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xeizo reacted to rowett's post in the thread Looking for a more "fun" open headphone than the K702 with
sure did! no regrets so far, as you say there's just no trace of distortion, this is one of the first things i noticed once i started... -
xeizo replied to the thread Looking for a more "fun" open headphone than the K702.So you went the planar route, wise choice if you wants to have the opportunity for undistorted bass slam all the way down.
xeizo reacted to rowett's post in the thread Looking for a more "fun" open headphone than the K702 with
so i went with the LCD-2s and i'm happy with them - they couldn't be more different to the K-702s! very happy to sacrifice clinical... -
xeizo replied to the thread Looking for a more "fun" open headphone than the K702.As I edited above, Neumann NDH-30 same ballpark but with bass. But I think you should try open planar if you're out for fun, they...
xeizo replied to the thread Looking for a more "fun" open headphone than the K702.If you wants bass slam you should go planar, those type of cans has much less bass distortion than dynamic cans meaning you can EQ to...
xeizo replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.You mention soundstage, I was amazed yesterday by Julian Lage:s latest album, was really front to back/ top to bottom on the NDH-30...
xeizo replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.If you really wants to get rid of the veil, now there is the Susvara Unveiled...
xeizo replied to the thread The Best Headphones for Metal Music: Tier List (Share your own!).I would rank Hifiman HE400SE near the top for metal/progressive hardrock: extreme dynamic, spectacular wide sound, superlow distorsion...