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  1. thebigham

    Is it bad to clamp your headphone on your speaker?

    I have an Audio Engine A2 speaker. Is that high power or open back?
  2. thebigham

    Is it bad to clamp your headphone on your speaker?

    The speaker is always playing music. Would the magnets damage the headphone?
  3. thebigham

    Help with a $100 budget on new IEMs

    How is the audio quality of the HiFiMAN RE-400 compared to HiFiMAN RE-0. The RE-0 is my absolutely favorite IEM of all time, but it has fallen apart and I have glued it back on many times. 
  4. thebigham

    RE0 and Sony Hybrid tips

    Quote:   Is that really true? I noticed the hole in the hybrids are smaller. I am in desperate need of a earphone tip with good isolations. I spent 4 hours on the train each day. The excessive noise ruined the whole listening experience. =(  
  5. thebigham

    RE0 and Sony Hybrid tips

    I just lost the stock RE0 bi-flange tips. I tried the black ones that came with the RE0, but didn't like them. I looked some other threads from this forum. It says the Sony hybrid tips fits the RE0, but the sony hybrid tips seem to have a small hole then the stock ones from RE0. How will that...
  6. thebigham

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Hi guys, I have the ATH-M50, and it has a little too much bass for my taste. I think the ATH-M50 is really good for music, but horrible for games. i'm looking for a headphone for 40% games, 40% music, 20% movies and not so much bass. And same audio quality as the M50. 
  7. thebigham

    Looking for a pair of IEM

    Hi guys, I'm going to be commuting to school 4 hours everyday day in public transportations. I'm looking for a good pair of IEM under a $100. I'm currently using the Klipsch S4. It's great, but it's just not for me. I like its comfort and design, but there's simply too much bass for my taste. It...
  8. thebigham

    klipsch promedia 2.1 or audioengine a2?

    I was in the same situation as you are a month ago, and I settled with the Audio Engine 2. I'm loving it so far. I listen to it every morning when i get up. it's such a great way to start your day. =)
  9. thebigham

    External Sound Card

    I returned the Creative one already. The E7 + E9 is not within my budget, so I bought the uDAC-2. I'm loving it so far.
  10. thebigham

    ATH M50 + uDAc-2 = Sibilance?

    Hi, I just recently purchased the ATH-M50 and the uDac-2. The ATH-M50 sounded really good with my Zune HD and my computer onboard sound card. For some reason it sounded really bad with the uDAC-2. There's a huge amount of sibilance, it's just unbearable. I'm just wondering if there's something...
  11. thebigham

    Complete novice! Need help creating audio rig for desktop!

    Here are some builds you may want to look at
  12. thebigham

    External Sound Card

    Thank you for the respond. I actually just got X-Fi Surround today. For some reason it does not increase the volume of my M50. And that "popping and crackling noises" present in my unit as well. I have the Audio Engine 2 speakers. The pop is so loud that it made me jumped. I'm afraid prolonged...
  13. thebigham

    External Sound Card

    Hi guys, I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong section. I just got the M50 after reading all the great reviews on the forum. And this is my very first full size headphone! I'm loving it so hard. But I have encountered a problem. When i plugged the M50 into my computer, the audio is really low...
  14. thebigham

    M50? Is there anything better for the same price?

    Yeah, mine came with the white box. It says 2010 too. For some reason, Amazon sent me the coiled cable version instead of the straight one. =( Anyways, I just tried it on my phone and two Zune players. I have to max it or at least 90% to get a decent volume! I know this will sound stupid, but...
  15. thebigham

    M50? Is there anything better for the same price?

      Quote: You are right.. I just got the M50 today, and it sounds really dull on movies and games. But it sounds absolutely amazing on music! Now I don't know if I should return it or get another headphone for movies and games. BTW, the M50's volume sounds to be really low? I have to...
  16. thebigham

    M50? Is there anything better for the same price?

    Hi guys, i don't mean to hijack the thread. But since this thread is about the ATH-M50, I would like to know how does it perform for games and movies? Would you recommend it for someone who would use it for 50% Gaming, 40% Music, and 10% Movies? Thanks! 
  17. thebigham

    Audio switcher

    Hi guys, i'm trying to connect My Zune dock and PC to the my A2 speakers. I have found this switcher on Google.   Has anyone used this before? Would it decrease the audio quality???
  18. thebigham

    Audioengine 2 Question.

    Ah I see. So that's why it doesn't come with a RCA to 3.5mm cable. What do you think i can do to connect two sources to the speaker? I want to have the PC desktop and a Zune player dock to connect to the speaker. 
  19. thebigham

    Audioengine 2 Question.

    Hi guys! I just bought the Audioengine 2, and it sounds really goood! I have a quick question about the dual input for the A2. When I have two inputs plugged in, the volume seem much much lower than with only 1 input plugged in. Why is that? And will it decrease the output quality? 