TIMBRE: 7.5/10
BGVP has been around for a long time, they are a China based IEMs company specializing in hybrid and tribrid. Back then, their dual DD+4BAs tribrid get a solid fan base, then the DM8 solidify their reputation but since then, BGVP rather stay in shadow.
Today I will review their latest flagship Tribrid, the BGVP DM9.
Priced 629$, the DM9 use 1 silicone DD for bass, 2 Knowles BAs for mids, 2 sonion BA for treble and 4 EST for upper and ultra highs.
BGVP promise high clarity and details as well as clean and accurate sound reproduction for the DM9.
Let see in this review if they achieve that as well as a sound performance that is on par with its mid tier price range.
The DM9 are real lookers and really comfortable too. The housing is made of high grade resin plasticthat feel very durable and underneat it have stabilized wood with very appealing aesthetic.
My pair have a mix of purple and blue woodden color with intricating texture and pattern.
For a tribrid with 9 drivers, the housing is quite small. It's very soft and smooth to the hands as well as light. The shape is organic and ergonomic with enough long nozzle for deep inserting which will provide excellent isolation if you use provided memory foams ear tips.
Personally, I prefer high quality UIEM with medical grade resin plastic for smoother fit and near 100% scratch free durability (unless you use a knife, good luck to scratch those).
The connector used is MMCX, this is a change from more common 2pin, but in this case it permit greater fit freedom, in the sens the housing can swivel for better positioning of housing with the ear hook. I don't encounter any loose connection or sound cutting and the MMCX connector is solidly embeded in housing, it's high grade quality and it seem it's gold plated to avoid oxydation.
The included cable is a very nice surprise and perhaps among the best modular cable I own now. It's a high-purity 4-strand 6N OCC Silver-Plated Graphene mixed hybrid. The strands are thick and sturdy, the plug are a bit big but heavy and again extremely sturdy. It include 3.5mm and 4.4mm plug, so if I can nitpicksomething it would be: why not adding 2.5mm balanced plug too?
Then the packaging is very well done and quite genrous in accessories. Begining with nice cable I just tell about. Then you have great variety of ear tips model, 10 pairs which is compose of 3 different silicone eartips model in 3 sizes and one pair of memory foams eartips. The carrying case is elegant and of very good quality too.
All in all, the quality of accessories is great, built is great and packaging is great.
The BGVP DM9 is a pumped up technical tribrid beast with it's 1DD, 4BAs and 4EST. It's in fact the most vivid and detailed sounding tribrid i've heard after the GSaudio SE12.
First and foremost, the DM9 is an analitycal sounding earphone, it's near vividly neutral if it wasn't this mid bass boost, so we can call them bright analytical W shape with very extended and full treble.
Treble head rejoice because DM9 main focus is whole highs frequency range up to 20khz. These arent mid centric, nor lush or warm sounding even if there slight bass warmth going into lower mid range.
Then it's the pounding bass, and as expected mid range is leaner here, with boosted presence and open stage.
The BGVP DM9 might be bright, but it's dynamic too, mid bass, upper mids and upper treble are sharp and lively, they want to extract details with there fast layering capacity. The 4 EST driver aren't understated or over tamed like some other tribrid have try, which include Penon 10th and Kinera Urd, both using 2EST and not 4, but even the Letshuoer EJ07M using 4EST isnt as snappy and brilliant on top, it's less spiky pass 10khz than DM9.
As noted, those are the brightest EST tribrid i have heard after the GSaudio SE12, think about a Kinera Norn with 4 extra EST and your not far from exact tonality these deliver. But it's not screamy, it's no treble mess here, yet, i would be hard pressed to suggest those to treble sensitive people too.
It's a musicality that suck you in with immediacy, sens of attack speed is magnify, imaging is jumping at you, bass hit hard and fast so it feel part of same time space and not detached, which is a big plus for coherency, then the timbre might be an issue for some, we have some BA timbre going on, some definition edge damping too, but nothing that goes plain wonky.
The DM9 aren't for:
people that like warm, dark or lush tone, nor for those seeking thick and smooth timbre, nor for those that need big basshead rumble and slam, nor for those seeking smooth organic one color balance, nor for mid range lover unless all about presence like all Moondrop fans, so in that regard it might be my subjective appreciation of mid range fullness that influence this.
The DM9 are made for :
treble lover, for people that like lively energic musicality, for high resolution seeker, for fast snappy attack from low to high lover, for clean sparkle and brilliance lover, for those seeking a monitor meet bass punch, for people that listen at low volume and want boosted resolution and vivid dynamic, for those that tend to favor technical performance over round tonality balance.
