can be driven from weaker sources, but in view of their higher impedance, they do benefit from amplification, with improved soundstage, dynamics, micro-details and bass extension/tightness when more juice is added


Autumn Graph.jpg

Graph of the Autumn via IEC711 compliant coupler. The 8 kHz area is a coupler artefact peak.

The tuning filters here work, and ain't gimmicks. While the filters appear to only affect the bass region on graphs, the ears perceive the entire frequency spectrum as a whole, so changes in the bass will cause a "see saw" effect on the treble region and vice versa.

The Autumn have 3 distinctly different sound signatures with the various filters:

1) Gray - “bassy” signature -
This gives a V-shaped tuning with bass above neutral but shy of bona-fide basshead levels. Sub-bass extends well with a big rumble. Mid-bass unfortunately has a mild bleed, but this adds some warmth to the lower midrange and adds heft to the music. Vocals are furthest in the background with this configuration. Clarity is the least of the 3 configurations and the soundstage can sound a bit compressed.

2) Gold - “balanced” signature -
This signature gives a midpoint between the silver and gray filters, with a U-shaped balanced sound, as per its namesake. The bass quantity is just slightly north of neutral with some sub-bass rumble. Upper mids are forward without shoutiness. Treble is moderately extended, but there is a small 5 kHz peak in the lower treble region.

3) Silver - “treble” preference -
This tuning is cold neutral with added clarity and micro-details. Bass lies at neutral levels with a somewhat anemic sub-bass. Midrange is also neutral. The treble here is extended but there might be slight sibilance and a more prominent peak at the 5 kHz region.

While the Autumn can generate sound without any filters used at the bass vent, the bass frequencies totally disappear! Totally not advisable!

Autumn 3.jpg

Across the various configurations, timbral accuracy on the Autumn is very organic and natural, as per the Autumn’s single DD roots.

Micro-details are above average at this price range for a single DD set, though there might be some multi BA/hybrid competitors with better resolution. Soundstage is a particular highlight on the Autumn, with good height and width. They can even sound holographic! This aids instrument separation with no congestion noted even on busy tracks. Imaging is decent but not class-leading, and admittedly there are other single DD competitors with more accurate imaging.

The following sound impressions were done with the gold filters, which are the default setting and provide the most balanced sound signature.


The Autumn have moderately extended bass, with the mid-bass linearly descending to the sub-bass. The bass quantity is well-dosed, just being slightly north of neutral, being neither anemic nor intrusive.

Bass quality is high, with good speed, texture and timbre, and no mid-bass bleed.


The lower mids are slightly recessed, with a boost in the upper mids. Vocals are forward without being shouty. The midrange, while not being the most transparent, balances a fine line between musicality and being analytical.

Layering is quite well done, aided by the aforementioned big soundstage.

Listening to Diana Krall’s Autumn In New York (no pun intended), some IEMs with sawtooth shaped upper mids can sound piercing, but there is none of that with the Autumn’s default gold filters.


The Autumn’s treble is moderately extended with the gold filters. While some CHI-FI IEMs have a peak in the 2 – 4 kHz regions, the Autumn have a peak around the 5 kHz (lower treble) region. In practice, the treble isn’t too harsh or sibilant, and most treble sensitive folk should be able to tolerate this area with the bass or balanced filters.

At higher volumes (Fletcher Munson curve), a peak in the 5 kHz area can occasionally be a bit jarring, but at moderate volumes, this shouldn’t be an issue.

Clarity and micro-details are quite good on the Autumn (for a single DD set), though there might be more airy competitors that give better treble extension.

Autumn 4.jpg


I compared the Autumn with some other mid-FI single DD sets. Hybrids and pure BA IEMs were left out of the comparison as the different transducer types have their own pros and cons. All my comparisons were done with the gold (balanced) filters on the Autumn.

Vs. Tanchjim Oxygen
The Tanchjim Oxygen have better clarity, imaging, instrument separation, micro-details, and air.

The Autumn, however, have a bigger soundstage and thicker note weight, with the Oxygen sounding a bit thin in note definition.

The Oxygen do not have any tuning options, and can sound a bit bass light for bass forward music genres, so the Autumn have the edge in terms of versatility.

The Oxygen may also have fit issues due to their shorter nozzle, and they also weigh in at a substantially higher price than the Autumn.

Vs. Moondrop KATO
The Moondrop KATO follow Moondrop’s virtual diffuse sound field (VDSF) tuning philosophy (which is their in-house variant of the Harman curve). The KATO have 2 sets of screw-on nozzles to give a subtle difference to the sound flavor, but the differences are not as marked as the 3 sound signatures on offer with the Autumn.

The Autumn’s filters are far more convenient and easier to change, with the magnetic design bringing dividends.

Hence, versatility is better with the Autumn, as some might not want to keep unscrewing and screwing on nozzles on-the-go for the KATO. Both sets have an organic timbral accuracy for acoustic instruments, but the Autumn edges the KATO in soundstage, instrument separation, imaging, and micro-details.

Having said that, the KATO are slightly cheaper than the BQEYZ Autumn, but for the extra coin, the more impactful and easier to accomplish tuning options make the Autumn a better purchase.

Vs. KBEAR Aurora
The KBEAR Aurora are a harman-like set that have good timbre and tonality. However, they have weaker technicalities (imaging, micro-details, clarity, and instrument separation) than the Autumn, but the Aurora have a thicker note weight with a more analogue-sounding signature.

The Autumn are more versatile in view of the 3 tuning options on offer. Even with the bass filters placed on the Autumn (to give more bass heft to sound tonally more similar to the Aurora), the Autumn still have better technicalities than the Aurora.


The Autumn are good IEMs in the mid-FI single DD pantheon, bringing innovative, magnetic, swappable filters to the table, ensuring that switching sound signatures is as fuss-free as possible. The 3 different sound signatures on tap are not a gimmick, and they add increased versatility as a feather to the Autumn’s cap. Bassheads to trebleheads should all find something to appreciate here.

Autumn 5.jpg

It would be doing a disservice to the Autumn to just say that the magnetic filter concept is the main selling point of the IEM, as the Autumn are no slouch in terms of sonic performance, with their expansive soundstage being a particular highlight.

Unfortunately, nothing is perfect, and there are some areas for improvement. The Autumn have below average isolation, require amplification to scale better, and an occasional 5 kHz glare at louder volume rears its head.

The Autumn can hang with some established single DD big boys like the Tanchjim Oxygen and Moondrop KATO.
I enjoyed my time with the various sound signatures available with the Autumn, and very much look forward to the upcoming “Winter” IEM in BQEYZ’s four seasons line-up!
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Otto Motor

Headphoneus Supremus
BQEYZ Autumn Review
Pros: Nimble driver, good note definition; great metal build, magnetic tuning vents; comfortable.
Cons: Relatively high impedance…benefits from amplification.
These notes were previously published at

Since there are 26 reviews of the Autumn before me, I focus on my sound perception. You can get the whole writeup on the blog.

Equipment used: Macbook Air, Sony NW-A55, Questyle QP1R; AudioQuest DragonFly Cobalt, Apogee Groove with AudioQuest JitterBug FMJ; stock wide-bore tips, JVC Spiral Dots, SpinFit CP500; “normal” filters.

A universally valid assessment of the BQEYZ Autumn is difficult as tonality and technicalities depend on the interplay of several factors: magnetic tuning puck + eartips + source (in any combination). This versatility allows to you pretty much to create your own favourite sound.

Considering its 46 Ω impedance, the Autumn benefits from amplification, although it works surprisingly well with my iPhone SE (1st gen.). For example, the powerful Apogee Groove produces a much cleaner and better defined image than the weaker AudioQuest DragonFly Cobalt.

Using the JitterBug FMJ with the Apogee Groove makes quite a difference in that it ads definition to the image. The difference is actually considerable.

With the wide-bore stock tips, the “bass” vents generate more…yes…bass…which drowns the vocals out somewhat — and the “normal” vents bring voices more into the foreground without sacrificing bass impact. But this latter combination may be bassier than the combination of “bass” vents and JVC Spiral Dots.

I played with the stock eartips but got the best results with the JVC Spiral Dots that disperse some of the mid-bass and produce the tightest possible low end. Bass generally digs deep but the vocals move into the foreground with the JVCs. Signature becomes brighter but notes also cleaner and more articulate.

I also experimented with the vents, and the normal ones yielded the best result (in combination with the Spiral Dots). The bass vents “overthicken” the low end, move the vocals back and therefore remove intimacy and detail.

My favourite combination therefore is the normal vents with the JVC Spiral Dots.

BQEYZ Autumn

The BQEYZ Autumn has impeccable channel balance. Normal tuning vents used.

BQEYZ Autumn

The three exchangeable magnetic tuning vents produce different frequency responses below 400 Hz.

So, how does the BQEYZ Autumn sound, actually (with “normal” puck and Spiral Dots)? It has the classic slightly warm single-dynamic driver sound with a rather crisp attack adding some edge.

The low end is on the tight side, it is well extended and remains focused to the lowest frequencies. There is no mid-bass hump as emphasis is on the lower frequencies, just above sub-bass. Drum kicks in the mid bass are not as pronounced as they could be but they are nevertheless hard as a rock – and dry.

Lower midrange is standalone without bass bleed. Male and female voices are somewhat recessed, of medium note weight, energetic, and natural. There is no shoutiness but we are getting there, although that 5 kHz peak is not irritating to my ears.

Midrange temperature is a bit cooler than in the bass region but still not quite neutral. Midrange resolution is very good, everything clean and clear there. Note definition is very good.

Lower treble rolls of substantially. Cymbals are a bit back and don’t have the best definition – but they are still ok. Resolution is better in the midrange than in the treble region.

Stage is average in width, height and depth. Spatial cues is very good. Attack is sharp and crisp without being aggressive. The dynamic driver is rather nimble. Stage positioning and separation are also good. Timbre is good.

I am a bit short in my sonic description as it mostly applies to this very particular setup.

BQEYZ Autumn compared

The dynamic-driver competition in the $200 region is tight. The Tanchjim Oxygen(which I don’t know) and the JVC HA-FDX1 are standard staples on our Wall of Excellence (also count the 1+1 IKKO OH10 in). The Moondrop KATO is arguably the company’s best dynamic-driver offer.

To disappoint you, it is impossible to tell which is the best of the lot as they are very close in terms of (sound) quality. But they differ quite a bit in ergonomics.

For example, the IKKO OH10 is very heavy in one’s ear, and so – but to a lesser extent – is the KATO. The Oxygen have short nozzles that may not fit everyone and the JVCs have a weird shape altogether that may not be the most comfortable for many either. In this respect, I prefer the Autumn’s compact shells.

But what I can say is that the Autumn sound more refined than the brighter $139 BQEYZ Summer, particularly in the midrange. The JVCs are not as crisp as the Autumn, they are smoother, dampened, with more rounded notes – but not as deep. The Autumn are rougher around the edges, more dynamic/energetic, and they have more midrange body and a much better sub-bass extension.

The Moondrop KATO are brighter than the Autumn (in my setup), with a wider but shallower stage. They have a smoother bass and vocals are not quite as intimate. They also have more sparkle with more air in the midrange. And they are more prone to shoutiness. How graphs can deceive us. Voices are a bit thicker and more rounded in the KATO. Treble resolution is similar between the two.

As I tend to say (well I stole it from Alberto): pick your poison!

BQEYZ Autumn and BQEYZ Summer.

BQEYZ Autumn and IKKO OH10

BQEYZ Autumn and Moondrop Kato.

BQEYZ Autumn and JVC HA-FDX1.

JVC HA-FDX1 the green “least bassy” stock nozzle mounted.

Concluding Remarks

The BQEYZ Autumn are well built and good sounding single-dynamic driver earphones that fit their price category well – and that can prevail against their tough competition.

Whilst it is difficult to rank the large crowd of $200 single-dynamic drivers, the Autumn stick out in two aspects: comfort/fit and sonic versatility through the included tuning front vents. They are, in my opinion, the best offering in BQEYZ’s 3 season series.

Tre stagioni? Quattro stagioni! Now we are ready for “inverno”. No, that’s not what you think*…learn Italian…

Until next time…keep on listening!

Jürgen Kraus signature


The BQEYZ Autumn were provided by the company for my review – and I thank them for that. Get them from BQEYZ Official Store.
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Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: smooth
tuning filter system
Cons: average soundstage and imaging
not very exciting or dramatic
Today, I’ll be reviewing something from a brand I became acquainted with – funnily enough – almost a year ago to this day; namely BQEYZ with the new review being for their new Autumn IEM.
Happy 1 year anniversary to our acquaintance! :D

All details can be found on BQEYZ’s official AliExpress page (link below), and the IEM can be purchased there and delivered to locations around the globe.

The Autumn, like the Spring II that I reviewed previously, features a whopping 13mm dynamic driver. Unlike the aforementioned Spring II however, this IEM is no hybrid, being a purely dynamic-driver based model.
The RRP at time of writing was a $199 ($135 on sale!), placing it – financially speaking - at what I suppose these days would be around the upper end of entry level pricing, or the start of mid-range pricing..

My sincere thanks to Elle and the team at BQEYZ, for providing me with a review unit to keep in exchange for an honest review.

Let us sashay elegantly onwards to the photos section where your curiosity regarding the appearance of this IEM will surely be satisfied:


Unboxing, packaging and accessories:

The packaging and accessories are professionally done and perfectly acceptable at this price point.
There’s a case made of what looks like a PU leather material.
When I reviewed the BQEYZ Spring II previously, I recall mentioning that I felt the carry case that came with that IEM was a bit too chunky. So I’m very happy to report that the Autumn’s carry case has a much smaller footprint; large enough to hold the IEMs and cable (and things like the filters too), but taking up much less room in a bag.

Conversely, I think I preferred the cable on the Spring II, although in fairness that’s mainly based on purely aesthetic criteria, that one being a lovely shimmery copper in appearance. The one with the Autumn though is very soft and pliable, and this time of a silvery hue.

Again, I was able to select my choice of plugs (and chose 4.4mm), so I’m really happy to have that option that many much more expensive IEMs do not offer.

The cable has clear L and R markings, which I really like. One thing to note is that, by design, the L and R markings are designed to face outwards (away from the head) when correctly inserted into the earphones; this is different from many other IEMs where the L and R markings face inwards towards one’s head.
The IEMs themselves are again a classily understated design, in matte midnight blue in my case. Other colour options are available on their website.

The Fit:

The shells are smooth and ergonomic, and I found it easy to obtain a comfortable and long-lasting fit. They didn’t protrude as much out of my ears as the Spring II did, although of course such things are very subjective, depending as they do on one’s individual ear shape.

The Sound:

By way of a disclaimer (as stated with my previous review of the Spring II), I’ve been reviewing for some years now and steadily upgrading my collection to the point where I mostly listen to TOTL ($1’000 - $4000) gear on a daily basis, which is a blessing that I still in no way take for granted!

But, because of this, it’s not an easy or simple thing to drop back to something in the budget range and launch into critical listening.
In all that follows, I’m trying to judge the Autumn according to its merits and bearing in mind the price point and the few other IEMs I’ve heard in the budget range.

I listened using the excellent iBasso DX240, iBasso DX220MAX and the Sony WM1Z with music from a wide range of genres, mostly in lossless FLAC, with about 40% of the files in hi-res HDTracks, DSD or similar.

Something a bit different here before we continue!

BQEYZ have developed a tuning system here, where the tuning filters clip into a small recess in the part of the shell that faces into one’s ears and are held there by magnetic force.
They stay in completely securely, but are easily swapped using the attached little tool (picture with the 3 filters in the photos section above).

Having heard a few IEMs where the ‘customisable tuning’ makes such a tiny difference that I felt it was hardly worth the effort, I’m delighted to report that this one actually works :D

We have one for bass-enhancement, one ‘neutral’ one, and one that reduces the bass presence, which then has the effect of placing a bit more emphasis on upper mids and treble. It’s great that these options are all on offer.
It seems to be just the low end that’s directly affected, although of course the low-end tuning will have a secondary effect on the overall sound signature too.

Layman1 being a shamelessly unrepentant bass-head, after trying all three filters, I – with perhaps embarrassing predictability - settled on the bass-enhancing ones and never looked back :)

Low end:
I opened up with Can’t Stop by the Dave Matthews Band. This track opens with a cool mix of percussion from a powerful kickdrum and some higher percussion (hi-hats or cymbals; my knowledge is not that comprehensive I’m afraid!) and was immediately impressed with how the Autumn handled this section. There wasn’t any bloat; the drum strikes hit with impressive impact and a fairly fast decay in the sub-bass. Every single strike of drum and cymbal was clearly audible with no muddiness.
What I notice is that the mid-bass seems to be a bit more analogue in comparison with the sub-bass; notes have more warmth and bloom and seem to decay a bit more slowly.

