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- Users: korewest
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Audio-Technica ATH-M30 VS Monoprice 8323?
I couldn't tell ya if they were the "same" because I haven't personally heard the M30, but I can reassure you that at the price range of under $100, monoprice does not disappoint.- korewest
- Post #5
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Does the mp3 player matter?
Quote: Also agree with this statement. Even some not-so-current generation of smartphones by Samsung such as Galaxy Stellar (which I currently own) have a great sound quality - vastly improved from a conventional laptop source. And yes, sound quality changes vastly depending on the...- korewest
- Post #8
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
AKG "K267 TIËSTO" - Discussion, Impressions & Review Thread
@sh3p1, Greetings, and I'm sorry about your headphones. Although I'm a big AKG fan, I admit their hinge mechanism can be a bit iffy sometimes. I suspect the "3D axis" hinges have particularly high pressure on a small area, often plastic in construction, that cause them to break even...- korewest
- Post #917
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
What is the perfect reference card for headphones?
If you want to "see" the neutrality, you can always take a look at credible Frequency Response graphs such as those on korewest
- Post #7
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Audio-Technica ATH-M30 VS Monoprice 8323?
If portability is a big plus for you, then definitely get the monoprice. You will not be disappointed with them. However, I suggest buying directly off, as the prices tend to be cheaper over there.- korewest
- Post #3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Bruno Mars Grenade Remix
I made another remix, this time choppin up Bruno Mars' vocals. Hope you enjoy: -KoreWest -
Are there headphones that allow in ambient noise? (for office use)
Quote: I'm glad you like them! If you like velour pads, Beyerdynamic EDT 250 pads seem to be popular with the HTF 600's!- korewest
- Post #18
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Are there headphones that allow in ambient noise? (for office use)
Quote: I think that's the first time someone has taken my advice here! I hope you like those headphones, or I will feel very guilty- korewest
- Post #16
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
audio newbie looking for headphone-purchasing advice
Let's consider that you have got a decent pair of headphones to begin with. From my experience, I was not able to get the "wow" experience out of my ordinary laptop sound card. This is true of every headphone I've tried on my laptop. Although you can perceive noticeable difference...- korewest
- Post #4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Bose Around Ear upgrade to Audio Technica ATH-M50
Your 1st and 3rd bullet point leads me to believe that you will NOT like the M50 at all. If you thought Bose was uncomfortable, the M50 will be terrifying. M50 also strays quite far from "very clear, realistic sound". I would look into the Shure 440/840 line or the KRK KNS 6400/8400...- korewest
- Post #3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Highly portable headphones
I see, that's perfectly fine. I see a lot of portables mentioned in this section. Maybe list your music preference and budget as well- korewest
- Post #5
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Highly portable headphones
I personally like the AKG K840L, which is also my profile pic, but they have been discontinued. Have you looked into Forum>Equipment>Portable headphones yet? they may have better response there- korewest
- Post #3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Any tips on making AKG K518 sound better?
I did some research before buying the K518's, and found that Sennheiser HD25's velour pads will fit on the 518's, making it slightly more balanced. I haven't tried this myself, but just something to consider. Also try searching AKG K518 mod and you will find some useful posts to mod them...- korewest
- Post #2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Are there headphones that allow in ambient noise? (for office use)
Quote: They definitely don't have isolation that I would characterize as "good"... Good would be something that could drown out a nearby chatter, or muffle the sound of a vacuum cleaner in the room. Incidentally, I'm wearing the HTF 600's right now, and I can hear myself type on the...- korewest
- Post #10
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Are there headphones that allow in ambient noise? (for office use)
Quote: Nope, they drive completely fine out of my laptop and my Samsung Galaxy S phone. £45 seems a bit expensive, but the quality of those headphones are still well worth the price in my opinion. It also comes down to your sound preference. Panasonic HTF 600's are quite bassy...- korewest
- Post #7
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Are there headphones that allow in ambient noise? (for office use)
Like Chewy said, I think semi-open is the way to go. Not sure what your budget is, but I would look into Panasonic HTF-600. They are very comfortable, have lower than average isolation, does not leak too much, and very mature looking headphones. Not quite "semi-open" but I think will get...- korewest
- Post #4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Something better than the LPs
I honestly don't think you need to spend over $100 to get a headphone that sounds better than the LP. Even budget cans such as the Monoprice 8323 and the Panasonic HTF-600's have better detail than the LP in my opinion. If you want to blow it out of the water in the $150 region, I would...- korewest
- Post #8
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
The IEM/Portable Headphones Deal Alerts Thread - Closed! Use the Deals Thread III instead.
Thought you guys would like to know, The AKG K518 LE, LIME version is $31 on Amazon. Normal price ranges from $49~69.- korewest
- Post #7,618
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
AKG K550 vs UE 6000
I have auditioned both and have a few words to say. Tyll's opinions are simply his opinions; although a respectable one at that, you have your own unique tastes and preferences. To my ears, the UE6000's were good, but slightly muddled. But I prefer slightly brighter headphones. I would...- korewest
- Post #3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
AKG k167 vs Shure SRH840 vs ATH M50
Take a look at Pioneer HDJ 2000's, they are slim-profile, neutral for a "DJ" labeled headphone, slightly withdrawn in highs, but very clear and crisp in sound. Magnesium and rubberized in construction, ~200 on amazon- korewest
- Post #5
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Apple In-Ear Earphones 2013
Is it just me, or are the measurements on these earphones a Beast? Source: innerfidelity Here are some specifications Source: Technical Specifications Frequency response: 5Hz to 21kHz Impedance (at...- korewest
- Thread
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
I miss my old headphones, HELP!
Quote: The shures are a bit out of the price range, so I'll look into demo'ing the 8400/6400! thanks- korewest
- Post #3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best Headphones Under $40?
Quote: I also vouch for the Panasonic HTF 600's. Semi-closed (optimistic expression for people who want closed headphones, but have cans that are numerous of holes), angled drivers, comfort, durability, and good details all in one! Did I mention price?- korewest
- Post #6
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
I miss my old headphones, HELP!
I used to have my beloved headphones called AKG K840 KL However, after being let down by the lack of bass in those headphones, I decided to sell them. Now as I continue to pursue my enthusiasm for headphones, I miss the treble extension and the bright sparkly details in my old AKG cans...- korewest
- Thread
- krk-kns6400-studio-headphones shure-srh-940 sony-pro-mdr-7506-headphones akg-k840kl-on-ear-wireless-headphone-black sony-mdr-v6-monitor-series-headphones
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)