The Bass surprise me in a very positive way, I wasn't expecting much in that department and was wrong because it's among best tribrid with EST bass quality, speed and well rounded thight punch I've heard yet.
I can't say it will be enough boost for pure basshead, but bass quality and quantity is there, it's just not tunderhous or dominating whole frequencies range.
It's more about fast thumping that wide slam with boosted rumble and sub bass, in fact, it offer clean punch with lean extension, and bass line presence is brighten enough for proper layered sitting under the kick drum, we don't have warmed mid bass here, in fact, presence of kick drum is highlight even more than bass line and this is a unique mature meet enough minimal punch take of bass tuning.
For testing purpose, i try both low and high volume listening, and kick punch was never anemic, its texture in defintion, it doesn't rumble or induce headbanging yet it's hard hitting in a non excited way, it's not a mellow lifeless boom or pillowy punch, the attack edge is here and physical separation is well felt.
Simply put, the bass isn't really colored with warmth or vibrant boost, some might find it a bit dry, but i'm not one of them. I find it clean, realist, well resolved and punchy enough, in fact, i'm the kind of audiophile considering sligth bass boost as needed for proper neutrality where nothing is left in oblivion and this is what we get. The speed and control is there, kick drum definition is perfect, cello tone is monitor like in it's rendering but not lacking air density of it's instrument which don't mix with kick or double bass line. This double bass is very well controled with lean and clean extension and proper attack articulation so we can follow each note without warmth that will makeit sound one pitch tuned.
The mids have a technical rendering, it's gently bright and open, very transparent and highly resolved but light in note weight, centered in presence and uncolored with lower harmonic that stay in the back.
Piano is my main instrument toi judge mid range fullness and here the presentation is light but fast and precise in attack, timbre is very realist but a bit thin, we have this natural piano resonance so we know when the decay pedal is press by pianist, lead attack while light is still felt with proper sustain stop and release, transparency is there and i don't struggle to follow fast playing even if softed in attack hit edge. Did it mean i enjoy what I here? No, i find it distant, and it feel like monitoring the pianist, it's not very fowards, a bit recessed in fact even when listening to solo piano track.
This underline that most of timbre meat and tone presence are to be found in upper mids region.
Female vocal are more fowards than male vocal, but both are boosted in presence and never lacking in definition clarity. Yet they lack lower harmonic fundamental for prroper fullness and female vocal can enter boderline shouty zone especially at hight volume. We have extra breathy brrightness going on as well, which is inherent to BA timbre. I really don't think the DM9 is for vocal lover, yet intelligibility is good enough.
Saxophone and woodinw have similar rendering, it feel compressed in presence energy and not freely open and dense with air as it should naturally be.
Then violin has an edgy and speedy rendering, which benefit fast player but do not favor naturalness and fullness of tone.
Simply put: the mid range is analytical sounding and offer high end monitor level of resolution and accuracy.
The treble is center of the show here, and in fact can stole it with percussions heavy track often find in jazz trio, here it will be a pro or con depending of how vividly engaging you want your music. Sure, the audio source will inflict on final result, but a clean sharp DAP like Xduoo X20 or Tempotec V6 will certainly blown your mind with infinite sound info and snappy sharp highs.
The DM9 doesn't use shy ESTs, and this permit to achieve urgent micro details rendering in a clean open top, with tremendous amount of ultra realistic brilliance and fully blossom sparkle.
I do think DM9 can even be consider as niche drummer monitor IEM since whole drum section is sharply resolved with edgy definition and ultra fast and controlled attac. Kick drum is round, well textured and present as noted in bass section, then snare is crunchy and loud and percussions is even more upfront, not half cook, each section is clean in micro dynamic and cymbals has among most realist, transparent and extended crash rendering without any splashyness, it's in fact delicate in sustain-release with air vibrancy texture so highly resolve it feel like you listening with a microscope.
In fact, percussions are even more upfront than acoustic guitar, which underline that hitted instrument sound more dynamic than pulled or stroked one in term of attack lead, sice acoustic guitar has sligth scoop in string pulled resolution and attack-release. This is some next level nit picking here but it made acoustic guitar sound more recessed and lean than percussions in ''System One'' album from Sebastian Noelle.
The treble here favor micro dynamic crispness over extra highs texture density, and this permit a multi layering in upper register sounds. As well, it tend to extract clicking noise in a super speedy snappy way, for ex with electronic music using lot of sharp micro details that are part of rythm, like Alva Noto or Beatrice Dillon tracks, the highs can deliver mesmerizing performance, clean in layering, insanely fast and controlled in attack, with hyper realist clarity and limpid readibility of it's macro dynamic lively rendering.
If you love snap and click, you'll sure be in for a fest!