I hear the mids as being a bit warm and analogue, with a gentle lift in the upper-mids, although this is balanced with the warmth and solidity of the lower-mids. This brings about a degree of thickness and weight to notes. The sound is smooth and effortless, definitely nice for extended listening sessions without fatigue. Occasionally those warm lower-mids can bring about a slight feeling of congestion in parts of the mids, but this really varies from song to song, and frankly is something that occurs even with IEMs ten times the price which have a similar tuning. That’s the trade-off, but the benefit is a richer timbre and engaging performance.

The treble on the Autumn is fairly understated to me. It gently introduces a bit of air and a lift in the tone, without doing anything dramatic to make itself take centre-stage at any point. It works fairly well to support the overall signature of the Autumn and give breathing space and clarity. I don’t hear a huge amount of extension or sparkle, but equally I don’t hear any sharpness or sibilance, and overall, I am happy enough with what’s on offer.

Technical performance:
Soundstage size is reasonable, fairly wide, but probably about average in height and depth.
What I do like here is that there is still a good degree of separation and space within the overall soundstage; this allows background instruments, backing vocals and background effects a nice space in which to make themselves apparent. I found myself quite often noticing the background details, which is something I always hugely appreciate on a good IEM.


Keats described Autumn as a “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”. As such, I feel the BQEYZ Autumn represents a fairly good fit; sparkle, drama, huge dynamics and technical acrobatics take a back seat here, where the Autumn has a supremely relaxed signature that focuses on timbre and engagement and simple quiet enjoyment.

I think that, as long as the buyer is aware of what kind of signature they are getting (and that the Autumn signature is what they’re looking for), then there’s plenty to recommend this IEM. I salute BQEYZ for coming up with a very elegant tuning system, that impressed me for offering significant differences in tuning options via a magnetic system that is effortlessly hassle-free to use. This also has the benefit of allowing the user a degree of freedom to tweak the sound signature into one that better fits their preferences, or indeed mood of the moment.

From the two, rather different, IEMs I’ve reviewed thus far from BQEYZ, I’m quite interested to see what they come up with next. I totally respect that they will have their own vision and plans, but personally, I’d be quite excited to hear another rather different tuning; perhaps something with a lot of sub-bass presence and impact, but less prominent mid-bass. Something with more neutral lower-mids and more vibrant and extended treble. Open space, crispness, clarity and detail. How about it Elle?
Then you could announce:
Screenshot 2022-05-24 at 10.49.55.png

Which would surely make all the effort worthwhile :D
damn, when was it? I missed that sale :(


Reviewer at
Pros: - novel magnetic filter system
- nice cable and comfortable shell
- decent V-shaped set with the Bass filter
Cons: - 5kHz runs hot which can make presentation harsh
- usual single-DD deficiencies
This unit was provided by Elle of BQEYZ for review. As always, what follows are my honest thoughts and opinions to the best of my ability.

I won't really be talking too much about the accessories or the build because you can read all the other reviews below mine for that stuff :)



The most interesting aspect of the Autumn, though, is definitely its magnet-based filter system. The magnets are tiny, but they're highly magnetic so they usually snap right into the slots of the shells or the carrying tray from up to about an inch away. These filters are used, in turn, to adjust the sound signature of the Autumn.

graph (1).png

Speaking of which: Sound-wise, the Autumn has three distinct signatures depending on the filter that one is utilizing. In each instance, it's really the level of bass that's being adjusted to create a new sound. Generally, I find bass on the Autumn to be alright. Decent amounts of decay, texture, the works. It's missing some slam, and it runs a tad drier than I'd like given the amount it's sporting with the Bass filter, but nothing too surprising. Moving away from the bass, the Autumn has a response that is characteristic of most single-DD IEMs. It has an upper-midrange tilt with 3-4kHz slightly forward, a lower-treble peak at 5kHz, and then what sounds like resonance at around 12kHz. Because of the forwardness up-top, I find that the Normal filter is already slightly harsh for my preferences; I most prefer the Bass filter to balance out this forwardness. With the bass filter, the Autumn becomes a decent V-shaped set.

In terms of technicalities, the Autumn is competent; if I were listening blind, I'd be inclined to place it around the ~$100 price bracket. The lower-treble peak lends to the perception that some detail is faked, but nothing that I would dock substantial points for. Probably around "B-" tier or so overall, there's a small gap versus the Moondrop KXXS in A/B for resolution, although that's certainly subjective.


The bottom line is that the Autumn is basically an "alright" IEM. In terms of sonic performance, it's not exactly competing at $200, but it doesn't sound bad either. The magnetic filters are an interesting novelty that make me keen to see what BQEYZ will do with such a system in the future, or if they have other innovations that they might implement in future products.
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Wait, this is a single DD set? I thought this had a piezo driver because BQEYZ used this driver on their older models (Spring and Summer)

The autumn doesn't seem to be a great set other than having a unique tuning system which kind of reminds me of the very obscure Anew X-One which has tuning faceplates.
Codename john
It's a single DD
4 star here, 4.2 out of 10 in ranking list, same with Tanchjim Tanya. Fair review though, could have been cheaper.

Ace Bee

Headphoneus Supremus
BQEYZ Autumn: A Season of Comfort
Pros: Very clean sound, with evident control on notes
Smooth notes, no peaks, no discomfort
Forward midrange, quite good separation
Nice transparency
Beautiful natural male vocal, with the throaty presentation and weight, and smooth edges
Notes are slightly on the thicker side, yet have sufficient crispness not to sound washed out
Textures are quite good in the mids.
Wide stage and an open presentation. Good height.
Lower treble is controlled but definitely not dark, sufficient energy
Upper treble extension is above average, the shimmers are present
A comfortable and laid back sound that will not offend anyone
Cons: Not very dynamic sounding at all
Subbass roll off is noticeable
Overall low end response is rather soft
Upper treble shimmers do not sound crisp enough
Stage depth is there, but not much
Imaging is a bit fuzzy and two-dimensional
Normal filters increase the bass quantity, but do not improve the quality - the slams are still a bit on the softer side, and textures are still average.
Normal filters also rob it of whatever little sparkle it has, and thereby making it very much mediocre
It’s a new seasonal offering from BQEYZ, the Autumn! From the very first look of it I fell in love with it - such a beautiful elegant look! Coupled with it the mention of a 13 mm DD inside surely had me interested…and the swappable magnetic filters were a fresh and unique addition. So when Elle from BQEYZ offered me the Autumn for a review, I could not turn it down.


Technical Specifications:
Drivers: 13mm dynamic driver with dual-cavity acoustic structure.
Impedance (Ohm): 46 Ω
Sensitivity (dB): 110dB
Frequency Response (Hz): 7 Hz – 40 kHz
Removable Cable: Y
Cable: silver-plated and copper hybrid cable
Cup/Shell Plug: 2.5mm/4.4mm/3.5mm with 2-pin 0.78 mm

Disclaimer: I was provided this BQEYZ Autumn as a review sample from BQEYZ for free in exchange for my honest impressions. The impressions recorded below are completely my own and not biased by any manner.

In the Box:
The beautiful black and orange box looks beautiful and compact. Inside are the iems, a 2.5mm balanced termination cable, a small BQEYZ carrying case with a cleaning tool inside, the magnetic tuning filters and the filter changing too, and 2 types of eartips - small bore and wide bore - 3 pairs each. Nothing flashy, just the necessary elements. Liked it.
The cable is really quite nice though - soft and supple. Quality is not bad either.


Build and Fit:
The very first aspect of Autumn that draws attention is its build. The matte finish blackish blue body coupled with its signature subtle curves looks very premium while being fairly lightweight. Even though light, I never had a feeling that it can have a tendency to fail by the slightest impact. Quite faith inspiring build.
However, following my legacy with BQEYZ iems, I struggled to get a secure fit with M sized tips. It’s only with L sized narrow bore tips that I could have a good fit. However, it still was not the best.

The magnetic filters have already been talked about extensively, so I need not focus on how extremely convenient and effective they are.

There were 2 different sets of tips with different bore width. I went with the narrow bore for my review.


Autumn is a very joyous season for me, without much flamboyance. BQEYZ Autumn apparently follows the exact same methodology in reproducing the sound. Whenever I put it on, I can feel a calm and content feeling. However, the content does not linger if an energetic track comes around, and Autumn cannot perfectly portray that energy…but apart from that, for the rest, I did not have many complaints. Autumn has a distinct warm tonality which is quite pleasing and forgiving. The sound is quite clear. The dynamics take a hit though, but let’s save it for later.

Before coming to sound, some words regarding the filters need to be said. You see, I started with the normal filter, but felt that the top end was a bit too muted, and hence I put on the Treble filter, and never went back. Trying on the Bass filter was practically useless for me, hence I did not give it much thought. But I did put it on once to get an idea of how much the bass increases, and it did increase noticeably.


To start with the Low End, let’s say it gets the job done. I cannot find anything to bash about, nor did I find anything to boast about here. Midbass is favoured a bit more here over the subbass, which isn’t entirely overlooked by the way. Subbass rumbles have above average body, and have a slight bit of pressure to hint at the presence. Midbass slams have slightly more emphasis here, however, the impact is a bit slow and the notes are slightly on the thicker side. The slams have volume, but the attack feels a little soft, and hence has a bit of a pillowy nature to it. Textures are not bad. Overall, with the treble filter, the low end feels rather polite and controlled - which can be hit or miss depending on track.

The traits mentioned above become mostly apparent on the fast kickbass of Metallica - The Four Horsemen, the hits feel thick, but not as attacking as I would have liked.

The bass drums in Battlestar Galactica Season 2 OST - Prelude To War have a very nice reverb, but the initial attack is a bit restrained - which makes the stage cleaner, but lacks the engagement factor.


Midrange is where the strength of Autumn lies. There are a lot of positive aspects here - the notes are smooth, the midrange has forward seating, and overall sounds quite transparent. The one aspect that becomes evident is how the individual notes have a controlled presence. They are not overly thick to sound natural while eating up space, not overly thin to sound unnatural and shrill while opening up more space - they are just at the right balance of both. What’s more - the notes have no untoward peaks at all, so at no point of a listening session you will experience discomfort, however rough the track might be.
The percussion instruments (snare drum, tom tom) sound crisp enough, but not exactly striking. Notes are slightly on the thicker side, which does not play negatively in case of instruments, while enriching the male vocals to have that throaty presence. On the other hand, the female vocals slightly lack that brilliance, and do not portray the energy and excitement completely. However, they do not sound dull.
But the most notable aspect is how clean the midrange sound despite having a smooth presentation. Nothing sounds muffled. However, the smoothness comes with its own caveat - the notes do not have much bite, and hence that spark of life feels missing a bit.

I listened to a busy track Eluveitie - Slania to confirm the transparency, and it also confirmed the lack of bite. However, Leonard Cohen sounded quite natural in the track Hallelujah. Yao Si Ting, as I mentioned earlier, sounded fatigue free but also not as brilliant as she should be in the track Scarborough Fair.


High range is tuned to play a supportive role, not as a main character. There is an evident control present in the lower treble region that prevents it from being splashy or piercing, but the tonality is preserved well while doing that. Treble is not dark at all, rather have an above average amount of energy coupled with an added smoothness. Upper treble extension is above average, which makes the treble sufficiently airy. The shimmers are present, but following the smooth tuning does not sound crisp enough. Not a deal breaker, in my opinion, for someone who prefers this type of tuning.

Regarding Technicalities, let me start with soundstage first. Autumn portrays a nicely wide stage with a quite open presentation. Height is above average, but the depth is about average, which makes for rather an average imaging at best. A bit fuzzy and two-dimensional - that is how the imaging is. However, the clean stage and transparent mids helps to keep the presentation enjoyable yet. Details may seem a bit less pronounced due to the smoothness, but again, musicality takes lead here. An extremely laid back presentation, which also means the macro dynamics are severely compromised. The overall presentation is simply not dynamic at all, but rather suitable for when you just need to relax with some good music.

I have said all I have to say about Autumn. From an objective point of view, Autumn is a brilliant set of iem for those who like this sort of signature: laid back, open, airy, smooth, and musical. Me? I prefer some excitement in my life. More vibrancy, more macro-dynamics, more bites in the notes. So, no, BQEYZ Autumn, despite being a maturely tuned iem, is not for me. But that in now way means that Autumn is not recommendable. I would recommend it in a heartbeat to anyone looking for a iem for a comfortable listening session.



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Great reivew @Ace Bee. Nice balanced views. Enjoyed the read!


Headphoneus Supremus
BQEYZ Autumn, the chameleon of earphones
Pros: Build quality
Innovative tuning options
Good dynamic driver
Sounds different but good with all sources I tried.
Cons: I will write a con when I find one.

The Autumn is the most recent In Ear Monitors (IEMs) made by BQEYZ, not only do they exude elegance and quality in looks and build, they also come with an innovative approach to sound tuning, magnetic tuning filters.

However, what is important is the sound, how is the sound, and are the tuning options any good?


BQEYZ kindly provided me with a review unit of the Autumn. In this article I provide my honest opinion of the Autumn, nothing I say is given to anyone for approval. All views I express are my views. I avoid reading other reviews until I have published my review. I am not influenced by anyone, and I am not paid and I have never been paid to review any item or to express any views positive or otherwise.

Form, Fit and Function

Autumn comes packaged well in a medium sized package.

You get a pocketable black faux leather case, a lovely silver/copper hybrid cable with a velcro cable tie, a cleaning brush and six ear tips of various sizes. In addition you get a small rectangular metal plate in which the 3 pairs of tiny magnetic tuning beads are seated, plus a magnetic tool, a third of the size of a pen but shaped like a pen, for replacing the tuning plugs.


The cable appears to me to be four wire which is silver/copper hybrid which feels nice and soft and ends in a 3.5mm plug and does not tangle easily. The Autumn’s hard case closes with a good quality zip.
The Autumn comes with a 13mm Dynamic Driver.

BQEYZ tells us the Autumn shells are made of a 5-axis machined aluminium shells. The shells are lightweight but feel and look like very good quality. The face plate designed with a couple of pleats which feel very much like the natural viens on a leaf. I requested a blue set, which is one of four available colours, the other colours are green, grey and purple. For me, the ear pieces fit incredibly well with very good isolation and feel feather light.

There is a vent on the inner part of the shells with a slight wing to aid the fit. I heard very little sound intrusion with the sound off and with music playing I heard no sound intrusion, to me the isolation is very good.


My setup for this review

I paired the Autumn with Mi Mix Original, Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus and Fiio M11, as my source, and for amplification variably, a Fiio BTR5, HAAFEE HA11 and the Littlebear B4X tube DAC/Amp, in a mixture of single ended and balanced. I also used the Xduoo M604 and I also used the Fiio music player app, but primarily the PowerAmp v.3 music player app plus Apple Music and Amazon, YouTube and Quobuz streaming.

The sound

In short if you do not want to read the whole review: THE AUTUMN ARE GREAT!

Tuning beads: As the owner of multiple IMR sets, I have had the pleasure of fine tuning my earphones using the various nozzles and filters to get the sound exactly as I want it. The IMR type of tuning using nozzles which have more recently become more mainstream, as more manufacturers adopt the nozzle and/or filter system for user-tuning.

I also had the pleasure of listening to the Effect Audio Axiom, which I bought because the sound. The Axiom gives yet another tuning option which more intricate but also fantastic. Now we have a new concept, the BQEYZ magnetic tuning beads, which are truly innovative.

This must be the era of innovation in IEMs, as we now have the Autumn with its own slant on tuning user defined tuning options. They do work, they are effective albeit subtle, so that the difference in tuning is immediately audible but not dramatically so. For me that is the essence of the Autumn, subtle, the colours used are subtle, the shape of the earpiece with their subtle inner wings, and the tuning beads, they are all understated and exude quality and class. Above all else, the sound of the earphones themselves have the same essence, subtle class, not in your face, they just deliver gently, and to my ears, deliver they most certainly do.


The “Bass” beads, deliver a slight bass lift which sounds noticeably more bass prominent than the “Normal” beads do, but not in vast amounts, just right to give you the impact the recording, to which you are listening, demands.

The “Normal” beads, deliver a bass lift relative to the “Treble” beads but not as much as the “Bass” beads, as you would expect, just in moderation.

The “Treble” beads are my current favourite, at the time of writing, it gives more air to the tuning without killing any other part of the frequency spectrum. Yet nothing is lost in the bass department, if the track demands bass, you will neither miss any bass notes nor feel the sound is anaemic. It is for this reason that I prefer the “Treble” at the moment……remember you can alter the sound in a matter of seconds.

The Autumn IEMs can best be described as a chameleon, not just because of the tuning options but also the effect of different DAC/Amps has on them. At no point did they sound wrong or off with any DAC/Amp but rather different, nothing sounded overdone or underdone. Given the Autumn is a dynamic driver set, you tips also have a noticeable impact on the sound, taking all these possible variations into account, I would risk saying that most enthusiasts can find their ideal tuning.

I am sure many would agree that one thing audio enthusiasts can agree on is that we do not agree on what is the perfect tuning, naturally, the subjective nature of our hobby means we each have our own opinion and long may that be but now we can each own the same set of IEMs and say I tuned them to perfection, with the “correct” beads, the right tips and paired them with the right DAC and Amplifier.


