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  1. 12345142

    Halide Design DAC HD

    Here's a review from Computer Audiophile. It was quite the lopsided comparison, but the editor seems to like it quite a bit. Does anyone know how it compares to the Music Streamer II+?
  2. 12345142

    Truly the best?

    Yes, get them. You will definitely be satisfied. No need to worry so much.
  3. 12345142

    Stickied Thread On The Format For A Review?

    Agreed. Some one-word (or even one-letter) reviews that provide no useful information whatsoever should just be deleted. A review doesn't just constitute filling out the rating scale.
  4. 12345142

    New! Audioengine D1 DAC, Preamp, & Headphones amp Unboxing Video

    Looks pretty slick. A uDAC killer, perhaps? How much did it cost?
  5. 12345142

    New Meier Corda Rock

    Corda quality for under $300? Now that's a shocker indeed. Will definitely keep my eye on this amp.
  6. 12345142

    iBasso DX100 Reference DAP - ES9018 inside

    The lack of a DAC function doesn't really lessen the DX100's appeal to me. In fact, it didn't even cross my mind until someone else (AlexRoma, I think) brought it up, which I then realized would be a pretty cool feature to have. The DX100 seems like a great product and I may very well purchase...
  7. 12345142

    Sennheiser HD 25-13 II cable?

    I suggest you e-mail Sennheiser themselves about it. Here:
  8. 12345142

    iBasso DX100 Reference DAP - ES9018 inside

    Usually it's the other way around, isn't it? Hopefully iBasso will include DAC functionality in a future firmware upgrade or something. Quote:  
  9. 12345142

    why so ugly?

    This entire thread is subjective. I wouldn't touch Monster headphones with a yardstick, but I love the look of the LCD-2s. OP has obviously never seen the W3000ANV or Edition 8 before. Even the Phiaton MS400s are stunners. Quote:  
  10. 12345142

    Arcam rPAC - USB DAC + Headphone Amplifier

    It certainly seems Arcam is trying to appeal to lower-end buyers. 'Bus-powered' isn't that bad. The Audinst HUD-MX1 is bus powered and it drives headphones fairly well. That being said, seeing as the MX1 is more versatile and already sounds good, I don't see the value in the rPAC. 
  11. 12345142

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote: It's kind of unclear, to be honest, since measurements differ a lot between manufacturers. Disregard that then. Regardless, the D2000s tend to be more forgiving of the source, so I would get those.
  12. 12345142

    New Meier Corda Rock

    I wonder what he means by 'shocker.' I guess telling us the price upfront would spoil the fun, wouldn't it?
  13. 12345142

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote: I would get the D2000s because a) the soundcard's output voltage is rather pathetic and b) the DT990s are much more revealing headphones.  
  14. 12345142

    iBasso DX100 Reference DAP - ES9018 inside

    Well, I don't think the 'audiophile DAP with headphone amp circuit' market will ever be overcrowded, but I get your point. If iBasso could let us use the DX100 as a separate DAC, it would be that much more awesome. Quote:
  15. 12345142

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote:   Also, in general, a headphone's age is nothing to worry about. The Sennheiser HD25s and Beyerdynamic DT48s are two examples of decades-old, yet loved headphones here on Head-Fi...
  16. 12345142

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote: Get the AD900s. The DT880s (even the 32 ohm version) and HD600s would be better served with a headphone amp, which he doesn't have. Just so you know, open headphones don't block any noise whatsoever. But if you're already aware of that, he'll probably enjoy the AD900s.  
  17. 12345142

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote: From $100-200, you can expect headphones that will blow the stuff at a brick-and-mortar store out of the water. From $300-500, you can expect headphones that perform a cut above the $100-200 headphones, although they're not worlds apart. Headphones above $300, especially the ones...
  18. 12345142

    AKG K550 - NEW!!

    Oops, haven't been on Head-Fi for a while. At the volume I listen at, which is just below 2 on an HM-601 if that helps, the Z1000s leak very little. It's about as loud as my watch ticking. Quote:  
  19. 12345142

    Did I destroy the right-side driver on my HFI-580 because of massive bass?

    I'm not sure what to make of it, but it's probably just the EQ distorting. I suggest you never use your EQ at max, and when you do EQ, try reducing the other frequencies and raising the overall volume instead. 
  20. 12345142


    That's simplified Chinese FYI. I might take a peek if I have time, but it's quite long and my Chinese isn't that great.   Quote:  
  21. 12345142

    iBasso DX100 Reference DAP - ES9018 inside

    Let's see...what do they say where I come from? Oh yeah...   inb4 ****storm (although admittedly, it's a bit late). Damn, this is a tough decision! I want it, but I'll wait until the first opinions come in.
  22. 12345142

    Halide Design DAC HD

    Bump for interest. Does anyone have it? I might just buy one.
  23. 12345142

    iBasso DX100 Reference DAP - ES9018 inside

    For crying out loud, iBasso...please announce this player before this becomes a hundred-page HYPE thread.
  24. 12345142

    iBasso DX100 Reference DAP - ES9018 inside

    I sure hope someone starts a new thread once the DX100 is actually released. If the sound is good and firmware is stable...all my money, iBasso, all my money.