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  1. castleofargh

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    @Lion3 Looking for your own possible mistake, finding something, and letting others know, that's the coolest behavior possible. You have no idea how many people cannot or will not do that. I appreciate you maybe even more for this than for all the cool stuff you've shared so far in the thread...
  2. castleofargh

    iPhone vs. Android via USB-C sound quality difference is huge

    Apple getting in the way of compatibility for non apple products is almost always the explanation for the issues people have. At this point it's not a track record, it's a rule.
  3. castleofargh

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Of course, if you only have files as mp3, keep them as mp3.
  4. castleofargh

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    You might find this helpful. here are stats for listener's preference. See, I also know how to play paper propaganda. We can clearly see: 1/ that sighted opinions about sound are as unreliable as we all(not you) know them to be. 2/ that by...
  5. castleofargh

    Audiophile objections to blind testing - an attempt from a layman

    It's the same reason why so many people have to wear glasses. They actually have perfect sight, but in a controlled test with the unusual pressure of someone watching them, only being able to use one eye at a time, and they have to read letters or sentences picked by the examiner instead of...
  6. castleofargh

    Audiophile objections to blind testing - an attempt from a layman

    Anytime eq1849's false argument gets properly addressed, "let me jump onto some new one to try and escape being wrong again".
  7. castleofargh

    Reconstruction Filters made audible?

    After don't feed the troll, here's a new forum advice. Don't feed the astral plane.
  8. castleofargh

    Need help finding a suitable ear pad replacement, EQ or headphones in general...

    The HPEQ blocks the ear canal, but so long as the mic's opening is reasonably close to the entrance, it should pick the changes caused by the pads for your ear(within the frequency range the HPEQ operates!). It's a reach to say it will just work as a standalone measurement because even a small...
  9. castleofargh

    Need help finding a suitable ear pad replacement, EQ or headphones in general...

    Arf. Well, good luck. I think in your shoes, I would measure the FR with old and new pads(or even other headphones) and create an EQ from the difference, then have some MiniDSP toys to apply the EQ wherever I want. But I do get that not everybody has the gear, or desire to purchase some and...
  10. castleofargh

    Need help finding a suitable ear pad replacement, EQ or headphones in general...

    Couldn't you solve this with one of the manual EQ options of the A16? Autoeq is applied for a limited range so you might still want to fool around and adjust some remaining detail(be it bass, upper treble, or what the mic can never measure, the ear canal gain). I spent a lot of time with manLOUD...
  11. castleofargh

    Audiophile objections to blind testing - an attempt from a layman

    The fact that something different happens in the brain does not in itself demonstrate an impact on our experience, and certainly does not demonstrate we can be aware of it. Correlating some type of activity in some area of the brain with some emotions and then some type of activity around the...
  12. castleofargh

    foobar output dither on or off ?

    I doubt this does anything unless a special format is found. I also don't see the point of enabling it for regular CDs. It does not concern them.
  13. castleofargh

    Anyone clean ears with Earigator? Is it cash or insurance pays?

    The consensus is that you shouldn't put anything in your ears(as an IEM user, I get the irony of me saying that). If you have some issue for whatever reason, you should obviously go see a doc and have him decide what to do about it. If you don't, leave your ears alone! Because I'm a fool using...
  14. castleofargh

    foobar output dither on or off ?

    No. Ripping a CD doesn't change the bit depth(or anything else), and converting to FLAC also is lossless. Dither is a good idea after a change done to the data, like EQ, or converting the signal from 24 to 16bit for example.
  15. castleofargh

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Quasi modo: I've removed a bunch of posts(probably should remove the entire armchair expertise discussion on autism too, but hey, I'm lazy). Personal attacks aren't welcomed on the forum, I don't think it matters if it's not a member. It's obviously an even worse thing to do if your motivation...
  16. castleofargh

    Audiophile objections to blind testing - an attempt from a layman

    Who cares what one believes he can do when nothing can verify his claim? If you have the bottle you picked at the store in front of you, how is that an experience strictly about taste? You know, before you touch a glass, what to expect and what the answer is. Your mistake is to keep wanting to...
  17. castleofargh

    Audiophile objections to blind testing - an attempt from a layman

    Yes, that's why a listening test is a listening test, and casual listening isn't. Casual listening has much more than sound involved into creating our conscious experience of sound. You're correct about that, and we all agree, except some delusional people thinking themselves free of...
  18. castleofargh

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Anybody's planning on being the villainess or a demon king for 2025? I'm considering my options. I'm 48 and not only did I fail at becoming world general, I couldn't even manage to create a small militia that would call itself "freedom whatever" in an attempt to gain power and establish a...
  19. castleofargh

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    It's been years, so maybe I'm wrong, but at the time there was like 50$ of nothing that were credited back to my account. And it was specified somewhere that it would be so. Look it up or contact them, it's very unlikely for the actual final price to be that much.
  20. castleofargh

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    I can't move posts. There is something funny in the moderation ability hierarchy, where I'm free to delete all I want, even entire threads in one go, and have yet to get any remark about it, but I cannot move posts or edit them if just one insult ruins an otherwise interesting post. 🤷‍♂️...
  21. castleofargh

    If 3db is twice as loud...

    It's usually said that +10dB is twice as loud, not 3. And even that can depend on frequency and what not(see equal loudness contour). If we take +10dB as reference, then another +10dB will again double your perception of loudness relative to the last value, so that would make +20dB 2*2=about 4...
  22. castleofargh

    What makes a headphone objectively good sounding?

    Just because the judgement is subjective, doesn't mean it won't correlate with at least some objective factors. Op's propositions are: 1. FR is the main predictor of preference. Yes it is. It gets complicated a little because not everybody wants/need the same FR, and because 2 different...
  23. castleofargh

    Headphones are easy

    Various things: There is the tendency to make a mountain out of a molehill in the hobby. So even realistically small impact will become a big deal on the forum for some people, and of course to fix it, you must "upgrade" something. Those you talked to probably were happy owners of the headphone...
  24. castleofargh

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    I just speed up the videos, not everything works at 2X(bad recording quality or the speaker is himself already fast or eats half the syllables instead of speaking them), but I got used to it over time even as a non native English speaker. It saves wastes less time.