The Autumn work well with every DAC/Amp, or DAP I have used. Yet the difference in sound dillivered is highly dependant on which DAC/Amp you use.


Fiio BTR5:- The Autumn remains true to its character, subtle. This is a delightful pairing (but they all are) full and lush sound, yet the details that pipe out of these earphones are just so good.

HAFEE HA11:- Even more relaxed and laid back sound.

Lttlebear B4X:- [note, I use with a separate portable DAC,Taotronics TT-BA08] - These pull out another character from the Autumn, which is mid-forward with some energy.

Fiio M11:- Quite a neutral and pleasing sound

Xduoo MT604 :- additional note weight which with increased volume added bags of energy to the Autumn.

If your question is, which is my favourite Autumn pairing? I am loath to say, but only if pushed, I have to say they all sound good but different and if pushed further, the BTR5 for convenient mobile use, the HA11 for its enveloping but sedate sound and the MT604 for use at home, for the authoritative weighty sound. Not to forget the Littlebear for the days when I am enjoying some mid foward vocals, wonderful saxophonist, or brilliant acoustic guitar tracks. Is it a cop out, all I say is, tell me that when you have heard the Autumn on different DACs and Amplifiers.


The Bass
The bass on the Autumn is prominent but not overwhelming even with the “Bass” plug inserted. The 13mm DD bass kicks in and gives you good quality sub-bass and mid-bass.
The emphasis to me appears to be in equal quantity between the sub-bass and mid-bass tuning , which is my favourite tuning, more importantly, the bass is very well defined thus bass quality is up there with anything in this price bracket and at times gives the impression of exceeding the price grouping. The definition between notes is obvious with great separation between bass notes, so when you are listening a bass phrase, no information is lost.
You may want to put on your monitors of choice and check out the music using the links.

Chuck Loeb - Rock With You -

Ronny Jordan - Laidback -

Jeff Lober -

The 13mm DD delivers mids beautifully. It is certainly not prominent treble, that is not to say that they are noticeably pushed forward. The mids are just so chilled, which is the essence of the Autumn to my ears. The tuning is done with such subtlety you will be absorbed in the soft but lush and comforting mids.

Rebecca Ferguson - Nothing’s Real But Love -

Count Basic - Joy and Pain -

Highs on the Autumn are quite interesting, very much along the same lines subtlety is the key. The Autumn highs are a delight to hear, with very good informative details coming through. However, other tips are worth exploring to get the best out of your earphones. All of this with no sibilant, sharp or piecing high notes.

Cafe del Mar - XIV - Viva Cuba Musica -

Sentosa -

I Believe -

Note: Remember, YouTube recordings are not always the highest quality recordings.


In conclusion, the BQEYZ Autumn earphones are worth every penny, it is as simple as that. If the Autumn had been sold for $300, my guess is, those who buy would be delighted with their purchase. Burn them in for 48 hours or so. Select the ear tips that make your music shine (wide bore for me) finally all take your time to hone your sound with the tuning nodes and get to know your earphones, you will be rewarded with wonderful sound. The chameleon has plenty to give and is a gentle with satisfying soul!

Enjoy your music!


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Great review as usual Chris!
Excellent review!
impressive if you think they are worth 300 usd because msrp is 200 usd. If you can find catch a discount even less


Headphoneus Supremus
BQEYZ Autumn
Pros: > Polite, inoffensive and easy to enjoy tuning
> Compact metal shells - light and very comfortable (require a larger tip in my experience)
> Excellent, innovative adjustable tuning system
> Good level of details across a reasonable size stage
> Nice soft cable
Cons: < Not for those seeking 'exciting' tuning
< Tips could be better
< Case could be improved upon (nit pick...)
BQEYZ 'Autumn'



BQEYZ reached out and asked if I would like to try 'Autumn' in exchange for a review. Being a big fan of single dynamic drivers, and always curious to hear various types of tuning, I naturally said yes. As always, my impressions are my own, and no influence from the brand on the content. This is my hobby, I'm not a professional reviewer - just enjoy sharing my journey with the community. Thank you for the opportunity BQEYZ.

The BQEYZ is available from a number of dealers to include: LINSOUL, HifiGo, and Penon Audio and at a retail price of $199 at time of this review.


I've experimented with quite a number of IEMs over the last couple of years, and have quite a soft spot for single dynamic drivers. I took a bit of a break recently while focusing on various hybrids, but Autumn has rekindled my interest in the humble single driver. Single DDs in my collection/once owned include:
  • Sennheiser IE900
  • BLON-03
  • FAudio Dark Sky
  • FiiO FD7
  • Oriolus Isabellae
I left Autumn run for about 100 hours when it arrived - I actually had COVID at the time so it wasn't a great time to become acquainted with a new IEM, and easy to leave running on my trusty ZX300.

My listening has been split between the Shanling M9 and Sony NW-WM1A... the former mostly at home, the latter while out and about - Autumn has now accompanied me on many KMs of walking over the last few weeks. I didn't use the stock tips as I always reach for one of my preferred 3rd party tips, in this case I went with the AET07 which I've been using for the entire time.


  • Model: 13mm dynamic driver
  • Impedance: 46Ω
  • Sensitivity: 110dB
  • Frequency response: 7-40kHz
  • Cable length: 1.2m
  • Cable connector: 2pin 0.78mm
  • Plug: 2.5mm/3.5mm/4.4mm
Unboxing & Contents

Autumn arrives in a nicely presented and compact box with all of the necessary basics:
  • Earphones
  • Detachable 2-pin cable (choices of 2.5, 3.5, and 4.4mm upon ordering)
  • Selection of tips
  • Cleaning brush
  • 3 x magnetic tuning filters: bass / normal / treble
  • Magnetic tuning pole (for changing the filters)
  • Plastic carry case (I think this could be tweaked to a somewhat more expensive look and feel)


I opted for the 4.4mm which is my default now always. Point to note actually, Autumn is available also in purple, which I now regret not opting for as it looks fantastic... Blue does too, but purple is quite striking based on the marketing images I've seen.

The shells are a metal build, but incredibly light and sit comfortably in my ears. Isolation isn't fantastic, even at higher volumes, I can still hear some of my surroundings but only louder noises - as noted, I have walked quite a lot with these plugged in, and even the noise of traffic around me hasn't bothered me too much, but worth noting if you are after a set that blocks out everything.

The cable is a silver/copper mix and feels nice and premium as well as looking quite smart. It is soft and wraps up very nicely without any tangling. There are some microphonics with more vigorous movements, but minimal and shouldn't be an issue in typical everyday use.


Tuning Filters

This is a really clever system and much easier to use compared to others I've tried. You get a small tray, with the various tuning filters which are magnetic - the supplied tuning wand, plucks the filter off the tray, and you then pop it in to the IEM shells - it really is that simple, and only takes a few seconds. Very clever idea and great execution.


Listening Impressions

In a nutshell, Autumn has very much driven home the whole notion of 'diminishing returns' for me once more. For under $200, you get a very capable IEM that has an instantly likeable tuning. The 13mm drivers produce a cohesive, robust listening experience in a good size stage. The sound is never offensive; a relaxed and polite signature that is well balanced. The tuning lends itself to any genre I've tested, making a good case for an all-purpose IEM coupled with the excellent comfort.

Test tracks include:
  1. Julia Jacklin - Body
  2. Jacques Greene - Do it Without You
  3. Bluetech - Nightvale
  4. Calibre - Time to Breathe
  5. Bonobo - Black Sands
  6. Cut Copy - Need you Know
  7. Washed Out - Time to Walk Away
  8. Men I Trust - Tailwhip (album V)



Autumn comes out of the box with the 'normal' filters attached. I found the bass somewhat lacking using this filter while listening for the first week or so, ultimately switching to the 'bass' filter - this added some extra depth that I felt was missing, but without any negative impact to the overall tuning. There is a nice balance of sub and mid bass, but certainly not 'bass head' levels. I find the mid bass kick more than satisfactory, with good overall presence and texture. Sub bass has decent rumble, and they are well separated in presentation. As mentioned, certainly not skull-shaking bass levels, but I would say most would be satisfied.


The mids are clear and detailed, and presented in an ever so slightly recessed fashion. Both vocals and instruments sound smooth and natural, with realistic timbre. I find both male and female vocals sound authentic, and sit quite central in my head. There is a nice sense of width and overall space within the mids, and with busier tracks, there is no conjestion or inability to keep up with fast or complex passages.


The treble has good reach, without any fatigue or harshness - I didn't experience any dreaded 'sibilance' in any of my listening sessions, to include those with higher pitched female vocals or the upper registers of various instruments. As per the mids, there is a good natural sound to the treble, and complements the bass well. It doesn't quite hit a level that might be deemed in a 'sparkle' zone - so as much as these aren't a 'bass-head' IEM, nor are they a 'treble-head'...


When listening to Autumn, it is obvious I'm listening to a single dynamic driver - by that I mean, it is a cohesive presentation and instruments sit very comfortably beside each other, with a great sense of imaging within the entire package. With hybrids, tribrids, etc - one can at times pinpoint an instrument by way of the driver and this can sometimes take a hit on it's cohesiveness. I've never found this to be an issue with DDs, the trade off though in my experience is that you rarely get a massive stage or that vast holographic presentation on offer from some multi-driver configurations - I really appreciate listening to a cohesive presentation, and will quickly eliminate an IEM from my collection if it's not ticking that box... with that in mind, a good old single DD is typically a reliable option.

I would describe the stage as a good width, mostly an 'in your head' presentation with more width than height or depth. As noted already, you don't typically get a incredibly large stage with single DDs and I find Autumn absolutely more than acceptable considering the single driver. Hard to articulate, but imagine a diamond shape on it's side (I'm sure a shape of this nature has a name?!), the east and west points extending with reasonable width, relative to the north and south.

Taking timbre in it's very literal sense, Autumn does a wonderful job all around - sounds sound as they should sound! - now of course some other IEMs really excel, the FAudio Dark Sky ($1,200 single DD) for example is spectacular with instruments such as bass or sax, the Isabellae ($599) very hard to beat when it comes to acoustics and vocals - but these are both a lot more expensive IEMs, and bring with them some evident extra refinement. Vocals, strings, percussion, electronic instruments etc all have a nice authenticity with good note weight and everything to my ears is absolutely acceptable.


I have really enjoyed listening to Autumn over the last few weeks, and getting a feel for the quality available for less than $200. I can't say it beats the other single DDs in my collection, that would be crazy considering the price difference but certainly an incredibly competent, natural sounding, and easy to like IEM that performs well with any genre I've tested. On the flip side, that may not suit folks looking for a more exciting tuning.

It has made me curious as to what else can compete in this price region, and I'll definitely be further exploring - Autumn now the benchmark for me to test against in terms of a sub $200 single DD.

Thanks again to @Rosinni from BQEYZ for sending me a review unit, it has been a pleasure!

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Beautiful pictures to accompany a well written review. Thanks for sharing!


Headphoneus Supremus
BQEYZ Autumn
Pros: Premium all metal build. Smaller side of medium in size and ergonomics for great comfort. Harmon balanced based tuning with very good technicalities. New quick switch vent magnet using a magnetic stylus gives up to 6dbs of bass boost from neutral. Effectively giving 3 sound variations on the Harmon tuning. Excellent well matching cable.
Cons: Could use some more tip variety. Due to a well vented design the Autumn has less than average passive isolation. Could have doubled the tuning variations if BQEYZ implemented a tuning nozzle with the included tuning vent.
BQEYZ Autumn

Aha the seasonal earphone. I personally think it is a great thematic idea for an earphone. The idea there is to come up with new designs and tunings with the seasonal naming scheme upon them. BQEYZ has been coming out with newer seasonal offerings and the Autumn while it has been around for a while has garnered fanfare for its design and sound quality. It was my turn to have a listen to the acclaimed Autumn.

Thoughts of bright Autumn colors with a cool breezy air, brisk walks with loved ones and a time to really enjoy the outdoors before the weather turns cold. Speaking of which I have yet to see a winter theme. One suggestion I have is a highly detailed reference earphone with the best detail possible at the given price range. Someone has to tackle the Winter phone and who better than BQEYZ. Back to the review.

The Autumn comes with some substantial upgrades to its build and design. In its smallish medium sized all metal shell the Autumn utilizes a large 13mm, 6 micron thin dynamic in a double cavity structure which controls air pressure better than single cavity designs. Touted to bring out better clarity, a wider sound field and better detail retrieval of sound. In ditching the prior tribrid formula, BQEYZ has focused on using one full range highly resolving single dynamic to throw out the sound. What makes the Autumn interesting, it now utilizes an easy switch out magnetic tuning venting system. The Autumn comes with a small stylus-like magnetic tool which easily pulls out the small circular magnetic structure on the bottom of the housing for another different sized vent structure which again stays in place using magnets. The idea there is with the different sized vents you're gonna get varying bass performance which in turn balances out the Autumn in 3 different ways.
This way of adding or decreasing bass presence is a mod that you might be familiar with on the threads. Something like this the old tape vent mod. The idea here is pretty much the same as what BQEYZ has implemented on their Autumn.

I have seen numerous quick tuning schemes from other tunable earphones including ones that have you change out the face plates on the shells entirely for a completely different sound tuning but someone did some out of the box thinking to come up with this brilliant little idea. The idea of modifying the vent hole is nothing new but how to quickly switch the vents is most definitely a new idea. No longer do you have to mess with tiny caps or nozzles that can come off while listening or worse yet lose due to the sheer size. The magnetic vent system here is as easy as taking out the bottom magnet vent with an easy included tool and replacing it with the bass or treble vent hole structure. To be clear it is the bass end that is affected here and not like the tuning nozzles which affects the treble and upper mids of an earphone. So the basic foundational sound of the Autumn is there. Now with varying degrees of bass emphasis depending on the venting magnet hole you throw on the Autumn

I have quickly become a fan of this style of the quick switch tuning system, it is a brilliant way to quickly add some bass in a pinch. Slick and surprisingly the little magnetic vent hole stays in place until you take it out. I do prefer the bass magnet of the 3 options as it adds just enough bass to make the Autumn sound musical.

Standardly disclaimers. I would like to thank BQEYZ for the sample of the Autumn. It was provided for the purpose of a review. If you feel the need to get yourself a well designed dynamic earphone you can purchase you a set from their aliexpress page here. They have been burned in for a period of a week's time and now are ready for evaluation using my sources. IBasso DX300Max, Fiio M15,Shanling M6pro, M5s, M3s, IBasso DX160, Sony ZX300, Fiio K3 2021, IFI black label for amping.

What you get.
The Autumn comes with 2 sets silicone tips, a stylus sized magnetic tool, 3 different magnetic vent holes aka tuning vents, a square zip up case, the phones and a nicely done 4 core silver plated copper cable in single ended. The cable is one of the nicer cables as a throw in and it is sold separately at $49.

I noticed BQEYZ incorporates a lot of vents inside the metal shells of the Autumn and they did something similar to the previous Summer and Spring iterations. Proper venting for dynamics. There are much more pros when it comes to proper venting a dynamic earphone but the one negative is that passive isolation suffers a bit in the Autumn. Not a big deal to be honest but I would put the passive isolation to be a bit below average for all metal builds. But again this is due to the various methods of venting the driver. The end results however makes the Autumn sound more like a semi open design vs being a closed design.

Of the autumn sounds natural, extended well and has good presence in all parts of the treble bands. Autumn sticks to a harmon curve for its tuning in general so overall the treble is balanced with the most emphasis in the lower treble. Treble gradually tapers off toward the upper trebles. This treble tuning is common for harmon based earphones and I find the Autumn gives a good solid rendition of treble. Its transient and detailed qualities are ideal in several ways. Dynamic treble presentation is not as clinical in how it presents treble vs something like BA treble. Tonally treble sounds a bit better, rounded more textured. Treble has a good balance of presence and quantity and hence harmon treble curves are some of the better representations for treble tunings for earphones.

The important aspects of the treble presentation for the Autumn is that while one set of the tuning magnetic vents say treble, meaning you would think it will mean more treble emphasis is actually not more treble but more so has to do with neutral bass emphasis using that particular magnetic vent. You will perceive the mids and treble a bit more so using that particular vent. So you are not really getting more emphasis like how tuning nozzles and caps works. At no point does the Autumn sound harsh or too forward of anything including the treble. How the vent affects the sound is more to lessen the bass end so the other frequencies are highlighted more when you're hearing lesser bass emphasis as a whole.

Overall the treble is done really well. The treble bands have very strategic mild spikes to accentuate the treble area, BQEYZ did a fine job in tuning the trebles to represent the sound of the Autumn to a nice higher degree. Treble and the resolution of the Autumn presentation in general is not the last word in resolve but the tuning is done exceptionally well for the Autumn. Treble is dynamic and sounds spacious with enough grunt to let you hear fine details for the treble region. No complaints at all about the treble tuning with its good combination of presence, detail and has a bit of air with an appropriate amount of sparkle.

