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- Users: Zoomer13
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Reply to review by 'zoomer13' on item 'Audeze EL-8 Closed-Back'
So you might say the Deckard made you want to stay a while and listen? :P- Zoomer13
- Head Gear rating reply
Philips Fidelio X2?!
Going from the T50RP to these (just arrived today), I like what I'm hearing. Clamping force is a little snug for me, just need to get it into the right position, I suppose. But the detail, impact, and soundstage, plus the way the bass is's almost overwhelming, honestly. The T50s are...- Zoomer13
- Post #4,458
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
"Double Barrel" Fully machined aluminum closed back headphones
Other than being a bit less open they look like grados with a more retro-future vibe. Really nice job!- Zoomer13
- Post #23
- Forum: DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Discussions
Open Headphones for Desktop Use
Replying on a quick break at work via phone, but checking out the page on amazon those seem pretty nice, especially at their current price....may look further into the HP200, as it might fit the bill for open, detailed and comfortable cans. Will research more in a bit once I'm home. Edit: From...- Zoomer13
- Post #3
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Open Headphones for Desktop Use
Hey all, Just poking around for a few suggestions for potentially open headphones for desktop use that would be a step up from my hastily modded T50rps I've had for a few years. The internals are a bit messy, but still enjoy how they sound, they're very smooth and with the lamb leather pads...- Zoomer13
- Thread
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Seattle Sunday New Year Meet at the Frye Museum 01/05/14
Really looking forward to my first listens to MrSpeakers products and Schiit gear! Looks like there's plenty of other interesting setups too...and a very cool venue, it's gonna be a great first meet for me to bring in the new year~- Zoomer13
- Post #89
- Forum: Local / Regional Head-Fi Meets, Parties, Get-Togethers
Seattle Sunday New Year Meet at the Frye Museum 01/05/14
Don't have much to bring, but will plan to show up! Will be my first meet. I have VModa M100s, JVC HA-S680s and HA-S500s, and a Fiio X3.- Zoomer13
- Post #60
- Forum: Local / Regional Head-Fi Meets, Parties, Get-Togethers
The JVC HA-S680 - S400's and S500's big brother is here!
It MIGHT be a matter of synergy, though the soundchip in the note 3 is actually quite nice with most things. I have to find an adapter to get it to run out of my EF2A on my desktop rig....should probably try that out. I'll also see about running that file posted when I'm not around, as well.- Zoomer13
- Post #50
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
The JVC HA-S680 - S400's and S500's big brother is here!
Initial impressions: Bass is a tad boomy. Gonna try to burn it in a bit in a drawer for the next day or so. Sounds great if I dial the bass down a bit on my Note 3, but....not liking it as is. Maybe I'm just used to a more neutral presentation with my GR07 and T50RP. Will update after a while~- Zoomer13
- Post #48
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
The JVC HA-S680 - S400's and S500's big brother is here!
Just got my red and black set in today, sooner than expected! Already have hm5 pads to try, and can compare directly to S500 soon. My real question though is has anyone tried any mods yet? Foam, dynamat, corkboard, that kind of thing?- Zoomer13
- Post #45
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Reply to review by 'zoomer13' on item 'MrSpeakers Alpha Dog (T50RP Mod)'
Great review, was considering eventually getting these to replace my own modded T50RPs (just did the usual tricks myself), but am now considering otherwise...for someone who wants better imaging and more of a tight slam in the bass, what would a better upgrade be, in your opinion?- Zoomer13
- Head Gear rating reply
The JVC HA-S680 - S400's and S500's big brother is here!
Just ordered a set of the reds from ebay, but won't be here for a few weeks. Had the 500s a while back (then sent to a friend after tweaking as a gift, have T50rps for home and GR07 MKIIs for on the go....), so should be able to give an overview of the difference. Hoping this will work well with...- Zoomer13
- Post #16
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Any Hifiman EF2A tube rolling guides?
I bought the Raytheons from a top-rated seller (VivaTubes I believe), and the tubes were packaged well and work just fine (got 'em today!). Not much use, but they already sound a bit more refined than stock tubes, a bit more impact with a smoother high end so far.- Zoomer13
- Post #15
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Any Hifiman EF2A tube rolling guides?
I have the stock tubes, with some Raytheons on the way. No real probably with piercing highs, everything seems detailed and well separated, and the channel imbalance isn't noticable at regular listening levels for me. Will let burn the raytheons in, then look into some mullards or Tung-Sol's...- Zoomer13
- Post #13
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
How is the jump from Sony XBA-1 to XBA-3?
It doesnt' NEED that much power, that's just what it can take for output. If you feel you need more power you can get a small headphone amp.- Zoomer13
- Post #43
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
How is the jump from Sony XBA-1 to XBA-3?
An amp helps with the xba-3, but is not really required. The sansa may just need the volume cranked a bit higher, though I've no experience with that player. I paid about $180 for the XBA-3 and it was worth it to me at that price, so I would say you got a decent deal on it! You can also...- Zoomer13
- Post #30
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
The JVC HA-S500 thread.
Quote: Grados are supposed to be great for rock and accoustic music, and don't have enough bass for most people.- Zoomer13
- Post #7,151
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
The JVC HA-S500 thread.
Accidental double post....- Zoomer13
- Post #7,150
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro vs Audio-Technica ATH-PRO700MK2 vs V-Moda LP2
I'd just take the Pro700 off the list, I have not tried it but know that it is supposedly uncomfortable and you said yourself you aren't enthused. Plus I assume you will be primarily using the cowon. The V-Modas are supposed to be sturdy and good for mobile but the COPs fit the bill too...- Zoomer13
- Post #2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
The JVC HA-S500 thread.
Quote: I think it depends on your listening preferences, but I will definitely say the downtowns are super comfy in comparison, though the cable and somewhat muffled quality of the sound made it less than desirable for my tastes. Could you go into detail about what bothers you about...- Zoomer13
- Post #7,107
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
The JVC HA-S500 thread.
Quote: It's punchier than my T50RPs at least, more physical force to the sound IMO. With that said there is definitely fatigue with them, they are not terribly comfortable as is, though I expected that.- Zoomer13
- Post #7,105
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
The JVC HA-S500 thread.
Yeah, dampening experiments proved to be kind of a flop. They sound fantastic as they are. Quote: I would definitely say so, though they will require quite a bit more power, so a headphone amp of some kind would be your best bet, though they run from my X-Fi Titanium...- Zoomer13
- Post #7,102
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
The JVC HA-S500 thread.
Quote: What about taping the bass ports? Right now I have them playing an electro-house playlist in another room for at least the next 3 days (they just arrived today, like what I heard besides a certain shrillness), after which I will take a peek inside. I just know that with the bass...- Zoomer13
- Post #7,092
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
The JVC HA-S500 thread.
My set should arrive soon.... Could anyway offer some alternatives to the HM5 pads for an over-ear mod? They are hard to find. I was considering getting alpha pads from Mr Speakers (I have T50rps anyway, so they'd see use either way), but he is currently sold out of them as a stand alone...- Zoomer13
- Post #7,085
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
The JVC HA-S500 thread.
Just pulled the trigger on these things, despite just having gotten the XBA-3s and having the T50RPs....curiosity just got the better of me, I will probably send them to a friend after burn in and seeing what sort of mod potential they may have for myself ~- Zoomer13
- Post #7,046
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors