timbre1822's latest activity
TAppreciate the detailed breakdown! Sounds like the GM Anniversary is shaping up to be something special—better vocals and improved fit...
Ttimbre1822 replied to the thread FatFreq Grand Maestro.That humidifier sounds interesting. Curious also as to how the final design would look like.
Ttimbre1822 replied to the thread FatFreq Grand Maestro.Was there a change in the tuning compared to their units during the Hifi shows? Great post, @SCYJ ! 👌🏻 The thorough explanations are...
TOKAY BOYS, DON'T SKIP MY POST. 1st off: GMA updates from FF Yeo himself. Knowing FF, Yeo probably meant mid/end Jan 2026 💀 Next...
Ttimbre1822 reacted to SCYJ's post in the thread FATfreq Impressions Thread - Bass Cannons and More with
OKAY BOYS, DON'T SKIP MY POST. 1st off: GMA updates from FF Yeo himself. Knowing FF, Yeo probably meant mid/end Jan 2026 💀 Next... -
Ttimbre1822 replied to the thread IBasso DC-Elite . . . The no compromise DAC/AMP with a true Stepped Attenuator.Thanks. Would you say that the dx260 is a bit more referenced type of tuning?
Ttimbre1822 reacted to RIGATIO's post in the thread IBasso DC-Elite . . . The no compromise DAC/AMP with a true Stepped Attenuator with
Smoother, more 3D-like and sounds more like class A amp. The dx260 is bit more analytical. Both sound amazing, but the Elite has this... -
Ttimbre1822 replied to the thread IBasso DC-Elite . . . The no compromise DAC/AMP with a true Stepped Attenuator.Thanks. Could you kindly elaborate why the Elite is slightly better sonically?
Ttimbre1822 replied to the thread IBasso DC-Elite . . . The no compromise DAC/AMP with a true Stepped Attenuator.Anybody tried comparing the Elite with the DX260?
TThere is no right or wrong answer here as it all comes down to personal hearing, and preferences. I have both Volur and GM. Both are...
TI have no doubt you have a fine ear. A buddy of mine has the Volur and the Odins. I didn't listen to them long but my impressions were...
Ttimbre1822 reacted to mungster's post in the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread with
Wow. Totally agree. I was going sell JP when i pick up TI and end up.keeping both. They both sound amazing. After 5 years and... -
Ttimbre1822 reacted to mikaik's post in the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread with
I'm revisiting the Traillii after a long pause and I am amazed how complete they sound, how mature. I believe we are too often attracted... -
Ttimbre1822 replied to the thread [FiiO M23] AK4191EQ+AK4499EX, THX AAA-78+, Dual Type-C Ports, Dual-Core Fast Charging, 1000mW+1000mW @32Ω.Keep us posted! Thanks!
Ttimbre1822 reacted to VeightTripleDivision's post in the thread [FiiO M23] AK4191EQ+AK4499EX, THX AAA-78+, Dual Type-C Ports, Dual-Core Fast Charging, 1000mW+1000mW @32Ω with
Thanks to FiiO for providing A12 beta firmware. Will let know if any issues are present.