Satriany's latest activity
SSatriany reacted to Meridian7's post in the thread Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread] with Like.That matters most, things what you like most :thumbsup: Just threw in my 2cents :beerchug:
SSatriany replied to the thread Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread].As I said, I had it and the sound with Neumann ndh30 plus eq was great. I just bought a dx3 plus to have a cheap solution. I also now...
SSatriany reacted to Meridian7's post in the thread Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread] with Like.Owned both the RME ADI2 dac FS and Mojo, the RME was not able to beat mojo's sound, not even the Mojo1. It might matter less if the...
SSatriany reacted to Death_Block's post in the thread Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread] with Like.I'd jump on a Q7 type mojo 2 in a second
SSatriany replied to the thread Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread].I got a refund for my mojo2 which failed after 11 months. I am reluctant to buy again because of this USB cable and the potential...
SSatriany replied to the thread RME ADI-2 DAC Thread.Perhaps if your headphone is difficult to drive and has a non resistive impedance the amp drives it better. Staging is mostly a phase or...
SSatriany replied to the thread Hifiman HE1000 Planar Dynamic Headphone.Apparently there was a demo at the shop with a guy from hifiman and 8 people left with these. The man I bought these from is 75 so he...
SSatriany reacted to Slackaveli's post in the thread Hifiman HE1000 Planar Dynamic Headphone with Like.Those are Stealths. The two stickers tell you that it's both Nanometer diaphragms and Stealth Magnets. Best ones pretty much hands down imo.
SSatriany replied to the thread Hifiman HE1000 Planar Dynamic Headphone.I dont have a leather box, but it comes from the french importer with a bill that says v2 stealth. It is quite efficient as I have...
SSatriany replied to the thread Hifiman HE1000 Planar Dynamic Headphone.Hello, Does someone has the waterfall curve of the he1000v2 ? I got mine yesterday, used in very good condition, but how is it...
SI have purchased Violectric V-222 amp and use RME ADI-2 as DAC, honestly the difference in sound is minimal, V-222 is slightly warmer in...
SSatriany reacted to mudguardiain's post in the thread Hifiman HE1000 Planar Dynamic Headphone with Like.Very cool, might have to make one, I am quite into making stands, did this one recently
SIt works nicely for me:)
SI am very doubtful that the S9 will be able to provide a satisfactory level of sound quality for these headphones. The S17 Pro is...
SShould drive those without any issues, they're not that hard to drive. You want a little overhead in the power to enable you to play...