sutosuto's latest activity
SThe Smabat ST-20 that I pre-ordered last year, arrived in the mail last Tuesday. I've been listening to them during this past week, to...
Ssutosuto replied to the thread ISN Earphones impression thread. New ISN EBC80!!!!.Or go with ISN EST50 if it is still within your budget.
Ssutosuto reacted to baskingshark's post in the thread BQEYZ in-ear monitors Impressions Thread with
The BQEYZ Autumn are a very underrated midFI single DD set. The magnetic swappable concept for changing filters is very innovative and... -
Ssutosuto reacted to flu_fighter's post in the thread IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions with
Ace and Zenith ships in April -
Ssutosuto replied to the thread IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions.How did you know it is 3 months?
Ssutosuto replied to the thread Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread.More refined.
Ssutosuto replied to the thread CCA in ear monitors Impressions Thread.This is to confirm that CRA slams harder than Timeless (XINHS 8 Strand Pure silver wire + gold-plated copper wire). The subbass is also...
Ssutosuto replied to the thread CCA in ear monitors Impressions Thread.Have a quick comparison between CRA (KBEAR Inspiration-S 4 Core 4N Single Crystal Copper Silver Plated) and Blon01 (XINHS 8 cores pure...
Ssutosuto replied to the thread CCA in ear monitors Impressions Thread.No, never actually. It was only curious as I quite liked the blon bl03. Same for CRA, but too my surprise it is better that I expect.
Ssutosuto replied to the thread CCA in ear monitors Impressions Thread.I have not listened with the BLON-01 for very long time, I even forget how it sounds LOL. It is one of the IEMs that I buy and only...
Ssutosuto replied to the thread CCA in ear monitors Impressions Thread.Mind to share the mod you did?
Ssutosuto replied to the thread CCA in ear monitors Impressions Thread.Received the CRA today, I spend only around $8 for such a good sound. I even do not need to change the tips. This iem makes me think if...
SI think I'm trying to put my DAC volume on 50% so I can increase my amp output instead. This seems to increase the dynamic of the music.
Ssutosuto replied to the thread The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome..Get well soon both you and your Mom. Well wishes, God bless.
Ssutosuto reacted to jwilliamhurst's post in the thread The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome. with
Ive been absent here, I have been battling COVID along with my mother, who is still not doing very well. I am through the worst of it...