The mids of the Autumn much like the treble tuning is also done well with a mild pinna gain the Autumn sticks to the harmon upper mid curve with good presence and clarity. Tonality for the mids are natural with good timbre for both instruments and vocals alike. One of the negatives of sticking to a harmon curve is it leaves just a slight thinness for mid bands that could use a bit of extra meat in the presentation for the mids. I don’t perceive the mids to have the dreaded thin note weight but at the same time I have heard harmon based earphones present a fuller note, better than the Autumn. It is more of a nit pick than anything. The mids have very good technical foundation. Some of the best I have heard for a BQEYZ earphone.

Technicalities such as imaging, sound separation and details as well as spacious realized stage are done to a nice higher degree in the Autumn. At the price range single dynamics really don’t get much better add to the fact that you can tune the bass end to how you want it. The Autumn goes from a neutral harmon to a musical harmon and a medium of both if you want.

The added bass vent adds just a hint of warmth to the lower mids but otherwise is done exceptionally well to clearly stay away from the mid bands. Vocals be it male and females are done well here and instruments sound natural with good realism. Timbre here is a strong suit and should bode well for folks that are into their acoustic music with vocals. Versatile using the bass vent for modern genres. Detailed well for orchestral scores and jazz.

Bass of the Autumn
Varies by 6dbs from neutral to bass vent its upper bass at around 5dbs. This bass vent structure is well suited for all types of music and enthusiasts tastes in bass presence. Bass with the bass vents has a mild bass presence and even though this has the most bass out of the 3 vent types. Bass is more moderate in form vs being overblown basshead levels. I feel if the bass was to increase over what was done here it would start to really affect the mids and or even the treble area negatively so for the safe of a clean sound presentation the mild boost is all it really needed to bring out more physical bass to the area bringing out a more musical Autumn presentation. More bass on the Autumn and it will start to effect other technical aspects of its sound so the vents here are done tastefully to bring out the 3 levels of bass.

Obviously when using the treble vent, more focus is on the mids to treble giving the best clarity and technical aspects and it does seem to give out slightly more stage in the process. You get neutral amount of bass emphasis on this vent. The “normal” vent is the mid ground between the bass and the treble vent. This one is the closest to sticking with that harmon curve and a middle ground of bass emphasis. I can use either this or the bass vent and be completely happy with the Autumn. The treble vent for my liking is most definitely shy in the bass area. Some will prefer this for the cleanest presentation possible. Again all these are adjustable on the fly.

Bass quantity is moderate but punchy when called for. Its sub bass is done well for using a single dynamic. Digs deep with sub bass tracks. I can tell the dynamic being used has good resolution as bass shows good texture and responds well to bass tracks. Again very versatile in how the bass is presented and its ability. Bass shows tightness with a moderate speed. Bass is not the quickest dynamic bass I have heard but bass end keeps up well with the speediest of metal tracks I have tried on them.

Autumn is a well tuned, well designed earphone and one that should provide the enthusiast more than just one tuning. The magnetic tuning vent is brilliant in execution and is something BQEYZ should implement on all their earphones from this point forward. When EQing is not an option and you want just a bit more bass. Why not be able to use a little tool and add that bass on each ear piece. This alone is worth the extra that BQEYZ is charging to own a set. Its ideal technicalities for single dynamics as well as its nicely harmon balanced tuning clearly shows even more versatility adding the ability to quickly add or reduce the bass end to your liking.
It seems BQEYZ has been getting better and better at tuning the seasonal earphone with their best effort here to date. If you're looking for a versatile dynamic IEM with some great adjustable bass I can’t think of a better way to go than the Autumn. As always, thanks for taking the time to read. Happy listening always.
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100+ Head-Fier
BQEYZ AUTUMN : The New King of $200
Pros: + Great Build & Comfort
+ Comfortable though longer listening sessions
+ The new tuning features
+ Great bass performance
+ Good staging & Imaging
+ Good layering & separation
+ Great accessories
Cons: - Due to the V shaped tuning the midrange suffers a bit
- Staging capabilities could be better
BQEYZ AUTUMN : The New King of $200!


Summary & Objective:

BQEYZ AUTUMN comes with great build and premium looks and also comes with great sonic capabilities and performances of a single Dynamic Driver in the $200 range. It comes with 3 different magnetic tuning discs that provide different type of sound appropriate for different genres and addresses some of the sound preference differences amongst the audiophile crowd. The Sound performance is amongst the best so far from any BQEYZ IEM till date.



BQEYZ AUTUMN is the latest release of BQEYZ in the $200 price range with a promise to deliver great quality sound with 3 different tuning options. It comes with a great premium build and comes with good cable and accessories.
The BQEYZ AUTUMN is priced at $199.00.



This unit was sent by @Ellezhou of BQEYZ for the purpose of an honest review.
Everything mentioned in this review are purely my own based on my experiences with the IEM.


Design, Build & Features:

This time around the BQEYZ Autumn comes with a great premium looks and and the shell is indeed very lightweight and very comfortable for longer listening durations. I could use it throughout the day without any sort of irritation.


Magnetic Tuning :
AUTUMN comes with 3 interchangeable magnetic tuning discs: Bass, Normal, Treble.
These discs can easily be replaced through a magnetic stick also included in the box.
One of the biggest feature of BQEYZ Autumn earphone is the replaceable tuners, came with three different filters accordingly. Three colors of Gray/Gold/Silver represent BASS/NORMAL/TREBLE mode. Easy switch between different modes to fit a various styles of music without any worries. Moreover, magnetic force of the tuner makes dynamic driver get double magnetic force to enhance the transverse soundstage of the earphone


Design & Build Quality:

BQEYZ AUTUMN uses a 13mm dynamic driver with dual cavity acoustics and high dynamic range and ensure a wider staging performance. Follwing are the key features according to BQEYZ...
BQEYZ Autumn earphone is designed with a 13mm dynamic driver complemented with dual cavities. With this structure, it can effectively control the air pressure, increase amplitude of diaphragm and improve the longitudinal soundstage by more than 50%




The BQEYZ AUTUMN comes with $199.00 price tag and the specifications are as below:

1. Item:Autumn
2. Dynamic Driver: 13mm
3. Impedance: 46 Ω
4. Sensitivity: 110 dB
5. Frequency: 7-40KHz
6. Cable Length: 1.2m
7. Pin Type: 0.78mm-2 Pin
8. Plug Type: 2.5mm/3.5mm/4.4mm
9. Driver units: 13mm dynamic driver
10. Contents: Autumn earphone*1 pair, Cable*1pc, Tuner*3 set, Magnetic Tuner Pole*1, Tuner Holder*1, Eartips*6 set(S/M/L), Carrying Case*1, Brush*1




Items Used for this Review:

@iFi audio Micro iDSD Signature, Luxury & Precision W2 Dongle DAC/AMP, Cayin RU6 R2R Dongle, Cayin IHA-6 Amplifier
DAP/Source : Cayin N6 Mk2 with R01 motherboard, Cayin N3 Pro
Streaming Source: QOBUZ
Ear Tips:
I have found @SpinFit Eartip CP500 to suit my preferences the best and have used it throughout the review period.


Tracks Used:
The tracks I have used can be found from the below playlist that I have used and generally use for most reviews...



BQEYZ AUTUMN Sound Impressions in Short:


The Bass on the AUTUMN comes with good amount of details from sub-bass region and good amount of attack and slam in the mid-bass. The overall bass has some great muscle & texture and good amount of details for the price range - The slam of the mid-bass seemed just about the right amount. In tracks like : "Anna R. Chie (Remastered) - Konstantin Wecker" and "Dreams (2001 Remaster) – Fleetwood Mac" you can feel the the attack of the different instruments with enough details and enjoyable attack & slams.


Despite the slight V shaped tuning of the AUTUMN - the midrange feels very enjoyable. It is smooth & musical & comes with good texture and muscle. The vocals are natural and both male and female vocals come with good amount of details. Instruments sounded natural. In tracks like: "Anchor - Trace Bundy" and "Ruby Tuesday - Franco Battiato" while you will love the overall midrange specially transients of the guitars, violins etc... instruments and the vocals.


Treble is quite enjoyable and non-fatiguing. Cymbals sound natural and tracks like “Chocolate Chip Trip – Tool” sounded great and the track was very enjoyable.
The treble has enough details and texture and is quite commendable for the price.


The Staging is where it felt like AUTUMN excels quite a bit over other IEMS of similar price range. It had above average width with a good height and depth making the overall staging performance very comprehensive and outstanding. Tracks like: “ She Don't Know – Melody Gardot” or “Bohemian Rhapsody (live aid) – Queen” sound good & enjoyable. Instrument separation is also where this IEM seems to take lead over others like MOONDROP KATO and DUNU Falcon Pro.

Imaging & Timbre:

The AUTUMN also comes with just good sense of positioning and imaging & timbre performances. Tracks like: “Rotterdam (Or Anywhere) - The Beautiful South “or “Paradise Circus - Massive Attack” seemed quite enjoyable with good imaging & natural timbre.



Quite a few IEMs had been launched recently by different brands having inter-changeable nozzle/tuning systems and new Dynamic Driver systems. Apart from the BQEYZ AUTUMN, there is @MOONDROP KATO and DUNU Falcon PRO. Though the prices are ever so slightly different - the KATO MRP being $189 and BQEYZ AUTUMN being $199, DUNU Falcon PRO being $219 - it just felt necessary to compare as they come with similar tech architectures.



While both the KATO & Falcon PRO had more good amount of details in the bass, the AUTUMN just seemed to have better Bass performance both in terms of sub-bass & mid-bass. Hence for the Bass I would have the following preference.... AUTUMN>Falcon PRO > KATO.

Mids: As all of the 3 IEMs had slight V shaped tuning - Midrange is amongst the stronger traits of the KATO specially. Despite that - I found the the AUTUMN was not lagging in midrange either and could join the KATO head-to-head. However, the Falcon Pro seemed the least impressive in this department due to some mid-bass bleed into the midrange in some cases.

Treble: The Treble performance seemed non-peaky and good in all 3 of the IEMs. While all 3 IEMs shine in this area, I quite liked the AUTUMN performance here.

Soundstage & Separation: Both Falcon PRO & AUTUMN have very good staging and KATO felt slightly lagging behind. in terms of separation though all 3 of them are good for the price range - I would personally prefer the AUTUMN due to much better separation than the other 2 IEMs.


Conclusion :

The BQEYZ AUTUMN is a great performer in the $200 price range and based on it's super performance in the price range it can almost be considered as the new KING of the 4200 range and it just raises the bar a bit higher for others to catch up. The price to performance ratio is quite high for this IEm which maskes it very easily recommendable for all.
Nice Review Brother ❤️
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Excellent review. The magnetic filter thing looks interesting.
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wow bhai 5 star , nice review 😊
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Headphoneus Supremus
Reviewer at Headfonics
Seasons change, but good sound lasts.
Pros: BQEYZ Build
Changeable filters
Cable is really, REALLY nice
Mature, organic tuning fits my bill
Deep guttural bass reach
Cons: Mature, organic tuning is not for all
Lack of micro-details hinder technical ability
Too much bass for some (not me!)
BQEYZ Autumn ($199): Seasons change, but good sound lasts.


The Autumn can be purchased from many sources.


I am a methodical (slow) reviewer. Often, I am behind and other units have come since receiving the latest unit. This would be the case in point. The Summer review will be posted before finishing this write up, but the Autumn has been out for a good bit as well. When Elle contacted me yet again, I was thankful that she did. For what I had read about the Autumn was good and I appreciated the support. I like BQEYZ. I appreciate what they do with their models and the Autumn is no exception. Interchangeable filters is not new, but having the unit on the outside using magnets is a first for me. I do worry a bit about them falling out, but it takes a tangible effort to do so. I again thank Elle & BQEYZ for the support and will provide an honest assessment of this model. Until further notice, the unit is mine to keep, but may be asked back for at any time or sent to another. Until then the unit is mine, and shall not be flipped as that still to this day remains really, really uncool and unethical.


Large 13mm dynamic driver.
>Dual-cavity acoustic structure.
>Replaceable tuning vents with a magnetic structure.
>Professional tuning delivering pure sound with a wide soundstage.
>5-Axis CNC machined metallic ear cavities.
>Ergonomic and comfortable.
>High-quality silver-plated and copper hybrid cable.

Technical Specifications:

>Impedance: 46Ω.
>Sensitivity: 110dB.
>Frequency response range: 7Hz-40kHz.
>standard 0.78mm 2-pin connectors.
>Available in three different plug options: 2.5mm/4.4mm/3.5mm.

In The Box:

BQEYZ Autumn
Single crystal copper silver-plated mixed braid cable
3 pairs of tuning filters
Magnetic tuner pole
Tuning holder
6 pairs of eartips (S/M/L)
Carrying case
Clean brush


Gear Used/Compared:

DDHiFi Janus2 E2020B ($199)
IKKO OH1S ($199)
Thieaudio Legacy 4 ($199)

HiBy R3 Pro Sabre
EarMen Eagle/Sparrow/MBP
VE Odyssey dongle/MBP


Alex Fox
Pink Floyd
Buena Vista Social Club
Elton John
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Shane Hennessy
Jeff Beck
Dave Matthews


Gone is the lighter color of the Spring/Summer, replaced by a quite thick black sleeved cardboard unit. A large silhouette of the Autumn resides on the front, while the specs are on the back. Sliding the sleeve off you are met with a more traditional fall-like color of orange box. Peeking out the top in a cutout are the IEM’s themselves. Take the paperboard off, which protects the top and you are met with a cutout in the foam for the aluminum piece, which holds the filter at the midpoint, and the removal magnetic tool on the bottom.

Under that is the larger square case on the bottom and another foam piece, which holds the six sets of tips in two varieties (s, m, l of each). A nice presentation and a decent set of accessories.



Coming with a 13mm dynamic driver, which has a dual-cavity acoustic structure for an open, airy sound along with a 6μ diaphragm purported to provide a better response in the whole frequency range without distortion. This helps deliver a smooth sound as well. As a result, the Autumn boasts one of the biggest dd’s out there. You can tell when we get to the sound portion. Also included on the inner portion of the shell are the inserts where the filters go. Normal (gold) is fitted automatically, but there are both bass (gray, to match my sample) and treble (silver). I could definitely tell a difference between the filters, but with that large of a driver, and the tuning; the Autumn tends toward warm and rich. Too warm and rich for some. I will note all three in the sound portion.


I continue to be impressed by the build of BQEYZ models, and the Autumn is the best so far, to me. Made of three pieces, the shell has an organic shape to it on the faceplate, along with three evenly spaced vent holes inward below the interchangeable filter. The nozzle is chrome colored and with a good lip, affords excellent handling of the tips. The main shell has two distinct acoustic chambers by design and is the way most manufacturers are treating their shells currently. Separate chambers for separate drivers allow for better isolation of each, minimizing distortion and cross feed of sound. Like mini listening rooms, acoustically patterned for the best response, this works.

There is also a small nib on the inner shell, which aids in retention within your ear. It is small enough that tits placement did not bother me. Between that nib and the nozzle lies the divet for the filter. Not perfectly flush with the shape but having an equidistant amount of the filter showing on each end, there is a nice swerve to the shape. And yes, one can use their fingers to remove the filter. I worried a bit, but the magnetic force holding it in place is quite sufficient. There are even L/R marks on the inside shell parts as well as a tiny “L” on the faceplate of the left IEM. Not the right, though.

The cable of copper and silver braid matches the blue/gray color of the IEM quite nicely. I prefer understated to garish, and the silver color with the hint of copper looks stunning to me. Sufficiently stiff to not be flimsy, the cable also has a nice amount of sheathed plastic for an over-ear guide. Terminated in two-pin, the black IEM end is also labeled with an L/R designation. More like dark gray than black, the color does not hold fingerprints and the two-pin fit snugly and flush, with only a bit of the inner plastic housing showing. The dark gray carries over with a Y-splitter laden with the BQEYZ label and proper metal cinch. Even the termination at the 3.5mm end carries the gray color scheme along with the initials. Slightly wider at the jack then the point where the cable enters, this gives the jack a very good grip in hand, along with the slight hourglass shape of the barrel. The only “blemish” I found is a slight mismatch of faceplate and inner shell of one IEM. And it came down to not finishing the curvature of the shell where it connects. A minor detail to me and the other shell/faceplate interface was perfect. As a result, I could feel a small lip, but this did not hinder the connecting of faceplate to inner shell at all.

Nary a fingerprint carries over onto the shell or cable, which is nice to see.

Fit in my average-sized ears is very good as well, with a minimal amount sticking out. Using the largest silicon tips provided, I found very good isolation, which became even better once the music started. Moving my head around did not break the seal either, like some I have in house on another review.

The build, fit & finish is exactly what I would expect from a quality IEM at this point, and could be considered a benchmark as a result.



From a website: “BQEYZ Autumn earphone is designed with a 13mm dynamic driver complemented with dual cavities. With this structure, it can effectively control the air pressure, increase amplitude of diaphragm and improve the longitudinal soundstage by more than 50%.”

