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- Users: ultrabike
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AudioQuest NightHawk Headphone Unveiled Today
I think it's more than different compensations, since the bass at IF is not compensated (nor in other sites). It's possible you have a little bit of leakage in your measurements. For pads that require seal (such as those leather pads), you might need to insure the materials used to couple the...- ultrabike
- Post #557
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Thoughts on a bunch of DACs (and why delta-sigma kinda sucks, just to get you to think about stuff)
LOL! Yup. Looking at it brings to my mind "brick", which is not a good thing. Crossfeed in the digital domain is not too bad IMO, but a good feature to have. You know the Sansa Clip+ Rockboxed does some of that. It works to some extent. But it lacks head tracking which I found to be very...- ultrabike
- Post #5,994
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Thoughts on a bunch of DACs (and why delta-sigma kinda sucks, just to get you to think about stuff)
To some extent it makes sense. To some other, not so much. That's a lot of interpolation filters and one obscure "noise shapper". Who knows. If it's a multi-bit 5th order delta sigma, I guess it's not much different from some consumer audio DACs ICs out there. The sampling rate is quite high...- ultrabike
- Post #5,991
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Thoughts on a bunch of DACs (and why delta-sigma kinda sucks, just to get you to think about stuff)
Something like that it seems. Would be interesting to know roughly what the quantization Noise Transfer Function (NTF) is (or the equivalent to whatevs his deal is) as that determines to some extent the level of out of band quantizaiton noise filtering needed. That's quite a large oversampling...- ultrabike
- Post #5,986
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Thoughts on a bunch of DACs (and why delta-sigma kinda sucks, just to get you to think about stuff)
I'm not sure what "pulse array" means, and never heard of "enharmonic distortion" and "noise floor modulation". Maybe he means quantization noise modulation? and I guess enharmonic means some sort of pitch error? Who knows. Also, in almost all cases, as signal gets smaller, non-linear distortion...- ultrabike
- Post #5,979
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
I don't think we are disagreeing at this point. Some folks here seem to understand the trade-offs about what they have, and appreciate the strengths of their equipment... until they move on to something else if so they choose, or not.- ultrabike
- Post #1,489
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
There is no fuss. It is what it is. The AP and the 1266 are not as low in distortion in some areas as some other cans. The 1266 is a sort of unique can. It's got very interesting bass response and I actually like it. Don't like it's price nor it's looks but some may disagree and I'm kool with...- ultrabike
- Post #1,486
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
It's probably a combination of many things. But a suspect the driver by itself may exhibit part to part variations due to Fostex operations. Yup. A good AD is probably more forgiving than some other cans while still mantaining an agreeable tone. It may not be very resolving with certain types...- ultrabike
- Post #1,479
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
Like TMRaven said. Driver technology and price does not guaratee performance. Also there are many ways to improve a planar (or any) driver's low frequency performance. Not just knurling or pleating. You need to increase compliance in the benefit for lows and at the expense of highs. There...- ultrabike
- Post #1,475
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
Disagree there Paco. Fostex drivers in particular have a lot of issues from lower midrange to treble (and bass if not properly dealt with by the enclosure). Distortion, channel imbalance, FR variance... Like I said before, Dan has to proly do a lot of custom work to make those cans work. If...- ultrabike
- Post #1,472
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
Yes. Youtube has it's limitations depending on many factors. The quality of the music recording is a big factor. That said, many times bad recordings can become more revealing than good ones. Something that sounds edgy will sound bareable through some cans, and completely unbareable in some...- ultrabike
- Post #1,469
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
Try this song instead wahsmoh: This one is not too bad for mids. Some cans sound wonkier than others with this: Throwing this one too, just cuz I like it: ultrabike
- Post #1,465
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
You should take a listen on those Focals. My only problem with those is that they were tight as hell. Painfully so. Agree the Fostex driver is difficult. This may be compounded if there is quite a bit of driver to driver variance. Dan likely has to do a lot of driver matching and individual...- ultrabike
- Post #1,464
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
That's a little bit bright (and edgy) song dude. It's got some decent quality bass. Best guess is you are better off not using the Beyers with that. Agree an AD and an HD650 would be more enjoyable with this. Particularly the AD which would be able to exploit bass resolution and relax the treble...- ultrabike
- Post #1,462
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
I heard an Orpheus. It's pretty good. Perhaps a more refined HD650. As far as LCD-3F > than Stax Omegas/Orpheus? TBH I prefer the balance of an HD600/650 to most electrostatics. If we are talking about resolution, I would have to spend some time with the LCD-3F to form my own opinion about...- ultrabike
- Post #1,460
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
I have not heard the T90 and T70, but the T1 was more of a DT990 than a DT880 IMO. The T1 is a bright can. The DT770 is another pretty bright can. Requires quite a fair amount of modding to sound pleasant. Best I've heard were severely modded by Bill-P, which completely destroyed another...- ultrabike
- Post #1,459
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
Based on my own ears an HD650 is superior to an AP, AD, LCD-2, and HE-400 in a lot of departments except bass. An HE-400 does bass really well for a relatively affordable price, but mids are not that awesome. An LCD-2 has remarkable extension in the low frequency, but don't really like their...- ultrabike
- Post #1,456
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
I tend to agree with SanjiWatsuki. The system may take a while to move things up on the top 10. It may take snapshots or something. Who knows.- ultrabike
- Post #1,448
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
I understand that open and closed headphones have different issues to contend with and indeed could be considered to belong to different classes. However, folks specifically asked about comparisons between the ADP, 650 and 880. I don't think THD plots are the Holy Grail of audio...- ultrabike
- Post #1,434
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread
Some folks in this and other threads have asked about the ADP and how it compares to the HD650 and DT880 classic cans. Specific concerns have been brought up about ADP mid-range distortion. The ADP has significant amounts of distortion in the midrange. This is due to the T50RP driver and is...- ultrabike
- Post #1,426
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
I lost my son...
Very sorry for your loss.- ultrabike
- Post #44
- Forum: Members' Lounge (General Discussion)
**Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**
K- ultrabike
- Post #19,724
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
**Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**
Dude, how many Vrms you are going to get out of the O2 proly depends on the wall wart... right?- ultrabike
- Post #19,721
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
**Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**
Like you said, it depends on the R and planars don't have a ton of it. You can add to that the fact that many planars are not that sensitive. Granted, the HE-400 is on the sensitive side of planars, but not all of them are.- ultrabike
- Post #19,720
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
**Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**
Wow. Lots of words there. Every headphone and amp is flawed AFAIK. There is no such thing as a 0% THD with 0% IMD with +/-0dB FR and pretty much 0 error everywhere else. Some things do great in one department, and horrible in another. Some are just compromises here and there. Not...- ultrabike
- Post #19,714
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)