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  1. toughnut

    Reply to review by 'toughnut' on item 'Qudelix 5K Reference DAC AMP'

    oh shoot, thanks for highlighting the typo guys, corrected. It’s V and not W. It will blow if it’s 4W lol
  2. toughnut

    Review by 'toughnut' on item 'Qudelix 5K Reference DAC AMP'

    I trialed my friend's 5K while owning BTR5, for my on-the-go pairing with my IE900. After 2 weeks of test, I decided to purchase the 5K. There's several reason why I preferred 5K over BTR5 and here's my quick review. PACKAGING I appreciate how Qudelix presented this. Yes, some might complain...
  3. toughnut

    Sennheiser IE900 Review, Measurements, & Harman Target Talk

    Listening to IE900 feed by Cayin RU6 is something magical. This will make me stop pursuing new toys for quite some time
  4. toughnut

    [FiiO UTWS5 2025/UTWS5] True Wireless Bluetooth Amplifier Is Officially Released!

    Thank you dmphile, GhalMaraz. I intend to go with adapter plus 2-pin UTWS5 however that FiiO model is OOS for weeks. Desperate man thinking of desperate measure.
  5. toughnut

    [FiiO UTWS5 2025/UTWS5] True Wireless Bluetooth Amplifier Is Officially Released!

    A question to the owner of UTWS5 (especially MMCX), is the red/blue ring at the tip made from hard plastic? I plan to pair this with Senn IE900 that come with odd Fidelity+ MMCX that requires longer shaft. Which meant I need to shave off part of the red/blue ring by 2-3mm or remove it...
  6. toughnut

    Rank the IEM's you've heard

    I will put MEST MKII above the crowd fav like Andro, Solaris, Z1R, A8000 etc. It's that good, BUT only when the mid portrayed correctly.
  7. toughnut

    Rank the IEM's you've heard

    MEST MK II is one of my recent fav but the mid seem recessed or pulled back in many songs that make it sound unnatural compared to rest of the IEMs I tried. On certain songs, it sound epic.
  8. toughnut

    More oomph in low end; JVC FW10000, Final A8000 or Dunu Luna

    I had M9 for a while and also tested Z1R twice. One of my early impression ( I'm happy with FW10K's sound. It just sound realistic yet fun. But there's also those few moments when I crave for more bass and usually due to...
  9. toughnut

    More oomph in low end; JVC FW10000, Final A8000 or Dunu Luna

    I'm having the itch and in pursuit of best single dynamic driver IEM. Currently using FW10k for over 6 months and the only thing I sometimes wish is higher sound pressure in the low end. Something like Solaris but with better details/definition, if that's possible. For those who had...
  10. toughnut

    Final A8000 Beryllium Diaphragm Dynamic IEM Comments and Impressions

    Just curious as if that have any impact. Additional layer will always have impact as sound/energy transmit though air particle. Same concept with IEM that having switchable differential density foam filter.
  11. toughnut

    Final A8000 Beryllium Diaphragm Dynamic IEM Comments and Impressions

    When double down on the filters, did you cross the mesh by 45deg or both aligned?
  12. toughnut

    Final A8000 Beryllium Diaphragm Dynamic IEM Comments and Impressions

    My dream is owning an IEM that I'm afford to lose/spoil any day of the week. Too rich for my blood to do that with Erlkonig.
  13. toughnut

    Final A8000 Beryllium Diaphragm Dynamic IEM Comments and Impressions

    I'm using FW10000 at the moment. Tried Vega and Atlas (very bad fit), don't like how both sound. Just too much sound pressure on lower end combined with elevated treble. Trinity I tried too but can't recall anything particular about it. A perfect sound signature for me is Solaris with even out...
  14. toughnut

    Final A8000 Beryllium Diaphragm Dynamic IEM Comments and Impressions

    Thanks. I tried it with both connected to FiiO Q5 + THX amp, feed by iPhone over USB. The first thing that come to mind is slightly cleaner low end (thinner airier impact) and I thought I had bad seal. Will try to have another audition but doesn't look promising then. I'm looking for something...
  15. toughnut

    Final A8000 Beryllium Diaphragm Dynamic IEM Comments and Impressions

    I see you have FW10000 too. How does these two compare? I tried briefly A8000 (like 10 mins only due to phone call) and can't really make out the strength/weakness based on that very short demo.
  16. toughnut

    Victor HA-FW10000: 10th Anniversary model

    Heresy but I find BTR5 power FW10000 adequately, as good as Q5+AM3D THX module.... Vol 20/60, low gain on balanced.
  17. toughnut

    Victor HA-FW10000: 10th Anniversary model

    I found a shop with A8000 demo. Will pay a visit tomorrow. My only con with FW10000 is isolation otherwise it's complete package.
  18. toughnut

    Victor HA-FW10000: 10th Anniversary model

    Look like a worthy contender to burn my $. How's the leak/isolation of A8000? Is it major upgrade or just a side grade? Checking if I can have a demo nearby. Paging @jmills8
  19. toughnut

    [FiiO BTR15/BTR5 2021/BTR5]Bluetooth DAC and Headphone Amplifier Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Thanks, was watching your review and that itch pop up. Mostly with FW10000 and on desk. Guess will just stick with Q5 for now.
  20. toughnut

    [FiiO BTR15/BTR5 2021/BTR5]Bluetooth DAC and Headphone Amplifier Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Anyone compared this with Q5/Q5S? How does it fare with stock amp module? Thinking of getting BTR5 to replace my Q5+THX combo.
  21. toughnut

    [FiiO Q5s Type C ‖ Q5s] Bluetooth DSD-capable Amplifier,AK4493x2,768k/32bit

    Anyone compared this with BTR5? How does it fare with stock amp module?
  22. toughnut

    Victor HA-FW10000: 10th Anniversary model

    My understanding is FW10k come with SpiralDot++, as per official website. Click under eartip section. The retail SD++ come with color coded tip.
  23. toughnut

    Victor HA-FW10000: 10th Anniversary model

    I tried with Comply and Shure foam tip, didnt improve the seal, my primary intent. So back to stock SpiralDot++ which is still the best for secure fit and ease of insertion.