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  1. wushuliu

    Music Paradise 701 MK2 Preamp and tube rolling

    First Impressions: still dialing in the MP 701 but so far what I hear is stellar. Love the presentation. Voices and instruments are palpable; realistic in texture and tone/timbre. Definitely some 3D pop. Biggest surprise are the dynamics. Drums have slam, quick transients, flamenco guitar...
  2. wushuliu

    Music Paradise 701 MK2 Preamp and tube rolling

    The Miflex was just for the photos. I have a cheap 10uf polyprop cap there now until I'm done testing.
  3. wushuliu

    Music Paradise 701 MK2 Preamp and tube rolling

    MKIII arrived. I've done enough modding/diy over the years to not bother this time around w/ comparing stock performance (other than the tubes). The AudioNote choke went straight in, stock RCAs replaced w/ Aecos, PS filter caps replaced with Nichicon KX, PS bypass .22uf Miflex KPCU and Cornell...
  4. wushuliu

    Music Paradise 701 MK2 Preamp and tube rolling

    Others have accessed the enclosure and replaced the choke on the MK3 so yes there's room.
  5. wushuliu

    Music Paradise 701 MK2 Preamp and tube rolling

    Just ordered a MP 701. The ODAMs are a little too rich for my blood and I already have a stash of caps from speaker builds including some 4uf Russian PIO MBGCH-1. Much easier on the wallet at only $4/ea. The choke upgrade looks interesting though - a quality choke is important. I'll have to see...
  6. wushuliu

    Singxer SU-6

    No, 192 is the limitation of SPDIF.
  7. wushuliu

    Singxer SU-6

    Anyone needing just Coaxial/SPDIF output might want to take a look at the Audiophonics Digi-Rescue reclocker designed by Ian Canada. Been comparing w/ my SU-6 and the Digi-Rescue is a step up at 1/3 the price. Paired with a 5v battery pack, lower noise background is immediately evident. Imaging...
  8. wushuliu

    Singxer SU-6

    Just an FYI, that atl filter is based on the old 'Felix' designed by audiocircle member Occam (RIP). There is an improved updated version 'Fo-Felix' at diyaudio. The designer does group buys for the PCB and some materials. It's been very popular for 6 years, which says a lot from that forum. New...
  9. wushuliu

    An update with the sturdyness of Titanium--MOONRIVER 2 Ti is here.

    Where is the app? I don't see Moondrop in Google Play Store.
  10. wushuliu

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Has anyone compared Red to the SU-6 yet?
  11. wushuliu

    Schiit Modi Multibit 2 DAC

    Speak for yourself, don't presume to speak for others.
  12. wushuliu

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    These Class D takes are bizarre. It's like people who say tubes are just distortion generating machines and any one type of tube amp must be representative of all tube amps. Hypex aren't the only Class D amps out there. There's a whole universe of diy'ers who've locked on to the TI TPA amps for...
  13. wushuliu

    Schiit Lyr+ : Impressions Thread

    Asgard 3 doesn't come close from my experience. If Asgard is 5/10 the Lyr+ is 8 or 9.
  14. wushuliu

    Schiit Lyr+ : Impressions Thread

    Just received a Lyr 3+. I am not a Schiit fanboy but I do own an Asgard 3, which I love and consider a great bang for the buck. I considered focusing on a diy build since I diy a lot of gear but time has become too precious these days so I took a leap for the Lyr. The main reasons I took the...
  15. wushuliu

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    I don't like that the U2 driver does not allow any bit or buffer settings changes like real XMOS devices (2048 samples vs 512 vs 32 etc). Those settings allow for fine tuning the sound quality. Better off just getting one of the 'Sky Song' converters IMO.
  16. wushuliu

    Reply to review by 'wushuliu' on item 'SMSL DO200'

    Ok, that's helpful. I was confused because you didn't mention any of that context in the review. Now that you've done so, you're assessment is clearer. Thanks.
  17. wushuliu

    Reply to review by 'wushuliu' on item 'SMSL DO200'

    Good review but I'm confused about the scaling comment. How is it not able to scale with higher end gear? Also, wouldn't that necessitate using the I2S/AES inputs for best results? Maybe I missed it but I didn't see any mention that those inputs were tested in the review.
  18. wushuliu

    SIVGA SV021 — Impressions & Discussion Thread

    Just tried these out and not very impressed. The pads are almost too soft and therefore the sound changes with the slightest shift of the cups. Clamping force is minimal, which is too bad because the best presentation I got from the sivga was when I pressed the cups against my ears. Furthermore...
  19. wushuliu

    Project Sunrise/PS2 Tube Rolling Thread (and maybe even Project Horizon and Project Ember)

    Bought EH 12bh7 for my Sunrise and I love it. Perfect match for my 6XX. It trades off some the tubey roundness of my NOS stock (GE, Sylvania, Tung Sol) for lower noise and better linearity. It's clearer mids and high frequencies are balanced out by the 6XX. Makes electric guitar nice and...
  20. wushuliu

    Best Class A Amp Ever? Mark Johnson's T2 Class A Amplifier

    As mentioned previously someone pointed out that bypassing the diodes w/4700uf could lower noise by 14db. I did so and found it effective. Perhaps start there. It takes all of a few seconds.
  21. wushuliu

    Best Class A Amp Ever? Mark Johnson's T2 Class A Amplifier

    I replaced the core (had 12 windings) with straight wire since I use a LPS. Can't say I heard any change.
  22. wushuliu

    Best Class A Amp Ever? Mark Johnson's T2 Class A Amplifier

    I don't see anyone saying the inductor core is saturated in that thread - only early speculation that it was possible. Would be good to know if that's the case though. Another member bypassed the filter entirely with a shunt regulated PS IIRC with good results. The silver bullet for an SMPS is...
  23. wushuliu

    Best Class A Amp Ever? Mark Johnson's T2 Class A Amplifier

    Also, for the record, I think people who are strong advocates for 'objective' (whatever that means) view points shouldn't discuss components they are measuring in subjective terms. Just post the measurements, make a couple of points regarding the results specific to those measurements and move...