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  1. yasuda2k7

    HD600 Replacement Cable

    I believe the internal of my cable is broken and was wondering which replacement cable is the newest to buy. I'm not necessarily looking for an expensive upgraded cable.   Thanks
  2. yasuda2k7

    Looking for headphones (electronic dance music)

    Quote: Originally Posted by MrGreen The DT770 pro is fairly low quality, but a very fun headphone to listen to. Although it is more forgiving of the bass, I think they have too much bass for dance music. If you're having trouble deciding between the ultrasones and DT770pro; the...
  3. yasuda2k7

    Just placed order on Ultrasone Pro 900

    Quote: Originally Posted by ofnir Let us know if it has arrived & your impression. I'm still thinking to buy it too, have read reviews that it's really good, now the question is, is it really worth the price ? thanks Although the suggested retail price is around $550, if...
  4. yasuda2k7

    Ultrasone Pro 900 impressions + comparison with Beyerdynamic DT770-80

    Quote: Originally Posted by cyberspyder Those were EXACTLY my thoughts when I heard my friend's pair....recessed mids and somewhat piercing highs. I guess I am spoiled by my Westones...I feel that the Pro900's have an edge in the soundstage department and bass. And they are anything BUT...
  5. yasuda2k7

    amp suggestion HFI-780

    Although I've only owned the Zero DAC/amp, I would highly recommend it if you're on a budget of some sort. Ultrasones are generally not as dependent as other headphones when it comes to amps. My Zero has paired well with both my HFI 580 and Pro 900 headphones and is definitely a step up from my...
  6. yasuda2k7

    CLOSED THREAD -- Orange County, CA Head-Fi Meet Up - November 21, 2009

    That's exactly what I hope to experience from this meet up! Rather than reading about various headphones, amps, and DACs, it's far better to personally listen to them and see for myself. I also hope to meet new people. See you all there!
  7. yasuda2k7

    CLOSED THREAD -- Orange County, CA Head-Fi Meet Up - November 21, 2009

    I'll see you all there! I'll be taking my Ultrasone Pro 900, Ultrasone HFI 580, Beyerdynamic DT880 600Ohm, Yuin PK1, and Zero DAC/amp.