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  1. PJCovington

    Review: Audio-gd NFB-7

    Hi Punit,    I have never used the Intona but did do extensive listening on the built in (Amanero) USB vs. SPDIF (fed with a Rendu and later an Oppo renderer BNC), the new Wyred 4 Sound Recovery and Stello U3. It was clear the Amanero had the highest resolution but could not be listened to for...
  2. PJCovington

    Review: Audio-gd NFB-7

    I purchased the new NFB 7 with the Amanero Combo 384 USB in September of this year and have been listening to it every day since delivery. My comments are as follows:   Software;  A annoying but inconsequential problem with the NFB 7 and my prior NFB 27 is that occasionally and for no...
  3. PJCovington

    Xonar Essence One Muses Edition

    I would be very interested to hear your comments after more burn in time. have you had any issues with the unit in terms of compatibility with either Mac or PC?   Thank you   Paul