
100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Incredibly complete list of features and specifications.
Excellent build quality.
Musical sounding as opposed to analytical.
Cons: Can act erratically with earphones with in-line remotes.
Included case is of poor quality and is too tight over the buttons.
Long boot-up time.
Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at 12.34.25 AM.png
I was thrilled to be included in the launch tour of the M9. I've recorded a video review which can be seen at the link below. I've tried to be as thorough as possible, but this thing literally does everything! I'm sure I missed several things. Anyway... This is my first review. Any questions or comments would be very much appreciated as I hope to have the opportunity to record more reviews of personal audio products in the future.

Apart from the few minor gripes I had with the player, I really enjoyed my time with the M9. As with all FiiO products, it's well built, functions well, and sounds great.

Enjoy the review!
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Same buggy software they've still not got working properly on the m7 after almost 9 months.