This means that the isolation of the large 13mm dd can be controlled better by an individual chamber, and thus control air pressure distortion along with potentially increasing the width of the soundstage. See “sound” for the impressions. Also new to this are the three interchangeable filters of bass, normal & treble tendencies. The unit came mounted with the normal, and after a listen quickly switched to the bass. In talking to another reviewer, he lamented that all three were too bass heavy for his tastes, and possibly covered the wonderful mids. I posit it could also be due to the immense size of the dynamic driver itself. All technologies worked well together, and I came to appreciate how BQEYZ does not sit with their models, but also do not rush new ones into production like some “affordable” models from the Far East. BQEYZ tries their technologies, tests and retests them until they are happy and satisfied. Not all will like the sound, but that is the way it rolls with all headphones/IEM’s.




The Autumn comes across with a mature sound, that has a good amount of vibrancy to it, as well as a richer warmth than previous models to me. Bass is indeed heavier as well. Running the bass filters on the Burson Funk gives a very solid sound, which goes deep with a bit of bleed into the mids. Only as the decay is a bit slower to me, which gives a somewhat lush sounding to that interface. Vocals are good, and darn near dead center to me. Sans Tois by Pomme comes across as melodic and her rich succinct voice tends toward tight notes up top. It could be mistaken for stridency, but it sounds so good that you realize it isn’t. The Autumn gives a warmth to the clarity as a result of all the above rolled together.


Done with my favored bass filter, but all will be discussed at the end.

The Autumn comes across with deep reaching bass, where attack is faster than decay giving a lush sound to the sub bass, which tends to linger. To me this aids in the spatial presentation of the low end as well. Those who favor tighter, faster responding bass may want to change filters. On Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Lenny, the song naturally runs slow and sweet, so the Autumn fits the mood perfectly. This is not droopy or drippy by any means, it simply isn’t the fastest responding bass. I still like this treatment for my favored richness and warmth in the signature.

The mids are nicely laid out, without taking frontal stage like some. As mentioned, female vocals sound dead center and on par with how the song intends; no stridency involved. Pink Floyd’s live Comfortably Numb sounds a bit slow and methodical until Gilmore releases the guitar solo. Then it simply sings with passion and energy like it should to me. But, the mids still seem to take a backseat to the rest and could be a bit more forward for my tastes. A bit more urgency or vibrancy would take this into real consideration at this point.

Treble note pushes up nicely, almost countering the bass and mid, for a V-shaped signature. But it does so without the stridency mentioned before. Cymbals do seem to be lacking the depth or thickness usually associated with good treble note, and it could be the choice of filter changes this. I do like the note, but with the bass filter wish for a bit better spatial relationship and vibrant tone to those notes and instruments.

Soundstage is good, and the dual chambers notes an increased width as a result. I cannot really state whether this is true or not, for what I near is a pretty evenly spaced box, with a bit more height than width and depth. As I have stated in some reviews lately, I take less note of soundstage now as opposed to the overall tone, and movement towards my favored character. That said, it is still important to note characteristics such as those here for people who prefer to put a checkmark by those aspects mentioned first. Good but not cinema-quality.

Layering & separation suffer a bit with the bass filter, but using the normal one, definition of both is better. But when a song such as Los Lobos Porquito Para Aqui comes on you get the stage of instruments playing across the whole set, and in pretty distinct character as well.


Using my preferred Bass filter-gray, the sound reached deep and with good rumble. I did find that the mids and upper suffered due to the preponderance of those deep notes. Soundstage, while not suffering too much was average as a result using this combination.

Switching to the Normal filter-gold, the stage opened nicely as did the notes up top. I could also tell a difference in the spatial clarity of notes, and using Pomme as a reference, her voice seemed to float with good character. I hate to use the term “holographic,” but there did seem to be better depth of that soundstage as a result. This is a good middle ground filter, that works across many genre, but might be suited to faster dance or hip hop as well.

Using the Treble filter-silver last This was the most airy, but also sounded the thinnest to me as well. To me, the treble filter would be best for orchestral or light female-based listening, because there is still good bass reach to be had, but without the domination. This could work for EDM as well I would imagine due to the speed of note, without giving up too much bass.



BQEYZ Autumn ($199) v DDHiFi Janus2 E2020B ($199):

The Janus2 is a completely retuned model, but with the same cool, quirky looks to it. Many of us lamented that the insides were not as open while looking at the connection ribbon, but with the redesign, the chamber is much better acoustically. I will admit this is one aspect of which I applaud manufacturers. Innovating the shell to enhance sound much like speaker placement in your listening room is a very good next level. I have another in house right now, that actually modifies the chamber for the dynamic driver, much akin to a subwoofer (Fir Xenon6). But anyway, the Janus2 is much more open sounding than the Autumn, even when the treble filter is used.

Bass is a bit deeper on the Autumn, but that could be the use of the Air Nyx cable I had as well. Detail retrieval of the J2 is very, very good; topping the Autumn without much effort. But, organically sounding goes to the Autumn, which gives off the wonderful richness pervading my senses. If you prefer a more detailed sound, you could do worse than the J2. Organic, naturally sounding

BQEYZ Autumn ($199) v IKKO OH1S ($199):

The 1S is the latest iteration of the OH1 series, and as such is retuned for a more even sound. Bass still runs strong, with fast decay, but it does not sound weak while running deep. The bass treatment here is better than the Autumn by a bit but the Autumn bass sounds more organic to me.

I would call the IKKO s funner sound, and the Autumn a more mature sound. Either would be good choices.

BQEYZ Autumn ($199) v Thieaudio Legacy 4 ($199):

The L4 would be the old IEM of the bunch, having been around for a good bit of time. Thieaudio took the audio world by storm with this model and their more expensive ones. Coming with excellent build, gorgeous looks and the sound to back it up the Legacy 4 is considered by some as the standard at this price. I get it and understand why. I rate it highly as well. Maybe not having the deep reaching bass as some here, but solid nonetheless it comes across as honest and fully worthy of supporting the rest. Vocals here could be the best of the lot, even if a bit hot for my tastes. Mids are solid (really all here are...), and female vocals simply sing. The L4 is the whole package from good looks to a wonderful cable and sound commensurate with what a price point choice should have.

The Autumn is again more mature and laid back, but certainly not boring when compared. Some might find it dull in comparison. I would say that it is the maturity of sound, which you will either like more or less than the L4. Both are worthy choices.



I write this part appropriately enough listening to San Tois & Lenny, two wonderfully different songs, but both worthy of the laid-back signature. Pomme’s voice is ethereal and sensuous making for a wonderfully organic sound emanating into your ears. Lenny is just a love song for the ages without words. When I saw Stevie Ray Vaughan play this one hot summer night at Starlight Theater in Kansas City, he was dressed to the nines in a white suit, complete with his trademark black hat and feather. He played the song as he gently swung his legs from the stage. I was second row center and could see and feel every pluck. It was superb.

And here is where I think the Autumn makes its mark. Sublime in presentation like a fine quiet fall afternoon as you watch the leaves fall gently to the earth after a nice cool shower passes. Almost crisp in weather but not quite. It is that quieter sense of being that comes forth from the Autumn and highlights the best parts: natural and organic, richness without being soft, and warmth without being too much so. To me (and others) The Autumn is the best iteration of this “season series,” and I for one am glad I had the chance to listen and kick back while the songs and memories flow.

Thank you, Elle & thank you, BQEYZ



100+ Head-Fier
BQEYZ Autumn 🍂 Long Term Review - How does it fair 2 Months Later?
Pros: - versatile tuning (3 filters: bass, mids, highs)
- wide soundstage
- wide imaging
- natural timbre
- best implementation of tuning filters IMO
- macrodetail and dynamics
Cons: - refinement
- not the not technical when compared to other $200usd IEMs
- microdetails
- 5kHz peak (with Treble filter)
- below average isolation


BQEYZ Autumn is BQEYZ's latest addition to its "4 Seasons" series of IEMs. The BQEYZ Autumn rocks a single 13mm Dynamic Driver complemented with dual cavities. It retails for $199usd and it comes with 3 interchangeable tuning filters, plus an option to select 1 cable with the configuration of your choice during checkout (3.5mm/2.5mm/4.4mm).


Upon opening the box, I am presented with 2 different types of tips(3 sets of narrow bore + 3 sets of wide bore), a cleaning brush, a pleather hardshell case, the interchangeable bass filter set (with the magnet tool), a 2-pin Copper+SPC mixed cable, and last but not least, the IEM itself.

Just like the Spring and Summer, the unboxing experience of the Autumn is pretty good. BQEYZ is quite generous with their accessories, with good cable and eartips provided in the box. In terms of the interchangeable tuning set, the tuning filters are placed in a small piece of metal, with a magnetic tool to help change the filters easily. I will explain more on how to change the filters later, but for now, just know that this is probably the best implementation of interchangeable filters in an IEM that I have ever experienced.
Here is the official video guide provided by BQEYZ -

With that out of the way, let's start the review.

*Disclaimer: This review is done using both the stock narrow and wide bore tips. Both stock 4.4mm balanced cable and TACable Obsidian 3.5mm cable is used.

Source used:
1. iFi Zen DAC + iFi Zen CAN + IEMatch 3.5/4.4 (iSilencer Plus + iPurifier3 + iPower + iPowerX + USB 3.0 cable + 4.4mm balanced interconnect cable)
2. Sony Zx300 (MrW WalkmanOne w/ Dawn2.1 + Plus v2 + J region)
3. Shanling M3x Limited (Apodizing fast roll-off filter)
4. Apple Dongle
5. Samsung Galaxy S9+ SE out (Exynos)

1. 46Ω Impedance / 110dB Sensitivity.
2. Pretty easy to drive. My Samsung S9+ and Apple Dongle drove the Autumn with ease. Drivability shouldn't be an issue here. Scales well with power.

BQEYZ Autumn.png


  • The best ever implementation of tuning filters I've ever experienced. Changing the bass filter on the Autumn is as easy as changing the eartips or the cable. Since the tuning filters are made from magnets, all you need to do is use the magnetic tool provided to detach or reattach the bass filters. When I say it is as easy as changing the eartips, I mean it.
  • In terms of the magnets losing their strength over time, I can confidently say that this is not an issue as I've been using the Autumn for 2 months and I have never experienced the magnetic filters falling out.
  • Variable tuning - treble, normal, bass. I personally find all 3 sound signatures to be good, with "treble" and "normal" being my personal favourite. Here is a breakdown of all the 3 tuning sounds:

    "bass" filter - The bassiest, warmest, and the least technical of the 3. I would describe this as having a warm V-shaped signature. Bass is full, thick, and rumbly. Great sub-bass extension. Midrange is warm and lush with vocals being presented in a thick and full manner. Treble is smooth with the 5kHz lower treble peak being the least noticeable.

    "normal" filter - warm neutral tuning with good technicalities. The most "balanced" tuning of the 3. bass is punchy with good texture and slam. Sub-bass still extends well. Midrange is slightly warm with upper midrange being more forward. The 5kHz peak is slightly noticeable now. However, I find the 5kHz peak here to be more of a pro than a con as I find it to add character and sparkle to the treble. The treble here is well-extended and slightly sparkly.

    "treble" filter - neutral bright tuning with the best technicalities and microdetails of the 3. The brightest and shoutiest tuning of the 3. bass is better textured, tighter, and leaner. Midrange is neutral and transparent, with upper midrange being the most forward of the 3. The 5kHz is the most noticeable here and could get annoying at times. You might also experience slight sibilance in this tuning mode. Treble is sparkly, airy, and shimmery.
  • In terms of soundstage, I find Autumn's soundstage to be very impressive thanks to its huge and wide staging capabilities. When I first tried the Autumn with the included wide bore tips, the first thing I was reminded of is that it reminds me of a full sized closed-back headphones. Obviously, the Autumn isn't comparable to a full-sized headphone. However, it is the closest it can get in IEM form IMO.
  • In terms of imaging, although not the sharpest, the imaging here renders wide and has an "out of your head" presentation.
  • In terms of transient speed and decay, although not the snappiest, I find the slower decay of the Autumn to sound quite organic. This further contributes to the natural and organic timbre that the Autumn provides.
  • Great dynamics and macro detail presentation. With the "normal" filter on, micro details are decent/average. With "treble" filter on, I would rate microdetails to be above average in the $200usd price range.


  • Sound quality lacks refinement when compared to other competitors like Tanchjim Oxygen, Tanchjim Hana 2021, KBEar Believe, etc.
  • Imaging sharpness isn't the best.
  • Not the most technical in the $200usd price range.
  • Below average isolation. Isolation with the Autumn isn't the best. Changing the eartips to the narrow bore tips help a bit, but not enough to change my verdict on the isolation.
  • 5kHz peak with slight sibilance (with "Treble" filter on)


  • In typical BQEYZ fashion, the stock accessories are already great to begin with. I find BQEYZ to be very good in synergizing the right eartips and cable with the right IEM. That was the case with their Spring 2 and Summer. The BQEYZ Autumn is NOT an exception.
  • However, after playing around with a few cables and eartips I have, here is what I ended up using as I find these combos to synergize really well with the Autumn:
  • Eartips: For "treble" and "normal" tuning, I find JVC Spiral Dots to sound the best. JVC Spiral Dots adds bass and fullness to the mids whilst smoothing out the highs slightly. Overall sounds fuller and more open. With the "bass" tuning on, my go-to eartip of choice is Spinfit CP-145.
  • Cable: I find **** "Neotech" Copper cable to sound the best with Autumn. The Neotech gives the Autumn a more "organic" and "U-shaped" sound. Overall, it makes the Autumn sound more refined.


Autumn vs Oxygen.png

  • The Tanchjim Oxygen sounds more "refined" and "matured" overall. It has better micro details, technicalities, air, and imaging.
  • BQEYZ Autumn has a much bigger soundstage with a more organic timbre and presentation. Macrodynamics are also slightly better. Note weight is slightly thicker in comparison.

Autumn vs BElieve.png

  • The KBEar BElieve is brighter, harsher, and thinner sounding than the Autumn. However, the BElieve has much speedier transient and decay, better texture, much better technicalities, resolution, microdetails, and sharper imaging.
  • BQEYZ Autumn overall sounds more balanced, fuller, thicker, warmer. It is less harsh and less bright in comparison. It is also a lot easier to drive than the BElieve as the BElieve requires a higher current source to perform well. However, it isn't as technical and resolving as the BElieve.


Before using the BQEYZ Autumn, I have always found interchangeable filters/tuning to be a gimmick. Thanks to how tedious it is to change filters on other IEMs, I never found myself wanting to change tuning once I've found the tuning I like. However, BQEYZ Autumn is an exception. Changing filters is hassle-free. When I said it is as easy as changing the eartips and cables, I mean it. BQEYZ seriously hit the nail in the coffin with this interchangeable tuning technology.

The longer I use the BQEYZ Autumn, the more I like it. After using the BQEYZ Autumn for 2 months, I can safely say that the BQEYZ Autumn is a great 1DD IEM offering at around the $200usd price range. With exceptional soundstage, good imaging, great dynamics, macro details, timbre, and the best ever tuning filter implementation I have tried, it is no wonder why the Autumn is rated so highly by many.

However, it isn't without its cons. Microdetails isn't the best, imaging isn't the sharpest, isolation is pretty bad, and most of all, it just doesn't sound as matured or refined as other well-established IEMs like the Oxygen and Hana 2021.

Despite that, I still think that the BQEYZ Autumn is a great IEM choice at the $200usd price range. The BQEYZ Autumn gets my recommendation.

4/5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thank you BQEYZ and Elle Zhou for sending the Autumn over. I am not at all compensated by them and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Interested in getting the BQEYZ Autumn? Here is the purchase link (non-affiliated):

Personal Links:



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100+ Head-Fier
BQEYZ Autumn's Review - Is it Autumn Already?
Pros: Tweakability
Big soundstage (Amped)
Relatively Easy to drive
Smooth sound and well extended
Cons: Price
Unsure if the magnet filter will have wear and tear issue? (more like a doubt rather than cons)
BQEYZ Autumn's Review - Is it Autumn Already?

After Spring, Summer, and here comes Autumn, perhaps Winter is the next hit? Today we’re here to talk about Autumn, both Spring and Summer were highly praised among reviewers for the performance and also the price.

Unlike both Spring and Summer which have multi driver setup, Autumn is a single dynamic driver setup, with swappable magnetic tuning vent. A rather interesting and fresh concept which allows you to change the tuning with minimal effort.

The packaging is rather standard to me, however, at 199$, I would expect the unboxing experience to be a tad better as I've seen some other brands which offer exceptional unboxing experience at a lower asking price.

It consists of two sets of eartips, one would be the bass and another would be the standard i supposed. A BQEYZ branded carrying case, the magnetic filters and the IEM itself.

Build and Comfort
The build quality here is exceptional as the whole IEM is in metallic shell. I also like the fact that it is matte, very smooth and doesn’t attract any fingerprints.