When it come to acoustic to clavichord and harp, we have fully resolved instrument with excellent micro details of texture subtilities, natural decay of instrument, all in slightly limited presence openess, centered and accurately positioned in center stage, with a delicate dynamic heft.
All in all, the treble is fabulously crisp and the star of the show is the 4 EST, level of fine details is excellent, the speed is snappy and catchy and we don't lack air on top.
The soundstage is average wide and tall but has great deeptness as well as an holographic and intimate presentation.
The imaging is one of highlight of the DM9, it's sharp, precise and accurate with excellent sound layering in Y axis as well as crisply define separation in X axis.
With an impedance of 30ohmand sensitivity of 112db, the DM9 don't need crazy amount of power but still merit at least 100mW@32ohm to deliver a lively dynamic as well as waken up it's EST for proper treble response. This is the thing with EST in general, they need power but clean one, so the DM9 will scale up with high end source that has black noise floor and low impedance output, the Questyle QP2R is a good example.
Another aspect to achieve best sound quality is the ear tips, the nozzle have 4 holes in it that shouldn't be blocked or too compressed with ear tips, if so, the soundstage will sound in your head. I suggest wide bore eartips included or short wide bore with larger nozzle hole (best result for me).
VS PENON 10th Anniversaty (2DD+2BA+2EST-500$)
The DM9 is notably brighter and more technical sounding, while 10th is warmer, bassier and more mid centric, with darker but a hint crunchier yet less crisp treble.
By crunchier, it's about the acoustic guitar, they feel more upfront, but not as brilliant with metallic strings. Nor as clean and transparent.
The bass is notably more hefty and wide in slam, it's chunkier and rumblier, sub extension is more vibrant and full but mid bass and kick drum is warmer, yet, thicker and we have more lower mids embracement that will make male vocal sound more bodied and natural, while more monitor like and brighten in presence with DM9.
Mids are notably thicker, warmer and lusher with 10th, both male and female vocal are smoother yet fuller and wider in presence, making DM9 instrument feel a bit compressed though the mids are more open and crisp and level of details is higher with DM9. Let say DM9 favor presence and clarity while 10th favor tone color and fullness.
Treble is notably brighter, more spiky and analytical with DM9, it's cleaner and more airy too in the sens the air let brilliance flow more clearly in soundscape. The EST are less understated with DM9 which make ultra highs more extended and more generous in micro details and sound info but to the cost of a less organic and natural balance, i'm not concern about treble sensitive people for 10th, while I am for DM9.
Then the soundstage is slightly wider, but notably taller and deeper with 10th.
Imaging is superior with DM9 due to better transparency, sharper instrument separation definition and cleaner air betwen those instrument in both X and Y axis. 10th is more holographic and 3D sounding but in an hazy way.
All in all, tonality is better balanced and more musical with the 10th but it's evident technical performance are superior with DM9.
Ok, here the tuning is a bit more similar but the EJ07M is more U shape to neutral, and smoother in balance as well as slightly fuller and more fowards in mid range.
The Bass is less punchy but have deeper rumble and extension with EJ07M, kick isn't as well define and textured but lower mids are cleaner-thinner.
The mids are smoother with EJ07, even more open and clean, vocal are less prompt to shoutyness or sibilance than brighter DM9, presence of instrument is wider too and timbre a notch thinner but more transparent and organic, less grainy in texture than DM9.
The treble ios both more crunchy and sparkly with the edgier brighter DM9, percussions are more fowards and brilliance is more boosted. We have a pinch more micro details but overall cohesion isn't as balanced and non spiky as EJ07M. Treble is a bit thinner with DM9, more amplify on presence details so it can go overwhelming more easily with condensation of sound info.
Soundstage is very similar but a notch wider and taller with DM9, while about same depth.
Imaging is slightly superior with the EJ07M, especially for mid range and center stage instrument positioning accuracy, this solidify the monitor purpose of these IEM.
All in all, i find more exciting the listening of DM9 but not as smoothless balanced and coherent as the EJ07M, I wish EJ have the mid bass and ultra high of DM9, while the DM9 has the upper mids and mid treble of EJ07M. Can't choose a clear winner here. Technical performance are on par.
The BGVP DM9 are mid-tier tribrid that offer excellent technical performance as wel as an engaging and highly resolved musicality.
The sens of speed immediacy is magnify with those and you will not miss any percussions snap in the mix with their precise and vivid attack.
If you like your bass punchy, your mids clean and crisp and most of all, your treble effortlessly analytical and snappy, the DM9 will certainly impress you.
Highly Recommended.
PS: I want to thank BGVP for sending me this review sample. As always, those are my independant minded subjective impressions and opinions.
You can order the DM9 for 629$ directly from official store here: