Toddy's latest activity
Toddy replied to the thread ZMF Bokeh - Open Back Headphones.Ah, good news at last… Of course I already reached out and had one (of very few) reserved for me :grin:. Without fixing a price though...
Toddy replied to the thread ZMF Bokeh - Open Back Headphones.Sorry for bothering you again, as you surely have lots of stuff to do – but does that mean international buyers not wanting to go...
Toddy replied to the thread ZMF Bokeh - Open Back Headphones.Do the 250 units include the ones going to the international resellers? (So can I hope to get mine before christmas:grin:? And perhaps...
Toddy replied to the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please....Thanks!
Toddy replied to the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please....Is it DIY? It looks a bit, though very well made. And if so: was it worth the effort? (I‘m asking because I think parts of my station...
Toddy replied to the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please....What is that board under the stack? Some kind of anti-vibration device?
Toddy replied to the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please....No, that does not sound like you paid too much. But… The HE6 is one of the most power hungry headphones in the world. What do you use...
Toddy replied to the thread The Sennheiser HE1 and how I came back after 16 years hiatus from Headfi (acquisition, unboxing, installation, and impressions over time).Of course, that is the logical consequence. But that's why you're here after all, otherwise you'd just be an ordinary music lover who...
Toddy replied to the thread The Sennheiser HE1 and how I came back after 16 years hiatus from Headfi (acquisition, unboxing, installation, and impressions over time).Why (resist)? Honestly, what speaks against buying it? (Assuming you can afford it.) My motto always is: He who dies with the most toys...
Toddy replied to the thread HIFIMAN HE1000 Unveiled.Exactly. To U or not to U is the question… that probably the majority of HE1000se owners ask. I got mine (SE) three weeks before the...
Toddy replied to the thread Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions.A German dealer auctioning hifi/high end stuff on ebay. But that was in fact the cheapest price, most went for something around the...
Toddy replied to the thread Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions.Wow. Considering the cheapest new E3 I‘ve seen went for a bit less than 1.500 € that must have been the deal of the century.
Toddy replied to the thread Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions.Being twice the price I expect the Utopia to be better than the E3. In fact it would be a shame if it wouldn‘t be better than any 2000$...
Toddy replied to the thread Meze Audio ALBA - A Light in The Shape of Sound.Which in Germany is the only legally correct way. It's the dealer‘s job to deal with the manufacturer (but independently from his legal...
Toddy replied to the thread ZMF Bokeh - Open Back Headphones.I‘ve tried them at High End Munich in May and immediately fell in love with them. Since then I‘m waiting for the final release...