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  1. jezmoulton

    Grado Fan Club!

    do official cushions really make that big a difference?
  2. jezmoulton

    Grado Fan Club!

    thanks for the advice! ill definately look out for that... taking the risk of using gumtree andmgetting delivered for the £65 price!
  3. jezmoulton

    Grado Fan Club!

  4. jezmoulton

    Grado Fan Club!

    so they will definately return to normal shape and stay there if i try and push them back in? i dont have a very wide head!
  5. jezmoulton

    Grado Fan Club!

    do these sr225i's appear stretched out to you guys? they're on sale second hand for a great price, but i don't want them to be too loose!
  6. jezmoulton

    Grado SR80i's or Audio Technica ATH-M50's?

    Thanks guys! I'm decided on the Audio Technica ATH-M50 's as I would like the option to be able to use them on long journeys, and I don't like the idea of having to turn them up so much so as to not hear my keyboard typing.   Thanks,   Jeremy 
  7. jezmoulton

    Grado SR80i's or Audio Technica ATH-M50's?

    Hey guys,   Both the Grado SR80i's and the Audio Technica ATH-M50's are top recommended headphones. I am looking for some for use at home with my computer. I currently use Sennhesier HD 202's. I like the idea of both open back and closed back, but I would obviously use the Grado's...
  8. jezmoulton

    Buy new headphones or USB DAC first?

    Does the term "like all DAC's it requires an amplifier" mean I can't plug my headphones straight into it? It certainly looks pretty stunning for the price. Also is the Fiio just 16 bit and how can I use the 24bit of the JDS/Epiphany ?
  9. jezmoulton

    Buy new headphones or USB DAC first?

    I'm in the UK and the only DAC out of the two you suggested I could find was a second hand one on ebay for £80 (E10 is £60) with no picture. How much better is it for the money (I will be using RCA for the sound)
  10. jezmoulton

    Buy new headphones or USB DAC first?

    Hi there,   I listen to a lot of music from my computer at home. I have recently got a new HiFi (second hand Technics from ebay) and I have been using the Sennhesier HD 202's for a couple of yerars now. I use a very cheap "Creative X-Fi Go Pro!" USB soundcard, but I would like to make some...
  11. jezmoulton

    Hifi as portable amp or USB soundcard

    Hi there,   This is a fairly strange question but I am in a bit of an audio OCD moment. I recently changed out my PC sound set up to use a new HIFI. I use a Creative Soundblaster X-FI Go Pro USB soundcard (catchy name I know) which has a headphones and speakers switch on the little USB...