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    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Thanks for your advice! The thing is my HD6XX will ship very soon and I do not have anything to drive it with :(
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    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Guys it's me again. I was thinking here about going with Fulla 2 as AMP/DAC and then upgrading to Monoprice liquid Spark (and using fulla 2 as a dac) or another option would be to just go with Magni 3. Which one should I take? How much will I be missing out on just Fulla 2? Also my...
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    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    I was considering pairing Magni 3 with FiiO D3 or Nuforce Udac 3, what do you guys think? Is D3 any good? Is Udac 3 better ?
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    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    My onboard DAC specs:
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    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    What if I use my onboard DAC ?
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    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Guys looks like my HD6XXs will be shipped a little earlier and I have yet to buy an AMP... Since Liquid Spark release has been delayed it is not an option any more. I was thinking about getting Fulla 2 or Magni 3 (+ onboard DAC) which one would be better? How does BeyondHD AMP from Firestone...
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    Monoprice Monolith Liquid Spark - By Alex Cavalli

    Oh well, I really wanted to try it out, I read somewhere that it is better than Magni 3
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    Monoprice Monolith Liquid Spark - By Alex Cavalli

    Has this just been delayed?
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    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    Thanks guys but I have chosen HD6XX over M1060 because I am a newbie and with HD6XX I just won't be disappointed, I think it is a safer bet since HD650s have been around for so long, as for the M1060s I might be getting them or something else Monoprice offers in the future so HD6XX definitely is...
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    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Thanks guys! Oh and for the AMP I was thinking about Magni 3 but could anyone tell me how Monolith Liquid Spark compares to it?
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    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Thanks! I think I will get HD6XX, because I really like vocals, plus used HD6XXs always sell for more than $200 making it a great investment.
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    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    Thanks! I wanted to get M1060s but things like ringing, having to mod it (I mean new pads do not seem to be cheap), low quality build etc keep me thinking...
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    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Guys I am trying to decide between HD6xx and M1060. The music I listen to is rarely bass heavy, I listen to radiohead, queen, melua, scorpions etc. What would you recommend?
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    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    Guys I am trying to decide between HD6xx and M1060. The music I listen to is rarely bass heavy, I listen to radiohead, queen, melua, scorpions etc. What would you recommend?