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  1. evanhindra

    Sound Waveaudiophile Meet in Jakarta 22 April 2015

    Good to see the head-fi scene is flourishing in Jakarta! Next time I am visiting Jakarta, I'll pay a visit to the shops!
  2. evanhindra

    MrSpeakers Ether Impressions Thread    here's one with a female vocal. 
  3. evanhindra

    NEW - Schiit Asgard 2

    Great sounding Amp! I was using Sony UDA-1/B (it's an amp/dac combo); and I immediately can tell the difference when using the Asgard 2 with TH900 and HD800.    However, the knob does get hot. It's like touching your steering wheel after your car is parked outdoor in a really hot day. *maybe...
  4. evanhindra


    Anyone have a suggestion/example for a headphone stand that can accommodate 4 or more cans? :P 
  5. evanhindra

    Planning to Recable Fostex TH900, Confused to Which Termination/Cable/Cable to get!

    Hey guys,      I've been trying to understand cables, terminations, jacks/plugs/socket types for days. I'm pretty new to audiophile gear, but I'm willing to listen and learn. This new hobby is giving me more headache than reading usability reports.    So, I have a Fostex TH900 and...
  6. evanhindra

    Schiit Owners Unite

      Yeah, it seems that I would need to use Schiit's SYS ( to control the AS+ 
  7. evanhindra

    Schiit Owners Unite

    So just connect So I'd just have to connect the A2+ to the Amp through RCA out from the Gungnir then?
  8. evanhindra

    Schiit Owners Unite

    Hey guys,   More questions from me; trying to find a setup to connect powered speakers to Gungnir + Mjolnir combo. I'm assuming if I attach another amp between the powered speakers and the Gungnir, it would work? Currently I'm planning to use the NuForce Icon a friend has (he's offering it to...
  9. evanhindra

    Sony's new flagship 2014 - MDR-Z7

      Oh that'd be great if you can tell me the username of the person! I have a trip in SG due later this year; would love to have to talk to the person. 
  10. evanhindra

    Sony's new flagship 2014 - MDR-Z7

    Has anyone ever seen a Y-combiner to XLR male for the *stock balanced cable*? Basically looking for a 3.5" TRS females > 4-pin XLR Male? 
  11. evanhindra

    NEW - Schiit Asgard 2

    Sorry for the never ending nonsense from me…   but what's the popular choice of speakers pairing with the Asgard 2?
  12. evanhindra

    NEW - Schiit Asgard 2

    I'm hoping to replicate a similar behaviour with the Asgard 2 from my current setup.    My current setup is Sony UDA-1, connected to unpowered speakers (via terminal cables); when I unplug any connected headphone, the DAC would switch the sound signal to the speakers. However, IT SEEMS that...
  13. evanhindra

    NEW - Schiit Asgard 2

    Hey guys,    quick question: If I have a pair of powered speakers connected to the RCA out, how do I control the volume of the speakers? On the speaker itself, or through the Asgard directly (and set the volume knob on the speaker to max)?    Apologies for the stupid question. 
  14. evanhindra

    DAC/Amp for HD800, D7000,

    Hey guys!   It's that time again for me to pick a new desktop setup. Looking for a better "improved" gear:   Granted, I'm new to this, and would love to learn and take suggestions! I've only had two DACs/Amps; the first being the Fiio-17k, and the current Sony UDA-1   Current cans &...
  15. evanhindra

    Oppo HA-1 Impressions Thread

    It is rather unfortunate. It's unfortunate this isn't a more common behaviour; although this is what the "logical" expected behaviour. :(
  16. evanhindra

    Oppo HA-1 Impressions Thread

    I'm interested in this DAC, but have a quick question.   If I have powered speakers connected to the RCA out; and I plug-in headphones at the front port, the speakers aren't automatically muted?    I have Sony's UDA-1 DAC, and that's the behaviour it does, when headphones are connected, the...
  17. evanhindra

    Upgrading from Fiio E17 + E09K, to Sony UDA1-B / ATH-A900 to Sony MDR-1R

    Budget: WHAT MAKES SENSE.    I'd spend upwards $700 on a DAC/Amp combo, and $500 on a headphone. 
  18. evanhindra

    Upgrading from Fiio E17 + E09K, to Sony UDA1-B / ATH-A900 to Sony MDR-1R

    Hey all,      I've been contemplating of upgrading my Fiio E17 + E09K / AudioTechnica ATH-A900 combo, to Sony's UDA1B / MDR-1R; and I would like to hear your thoughts!   I really liked the way the Sony amp sounded, but that could also be Sony MDR-1R cans too and I wonder if it's worth the...
  19. evanhindra

    Shure SRH840 Vs. Audio Technica ATH-A900; worth upgrading?

    Quote: Originally Posted by redlinez33 It really depends. I had the ATH-A700 and now I have the SRH840 and even though I would say the SRH840 are overall better there are somethings I miss about the ATH-A700. I cant quite grasp what it is, maybe the airiness of the highs or the larger...
  20. evanhindra

    Shure SRH840 Vs. Audio Technica ATH-A900; worth upgrading?

    Hey guys, Just got my SRH840. Got it off eBay for $180USD. I picked it up locally. About 1.5hrs into it without taking the headphones off my head, and I'm VERY comfortable. My ATH-A900 would cause me some sort of discomfort after 45 mins or so. Usually feeling hot/sweaty around the back of...
  21. evanhindra

    Shure SRH840 Vs. Audio Technica ATH-A900; worth upgrading?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mobious12 I am not sure if its worth the upgrade, but damn where 'd you find that deal? Through a friend of mine. Anyway, bump? The general consensus is that the SRH840 is favorable when it's against the ATH-A900
  22. evanhindra

    Shure SRH840 Vs. Audio Technica ATH-A900; worth upgrading?

    Hey guys, I'm thinking of upgrading from Audio Technica ATH-A900 to Shure SRH840. Right now, I'm doing my bits of research. From the review & posts here, it seems that the Shure is a loved set of cans, the winner in its class ($200 range). The reason I would like to upgrade: My AT...