Comfort wise, I have no issues wearing them for long listening sessions. It fits well and doesn’t feel heavy.

Tidal -> Audirect Beam 3 Pro -> BQEYZ Autumn(4.4 to 3.5 SE) (Stock cable and Tips) - Powered on laptop
Tidal -> RHA Dacamp L1 -> BQEYZ Autumn(4.4 Balanced) (Stock cable and Tips)
Tidal -> Apple Type C Dongle -> Cayin C5 -> BQEYZ Autumn(4.4 to 3.5 SE) (Stock cable and Tips)

Sound (On Normal Filter)
First track, Radiohead’s Creep i hit play, and i am instantly amazed by the level of details rendered, the layering, the imaging and the separation, they are so good and in a complex track like this, some IEM struggled to layer and image properly whereby the vocals at time seemed to be drowned by the instruments, but that is not the case for Autumn.

Timbre is very natural and also the tonality is spot on. There really isn't much to criticize in terms of sound.

  • Bass is well controlled, fast and tight and right amount of quantity
  • The bass region is how i like/think bass should sound like, ie Audiophile’s bass, realistic and not bloated nor authoritative (Do take into consideration that this is my preference, some might perceive it as lean bass)
  • No bass bleed
  • Sub bass rumble can be felt when the track calls for it, working in tandem with the mid bass in a smooth and controlled manner

  • Vocals are forward and not recessed
  • Very detailed and lush mids
  • No weird peaks here thus very enjoyable, even at high volumes

  • Treble presentation is good in my opinion
  • No signs of sibilance nor piercing high here
  • Good amount of air and also right amount of sparkles that doesn’t cause fatigueness even at high volume (Do take into consideration that some are more sensitive to treble, however i personally feel that this is alright)

  • Soundstage here is average to me, more in your head kind rather than the out of head kind of experience
  • Source does play a role in terms of soundstage rendering, eartips as well. Hence i am only give my impressions based on stock setup(stock eartips and cable), with RHA’s DACAMP, the soundstage is tighter and layering is excellent
  • With Audirect’s Beam 3 Pro dongle on mid gain, the soundstage is a little wider and layering remained excellent
  • Instrument separation is very good as well
  • Imaging is good as well as instruments can be pinpointed easily and also the left right transition between channels is very good as well

  • Autumn is easy to drive
  • However it does benefit from a good source and it certainly do better when it’s amped
  • With RHA’s Dacamp L1 line out to Cayin C5 portable amp, Autumn sounded cleaner and exhibited better control on all three regions
  • So i would say it does benefit from amping

Comparison between filters

  • Low end has got more weight and body to it
  • This track in particular, Zhao Peng’s The Moon Represents My Heart, his vocal seemed to sound slightly thicker and has got a bit more body to it, very pleasing
  • Sub bass rumble a little harder now and also the mid bass has got a bit more thump to it, still nowhere near basshead level
  • Loses a little air, to my ears
  • Low end sounded similar as Normal filter
  • Some microdetails can be picked up more easily
  • Mid range remained unchanged
  • Still not sibilant nor harsh

Moondrop KATO

  • KATO has got slightly more energy compared to Autumn (This is nothing bad or good, more on personal preference,some might find the energy too much, some prefer it)
  • KATO’s sub bass is slightly rolled off whereas Autumn has better bass extension, on KATO the bass will be perceived as fast whereas Autumn, you can fine tune it according to your preference
  • Soundstage is tighter on KATO, hence perceived as smaller soundstage compared to Autumn which has a bigger soundstage
  • Imaging capability is more or less the same on both

Final Thoughts
The introduction of the tuning nozzle is quite innovative as it allows an individual to have extra flexibility in fine tuning the IEM to suit his/her own sound preference if stock setup is not what they like. However, i am not sure if this will pose as an issue in the future where the tuning nozzle will suddenly dropped due to some force applied to it, eg while wearing the IEM or when taking it off the ear and accidentally rubbing it off, i’m not saying it happened to me, so far it's holding up pretty good, but not sure if it will become a problem or not in the future?

Make no mistake that this is a good sounding set, however i do think that the asking price is a little too high for some people and that may limit the reach of Autumn to many other people.

However, putting all that aside, judging Autumn based on its sound performance, a solid 4/5

*A big thanks to BQEYZ for offering a substantial discount for this unit in order for me to review. My impression is not influenced by BQEYZ in any way to write this review.

If you are interested in getting a pair, do check out the link below if you are from Malaysia
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Reactions: numand and Bogi339


New Head-Fier
𝐁𝐐𝐄𝐘𝐙 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐧: A Change of Seasons
Pros: - Versatile tuning system
- Matured u-shaped sound
- INCREDIBLE staging and imaging
- wealth of accessories
- the best at its price bracket (subjective)
Cons: - hastily tuned transition from high mids to low treble
- fit might not be for everyone
- price may limit the number who can have the opportunity to try it out

This is a review of the BQEYZ Audio Autumn, which BQEYZ themselves given me the opportunity to review.


This IEM marks yet another milestone for this page, as this is the first $200 IEM I have ever been given the opportunity to review and own. The BQEYZ Autumn has been one of the popular choices within the price bracket with an extremely competitive sound signature and one unique gimmick that really ups the ante: swappable magnetic filters that can add more bass and treble frequencies to the IEM. All I can say is that I am amazed how excellent this IEM is, and it definitely deserved all the high praises it has been given.

Come with me as we experience a remarkable change of seasons.





- Presentation
Upon first sight of it, the packaging of the BQEYZ Autumn oozes professionalism. It has minimal gimmicks, no boisterous visual effects, and no distracting colors. It is also made from a sturdy and hard cardboard material, which really feels hefty. The box art is as elegant as all heck: a nice silhouette of the curved sculpting of Autumn's faceplate. The silhouette art is printed in an embossed-glossy manner, that of which has a nice tactile feel to it. The front art also flexes its primary gimmick in the other set of text visible in the packaging, indicating "replaceable tuning earphone". There are not much other noteworthy things present in the box visually, which really adds to the premium, minimalist feel of the box. Other Chi-Fi companies should take note of this, as simple visual changes such as what Autumn's box did contributes to the entire experience of its purchase.


- Product
The mechanism of unboxing the Autumn is same as KZ products (slip-on cover), but taken to a greater premium feel. The entire experience was very rewarding and buttery smooth, with the presentation of the IEM itself a beauty to behold. It is covered by a secondary paperback cover, which uncovers the secret as to what the BQEYZ initials mean: "Best Quality Earphones for You". I don't particularly know what the Z stands for, but hey, a sprinkle of the typical Chi-Fi branding quirks still make its way into this one. Upon removal of the secondary cover, we are presented with three things: the IEM itself, the receptacle for the spare magnetic tuning filters, and the magnetic pen used to replace it. In typical Goji-Fi fashion, I picked the greenish-grey color variation the Autumn had. It has a low-key stunner look to it, especially when held at an area with good lighting to it. The words "BQEYZ" and "Autumn" can be found on each of the top of the IEMs.



- Particulars
The Autumn comes with a whole host of accessories, which adds points when it comes to its price-to-value ratio. Asides from the receptacle for the filters and the magnetic pen, it also features a hefty leather case and a a whole armory of eartips. The leather case contains the cable for the Autumn, a velcro strap to keep everything organized (which is eerily similar to what Moondrop gives for the Quarks), and a cleaning brush. The eartip armory is a sight to behold, as it features all 3 sizes (S, M, L) on the 2 types of silicon eartips (wide and narrow bore). I personally like this setup better than those who provides 1 type of silicon eartips and a pair of memory foam ones, the latter of which I find to be a hit-or-miss quality-wise.










𝘽𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙌𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 & 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩
There are literally no faults to be found in the build quality of the Autumn. Everything is at my absolute preference: the heft, the tactile feel, and the looks. The faceplate of the Autumn can be one of the more iconic IEM faceplates as time goes on, as its extremely simple yet easily recognizable. According to the company, the IEM is made from a 5-Axis CNC Metallic material, which I stipulate to be high quality aluminum alloy. It allows for a great heft and tactile feel without it being overbearingly heavy to the ears. BQEYZ's engineers and sculptors have their engines pumping on all cylinders, as the precision cuts on this IEM catches the light IMMACULATELY and all curves properly fit in the conchas of my ears. Its shape not only serves its visual aspects, but also practical. The cables also have a nice heft and material quality to them, though the braiding can get tangled up sometimes when handling.
The fit of this IEM is just perfect. It does not insert to your ears to the point of feeling violated, but not too shallow enough to experience it falling out at the slightest movement. I might sing songs of praises about this type of fit, but it is mostly subjective. Some people like it deep, some people like it shallow. The wealth of eartips that you can mix-and-match compliments the perfection of the fit of the IEM, but don't expect them to either insert deeply or sit loosely in your ears (depends if you put the wrong sized eartips for your ear canals). It slightly sticks out of the ears when worn, but it is not to the point where I dock points off because of it. The cable is supple and really nice to handle, albeit the previously-mentioned braided cable having slight tangling issues.

𝘔𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘭 𝘑𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘴𝘰𝘯 - 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘕𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘐𝘯𝘤𝘩 𝘕𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴 - 𝘏𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘴 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘋𝘶𝘢 𝘓𝘪𝘱𝘢 - 𝘍𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘕𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘨𝘪𝘢 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘤𝘦 - 𝘌𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘞𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘖𝘱𝘦𝘯 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘙𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 - 𝘖𝘒 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘳 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘌𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩, 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘥, & 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘦 - 𝘙𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦! (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘗𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘥 - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘚𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘖𝘮 - 𝘈𝘥𝘷𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘗𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘦𝘦 - 𝘐𝘯 𝘈𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘢 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘗𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘦𝘦 - 𝘍𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘵 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘔𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢 - 𝘓𝘰𝘢𝘥/𝘙𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘢𝘥 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘚𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘮 𝘰𝘧 𝘈 𝘋𝘰𝘸𝘯 - 𝘛𝘰𝘹𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 - 𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)
𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 - 𝘚𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘰𝘴 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮)

- Signature
I got so addicted listening to this IEM to the point that I deliberately delayed the writing of this review just to appreciate its sound further. It is IMMERSIVE, with every bit of the word. It may not be my ideal/target tuning, but it was amazing enough to make my preferred aural palette wider than before. It boasts an incredibly natural sound, with a soundstage that I have never ever heard before.
The bass on the Autumn is very polite, but can pack quite a meaty punch when a song calls for it. Its bass response can be summed up by the popular quote "fly like a bird, sting like a bee". It attacks and decays fast, with a supple amount of sub bass that does not leave you hanging after its initial punch. Longer bass notes (such as those coming from bass guitars and lower synth notes) are very meaty and well-presented, but it does not go into basshead territories where they occupy most of the aural space. It acts like a nice, solid foundation that can be found underneath all the greatness of the entire frequency structure. I might prefer a meatier bass response, but exposure from this kind of precise bass attack has really widened my perspective on how bass tunings can be done.
The tuning on the Autumn can be best described as a refined U-shaped sound, with the mids being slightly recessed without it being veiled. It still packs quite a bit of information to be considered not a "true" U-shaped signature, as evident in the smooth and buttery curves that can be found in its graph. This nice transitions translates well in its sound, as it boasts quite a clean yet not surgical presentation of its tonality. Mid-heavy instruments such as guitars and pianos are nicely bodied, but not as prominent as IEMs that have a more balanced approach (KZ CRN, etc.).
I have a love-hate relationship with the treble on the Autumn. It packs all the bells and whistles that can achieve microdetail amounts of information, yet it has a *slightly* weird tonality to them. Judging from what i hear and on the graph, this might be the result on BQEYZ's decision to have a steep curve on the transition from mids to the lower treble frequencies. It resulted in quite a bit of a aural hybrid between shouty and off-timbre, but I will take the word slight to its maximum definitions here. It can really depend on the music library you have, but as a metalhead, I can pick up these tiny imbalances. I won't dock a point off of it though, as it feels like it was an intended tuning decision: the rest of the treble frequencies shine much better with this "caveat" I just talked about. The other thing that I have noticed is its roll-off on the higher treble/air frequencies, but I feel like its another intended tuning decision to balance out the true star of this IEM: its soundstage.
𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙡𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨, 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙, 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙄𝙀𝙈. 𝙄𝙩 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙖 𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙧 𝙠𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙄𝙀𝙈 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙.
𝘽𝘼𝙎𝙎: 𝙄𝙩 𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙨 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙙 𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙥𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙝 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚, 𝙞𝙣 𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙬-𝙢𝙞𝙙 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛𝙛.
𝙏𝙍𝙀𝘽𝙇𝙀: 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛𝙛 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙨, 𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝙪𝙥 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙙 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙖 𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤 𝙛𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙫𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙/𝙤𝙧 𝙘𝙮𝙢𝙗𝙖𝙡𝙨.
- Soundstage
The soundstage takes centerstage (pun intended) in the Autumn. Its just a wonder to behold. Every tuning decision on this IEM just blends and melds together with the soundstage capabilities of the IEM. When the songs are nicely mixed and mastered (i.e. Porcupine Tree's late 2000s discography), it sometimes fools me at times that I'm wearing a headphone, not an IEM. Along with its beautiful soundstage is its superb imaging, which really redefines the standards I have for IEMs in terms of their capabilities. The shouty-slash-off timbre tonality that I was talking about earlier can sometimes disturb the wonderful soundstage the Autumn has, but its so infrequent and reliant on music library that it may not be the case for everyone.



Build Quality & Comfort:



𝗚𝗼𝗷𝗶-𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗱 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗰 𝗘𝗤 𝗦𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀:
NOTE: Before engaging this EQ Setting, makes sure that you have wide bore eartips installed with the bass filter installed. This was my preferred setup for the Autumn.
Preamp: +1.5db
+3db at 100 (2.08Q) - Band Pass
-1.5db at 2k (1.35Q) - Band Pass
+2.3db at 12k (2.15Q) - High Shelf


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I absolutely love the Godzilla photo staging. Lots of fun!
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Reactions: GojiFi


100+ Head-Fier
BQEYZ Autumn - Three seasonings
Pros: Versatility with a good base tuning (neutral filter), timbre, separation, stage, bass texture, warmth without bleed, detail
Cons: At times sharp from 5k peak, a little pricey, driver flex, fit in general
[Note: Photos to follow at some point. A quick scroll up and down will fill you in on what they look like. I'm finishing this write-up as part of a "mental health day", and if photos are all I'm lacking by now, I'm happy to publish without and add later.]

Understanding my rating
5 : Surpassed all expectations, and continued to engage and excite long after first impressions. I would not be disappointed if I could only every listen to this item for the rest of my life.
4: Fantastic but with at least one Achilles heel, or the thrill died down, or the factors that make it engaging also limit its versatility.
3: Doing little enough wrong, and enough right, that I could use these cheerfully as daily drivers until I have possession of a 4 or 5 again.
2: Too many sacrifices of what I like, if I had to use them daily I’d be constantly aware of what I was missing/ would prefer.
1: I would rather listen to buds bought at CVS; general consumer products are doing less wrong and more right than this item. Personal example: Penon Fan without wide bore tips

It is based on personal opinion and enjoyment, I'm not sure how else a useful review could be written.


BQEYZ gave me a discount in exchange for an honest review, so I did not pay full price. I know all reviewers say they will be unbiased, but if it’s any consolation the last set I bought at a reviewer’s discount I still gave 2 stars. I intend to be honest, and imagine I have paid full price. On my budget can make me very critical very fast.

Non-sound notes

My sources

  • iPhone 7 plus with stock lightning to 3.5mm dongle adapter, stock music player and Amazon Prime music
  • Hiby R3 Pro (CS43131) using both balanced and single-ended outputs (no impact on sound, as expected for a substantially sized DD), also BT streamed to this from the iPhone.
  • Cables: a variety, no impact on sound

  • In my case very bad driver flex on the right side, at least 5 seconds to clear after inserting. Paired with fit, this is the main reason I reached for the Autumn so occasionally.
  • Very hard to get a stable fit in my ear, which was counterintuitive based on photos, and still puzzles me looking at them in my hand. The banana shape should only be an issue with a short nozzle, and the nozzle isn't especially short. I had to use tips with a longer profile, none of the included tips offered me the chance of a secure seal.
  • In the end what seemed to have the most transparent effect while bridging the gap the best were some plain smoky silicone tips with more of a pointed bullet than rounded dome shape - the same ones I use with my Blon 03 to make a more dependable seal.
  • I'd like to go into tip-rolling more as for most sets it gives a lot of choice, but I had a very limited choice of what provided a seal, and wasn't able to experiment broadly.
  • Although none of them ended up working out for me, BQEYZ did provide a good range of silicone tips, and they're of good quality. I can see the bore size/material synergizing well with the set, but fit was nixed for me.
  • The cable has a coloration that reminds me of graphene cables, although I'm sure if it were that would have been mentioned. It's elegant, supple, absolutely non issues with its build. It's a great cable, I'd have been glad to have bought it separately.
  • The included pouch is spacious and has webbing for whatever it is you like to "web" (in my case as an avid tip roller I'll usually have 2-3 pairs of tips tucked away there.

