SsXxX's latest activity
SSsXxX replied to the thread Grado Signature HP100 SE.offf ... such nice looking (and expensive) equipment out of curiosity, have you tried your HP100 SE on some of the cheaper more...
SHaving a nice Saturday afternoon listen over the X’mas period. Airplay via the Shanling ET3 from QQ Music into the SAEQ Pandora’s Box...
SSsXxX replied to the thread Grado Signature HP100 SE.I did, didnt work as the cups are big and kept moving as i usually use deep plush pillows moreover i dont usually listen while laying...
S@SsXxX did you try to listen in bed half laying down with a pillow under your neck acting as a support? My neck is not in the best shape...
SAnd they are fenestrated leather. He also makes ones that are all velour (in his case I think it's some kind of wool) and he may make...
SSsXxX replied to the thread Grado Signature HP100 SE.okay sooo ... i think im gonna return them, no matter how awesome they sound and they indeed do sound out-of-this-world phenomenal...
SPerhaps someone will remember, when there were still the first RS1, I had one, to increase the presence of the bass, a couple of laps of...
Svery interesting ! . Is it the 25mm or the 35 mm thick Pads from Beautiful audio ? I ubnderstyood that beautifu Audio has 2 models in...
SI tried perforated pads with RS2X, and what I got, I was amazed. I got a warmer sound and tight punchy bass. It was fantastic! But I...
SSsXxX replied to the thread Grado Signature HP100 SE.ah, just saw this post now. would you be kind to share with us some ideas that increases comfort but keeps the sonic properties close...
SI would wait until you have a decent amount of time on the phone getting acclimated to their sound as they do break in. After that you...
SLet me start with a bold statement: if you enjoy listening to post-rock music, this headphone is currently the best choice among dynamic...
SI like F pads not only because G pads are too bright or have too many bass, but also because I think the mid-range of F pads has...
Sit is more comfortable than the F,L also retain the spacial presentation of the G but reduce the brightness of G. the middle ground...
SSsXxX replied to the thread Grado Signature HP100 do they compare sonic wise to the Flat pads that comes with it in box? i agree with you that g-pads sound way to bright for my...