The (full) cost is a little prohibitive, especially for a brand that it still gaining traction and reputation. I imagine a certain amount of the cost is justified by the research and development that went into the tuning filter implementation. It requires carrying the magnet and other filters around, but they barely take up space in a case you probably already keep with you for tip-rolling or protecting your IEMs. Screw thread systems like the LZ A7 use are sensible, but you wouldn’t want to change configuration any more than once a day. With BQEYZ’s system, if you decided you want the treble filter in the morning, and then mood/library selection changes in the afternoon lean you towards a smoother warmer lilt, in under a minute your IEMs have undergone a substantial difference in tuning.

Segue into filter tech

This isn’t like the little crossover switches which experience has taught us tend to make negligible differences. At the time of writing the price of the Autumn hovers at around $199 on AliExpress. As I would consider them a spiritual successor and improvement of the NF Audio NM2+, and I always praised those as good value, the price makes sense to me. It does bring it close to an increasingly competitive $200-300 bracket. At a time when the Olina is bringing the performance from the top of that range into the $100 bracket, a single DD really needs to stand out. I believe the case for the BQEYZ Autumn’s value has to come down to the fact that it offers something different to the typical Harman tuning, and on top of that offers multiple tunings at once. If it is able to replace a $120 bright neutral, $120 warm neutral, and then even a low performing bass IEM in your collection, it could already be saving money.

It’s considerably impressive that (from graphs I’ve found so far), the system really does exclusively affect the lower bass frequencies. Most alterations that affect bass inversely affect the upper mids. The difference made is very isolated. Everything is relative for our ears, so by sheer relativity, the treble tuning does sound more trebly - because the same treble that was already prevalent is now head high and clear of any other frequency possibly taking the limelight.

The treble filter surprised me. I may have enjoyed that configuration the most, or at least tied as a complement to the neutral tuning. This is as someone whose daily driver at the time of penning this review is the Penon Serial - sub-bass heavy and analog in its tuning. I think for me this flavor had the most unique to offer, the “neutral” and “bass” variations were much more similar to other fairly mainstream tunings. I currently have the Lotoo LE M1 and one of the things I treasure it for as a stark contrast to my other favorites is its flatness, and the sheer breadth and needlepoint vividness a tuning like that can provide (don’t get me started on how I could have checked out of the hobby with the Dark Magician if I hadn’t had fit issues).
Rumble isn’t there, but bass doesn’t feel castrated, it's still very well outlined if not tactile, present in a different way. I found this tuning very engaging and emotional. Like an NF Audio NM2+ without the hollow in the lower mids. And I loved the NM2+.

General sound notes
These were taken during listening, the following section shows specifically where these opinions were derived from (which tracks/parts of tracks).

I would say technicalities are excellent, astounding for a single DD even, and that tuning is a slight notch lower at “very good”.
There is a 5k peak that is nowhere near as obvious as might be expected from a graph. Beginning with neutral filters, the sound truly is very balanced.
The clarity of the set is manifest in sparse openings to tracks. At first, the way things sound seems to suggest that when the rest of the ensemble join in, or the bass drop happens, that things will be left lean. Because there is silence around the sparseness. It is always a pleasant surprise to see how well the Autumn can fill that space when something arrives to thicken the mix. Compared to other bright/clear sets like the NF Audio NM2+, there is not a sense of hollowness or thinness to the lower midrange. When warmth comes, it enters naturally, and like a warm gust that gets between the leaves, not a veil or bloatedness.
Timbre is excellent across the board, with the exception that the upper registers of vocals, and jangling guitars, can gain a slightly metallic sharpness at times - perhaps once again the 5k lift.
Imaging is above average, stage is above average, and separation is tremendous, once again astounding for a single DD.
The tuning is very versatile, neither too bright nor too warm nor too emphasized at one end. It can truly hop between genres and shine, and that’s without playing with the filters. If the Autumn came locked to the neutral setting, they would be a great set of IEMs.
In my opinion it’s not a set to push volume limits on in a search for immersion. It has peaks, and will not take too much of that compared to a darker, flatter set. On the other hand it is satisfying at lower levels than some other IEMs due to the detail and balanced tuning. Music is engaging and true to the original intentions.

Bass - More mid-bass than sub-bass, any rumble is only very slight, although sub-bass is capable of carrying detail and slight character beyond simply being present. Transition to lower mids is a delayed descent giving the set one of its main strengths - a clean but slightly warmed low end. The bass is clean and fast. The tactility/force of mid-bass is decent. More texture to mid-bass than sub-bass. Melodies carried purely within sub-bass risk being too subdued. Even with the bass filters, bass cannot be considered an emphasis. Bass-heads and EDM fans would likely be dissatisfied, but it is at a completely satisfactory level for a realistic, if not natural dynamic portrayal.

Mids - The 5k peak had me slightly cautious of female vocals. However even vocals that just take a little push to tip into more piercing tones (easy example: Hatsune Miku, used just for testing) were inoffensive. Female vocals can become a tad more strident than they out to be, but not sharp or shouty. This will be very tip/insertion dependent, I recommend reading my “fit” paragraph for more details.
The mids are clear, and do not sound recessed overall. Male vocals and lower mids do get pushed back a little in the mix when the bass filter is used. Excellent timbre makes the mids extra enjoyable. Smooth, not grainy. Electric guitars have a very satisfying bite and crunch, but could use a tad more heft/note-weight for heavy rhythm guitar sections. Synth notes can be soft or searing depending on the artists’ intention, sounding well in either case. Clarinet and other reed instruments have good body to them.

Treble - Extension is great, meanwhile nothing I heard was sibilant or harsh to my ears. Hi-hats are accurate and detailed, ride cymbals can sound a little 2-dimensional but the trade-off is that they are not remotely splashy. Admittedly treble is not my forte, but I think it’s safe to say the treble is doing a lot right, and nothing wrong to my ears.

Soundstage is more than a little above average, but not top tier. I won’t accidentally think I’ve forgotten to put IEMs in and I’m listening from speakers, (there are one or two sets with enough stage to successfully pull that trick on me!) It’s certainly satisfying and not lacking. Vocals tend to take a closer place on the stage, in my opinion with positive effect.

Imaging is also above average. It is behind the Oxygen, but not by a huge amount. You will certainly be pinpointing better than a simple L/R/center Update: Actually rather good. The vocals in UNKLE’s Sick Lullaby really crept up around and behind my shoulder while typing a different section.

Neutral Filter

CREAM Sunshine of your love (60s rock)
During the first seconds of listening, you’d be worried that the sound will be on the bare/cold/analytical side of neutral. It’s crisp and detailed in a way the I’m familiar with but usually from bright-neutral tunings. But this track is an excellent of excellent performance where you’d expect a cavity of some kind. I find many bright-neutral tunings are unkind to rock bands of the 60s and 70s. There needs to be a certain low end warmth to carry a tubey glow, and not leave the upper mid bite hanging like a sharp outcrop. Sure enough, the guitars have a delicious warmth but no lack of detail or bloat.

CYN Believer (Pop)
Surrounding synths at the start, and when the bass enters (0:08) it is very smooth (yet textured). The vocals are a little shouty in the upper mids, due to the 5k peak in the tuning I’ll assume. It makes them a tad too strident on that end of the spectrum, but it’s more a preference in presentation than something I expect would be painful or uncomfortable to any ears. It’s clear from my time online that there are swathes of people who like this treatment of female vocals. Bass decay is relatively fast, part of the incredibly clean sound.

KATE AND ANN MCGARRIGLE Talk to me of Mendocino (Singer songwriter)
Timbre is on point, the set is a strong recommendation for fans of folk and singer-songwriter on acoustic instruments. I wouldn’t mind a little more note-weight to the piano. I was curious if the 5k peak would be quite clear on these women’s voices, but I would say not, there was no undue stridency.
At the start there are recording artifacts. Due to the good resolution and well extended treble, it’s worth noting that this is a set that will show up those kinds of details too. They weren’t obnoxious, simply true to source.

MR BUNGLE Pink Cigarette (Circuscore?)
I wanted to see how some deeper male vocals would be handled. Having listened mostly to female vocals up until this point, I expected vocals to be a little more forward. When the male voice is delivering deeper notes, they do come across as a slightly lower volume than higher notes later on - but it’s barely noticeable, I wouldn’t say male vocals were at all “recessed” (besides female vocals, everything has a very even presence and position). Every instrument sounded true to live and detailed, and one never masked another. In my opinion the Autumn layers very well, far better than I can understand a single DD achieving.

PURITY RING Peacefall (Electronic w/ vocals)
Not much to be added that hasn’t been mentioned before, besides comments on the bass. Mid-bass has a sufficient impact, fairly fast decay. It has sufficient texture, but not as much as other earphones I’ve heard. Compared to some of my favorite tunings, there is a slight sub-bass roll-off. As expected with this track, the chorus is very immersive, with its layers panning a little between left and right.

BUCK 65 463 (Remix Version) (Alternative hip hop)
This track is a bit of a test of how spoken-word delivery and a hard beat will sound. This particular track though is my choice because of the overdriven guitars that come in at 2:47 . If there is sufficient lower mid-range in the tuning, I find that guitar incredibly satisfying, heavy, crunchy, unstoppable. For lack of better words I think of it like a “neon freight train”.
During verses, I would say presentation is a little thin. It does provide clean space around each element, I feel there should be a more prevalent warm pulse throughout however. When it comes to the 2:47 overdriven guitar - the crunch is there, but the note weight is lacking. It should feel like a heavy object moving through.

Added comment: Riverbed Prt 5 and Killed by a Horse also by Buck 65 went on to show how fantastic timbre/detail/layering are. This was a very specific track where they fell short.

FAUN Feuer (Folk)
Lacking in dynamics, which is something this track delivers in spades with the right support - although in this case the bass filter helped to bring back a fuller feel.

Amongst other things, this is to be an example of a song that gets quite busy/layers that want to mask each other at certain points. The Autumn didn’t struggle at all. With this and The Girl in Byakkoya I did hope for more of an emotional swell to the vocals, but the tuning errs on the side of neutral over euphoric. Which is to its credit as a neutral set, there was certainly nothing lacking in the vocals.

APHEX TWIN Mt St Michel + St Michaels Mount (Alternative Electronic)
Speed is easily up to par. Bass once more demonstrated as being fast and not super impactful, but with a more accurate decay than BA. Mid-bass pulse of warmth throughout other noises were completely untouched, coming from different directions with good texture. No one part of the FR was remotely troubled by developments in the others. Good detail to the bass synth, and the sporadic percussion in the treble area was never sharp.

VULFPECK Walkies (Funk)
0:27 jazzy snynth comes in far left and a little behind on stage, great depth and character to the pulsing bass that starts at 0:44. Bass tends to lose clear direction compared to other frequencies on many sets, on the Autumn the panning is very clear and nuanced.

THE BAND The Shape I’m In (from The Last Waltz)
2:48 - Cymbals starting here are very well defined, they cut through clearly and you can hear the full wave of each strike, but not piercing. Just very strong, clear, and detailed. Not a splash. A win for treble as far as I can tell.

LINKIN PARK Lying from you (Alt metal) There is a very specific test I use this track for. Underneath the verse, for example beneath the words “everything is what I want it to be” from the first verse (exact moment 0:26-0:28) there is a bu-booom sound produced either low in mid-bass or in sub-bass that for many many sets is simple a bass buzz with a start and a finish, no texture. On certain sets (UM 3DT, Penon Serial) there is actually a lot more nuance/detail to the short and long note, taking on a more tom/timpani swell of tone. On the Autumn that nuance is about 75% there to being fully presented. Most don’t at all, so that’s a strong pro, and helps to verify for me that bass has very good texture on the Autumns, even if not class-leading.

Treble filter highlights

JORDI SAVALL Borin Cocek (Serbie) (Folk)
Completely acoustic folk music is a real treat with the "treble" filter. Rich in texture, chirpy and bubbly, excellent sense of all the materials in the instruments that lead to each sound. Subtle basslines present and again with detail to make the source instrument more than identifiable. Excellent imaging.

JORDI SAVALL Tarantela D'Apres Lucas Ruiz De Ribayaz (Ca. 1650) (Folk)
Another perfect matching. Floating lightly but without missing tactility and texture. Note weight not lacking. Simply beautiful, I was moved by this.

I was taken off guard when the track started, with treble filters in. I hugely enjoyed the 4 string bass in this track - which in other tunings can be a little too bombastic/rubbery. Excellent separation and horn accents. This was a good example of how the treble filter isn't just strong on the predictable classical/acoustic/folk. It's still a full and versatile tuning, and sometimes what it cleans away from the low end lets some real gold shine brighter.

NIGHTWISH Amaranth (and tracks from Imaginaerum) (Symphonic metal)
The way Nightwish mix, combined with the naturally sharp bite of guitars in metal tracks, means that I'll always throw a track or two of theirs at a set to see if it will handle it too harshly. I was expecting the netural filter to handle their work fine, but the treble filter to bristle with glass daggers. Was there a lot of energy? Oh yes, lots. A distracting level. But I wouldn't have called it all-out abrasive, or even sibilant. Another sign of versatality. In many ways analytical levels of detail, a high degree of brightness, but not to the extent of ruining any music. Like I said, I had expected this to be a bit much for the neutral filters.

Bass filter

To be honest I don't have any notes that stand out - it was fairly similar to the neutral setting just with slightly more recessed lower mids, and of course a tad more bass. To my ears a worse rendition of the netural mode for most applications.


My rating does not factor my massive fit issues. The trouble I had is not because these are ridiculously designed 8 inch cubes, it's because all ears are different. I don't think it's an overt design error that affects all users. For all I know these fit 95% just fine, so the rating is based off sound alone. I'd need more feedback from others to see if it is poorly designed for the majority, or just a personal miss.

My 4 star rating is for IEMs that don't enchant me every listen, or tick every single one of my boxes, but are well enough tuned that I could happily listen to them daily, while every now and again trying something else to get that final delight. This is easily a "complementary" set to a more musical/laid back/smoother/bassy IEM, and I think the Neutral and Treble tunings are both very respectable.

My budget allows only one IEM (I've recently considered surrendering that limit for two more affordable models) to remain in my ownership. At the time of writing, I prefer the Penon Serial and Yanyin Aladdin, so I will be transparent that I don't intend to keep these even though I respect them. If I were keeping a more netural tuning to rotate I like the flat tuning of the Lotoo LE M1, but I'm not keeping that either. So it's not a strike against these that I don't plan to keep them, just a sign that I consider them a 4 rather than a 5.

I am tempted to give a 3.5 due to the 5k sharpness, but I can partly put that down to taste more than poor choice, and the technicalities of the set allow for a small tuning compromise.
Last edited:
I really enjoyed your write up. It’s detailed, articulate, and persuasive. Your notes on the music you used to test also intrigued me…I’m looking forward to taking a stroll through your playlists. Anyway, nicely done!
Thanks so much for taking the time for that comment, I'm really taking it to heart. :beerchug:


New Head-Fier
BQEYZ Autumn Review!
Pros: - An excellent IEM on its own under and within the 200USD mark.
- Balances the tonality and technicalities very well.
- Versatile magnetic tuning feature.
- Fatigue free, non-lacking of anything sound signature.
- “Natural” sound presentation.
- Generous set of actually good eartips.
- The cable quality is again, much better. No need to replace unless wanted to do so.
- Metal driver shells while keeping the fit light and comfortable.
Cons: The sound may not be forgiving on poorly mastered tracks or lower file bitrates.

BQEYZ Autumn Review!

Good day! Here's my written assessment for the BQEYZ Summer after 4 days of casual and analytical listening. Why is it that the companies with the most interesting names usually make the best products?

(video link here!: Click me)
  • I paid for this unit. Ma’am Elle of BQEYZ Audio sent me this unit in exchange for an honest review. Rest assured that this review will do its best to devoid of any biases.
  • The following remarks and observations shall be made and owned only by me.
  • No monetary compensation is/was involved before, during, and after the period of creation of this review.
  • Your mileage may (and always, will) vary.
Burn-in time: 5-10 hours per day, 4 days.

Source/s used:

  • Hidizs AP80
  • Not-By-VE Avani Realtek Dongle
  • Zishan U1 USB DAC (AK4490 Variant)
  • Samsung Galaxy S3 (WM1811 DAC)
  • Non-HiFi smartphone (realme 5i)
  • Local Files via Foobar and Roon, YouTube Music, Deezer, and Qobuz with UAPP.

IEM and configuration: Stock black-stemmed, large wide-bore ear tips, stock cable, any form of EQ or MSEB off, 40-60% volume, both high and low gain.

Sound signature: Balanced to W-shaped sound signature, most of the time. There are nearly equal amounts of lows, mids, and highs while keeping things alive. Swapping and experimenting with filters can make the sound u-shaped or neutral-bright (more into that later).

  • The bass is presented in a controlled, clean manner. Midbass and sub-bass levels are nearly equal level without being too elevated. The decay is average leaning to the quicker side while keeping it textured. The bass is punchy and can accommodate EDM and bass-heavy tracks very well. As a result, the lows are very controlled, versatile, and pleasing without offending any ears.
  • the mids are mostly linear with a slight recession on some tracks and pairings. Lower mids exhibit a tinge of warmth to keep the male vocals and instrument some thickness and character. Upper mids are ever-so-slightly elevated with a very good amount of clarity and sparkle. Sibilance is absent on the stock filter on Autumn, but it may have a presence of peaks on the treble filter, but it is far from being unbearable or for me to call it a con. The peaks on the treble filter reminded me of how the BQEYZ Summer presents its peaks, but this time, it is refined and airier when compared. Overall, the mids on the Autumn are clean, articulate with a “natural” character, probably because of its driver configuration.
  • The treble on the Autumn is will extended with a good amount of brightness and elevation. It is still far from being categorized as a “bright” sounding IEM on the stock filter, but it isn’t rolled off or dark either on my observations. It also shows no signs of piercing and harshness on the stock filter as well. Detail retrieval is excellent for its asking price and is clearly a step-up from the BQEYZ Summer when compared.
Soundstage, Imaging, and Separation:
  • The soundstage on the Autumn is wider compared to the Summer with an average to above-average level of expansion. Separation is above average and does not suffer any congestion on my tests with busy tracks. Imaging is precise and does take a step up from the Summer, as it presented the positioning of the vocals and instruments clearer and much more precise when compared.

Magnetic filter key differences/ effects to the sound:

Bass Filter:
Elevates the midbass and sub-bass, presenting the lows with deeper and a bit slower bass decay. There is also a presence of slight midbass bleed when compared to the stock magnetic filter. Overall, the sound became a bit thicker when compared to the stock magnetic filter.

Treble filter: Elevates the upper mids and treble, creating a very good amount of presence and air. The overall sound also is a bit “snappier” as well. Lows are lessen in quantity and leans to a much more controlled, linear response. The soundstage, imaging, and separation are also much more improved here as well when compared to the stock filter.

  • An excellent IEM on its own under and within the 200USD mark.
  • Balances the tonality and technicalities very well.
  • Versatile magnetic tuning feature.
  • Fatigue free, non-lacking of anything sound signature.
  • “Natural” sound presentation.
  • Generous set of actually good eartips.
  • The cable quality is again, much better. No need to replace unless wanted to do so.
  • Metal driver shells while keeping the fit light and comfortable.

  • The sound may not be forgiving on poorly mastered tracks or lower file bitrates.


The BQEYZ KC2 was my first IEM from BQEYZ many years ago. When I first heard its music, it "wowed" me. I've been following their releases for a while now, personally auditioning them from my friends' units, and it still makes me grin every time I hear it. In terms of my past IEM experience, the BQEYZ Autumn is no different. I came to like their house sound as I listened to it more. The Autumn done an excellent job of balancing the best of both worlds within the 200USD pricing range - both tone and technicality. Even in its stock configuration, it competes with several IEMs in its price range, such as the Moondrop KATO, which also adds sound diversity by switching filters. This IEM is my current #1 pick for anyone looking for an all-rounder IEM around $200 USD, since it can handle whatever music you listen to with it.

Thank you for reading!

Additional Photos:



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New Head-Fier
BQEYZ Autumn
Pros: Natural DD timbre
Inoffensive safe tuning
Good technicalities
Good aesthetics
Cons: Lacks treble extension

The unit has been sent to me from BQEYZ as a part of a review circle. I am not working or affiliated to BQEYZ and I am not being paid or influenced otherwise to say anything positive or negative about this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Note: Please note that my opinions and ratings are based on price, category, market competition and personal expectations and are subjective in nature.

Introduction and Aesthetics

Autumn is a budget offering from BQEYZ, a 13 mm dynamic driver placed inside anodized metal shells with scalloped faceplates. The shell looks minimalistic and good. It has recessed 2-pin connectors, “Autumn” and “BQEYZ” branding on the left and right respectively. “L” and “R” are engraved on each side. The bass ports are at the inner side of the shells. There are 3 different tuning filters that come in the package: bass, normal and treble, each of grey, gold and silver colour respectively. The cable is 2 pin 4 core SPC cable with 4,4mm connector.
Autumn fitted really well and was comfortable for long listening sessions. The shells are lightweight and doesn’t lead to any kind of fatigue.

Score for aesthetics: 8.5/10


My sound impressions are mostly with the normal filter. The other filters influence the bass quantity with minor impacts on the mids, bass filter increases the bass whereas the treble filter decreases the bass. The normal filter seemed to be the balanced sounding, with nice warmish tonality.

The bass is one highlight of the Autumn. Bass is punchy as well as well textured with decent sub bass extension. A minor about of mid bass bleed is noticed but it doesn’t meddle with mids much but giving an overall character of warm to the sound signature. The bass however runs the show as soon as I switched to the bass filter, its will just shake your soul and treat you with nice meaty bass.

Mids are natural and doesn’t seem too recessed or overly forward. It has nice warmth but sounds clean and dynamic at the same time. The filters have some affect on the mids as the bass filter brings in a tonal weight or heft to the lower mids while the treble filter emphasizes the upper mids. With the normal filter, I didn’t notice any peaks and sounded linear.

Treble, with the normal filter sounded decent, with no noticeable peaks and decent amount of air. The good thing is it doesn’t cause any fatigue at all and sounds quite pleasing. However, I did feel treble lacking extension but then its still quite good considering it’s a single DD iem and the overall tonality is targeted at warm and pleasurable.

The soundstage has good width as well as height. There is a good sense of depth too. Autumn has good separation, and I rarely observed any congestion. The instruments and vocals sounded distinct, and I was able to pinpoint them out fairly well.

Being a single DD, the coherency and timbre is really good. Overall, the sound has good naturality doing all things right.

Score: 8.5/10


I reviewed BQEYZ Spring 2 which I absolutely liked for its performance in the price range it is available. Autumn from BQEYZ is another excellent offering and I am amazed how BQEYZ is really hitting the right spot all the time. Autumn in one end is a nice warm, pleasurable IEM with good timbre and naturality whereas Spring 2 has better treble extension and probably more V shaped. Mids on the Autumn sounded more natural. Spring 2 had better treble extension but probably slightly grainy. I don’t think one bests the other, its more about the preference and what is it you are looking for.


Autumn’s tonality is lush, warm, natural and is a pleasure to listen to. Technically it does quite well too without missing out on anything. Being priced at 199$ it has a lot of competition on the market but with a safe tuning it stands out on its own in the market. If you are looking for something inoffensive, natural and pleasing in tonality that will just sooth your ears, this is a good recommendation. Or if you are looking for some good meaty bass, Autumn is a good recommendation with the bass filter.

Overall rating: 8.5/10


1000+ Head-Fier
A bullseye! — BQEYZ’s breakthrough
Pros: Build quality
Replaceable tuning filter system
Extremely light
Build quality
Tactile and responsive lows
Fast attack & delay
Crisp and clean highs
Performs exceptionally well with modern music
Cons: The U-shaped tuning might not satisfy those who are looking for something neutral/reference tuned
Average separation & soundstage

A bullseye! — BQEYZ’s breakthrough​

Even though I released my first review of a BQEYZ product in 2020, I’ve been following the company since the beginning of my IEM journey. When I first joined Head-Fi, I was heavily active in the “Best Budget Earphones Thread”. It wasn’t rare at all to see the name “BQEYZ” mentioned often when it came down to the best <$100 IEMs. It dominated the budget IEM space, and later accomplished the same success and praise with its Spring series.

My first experience with a product from this company was actually quite some time before I got the Spring 2. I had a first encounter with Spring I, but because I couldn’t get a good fit, I just scratched the idea of publishing a review. I simply couldn’t rate the IEMs if I couldn’t get a nice fit. Some time later BQEYZ sent me their updated Spring model: Spring 2. It was a major improvement over the previous model, but it still had areas for improvement.

And here we are, BQEYZ just surprised everybody with the release of its brand-new model “Autumn”.

I am personally very, very proud of how far the company has come. I’ve given them honest feedback numerous times in the past, and with Autumn I can see that they took it into consideration. All the issues have been fixed.

BQEYZ Autumn has been sent to me free of charge. The review is based on my personal listening experience, it is completely free of any bias from an external force (whether that's online hype, other people's opinion, or the manufacturer itself). I also want to state that I completely based the review on what my ears heard, my experience wasn't affected nor influenced by graphs/measurements. BQEYZ played no role in the writing of this review.

Unboxing Experience

For some reason, I was extremely excited unboxing IEM. I have to give props to the packaging design team, because they absolutely crushed it. From what I’ve seen in the past from the company, this is the best unboxing experience. It is minimalist, professional, and very well thought out. First of all, the whole packaging design reminds me of the luxury automotive industry. The black with minimalist shapes and illustration are the two things that are responsible for that.

The packaging consists of two parts: the cover and the main box. Usually, a cover design unveils a box with a lid, but here it’s straight to the point: you slide the main box out of the cover, and you see your precious IEMs. The main box features a no-lid design. However, my favorite part of the packaging design has to be the bright orange color of the main box. The first thing that came to my mind was Hermés’ authentic orange color. It looks so, so good! I love it.

Design-wise, as already said, the packaging is minimalist. The front part of the cover features Autumn’s silhouette, with the model name printed in white in the middle, and some small details such as the company name in the top-left corner and “replaceable tuning earphone” printed in the bottom-right corner. The back side is also pretty clean, with only the specifications and a line illustration of the IEM being featured (aside from some minor details such as company info, etc.).

Once you take out the main box, you will find your Autumn IEMs placed in some foam—the usual—and a second cover which hides the replaceable tuning filters and the magnetic “wand”. The IEMs, the replaceable tuning nozzles, and the magnetic “wand” are all placed in the same foam block. When you take out this foam block, you will find the ear-tips and the carrying case which houses the cable.

The experience and presentation are well-executed. As always, BQEYZ like to switch it up with every model.



The overall appearance and design is very similar to the Spring series, especially the shell shape. From personal experience, Autumn is the best IEM the company has released so far. It is a major improvement over the previous flagship Spring series. I had a big issue with the angle of the nozzle of the Spring 1, Spring 2 was much, much better, but still not perfect. Autumn has the perfect angle, size, and depth of the nozzle. While the Spring series featured a relatively smooth shape of the shells, Autumn has much more curvature going on. On the faceplate, it features two very attractive curves that give it a premium look, and on the inner side a “wing” has been added. To best describe this, imagine the letter “u”. Imagine that the right side is where the nozzle is. Now, keep the left part of the letter “u” the same height and extend the height of the right side. Spring 2 also had this wing, but it was much more subtle. Just like the Spring series, it features vents on the inner side of the shell. Instead of two large ones, it features three small vents. The nozzle now features a metal grill with fewer larger perforations and a micro-mesh below it.

However, the real star feature of Autumn is the replaceable tuning filter system. It took BQEYZ's R&D team over 2 years to bring this innovation to reality.



Build Quality

BQEYZ continues its tradition of releasing metal-only IEMs. What I said in my Spring 2 review still remains true:

“If there is something that makes BQEYZ stand out in the market, it is build quality. This company is among very few others that only make their products from metal — not a single IEM shell released by BQEYZ was made out of anything other than CNC machined & anodized aluminum.”

The shells of Autumn are made of 5-axis CNC machined & anodized aluminum. It is cold to the touch and extremely smooth.

Instead of a metal ear-tip holder, Autumn comes with a metal tuning filter holder & a metal wand.

I don’t see any flaw in the build quality, and can say it’s 10/10. The IEMs are very lightweight, which is a major plus.



While not as fancy and premium-looking as Spring 2’s, the cable is good. It’s different, but it’s good.

This time around, the marketing had no mistakes. It’s a 4-core cable with each core consisting of 8 shares. Each share consists of 7 Ø.05 Litz strands of wire. Out of the 8 shares, 4 are made of high-quality copper and 4 are made of silver-plated copper.

The cable is extremely lightweight and flexible. It might be the most flexible cable I have around.

I didn’t come across any issues with it.


For me, Autumn is a match made in heaven. The very first time I took it out of the box and put it in my ears, I just knew that it’s for me. From the fit to the sound, it matches my preferences. Spring 1 was one hell of a sure not for me in terms of comfort, Spring 2 was better but still not perfect, and then Autumn, Autumn is perfect. BQEYZ finally nailed the angle of the nozzle!

The seal is tight, while the insertion isn’t too deep. In fact, in my ears the nozzle sat in relaxed fashion. I haven’t come across this combination before, and the result is a very comfortable IEM. I only now realized that it is not the shallow fit that I do not like, but rather a relaxed seal/fit, and that’s something that Autumn doesn’t suffer from.

Finally, the lightweight nature of the IEM makes it suitable for long listening sessions.

Sound Performance​

As previously said, Autumn is simply a match made in heaven for me. I think that it only took two or three dozen seconds of listening time to realize that it meets all my expectations and satisfies all my preferences.


BQEYZ Autumn paired with the iBasso DX300 DAP


Autumn is quite a capable IEM in terms of the low-end response. The mid-bass is present, the sub-bass is present, and best of all, both posses good qualities.

Just playing my three standard bass quantity and quality tracks for the first time, Autumn passed all of them right off the bat. The three tracks being “Hydrogen” by MOON, “Smoking Mirrors” by Lee Curtiss, and “Why So Serious?” by Hans Zimmer.

In “Hydrogen”, it’s noticeable that Autumn has a strong impact/slam, full-body mid-bass, exceptional speed (attack & decay), and great bass depth.

In “Smoking Mirrors”, all of the above-mentioned qualities are too present, but it challenges the bass “thud” capabilities, which Autumn certainly possesses.

Last but not least, in “Why So Serious?” Autumn shows its sub-bass capabilities. To keep it short and sweet, let’s just say it’s capable of growling.

I wouldn’t say that sub-bass is noticeably stronger than mid-bass, and vice versa. They sound in level.

One thing I will say, I do not think that bass lovers will be disappointed. Autumn possesses both the quantity and the quality in the lower region. However, if you are looking for something with overwhelming bass, look elsewhere.



Upon closer listening, I thought that Autumn had thin mids, but after I switched out the amp module on my iBasso DX300 from AMP11Mk1 to AMP12 I found that not to be the case at all. Sure, it’s not a mid-centric sound signature, but the mids are certainly not thin. If I had to specify which sound signature is resembles the closest, I’d say the U-shaped one.

The mids lean towards the warmer side of the spectrum. This isn’t one of those IEMs where you are going to experience harsh vocals, which makes it a safe all rounder. For example, if you listen to a lot of old recordings, you won’t have to worry about them sounding sharp.

The warm nature of the mids combined with the slight U-shape result in instruments to have unnatural timbre. As a big fan of strings, I just didn’t find it to posses the qualities to make them sound satisfying. Perhaps this is a direct result of the safer tuning? Maybe.

The tonality of vocals is similar to instruments, where it doesn’t necessarily sound accurate or natural.

I’d describe the mid-range as “fun”.



To compensate for the mid-range, the upper-range is pronounced and sharp.

After going through my two standard treble and sparkle test tracks, I concluded that Autumn is an IEM that is capable of sparkle. The two tracks are “Portia” by Miles Davis and “Stop Trying to Be God” by Travis Scott (only listening to Stevie Wonder’s mouth harmonica at around the 4:43 minute mark).

The treble response is apparent in just about every track that has any sort of percussion or instrument that sits in the treble area.

In my opinion, one of the most important aspects of a brighter sound signature is that the treble is clean. Autumn did prove to have clean treble, and that was apparent in tracks like “Money For Nothing” by Dire Straits. I am specifically referring to the percussion present in that track. The same quality can be heard in Robbie Robertson’s “Theme for The Irishmen”.

Soundstage & Separation

Here everything is just about average. I didn’t find it to possess an above average soundstage nor separation capabilities. If anything I think that the separation is a little underwhelming, because at times, especially when you put on a busy track, it’s easy to lose detail and definition of different elements.



As a whole, I really, really like Autumn. It’s an IEM that completely surprised me. While I was very excited about the innovative tuning system, I didn’t have extremely high expectations for the sound performance. It turns out that from the very moment I took it out of the box I knew that this is something good.

Autumn isn’t one of those IEMs that is necessarily natural sounding or reference tuned, but it for sure is a very well tuned U-shaped IEM.

I was the most impressed by its technical capability in the lower range, because it truly possesses all the qualities one would want in the lower range. I enjoyed modern music the most — think commercial and mainstream. It performs exceptionally in those two genres.

If you are after that good ol’ balanced sound signature of the Spring series, you might want to skip this release. However, if you want a technically advanced and capable U-shaped IEM that allows you to alter its frequency response, Autumn is certainly something you want to take a look at.

I strongly believe that if BQEYZ brings an IEM with the replaceable tuning filter system and a replaceable nozzle system, that it would be one of the most versatile and adjustable IEMs on the market. Of course, it would have to be executed right, and that's the hardest part that the R&D team must take their time with.
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